

Quantity $17.00

Social Issues

Showing 351–400 of 891 results

  • Hat Girl : A Sequel To A Box Of Hats


    Nan’s hair is just starting to grow back after her chemo treatments. To keep her head from feeling cold, she wears a hat to school every day. She has a problem, though-some of the children tug her hats off and tease her about not having hair. After telling Nan to take her hat off in class, the substitute teacher realizes why Nan is wearing it, but not before the teasing starts again. When Nan tells her mother about it, they talk about Nan’s courage when dealing with her illness and how she could use that courage to work out a solution.

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  • Hillbilly Elegy : A Memoir Of A Family And Culture In Crisis


    From a former marine and Yale Law School graduate, a powerful account of growing up in a poor Rust Belt town that offers a broader, probing look at the struggles of America’s white working class.

    Hillbilly Elegy is a passionate and personal analysis of a culture in crisis–that of white working-class Americans. The decline of this group, a demographic of our country that has been slowly disintegrating over forty years, has been reported on with growing frequency and alarm, but has never before been written about as searingly from the inside. J. D. Vance tells the true story of what a social, regional, and class decline feels like when you were born with it hung around your neck.

    The Vance family story begins hopefully in postwar America. J. D.’s grandparents were “dirt poor and in love,” and moved north from Kentucky’s Appalachia region to Ohio in the hopes of escaping the dreadful poverty around them. They raised a middle-class family, and eventually their grandchild (the author) would graduate from Yale Law School, a conventional marker of their success in achieving generational upward mobility.

    But as the family saga of Hillbilly Elegy plays out, we learn that this is only the short, superficial version. Vance’s grandparents, aunt, uncle, sister, and, most of all, his mother, struggled profoundly with the demands of their new middle-class life, and were never able to fully escape the legacy of abuse, alcoholism, poverty, and trauma so characteristic of their part of America. Vance piercingly shows how he himself still carries around the demons of their chaotic family history.

    A deeply moving memoir with its share of humor and vividly colorful figures, Hillbilly Elegy is the story of how upward mobility really feels. And it is an urgent and troubling meditation on the loss of the American dream for a large segment of this country.

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  • True Story Of Canadian Human Trafficking


    This is the true story of the world of human trafficking in Canada. It is estimated that between 12 and 27 million people are currently caught in human trafficking globally, and Canadian stats show that thousands are exploited for their labour or sexual services right across our own country.

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  • Disarming The Church


    If Christians follow the Prince of Peace, why do they often behave so violently? What can be done to transform the church so that it looks more like Jesus? Eric Seibert explores these questions in this important and timely study. He builds a biblical and practical case for living nonviolently in all areas of life and urges Christians to reexamine their most fundamental attitudes toward violence, warfare, and killing. Through true stories and careful analysis, Seibert demonstrates that it is possible to resolve conflict, correct injustice, and stop oppression without resorting to violence. Many nonviolent alternatives are discussed throughout the book, alternatives that can be used in a wide range of situations, from dealing with an unwanted intruder at home to removing a dictator from power. In a world filled with so much violence, hate, and fear, alternatives like these are desperately needed. This book offers hope that a better way is possible, one that has the potential to transform the church and change the world. So read on and join in!

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  • Poverty : Responding Like Jesus


    The poor will always be with you, Jesus said – but that doesn’t mean Christians have ever figured out how to be with the poor.

    Pope Francis has emphasized a vision of a “Church that is poor and for the poor.” But growing economic inequality continues to spread across the globe. This book takes a fresh look at the role of churches, and individual Christians, in relating to poverty and the poor among them. A strong focus is placed on the biblical and theological roots of the Church’s commitment to care for the poor.

    At times praised as a virtue and blessed as a condition, poverty easily confuses us, and we are often left doing little to nothing to make a difference with and for the poor. As a social evil and a burden, poverty has elicited many kinds of reactions among the followers of Christ. It is time for Christians to figure out what to do about it.

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  • Sacred Look Becoming Cultural Mystics


    How should a follower of Christ engage the popular media culture? By becoming a mystic! Sr. Nancy challenges Christians today to delve deep into the rich theological tradition of the church as the root and foundation for recognizing the beauty of God present in all that is truly human. The artists of popular culture sometimes unwittingly seek transcendence while grappling with some of humanity’s most profound existential longings. The cultural mystics of today point out those needs of humanity in the culture’s artifacts in order to enter into dialogue with those who seek something beyond what this world satisfies. The anthropological-sacramental-incarnational paradigm presented gives us this ability to take a sacred look of the culture and offer the joy of the Gospel, Christ who is the answer of all humanity’s yearnings!

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  • Not Alone : How God Helped Me Battle Depression


    Angry and hurt, Andrea didn’t want to have anything to do with God. How could she when, one day shy of her eighteenth birthday, she had to watch her mother being wheeled into the operating room of Toronto General Hospital to receive a liver transplant? How could a God that “loved” His people allow them to suffer so badly? Why did she have to spend so much time in and out of hospitals, watching the strongest woman she knew endure test after test? Watching this happen, Andrea came to the conclusion that no god would do that.

    Then, on April 27, 2011, it was time to say goodbye. After ten long months of waiting for a second organ donation, Andrea’s mother made the decision to let go-it was the hardest thing Andrea had ever dealt with up to that point. The loss of her mother led her into a downward spiral of depression, PTSD, and anxiety. Andrea lost years of her life and still battles to this day with keeping her depression under control.

    Jesus reached down and opened Andrea’s eyes at the darkest point of her depression. Searching for a way to deal with her pain, she called out to Jesus, who answered her prayers and called her back into His loving arms. What He has done in her life is nothing short of amazing-Jesus gave her purpose again!

    This is her story…

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  • Dream With Me (Reprinted)


    According to recent surveys and studies, race relations in the United States are the worst they’ve been since the 1990s, and many would argue that life for most minorities has not significantly improved since the civil rights era of the 1960s. For so many, the dream of true equality has dissolved into a reality of prejudice, fear, and violence as a way of life.John M. Perkins has been there from the beginning. Raised by his sharecropping grandparents, Perkins fled Mississippi in 1947 after his brother was fatally shot by a police officer. He led voter registration efforts in 1964, worked for school desegregation in 1967, and was imprisoned and tortured in 1970. Through it all, he has remained determined to seek justice and reconciliation based in Christ’s redemptive work. “Justice is something that every generation has to strive for,” he says. And despite the setbacks of recent years, Perkins finds hope in the young people he has met all across the nation who are hard at work, bringing about reconciliation in God’s name and offering acceptance to all. Dream with Me is his look back at a life devoted to seeking justice for all God’s people, as well as a look forward to what he sees as a potentially historic breakthrough for people of every race.

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  • Upside Down Kingdom (Anniversary)


    Sharing, not hoarding. Service, not status. Community, not competition. Basins, not swords. Loyalty to God, not nation.
    Jesus turned everything upside down. When we follow him, we can too.

    This book calls readers to imagine and embody the reign of God on earth as it is in heaven. Since its publication in 1978, the Upside-Down Kingdom has become the most trusted resource on radical Christian discipleship. In this completely updated anniversary edition, author Donald R. Kraybill asks: What does it mean to follow the Christ who traded victory and power for hanging out with the poor and forgiving his enemies? How did a man in first-century Palestine threaten the established order, and what does that mean for us today? What would happen if Christians replaced force with service, violence with love, and nationalism with allegiance to Jesus?

    Jesus turned expectations upside-down. The kingdom of God is still full of surprises. Are you ready?

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  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Workbook (Workbook)


    PTSD is stealing far too much from the lives of trauma survivors. Many suffer in silence. This workbook provides transformational tools for working through:

    Panic attacks
    Low self-esteem
    Destructive patterns

    Writing down your feelings enables you to analyze your thoughts and behavior, reason them out, and effect change. Scientific research shows that by learning to think differently, we can change the brain. This book will empower you to initiate the necessary changes to restore order in your life.

    This book includes an easily understood explanation of how trauma is stored in the brain and what trauma does to the brain. Inside this book there is a plan for overcoming the symptoms that hold you captive and a personalized path forward towards peace and freedom.

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  • Way Back : How Christians Blew Our Credibility And How We Can Fix It


    Two thousand years ago, followers of Jesus utterly astonished their critics. Since then, Christianity s influence has been remarkable. Christian universities, hospitals, and orphanages are the largest social service outreaches in the world. Our faith has shaped the arts, law, science, and civic life.

    Yet today particularly in the media Christians are dismissed as irrelevant. Cooke and Bock show the Christian community how we can once again astonish our critics, and in doing so, completely transform ourselves, others, and the world for good.

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  • I Pledge Allegiance


    What does it really mean for Christians to live as faithful kingdom citizens in today’s world?

    Bitter partisan conflict. State-sanctioned torture. Economic injustice. Ethical corruption. Even a cursory glance over daily news headlines shows a stark contrast between the American political state and the kingdom of heaven. Where, then, does the Christian’s ultimate allegiance lie?

    In I Pledge Allegiance David Crump issues a clarion call to Jesus’s twenty-first-century disciples, stirring them up to heed God’s word and live out their kingdom citizenship here on earth. Closely examining the ethical teachings of Jesus and his apostles in the New Testament and using real-world examples to illustrate the vital issues at stake, Crump challenges Christians to embrace the radical, counterintuitive, upside-down way of Jesus-a way of living and thinking that turns the world’s values on their head, smashes through stale political and cultural conventions, and welcomes God’s kingdom into the very heart of our shared society.

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  • Tell Them Who We Are


    Tell Them Who We Are: What You’ve Never Understood about the Homeless (But Must) is a wake-up call, a siren of hope for those who struggle to understand all the myths surrounding homelessness. Jeremy Reynalds explodes those myths and explores how each of us can invest ourselves in the lives of the homeless on an entirely new level.

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  • Tell Them Who We Are


    Tell Them Who We Are: What You’ve Never Understood about the Homeless (But Must) is a wake-up call, a siren of hope for those who struggle to understand all the myths surrounding homelessness. Jeremy Reynalds explodes those myths and explores how each of us can invest ourselves in the lives of the homeless on an entirely new level.

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  • Hands On Life


    Stressed out? Swimming in a sea of screens? Worried about our beloved, endangered earth yet uncertain how to work for change? If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. In this intelligent guide to mindfulness in the digital age, writer and teacher Amy Weldon describes how practicing life as an artist can help you wake yourself up and take back control of your attention, your money, your time, and the health of our society and our planet. Traveling from farm to protest march to classroom, and engaging a range of thinkers from Hannah Arendt to George Orwell, John Keats, and Henry David Thoreau, The Hands-On Life is a book for students and for everyone who dreams of building a better world.

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  • Love Undocumented : Risking Trust In A Fearful World


    Will you beware or be welcoming? As a young Christian, Sarah Quezada had a heart for social justice. She was also blissfully unaware of the real situations facing today’s immigrants. Until she met someone new. . . who happened to be undocumented. In Love Undocumented, Quezada takes readers on a journey deep into the world of the U.S. immigration system. Follow her as she walks alongside her new friend, meets with lawyers, stands at the U.S.-Mexico border, and visits immigrants in detention centers. With wisdom from Scripture, research, and these experiences, Quezada explores God’s call to welcome the stranger and invites Christians to consider how to live faithfully in the world of closed doors and high fences. Is it possible to abandon fear and cultivate authentic relationships with new arrivals? What if hospitality to immigrant and refugee neighbors puts us at personal risk? How can churches create safe spaces for those living at the precarious edge of our society? With Quezada as your guide, discover a subversive Savior who never knew a stranger. Get to know the God of the Bible, whose love and grace cross all borders. Respond to an invitation to turn away from fear and enter a bigger story.

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  • Upside Down Kingdom (Anniversary)


    Sharing, not hoarding. Service, not status. Community, not competition. Basins, not swords. Loyalty to God, not nation.
    Jesus turned everything upside down. When we follow him, we can too.

    This book calls readers to imagine and embody the reign of God on earth as it is in heaven. Since its publication in 1978, the Upside-Down Kingdom has become the most trusted resource on radical Christian discipleship. In this completely updated anniversary edition, author Donald R. Kraybill asks: What does it mean to follow the Christ who traded victory and power for hanging out with the poor and forgiving his enemies? How did a man in first-century Palestine threaten the established order, and what does that mean for us today? What would happen if Christians replaced force with service, violence with love, and nationalism with allegiance to Jesus?

    Jesus turned expectations upside-down. The kingdom of God is still full of surprises. Are you ready?

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  • Scars Across Humanity


    Across the globe, acts of violence against women produce more deaths, disability, and mutilation than cancer, malaria, and traffic accidents combined.

    The truth is that violence on such a scale could not exist were it not structured in some way into the very fabric of societies and cultures themselves. It could not continue if it were not somehow supported by deep assumptions about the value of women, or some justification of the use of power. In many cultures such assumptions are reiterated every day in the absence of legal protection for women, or indifference toward issues of human rights.

    In Scars Across Humanity, Elaine Storkey offers a rigorously researched overview of this global pandemic. From female infanticide and child brides to domestic abuse, prostitution, rape, and honor killings, violence against women occurs at all stages of life, and in all cultures and societies. How and why has this violence become so prevalent? It seems ambitious to hope that we can find an answer to this question, but if violence to women is ever to be eliminated, we need to know what we are up against.

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  • Still Evangelical : Insiders Reconsider Political Social And Theological Me


    Introduction: Still Evangelical? (Mark Labberton)
    1. Will Evangelicalism Surrender? (Lisa Sharon Harper)
    2. Why I Am An Evangelical (Karen Swallow Prior)
    3. A Way Forward: Recapturing Evangelical Identity And Mission (Mark Young)
    4. Evangelical Futures (Soong-Chan Rah)
    5. Theology And Orthopraxis In Twenty-First-Century Global Evangelicalism (Allen Yeh)
    6. Looking For Unity In All The Wrong Places (Mark Galli)
    7. Evangelicalism Must Be Born Again (Shane Claiborne)
    8. The Importance Of Listening In Today’s Evangelicalism (Jim Daly)
    9. Hope For The Next Generation (Tom Lin)

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    Evangelicalism in America has cracked, split on the shoals of the 2016 presidential election and its aftermath, leaving many wondering if they want to be in or out of the evangelical tribe. The contentiousness brought to the fore surrounds what it means to affirm and demonstrate evangelical Christian faith amidst the messy and polarized realities gripping our country and world. Who or what is defining the evangelical social and political vision? Is it the gospel or is it culture? For a movement that has been about the primacy of Christian faith, this is a crisis.

    This collection of essays was gathered by Mark Labberton, president of Fuller Theological Seminary, who provides an introduction to the volume. What follows is a diverse and provocative set of perspectives and reflections from evangelical insiders who wrestle with their responses to the question of what it means to be evangelical in light of their convictions.

    Contributors include:

    Shane Claiborne, Red Letter Christians
    Lisa Sharon Harper, FreedomRoad.us
    Soong-Chan Rah, North Park University
    Jim Daly, Focus on the Family
    Karen Swallow Prior, Liberty University
    Mark Galli, Christianity Today
    Tom Lin, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
    Allen Yeh, Biola University
    Mark Young, Denver Seminary

    Referring to oneself as evangelical cannot be merely a congratulatory self-description. It must instead be a commitment and aspiration guided by the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ. What now are Christ’s followers called to do in response to this identity crisis?

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  • Christian Hospitality And Muslim Immigration In An Age Of Fear


    An alternative, uniquely Christian response to the growing global challenges of deep religious differenceIn the last fifty years, millions of Muslims have migrated to Europe and North America. Their arrival has ignited a series of fierce public debates on both sides of the Atlantic about religious freedom and tolerance, terrorism and security, gender and race, and much more. How can Christians best respond to this situation?In this book theologian and ethicist Matthew Kaemingk offers a thought-provoking Christian perspective on the growing debates over Muslim presence in the West. Rejecting both fearful national-ism and romantic multiculturalism, Kaemingk makes the case for a third way-a Christian pluralism that is committed to both the historic Christian faith and the public rights, dignity, and freedom of Islam.

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  • Redeemed Sexuality : Healing And Transformation In Community 12 Sessions


    An Invitation To The Broken
    Getting The Most Out Of Redeemed Sexuality
    Group Covenant

    Theme 1: Vulnerability
    1. Learning The Language
    2. Telling Your Story
    3. Wounds Of The Past
    4. Truth And Lies
    5. Confession

    Theme 2: Identity
    6. The Wounded Self
    7. Identity In Christ
    8. Facing Temptation
    9. Creating A Battle Plan

    Theme 3: Intimacy
    10. Healthy Intimacy
    11. Christlike Sexuality
    12. Pursuing Wholeness

    Appendix 1: How To Do Updates
    Appendix 2: Prayers For The Journey
    Appendix 3: Tips For Journaling
    Leader’s Notes

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    Sexual brokenness permeates our culture and has found its way into the church. Even though Christians are called to value and celebrate sexuality as sacred and good, it is often a source of fear, shame, or secret sin.

    But it doesn’t have to be that way.

    Healthy sexuality concerns what we pursue, not just what we avoid, so Redeemed Sexuality invites emerging adults to seek sexual maturity and discipleship in the context of community. As we experience love, joy, and intimacy with God and others, sexual shame and sin lose their power.

    Integrating theology, psychology, and spiritual formation, participants engage the process of transformation by

    practicing vulnerability
    embracing their identity in Christ
    learning healthy intimacy

    Incorporating peer-to-peer leadership, this field-tested small group curriculum is suitable for use in both men’s or women’s groups. The process is neither linear nor easy, but change is possible because Christ is able. The only question is, Do you want to be healed?

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  • Pro Choice And Christian


    Despite the claim by many Christian leaders that the pro-life/antiabortion position is the only faithful response to the debate about reproductive rights, many people of faith find themselves in a murky middle of this supposedly black-and-white issue. Christians who are pro-abortion rights are rarely pro-abortion. However, they view the decision to carry a pregnancy to term as one to be made by the woman, her medical team, her family, or personal counsel rather than by politicians.

    Pro-Choice and Christian explores the biblical, theological, political, and medical aspects of the debate in order to provide a thoughtful Christian argument for a pro-choice position with regard to abortion issues. Kira Schlesinger considers relevant Scriptures, the politics of abortion in the United States, and the human realities making abortion a vital issue of justice and compassion. By examining choice from a Christian perspective, Schlesinger provides a common vocabulary for discussing faith and reproductive rights.

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  • Renewing Your Mind


    How does one walk out of one identity and into another? Jernigan gets that question a lot. He walked out of a homosexual identity in 1981 and has been living life since then in a brand-new identity–a new creation in Christ.

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  • White Awake : An Honest Look At What It Means To Be White


    Foreword By Brenda Salter McNeil
    1. The Day I Discovered My World Was White
    2. Flying Blind
    3. What Is Cultural Identity?
    4. Encounter
    5. Denial
    6. Disorientation
    7. Shame
    8. Self-Righteousness
    9. Awakening
    10. Active Participation

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    Daniel Hill was surprised to discover one day that his world was white and that he didn’t know what that meant. This book reflects his journey into exploring both his own ethnic tradition and also into broadening the scope of his world.

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  • Mending The Divides


    Foreword By Lynne Hybels

    1. Confused, Divided, And Paralyzed
    2. Speaking Of Peace
    3. The Divine Pattern
    4. Everyday Conflict, Everyday Peacemaking
    5. See
    6. Immerse
    7. Contend
    8. Restore
    9. Time To Begin

    Appendix 1: Building A Road Map
    Appendix 2: A Peacemaking Library

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    Conflict, hatred, and injustice seem to be the norm rather than the exception in our world, our nation, our communities, our homes. The fractures and fissures run so deep that we’re paralyzed by our hopelessness, writing off peace as a far-fetched option for the afterlife. Even if there was the possibility of peace, where would we begin? Instead of disengaging, Jon Huckins and Jer Swigart invite us to move toward conflict and brokenness, but not simply for the sake of resolving tensions and ending wars. These modern-day peacemakers help us understand that because peacemaking is the mission of God, it should also be the vocation of his people. So peace is no longer understood as merely the absence of conflict?peace is when relationships once severed have been repaired and restored. Using biblical and current-day illustrations of everyday peacemakers, Mending the Divides equips disciples of Jesus to move toward conflict and seek the restoration of our relationships, our communities, and our world, offering practical steps to engage in the kingdom-building work of waging peace.

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  • Gospel According To Star Wars (Expanded)


    In a new and updated version of this best-selling book, John McDowell explores the many spiritual themes that weave throughout the Star Wars films. From the Force to the dark side, the issues discussed in the films have a moral and spiritual complexity that, if paid attention to, can help us better understand our place in the world and our relation to others and to God. George Lucas, the creator of Star Wars, did not intend for his films to be mere entertainment, McDowell argues. Rather, he hoped his films would be used as a vehicle for moral education.

    This new version has been thoroughly revised to include discussion of The Force Awakens and other new developments in the Star Wars universe.

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  • Economics Of Neighborly Love


    13 Chapters

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    What does the good news of Jesus mean for economics?

    Too often, Christian teaching and ministry have focused only on the gospel’s spiritual significance and ignored its physical, real-world ramifications. But loving our neighbor well has direct economic implications, and in our diverse and stratified society we need to grapple with them now more than ever.

    In The Economics of Neighborly Love pastor Tom Nelson sets out to address this problem. Marrying biblical study, economic theory, and practical advice, he presents a vision for church ministry that works toward the flourishing of the local community, beginning with its poorest and most marginalized members. Nelson resists oversimplification and pushes us toward more complex and nuanced understandings of wealth and poverty. If we confess the gospel of Jesus, he insists, we must contend anew with its implications for the well-being of our local communities. Together we can grow in both compassion and capacity.

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  • Roland Allens The Ministry Of Expansion


    Roland Allen was one of the most influential mission thinkers of the twentieth century. As a High Church Anglican, he had great respect and value for Church tradition, but was quick to confront cultural preferences when they appeared to contradict biblical prescriptions.

    The Ministry of Expansion: The Priesthood of the Laity reflects his thoughts that dealt with Communion-related activities in the Majority World where the Anglican Church did not have well-developed church structures and priests. In this work, Allen argues that there are times and circumstances when non-clergy must take the lead in the administration of Holy Communion. Written around 1938, The Ministry of Expansion: The Priesthood of the Laity has remained unpublished until now. The work you hold represents one of the last book-length manuscripts written by Allen and includes a collection of articles by contemporary Allen scholars. Though nearly eighty years since he first put pen to paper, Allen’s principles and convictions still speak to the Church with great gravitas. What should be the response when the Church’s cultural preferences are unable to keep up with the work of the Spirit on the mission field? This was a not only a question in Allen’s day, but one for every generation of believers.

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  • Sharing Gods Blessing


    A tried-and-tested resource for the renewal of the local church. Faced with the unsustainability of many inherited patterns of church, the temptation may be to fall into despondency rather than seeking to regenerate patterns of mission and ministry. This book is the result of a two-year research project aimed at enabling local churches to regain a sense of confidence through exploring God’s blessing and how that might be shared with the communities they serve. In Part One, Robin explores the meaning of blessing and the power of face-to-face group conversations to transform church congregations. Part Two of the book contains outlines for five guided conversations for change on the theme of blessing. Part Three contains case study material of how this material has been used in different contexts, including for Mission Action Planning (MAP).

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  • Pornography


    1. Culture
    2. Compassion
    3. Convictions: Creation
    4. Convictions: Fall
    5. Convictions: Redemption And Glory
    6. Wisdom
    Further Reading

    Additional Info
    Pornography is no longer looked down on as bad or unhelpful, but is something to enjoy without guilt. Christians work to a different agenda-set by the Bible’s revelation of the true meaning of sex and relationships. This book surveys the Christian worldview and applies it to the complex issues surrounding pornography. Discover the liberating and satisfying view of sex found in the gospel.

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  • All But Invisible


    What does it mean to be gay … and a Christian? Beginning with how the Bible describes sex and gender in Genesis 1-2, author Nate Collins provides a theological framework for conceptualizing gender identity. He unpacks biblical concepts like desire, lust, and temptation, and applies them to modern constructs like sexual attraction and orientation.

    In addition, Collins explores the theme of identity, focusing on facets of personal identity that are central to the experience of Christian gender minorities. He looks at what the Scripture says about the formation and function of Christian identity, highlighting several theological and sociological tensions.

    Collins helpfully outlines a theology of reconciliation that challenges the Church to examine the obstacles that inhibit Christian unity and calls straight and non-straight believers alike to patterns of Christian obedience that respect and honor their similarities and differences. He writes for believers who have a traditional sexual ethic and provides a compelling vision of gospel flourishing for gay and non-straight individuals.

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  • Hidden Souls : A Bible Study For Women Seeking Healing From Abuse


    Whether the evil encountered was physical, mental, emotional, or sexual abuse, the lessons in this book answer some hard questions. Readers will be encouraged to discover how God has loved them and walked with them. They will see how God has healed women who have walked in their shoes.

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  • Migrants And Citizens


    What responsibilities do citizens have to migrants and potential migrants? What responsibilities do migrants themselves have? What is the basis of those responsibilities? In this book Tisha Rajendra reframes the confused and often heated debate surrounding immigration and develops a Christian ethic that can address these neglected questions.

    Rajendra begins by illuminating the flawed narratives about migrants that are often used in political debates on the subject. She goes on to propose a new definition of justice that is based on responsibility to relationships, drawing on the concrete experience of migrants, ethical theory, migration theory, and the relational ethics of the Bible.

    Professors, students, and others committed to formulating a solid ethical approach to questions surrounding immigration will benefit greatly from Rajendra’s timely presentation of a constructive way forward.

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  • Gaining Freedom From Sex Addictions


    Are you addicted to pornography or to the services of prostitutes? When you are caught in addiction, you face a sad, lonely, and difficult journey. The path to freedom is not always clear, and you might struggle to find people who can help you.

    In this transparent book, Matthew shares his heart after overcoming his addiction of thirty-six years to pornography and his addiction of twenty-five years to prostitutes. You will appreciate his vulnerability and insight as he helps you in your own journey to freedom.

    In this book, you will learn the importance of:

    Correct theology
    Your identity in Christ
    The importance of repentance
    The need for inner healing and deliverance and
    A strong understanding of God’s grace.

    While this book is not an exhaustive treatment of the subject and while Matthew is not a medical professional, he relates stories from his own experiences. Most importantly, Matthew shares the power of Jesus to win the ultimate victory over the battle with pornography.

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  • How Then Shall We Live


    The world constantly throws up new challenges about what it means to be Christian and to live a distinctively Christian lifestyle. The priest, broadcaster, writer and ethicist Samuel Wells considers some of the biggest contemporary political, social and moral challenges and grapples with them in the light of Christian hope and wisdom.

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  • Love First : Ending Hate Before Its Too Late


    This is not just a book to inspire more love; it’s a revolutionary call to love better.

    “A terrible virus has spread across the planet and turned the human race into bloodthirsty monsters. Mankind’s only hope for survival is . . .” Originally part of the tagline for the sci-fi thriller, I Am Legend, these lines describe the undercurrent of unrest and turbulence in our world. The virus we face is hate-an epidemic infecting social media, politics, neighborhoods, and homes. Communities of believers, which should be clinics with the cure, are instead suspected of being primary carriers of the virus.

    But there is hope. Hate, even in its most nefarious forms, is no match for the matchless love modeled by Jesus. Love is his cure for the sick and dying world. Historians, sociologists, and theologians agree that we are experiencing the most fundamental changes in global society in the last five hundred years. And while the church has a lofty vision and mighty power, we are disastrously unprepared. This book presents an understandable, practical, and doable approach to loving others with such clarity and conviction that the world will truly know the God who loves us first.

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  • Because Of Gracia


    Chase Morgan would love to live up to his name and pursue something great. It’s his senior year and he’s still as insecure as ever, but Eastglenn High’s newest student is about to turn that around. Gracia is a girl with charisma, intelligence and conviction, but she’s not as “together” as Chase and his best friend OB might think. A dark past gives her a unique connection with Bobbi, a misunderstood classmate with a strained home life and an all-too-cute boyfriend as her means of escape. As Bobbi struggles with a life-and-death decision and Chase risks rejection, Gracia challenges her friends, teachers and even herself to experience the transformative power of grace. Based on the award-winning film starring Moriah Peters and Chris Massoglia, Because of Gracia follows the stories of Chase Morgan, Gracia Davis, and their fellow high school seniors as they face life-altering decisions on their journeys of faith, friendship, and love.

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  • God And The Transgender Debate


    Foreword By R. Albert Mohler Jr
    1. He Had Compassion
    2. How We Got To Where We Are
    3. The Language
    4. On Making A Decision
    5. Well-Designed
    6. Beauty And Brokenness
    7. A Better Future
    8. Love Your Neighbor
    9. No Easy Paths
    10. Challenging The Church
    11. Speaking To Children
    12. Tough Questions
    13. Open Hands

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    What is transgender and gender fluidity? What does God’s Word actually say about these issues? How can the gospel be good news for someone experiencing gender dysphoria? How do churches respond?

    These are questions Christians need to think through and this warm, faithful, careful book will help them do just that.

    Hear Andrew speak at a luncheon at the TGC National Conference

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  • Power Of Proximity


    Foreword By Noel Castellanos

    Part I: How Proximity Transforms Us
    1. Becoming Proximate
    2. Deeper And Higher
    3. Embracing Brokenness

    Part II: Proximity Compels Response
    4. Leaning Into Love
    5. Race Matters
    6. Privilege Needs To Take A Side

    Part III: Proximity For The Long Haul
    7. Fear, Courage, Redemption
    8. Solvitur Ambulando
    9. Joining The Collective Engagement


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    We can see evidence of injustice all around us, whether in continuing incidents of racial inequality or in the systemic forces that disenfranchise people and perpetuate poverty. It’s important to learn about the world’s inequities and to be a voice for the voiceless any way we can. But in an age of hashtag and armchair activism, merely raising awareness about injustice is not enough. Michelle Warren knows what is needed. She and her family have chosen to live in communities where they are “proximate to the pain of the poor.” This makes all the difference in facing and overcoming injustice. When we build relationships where we live, we discover the complexities of standing with the vulnerable and the commitment needed for long-term change. Proximity changes our perspective, compels our response, and keeps us committed to the journey of pursuing justice for all. Move beyond awareness and experience the power of proximity.

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  • Recapturing The Wonder


    1. Discovering Our Disenchantment Pathway One: Re-Enchanting Our World
    2. Modern Displays And The God Who Ends Religion Pathway Two: Experiencing Grace
    3. Selfie Sticks, Spectacles, And Sepulchers Pathway Three: Bringing Scripture To Life
    4. Seeking A ?Hidden Ground? Pathway Four: Withdrawing With God
    5. Abundance And Scarcity Pathway Five: Practicing Abundance
    6. Feasts Of Attention Pathway Six: Throwing A Feast
    7. The Monastery And The Road Pathway Seven: Writing A Rule Of Life
    Epilogue: One Final Wonder

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    Christians aren’t immune to becoming cynical and critical, especially when it comes to matters of the Christian faith. This book challenges readers to rediscover the magic and wonder of Christianity, and to recognize the ways in which our culture suppresses our enchantment with the Christian faith.

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  • Winsome Persuasion : Christian Influence In A Post Christian World


    Part I: Laying A Theoretical Foundation
    1. What Is A Counterpublic?
    2. What Is A Christian Counterpublic Historical Sketch 1: St. Patrick
    3. Argument Culture
    4. Credibility Of A Counterpublic Historical Sketch 2: Jean Vanier/L’Arche

    Part II: Engaging Others
    5. Crafting Your Message
    6. Delivering Your Message Historical Sketch 3: Harriet Beecher Stowe
    7. Forming Loose Connections Historical Sketch 4: Wilberforce

    Part III: Pressing Questions For Christian Counterpublics
    8. How Should We Respond To Supreme Court Decision On Same-sex Marriage? (Muehlhoff)
    9. How Should We Respond To Supreme Court Decision On Same-sex Marriage? (Langer) 10. Are You Saying . . . ?


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    How are Christians viewed in the broader culture? We blush at the possibilities. Brainwashed fanatics? Out-of-touch dogmatists? Buffoons? The task of bearing faithful witness to Jesus is complicated by persistent-and not altogether baseless-cultural stereotypes. In our post-Christian society, thoughtful Christians are considering again how to engage the dominant culture as a minority, a counterpublic, amid varying perceptions and misperceptions. In this timely book, Timothy Muehlhoff and Rick Langer ask what our interactions with the dominant cultural ethos should look like. How might we be persuasive and civil at the same time? How should we respond to those who ridicule and caricature us? How can we challenge the beliefs of other communities with love and respect? Muehlhoff and Langer present a model for cultural engagement that integrates communication theory, theology, and Scripture. Penetrating, wise, and relentlessly practical, it includes test cases and examples from history, such as William Wilberforce and Harriet Beecher Stowe. Now more than ever, Christians need what Winsome Persuasion offers: a compelling vision of public engagement that is both shrewd and gracious.

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  • Movies Are Prayers


    Movies are our way of telling God what we think about this world and our place in it. . . . Movies can be many things: escapist experiences, historical artifacts, business ventures, and artistic expressions, to name a few. I’d like to suggest that they can also be prayers. Movies do more than tell a good story. They are expressions of raw emotion, naked vulnerability, and unbridled rage. They often function in the same way as prayers, communicating our deepest longings and joys, to a God who hears each and every one. In this captivating book, Filmspotting cohost Josh Larsen brings a critic’s unique perspective to how movies function as expressions to God of lament, praise, joy, confession, and more. His clear expertise and passion for the art of film along with his thoughtful reflections on the nature of prayer will bring you a better understanding of both. God’s omnipresence means that you can find him whether you’re sitting on your sofa at home or in the seats at the theater. You can talk to him wherever movies are shown. And when words fail, the perfect film might be just what you need to jumpstart your conversations with the Almighty.

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  • Israel Matters : Why Christians Must Think Differently About The People And (Rep


    Widely respected theologian Gerald McDermott has spent two decades investigating the meaning of Israel and Judaism. What he has learned has required him to rethink many of his previous assumptions.

    Israel Matters addresses the perennially important issue of the relationship between Christianity and the people and land of Israel, offering a unique and compelling “third way” between typical approaches and correcting common misunderstandings along the way. This book challenges the widespread Christian assumption that since Jesus came to earth, Jews are no longer special to God as a people, and the land of Israel is no longer theologically significant. It traces the author’s journey from thinking those things to discovering that the New Testament authors believed the opposite of both. It also shows that contrary to what many Christians believe, the church is not the new Israel, and both the people and the land of Israel are important to God and the future of redemption.

    McDermott offers an accessible but robust defense of a “New Christian Zionism” for pastors and laypeople interested in Israel and Christian-Jewish relations. His approach will also spark a conversation among theologians and biblical scholars.

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  • Assisted Suicide


    1. A Complex Problem
    2. A Growing Problem
    3. The Right To Die?
    4. The Case Against
    5. Facing Death
    Further Reading
    Discussion Guide

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    In this short book, Vaughan Roberts briefs Christians on the complex questions surrounding assisted suicide. He surveys the Christian worldview and helps us to apply its principles as we navigate life and death in a society with contrasting values.

    Talking Points is a series of short books by Vaughan Roberts, designed to help Christians think, talk and relate to others with compassion, conviction and wisdom about today’s big issues.

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  • My Plan To Protect Pocket Guide Youth Programming


    Plan to Protect(R) is truly about creating that great place where everyone will want to spend their time. It is about creating a place where everyone is safe. It is that place where they can be everything they are intended to be-Children’s!

    My Plan to Protect(R)Pocket Guide of Best practices for Children’s Programming highlights the best practices of our well respected protection manual Plan to Protect(R) which is now used in over 10,000 schools, churches, daycares, and camps across Canada. It is an excellent tool to place in the hands of volunteers, staff, family members and leaders.

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  • My Plan To Protect Vulnerable Adult


    Plan to Protect(R) is truly about creating that great place where everyone will want to spend their time. It is about creating a place where everyone is safe. It is that place where they can be everything they are intended to be.

    My Plan to Protect(R)Pocket Guide for Vulnerable Adults highlights the best practices of our well respected protection manual Plan to Protect(R) which is now used in over 7,500 organizations, churches, NGOs, schools, care facilities and camps across Canada. It is an excellent tool to place in the hands of volunteers, staff, family members and leaders.

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  • My Plan To Protect Disability Initiatives


    Plan to Protect(R) is truly about creating that great place where everyone will want to spend their time. It is about creating a place where everyone is safe. It is that place where they can be everything they are intended to be.

    My Plan to Protect(R)Pocket Guide of Best practices for Disabilities initiatives highlights the best practices of our well respected protection manual Plan to Protect(R) which is now used in over 7500 organizations, schools, churches, NGOs, care facilities and camps across Canada. It is an excellent tool to place in the hands of volunteers, staff, family members and leaders.

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  • Steps To Online Dating Success


    What You Need to Know About Online Dating… First! Online dating is not all fun and games and there are a lot of things that a person has to know about online dating before one gets into the intricacies of it. Online dating may seem to be the simplest thing in the world but it is not.

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  • Culture Care : Reconnecting With Beauty For Our Common Life


    Foreword By Mark Labberton
    1. On Becoming Generative
    2. Culture Care Defined
    3. Black River, Cracked Lands
    4. From Culture Wars To A Common Life
    5. Soul Care
    6. Beauty As Food For The Soul
    7. Leadership From The Margins
    8. “Tell ’em About The Dream!”
    9. Two Lives At The Margins
    10. Our Calling In The Starry Night
    11. Opening The Gates
    12. Cultivating Cultural Soil
    13. Cultural Estuaries
    14. Custodians Of Culture Care
    15. Business Care
    16. Practical Advice For Artists
    17. Tilling Our Cultural Soil In The Age Of Anxiety
    18. New Vocabularies, New Stories
    19. What If?
    A Gratuitous Postscript
    Discussion Guide

    Additional Info
    Culture is not a territory to be won or lost but a resource we are called to steward with care. Culture is a garden to be cultivated. Many bemoan the decay of culture. But we all have a responsibility to care for culture, to nurture it in ways that help people thrive. In Culture Care artist Makoto Fujimura issues a call to cultural stewardship, in which we become generative and feed our culture’s soul with beauty, creativity, and generosity. We serve others as cultural custodians of the future. This is a book for artists, but artists come in many forms. Anyone with a calling to create-from visual artists, musicians, writers, and actors to entrepreneurs, pastors, and business professionals-will resonate with its message. This book is for anyone with a desire or an artistic gift to reach across boundaries with understanding, reconciliation, and healing. It is a book for anyone with a passion for the arts, for supporters of the arts, and for “creative catalysts” who understand how much the culture we all share affects human thriving today and shapes the generations to come. Culture Care includes a study guide for individual reflection or group discussion.

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  • Justice Calling : Where Passion Meets Perseverance


    Grounding Our Passion for Justice in Deeply Rooted Faith

    Justice requires perseverance–a deep perseverance we can’t muster on our own. The world’s needs are staggering and even the most passion-driven reactions, strategies, and good intentions can falter. But we serve a God who never falters, who sees the needs, hears the cries, and gives strength–through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit–to his people.

    Offering a comprehensive biblical theology of justice drawn from the whole story of Scripture, this book invites us to know more intimately the God who loves justice and calls us to give our lives to seek the flourishing of others. The authors explore stories of injustice around the globe today and spur Christians to root their passion for justice in the persevering hope of Christ. They also offer practices that can further form us into people who join God’s work of setting things right in the world. Now in paper with an added reader’s guide.

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