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Stuart Murray

Showing all 6 results

  • New Anabaptists : Practices For Emerging Communities


    What does it look like to be an Anabaptist community in the modern world? And why does it matter?

    A new incarnation of Anabaptism is emerging, but not where we might expect. In the United Kingdom–a post-Christendom context with little historical Anabaptist presence–Christian communities are embodying fresh expressions of Anabaptist faith and practice. In this companion to The Naked Anabaptist, author Stuart Murray identifies twelve common practices of such churches and communities that are shaped by an Anabaptist vision.

    Murray explores how these practices–which include encouraging economic radicalism in the face of rampant consumerism, truth-telling in a “post-truth” society, and accountability in an individualistic culture that knows little about the Christian story–might shape emerging Christian communities and inspire those seeking fresh expressions as cultural changes accelerate. The book concludes with three on-the-ground reports from ministry leaders pursuing this Anabaptist vision in their own post-Christendom contexts.
    The New Anabaptists provides foundational resources for followers of Jesus in many different settings as they rise to the challenge of faithful and radical discipleship in local communities.

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  • New Anabaptists: Practices For Emerging Communities


    What does it look like to be an Anabaptist community in the modern world? And why does it matter?

    A new incarnation of Anabaptism is emerging, but not where we might expect. In the United Kingdom–a post-Christendom context with little historical Anabaptist presence–Christian communities are embodying fresh expressions of Anabaptist faith and practice. In this companion to The Naked Anabaptist, author Stuart Murray identifies twelve common practices of such churches and communities that are shaped by an Anabaptist vision.

    Murray explores how these practices–which include encouraging economic radicalism in the face of rampant consumerism, truth-telling in a “post-truth” society, and accountability in an individualistic culture that knows little about the Christian story–might shape emerging Christian communities and inspire those seeking fresh expressions as cultural changes accelerate. The book concludes with three on-the-ground reports from ministry leaders pursuing this Anabaptist vision in their own post-Christendom contexts.
    The New Anabaptists provides foundational resources for followers of Jesus in many different settings as they rise to the challenge of faithful and radical discipleship in local communities.

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  • Post Christendom 2nd Edition


    Western societies are experiencing a series of disorientating culture shifts. Uncertain where we are heading, observers use “”post”” words to signal that familiar landmarks are disappearing, but we cannot yet discern the shape of what is emerging. One of the most significant shifts, “”post-Christendom,”” raises many questions about the mission and role of the church in this strange new world. What does it mean to be one of many minorities in a culture that the church no longer dominates? How do followers of Jesus engage in mission from the margins? What do we bring with us as precious resources from the fading Christendom era, and what do we lay down as baggage that will weigh us down on our journey into post-Christendom? Post-Christendom identifies the challenges and opportunities of this unsettling but exciting time. Stuart Murray presents an overview of the formation and development of the Christendom system, examines the legacies this has left, and highlights the questions that the Christian community needs to consider in this period of cultural transition.

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  • Naked Anabaptist : The Bare Essentials Of A Radical Faith (Anniversary)


    Part I

    1. Uncovering The Anabaptists

    2. The Essence Of Anabaptism

    Part II

    3. Follow Jesus

    4. Read Scripture Through Jesus

    5. Thrive After Christendom

    6. Reject Status, Wealth, And Force

    7. Create Communities Of Discipleship And Mission

    8. Seek Justice

    9. Pursue Peace

    Part III

    10. The Original Anabaptists

    11. Anabaptism Today

    Resources On Anabaptism

    Study Guide


    The Author

    Additional Info
    5th Anniversay Edition
    In churches and kitchens and neighborhood centers across the world, communities of Jesus-followers are crafting a vision of radical service, simple living, and commitment to peace. Many are finding a home in a Christian tradition almost five centuries old: Anabaptism.

    Who are the Anabaptists? What do they believe? Where did they come from? What makes them different from other Christians? And can you become an Anabaptist without leaving your own church?

    Follow Stuart Murray as he peels back the layers to reveal the core convictions of Anabaptist Christianity, a way of following Jesus that challenges, disturbs, and inspires. Glimpse an alternative to nationalistic, materialistic, individualistic Christian faith. If you are seeking a community of authentic discipleship, heartfelt worship, sacrificial service, and radical peacemaking, consider this your invitation.

    New Edition features:

    – Voices and stories from North America and the global church.

    -Updated and expanded definition and discussion of Christendom.

    -Updated resource section.

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  • Anabautismo Al Desnudo – (Spanish)


    Los cristianos anabautistas existen desde hace alrededor de 500 aos. Como se ve un anabautismo sin el ropaje de las tradiciones Amish y Menonitas? Stuart Murray intenta quitar las capas que se han acumulado a lo largo de la historia para llegar a los componentes centrales de la fe Anabautista. Intenta explorar lo que esto significa para su propio contexto y el nuestro. El seguimiento de Jesus nos desafia, nos inspira y nos anima a adorarle y seguirle con todo nuestro corazon. Lea este libro y contagiese de una vision de fe radical para su vida!

    Anabaptist Christians have been around for almost five hundred years. But what does Anabaptism look like when not clothed in Mennonite or Amish traditions? Writing from Great Britain, Stuart Murray peels back the layers to reveal the core components of Anabaptism – and what they mean for faith in his context and ours. It’s a way of following Jesus that challenges, disturbs, and inspires us, summoning us to wholehearted discipleship and worship.
    This popular 2010 book – over ten thousand sold – is now available in Spanish.

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  • Church Planting


    1. Church Planting: Listening To The Critics
    2. Church Planting: A Theological Framework
    3. Church Planting: A New Testament Practice
    4. Church Planting: A Historical Perspective
    5. Church Planting And The Task Of The Church
    6. Church Planting And The Shape Of The Church
    7. Church Planting And The Ethos Of The Church
    8. Church Planting And The Structures Of The Church
    9. Church Planting And The Leadership Of The Church
    10. Church Planting: Models And Methods

    288 Pages

    Additional Info
    Describing his church planting ministry, the apostle Paul writes,

    “I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow. . .For we are God’s fellow-workers; you are God’s field, God’s building. By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as an expert builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one should be careful how he builds. For no-one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.”

    Mixing his metaphors, Paul speaks of the church in Corinth as both a field and a building. Church planters are co-workers with God, planting seeds from which churches grow and larying foundations on which they are built. God is the life source of these churches. Jesus Christ is their foundation. Other workers, like Apollos, water the seed which has been planted and build on the foundations which have been laid. The role of the church planter is to ensure that good seed has been sown and firm foundations laid.

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