
Showing 1–50 of 252 results

  • Famous Sayings From The Bible


    The English language is peppered with sayings from the Bible, adding rich layers to classic literature and popular culture. Many people might be surprised to discover that so many common phrases have their origin in the Bible. Famous Sayings from the Bible elaborates on some of the most familiar, describing their biblical context, meaning, and common use.
    Readers will enjoy learning more about phrases such as:

    *By the skin of my teeth
    *Eye of a needle
    *For such a time as this
    *Love your enemies
    *My cup runneth over
    *Turn the other cheek

    Sample Entries:

    Eat, drink, and be merry: An expression from the book of Ecclesiastes (8:15), written by King Solomon. He advises people to seek out and enjoy the good things in life as they carry out their daily responsibilities.

    Wolf in sheep’s clothing: An expression taken from Jesus’s warning about false prophets: “Beware of false prophets who come disguised as harmless sheep but are really vicious wolves” (Matt. 7:15 NLT). A wolf in sheep’s clothing is anyone who appears harmless but has wicked motives.

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  • Complete Reference Guide To Bible Prophecy

    Original price was: $26.99.Current price is: $20.97.

    The Ultimate Bible Prophecy Resource

    In a world gripped by growing conflict and chaos, it’s hard to know where to turn for reliable guidance. But God didn’t leave us empty-handed–His gift of Bible prophecy offers hope for the future and purpose in the present!

    The Complete Reference Guide to Bible Prophecy is your all-in-one resource for understanding Bible prophecy and the end times. With his signature clarity and conversational tone, Dr. Ron Rhodes makes complex topics simple, providing you with:

    *a composite survey of the end times, from the rapture to eternity

    *concise overviews of all the major prophetic viewpoints, topics, trends, and commonly debated issues

    *visual charts, fast facts, historical insights, helpful quotes, linguistic observations, answers to FAQs, and many other engaging features throughout every chapter

    This authoritative work is sure to become your go-to prophecy guide for years to come. Equipped with this invaluable resource, you will become more inspired than ever in the hope, wisdom, and encouragement God provides through Bible prophecy.

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  • Bible Companion : An All-in-One Resource To Improve Your Understanding And


    When you’re ready to study God’s Word, this is the book to consult.

    Here’s a single-volume library of study helps, a perfect resource for laypeople of all ages and backgrounds.

    Inside, you’ll find:

    *time lines for important Bible names and events

    *a Bible handbook covering every book and passage in scripture

    *a dictionary/concordance of the most important names, terms, and topics of the Bible

    *a complete list of individuals named in scripture

    *archaeological evidences for the Bible

    *maps of Bible lands and events

    *”How to Study the Bible,” providing clear direction on the various types, tools, and techniques of Bible study

    *a one-year Bible reading plan

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  • Rose Handbook Of Bible Charts Maps And Timelines


    Over 250 full-color Bible charts and maps. More than 2,000 years of timelines. Hundreds of key people and events. The Rose Handbook of Bible Charts, Maps, and Timelines is a must-have reference guide packed with incredible full-color study tools, illustrations, diagrams, and so much more! Not only will the resources in this handbook make the complex ideas in God’s Word both visual and easy-to-understand, but it will make exploration of the Bible more enjoyable and fascinating than ever!

    Bible maps and timelines. Israel’s feasts and family trees. Heaven and history. Proofs and prophecies. And so much more. Whatever Bible topics you’re looking for, you can easily find it with the turn of a page in The Rose Handbook of Bible Charts, Maps, and Timelines. Enjoy having more than 500 pages of full-color Bible maps, charts, timelines, and illustrations, covering dozens of Bible and Christian living topics! Includes:

    *Over 250 full-color reference charts featuring the New and Old Testaments, Christian history, genealogies, and more!

    *Hundreds of fascinating overviews of beloved Bible teachings (Jesus’ parables, Beatitudes, fruit of the Spirit, the armor of God, etc.)

    *Dozens of timelines across 2,000 years of church history

    *Then and Now maps of Bible places

    *In-depth dives into the twelve tribes, prophecies, Jewish feasts, Dead Sea Scrolls, and the Gospels

    *Biblical answers about prayer, heaven, money, forgiveness, sharing the gospel, and following Jesus

    *Side-by-side comparisons of major religions, cults, worldviews, and Christian denominations

    *Different views on baptism, the Lord’s Supper, spiritual gifts, Revelation, and the end times

    Packed full of fascinating details, The Rose Handbook of Bible Charts, Maps, and Timelines is sure to become your go-to resource for study, research, or answering a biblical question when it pops up!

    Key Features of The Rose Handbook of Bible Charts, Maps, and Timelines

    *Easy-to-Understand Designed with clear headings, bullet points, and written in an approachable style, The Rose Handbook is perfect for lifelong believers, new Christians, and youth groups!

    *Illustrated and Highly Visual Don’t just read about Noah’s Ark or where the exodus took place–SEE IT with colorful diagrams, cutaways, maps, and pictures. Enjoy having side-by-side comparisons of the Gospels, prophecies and fulfillments of Jesus, illustrated timelines of Christian history, and so much more!

    *Flexible & Multipurpose:

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  • 500 Questions And Answers From The Bible


    You have questions–this book has answers.

    The Bible is a big book. Many of its passages are confusing. Many of its characters acted in ways that we in the twenty-first century find strange.

    500 Questions & Answers from the Bible will help you make sense of this best-selling, ancient, sometimes perplexing, and yet vitally important book. You’ll learn about the origins of scripture, God’s character, puzzling biblical practices, faraway cultures, and much more.

    Covering every book from Genesis to Revelation, 500 Questions & Answers from the Bible addresses issues such as:

    *Does everyone have a guardian angel?
    *Why did Judas betray Jesus?
    *Should people obey the Ten Commandments?
    *Does the Bible condone slavery?
    *Is everyone who does good a Christian?
    *How can anyone be perfect?

    Here is the information you need to understand scripture like never before! Plus, full-color illustrations throughout bring the text to life, promising an educational–and entertaining–reading experience.

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  • Guia Rose De Los Evangelios – (Spanish)


    !Observe como todo en los Evangelios revela a Jesus como el divino Mesias, Salvador, Siervo, Sanador y Seor Resucitado! La g uia Rose de los Evangelios es su guia de referencia rapida para los libros de Mateo, Marcos, Lucas y Juan. Con mas de 100 imagenes, tablas y lineas de tiempo, esta accesible introduccion a los cuatro Evangelios le ayudara a explorar mas de 150 personas, lugares e historias claves en la vida de Jesus. Agregele profundidad a cualquier estudio biblico con resumenes detallados de como se escribieron los Evangelios, de las personas y los eventos claves en cada uno de los cuatro libros, de por que puede confiar en ellos, de como cumplio Jesus las profecias del Antiguo Testamento y !de mucho mas! Incluye lo siguiente:

    *Una introduccion a la cultura y las costumbres judias y grecorromanas en la epoca de Jesus.

    *Un panorama de la vida de Jesus: por que vino, que hizo y por que es relevante para nosotros hoy en dia.

    *El quien, que, donde, cuando y por que de los cuatro Evangelios. Compare como estos cuatro libros son similares y como difieren.

    *Un analisis profundo de como se escribieron los Evangelios. Entendera por que los Evangelios son testimonios confiables de la vida y la obra de Jesucristo.

    Sobre la serie: Las guias Rose son guias de referencia faciles de leer que exploran las personas, los lugares y las historias de la Biblia. Con mapas a todo color, tablas y lineas de tiempo que caracterizan a Rose Publishing, las guias Rose les proveen a los lectores revelaciones claves tanto historicas como practicas para entender los libros de la Biblia y los temas biblicos que son relevantes para nuestra vida hoy en dia.

    See how everything in the Gospels reveals Jesus as the divine Messiah, Savior, Servant, Healer, and Risen Lord! Rose Guide to the Gospels is your quick-reference guide through the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. With over 100 pictures, charts, and timelines, this user-friendly introduction to the four Gospels helps you explore over 150 key people, places, and stories in the life of Jesus. Add depth to any Bible study with comprehensive summaries of how the Gospels were written, the key people and events in each of the four books, why you can trust them, how Jesus fulfilled prophecies of the Old Testament, and much more! Includes the following:

    *An introduction to the Jewish and Greco-Roman culture and customs in the time of Jesus.

    *An overview of the life of Jesus–why he came, what he did, and why

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  • Ultimate Guide To Heaven And Hell


    What happens after we die? The Ultimate Guide to Heaven and Hell is a summary guide to the afterlife that seeks to provide answers based on biblical teaching. Throughout, readers will encounter questions like: What is heaven, and how can I be sure I will get there? Is it different from the new heavens and the new earth? Will my body be there, or just my spirit/soul? What is hell, and how can I be sure to avoid it?


    *Is it Just Hype? How Can I Know?
    *Geography of Heaven and Earth
    *Heaven the Celestial Fire
    *Heaven: Avoiding the Fire
    *Is Heaven Our Home?
    *The New Creation
    *The Necessity and Power of Jesus’s Resurrection
    *How Can I Know Jesus Was Raised?
    *What Is a Person?
    *Intermediate State: Old Testament Evidence
    *Intermediate State: New Testament Evidence
    *What Do We Know about Hades?
    *Did Christ Descend to Hades?
    *Gehenna, the Lake of Fire, Tartarus, and the Abyss
    *Death and Dying

    Human mortality can be quite paralyzing to some people, but the truth remains-our individual, bodily lives will one day come to an end. What happens after? The Bible has much to say in response to that question, and ultimately provides hope on this topic as we look to Jesus, the one who has conquered death.

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  • Christian Academic Writing


    The journey of writing and publishing includes obstacles such as writer’s block, fear of rejection, getting overwhelmed by information, feeling inadequate, and not finding enough time. How is it that some are able to consistently produce work while others struggle to cross the finish line?

    This concise guide to writing in Christian academic settings offers twelve practices and principles for becoming a successful writer. It is written by two authors with a proven track record of publishing success who have a passion for helping students and budding authors improve their writing. This book distills their years of experience to offer inspiration and encouragement for writing and publishing academic works. It is ideal for students writing papers in Christian academic settings and for young academics who want to further develop their writing skills.

    Christian Academic Writing is full of helpful and proven advice that will motivate readers to reach their goals. It focuses on best practices and emphasizes the finished product. Each short, readable chapter includes questions inviting readers to take their writing to the next level.

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  • Libro De Tablas Comparativas B (Anniversary) – (Spanish) (Anniversary)


    La edicion del decimo aniversario del Libro de tablas comparativas biblicas, mapas y lineas de tiempo incluye mas de 200 tablas comparativas biblicas, mapas y lineas de tiempo, e incluye MAS paginas, 6 temas ADICIONALES, informacion actualizada y la genealogia de Jesus.

    Este libro de referencia biblico numero uno celebra su decimo aniversario con una edicion actualizada que incluye !mas tablas comparativas biblicas, mapas y lineas de tiempo que el original! Bellisimo y facil de entender, este libro de referencia provee las mismas tablas comparativas biblicas y los mismos panoramas generales REPRODUCIBLES y a todo color que hicieron del original el favorito de muchos, !pero ahora se presentan en un formato actualizado y mas facil de usar!

    Ademas, incluye 30 paginas AGREGADAS de contenido NUEVO sobre temas biblicos, incluyendo el Salmo 23, El Padrenuestro, las doce tribus de Israel y mas. !Mas de 200 tablas comparativas biblicas, mapas y lineas de tiempo REPRODUCIBLES!

    La biblioteca de toda iglesia y hogar merece una copia del Libro de tablas comparativas biblicas, mapas y lineas de tiempo. Este libro contiene miles de hechos que profundizaran su entendimiento y estudio de la Biblia, y le seran un gran recurso al ensearles a otros sobre la Palabra de Dios.

    The 10th Anniversary Edition of Rose Book of Bible Charts, Maps and Time Lines features over 200 Bible Charts, Maps, and Timelines–and includes MORE pages, 6 EXTRA topics, updated information, and the Genealogy of Jesus.

    This #1 Bible reference book celebrates its 10th anniversary with an updated edition that features more Bible maps, charts, and illustrations than the original! This stunning, easy-to-understand reference book still provides the same full-color, REPRODUCIBLE Bible charts and overviews that made the original a favorite, but in an easier-to-use, updated format!

    Plus it includes over 30 ADDED pages of ALL NEW content on popular Bible topics, including Psalm 23, the Lord’s Prayer, the Twelve Tribes of Israel, and more! Over 200 REPRODUCIBLE Bible Charts, Maps, and Time Lines!

    Every church library and every home should have a copy of Rose Book of Bible Charts, Maps, and Time Lines. This book contains thousands of facts that will enrich your understanding and study of the Bible and will be a great resource as you teach others about the Word of God.

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  • Women Of The Bible Timeline Pamphlet


    Enjoy having a chronological overview of 100 key women of the Bible with this full-color pamphlet! From Eve and Esther to Mary Magdalene and the Samaritan woman at the well, dive into the stories of these 100 women side by side at a glance!

    There are dozens of key women of the Bible to remember, but it can be difficult to keep track of who is who and which women lived in which era. Now you can get a solid overview using this handy foldout timeline which features more than 100 women from the Old and New Testaments alongside dozens of key biblical events. This stunning timeline is packed with:

    *Brief summaries with key information
    *Colorful illustrations
    *Scripture references
    *Key events and time periods in Bible history

    Perfect for classrooms, study reference use, and as gifts for friends!

    This Pamphlet is Filled with Fascinating Facts

    It’s never been more fun to dive into the histories of these incredible women of the Bible!
    Learn fascinating facts such as:

    *Mary, mother of Jesus, was present when Jesus turned water to wine, at his crucifixion, AND was likely present at Pentecost

    *Deborah, widely known as a prophet and a judge, also gained prominence as a wise ruler and a warrior who went into battle

    *Described as a “prophet” Noadiah attempted to stop Jeremiah from building a wall around Jerusalem

    *Following a visitation from an angel, Samson’s mother bore Samson as a result of a miracle

    Get a Solid Overview of 100 Women of the Bible

    Learn about famous women from the Bible:

    *Matriarchs of Israel, like Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel, and Leah
    *Faithful and courageous women, like Hannah, Ruth, and Esther
    *Notorious women, like Jezebel and Herodias, who killed the prophets of God
    *Women in the Gospels whose lives were changed by Jesus, like Mary Magdalene, the
    *Samaritan woman, and sisters Mary and Martha
    *Early Christian leaders, like Lydia, Priscilla, and Phoebe

    Discover lesser known but fascinating women:

    *Jehosheba, who saved a child prince from being killed
    *Huldah the prophet, whose words to a king changed a nation
    *Shiphrah and Puah, who defied the pharaoh of Egypt
    *Five sisters who argued for their family’s right to a place in Israel
    *An Athenian named Damaris who became a believer after hearing Paul’s Mars Hill sermon

    This pamphlet’s high-gloss coating makes it a durable, convenient resource you’re sure to keep with you and use time and again. Fits in the back of most Bibles so you can take it any

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  • Guiia Esencial Sobre La Tierra – (Spanish)


    !Visita la Tierra Santa sin salir de casa! La Guia esencial sobre la Tierra Santa es la herramienta perfecta para estudiar la palabra de Dios y al mismo tiempo ser sumergido en el contexto de la tierra y en los tiempos en los que fue escrita. Esta guia robusta y a la vez concisa incluye mas de 150 articulos, mapas, imagenes, fotografias y reconstrucciones biblicas de la Tierra Santa las cuales iluminan las personas, lugares y cosas de la Escritura. El tamao optimo de la Guia esencial sobre la Tierra Santa hace que sea facil de llevar y facil de usar ya sea en un estudio personal o en actividades grupales. Este recurso valioso incrementara tu entendimiento de la Tierra santa por muchos aos.

    Visit the Holy Land without ever leaving home! The Ultimate Guide to the Holy Land is the perfect tool to study God’s Word while being immersed in the context of the land and the times in which it was written. This robust, yet concise illustrated guide includes more than 150 articles, maps, images, photos, and biblical reconstructions of the Holy Land illuminating the people, places, and things of Scripture. The optimal size of the Ultimate Guide to the Holy Land makes it easy-to-carry and easy-to-use in personal study or group activities. This valuable resource will enhance your understanding of the Holy Land for years to come.

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  • 1000 Trivia Facts About The Bible


    1,000 Trivia Facts About the Bible?is a fun, informative, and entertaining way to see how well you know the Good Book. This trivia book is perfect for people of all ages and is a great resource for families or church groups.

    Designed to be a creative way to entertain and educate both kids and adults, this Bible trivia book will make learning a treat. Packed with facts and trivia from both the Old and New Testaments, it’s a perfect tool to build your own Bible trivia quizzes or keep the kids engaged during road trips.

    Inside this Bible trivia book you’ll discover questions such as:
    *According to Jewish tradition, how old was Jacob when he first laid eyes on Rachel?
    *What are the four names used for God in the book of Genesis?
    *Do you know which miracles were placed in the Ark of the Covenant?
    *How many chapters and verses are in Exodus?

    Organized by books of the Bible, this affordable trivia book is great for anyone interested in the Bible, small groups and youth groups, and homeschoolers. 1,000 Trivia Facts About the Bible is a great resource to have in your library, an Easter basket gift, or as a perfect stocking stuffer.

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  • Rose Guide To The Epistles


    Rose Guide to the Epistles is your quick-reference guide through all the epistles in the New Testament. From Romans to Revelation, you’ll find the key facts and teachings of each epistle. Learn about the early church letters in their historical contest: Who wrote them? Why were they written? Why did they become part of the Bible? Plus, a closer look at the seven churches of Revelation and different Christian ways to interpret the book of Revelation. Includes:

    *Concise overviews for each epistle: who, what, where, when, and why
    *Who’s who in the epistles: an A to Z guide
    *Historical background about the cities of the epistles
    *Theology of the epistles: salvation church, the Spirit, end times, and more
    *Four views of the book of Revelation

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  • Judaism Of The Second Temple Period Volume 1


    David Flusser was a very prolific scholar of the Dead Sea Scrolls, and his contributions to Scrolls research, apocalypticism, and apocalyptic literature are inestimable. With this English translation of many of his essays, Flusser’s insights are now available to a wider audience than ever before.

    Here Flusser examines the influence of apocalypticism on various Jewish sects. He states that the teachings of Jesus, while reflecting first and foremost the views of the sages, were also influenced by Jewish apocalypticism. Examining the Essenes, their effect on Hebrew language, the split of sects, and much more, Flusser’s collected essays offer an important source of study for any Dead Sea Scrolls scholar.

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  • 1 Minute Bible Guide


    Want a better grasp of scripture?

    The 1-Minute Bible Guide offers just that!

    This easy-to-read guide covers more than 1,250 of the most important elements of God’s
    Word, within seven overall categories:
    *Names of God
    *Figures of Speech

    Each entry includes
    *a representative verse
    *a concise description you can read and digest in 60 seconds or less
    *and, as a bonus, additional references if you want to dig deeper!

    You’ll learn why each person, place, thing, or idea plays an important role in the larger story of the Bible–the ultimate story of God’s love for humanity.

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  • Nelsons Illustrated Guide To Religions


    Understand the Religions of the World from Christian Perspective and Be Equipped to Engage their Adherents

    Christians live their faith more than ever in a pluralistic religious context. How should a Christian respond to the complex spiritual alternatives available today? Are all religions the same? Does the New Age fulfill the second coming of Jesus? Is Sun Myung Moon sinless? Is Islam a religion of peace? Is Mormonism true? Is Scientology a religion? How does the Dalai Lama view Jesus? Do witches worship Satan? Is the pope infallible? These and other crucial issues are examined in Nelson’s Illustrated Guide to Religions.

    Nelson’s Illustrated Guide to Religions covers more than 200 religions, sects, and cults, most of them ones the reader might encounter on any given day. Key features include:
    *Historical information on each major religion with detailed timelines

    *Profiles of each group’s primary leaders

    *An inventory of key principles and beliefs of each religion

    *An analysis and critique of religions from a Christian perspective

    *Opinion and commentary on the controversial issues related to specific religious groups

    *Recommended resources- bibliographic information and extensive Internet sources for further study

    *New groups explored-including The Lord Is Our Righteousness Church and the Sold-Out Discipling Movement

    *Ten Tests for Truth in Religions-a set of multifaceted tests that Christians should apply when approaching the faith traditions of others-and their own faith

    This volume offers both description and evaluation of the hundreds of religions in today’s spiritual marketplace and provides basic data on the major world religions:
    *New Age

    Nelson’s Illustrated Guide to Religions also explores the major divisions within Christianity (Roman Catholicism, Orthodoxy, and Protestantism) and provides an introduction to over twenty-five Protestant denominations. The book examines famous sectarian movements including: the Branch Davidian, Christian Scientist, Jehovah’s Witness, Mormon, and Unification Church movements. The occult worlds of Witchcraft and Satanism are analyzed as well.

    In addition to basic information, the reader has access to critical analysis of the controversies that arise in the debates about various religious groups and leaders. The author addresses the new evangelical-Mormon dialogue, the Emergent Church controversy, Local

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  • MacArthurs Quick Reference Guide To The Bible


    Study the Bible Deeply, Faithfully, and Effectively

    There is a big difference between simply reading the Bible and studying the Bible well, so it transforms your life. That difference often boils down to having the right resources not just to read but to understand and apply what you are reading to your life.

    In MacArthur’s Quick Reference Guide to the Bible, noted pastor and teacher John MacArthur takes you through the key aspects of the Bible. This valuable companion to reading the Bible has been prepared to help you develop good Bible-reading habits and a better understanding of the depth and breadth of God’s Word.

    For all 66 books in the Bible it highlights:

    *Author and date
    *Key people
    *Background and setting
    *Key doctrines
    *Key aspects of how God’s character is illustrated
    *How Christ can be found in that book
    *Key words in the book
    *Quick overview with a brief outline of contents
    *Historical notes about what else what happening in the world when the book was written
    *Frequently asked questions about the book
    *Questions for reflection

    Other valuable features include :

    *”How We Got the Bible” section
    *”How to Study the Bible” section
    *”Chronology of the Bible” section
    *Appendix with Quick Notes on Theology
    *Chronology of Old Testament Patriarchs and Judges
    *Chronology of Old Testament Kings and Prophets
    *Timeline of the Ministry of Jesus Christ
    *Index of Key Words

    Filled with the fruit of decades of study and teaching MacArthur’s Quick Reference Guide to the Bible is an essential tool for anyone who wants to seriously study the Bible deeply, faithfully, and effectively.

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  • Handbook Of Reading Theological German


    The Handbook of Reading Theological German helps students in biblical studies, church history, Jewish studies, and theology prepare for graduate research or for the comprehensive examination in German for doctoral students.

    Coauthored by Katharina Hirt, a native German speaker and professional linguist, and Christopher Ryan, a native English speaker and doctoral student in biblical studies, this collaboration draws on the latest developments in linguistics to present a cutting-edge teaching methodology for graduate students learning to read German for research.

    Attuned to the specific needs of English speakers learning German, this handbook is well suited for independent study or for use in the classroom. Providing abundant exercises and readings, Hirt and Ryan’s work provides an excellent entry point for students required to learn theological German.

    The Handbook of Reading Theological German provides:
    *An introduction to German grammar
    *Guided readings from the works of six German theologians
    *Further, advanced readings with minimal guidance from the Hebrew Bible, New Testament, Jewish studies, and church history or theology, so that students can focus on literature from their chosen field of study

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  • Illustrated Reference To Manners And Customs Of The Bible


    Have you ever wondered how a camel can go through the eye of a needle? How the four men got their paralytic friend through the roof to Jesus? What it means to greet one another with a holy kiss? This book answers these questions and others. In it, you will learn who the magi were, how lots were used, and what it means to be engraved on the palm of God’s hand. This valuable resource goes book by book through the Bible, explaining many customs practiced in Bible times. Not only is it easy to understand, but it is also filled with many helpful illustrations. This useful tool will greatly aid anyone wanting to understand more about the Bible.

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  • Encyclopedia Of Christianity Volume 3 J-O


    Foreword by Jaroslav Pelikan

    The multiple award-winning “Encyclopedia of Christianity (EC), copublished by Eerdmans and Brill, is a monumental five-volumework presenting the history and current state of theChristian faith in its rich spiritual and theological diversityaround the world. The much-anticipated third volume of the”EC contains more than 350 articles for alphabetical entries J-O.Written by leading scholars from around the world, the articlesin volume 3 range from discussions of Jesus, the kingdom ofGod, and Martin Luther to marriage and divorce, NorthAmerican theology, and the Orthodox Church.

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  • Encyclopedia Of Christianity 1 A-D


    Volume 1 (A-D) contains 465 articles featuring

    *articles on all but the smallest countries of the world, including the former communist nations that have gained independence since 1989;

    *the latest statistical information from David B. Barrett on the religious affiliation and ecclesiastical breakdown of each country and continent;

    *articles on doctrines, denominations, and social and ethical issues in relation to the churches;

    *biographical articles on prominent figures through church history.

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  • How To Find It In Your Bible


    How do I find that in the Bible?

    This book gives you references for 1,001 key themes and topics-Both biblical and contemporary.

    From Abiding, Ability, and Abomination through Youth, Zeal, and the Zodiac, How to Find It in Your Bible helps you track down relevant scriptures to answer the questions you have.

    Similar to a concordance but easier to use, How to Find It in Your Bible groups references both by specific words and by themes. It provides a well-rounded view of each topic, helping you see how the Bible addresses larger themes such as:
    *the Deity of Christ
    *and many others

    Lavishly cross referenced and beautifully designed (including full-color illustrations), this reference is both easy and enjoyable to use. It’s a great starting point for your everyday study of scripture.

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  • 10 Foot Christian And World History Time Line


    The 10-Foot Christian and World History Time Line offers a birds-eye view of history showing Christian historical events unfolding next to their world history counterparts. This indispensable Bible study tool is a great addition to any church resource library, Christian school, or homeschooler’s classroom.

    This time line covers the life of Jesus to the modern day (AD 1 to present). It also covers the expansion of Christianity after the ascension of Jesus, including key eras such as the emergence of the Eastern Orthodox Church and monasticism, the rise of Islam and iconoclasm, the Protestant Reformation, the age of exploration, and Puritanism.

    Comes in an 8.5″ x 11″ envelope; unfolds to 10′ x 11″. Easy to put together in four panels.

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  • Judaism Of The Second Temple Period Volume 2


    David Flusser was an incredibly prolific scholar of ancient Judaism, and his contributions to Dead Sea Scrolls research and apocalyptic literature are inestimable. This English edition makes more of Flusser’s insightful work available to a wider audience than ever before.

    This second volume in Judaism of the Second Temple Period considers why the Book of Daniel was the only apocalyptic work incorporated in the biblical canon. It further addresses the fact that while it is the only apocalyptic book composed before the destruction of the Second Temple, it nonetheless describes events subsequent to the revelation at Sinai.

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  • Kids Illustrated 1 Minute Bible Guide


    Hey, kids, got a minute?
    See how much you can learn in a short time!

    Here’s an educational book you’ll actually want to read! The Kids’ Illustrated 1-Minute Bible Guide features 1,000 important words and names from the Bible–from Aaron, Abba, and Abomination to Zacchaeus, Zeal, and Zion. Each definition is written in understandable–even fun–language to help you know your Bible better.

    For example:
    Amen A word that many people use to end a prayer. Amen is also used to show approval and to agree with a promise. Jesus is sometimes called “the Amen” because He is good and dependable right to the end.

    Lucifer Another name for Satan. Jesus said, “I saw Satan fall from heaven like a flash of lightning.” God created Satan to be a good guy. But he turned on God and became really bad. Then God kicked him out of heaven. Lucifer is also called the devil. No matter what you call him, he is out to do evil. But don’t worry. Jesus gave us the power to stand against him.

    Plenty of pictures and a cool, colorful design make this the book for personal reading, school reports, or even stumping your friends with Bible questions. The Kids’ Illustrated 1-Minute Bible Guide will give you the knowledge you need, in just sixty seconds at a time.

    Got a minute? See just what you can learn!

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  • Holy Land Handbook


    Visit the Holy Land, wherever you might be!

    The Holy Land Handbook is a beautifully illustrated guide to the history, culture, geography, and key sites of the Bible. This “readable reference” transports you to the land where Abraham, David, and Jesus lived, explaining the what, when, where, and why of their stories–and many, many more.

    The Holy Land Handbook provides details on the history, setting, and importance of more than 130 key locales, including:
    *The Dead Sea
    *The Jordan River
    *The Jezreel Valley
    *And many more

    The Holy Land Handbook also covers the all-important city of Jerusalem with individual entries on spots such as:
    *The Western Wall
    *The Pool of Bethesda
    *The Upper Room
    *Gordon’s Calvary
    *Church of the Holy Sepulchre

    Fully illustrated in color, with helpful maps and intriguing sidebars, The Holy Land Handbook is great prep for those visiting the Middle East–and an equally great read for “armchair travelers” who want to better understand the Bible story.

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  • Ultimate Bible Dictionary Revised And Expanded (Expanded)


    The Ultimate Bible Dictionary is the perfect tool for those who are beginning to study the Bible. Carefully researched and accessible definitions are designed to provide a quick understanding of a term right up front and then, in many cases, go into more detail for those who want this level of description.

    The definitions are further enhanced by the large number of colorful maps, photos, and reconstructions of biblical objects placed on the same page spread as the definition they accompany. The optimal size of the Ultimate Bible Dictionary makes this resource easy-to-carry and easy-to-use in personal study or group activities.

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  • Guide To Bible Basics


    What’s actually in the Bible? Where do we find the story of Moses or Jesus’ parable of the Prodigal Son? A Guide to Bible Basics discusses important people, places, and terms for each biblical book so that the reader can quickly see its primary focus. This accessible and concise book introduces the content of the Bible without theological, historical, or literary commentary. Tyler Mayfield provides a summary and chapter outline of each biblical book so as to facilitate quick comprehension of its fundamental story and subject. This book can be used alone to aid readers in their knowledge of the Bible and is great for beginners or those in need of a refresher course.

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  • Where To Find It In The Bible


    Where to Find it in the Bible is a unique topical concordance that helps you find biblical passages that apply to traditional and 21st-century topics.

    *Readily accessible
    *Works with many translations
    *Easy to apply information

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  • Find It Fast In The Bible


    Quickly find over 5,000 of your favorite biblical phrases. Find it Fast in the Bible is a trusted, time-saving resource for personal and group study. This A to Z Resource is the perfect companion for any topical concordance or Bible dictionary.

    *Quick access to meaningful biblical phrases
    *Exact chapter-and-verse locations

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  • World Religions Made Easy


    From Islam and Judaism to Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormonism, quickly get a handle on 30 different belief systems and how they compare to Christianity with this pocket-sized book!

    In addition to covering world religions such as Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam, World Religions Made Easy also explains the relationships between these religions and other groups, including Mormons, Sikhs, and the Nation of Islam.

    * Each religion’s origin
    * Key writings
    * Key beliefs and practices
    * Perspective on salvation, the Trinity, and the afterlife
    * Religions included:
    -Neopaganism & Wicca
    -New Spirituality
    -World Mission Society of God
    -And many more

    Strengthen your understanding of Christianity and get practical insight into different faiths so that you can be a more effective witness.

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  • Bible Study Made Easy


    How can you dig deeper into the Bible? Enjoy a solid, easy-tounderstand overview of inductive Bible study with Rose’s Bible Study Made Easy.

    Featuring charts, simple summaries, and practical tips, this quick guide is a great introduction, going step-by-step through the basic principles of Bible study.

    Discover how to use concordances to easily navigate through the Bible, find out how to dig deeper with Bible dictionaries, and learn how to apply God’s word to your life through inductive Bible studies.

    It covers:
    * 7 “first steps” to take when beginning a Bible study
    * 8 basic principles of Bible study
    * Dozens of study tips and recommendations, including which key Bible verses, passages, and books of the Bible to explore
    * 3 keys to inductive Bible study and the S.O.I.L. four-step approach that explains how to dig deeper into the Bible

    Perfect for individual study, 1-on-1 discipleship, small groups, adult Sunday school classes, youth groups, and new believers’ classes!

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  • Biblical Greek Made Simple


    Diligent study of God’s Word involves engaging with it in the language it was written.

    Learning Greek can be a challenging experience for seminary students but it is a critical piece of their education. Engaging with the Bible in its original language will lead to deeper understanding, new insights, and provide tools to enter into the conversation surrounding God’s Word.

    Biblical Greek Made Simple is a one–semester textbook that teaches the basics of biblical Greek. Designed with the modern student and curriculum in mind, this grammar introduces all the essential elements of biblical Greek while also utilizing the tools and features of Logos Bible Software to help retain and enhance knowledge of Greek. Each chapter includes exercises tailored to its contents as well as additional teaching material for further advancement. Daniel Zacharias provides a solid overview of the entire biblical Greek system, while challenging students to understand how this ancient language is relevant to meaning and translation.

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  • Desktop Bible Reference


    “Where does it say that?”

    “What does the Bible teach on . . .?”

    “Where can I find information in the Bible on . . .?”

    Now easily locate information on what the Bible teaches in this comprehensive desktop guide. The solid truths of the Bible are alphabetically catalogued in this valuable resource for ministry students, pastors, Bible teachers–from beginners to those experienced in biblical knowledge.

    Included in the unique layout are word definitions, cross-references, locations, and chronological studies of the topics and people of the Bible, key Hebrew original word meanings, plus added information for deeper research.

    The Desktop Bible Reference features:

    -Biblical content summarized alphabetically
    -Information quickly and easily located
    -Scripture and biblical concepts cross-referenced
    -Chronological representation of biblical content
    -Maps detailing geography and journeys of Bible times.

    The same God who inspired the men who wrote the pages of the Bible is still able to move on our hearts today and help us understand the meaning contained therein.

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  • Baker Compact Dictionary Of Biblical Studies


    Bible professors compose an easy-to-use dictionary that includes over five hundred short descriptions of topics, people, biblical events, places, people, languages, and methodologies that are foundational for the close study of the Bible.

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  • Topical Index : Bible Insert – 500 Plus Bible Topics 1-Z


    Unlike heavy Bible concordances, which can be heavy and dense, this slim line insert covers the top 500 words and topics–and still fits in most bible covers! Imagine having all the key Scripture verses on important Bible topics such as salvation, God, Holy Spirit, faith, armor of God, love, and baptism in one place, so that they’re instantly at your fingertips!

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  • Rhapsody Of Realities Topical Compendium Volume 5


    The Rhapsody Of Realities Topical Compendium Series are comprehensive reference materials that have enhanced word based training among Christians. These series are renowned with inspiring articles that articulate the Gospel of our Lord Jesus, and it’s therefore an important tool for the spiritual development of god’s children.

    The rhapsody of realities topical compendium volume 5 is the newest instalment in this series of compilations of choice articles by Rev. Chris Oyakhilome. What’s more, the articles in this volume have been organized under exciting chapters such as:
    – the acts of God
    – the efficacy of God’s Word
    – the lordship of Jesus Christ
    – the Holy Spirit and you
    – the mindset of the just
    – the ministry of reconciliation
    – the glory – life
    – the authority of believers
    – divine benefits

    This is a sure complete resource book, that guarantees your profound walk with the lord through fellowship with his word.

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  • Dictionary Of Latin And Greek Theological Terms


    This indispensable companion to key post-Reformation theological texts offers clear and precise definitions of Latin and Greek terms. Now updated and revised throughout.

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  • Diccionario Biblico Ilustrado – (Spanish)


    El Diccionario Biblico Ilustrado Holman, ganador del premio SEPA (Asociacion de Editoriales Evangelicas) Mejor Diccionario Biblico, ahora ha sido actualizado y aumentado. Esta diseado para quienes necesitan informacion rapida y para los que procuran testudiar en profundidad cientos de temas.

    A traves de sus fotografias, ilustraciones y graficos a todo color, esta excelente herramienta de referencia conduce a los lectores directamente al mundo de la Biblia y les permite comprender mejor la Palabra de Dios.

    *Desde el 2008 el Diccionario Biblico Ilustrado Holman ha sido el lider en el mercado
    *Ha sido ganador en varias ocasiones del premio al Mejor Diccionario Biblico otorgado por SEPA (Asociacion de Editoriales Evangelicas), el mas reciente fue en el ao del 2012

    *Es el unico diccionario que puede ser usado con las versiones mas populares de la Biblia: RVR 1960, DHH, LBLA, NTV, NVI, PDT, RVC, RVR 1995 y TLA
    *Cada entrada comienza con una definicion resumida. Hay definiciones exhaustivas de personas, lugares, cosas, eventos y conceptos teologicos
    *Resumenes y bosquejos de cada libro de la Biblia
    *Mas de 600 fotografias, ilustraciones y graficos a todo color
    *Exclusivos dibujos a escala y reconstrucciones de lugares y objetos biblicos en base a una esmerada investigacion arqueologica
    *Articulos destacados sobre temas teologicos
    *Informacion arqueologica de excavaciones en Israel
    *Cronograma de la historia biblica comparada con la historia mundial
    *Rotulado alfabetico para localizacion rapida y sencilla de la informacion

    Available in Spanish, the popular Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary is designed for those who need information quickly and those who want in-depth treatment of hundreds of topics. Through its full-color photographs, illustrations, and charts, this exceptional reference tool brings readers right into the world of the bible and enables them to better understand God’s Word.

    *The only Spanish Bible dictionary that can be used with all the major Spanish Bible translations: RVR 1960, DHH, LBLA, NTV, NVI, PDT, RVC, RVR 1995 y TLA
    *Summary definitions begin each entry for quick reference. Exhaustive definitions of people, places, things, events, and theological concepts
    *Summaries and outlines for every Bible book * Over 600 full-color photos, illustrations, and charts
    *Unique scale drawings and reconstructions of biblical places and objects based on careful archaeological research
    *Major art

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  • Bosquejos Expositivos De La Bi – (Spanish)


    El objetivo de esta serie es llevarlo a traves de la Biblia en un estudio de cada libro y sus capitulos estrategicos de manera que aprenda la revelacion que Dios nos ha dado de Cristo y su obra redentora. Los estudios son concisos y generales, sobre todo apropiados para clases de Escuela Dominical y grupos de estudio biblico que deseen examinar la Palabra de Dios sistematicamente. Este tomo cubre Hechos-Filipenses.

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  • Kings And Prophets Time Line Pamphlet


    See over 500 years of Israel’s kings and prophets at a glance! Fold-out timeline, charts, and map covers key events & people from King David to Elijah! Imagine having a fold-out timeline of all the kings and prophets at your fingertips that can easily fit inside most Bible covers!

    Easily see dozens of key people from Bible history at a glance, starting at the reigns of King Saul and King David to the prophet Malachi! This Kings & Prophets Time Line pamphlet provides an easy-to-follow overview of key dates, events, and leaders throughout Bible history. Filled with full-color illustrations and photographs, a map of Old Testament Israel and Judah, and more, this time line follows prophets, godly kings, and bad kings across the centuries as God unfolds his plans! There is no better timeline of the kings and prophets for Bible studies, Sunday schools, new believers groups, and small groups!

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  • Biblical Bible Study Handbook The New Testament Study


    Heavenly Realm Publishing Company

    The Biblical Bible Study Handbook focuses on the New Testament and is for the individual and small or large group Bible study as well as Sunday School use.

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  • Bible Time Lines And Overview Bible Insert


    Easily see over 400 Bible events and people across over 3,000 years of Bible history at a glance with Rose’s Bible Timeline Insert. This ultra-thin insert can fit in the back of most Bibles, making it easy to pull out and reference as you read through the Bible.
    Most Bibles don’t include maps and timelines (and when they do they are often in the back making them hard to quickly reference.) Imagine having easy-to-follow timelines, clear overviews and simple summaries on over 400 key events and the 66 books of the Bible… all tucked away in a slimline insert at the back of your Bible! From Abraham’s journeys to Jesus’ Ministry, find out fascinating facts and quick explanations on the history, background, and people of the Bible. Compare the rise and fall of the kingdoms of Israel and Judah, the Temple and Tabernacle, the life of Jesus, and more with major events in world history with Rose’s Bible Timeline Insert.

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  • Complete Topical Guide To The Bible


    Produced by highly regarded authors and scholars, this topical reference work unpacks the great biblical themes throughout Scripture, helping readers trace the unfolding of God’s redemption plan and appreciate anew the unity of Scripture.

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  • Students Vocabulary For Biblical Hebrew And Aramaic Updated Edition


    A Student’s Vocabulary for Biblical Hebrew and Aramaic has been a standard resource for students of Hebrew and Aramaic for over 30 years. This new edition has updated formatting and transliterations to be more useful and user-friendly for students. Unlike other vocabulary lists, this book includes a complete list of biblical Hebrew and Aramaic words in the Hebrew Bible grouped by frequency. The vocabulary lists provide: The basic meaning of each word Syllabification in transliteration Key information about the word’s part of speech The number of times each word appears in the Hebrew Bible A separate section of the vocabulary list contains all Aramaic words appearing in the Hebrew Bible Essential indices are also included in the back This resource is a proven and effective tool to aid students in Hebrew and Aramaic vocabulary acquisition.

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  • Questions And Rhetoric In The Greek New Testament


    While there are almost 1000 questions in the Greek New Testament, many commentators, pastors, and students skip over the questions for more ‘theological’ verses or worse they convert questions into statements to mine them for what they are saying theologically. However, this is not the way questions in the Greek New Testament work, and it overlooks the rhetorical importance of questions and how they were used in the ancient world.

    Questions and Rhetoric in the Greek New Testament is a helpful and thorough examination of questions in the Greek New Testament, seen from the standpoint of grammatical, semantic, and linguistic analysis, with special emphasis on their rhetorical effects. It includes charts, tools, and lists that explain and categorize the almost 1000 questions in the Greek New Testament. Thus, the user is able to go to the section in the book dealing with the type of question they are studying and find the exegetical parameters needed to understand that question.

    Questions and Rhetoric in the Greek New Testament offers vibrant examples of all the major categories of questions to aid the reader in grasping how questions work in the Greek New Testament. Special emphasis is given to the way questions persuade and influence readers of the Greek New Testament.

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  • Upper Room Dictionary Of Christian Spiritual Formation


    This reference book, compiled with the help of more than 50 scholars from many denominations, provides a basic guide to Christian spiritual formation through more than 470 entries. It covers such subjects as great spiritual teachers of the past and present, important topics in Christian spirituality, and ways to pray and lead groups in prayer and spiritual growth. Containing enough information to get you started but not so many details as to overwhelm, the entries in this dictionary answer such questions as: What is spiritual formation? What is grace? How does it help me grow? What is centering prayer? How do I do it? Who is Hildegard of Bingen? What did she write? How can I grow in forgiveness? What are Fowler’s stages of faith? What are other ways of talking about stages of spiritual growth? This dictionary also includes a chart that compares various Christian spiritual traditions, plus a list of significant spiritual classics by title and author.

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  • Find It Fast In The Bible


    Want to know more about a specific concept in Scripture without having to dig through multiple reference books? Find It Fast in the Bible is an innovative and comprehensive reference guide that makes it easy to discover what the Bible teaches.

    Look up the concept you want to know more about and discover a list of corresponding verses. With this user-friendly format, readers can find what they’re looking for in seconds, such as…
    *Adoption into God’s Family
    *By faith in Christ-Galatians 3:26
    *The Father allows us into His family-1 John 3:1, 2
    *Gentiles in God’s family too-Ephesians 2:19
    *Jesus firstborn of many brothers-Romans 8:29
    *Jews and Gentiles heirs together-Ephesians 3:6
    *The Lord disciplines us as His children-Hebrews 12:6-9

    With more than 100,000 copies sold, this guide to Scripture is ideal for the busy, on-the-go reader. It’s like having your own reference library right at your fingertips!

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  • Christian Writers Manual Of Style 4th Edition


    The standard style guide of the Christian publishing industry, The Christian Writer’s Manual of Style, 4th Edition, compiled by veteran Zondervan editor Robert Hudson, contains clear guidance on style questions related to religious writing, including many topics not addressed in other references or online. Nearly half of this fourth revision is made up of new material, including information about turning blogs into books, the effects of digital media on writing, “adverbial doubles,” “vanishing accents,” word-choice strategies, endorser guidelines, and much more. It also contains an all-new “Word List” which makes up more than a third of the book. The most needful information remains-entries on capitalization, abbreviation, citations, fictional dialogue, and more-but it has all been updated to keep pace with changes in English language usage. This fourth edition also corresponds with The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th Edition (2010), though it isn’t afraid to chart new territory where that reference is unhelpful on issues of religious writing. Comprehensive yet easy-to-use, The Christian Writer’s Manual of Style, 4th Edition, is a go-to resource for Christian authors, pastors, teachers, copy writers, editors, proofreaders, publishing and ministry professionals, executive assistants, and students-anyone who writes or edits as a part of their work or study-and for grammar aficionados everywhere.

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  • Old Testament Textual Criticism (Reprinted)


    A Readable, Updated Introduction to Textual Criticism
    This accessibly written, practical introduction to Old Testament textual criticism helps students understand the discipline and begin thinking through complex issues for themselves. The authors combine proven expertise in the classroom with cutting-edge work in Hebrew textual studies. This successful classic (nearly 25,000 copies sold) has been thoroughly expanded and updated to account for the many changes in the field over the past twenty years. It includes examples, illustrations, an updated bibliography, and a textual commentary on the book of Ruth.

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