Toss The Bouquet


They’ve helped orchestrate the perfect day for countless couples. Now twelve new couples will find themselves in the wedding spotlight in the second Year of Weddings novella collection. All Dressed Up in Love Tara walks into Elena’s Bridal and finds her dream job-and a handsome man to match. Greg Elizondo is working at the shop, trying to keep it afloat after his mother’s passing. But can their growing attraction take root amidst of juggling Bridezillas, wedding dress orders, and an upcoming gala for the shop? Can God orchestrate their desires and goals into one happy ending? In Tune with Love April knows her job as maid of honor is to fulfill her sister’s every wish-whatever the bride wants, she will have. Unless it involves Jack Vaughn. April Quinn loves her sister and wants to make sure the week of her wedding is the happiest of her life, even if it means putting up with Kristin’s every crazy whim. But when Kristin hires Jack Vaughn as the wedding singer, all sisterly devotion flies out the window. As April and Jack keep appearances for the sake of Kristen’s happiness, they rediscover a chemistry that never quite fizzled out. But will they be able to rewrite two solos into a timeless duet? Never a Bridesmaid Mari wants her sister Crystal’s wedding to be perfect. But a poorly-chosen maid of honor may turn it into a disaster. Mari Hays’s older sister Crystal is getting married, and Mari is ecstatic to be part of the wedding. But she soon finds her expected role of maid of honor has been delegated to the worst possible choice: Sienna Jameson. With the wedding day looming, an emotional and sensitive sister, and a selfish maid of honor, can Mari keep the waters calm until the bride and groom jet off for their honeymoon? And will she allow herself to be caught by Houston’s most eligible bachelor?

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SKU (ISBN): 9780310395850
ISBN10: 0310395852
Ruth Herne | Amy Matayo | Janice Thompson
Binding: Trade Paper
Published: March 2016
Year Of Weddings Novella
Publisher: Zondervan

Print On Demand Product


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