
Showing 251–300 of 2562 results

  • She Speaks Fire

    Original price was: $29.99.Current price is: $17.97.

    Leader of the popular women’s ministry She Speaks Fire, Mariela Rosario shares her story of abandonment and drug use to emphasize her powerful message of overcoming shame so that readers can embrace their purpose and live boldly in the love of Jesus.

    In She Speaks Fire, spoken word poet Mariela Rosario vulnerably shares her testimony of being abandoned as a child, which led to intense people pleasing and subsequent drug use. Then, alone in her house in 2015, she experienced a miraculous encounter with God that prompted her to turn away from those damaging patterns and begin attending church. As her relationship with Jesus deepened, she launched a full-time ministry, She Speaks Fire, which helps other women face their past failures and overcome feelings of shame so that they, too, can live fully and unapologetically for God and walk in their God-given purpose.

    Unpacking the biblical story of the garden of Eden in Genesis, Rosario reveals the seven areas where shame did not exist in the garden, which are the exact areas where believers are spiritually attacked today:

    *Communion with God
    *Identity in God
    *Community with others
    *Purpose or work
    *Dependence on God
    *Affirmation in or by God
    *Boundaries from God

    By identifying the origins of their own shame–and the ways shame blocks them from living an authentic life–readers will then be able to embrace the four steps to overcoming unhealthy shame patterns. When they begin to own their story, they will be able to give God glory and encourage others who are seeking freedom in him. Then they can embrace being bold for Christ and spread his love far and wide.

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  • I Take My Coffee Black


    Tyler Merritt’s video “Before You Call the Cops” has been viewed more than 60 million times. The viral video’s main point-the more you know someone, the more empathy, understanding, and compassion you have for that person-is the springboard for this book. By sharing his highs and exposing his lows, Tyler welcomes us into his world, allowing us to get to know him and helping bridge the divides that seem to grow wider every day.

    In I Take My Coffee Black, Tyler tells hilarious stories from his own life as a black man in America. He talks about his multi-cultural childhood in Las Vegas that didn’t necessarily prepare him for life in the South, his passion for rap music and musical theater, how Jesus barged in uninvited and changed his life forever (it all started with a Triple F.A.T. Goose jacket) and the shocking events that occurred after his video went viral that no one has heard. Throughout his stories, he also seamlessly weaves in lessons about privilege, the legacy of lynching and sharecropping, and why you don’t cross black mamas, teaching readers about the history of encoded racism that still undergirds our society today.

    By turns witty, insightful, touching, and laugh-out-loud funny, I Take My Coffee Black not only paints a portrait of one man’s experience of being Black in America, but also expresses the valuable connections we miss when we do not take the time to learn about others’ lives and experiences. This book enlightens, illuminates, and entertains-ultimately building the kind of empathy that might just be the antidote against the racial injustice in our society.

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  • She Reigns : Conquering Your Triggers, Fears, And Worries With God’s Truth


    If you’re a believer, God has given you a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind. Yet how often do you feel assaulted by fear, worry, anxiety, or negative thoughts?

    Unpacking personal heartbreaks, struggles, and never shared before confessions, Tarah-Lynn Saint-Elien gives you an intimately empowering look at how to reign over your thoughts and feelings as God intended. Snippets of her journal entries will assure you that you’re not alone and will encourage you to speak God’s promises in spite of what you see and feel. You will be given the weapons to identify your triggers, take negative thoughts and debilitating emotions captive, and posture your heart for delight.

    Trials and dangers may abound, but you are a queen who does not cower in the face of difficulty. By God’s power, you can reign supreme over your inner world.

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  • Gods Not Done With You


    We all experience setbacks and disappointments in life. Sometimes those setbacks become entire seasons of life. Businesses fail, relationships falter, discouragement and doubts set in and circumstances overwhelm us.

    This book uses nine amazing comeback stories from the Bible to show how God provides everything needed to get through challenging setbacks.

    Rather than showing people overcoming hardship through simple grit, the stories of Moses, David, Abigail, Esther, Joseph, Jonah, Elijah, Hezekiah and Peter tell of extraordinary changes of heart and how God works in all things for the good of those who love him. Readers will be given a new perspective on their struggles and will be encouraged to trust God in them.

    Author John Meador uses his 35 years of Bible-teaching ministry, as well as his own experience of suffering permanent hearing loss, to write with faithfulness, compassion and authenticity. He says:

    “These stories are real-life events that often brought more drama, heartbreak and tragedy, and had more at stake than most any other situations in history. They show us greater and more meaningful outcomes than we can possibly imagine.”

    This is a great book for anyone looking for answers to life’s challenges. It is a useful ministry resource for pastors and church leaders searching for stories of faith to encourage others. Coming back from regrets, adversity, hopelessness, discouragement, anger, moral failure, disillusionment, physical crisis, grief and oppression are some of the themes covered.

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  • Donkey Principle : The Secret To Long-Haul Living In A Racehorse World


    You have what it takes to live well. It’s all about embracing your inner donkey!

    Some of us feel like donkeys in a world that celebrates racehorses–the shiny and flashy success stories that make us question our own worth and abilities. But life isn’t about competing for gold medals. It’s about understanding your unique strengths and using them to mine all the gold that’s already within you.

    A delightful blend of short reflections and original illustrations, Rachel Anne Ridge’s The Donkey Principle has a central, timely message: Embracing your inner donkey is the key to overcoming obstacles, creating lasting change, and achieving meaningful success.

    Each chapter of The Donkey Principle includes:

    *Beautiful, original, block print art

    *Memorable stories and practical wisdom that will inspire you to gain new perspective and take action that will unlock your future

    *Ideas to help you discover your own strength and perseverance

    *Inspiration for moving forward with your personal definition of success

    If you’re looking for an inspiring read, this charming book is for you! Let Rachel provide the motivation you need to keep going through difficult situations, especially if you need a “gentle kick” in the right direction to find the path and work that suits you best.

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  • Connecting The Dots


    Everything that has happened to you has prepared you for your greatest days ahead. When you understand the patterns of God’s work in each season of your life, you can see His faithfulness in making all things work together for the good of His children.

    What if everything that has happened to you has prepared you for your greatest work?

    What if those confusing, uncomfortable seasons when you felt like you were walking in circles were actually the path God was leading you on to fulfill the destiny He has planned for you?

    Connecting the Dots helps you make sense of your life, seeing each day as part of an epic that God is writing. Jol Malm shows you how to detect God’s work in each season, keeping your eyes lifted to Him who makes all things work together for the good of those who love him.

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  • Best Of Friends


    Friendship is one of the best things that God has created.

    It is unparalleled as a building block of society, a universal theme in great literature, and has a huge impact on our mental health and happiness. But many of us are lonely or feel suffocated by the pressures of life and quantity of relationships we have to maintain, and almost all of us could benefit from better friendships.

    Phil Knox, author of Story Bearers and Head of Mission at Evangelical Alliance, celebrates the best of friendships in The Best of Friends. Punctuated with personal story, poetry, and practical application, Knox examines friendship in the setting of the church and explores how Jesus invested his time both with his closest companions and one-off encounters. Readers will recognise the power of friendship in bringing non believers to church, and Knox explores the importance of becoming friends with people who are different from us. Advising that our church circles are always open and invitational, not closed cliques. Finally, Knox considers intergenerational friendships and the most important friend request of all time: one’s relationship with God.

    Full of practical advice, The Best of Friends shows us how to choose our friends wisely and maintain lasting and meaningful friendships, especially our relationship with God.

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  • Be Uncommon : 40 Ways To Leave Average Behind


    God created you to be you, not someone else. So why do we so often settle for less? Why do we bow to the pressure to conform to others’ expectations of us rather than boldly being the person we were meant to be? Why do we pretend to be satisfied with average, ordinary . . . common? What would it be like if we actually believed God desires to do something extraordinary with our lives?

    In this inspiring new book from the bestselling author of An Enemy Called Average, you’ll find the motivation and encouragement you need to stop settling and start stretching toward the goal of being you in the way only you can! In short, punchy chapters, John Mason shows you how to face down fear, doubt, criticism, and apathy with enthusiasm, decisiveness, persistence, and honesty. He shows you how to seek God’s direction, develop wisdom, manage your time and energy, and take risks.

    Outside of your comfort zone is where you’ll find true fulfillment and contentment as you develop into the exceptional, extraordinary, uncommon person you were always meant to be. So what are you waiting for?

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  • Fish Out Of Water


    What Happens When One of America’s Most Beloved Biographers Writes His Own Biography?

    For five-time New York Times bestselling author Eric Metaxas, the answer is Fish Out of Water: A Search for the Meaning of Life–a soaring, lyrical, and often mischievous account of his early years, in which the astute Queens-born son of Greek and German immigrants struggles to make sense of a world in which he never quite seems to fit.

    While millions know Metaxas as a celebrated author, the witty host of Socrates in the City, and a nationally syndicated radio personality, here he reveals a personal story few have known. The scion of two families with very different traditions, he enjoyed their affection and support through his riotous but successful years at Yale, yet later felt abandoned as he drifted toward an abyss of meaninglessness from which he barely escaped.

    Along the way, Metaxas introduces us to an unforgettable troupe of Runyonesque characters who join this quintessentially first-generation American boy on his odyssey, underscoring how simultaneously funny, serious, happy, sad, and meaningful life can be.

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  • Amazing Grace : The Life Of John Newton And The Surprising Story Behind His


    Amazing Grace, a biography that reads like a novel, reveals John Newton’s dramatic, and at times traumatic, story of sin and salvation and ultimate conviction to speak out against slavery. His story speaks to the brokenness within us all and our need for God’s amazing grace.Amazing Grace is a rags-to-riches story that charts the many ways a young man squanders opportunities and experiences misery and poverty, only to unexpectedly rise to a level of respectability and privilege. This dramatic retelling of his life story, which reads like a novel, is a tale of romance, in which young love sparks wild and impulsive actions, only to be followed by years of seemingly hopeless longing, before eventually being crowned by a long and happy marriage. Lastly, it is a story of grace of a youth who rejects God repeatedly, loses himself in a downward spiral of unbelief and immoral behavior, only to be rescued by divine mercy that reaches deeper than he could ever have imagined.

    Newton’s story is shocking, and Amazing Grace does not try to airbrush or excuse his faults. There are glaring contradictions in the life of a ship’s Captain who retreats to his cabin to study his Bible and write tender love letters to his wife while hundreds of slaves lie in chains in the hold below. But the profound lessons from his life are applicable to us today, helping us to:

    *Struggle well when life doesn’t match up to expectations.
    *Be honest and open about our stories that are shameful or just too hard to resolve.
    *Understand that God’s work in our lives is ongoing.
    *Seek a deeper, more personal faith, awakening to the gospel message and the Holy Spirit’s guidance.

    Since John Newton’s death, every generation has found a way of connecting with his story. Today is no different, for in these days of extreme polarization when beliefs about race, church, and politics have all become deeply divisive in society, we need grace more than ever. We need stories that talk about the human condition, stories that are soaked in the relentless love of God and his forgiveness of sins.

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  • My Sunday Best


    After posting selfies in her Sunday best for fifty-two consecutive weeks during the pandemic, octogenarian Dr. La Verne Ford Wimberly became a viral sensation during Easter 2021, appearing everywhere from the Washington Post to CNN to Fox News.

    After posting selfies in her Sunday best for fifty-two consecutive weeks during the pandemic, octogenarian Dr. La Verne Ford Wimberly became a viral sensation during Easter 2021, appearing everywhere from the Washington Post to CNN to Fox News.

    People from all over the world have said my Sunday selfies and words of encouragement have blessed and inspired them. Who would have thought photos of an eighty-two-year-old church lady in a hat and Bible verses could do such a thing?

    On March 29, 2020, when her church switched to online services because of coronavirus, Dr. La Verne Ford Wimberly couldn’t imagine watching the service in her robe. So, she did what she’s always done; she put on a beautiful outfit, matching hat, and accessories and got ready for church. Dr. Wimberly, a self-declared social media junkie, thought it would be fun to snap a selfie and post it on Facebook with a scripture verse and an inspirational message.

    I’d let folks know I was ready for worship and encourage them to do the same. This was my way to brighten their spirits–and mine–and stay connected during a time of sudden isolation and despair for many people.Underneath her crown and church finery is a wise, warm, and witty octogenarian who’s still committed to the same values she learned in childhood:

    *faith in God and country,
    *devotion to family,
    *keeping a positive attitude,
    *a life of service,
    *thinking before you act,
    *living life to the fullest, and
    *the golden rule.

    As a career educator who faithfully and lovingly served students, their families, and her community for decades, encouraging and uplifting others is part of Dr. Wimberly’s DNA. In My Sunday Best, you’ll be cheered by the stories and lessons from a life well-lived and find yourself asking, How can I inspire someone today and encourage myself too?

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  • Your Gratitude Guide


    Cultivate a joyful heart through the intentional practice of gratitude.

    Gratitude is not just a cliched “count your blessings” idea. It is a thankfulness practice that can change everything about the way you think, feel, and act! Reflect draw, fill in the blanks, shade in the icons, and get inspired as you doodle your way to a joyful heart through this unique inspirational journal. You’ll be inspired by Scripture and the vibrant, fun bible journaling style artwork and hand lettering. You may even find some creative innovative ideas to add to your own Bible journaling practice.

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  • When God Seems Gone


    What do you do when it feels like God isn’t there–when the state of the world, our own suffering, or the struggles of those we know suggest that God is absent? When you’ve experienced soul-crushing silence from heaven, despite your fervent supplications?

    Using the book of Habakkuk, as well as his own personal experience of deep suffering, Adam Mabry examines the art of lament–how to cry out to God in desperation from a place of faith and hope. At the end, there are practical suggestions for what you can do to keep faith even in times of darkness and doubt.

    Readers will learn that God is big enough and good enough to handle hard questions and that his sovereign silence is filled with purpose for their lives. They will be encouraged to keep trusting God even when he seems silent, slow, unfair, different or wrong.

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  • Mujer Celebra – (Spanish)


    La mujer suele ser quien celebra los logros de las personas que ama y otras con quienes se relaciona: cumpleaos, aniversarios, nacimientos, graduaciones, desde los momentos mas pequeos hasta los mas significativos. Despues de llevar a la mujer por la trayectoria de valorarse, sonar, crear y emprender, Omayra Font la trae al reto de celebrarse a si misma en grande y a su manera. Como en los libros anteriores, la autora imparte sus experiencias, invita a la consciencia de festejarse una misma, e incluye una carta que brota de su corazon, para la mujer desolada que necesita un camino para reconfortarse, seguir adelante y celebrar su vida. Mujer, celebra cierra la serie de libros de bolsillo “Mujer…”, y recoge los conceptos emocionales y espirituales de reconocer las victorias propias y el significado de celebrarlas.

    The woman is usually the one who celebrates the achievements of the people she loves and others with whom she is related: birthdays, anniversaries, births, graduations, from the smallest moments to the most significant. After taking women along the path of valuing themselves, dreaming, creating and undertaking, Omayra Font brings women to the challenge of celebrating themselves in a big way and in their own ways. As in the previous books, the author imparts her experiences, invites the conscience to celebrate oneself, and includes a letter that springs from her heart, for the desolate woman who needs a way to comfort herself, move forward and celebrate her life. With Woman, celebrate, she closes the series of pocket books ” Woman…”, introducing the emotional and spiritual importance of acknowledging women’s own achievements and the meaning of celebrating them.

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  • Unstoppable You : 7 Ways To Tap Into Your Potential For Success


    Are you unstoppable?

    You can be. Most people allow others to put limitations on them. They even put limitations on themselves . Don’t ever do that again. You don’t have to be stoppable. Instead, unleash your potential.

    When John Maxwell started his career in small-town Indiana, few people would have guessed he would go on to become a bestselling author and world-wide leadership expert. How did he do it? He didn’t put limits on himself. He believed he could make a difference in the world, and he kept going until he achieved it.

    You can too. In The Unstoppable You, Maxwell teaches the seven ways you can tap into your potential and start overcoming obstacles, solving problems, and accomplishing results you previously thought impossible.

    Go ahead. Take your next steps. Achieve the success you’ve always dreamt of. And never stop.

    John C. Maxwell is a #1 New York Times bestselling author, speaker, coach and leader who has sold more than 34 million books. He is the founder of Maxwell LeadershipO–a leadership development organization that has trained tens of millions of leaders in every nation. Having been recognized as the #1 leader in business and as the world’s most influential leadership expert, Maxwell continues to influence individuals and organizations worldwide–from Fortune 500 CEOs and national leaders to entrepreneurs and the leaders of tomorrow.

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  • Gracia Sublime – (Spanish)



    La vida esta llena de exigencias. Las citas, los plazos, las obligaciones y la charla digital constante ocupan cada momento y crean una montaa de estres y tension malsanos. Las investigaciones muestran que la coloracion puede ser un reductor eficaz del estres, pero el verdadero descanso y la paz se encuentran en Dios.

    Gracia sublime esta lleno de escrituras e ilustraciones inspiradoras. Toma tiempo para reflexionar sobre la verdad de la Palabra de Dios y se lleno de su gozo y paz. Expresa tu creatividad libremente mientras rellenas las intrincadas imagenes con la belleza del color.
    Tomate un descanso de tu apretada agenda y del estres que la acompaa. Las preocupaciones de la vida pueden esperar.

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  • Unconquered : 10 Principles To Overcome Adversity And Live Above Defeat


    Face your pain.

    Live unconquered.

    Trauma is notorious for trapping people in the pain of their past. When you live in defeat, it can be difficult to embrace the hope and victory available in Christ.

    Former law enforcement officer Adam Davis knows what it’s like to feel defeated. In Unconquered, Davis bravely shares his personal experiences with abuse, failure, and mental health battles and the biblical truths that empowered him to choose faith over fear, truth over lies, and action over defeat. Structured around ten practical principles,
    Unconquered will help you:

    *surrender to God for healing and forgiveness,
    *develop healthy habits to renew your mindset, relationships, and behaviors,
    *discover untapped strength and uncommon resolve, and
    *transform into a more resilient version of yourself.

    Allow your past to be the place where God draws you near and reclaim the abundant life that he designed for you.

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  • Triumph Over Trauma


    Traumatic experiences happen to nearly everyone, at some time, in some form. The aftereffects–depression, anxiety, addiction, panic attacks, insomnia, and more–can affect us for years or even a lifetime. But the brokenness following a traumatic event is never a life sentence. We are all changed by trauma, but we do not have to be defined by it.

    Drawing on cutting-edge research, Triumph over Trauma empowers you to find relief and hope once and for all. Rather than offering a one-size-fits-all solution, this whole-person treatment approach recognizes you as a unique constellation of emotional, physical, intellectual, relational, and spiritual dimensions. This book explains how trauma affects your emotions, body, brain, relationships, soul, and dreams. Then it shows you how to create a personalized plan to find your way back to wholeness, joy, and peace.

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  • Be Uncommon : 40 Ways To Leave Average Behind


    God created you to be you, not someone else. So why do we so often settle for less? Why do we bow to the pressure to conform to others’ expectations of us rather than boldly being the person we were meant to be? Why do we pretend to be satisfied with average, ordinary . . . common? What would it be like if we actually believed God desires to do something extraordinary with our lives?

    In this inspiring new book from the bestselling author of An Enemy Called Average, you’ll find the motivation and encouragement you need to stop settling and start stretching toward the goal of being you in the way only you can! In short, punchy chapters, John Mason shows you how to face down fear, doubt, criticism, and apathy with enthusiasm, decisiveness, persistence, and honesty. He shows you how to seek God’s direction, develop wisdom, manage your time and energy, and take risks.

    Outside of your comfort zone is where you’ll find true fulfillment and contentment as you develop into the exceptional, extraordinary, uncommon person you were always meant to be. So what are you waiting for?

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  • Living Fully : Dare To Step Into Your Most Vibrant Life


    An irresistible guide to living without holding back, from the vibrant lifestyle entrepreneur and host of the Living Fully podcast

    Mallory Ervin is known for exuding energy, joy, and laughter. But despite her public accomplishments, Mallory is no stranger to battling unhealthy attachments to performance and success. Now?, in her unforgettable debut book, Mallory invites readers to see how her surprising journey–from achievement and accolades to devastating, never-before-shared lows–guided her and led her to a deeply fulfilling life.

    In Living Fully, Mallory shares her personal story of overcoming the unhealthy and damaging patterns in her life and shows readers how to trade this for something completely new and more rewarding. What she discovered was there had always been a different life available to her, one that she had not yet seen. Now she encourages readers to resist a “just fine” existence and to step into a life they never dared to imagine before. Through inspiring stories and practical advice? Mallory encourages readers to:
    – stop returning to a “just getting by” mentality
    – shift perspective so blessings don’t become burdens
    – remember that life’s curveballs don’t have to knock you off your feet
    – identify your passions and get back to your truest self
    – slow down and enjoy the extraordinary in the everyday moments
    – quiet the voice of fear
    – get clear on the life you want

    “I wrote this to be your wake-up call, the thing that turns the lights on in your life and propels you to make real change, once and for all , ” Mallory says. “I want you to wake up and stay awake.”

    ?For anyone hungry for a richer life, or tired of coasting through life in a “cruise control” mindset, Living Fully is the ultimate invitation to embrace abundance and joy–and not look back!

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  • Timothy Keller : His Spiritual And Intellectual Formation


    Timothy Keller takes readers behind the scenes to meet the people and understand the events that formed Keller’s spiritual life and ministry priorities.

    Millions have read books and listened to sermons by Timothy Keller. But which people and what events shaped his own thinking and spiritual growth? With unfettered access to Keller’s personal notes and sermons–as well as exclusive interviews with family members and longtime friends–Collin Hansen gives you unprecedented understanding of one of the 21st century’s most influential church leaders.

    Spend any time around Timothy Keller and you’ll learn what he’s reading, what he’s learning, what he’s seeing. The story of Timothy Keller is the story of his spiritual and intellectual influences, from the woman who taught him how to read the Bible to the professor who taught him to preach Jesus from every text to the philosopher who taught him to see beneath society’s surface.

    For the first time, Hansen introduces readers to Keller’s early years: the home where he learned to tell stories from the trees, the church where he learned to care for souls, and the city that lifted him to the international fame he never wanted.

    You’ll discover how to:

    *Understand the principles and practices that allowed Keller to synthesize so many different influences in a coherent ministry.

    *Take the best of Keller’s preaching and teaching to meet emerging challenges in the 21st century.

    *Develop your own historical, theological, and cultural perspectives to shape your leadership.

    This is the untold story of the people, the books, the lectures, and ultimately the God who formed and shaped the life of Timothy Keller.

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  • Lives We Actually Have


    Warm and witty blessings found within the struggle of a shared humanity, from the New York Times bestselling authors of Good Enough

    Blessed are you, the strange duck.

    You with the very intense hobbies.

    Or the collection of movies or mugs or sneakers.

    You with the hometown or home team that makes you very, very proud.

    You, my dear, in all your intricacies…are a marvel.

    Kate Bowler and Jessica Richie, authors of the instant New York Times bestseller Good Enough, reveal how every day is worth blessing–even Tuesdays. In a world that demands relentless perfection, Bowler and Richie offer creative, faith-based blessings that center gratitude and hope without making light of our real, messy lives.

    Formatted like a prayer book, The Lives We Actually Have is an oasis and a landing spot for weary souls, with blessings that center on various moods, including Bless This Ordinary Day, Bless This Tired Day, Bless This Lovely Day, Bless This Mournful Day, and more. These heartfelt, nurturing blessings are a sanctuary for the grieving, the hopeful, the restless, the careworn, and anyone who needs a chance to pause and exhale in a chaotic world.

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  • Rich Mullins : An Arrow Pointing To Heaven – Twenty Fifth Anniversary Editi (Ann


    Experience Rich Mullins’s Legacy of Joy and Real Compassion

    Beloved contemporary Christian musician Rich Mullins lived his life with abandon for God, leaving the spotlight to teach music among a Navajo community. An accident cut his life short in 1997, but his songs and ragamuffin spirit continue to teach many.

    In honor of the twenty-fifth anniversary of Rich’s homegoing, this edition of Rich Mullins: An Arrow Pointing to Heaven delivers an intimate look at the experiences that sparked praise hits and the values behind his Christ-like candor. James Bryan Smith captures just what Rich wished for when he said, I hope I would leave a legacy of joy–a legacy of real compassion.

    See the layers of his story through reflections from friends and family, an afterword by Rich’s brother David Mullins, and Smith’s own bond with him. And in remembrance, be inspired to enjoy God’s world as Rich did.

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  • Wake Up With Purpose


    Known to millions as simply Sister Jean, the Loyola Chicago matriarch and college basketball icon invites you into her remarkable memoir filled with history, wonder, and common-sense wisdom for this century and beyond. As Sister Jean wisely says, I’ve seen so many changes in the last 102 years, but the important things remain the same.

    Part life story, part philosophy text, and part spiritual guide, Sister Jean’s wit, wisdom, and common sense has broad appeal and application that transcends religious creed, belief, and even feelings on Loyola’s basketball team.

    Along with her collaborator Seth Davis, an award-winning writer, broadcaster and New York Times best-selling author, Sister Jean lets you experience:

    *Sister Jean’s words and her spirit.
    *her sharp sense of humor.
    *life lessons gleaned from one hundred years of living.
    *universal themes that connect us all.
    *priceless wisdom.

    The driving force inside Wake Up with Purpose! is the narrative of Sister Jean’s fascinating life–from teaching at a Catholic school during the Second World War to serving on a Chicago college campus in the sixties and beyond to cheering from the sidelines of a men’s basketball tournament in March 2018.

    As you learn about Sister Jean’s century-long life, you’ll feel just like the Loyola students do when they knock on her office door, plop down in a chair, and ask if she would have time to chat, an activity that she still does daily.

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  • Finding Joy On Death Row


    Based on the sermon series that garnered top honors from Yale Divinity School, Finding Joy on Death Row is the powerful story of a broken preacher’s transformative experience learning about joy from Death Row prisoners, combined with dramatic handwritten responses from more than twenty men currently sentenced to die.

    In Finding Joy on Death Row: Unexpected Lessons from Lives We Discarded, Williams journeys into the hearts and minds of those sentenced to death, illuminating for readers the ways in which the human spirit can suffer–and soar.

    Finding Joy on Death Row includes dozens of handwritten statements from those facing capital punishment. The testimonies and contemplations of those sentenced to die offer readers a unique opportunity to hear from individuals whose lives are marked by their looming execution. And yet these prisoners have–in the midst of grim circumstances–managed to find joy.

    As Williams serves and shepherds these prisoners, their own stories are unveiled. Williams’s account of ministering within North Carolina’s prison system and the handwritten statements are punctuated by glimpses into the author’s own broken past. This important work will show readers the power of joy to reach us all, the free and imprisoned alike.

    Finding Joy on Death Row:

    *Offers a glimpse into the minds of those currently and formerly on Death Row

    *Presents the effects of the death penalty not only on the incarcerated but on their loved ones as well

    *Examines Williams’s own experiences that gave him a unique understanding and empathy for those sentenced to death

    *Explores the very real possibility of finding joy despite outward circumstances
    Includes online access to transcriptions of the prisoners’ responses as well as Pastor Williams’s original sermon series

    Unprecedented and revealing, Finding Joy on Death Row provides a window into the tragedies, hardships, and victories of those sentenced to die, ultimately offering readers the encouragement that we are all loved, forgiven, and capable of transformation.

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  • Say The Right Thing


    Words are powerful. They sink deep into our minds and our spirits. They can build others up or put others down. Many of us want to “say the right thing” and make a difference to others with our words, but we don’t know how to. Others of us struggle to control our speech and want help to be more godly in this area of our lives.

    This positive, constructive book delves into the Bible to show us how to overcome specific temptations, such as gossip or angry words. But it also goes much further. It shows us how we can use our speech to bring beauty, hope, truth and comfort into the lives of those around us–and to give glory to God.

    Full of gracious words and practical help, this book will help readers to find out how to let the gospel shape their speech and enjoy the blessings that flow from this.

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  • Gift Of Hope


    The ideal gift for those in need of a hopeful word. This elegantly designed booklet is a small treasure that beautifully opens up in a present-like way to reveal cherished truths from the Bible. Strengthened by promises of hope, recipients will be reminded of who God is, and who they are to God. Write a personalized note on the presentation page and uplift the spirit of your loved ones with this gentle reminder that they have all the hope they need in their heavenly Father.

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  • Ignite Your Life


    Have the time of your life, for the rest of your life.

    If you want to have your life ignited every day with effortless faith, joy, peace, purpose, and direction, you’re going to love this book-with the emphasis on the word effortless. God has the perfect plan for your life, and He promises to pour it out on you when you simply live for His purpose rather than your own.

    This is a simple presentation of God’s Word that, when followed with childlike faith, will bring you into an intimate relationship with God. Imagine living every day with purpose, free from worry, and full of joy, no matter what the day holds for you.

    It’s not too good to be true! The most excited, joy-filled Christians are those who just accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. This is how God expects you to live your entire life!

    *Experience joy every day, no matter what your day holds
    *Know, without question, that God is answering your prayers
    *Move into an intimate relationship with God

    Satan is using fear to paralyze the church into inactivity and to sterilize Christians into not reproducing themselves. The battle is not in our streets or in Washington, DC. The battle is in our churches and in the heart and soul of every Christian.

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  • Year Of Bible Prayers


    A Year of Bible Prayers Is Sure to Become a Storytime Favorite in Your House!

    This lovely keepsake Bible storybook for kids celebrates each month of the calendar year with four stories of prayer from God’s Word.

    Stories are arranged into themes relating to the specific month:

    *January: Protection
    *February: Blessing
    *March: Healing
    *April: Resurrection
    *May: Mothers
    *June: Fathers
    *July: Forgiveness
    *August: Victory in Battle
    *September: Silly Prayers
    *October: Wisdom
    *November: Helpless Prayers
    *December: Prayers by and about Jesus

    Each section includes four colorfully illustrated stories of Bible prayers reinforcing the monthly theme and showing kids how God works in response to the prayers of His people!

    A fun bonus section at the end of the book features a list of yearly calendar celebrations with dates and brief explanations.

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  • If The Tomb Is Empty


    A beloved pastor and a New York Times bestselling author examine scripture and share inspiring personal stories to help show the important role that Jesus’ resurrection plays in our everyday lives.

    The Son of God was crucified, died and buried, and He lay in the tomb for three days–until He walked out shining like the sun. In a culture in which history is erased or rewritten at will, the existence of an empty tomb matters. Why?

    Because if the tomb is empty–then anything is possible.

    In his first book, Joby Martin, Lead Pastor of The Church of Eleven22, dives deep into scripture and traces the story of salvation by highlighting the seven mountains throughout scripture where God manifests himself. As he describes each encounter with God, Martin shows us how the interaction on each mountain laid the groundwork for the sacrifice of Christ on Calvary, and shows what God revealed about Himself in the process. He illuminates seven familiar passages, unveiling how God’s plan for Christ’s sacrifice is threaded throughout scripture, and shows why Christ’s resurrection–impossible, unbelievable–means that nothing is too hard for our God. Ultimately, he asks readers, Do you live every day of your life as if the tomb is empty–or as though Jesus is still hanging on that cross?

    Written with New York Times bestselling author Charles Martin, If the Tomb is Empty is an insightful and spiritually rich examination of what the miracle of Christ’s resurrection means for all of us.

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  • Time : The Untold Story Of The Love That Held Us Together When Incarceratio


    Fox and Rob have a family motto: “If it’s not facing 297 years in prison, it’s not a problem.”

    The 21 years that kept Rob apart from Fox and their family of six sons was long enough. And it was love that carried them through two decades of uncertainty as Rob survived America’s bloodiest penitentiary at Angola and Fox raised their sons solo, all the while fighting for their father’s freedom and their futures against the statistical odds.

    The Academy Award-nominated documentary TIME introduced audiences to Fox and Rob, who riveted audiences with their relentless fight for each other and justice, despite America’s broken prison system. This book tells the rest of their story. In alternating voices and intimate detail, Fox and Rob reveal what the film does not–how a person can cultivate the radical love needed to see them through any hardship and the miracles that can happen on the way.

    As they peel back the layers of their unforgettable love story, you’ll discover the secrets of perseverance and the power of a resilience that is founded on faith in a God who never gives up on us.

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  • All My Knotted Up Life


    An incredibly thoughtful, disarmingly funny, and intensely vulnerable glimpse into the life and ministry of a woman familiar to many but known by few.

    “It’s a peculiar thing, this having lived long enough to take a good look back. We go from knowing each other better than we know ourselves to barely sure if we know each other at all, to precisely sure that we don’t. All my knotted-up life I’ve longed for the sanity and simplicity of knowing who’s good and who’s bad. I’ve wanted to know this about myself as much as anyone. This was not theological. It was strictly relational. God could do what he wanted with eternity. I was just trying to make it here in the meantime. As benevolent as he has been in a myriad of ways, God has remained aloof on this uncomplicated request.” Beth Moore

    All My Knotted-Up Life is a beautifully crafted portrait of resilience and survival, a poignant reminder of God’s enduring faithfulness, and proof positive that if we ever truly took the time to hear people’s full stories . . . we’d all walk around slack-jawed.

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  • In The Footsteps Of The Savior


    Have you ever wondered what the Holy Land might have looked like through Jesus’s eyes? Join pastor and New York Times bestselling author Max Lucado as he takes you on an unforgettable journey following Jesus through his life on earth, giving you a chance to see the Holy Land and God’s heart for humanity in a brand-new light.

    In the Footsteps of the Savior is an invitation to come alongside Max as he shares meaningful, insights on the people and places that shaped Jesus’s life. In this special compilation, Max weaves together in-depth teaching from his bestsellers with poignant reflections on his time in the Holy Land, guiding you through three distinct aspects of Jesus’ life:

    *The arrival of the Savior
    *Jesus’s ministry
    *The crossroads and the cross

    With beautiful photographs and thoughtful questions for reflection, In the Footsteps of the Savior will take you on a journey through Bethlehem, Nazareth, Galilee, the Jordan River, Bethany, Jerusalem, and more.

    As you see the places Jesus walked from a new perspective, you’ll also deepen your connection with the King of the universe who became the Savior on the cross.

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  • Love Is A Choice


    Real life, encouraging stories embodying the bold, brave, beautiful choice to love.

    “To last for the long haul and through the stresses and complexities of life, love has to be more than something we feel. It has to be something we do. We have to demonstrate it concretely in our marriages and families, among our friends and acquaintances, and, yes, even among our enemies. And that’s what this book is about. In its pages, you’ll see examples of people just like you-like all of us-who learned to take the obstacles, the lemons they face in life, and turn them into satisfying, emotional thirst-quenching nectar. These are the success stories that make you want to go out and discover the power of love.” Gary Chapman

    If you’re feeling weary or burdened by the call to love, you’ll find strength and hope in the pages of this book. Love is a Choice gives us stories of love in action, inspiring us to go deeper in our relationships. Each story is coupled with 5 Love Languages(R) insights and application points.

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  • Jesus Revolution Movie Edition


    Now a major motion picture

    The Jesus Movement transformed the church–and it can transform you

    God has always been passionate about turning unlikely people into His most fervent followers. Prostitutes and pagans, tax collectors and tricksters, the pompous and the pious–the more unlikely, the more it seemed to please God to demonstrate His power, might, and mercy through them. America in the 1960s and 1970s was full of many such characters–young men and women who had rejected the conformist religion of their parents’ generation, didn’t follow conventional rules, and didn’t fit in. Their longing for something more set the stage for the greatest spiritual awakening of the twentieth century.

    Discover the remarkable true story of the Jesus Movement, an extraordinary time of mass revival, renewal, and reconciliation. Setting intriguing personal stories within the context of one of the most tumultuous times in modern history, Greg Laurie and Ellen Vaughn draw important parallels with our own time of spiritual apathy and overt hostility, offering a new vision for the next generation of unlikely believers–and hope for the next great American revival.

    Because God can always bring a new Jesus Revolution.

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  • Awaken A Better You


    Is there a change you’ve been wanting to make, but you don’t know how? Are you feeling stuck or unmotivated? Have you tried it all and still can’t figure out how to move forward? It’s time to reclaim your agency and design your best self and best life with four practical steps to lasting change.

    Born to a seventeen-year-old mother on the gang-permeated streets of Dallas, Texas, BJ Thompson understood that as a Black man his starting place was disadvantaged, under-resourced, and unequipped. However, as he did with Moses in the wilderness, God prompted BJ to look down and see what was in his hands. What BJ thought was a disqualifying story actually qualified him. Everything that he thought made him weak, disadvantaged, and insignificant were things God would use in powerful ways.

    With this new understanding, BJ grabbed hold of his agency and rose above the obstacles set before him to transform his life. Now an influential life coach, BJ has inspired millions and coached more than 10,000 people toward transformation with his propriety model. It’s your turn now. BJ wants to help you get unstuck, overcome your unique hurdles, and enact real, lasting change in your life.

    In Awaken a Better You, you’ll unlock mental, emotional, relational, physical, and spiritual wholeness by using BJ’s four steps to transformation:

    – Desperation: Identify a problem you desperately want to change.

    – Information: Research the problem, unlearn built-in ideas, and vet this data through proof of concept.

    – Application: Build a practical plan and take active steps to make the change.

    – Transformation: Celebrate change and embrace a mindset of continual growth.

    Using compelling tales of success, thoughtful reflections, and biblical examples, BJ invites you to apply these lessons and steps to your own story. Each chapter includes questions designed to jumpstart your transformation journey alongside journaling space for reflection.

    ou don’t have to wait any longer to find the life you desire. The only person you’re waiting on is you. Take charge of your life and become the person you’ve always wanted to be. Why wait? Start today.

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  • How To Human


    A much-needed reminder about what it means to be truly human in a world where people feel increasingly disconnected from each other and from God, by the popular author of Enter Wild.

    It sometimes feels like we’re all holding our breath-just waiting for the next outrage, tragedy, or stressor to knock us back again. Yes, a global pandemic forced us to be more physically isolated from one another. But beyond that, the connected disconnection of video meetings, masks, politicized hyper-awareness, tech addiction, content overload, and social unrest have all felt like a perfect storm eroding our relationships and even our ability to be human.

    In How to Human, author and social media personality Carlos Whitaker leads us on a three-part journey, to be, see, and free, that we can pursue in order to all live together as the best versions of ourselves. This fresh vision to reclaim our love and joy leads us to a collective breath of air as we exchange division for real relationship. We can live up to our full potential. We can learn to trust and care for one another. We can see the humanity in those different from ourselves. We can navigate hard times with grit, kindness, and a good joke or two. In this book Carlos shows us how to move from me to we to everybody. Isn’t it time we embrace the life-changing, hope-filled promise of being fully human?

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  • Trust In The Lord Floral Journal


    Let the beautifully feminine design of the Trust in the LORD Floral Wirebound Journal be an encouragement to your soul and provide you with a lovely designed space perfect for documenting thoughts, dreams, or family recipes. Women of all ages will appreciate this gorgeous wirebound journal and its message, reminding us to always look to God even in the darkest times.

    Decorated in gold and sun-kissed roses, this journal is a breath of fresh summer air. The front panel features a taupe and cream striped background and elaborately fluted line-drawn leaves. The cover design is bordered by a solid, dark brown frame that touches the rose bouquet in the lower right-hand corner, where a soft yellow swallowtail rests on a hazy green leaf, and blushing roses face the sentiment printed in dark brown letters with a gold-foiled shadow line.

    Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.
    Proverbs 3:5

    Gold metal brackets protect each of the four outer corners of the wirebound journal and coordinate beautifully with the gold o-wire binding. A tone-on-tone pomegranate-red floral design decorates the back cover.

    A presentation page at the front of the journal can be personalized according to ownership or inscribed when it is given as a gift. Each interior page is lined and has a carefully selected Bible verse printed at the bottom.

    The rust in the LORD Floral Wirebound Journal is part of the Hope and Trust Floral Collection that features two complementary designs: one in Mediterranean blue and the other in pomegranate red. Each design features a Scripture verse that is applied to ceramic mugs, wirebound journals, and Bible cases. The verses are combined and applied to a notebook set and a ceramic mug set.

    Bless your mom or sister with a bright summer afternoon that will last all year when you wrap the Trust in the LORD Floral Wirebound Journal as a birthday gift and give her the encouragement and sunshine she needs to persevere and focus her eyes upon Jesus.

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  • This Here Flesh


    In her stunning debut, the creator of Black Liturgies weaves stories from three generations of her family alongside contemplative reflections to discover the necessary rituals that connect us with our belonging, dignity, and liberation.

    “From the womb, we must repeat with regularity that to love ourselves is to survive. I believe that is what my father wanted for me and knew I would so desperately need: a tool for survival, the truth of my dignity named like a mercy new each morning.”

    So writes Cole Arthur Riley in her unforgettable book of stories and reflections on discovering the sacred in her skin. In these deeply transporting pages, Arthur Riley reflects on the stories of her grandmother and father, and how they revealed to her an embodied, dignity-affirming spirituality, not only in what they believed but in the act of living itself. Writing memorably of her own childhood and coming to self, Arthur Riley boldly explores some of the most urgent questions of life and faith: How can spirituality not silence the body, but instead allow it to come alive? How do we honor, lament, and heal from the stories we inherit? How can we find peace in a world overtaken with dislocation, noise, and unrest? In this indelible work of contemplative storytelling, Arthur Riley invites us to descend into our own stories, examine our capacity to rest, wonder, joy, rage, and repair, and find that our humanity is not an enemy to faith but evidence of it.

    At once a compelling spiritual meditation, a powerful intergenerational account, and a tender coming-of-age narrative, This Here Flesh speaks potently to anyone who suspects that our stories might have something to say to us.

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  • Happiness To Live By


    The late Zig Ziglar delivers life-changing wisdom and guidance in this compilation of touching stories about people who overcame disabilities and disadvantages, or who overcame all odds in fields from which they were excluded.

    These heartfelt stories teach us the lessons of a lifetime and guide us toward finding our own contentment. Zig reveals the surest path to happiness and helps your untapped joy and gratefulness for life become visible.

    In Happiness to Live By, Zig Ziglar:

    *Shares genuine stories that will lift your spirit and touch your heart
    *Shows that good people and encouragement are all around us
    *Inspires us with stories that gives us a much-needed boost of optimism

    Readers will:

    *discover how to rekindle hope in their lives
    *feel encouraged by Ziglar’s approach and perspective on life
    *be reassured there is still something to smile about every day
    *feel motivated to reach for more, to not settle for the ordinary
    *identify how to incorporate these teachings into their daily lives

    If you’re looking for happiness, how to find it, and how to live a more fulfilled, happier life, Zig will help you find your way back to an inspired life you love.

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  • Book Of Common Courage


    The Book of Common Courage is a collection of prayers, poems, and blessings to help you find a flicker of strength in the small and hard moments of life. Beloved author and therapist K. J. Ramsey invites you to journey word-by-word through Psalm 23 to experience how the Good Shepherd is with you and for you, especially in the valleys of life. When you struggle to find the words to hold your pain or trauma, be encouraged to cultivate the compassion and courage to believe that your story will, in fact, end in joy.

    Through K. J.’s lyrical and emotive writing, you are invited to:

    *Surrender your anxiety and your tears to a faithful God
    *Validate your emotions and embrace them as the gift they are
    *Slow down and remember that good will come again
    *Replenish your soul with the life of Christ and the promises of God
    *Refresh your faith with a peace that lasts
    *Experience newfound confidence in prayer
    *Remember that even when pain is not past-tense, God is still present

    Courage is a common hope that we can cultivate together. These prayers and poems can be read in group settings–among friends, families, and worshipping communities–and are also ideal for personal reflection.

    Inside, you will find:

    *Colorful still life and nature photography
    *Prayers, poems, and blessings
    *A ribbon marker

    This is a gorgeous gift to give for Easter, Christmas, birthdays, during a time of loss, during a life transition, or when looking for a new church community.

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  • Orphaned Believers : How A Generation Of Christian Exiles Can Find The Way


    In the wake of the culture wars of the 1980s and 1990s, many young evangelical Christians found themselves untethered, disillusioned, and–ultimately–orphaned as they grappled with the legalistic, politically co-opted churches of their youth and embarked on a search for a more loving, more biblical expression of the faith and discipleship taught by Jesus.

    Sara Billups was one of those orphans. She knows the grief of loving Jesus while watching political pundits twist her faith to support their power struggles and exclusionary policies. She knows the feeling of being alone, misunderstood, and maligned. In this honest yet hopeful book, she invites fellow orphaned believers to process their pasts so they can move boldly forward into a future where they know without a doubt that they are beloved by Christ and belong to the family of God. With love and compassion, she binds up the wounds of the broken and points them toward a new expression of faith that is motivated to make the world a better place.

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  • Amish Voices Volume 2


    The story of the Amish-told by the Amish.
    Brad Igou offers a second volume of writings by Amish people across North America, compiled from the last three decades of Family Life (1993-2020), a monthly Amish magazine. He includes letters, articles, history lessons, parables, questions, challenges-a wide spectrum of human experience from an Amish point of view. Fourteen chapters cover fascinating topics such as shunning, nonresistance, clothing, youth activities, old age, conflicts with the modern world, work, church, humor, and lessons from life.

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  • Worth It And Wonderful


    An inspiring clarion call for Christian women who often feel pressured to choose between seemingly mutually exclusive options: career and familyLeadership-lifestyle blogger and inspirational TV personality, Caitlyn Scaggs draws from her eclectic background and Christian principles to offer practical insight and encouragement to women striving to lead a fulfilling and complete life. She champions a new approach-how to find balance between seemingly opposing forces and live out what you were created to do.

    With inspirational stories from her life and career alongside those of others’ she’s met along the way, Scaggs provides insight on how to thrive in your roles in both career and family life. She shows you can boldly embrace both even when facing obstacles. Scaggs encourages readers to contemplate the choices they feel torn between. She then urges a different approach to navigating personal and professional lives, with the goal of finding balance, purpose, and satisfaction. Each chapter includes practical takeaways and actionable steps that invite readers to apply the insight shared to their own lives. Scaggs writes with the modern Christian woman in mind, but her engaging style and thoughtful insight will also appeal to women of all faiths and backgrounds.

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  • Life Of Significance


    Start a clinic on the farm.

    When Renee Marini hears a voice speaking to her spirit while in church, she has no doubt that almighty God has just given her an assignment. She and her husband, Sal, are to travel halfway around the world to establish a medical clinic at Sons of Thunder, a ministry in Zambia, Africa.

    But what do they know about starting a clinic in Africa? What begins as a three-week mission trip to lay the groundwork for the clinic becomes a twenty-five-year (and counting) calling on their lives. By just taking the next step as God lights each stone, Renee and Sal witness God doing amazing things .?.?. over and above anything they can ever imagine.

    Fighting against the expected hardships-chiefly, AIDS, malnutrition, and a high number of maternal deaths-they are also confronted with corruption, poverty, and indifference in the medical community. They face snakes, killer elephants, and perplexing local customs that involve witchcraft and body mutilations.

    But for all the heartbreak, they witness even more miracles as it becomes clear that God’s purpose for them goes beyond healing bodies. He is using them to help Him heal souls. At every opportunity, they share the gospel of Jesus Christ, and their clinic is a light to the people they serve. In this engaging, thought-provoking memoir, they prove that God can use anybody-you just have to be willing.

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  • Zig Ziglars Treasury Of Life Lessons


    Zig Ziglar. The name alone is synonymous with decades of sharing his personal wisdom, integrity, and successful life strategies–impacting worldwide audiences.

    This book is filled with Zig’s principles for successful living–simple yet effective approaches that can make all the difference between living a mediocre life or a life filled with excitement and fulfillment. You can put his practical suggestions to work immediately to increase your happiness, hone your efficiency, and become a more confident and energized person, ready to take on all challenges.

    One of the most widely read and listened to motivators in the United States, Zig’s enthusiasm, understanding, and ability to communicate with people of all ages have influenced an estimated quarter of a billion individuals through his well-received and best-selling books.

    The insights in this Treasury of Life Lessons will compel you to learn the skills to become the person you want to be and maintain a meaningful lifestyle.

    Zig’s bottom line truism known worldwide is as accurate today as it was years ago:

    You can get everything in life you want if you help enough other people get what they want.

    Zig Ziglar’s positive advice about real-world successes reveal conclusively that the strategies in this book work! You will learn exactly how to receive the rewards, the dreams, and the desires you’ve always wanted. Setting goals works. With Zig as your teacher, you can achieve each goal you set for yourself.

    Success in every area of your life is worth the time and effort. The winning formula?
    – Commit to being the best you can be.
    – Discover and develop what you already have.
    – Ultimately strive to help others get what they need and want.

    Whether you are experiencing Zig Ziglar for the first time or even if you have followed him for years, you will be amazed at the wealth of knowledge and common-sense wisdom offered on page after page throughout Zig Ziglar’s Treasury of Life Lessons

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  • Shadowlands And Songs Of Light


    The Bible tells Christians not to grieve as the world grieves and to rejoice in their sufferings.

    Yet when Christian author Kevin Ott lost his mother unexpectedly in 2010, he sank into a wintry depression. When life seemed the darkest, something surprising happened: while exploring eighteen C.S. Lewis books and thirteen U2 albums, he experienced tremendous “stabs of joy”-the unusual heaven-birthed joy that Lewis wrote about -in the midst of grief. This revelation not only pulled Kevin out of depression, it forever changed the way he experienced the love and joy of Christ. Discover Lewis’s unique definition of joy, understand how to apply his revelations about joy to suffering, and learn to recognize and cooperate with God’s strategic use of joy.

    Learn fascinating biographical details about C.S. Lewis collected from some of the best Lewis biographies and see how Lewis encountered joy in suffering.

    Enjoy a grand tour of U2’s discography, with a special emphasis on their exploration of joy and suffering.

    Clearly understand, from the perspective of music theory explained in layperson terms, why the music of U2 is so emotionally powerful and how it serves as a perfect analogy for Lewis’s concepts of joy and the Christian ability to rejoice in suffering.

    Find inspiration from the personal stories of U2, especially the tragedies that engulfed their youth in Dublin, and see how they worked through that grief and discovered a joy that has kept the band together for 35 years.

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  • Science Of Personal Achievement


    From the bestselling author of Think and Grow Rich and The Law of Success comes a master class in individual achievement. Learn how to implement the success system responsible for the remarkable accomplishments of America’s greatest entrepreneurs, innovators, and leaders.

    After dedicating over 20 years of his life to studying the success secrets of more than 500 of America’s most prosperous individuals, Napoleon Hill organized his findings into the world’s first practical philosophy of human achievement. The 17 core principles form the Science of Personal Achievement and are presented here for your study and implementation. Use the techniques in this book to develop mastery over your thoughts so that you can enjoy “wealth” in its broadest sense–financial, spiritual, mental, and material.
    Discover the building blocks of success, such as:

    *The 12 great riches of life
    *The 7 factors that contribute to Definiteness of Purpose
    *The 8 fundamentals for building faith
    *The 7 rules for accurate thinking
    *And much more

    The greatest achievements of humankind began as the material of thought. With the insights from Hill’s extensive research, you will be able to establish mental habits that lead to financial security, health, and the peace of mind necessary for happiness.

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  • Seamless Life : A Tapestry Of Love And Learning, Worship And Work


    We all want to make sense of life, of who we are and why we are, and to know that what we do–day in and day out–matters. But daily demands often lead to a life that feels void of meaning and disjointed from our deepest beliefs.

    Steven Garber challenges us to move beyond our fragmented sense of reality and begin to see all we are and all we do–our work, play, relationships, worship, and loves–as significant to God. Once we discover that there is no chasm between heaven and earth, we are able to understand the coherence of the work of God and of our lives in the world. This is the seamless life–to see the truest truths of the universe woven into the very meaning of life, labor, learning, and liturgy.

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  • Man Born To Be King


    From December 1941 until October 1942, the BBC broadcast a series of radio dramas written by Dorothy L. Sayers.

    Against the backdrop of World War II, the plays presented twelve episodes in the life and ministry of Jesus, from the visit of the magi to his death and resurrection, collectively affirming the kingship of Christ.

    Noted for their use of colloquial English as part of Sayers’s effort to bring the Gospels to life in a new way for listeners, the plays were both controversial and incredibly successful, bolstering the morale of the country during the war. They were subsequently published in 1943, and they stand among Sayers’s most beloved works to this day.

    In this new critical and annotated edition, scholar Kathryn Wehr brings fresh insights to the plays, their background, Sayers’s creative process, and the ongoing significance of the life of Christ today. Listen again, or for the first time, to the story of the man who was born to be-and still is-king.

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