
Showing 901–950 of 1469 results

  • Sarah Palin The Real Deal


    More than just a biographical sketch, Sarah Palin-The Real Deal provides an in-depth look at this remarkable women and the impact she is having on the 2008 Presidential race and why. Filled with revealing facts from Palin’s past, her stand on the issues, controversial decisions, and American’s reactions-this book packs a punch of hot information on the nation’s newest star. Readers will uncover Sarah Palin’s humble beginnings, what influenced her, her heroes, her rise in Alaska’s political scene, who her enemies are and why, how everything she touches seems to turn to gold, and what her chances are at winning this historic Presidential race. A terrific story for the right time!

    On the night of September 3,2008, Governor Sarah Palin radically changed the political landscape and the race for the White House. John McCain’s running mate for the 2008 US Presidential race has the media in an information frenzy, the Democrats in a scramble for a comeback, and the Republican base re-energized. Now readers nations-wide can discover just what is behind this political, moose-hunting, mother of five.

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  • Alexander The Great


    1. His Childhood And Youth
    2. Beginning Of His Reign
    3. The Reaction
    4. Crossing The Hellespont
    5. Campaign In Asia Minor
    6. Defeat Of Darius
    7. The Siege Of Tyre
    8. Alexander In Egypt
    9. The Great Victory
    10. The Death Of Darius
    11. Deterioration Of Character
    12. Alexander’s End

    Additional Info
    Alexander the Great is part of Makers of History, a 19th century biography series by two brothers-Jacob and John S.C. Abbott. Reprinted by Canon Press, these biographies have been edited and brought up-to-date for readers twelve and up. Not only are these editions given vintage style paperback covers, but they also include introductions that explain where these men and women fit into the timeline of history.

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  • Journey With God


    This is a Journal of a trip of faith with God. This trip took place in various parts of the world. One thing in common, among all of the stages of the trip, was God’s presence before, during, and after the trip. This book is not fiction or a story of coarse confession. It is not a conversion of convenience, either. It is a gathering of true stories of interactions with God and a pure choice of unconditional acceptance without ambiguities; the Word of God in a non-contradictory manner. The search took me around the world until God’s plan came. The love of God not only enhanced my spiritual experience, but also made me eager to serve His Word. The Son of God came to guide me throughout this Journey with His wisdom and love, to complete my salvation.

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  • Her Name Is Happiness


    If you have ever felt like giving up, or that life is too hard, this book is for you. It will encourage you to not give up on God; it will strengthen your ability to see God’s hand upon your life, and it will inspire you to cling to the Lord through every storm that comes your way. For a young Nigerian girl named Happiness, life’s journey became almost unbearable. She endured refugee status in the Biafra War, an arranged marriage to a man she had never met, being smuggled across the U.S.-Mexican border, experiencing the toll of a physically and mentally abusive husband, standing in food lines, and living in a homeless shelter. Through it all, Happiness learned to draw closer to God and today owns her own business and understands her life’s purpose. This is a compelling story of the power of destiny on a life surrendered to God, and what amazing things God will do, if we just trust him.

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  • Shattered Life An Amazing God


    Divorce broke his heart, abuse crushed his spirit, and betrayal shattered his life. Before he was five years old, Cody experienced physical, verbal and sexual abuse. He would witness his mother’s sexual immorality and drug abuse, and then she would be removed from his life. Her choices would adversely affect his young life and would send him into a pattern of fear, hopelessness, rebellion, and rage that would take him into a world of darkness he could not escape. His behavior was easily interpreted as malicious and devious, but those were just symptoms of a wounded spirit, a crushed heart, and a lonely little boy who desperately longed to be loved, but was terrified to be loved. God’s love would be poured out on Cody in an attempt to reach behind the wall that had been built around his broken heart. Years of destructive tendencies, despair, and fear would be ever so slowly penetrated, and a young man would begin to appear. Come walk through a five-year attempt to change a heart and redeem a soul. Step into a spiritual battle for a life. In a world that trivializes God, come experience His presence as He equips a family to put on the full armor of God and to step into life the way God meant it to be. Learn how to reach out in love and grace while proclaiming the truth of the Living God.

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  • Shattered : One Mans Journey From Sexual Abuse


    Shattered. There is no crime more devastating than childhood sexual abuse. It steals the innocence and soul of its victims and leaves them in a world of silence and shame. Attempting to live in safety, survivors create a world of false security praying no one will ever discover the ugly secret and no one will hurt them again. For too long, these stories have hidden in the shadows, countless souls longing for freedom from the pain and suffering in their hearts. This is just one story that speaks for millions who are holding on to hope.

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  • Forgiven But Not Forgotten


    Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord. (Romans 12:19) Is it possible to forgive and forget when others intentionally hurt us? The author posits that it’s possible to forgive and forget if God is at the center of the rebuilding process ….and the following steps are practiced…. Praying for the ability to recognize perpetrators’ motives. Acknowledging that perpetrators have issues with jealousy, envy, sense of entitlement, or whatever in your God-given wisdom you determined their problem to be. Asking God to renew a right spirit within perpetrators, as well as ensuring that you do not possess similar characteristic. Dialoguing with offenders to increase awareness of the painfulness of their actions. In praying, through God you are able to forgive…..realizing that the battle is not yours…but the Lord’s. Accepting apologies, and praying with perpetrators immediately thereafter to remove the yoke of unforgiveness. Mabel is a young girl, whose parents’ reckless decisions dealt her a cruel blow in life. She embarked on a journey, trying desperately to escape a dysfunctional and abusive home, but the journey took her through ill-treatment and neglect. It was only through others that she learned to bask in droplets of mercies and at times showers of blessings. Mabel practiced the art of forgiving, so as to lessen the crippling weight and burden of unforgiveness, but just as she thought she would triumph and master the art of forgiving and forgetting, disaster struck.

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  • Manos Prodigiosas – (Spanish)


    The story of Ben Carson, M.D. will inspire readers as they watch an inner-city youngster rise to become director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins University Hospital.

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  • This Odd And Wondrous Calling


    When it comes to ministry, there are plenty of books about how to do this work better – everything from church growth to fundraising to managing conflict to the latest small group technique. There are books about what is difficult in ministry and the toll it can take. There are books about the ministry from those who have left it behind. This Odd and Wondrous Calling offers something different: a book both honest about the challenges of the vocation and reflective of its joy from two people still pastoring.

    Anecdotal and extremely readable, this book covers a diversity of subjects revealing the incredible variety of a pastor’s day. The chapters move from comedy to pathos, story to theology, scripture to contemporary culture. This Odd and Wondrous Calling is both serious and fun and ideal for any who are either considering the ministry or want a better understanding of their own minister’s life.

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  • H Richard Niebuhr


    Abingdon Pillars of Theology is a series for the college and seminary classroom designed to help students grasp the basic and necessary facts, influence, and significance of major theologians. Written by noted scholars, these books will outline the context, methodology, organizing principles, primary contributions, and key writings of people who have shaped theology as we know it today.

    Dr. Donald Shriver tells us that H. Richard Niebuhr wrote about God in a serious yet joyous exploration. This book summarizes Niebuhr’s faith journey as seen through the lens of his major works. While Neibuhr did mean to move his readers to think, struggle, argue, and even pray, he expected nothing less from himself. It is the hope of the author that by reading this book, readers will be better prepared to travel a path of their own.

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  • Life Of Saint Francis


    SKU (ISBN): 9780060576523ISBN10: 0060576529Bonaventure | Translator: Ewert CousinsBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 2009HarperCollins Spiritual ClassicsPublisher: Harper Collins Publishers

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  • Believe : Because He Told Me So


    In April of 1998, Carol was driving to work one dark and stormy morning, when the Lord’s Holy Spirit surrounded her with a white light, “speaking” to her as she saw Bible verses pass into her mind, bringing her a message about Believing ~ believing in the Deity of Jesus Christ. Being obedient to His instruction, she has written this book about her experience, her life of bad choices, coming to finally be in the Lord’s Will, and now sharing how others can Believe for themselves and receive salvation. “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:12 In the flesh, the mind rules the heart, In the spirit, the heart rules the mind. I challenge you to Believe and be a disciple of Jesus Christ.

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  • Delicious On My Ears


    For nearly two decades, newspapers and TV newscasts around the world were filled with disturbing images from the Vietnam War. During those turbulent years from 1958 to 1974, John and Jo Newman served as missionaries in the Central Highlands of Vietnam. Despite wartime dangers, natural disasters, and political turmoil, they persevered in their work of sharing the good news of Jesus Christ which the mountain people said was “delicious on their ears.” This is the extraordinary story of how the Newmans’ love for the mountain people would propel them into a lifetime of dedication to the people of Vietnam-a story of adventure, sacrifice, heartbreak, and courage.

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  • Broken But Not Destroyed


    Having endured several tragedies in life, Soraya takes you on a journey of healing and restoration in Broken-But not destroyed, In Search of God. This book provides powerful insight as to why we experience pain, hardships, and trials in our lives. Each chapter tells a crushing human story of someone like her felt by the indifferent blows of tragedy: stripped from your life’s investments; financial ruin; an automobile accident leaving her partial paralyzed for seven weeks; divorce, and homelessness and the list goes through many situations. Each predicament centers on the story of someone who came into her life. With an early interest in God and a deeply felt connection to spirituality, Soraya spent the majority of her life thriving professionally, yet searching for spiritual meaning before beginning her journey into the depths of finding God Her inner life was burned through by the fire of charity, and whose fidelity was tested and purified by an intense trial of faith, a true dark night of the soul. Yet only in the modern period has the dark night of the soul taken the form of radical doubt, doubting not only one’s own state of grace, but God’s promises and even God’s existence. Prophet Bernard Jordan her spiritual Mentor, teaching her the higher order of thinking, bringing her through the deepest valleys of life to a new birth. As she arose, like the phoenix from the ashes of the past of brokenness, into a new dimension of being. A modern day Job and spiritual Messenger, through her writings she has touched thousands of lives and inspiring important changes in their day-to-day lives. God took the mess and turned it into a message, brokenness into breakthroughs. A lifetime story from riches to rags and back up the ladder again.

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  • Calvin Handbook A Print On Demand Title


    Research on French theologian John Calvin is a growing field, currently flourishing around the world. Calvin’s quincentennial this year has lent such research even greater momentum. The Calvin Handbook is designed to support and stimulate this research. However, not only do the contributors to this volume provide excellent information for experts in the field, they also give reliable information to those who do not deal with Calvin on a scholarly level.

    Based on the latest research findings, this international team of renowned scholars offers a comprehensive view of Calvin’s biography, his theology, and the history of his reception. The Calvin Handbook is a uniquely helpful resource on Calvin for readers of every interest level.

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  • God Who Are You


    In his book, GOD WHO ARE YOU? David Huyard tells the story of the struggle their family encountered in leaving the Amish and everyone they knew, to pursue God’s call upon their lives. At the age of twelve David had a vision of preaching to thousands of black people, that vision became real some thirty years later while he was preaching on the island of Antigua, in the West Indies when he suddenly realized the 5,000 estimated crusade crowd before him was exactly what he saw while working in his father’s cornfield in Lancaster County Pennsylvania.

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  • Punker 2 Pastor


    “Punker to Pastor is the compelling story of one man’s struggle to overcome the many temptations and circumstances in life, that often lead us to make choices we later regret. Pastor Kelly Lohrke brings home the reality so many of us, including myself, have come to realize, that the answer to all of life’s questions and problems can be found in one person, Jesus Christ. I strongly recommend this book to anyone, both those seeking answers and those secure in their relationship with Christ. It’s the story of coming out of the darkness into the light!”

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  • Other Side Of The Desk


    This book relates memorable moments that an experienced teacher shared with her students during her lifetime career. Days in school can be happy, sad, sometimes funny or exasperating, but never boring. Patricia sees teaching as a serious and important opportunity to assist students to build productive lives. Her passion for the work becomes evident as the tales unfold. Perhaps, the stories from the classroom will encourage the readers to actively hold their school systems accountable for the important job of building happy and useful citizens.

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  • Heart Of Man


    “The Heart of Man; God’s Target – Part One” is Harold’s autobiography. It is a captivating account beginning with the author’s parents leaving Germany at the end of World War I, and settling in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where Harold was born and raised. He became fluent in three languages, and at age twenty was drafted into the Argentinean Army. Soon thereafter, he was chosen among thousands as the interpreter for the 1952 Argentinean Equestrian Olympic Team, that toured Europe for seven months. After discharge from the Army, Harold enjoyed working for two international German corporations, where he held several management positions; but political upheaval prompted Harold to fulfill his dream to leave for the USA. Part Two outlines hindrances that prevent Christians from truly enjoying God, by failing to appropriate the power, promises and faith of Jesus Christ.

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  • Numbskull


    Imagine every concerned parent’s worst nightmare: your child crippled by drug addiction, hounded by dealers and gangsters, and wanted by the police. Any concerned parent would stretch his resources to help that child overcome his addiction and start a new life. Any Christian parent would cry to the Lord for help. But what would you do if your parents just didn’t care? What if your parents were addicts, too?

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  • Bewitched : Yet Chosen For A Greater Destiny


    At a time when trust and integrity is at an all time low, the light of Truth still prevails over the dawn of deception. The Bewitchments, enchantments, sorceries and charms may be ever so alluring and attractive until one cannot help but to be inundated by its graces. What human on earth does not desire Knowledge, Power and Prosperity? Who is not hungry for Love and Acceptance; and thirsty for the supernatural? There awaits in the spirit world angelic beings to accompany you on your journey of life into that unknown and intriguing realm; but will they be ministers of darkness ushering you to a darker doom of Bewitchment? Or will they be ministers of light ushering you into a brighter tomorrow? Read this in-depth testimony of a life that was changed from Bewitchment to Enrichment and from Gloom to Glory and make your choice!

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  • Bewitched : Yet Chosen For A Greater Destiny


    At a time when trust and integrity is at an all time low, the light of Truth still prevails over the dawn of deception. The Bewitchments, enchantments, sorceries and charms may be ever so alluring and attractive until one cannot help but to be inundated by its graces. What human on earth does not desire Knowledge, Power and Prosperity? Who is not hungry for Love and Acceptance; and thirsty for the supernatural? There awaits in the spirit world angelic beings to accompany you on your journey of life into that unknown and intriguing realm; but will they be ministers of darkness ushering you to a darker doom of Bewitchment? Or will they be ministers of light ushering you into a brighter tomorrow? Read this in-depth testimony of a life that was changed from Bewitchment to Enrichment and from Gloom to Glory and make your choice!

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  • Streets Of Fire


    The release of Streets of Fire could not be better timed; we need his story now! If you are COP (i.e., Constable on Patrol) Bob understands you. If you like intrigue, grit, excitement and nail biting action, read on! If you are a father, Bob’s a great example: his three sons prove that. If you are a young person looking for a roll-model, Bob’s book is for you. If you are a hooker being controlled by your pimp, or an addiction, please read on. If you are a College student looking for a quick and exciting read, this is it! Or, if you are simply tired of insipid books that don’t carry much weight nor deliver much punch, and you are looking for a book that delivers entertainment, counsel, intrigue, suspense, and-the occasional shock factor–then this book is for you!

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  • Condi : The Life Of A Steel Magnolia


    An in-depth look at the life, faith, and achievements of one of America’s most fascinating women.

    Condoleezza Rice rose from humble beginnings in racially segregated Alabama to become an accomplished classical pianist, Stanford University professor and provost, US national security advisor, and secretary of state. In this gripping and inspiring book, Mary Beth Brown artfully explores the roles played in Condi’s life by her parents, mentors, faith, and key events and how those things have prepared her for her present position of power and global influence.

    In 2005, Condi topped Forbes’ list of the world’s most powerful women. In 2007, she topped GQ’s ranking of Washington’s most powerful players. Not only does she appeal to moderates and Republicans, she draws women, African Americans, and Hispanic voters from the Democratic Party. Additionally, Condi may emerge as a strong vice presidential candidate, a possibility the book explores.

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  • Calvin


    Abingdon Pillars of Theology is a series for the college and seminary classroom designed to help students grasp the basic and necessary facts, influence, and significance of major theologians. Written by noted scholars, these books outline the contrxt, methodology, organizing principles, primary contributions, and key writings of people who have shaped theology as we know it today.

    John Calvin (1509-1564) continues to be read and discussed because he illumines our human experience. Although inseparatable from his context, Calvin’s theology speaks for itself, thus identifying ways Calvin remains a living voice for those who struggle with the meaning of Christian faith.

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  • Shattered Soul : My Life With Dissociative Identity Disorder


    Come with Eve as she travels through the 54 years of her life, a life of sadness and pain as well as great victory and joy. Clearly what the devil meant for evil God turned into good. There is nothing quite like experience to make us doubt and reject God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit. There is nothing quite like experience to prove the truth of God’s word. Climbing the mountain of obstacles to reach the destination of faith is exhausting, frightening, maddening at times, and at the same time exhilarating, powerful and joy producing. None of any of these things were possible in the author’s strength. Indeed her journey through hopelessness and helplessness drove her deeper and deeper into her loving Savior’s arms. You may not be able to put this book down once you start it but hang in there and you will feel the thrill of victory of Jesus over the devil in Eve’s life.

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  • Road To Unafraid


    Jeff Struecker, a “Black Hawk Down” hero, the Army’s Top Ranger, now an Army Chaplain, relates his own tales from the frontlines of every U.S. initiative since Panama, and tells how God taught him faith from the front in fear-soaked times. As readers go on-mission with Struecker through his harrowing tales, they will learn how to face their own fears with faith in a mighty God. Just as he told one of his charges in Mogadishu: “The difference between being a coward and a hero is not whether you’re scared, it’s what you do while you’re scared.”

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  • Life Beliefs And Divine Detours Of A Tennessee Mountain Man


    From his youth in the remote mountains of Tennessee on the northern border of the Cumberland Plateau to his career and retirement in upstate South Carolina, Dr. Anderson’s memoir takes us on an awesome journey from his earliest memories and humble beginnings to a fulfilled life achieved by his commitment to his faith and the “pursuit of excellence” in everything he does. He entices the reader with his jewels of wisdom, beliefs and blessings as he weaves his way through the adversities and divine detours of a rewarding life, championed by a compassionate and tolerant wife and influenced by a number of supportive and inspiring mentors along the way. From the beginning he charges boldly into the issues of circumstances, choices, interdependence, uniqueness and diversity and leads us on an inspiring trip through social and spiritual maturity into the resulting faith, hope and dreams of a disciplined and reflective life.

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  • Jonathan Edwards And The Ministry Of The Word


    Historian Douglas Sweeney examines the life and work of Jonathan Edwards, opening us to understand how Edwards’s profound and meticulous study of the Bible securely anchored his powerful preaching, lively theological passions and discerning pastoral work.

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  • Broad Place : An Autobiography


    Jurgen Moltmann’s life and work have marked the history of theology after the Second World War in Europe and North America like no other. He is the most widely read, quoted, and translated theologian of our time. Now, after celebrating his eightieth birthday, he looks back on a life engaged in and forging a Christian response to the tumult and opportunities of our age. In his autobiography Moltmann tells his engaging and searching life story, from his Hamburg youth in an unconventional parental home up to the “incompleteness” of the present moment. Yet his narrative also sheds light on the creative arc of Moltmann’s work, on the journey of his own theological development from its beginnings after World War II through the beginnings of political theology and, most phenomenally, the advent of the theology of hope.

    A wide-ranging document alert to the deeper currents of his time and ours, Moltmann’s work is also an engrossing reconsideration of a life full of intense experience and new beginnings.

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  • Heaven In Ordinary


    George Herbert (1593-1633) is one of English spirituality’s most treasured voices and, with his contemporaries Lancelot Andrewes Izaak Walton and Nicholas Ferrar, he epitomises the best of the 17th century Anglican tradition – learned, holy and self-effacing. Before settling down as a country parish priest – a calling that was cut short by his early death aged 39 – he was a complex character who led a varied life in politics and academia. His inner tensions resulted in memorable writing and a rich spirituality. Here, Philip Sheldrake explores themes in Herbert’s work that stand out as most important: his deep biblical and liturgical roots, his Christ-centred spirituality, his emphasis on the importance of the everyday, his strong sense of place, his understanding of discipleship, his approach to prayer, and, his spirituality of service. Richly illustrated with excerpts from his poetry, prose and letters, this volume offers a comprehensive study guide to one of the most loved poetic voices.

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  • Journey : Walking With The Walkers


    This is the inspiring story and intimate look into the lives of the Walkers, missionary evangelists to the world. David and Kathy share good times and bad; you wil laugh and cry at their adventures at home and away, and share their trials and triumphs of raising children as they traveled.

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  • Journey : Walking With The Walkers


    This is the inspiring story and intimate look into the lives of the Walkers, missionary evangelists to the world. David and Kathy share good times and bad; you wil laugh and cry at their adventures at home and away, and share their trials and triumphs of raising children as they traveled.

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  • Broken Beads On My Moccasins


    If the stars don’t shine, God is the guiding light. If the ocean fails to come home to the shore, God has a plan. If the sun ceases to rise and fall, God’s love prevails. And if a child is born among the weeds and thorns of alcoholism, God can make the garden beautiful. Through all the chaos and confusion of life, His promise of “I will never leave you or forsake you” holds true. This book is a collection of creative writings, cartoons, and inspirational insights that journeys the author’s life from toddler to present. The prevailing theme is that God is in control and showers His children with daily encouragements to love one another as He has loved us. This reminder may come from the gentleness of moonlit snowfall or the comprehension of an autistic child-but it is the great commission carried out from the broken and softened hearts of His children.

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  • Blessed With Bipolar


    “I cracked up – for the first time – on June 4, 1988, three weeks short of completing my Masters degree in Psychology. Some would say I had a nervous breakdown. The psych ward doctors said it was major depression. I say that I saw just how evil my sin is in the eyes of God and it scared the hell out of me . . . I cobbled together some mad reality and blew a fuse . . . I lost my mind, never to be the same again. Thanks be to God! Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ!”

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  • Journey


    The Journey is the story of one Christian couple’s journey through a medical crisis-one as the patient and the other as the advocate/caregiver. Along the way they are supported in prayer by family members, friends, and even strangers. It is the story of God’s provision, His mercy, His love, His grace, His peace, and even His joy in the midst of life’s storm. Even while the characters in the story were experiencing the difficulties of their crisis, God was able to use the circumstances to help grow their faith and help them experience peace. He was also able to use the writer to witness and minister to others along the way who were also in crisis and hurting. This story is intended as an encouragement to any Christian going through a trial, whether it is a similar crisis or not. God’s love and faithfulness apply to any situation. Fellow Christians will be encouraged as they see how God is able to meet every need, even when days are the darkest.

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  • Choices Not Chosen


    A Journey of Brokenness My first introduction to brokenness came at the young age of seven. My parent’s divorce chained our family to everyday terms such as “broken home, single parent family, and child support.” Not wanting to experience the pain, I constructed walls of determination to become a survivor. A survivor determined to “never divorce.” I discovered however, love and determination wasn’t enough when my own marriage of 29 years crumbled to infidelity. Now broken again, the walls tumbled down and forced me to embrace the pain of brokenness. Grieving the losses in my life hurt so deeply, my heart actually ached. Embracing the pain began the transformation of God’s restoration plan to set me FREE! Choices Not Chosen will: Walk you through the valley Hold you close to reality Show you God is present in times of trouble Bring another perspective of brokenness Reveal healing in surrender

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  • In Daddys Arms


    This spell binding true story will keep you captivated as you travel with one girl on a humbling voyage. You will laugh and you will cry as you see a girl try to save herself with her “pk” title, along with any other label she can find, just to find herself lost in an identity she wishes not to claim. In the middle, she slips onto a few crossings that prove in the end to be quite beautiful. On one such passage, this “dignified Christian” finds herself unwed and pregnant. Standing before her father and eighty churches he represents, rumors quickly fly. Unveiled and about to be thrust in to motherhood, the woman marries the father just to learn the father is addicted to steroids and alcohol. Abused and anorexic, the woman finally flees and has her daughter’s father arrested. One would think that is the end of the story. However, the woman finally lets her boring religion grow in to an exhilarating relationship with an exciting Daddy. She comes to find in that charismatic place, away from labels and far from any human man’s grip, she can never fall too far without landing gently in Daddy’s arms. Cradled safely in this newfound place of faith, she remarries her daughter’s father in a blind belief her husband will become a godly man. She is inspired to journey on a gut wrenching expedition, walking every step with a tenacious faith, declaring to all of Heaven and hell she and her family will leave a legacy that will change her community, her world, and perhaps a part of eternity. Somewhere in the middle she too forever is changed, as she finds the highest accolade and her preordained destiny not in any man’s title, but instead resting securely inside of her Daddy’s arms.

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  • Scandalon : Running From Shame And Finding Gods Scandalous Love


    With vivid and transparent writing, Susan takes us on a fascinating journey into the streets and homes of modern China. The travel memoir is interspersed with Susan’s personal story of emotional and spiritual sabotage, shame and shattered dreams. It all comes together as she opens her heart anew to God’s love – the most “scandalous” love of all.

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  • Reinhold Niebuhr Revisited


    Reinhold Niebuhr Revisited offers fresh and creative ways of looking at Niebuhr’s views on religion, politics, and American culture through the eyes of authors with diverse academic backgrounds and perspectives.

    “Despite all the efforts to dismiss and replace [Niebuhr], he remains and is to be reckoned with – profitably, we must say – given the quality of the essays and the qualifications of the essayists in this book. . . . If Niebuhr is worth reading today, what should the reader be looking for, and how might discoveries from a now-historic figure be influential today, and for what should he be noteworthy and a figure of promise? The contributions to this volume are most helpful in answering these questions. . . . Read on, please, and engage Niebuhr anew.”-Martin E. Marty (from the foreword)

    Contributors: Charles C. Brown, Henry B. Clark II, William Dean, Gary Dorrien, Douglas John Hall, Martin Halliwell, Mark Hulsether, Robin W. Lovin, Colm McKeogh, Martin E. Marty, Eyal J. Naveh, David W. Noble, Larry Rasmussen, Daniel F. Rice, Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr., Roger L. Shinn, John E. Smith, Ronald H. Stone, Kenneth W. Thompson.

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  • Gateway To Iraq


    …the compelling and poignant account of one woman’s experience as a chaplain on the edge of war. When Dr. Rachel Coggins received the call to serve overseas, the Army Reservist left a comfortable Georgia home to live in a harsh environment filled with challenge. Assigned to a base called the Gateway, she welcomed military members entering the war zones of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Kuwait and then bid them goodbye when it was time to return stateside. In between those times, Chaplain Coggins listened to the warriors-to their fears, their worries, their heartaches, and sometimes, their joys. She became a confidante to some, a comfort to others, and a friend to still others. Chaplain Coggins offers a glimpse into a world few civilians ever see. In retelling her experiences, Coggins reveals the struggles that confront today’s war-zone Soldiers and their loved ones, struggles that are often hidden from most Americans.

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  • Gateway To Iraq


    …the compelling and poignant account of one woman’s experience as a chaplain on the edge of war. When Dr. Rachel Coggins received the call to serve overseas, the Army Reservist left a comfortable Georgia home to live in a harsh environment filled with challenge. Assigned to a base called the Gateway, she welcomed military members entering the war zones of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Kuwait and then bid them goodbye when it was time to return stateside. In between those times, Chaplain Coggins listened to the warriors-to their fears, their worries, their heartaches, and sometimes, their joys. She became a confidante to some, a comfort to others, and a friend to still others. Chaplain Coggins offers a glimpse into a world few civilians ever see. In retelling her experiences, Coggins reveals the struggles that confront today’s war-zone Soldiers and their loved ones, struggles that are often hidden from most Americans.

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  • Dare To Love Completely


    Follow a young woman off the plane, down winding dusty paths, and through the doors of an orphanage where children are waiting to teach you the most important lessons in life. Travel past the orphanage to the surrounding villages, and stoop inside darkened huts to greet men, women, and children whose stories of amazing faith give you strength and courage to go forth and fight the everyday battles. See the AIDS epidemic spread from household to household, yet watch as each one rises from the ashes and keeps going. Return in the evening to the quiet cement house enveloped in darkness, the only light a small glow from your candle. Look around the room at your new friends, a people willing to trust God and find joy in the midst of these devastating circumstances. You will come to realize that no matter what a person faces, the pain of grief and hardship is greatly diminished in the presence of lavish love. Come experience true love!

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  • Forged By The Fires Of Adversity


    Dealing with the storms of life can wear down even the most resilient person. It is easy to lose your way when you are being battered about. Chelle Lynne tells a compelling and inspiring story about her journey of faith as she cared for her daughter Alyssa who had special needs and eventually died at the age of 3. She lays out a remarkable journey from non-believer to Christian through an amazing little girl who never spoke a word, yet touched so many people. Her journey provides hope for those who feel hopeless and outlines strategies for keeping your faith in times of trouble. The principles discussed can be applied by anyone for any situation if they just remain open to the direction the Lord leads them. While her journey isn’t complete, the lord laid a burden on her heart to share her story.

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  • Slowly By Slowly


    Growing up in a small Mississippi town Patrick dreamed of being a missionary to some exotic far away place. Through a series of disappointments, illness and heartbreak he was compelled to follow a narrow path. This would-be adventurer was being called to die to himself and live in Christ. This book is the story of the death of a dream and the birth of a vision that would become a new ministry born in suffering, carried out in simplicity and grounded in ancient roots. In a day of innovation and strategy this missionary implores us to rethink what it means to be a disciple of Christ, and calls to those who will join in a journey that takes place one step at the time. “Conformity to the image of Christ is not a prayer for a moment; rather it is a lifetime of faith and obedience that happens slowly by slowly.”

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  • Dare To Be Transparent


    Sexual sin affects not only individuals but also entire families. In Dare to be transparent Charlie Hernandez shares his experiences and testifies about the work of God in his life and marriage, after struggling with homosexuality since early childhood. Written with a simple but deep style, the author shares his life so that, in the same way he was delivered and restored by the power of God, others may receive consolation, forgiveness and restoration from sexual brokenness. He challenges the reader to accept the resources that God has provided in the body of Christ for deliverance and freedom, without the fear of being rejected or misunderstood. In order to facilitate the learning dynamics and help the interaction of a group study, Charlie Hernandez presents a tool for discussion and analysis at the end of each chapter: *Points of reflection *Points of interest *How to help a loved one

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  • From Trials To Triumphs


    How did Cosmas and Charity Maduka create the Coscharis phenomenon despite the challenges inherent in their background and the vicissitudes of a developing country? Unarguably one Nigerian whose entrepreneurial skills have touched virtually every sector of the Nigerian economy.

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  • From Trials To Triumphs


    How did Cosmas and Charity Maduka create the Coscharis phenomenon despite the challenges inherent in their background and the vicissitudes of a developing country? Unarguably one Nigerian whose entrepreneurial skills have touched virtually every sector of the Nigerian economy.

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  • It Just Doesnt Make Sense


    Healing in the aftermath of a great loss is not easy. When the love of my life was lost to a brain tumor, grief recovery became unimaginable. Through the process of writing, I am helping myself to heal and documenting information that may help others. This book records the events and feelings we experienced during the three months and two weeks from diagnosis to the death of my wife. The role of doctors, friends, family, and pastors is presented, along with the tools and techniques that helped us to traverse this “valley of the shadow of death.” If you do not share our Christian faith, the tools, techniques, and experiences are still worth reading. The battle with cancer is difficult. Shared experience is a useful weapon in battle.

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  • Taiwan Connections : Fond Memories


    These are the stories of thirty ordinary men and women from the cities and rural towns of America. They met, fell in love, married, and started families – the American Dream. Then they experienced the call of an extraordinary God and followed where He led, to a far-away, undeveloped country filled with breath-taking beauty, exotic smells, strange sights and a charming, inspiring people – Formosa – Beautiful Island – Taiwan. The experiences chronicled in this book occurred during war and peace, victory and defeat, disappointment and excitement, as these couples sought to live out their obedient response to God’s call in a strange land. These are stories of fear and calmness, of loss and gain, of failure and success, of hurt and blessings, of faith and doubt. These are stories of tears and of laughter, watching their children grow up, and growing old together, and how they learned to depend on the faithfulness of their extraordinary God.

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