
Showing 901–950 of 1086 results

  • Desert Rat : The Remarkable Story Of Aileen Coleman


    She has been celebrated by the princely and noble as well as the lowly and oppressed. She is known by many names-“The Angel of the Desert,” “Blood Brother to the Bedouin,” and “A’raisa, the Leader”-and through “honors” bestowed upon her by Queen Elizabeth, she is entitled to be known as Dame Aileen Coleman. One dignitary lovingly referred to her as “one of the greatest servants God ever put on His earth.” Medical missionary Aileen Coleman humbly shuns such pretentious and flowery titles, maintaining she is only “a desert rat.” Her longtime friend, Franklin Graham, president of the Christian relief and evangelism organization Samaritan’s Purse, asks, “How is it possible that this lady from Bundaberg, Australia, could turn the Arab world upside down?” The story of her faithfulness and servanthood through four decades of ministry in the Middle East could change your life forever.

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  • 7 Chambers Of Hell


    A True Story of One Man’s Trip Through Hell and Back Why does Hell exist? What must it be like for unbelievers who have rejected salvation? Why would a loving God condemn “anyone” to ETERNAL damnation? Similar questions have puzzled us for centuries, but many will be answered in this intriguing book, which takes the reader on a disturbing journey through the demonic realms of Hell. This book recounts the graphic vision received by a young Death Row inmate, Jeremiah Rodgers. Enlightening, albeit unsettling, this should be read prayerfully. Almost certainly, this vision will change the way many view life-and death. This is a “must read” for those seeking to understand “what” Hell really is, and “who” will go there. It is a place of loathing and fear, intense pain and hopelessness, and physical and spiritual torment without end. Just as the wonders of Heaven are unimaginable-so are the horrors of Hell.

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  • Francis Of Assisi


    Cunningham takes exception to sentimental portraits of Francis, whether as a “blesser of animals,” “church rebel,” or precursor of the “spirituality” movement, preferring instead to see Francis as a reformer of the medieval church, whose vow of poverty and unusual lifestyle sought to “act out” Scripture.

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  • Bonhoeffer Phenomenon : Portraits Of A Protestant Saint


    Stephen Haynes offers a provocative assessment of the Bonhoeffer mystique, which interprets Bonhoeffer’s legacy through the medium of sainthood. Before casting an eye on the great pastor-theologian through a hagiographic lens, Haynes examines various receptions and appropriations of Bonhoeffer from different theological, ecclesial, and political contexts. Bonhoeffer is viewed from such divergent perspectives as radical theology and politics (exemplified in “death of God” theology), liberal theology and social ethics, conservative popular Christianity and evangelicalism, and lastly, the universal portrait of Bonhoeffer, which highlights his ecumenical significance. The Bonhoeffer Phenomenon provides an invaluable introduction to Bonhoeffer studies, while also offering its own unique analysis of Bonhoeffer’s life and thought.

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  • Living With Mt Vesuvius


    A daughter’s journey with a mentally ill mother and the experiences God gave her to endure The author weaves into our hearts tales of her childhood, adolescence, and adult years spent with a mother who battled the demons of mental illness and depression. The mother ached for an alcoholic husband who abandoned her with two small children, struggled every day to support her family, and unleashed her anger on her children. She was the author’s Mt. Vesuvius, a volatile, unpredictable Italian volcano that erupted in rage and bitterness. As the author grew older, she gained a unique appreciation for the people and experiences placed by God in her path to help her grow, survive, and even bloom despite the volcanic ashes that nearly buried her. This is a story of courage, spirit, fight, and survival. The author shares this deeply personal journey to inspire readers to give thought to the adversities dealt to them, to learn life’s lessons, and then to move forward with courage, dignity, and unabashed hope.

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  • Stars Beyond The Storm


    “Stars Beyond the Storm tells the true story of its author during an agonizing time of pain and confusion. It is the written chronicle of a woman who is determined to live a ‘pain with purpose’ life. It is the journey of someone who refused to get bitter, but prayerfully just became better. And it is the inspiration to all its readers that reminds us that every single day of our lives, we hold inside our own hearts the most significant power in the universe: the power of choice. “Grab a great cup of coffee, find a comfortable chair, and consider even sneaking a Kleenex or two into your hand. Stars Beyond the Storm will not only move you to live life a little differently, it will challenge you to look at the disappointments of life from a slightly different vantage point.” -Jeanne Mayo, President, YOUTH SOURCE MINISTRIES

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  • Rescuing The Raggedy Man


    Hope for the Hurting Think of the term “homeless person,” and you’ll see him: the raggedy man. Reeking of alcohol and cigarette smoke. Hasn’t showered in weeks. Tattered old coat. Staggering down the sidewalk, clutching a bottle of cheap whiskey. Or maybe you see her. Mismatched clothes that others would have used for rags. Stringy, unwashed hair sticking out from under a dirty, knit stocking cap. Three kids, somewhere, from three different fathers. For more than four decades, in the name of Jesus Christ, the Rockford Rescue Mission has served compassion and generosity to raggedy people. Some look the part. But many more look like people you’d see every day. They’ve simply messed up, and life has unraveled. Hurting, hopeless, raggedy people walk among us-we just don’t see past their masks. They’re in our neighborhoods, our workplaces, and our churches. There even may be one in your mirror. If there’s a common theme to the many stories you’re about to read, it’s this: For all who hurt, there is great news. God is in the rescue business. He changes lives and gives hope where all seemed hopeless, even for raggedy people like us.

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  • Grandmas Secrets And Memories


    Read of Solveig. Share in this Norwegian immigrant’s true adventures and lifetime story. See how special an everyday common person’s life can be when dedicated early and diligently to Jesus. With God, ordinary and painful days can be filled with extraordinary blessings and miracles. Placing full trust in her Lord, miraculous healings, visions, and angelic interventions interrupt and impact her life. Petitioning God, going through opened doors, and trusting completely in Him are rewarded. Solveig’s life gives evidence of God’s awareness of and faithfulness to all of His children. Written as a legacy to her grandchildren, Solveig recounts a confused and disappointing childhood; the traumatic Nazi Occupation of Norway; meeting and marrying Arne; immigrating to America; and seasons of family growth, trials, lack, and loss. The evidence of God’s faithfulness to Solveig encourages others to choose and remain determined to follow God’s paths for their lives.

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  • Radiance : A Spiritual Memoir Of Evelyn Underhill


    With excerpts from both her published writings and private journals, this compilation presents a candid look at the extraordinary spiritual journey of Evelyn Underhill, who is credited with the modern rediscovery of mysticism. Clarifies how her views changed; discusses little-known struggles.

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  • High Calling : The Courageous Life And Faith Of Space Shuttle Columbia Comm


    Rick Husband wanted to be an astronaut since his fourth birthday, but it wasn’t always for the right reasons. Initially, he thought it would be neat . . . cool . . . a fun thing to do. It wasn’t until he came to a spiritual crossroads and was able to give that dream up to discover the true desires of his heart before he actually got into the space shuttle program at NASA. Three failed attempts didn’t daunt this driven pilot-and the fourth interview process, though lengthy and difficult, proved successful for him. Husband’s years at NASA served not only to develop his integrity and character, but also to increase his faith in a Creator that could not be denied in the vastness of space. His story is not only inspirational but exhilarating and invigorating, as readers will witness the life of a man who consistently pursued the desires of his heart even as he served a faithful God.

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  • Zig : The Autobiography Of Zig Ziglar


    Zig Ziglar, the motivational speaker who has galvanized audiences around the world and written more than a dozen perennially popular books, brings that same unbounded energy and clarity of vision to this candid, inspiring account of his own life and the forces that shaped it.

    Every year, Zig Ziglar travels all over the world delivering a resounding message of hope and commitment in forums ranging from high-powered business conferences and church leadership assemblies to youth conventions and educational gatherings. In Zig, Ziglar chronicles another kind of journey: his own transformation from a struggling, not terribly successful salesman to the sales champion of several different companies, and finally to his current position as one of the world’s best-known and most highly regarded motivational speakers and trainers. As he describes his experiences, he brings to life the essence of his teachings: “You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.”

    At the heart of Ziglar’s story are the people who taught him the importance of balancing a commitment to hard work with compassion for others. His first teacher was his mother, who raised him alone after the early death of his father, and introduced him to the principles and values he has honored for the rest of his life. Her lessons were reinforced by many others-from the men and women who became his business mentors to the friends and spiritual leaders who comforted and supported him when things got tough. Paying tribute to each of them, Ziglar zeroes in on the philosophy and traits that have enabled him to achieve success in business and in his personal life: discipline, hard work, common sense, integrity, commitment, and an infectious sense of humor.

    Ziglar’s speaking engagements and seminars along with a wide array of audio and video materials, books, and training manuals, have helped to trigger positive changes in small businesses, Fortune 500 companies, U.S. government agencies, nonprofit associations, religious organizations, schools, and prisons. At once engaging and enlightening, Zig provides a riveting portrait of the man who has achieved so much by embracing the simple but profound goal of helping others.

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  • Present From God


    For nearly two years, Alice and her husband Charles sought to determine God’s will for their lives. In 1989, with almost half the world in the grips of political reform, this average American Christian couple packed their bags.Trusting totally in His guiding hand, they began their global mission for God: smuggling Bibles into hostile countries. The power of God’s Word-and the miracle-working power of God in action-is soon evident as they stumble into a world of danger, suspense, and corruption.Yet through the tangled web of international espionage, the couple soon develops a political savvy while relying on their ever-present sense of humor. Was there more than one reason God sent Alice and Charles on this perilous journey? Was there some message for them to bring back to America? Recharge your patriotic zeal and challenge your faith: A Present from God is a story for American Christians today.

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  • Blindsided By Grace


    An active pastor, husband, father, and triathlete, Bob Molsberry was nearly killed in 1997 in a hit and run accident on a rural highway. After a long period of recovery and rehabilitation, he is a paraplegic who has remained active in family, ministry, and athletics. This book reflects on his experience of disability not as a medical condition in serach of a cure, nor as a tragedy to be pitied, but as a cross-cultural adventure similar to learning to live in a foreign country. Molsberry also offers biblical and theological reflection that confronts the Bible’s perspectives on disability–that it is a matter of heroic suffering or miraculous cure, and often interpreted as a consequence of sin.

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  • Wounded In The Church


    This book is about the life of a woman of God who experienced many hurting and challenging situations in the church and how God brought her through them. Not only was she able to come through her challenges, but she also was healed from the hurts she faced in the church. The author also uses her experiences to encourage those facing different situations, hurts, and problems within the church. She challenges the reader to seek for healing because, regardless of the dilemmas found among the people of God in the physical church building, there’s healing in the church because the church is found within us. Through the Word of God and prayer, Jesus will heal every ailment we encounter.

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  • Fierce Goodbye : Living In The Shadow Of Suicide


    What does the Bible say on the topic of suicide? What does it not say? G. Lloyd Carr, now professor emeritus of biblical and theological studies at Gordon College, Mass., began to ask these questions after a precious daughter-in-law died by suicide. He embarked on a thorough canvassing of the scriptures and church history on this topic, which helped him on his grief journey.

    His poet wife, Gwendolyn C. Carr, who has published poetry in several magazines and is the author of Stars And Songs and Diamonds In A Daisy Field, found solace in writing out her responses and thoughts in moving, sensitive poetry. Their combined efforts in this destinctive book meld the pain and poignancy of the devastating experience of a family member’s suicide with expertise from their respective professions.

    This book is first and foremost a penetrating account of a family dealing with suicide, and offers solid guidance for those who worry about the eternal fate of a loved one. It also provides a reliable and readable summary of Christian thinking about suicide, useful for pastors, counselors, students and teachers.

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  • On Wings Of A Butterfly


    On Wings of a Butterfly is about a young woman’s plight. Because of her dysfunctional family, she had to fight her way through emotionally and physically. Her parents were divorced when she was three years old. She grew up with the hope of one day being able to have solid family values and the respect of her children.However, her mother, a Madame and well-known prostitute, sought to keep her profession in the family, threatening Sheila’s vision. Sheila looked to other women such as her grandmother, godmother, and aunts as role models for strength and encouragement. At the age of sixteen, she gave birth to her first child; eight weeks later, her fiance was murdered. At the age of twenty, she married her first husband, only to lose him to a freak accident six weeks after their first child was born. Devastated, Sheila went on to encounter many other terrible circumstances such as rapes and drug abuse, resulting in a broken heart and depression that threatened her mental instability. Early one morning, Sheila fell to her knees in hope of deliverance from a life she no longer wanted, which was sending her deeper and deeper into a pit of no return. After her deliverance, Sheila moved to the Washington, D.C., area where God began to tug on her life. She became a spokeswoman for the Gospel and a living testament to God’s glorious miracles. During this time, she met and married one of her miracles, her present husband. Sheila went into ministerial studies under the direction and leadership of her present pastor, Roland Kenner Jr., of the International Church of Christ. Many women all over the world face devastations and heartaches as they fall victim to bondage.However, it does not have to be that way. God is a healer of all things, and He can take away the pain no matter what it is, no matter how devastating.

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  • Lenten Lands : My Childhood With Joy Davidman And C S Lewis


    Including the True Story of the Remarkable Love Affair between Joy Davidman and C. S. Lewis

    There has probably never been a less likely couple: she, an American divorcee and the mother of two young boys; he, an Oxford don and confirmed bachelor who inhabited an eccentric household with his brother, a retired Royal Army major. Yet the relationship of C. S. Lewis and Joy Davidman, portrayed in this moving autobiography by her son Douglas Gresham, was destined to become of the most deeply moving love stories of our time.

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  • Ways Of My Life


    “The Ways of My Life is a super book filled with lots of emotion and courage. I enjoyed it very much. It shows how someone at a young age could endure so much hardship and pain and still continue to love the Lord. I would highly recommend this book to all of my family as well as any one of my friends.” -WILLIAM C. CLEVELAND, VICE MAYOR, ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA. “It was a perfect joy to read this book. I am sure this book will encourage many to make God supreme in their lives.” -DR. ROBERT E. ROBINSON. This inspiring autobiography is about a woman who as a child was left to fend for herself with no real home. She found her way in this world by her faith, hope, and love for God. Through her journey she practiced caring, loving, and forgiving by the blessing of God and the love and support of kind people who crossed her path. You will be moved by her story of working with what you have to achieve a fulfilling life!

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  • God Called Her Josiah


    God Called Her … Josiah invites readers to journey into a world of observations of home life, church, and school. Josiah tells of her life as a young child growing into a young lady. Throughout her life she faced struggles, adversity, and challenges as a female bearing the name of a biblical man of great significance.

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  • God Called Her Josiah


    God Called Her … Josiah invites readers to journey into a world of observations of home life, church, and school. Josiah tells of her life as a young child growing into a young lady. Throughout her life she faced struggles, adversity, and challenges as a female bearing the name of a biblical man of great significance.

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  • Thrive High : The Powerfully Inspirational True Story Of Lynn Lingen Felter


    Brought up in rural Pennsylvania, Lynn Lingenfelter had it all: a wonderful childhood, three brothers and a twin sister, loving parents, a successful start to his college career, and a Christian outlook on life. At nineteen, the world was his and success was pre-determined. Then his phone rang and his life changed forever. Three years before, Lynn had climbed a huge mountain. After being shot by his best friend in a hunting accident, almost dying, enduring surgery, receiving forty-plus pints of blood, spending thirty-two days in the hospital, and undergoing six months of rehabilitation, Lynn returned to his carefree life. Believing the accident was behind him, Lynn learned during that phone call that it would remain with him the rest of his life. The blood he received was tainted. Lynn was HIV positive. Thrive High is a look into a soul lost and reclaimed through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. You will be inspired as you realize that through God’s love and care, all mountains can be successfully climbed.

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  • Billy Graham Story (Revised)


    An updated account of the inspiring and influential life of Dr. Billy Graham When the hijacked planes slammed into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001, President Bush immediately proclaimed a National Day of Prayer and Remembrance. For the interfaith, interdenominational service at the Washington National Cathedral he chose Billy Graham to give the address. At that terrible hour no other clergyman, whatever his office, could so aptly bring the Word of God to America and a watching world. At 84, Billy Graham remains one of the most respected people in the world today. He has addressed over eighty-two million people face to face and at least one billion people through television, radio, and satellite. Yet he is far more than an evangelist of integrity and vision; he is a Christian statesman whose profound influence on the growth and depth of Christianity across the world cannot be overestimated. This official biography of Dr. Graham is based on his private files, correspondence, and interviews, as well as the author’s widespread research. Written by John Pollock, Dr. Graham’s official biographer, parts one and two (1918 to 1978), based on Pollock’s authorized biographies, have been abridged and contain new material. Part three (1978 to 1983) deals at length with Dr. Graham’s controversial visit to Moscow, which can now be seen as a factor in the fall of communism. Part four (1984 to 2003) updates the story to recent events, including the horrors of September 11 and the honorary knighthood Dr. Graham received from the Queen of England in December 2001. An 8-page section of black-and-white photos are new to this book.

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  • Evidence Not Seen


    10 Chapters

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    “‘As an American spy, you are worthy of death. ‘With that, he drew his finger across his throat then slapped the hilt of the sword at his side. All time froze around me…In terror I watched the man’s hand fold around the iilt of the sword…”

    This is the true story of a young American missionary woman’s courage and triumph of faith in the jungles of New Guinea and her four years in a notorious Japanese prison camp. Never to see her husband again, she was forced to sign a confession to a crime she did not commit and face the executioner’s sword only to be miraculously spared.

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  • Triumphant : The Gates Of Hell Cannot Have Me


    A life-long journey beginning with the author’s ancestral background, tied in with the history of the Hatfield-McCoy feud, which is covered in the book for your enlightenment and education. You will then visit races and cultures that span the globe into some twenty-five countries. The story covers the life of a young man, coming from humble beginnings out of the rural backwoods of Kentucky, and how God reached down and touched his receptive heart some 75 years ago, at the young age of 15. He began his ministry and pursued his education at Bible Training School (Lee University in Cleveland, Tennessee). During the first year of BTS God called him to mission work, specifically to the Middle East Bible Lands and Mediterranean Region. Then he met Myrtle, the love of his life. They married and enjoyed the birth of two children. Through a valley-of-despair experience with their son’s illness and near death, God got his attention and here you will learn the meaning of submission to God’s will! Now you’ll travel with a very young family some 6,000 miles away from the comforts of life in America, to journey into another world where the missionary is not welcomed. Here you will learn the experiences they encountered while living during the turbulent wars between Israel, Palestine, Egypt and other Arab countries, at the time of the division of land and Israel became a nation. A resemblance of today where history continues to repeat itself. You will learn of a sin the United Nations will live with forever! As you read your Bible you will sense it unfolding while you travel with the author through the Bible Lands of a span of many years! Discover the challenges of a missionary and gain insight of the meaning of life on the mission field. Can you visualize living in the villages, learning the languages and customs of new cultures? Learn how churches were established, schools were opened, and how lives were touched as needs of people were met! What are people like in other countries when you are the foreigner? Get to know the people. What is the meaning of being open to God’s will for your life? Always with a willing heart, you will discover how God directed the author’s life! The time came for the Hatfields to return to the States, but their hearts have always remained in the Middle East. This book reveals their challenges and victories over the years. Upon retirement, Reverend Hatfield began writing about his life’s journey from notes compiled over 70+ years. This book

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  • Triumphant : The Gates Of Hell Cannot Have Me


    A life-long journey beginning with the author’s ancestral background, tied in with the history of the Hatfield-McCoy feud, which is covered in the book for your enlightenment and education. You will then visit races and cultures that span the globe into some twenty-five countries. The story covers the life of a young man, coming from humble beginnings out of the rural backwoods of Kentucky, and how God reached down and touched his receptive heart some 75 years ago, at the young age of 15. He began his ministry and pursued his education at Bible Training School (Lee University in Cleveland, Tennessee). During the first year of BTS God called him to mission work, specifically to the Middle East Bible Lands and Mediterranean Region. Then he met Myrtle, the love of his life. They married and enjoyed the birth of two children. Through a valley-of-despair experience with their son’s illness and near death, God got his attention and here you will learn the meaning of submission to God’s will! Now you’ll travel with a very young family some 6,000 miles away from the comforts of life in America, to journey into another world where the missionary is not welcomed. Here you will learn the experiences they encountered while living during the turbulent wars between Israel, Palestine, Egypt and other Arab countries, at the time of the division of land and Israel became a nation. A resemblance of today where history continues to repeat itself. You will learn of a sin the United Nations will live with forever! As you read your Bible you will sense it unfolding while you travel with the author through the Bible Lands of a span of many years! Discover the challenges of a missionary and gain insight of the meaning of life on the mission field. Can you visualize living in the villages, learning the languages and customs of new cultures? Learn how churches were established, schools were opened, and how lives were touched as needs of people were met! What are people like in other countries when you are the foreigner? Get to know the people. What is the meaning of being open to God’s will for your life? Always with a willing heart, you will discover how God directed the author’s life! The time came for the Hatfields to return to the States, but their hearts have always remained in the Middle East. This book reveals their challenges and victories over the years. Upon retirement, Reverend Hatfield began writing about his life’s journey from notes compiled over 70+ years. This book

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  • Warning Teaching May Be Hazardous To Your Health


    Perry Sproat’s little book, Warning! Teaching May be Hazardous to Your Health, is about her eleven years of teaching school in the San Diego City School District. During those eleven years she encountered many children full of anger and frustration who needed tender, loving discipline and understanding.

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  • Cash : The Autobiography


    He was the “Man in Black,” a country music legend, and the quintessential American troubadour. He was an icon of rugged individualism who had been to hell and back, telling the tale as never before. In his unforgettable autobiography, Johnny Cash tells the truth about the highs and lows, the struggles and hard-won triumphs, and the people who shaped him.

    In his own words, Cash set the record straight — and dispelled a few myths — as he looked unsparingly at his remarkable life: from the joys of his boyhood in Dyess, Arkansas to superstardom in Nashville, Tennessee, the road of Cash’s life has been anything but smooth. Cash writes of the thrill of playing with Elvis, the comfort of praying with Billy Graham; of his battles with addiction and of the devotion of his wife, June; of his gratitude for life, and of his thoughts on what the afterlife may bring. Here, too, are the friends of a lifetime, including Willie Nelson, Roy Orbison, Bob Dylan, and Kris Kristofferson. As powerful and memorable as one of his classic songs, Cash is filled with the candor, wit, and wisdom of a man who truly “walked the line.”

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  • Atravesando Fronteras – (Spanish)


    Nuestra “casa”, mas que un lugar fisico, es un conjunto de recuredos que nos permite comprender mejor quienes eramos, quienes somos, y puede ayudarnos a comprender quienes seremos. Ese sentido de pertenencia es el que nos define. Algunos dejan su “casa”, su hogar, muy pronto en sus vidas; para ellos es muy dificil encontrar su centro emocional. Estan, a veces, condenados a una vida sin equilibrio. Pero tambien es una existencia con mucha libertad. Sin frontera alguna, estos eternos viajeros no dejan de buscar aventuras y experiencias limite esperando encontrar algun dia, como Ulises, un lugar que puedan llamar su “casa”. Asi empieza el viaje de la extraordinaria autobiografia de Jorge Ramos, un periodista que encarna este espiritu aventurero a la perfeccion, y que espera, algun dia, encontrar un lugar en el cual se sienta como en casa. Por primera vez, Jorge Ramos, el mas prestigioso presentador de noticias en espanol comparte su vida personal con sus lectores, televidentes y radioescuchas. Hable de lost amores de su vida, de su pasion por el periodismo de sus viajes y entrevistas y de su propio concepto de realizacion espiritual. Es, al mismo tiempo, una invitacion a aprovechar al maximo cada instante de nuestra vida. En este libro conocemos al hombre de la television al que millones de latinos e hispanoparlantes le han dado toda su confianza durante anos. Asi descubrimos que Ramos es alguien que comprende que para vivir plenamente, hay que tomar riesgos, y que sin riesgos no hay recompensa. Ramos cuenta de sus conflictos, de nino, con los sacerdotes benedictinos, de sus luchas como estudianted en Los Angeles a principios de los ochentas, de su primera incursion en el periodismo norteamericano y de las advertencias de las grandes cadenas de television en ingles de que jamas llegaria a un puesto importante si no perdia su acento. Se equivocaron. De esta manera Ramos nos abre las puertas al mundo de los medios de comunicacion en espanol, un mundo que muchos criticos veian como innecesario e irrelevante y que ahora se ha convertido en uno de los sectores mas poderosos de la cultura estadounidense. Con las historias de las muchas guerras que has cubierto, los lugares que has visitado y los poderosos y temidos lideres mundiales que ha entrevistado, Ramos cautiva a sus lectores contandoles la trayectoria y los altibajos de un periodista que llego a un pais que quisiera llamar su casa, pero que no puede. Descubrimos tambien, a un hombre cuya atraccion por las e

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  • I Bear A Cross


    Do you know your spiritual self? Do you know your mission and purpose in life? Are you or someone dear to you experiencing a lengthy mental or physical illness? Then it’s a must that you journey with Peggy Thomas Templeman, a professional social worker and survivor of clinical depression-a condition with which she has struggled for over forty years. Her highly inspirational autobiography tells of her almost insurmountable challenges, of progressively increasing trust and faith in God, and of the powerful light of hope. Feel the author’s struggles prior to birth and on through college, marriage, motherhood, numerous hospitalizations, and up to the completion of this book. She acknowledges this writing as a “divine assignment.” Marvel with Peggy Templeman in her recent diagnosis of Meniere’s Disease-an inner ear disorder. According to some medical professionals, it is this condition that could have contributed to her lengthy struggles with depression.

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  • I Bear A Cross


    Do you know your spiritual self? Do you know your mission and purpose in life? Are you or someone dear to you experiencing a lengthy mental or physical illness? Then it’s a must that you journey with Peggy Thomas Templeman, a professional social worker and survivor of clinical depression-a condition with which she has struggled for over forty years. Her highly inspirational autobiography tells of her almost insurmountable challenges, of progressively increasing trust and faith in God, and of the powerful light of hope. Feel the author’s struggles prior to birth and on through college, marriage, motherhood, numerous hospitalizations, and up to the completion of this book. She acknowledges this writing as a “divine assignment.” Marvel with Peggy Templeman in her recent diagnosis of Meniere’s Disease-an inner ear disorder. According to some medical professionals, it is this condition that could have contributed to her lengthy struggles with depression.

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  • Vicar To Dads Army


    “He is one of the best known faces in television comedy, yet the long-suffering vicar of Walmington-On-Sea is in real life a Christian of deep conviction. Perfectly cast as the eccentric vicar, constantly tetchy at the invasion of his church hall by Captain Mainwaring and the elderly platoon, he appeared in “”Dad’s Army”” throughout its nine-year run and also in many other television and stage dramas. Still in constant demand for public appearances, Frank takes an affectionate view behind the scenes of the series and the world of show business and reveals his personal journey through faith.”

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  • Chapter One : A Modern Day Testimony


    In a world full of crime, tragedy, and death, we do not hear enough of the positive events. The world seems to be most interested in who died, who slept with whom, who killed whom, and so on. Tragedy is the top story of every news program and the headline of every newspaper. Where is the good news? We do not hear about what God is doing. We all have stories to tell. Just think if no one had written down the accounts that we now read in the Bible, or if historians had not recorded the events from which we get our history books. No one would know that God exists today, and our past would be lost. This book is an account of the first ten years of my walk with the Lord. My desire is that this book will glorify God, and encourage you in the challenges you face. May it inspire you to write your own story.

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  • Synans Of Virginia


    The Synans of Virginia are descended from the ancient and noble Synan clan of County Cork in southern Ireland. With roots in Normandy, they came to Wales after the Norman invasion of 1066 A.D. and then migrated to Ireland in 1172 A.D. Here they owned twelve thousand acres of land, built castles, endowed churches, fought battles with their neighbors, and became a leading and powerful Irish family. This is the story of how a twelve-year-old lad, William Synan, came over to America in 1812, was stranded in Petersburg because of the war with England, and never saw his native land again. For almost two hundred years the Synans of Virginia have lived in America, fought in the nation’s wars, raised huge families, and contributed to the drama and richness of American life.

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  • Synans Of Virginia


    The Synans of Virginia are descended from the ancient and noble Synan clan of County Cork in southern Ireland. With roots in Normandy, they came to Wales after the Norman invasion of 1066 A.D. and then migrated to Ireland in 1172 A.D. Here they owned twelve thousand acres of land, built castles, endowed churches, fought battles with their neighbors, and became a leading and powerful Irish family. This is the story of how a twelve-year-old lad, William Synan, came over to America in 1812, was stranded in Petersburg because of the war with England, and never saw his native land again. For almost two hundred years the Synans of Virginia have lived in America, fought in the nation’s wars, raised huge families, and contributed to the drama and richness of American life.

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  • Something Beautiful For God


    In celebration of Mother Teresa’s beatification in October of 2003, HarperOne is proud to present a new edition of the classic work that introduced Mother Teresa to the Western world. Something Beautiful for God interprets her life through her conversations with Malcolm Muggeridge, the quintessential worldly skeptic who experienced a remarkable conversion to Christianity because of her exemplary influence. He hails her as a “light which could never be extinguished.”

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  • God I Love


    “The God I Love is the book that captures my heart and thoughts in the events, dialogues, memories, images, and scenes of my life_my walk with God.”_Joni Eareckson Tada Joni’s name is synonymous around the world with the words “loving God.” She has lived out these words since the diving accident thirty-six years ago that left her paralyzed from the shoulders down. Now in The God I Love she looks back on the whole of her life through eyes that can see how that accident actually moved her in a new direction, saving her from another tragedy of her own making. This story-driven narrative captures the events and images of Joni’s remarkable life as she describes her life in six themes. She begins with her life as an ordinary girl who is blessed by an extraordinary God_but not without tragic turns. Then she ponders the question, would she have been an artist if she had not broken her neck? She recognizes that through prayer she enters into God’s holy presence and finds that he answers her prayers in full measure. She acknowledges that it is only through the kindness of friends that she has bathed or eaten or done the countless simple tasks that make up everyday life. Because of her unusual situation, her wheelchair has rolled onto platforms around the world where millions of people have heard her speak about her Savior. Through tragedy Joni has come to know God, the living, surprising, wonderful Lord of all. A note from Joni_ The God I Love is a memory still unfolding of the journey that keeps taking me deeper into the heart of my Savior. It’s my prayer that this story, which spans over fifty years, will resonate with each person who takes time to pick up the book…it’s my prayer that The God I Love will serve as a roadmap, a guide, a signpost to light the journey of each reader, helping them to see their sweet, soft desperation of Jesus, too.

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  • Daniel Boone : His Own Story


    First published in the early 1800s, this true-life account set the record straight on the mythic Daniel Boone and established him as an American hero.

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  • Return To Randolf County


    Seeing the moral decay of America, Jane Sandford was inspired by God to write about the America that she knew growing up some fifty years ago. Four years in the making, Return to Randolph County is the story of a southern girl growing up in a big city and her many travels back to the land of her childhood. On a visit in 1992 while in search of her roots, God would speak to her spirit that she had a Godly heritage and that he had a higher plan for her life. Her desire is to make the reader stop and think of where he is headed, and to help spark a fire in the hearts of many to return to the God of their forefathers before the return of Christ.

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  • Footprints In My Rearview Mirror


    People leave footprints that run through other lives. Sometimes they gradually increase to make a path, which becomes a trail, then a rutted road, a highway, a freeway, and on and on into one’s fading memories. Some of them are but little puffs in the dust or snow, while others are huge craters and ruts in the mud that leave big scars or become great indelible lessons about life as one passes through the world system toward eternity. The people and events mentioned in this book are real and are recorded as accurately as possible. So as not to misrepresent anyone or anything, many unclear parts have been omitted. The Japanese American WWII experience had a heavy impact on the circumstances that shaped the sociological, psychological, and spiritual post-war life of Mr. Oiye. This book is written to illustrate how God chose the author to become a believer and follower of Jesus Christ as his Savior and Lord from the beginning, and how He guarantees that it will not only happen, but He will continue to provide the means to match the circumstance. “Just getting old is a sterile way of life, but growing old gracefully is a God-given gift.”

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  • Journey


    Do you desire freedom from religious bondage? Are you frustrated with rules? The Journey is a true story that chronicles an extraordinary search for the existence of God. The story begins with her ancestors from whom she has received blessings and cursings. She discovers that dark, unseen forces have her under surveillance, watching for an opportune time to bring her into temptation and deception. Her carnal nature falls prey to the influence of ungodly temptations, and she is lured into the world of fleeting pleasure and sin. Seeking relief from her dilemma catapults her into a smorgasbord of erroneous religious groups. As she adheres to the rules and rituals of religion, she realizes that keeping rules does not tame the carnal beast within. She exchanges her life of sin for one of self-righteousness, false humility, and counterfeit Christianity. Family casualties become a byproduct of her journey, and they are left behind in the tumultuous aftermath. Who can rescue her? Only One-Jesus Christ! Discovering the truth, her journey takes a sharp turn. She realizes she has not been following God’s true path, but man’s interpretation of it. She undergoes spiritual surgery that removes the false belief systems she had embraced, and she finds the true freedom that Christ proclaimed: “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.”

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  • Mary Lincoln : Wife And Widow


    This is a book of rare distinction, a haunting portrait of an enigmatic life, written with a style and sensitivity that is both sympathetic and unflinching.

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  • Glory : The Spiritual Theology Of Michael Ramsey


    Archbishop Michael Ramsey was arguably Anglicanism’s twentieth century saint. Clever, humble, shy, full of sympathy and with a great wit, he remains an inspiration to many today. Drawing on published and unpublished writings This important study explores his theological understanding and the vision of the life of faith that he communicated so compellingly. A complementary volume to Owen Chadwick’s biography, this is essential reading for all looking for a model of prophetic leadership.

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  • Rainbows : The Beauty In A Storm


    Rainbow, according to the American Heritage Dictionary, means: “An arc of color appearing opposite the sun as a result of the sunlight in rain or mist.” God used a rainbow as a covenant with Noah after the flood destroyed the earth. Ms. Schiager was aware of her daughter Christina’s eating problem and had done everything she knew to do to help. She prayed for God to use whatever method necessary to show Christina her need for help. God answered this prayer far differently than she had ever imagined. During the year that followed, information came to light that changed every life in this family forever. Ms. Schiager writes of the devastating realities that came to light, how the Lord brought her through it victoriously, how her relationship with Christ deepened through it all, and how she learned to trust God’s will in everything. She tells about many answered prayers and blessings that she experienced through it all. She describes it this way: “This past year has definitely been the stormiest in my life, but there were so many rainbows, I was compelled to share them. My rainbows are a result of the Son’s presence in my life during the storms.”

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  • Border Crossing


    SKU (ISBN): 9781931038089ISBN10: 1931038082Katie WiebeBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 2003Publisher: Herald Press/MennoMedia Print On Demand Product

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  • To The Ends Of The Earth


    Moving from California to a developing country is the ultimate life-changing experience! After five decades of normal Western living, Hal and Jenny felt God calling them to Mongolia. This is about their early days in that faraway land and the awesome way God provided for them. Some of the stories are funny. Some are disgusting. Some are heart-rending. Some are faith-building. All are true!

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  • Heart Of A Mother And The Hand Of God


    This is the heart-wrenching story of a woman’s journey through life, beginning with her loving but painful childhood. It then tells of a young love that ended sadly, but with three beautiful little girls. It continues with the most devastating loss a mother could ever endure. Finally, it describes a true and lasting love and a deep peace within, found only through an everlasting and abiding faith in God.

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  • My Bondage And My Freedom


    SKU (ISBN): 9780140439182ISBN10: 0140439188Frederick DouglasBinding: Trade PaperPublished: February 2003Publisher: Penguin Group USA

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  • Return Of The Prodigal


    P O W E R F U L P E R S O N A L T E S T I M O N Y s O P E B A N W O OPE BANWO THE RETURN OF THE PRODIGAL This book takes a look at the story of the Prodigal Son in the light of the amazing personal experiences of a modern-day Prodigal. It details the uncanny parallels between the biblical Prodigal Son and the author. It takes you through a series of emotions ranging from sorrow to tears and finally to joy at the wonderful manifestation of the will of God in the life of an individual. The story, told in a touching and personal style, details the suffering days of the author in the “far country,” the strange “God-incidences” leading to his conviction and redemption, and the problems he encountered from the “older brothers in the house” as he tried to settle into the call of God on his life. The Return of the Prodigal is a powerful personal testimony to the aggressive nature of the grace of God as it relentlessly seeks the wayward child of God. The book is full of inspiring lessons guaranteed to make you take another look at the unlimited grace of God in your life and of those around you.

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  • Jesus Heals The Brokenhearted


    The author and her husband often visited their international relatives to share the good news of how the Lord Jesus Christ blessed their family in a special way. Then, like a lightning bolt, the news struck them of the tragic death of their son, David. He was in the prime of his life and the father of a young family. Why? Why would their loving God do this to them? The comforting answers came from the well-used Bible that David, “The Man with the Round Bible,” left behind: I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing. (2 Timothy 4:7-8 NKJV) In the writer’s family, David was the first in the race to reach the finish line. His joyful faith in God provides them with encouragement to follow on, looking forward to that Day, the day of the Lord’s appearing.

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  • Forgive And Forget Me Not


    Forgive & Forget Me Not is a true story about love, murder, hatred, and finding one’s way to peace and forgiveness in the face of tragedy. It covers a five-year span in the life of the author, Joe Forte. He thought he had it all, only to lose what was dearest to him when his young bride, Michelle Lentine Forte, was murdered by a next-door neighbor who posed as a friend. Follow the compelling and heart-wrenching story of Joe from the time he first meets Michelle, to her murder and emotionally charged trial. After almost three years of emotional anguish and in his most desperate moment, through the salvation of Jesus Christ, he is able to forgive his wife’s murderer and move on with his life to find love and happiness again. The author wants readers to walk away with much more than just a story. They will come to understand that murder is not just a statistic, but a devastating experience that takes its toll on all of society. However, with the love and support of family and friends, God can work through us so we can survive this most devastating of human experiences.

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