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    Biblical Studies

    • Grandes Hombres De La Biblia 1 – (Spanish)


      This book series documents the lives of twelve of the greatest men found in the Bible. It shows that God’s love does not depend on what He finds in our hearts. Nor does it surprise Him when He finds the sin in our hearts. These things don’t stop Him from loving us. These books not only show the human side of these men, but also the greatness they achieved once they let God take control of their lives. The first volume features the biographies of Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Joshua and Samuel.

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    • Grandes Hombres De La Biblia – (Spanish)


      This book series documents the lives of twelve of the greatest men found in the Bible. It shows that God ‘s love does not depend on what He finds in our hearts. Nor does it surprise Him when He finds the sin in our hearts. These things don’t stop Him from loving us. These books not only show the human side of these men, but also the greatness they achieved once they let God take control of their lives. The second volume includes David, Elijah, Jeremiah, John the Baptist, Peter and Paul.

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    • 12 Mujeres Extraordinarias – (Spanish)


      Estudie junto con el autor de exitos de libreria y altamente estimado maestro de la Biblia, John MacArthur las vidas y la fe de mujeres claves del Antiguo y Nuevo Testamento. Escrito con el mismo estilo que uso en el libro Doce Hombres Comunes, cada capi

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    • Explorando El Antiguo Testamen – (Spanish)


      Uno de los mas finos biblistas de este tiempo, el Dr. W. T. Purkiser, edita y nos entrega una obra basica para todo lider cristiano en formacion. El libro sigue la secuencia historica del Antiguo Testamento y hace uso de abundante informacion arqueologica, contenido y antecedentes biblicos, para ayudarnos a lograr una comprension biblico mas adecuada.

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    • Grandes Necios De La Biblia – (Spanish)


      Te has sentido alguna vez como un verdadero tonto? Pues, animo estimado amigo! Hay otros que han hecho cosas peores:

      Adan y Eva trajeron el pecado al mundo.
      Esau vendio su primogenitura por un tazon de sopa.
      Jonas huyo de Dios y termino en la panza de un gran pez.
      El primer libro de las 20 historias mas sobresalientes de la Biblia, Grandes necios de la Biblia da un vistazo a 20 personas en la Biblia que tomaron decisiones necias y sufrieron las consecuencias. Escrito con una retorica aguda y concisa y sin un lexico cristiano o terminos teologicos dificiles, Grandes necios de la Biblia apelara a una audiencia general por medio de su lectura divertida e informativa.

      Repleto de referencias historicas de los tiempos biblicos y tratando de mantener la exactitud biblica, Grandes necios de la Biblia se convertira en un gran material de apoyo para los estudios biblicos de lideres, miembros o de pastores en sus sermones.

      Ever feel like a real dummy? Well, take heart, dear friend! There are others who have done much worse:

      Adam and Eve brought sin into the world.
      Esau sold his part of the family fortune for a bowl of soup.
      Jonah ran from God and ended up in the belly of a big fish.
      Pharaoh stubbornly withstood ten plagues before he let the Israelites leave.
      The first book in the Top 20 Bible Series, Grandes necios de la Biblia takes a look at twenty people in the Bible who made really dumb decisions and suffered the consequences. Written in a sharp, concise rhetoric and without any Christian jargon or tough theological terms, Grandes necios de la Biblia will appeal to a general audience through a fun, informative read.

      Filled with historical references to biblical times and intent on biblical accuracy, Grandes necios de la Biblia will also provide great supplemental material for Bible study leaders and members, and also for pastors’ use in their sermons.

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    • Metodos De Estudio Biblico Per – (Spanish)


      This “how to” book explains in detail 12 different ways to study the Scriptures – living, step-by-step instructions. You will learn various personal study methods including: devotional, biographical, topical, book background, chapter analysis, book synopsis and word study. It has been translated into seven languages.

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    • Todas Las Mujeres De La Biblia – (Spanish)


      Dr. Herbert Lockyer provides a convenient commentary on all the named-and unnamed-women of the Bible. You’ll discover how the lives and character of different biblical women mirror the situations of women today. More than 400,000 concise, fact-filled entries provide fascinating and thought-provoking insights, whether you’re conducting a Bible study group, speaking in public, or simply deepening your personal understanding of God’s Word.

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    • Daniel Y El Apocalipsis – (Spanish)


      More than fifty years the text that the writer Sunshine Ball publish is been use as a devotional, a study group of chritian in chruch and as a text in Biblical Institutes. This is a revision, when you look at sketches, tables and grafics makes easy the study of revelation.

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    • Hacia Una Teologia Del Antiguo – (Spanish)


      Discover a new the panorama of the Old Testament as Walter Kaiser explores the theology that grew and developed from Genesis to Malachi. Kaiser bares the bedrock of our faith by examining what the texts themselves say without the superimposition of philosophies, pre-suppositions, or theological systems. Instead he shows the actual theological world that each writer inhabited and how they combined their theological inheritance from earlier writers and prophets with the new and sometimes surprising revelation they received for application to the circumstances and needs of their own epoch. This is a book with theological meat that should have a place in the library of every serious Bible student, seminarian and pastor. This book is the cornerstone for developing an exegesis, an exposition, a proclamation and a systematic theology. Here are the issues, the conflicts and the possibility of a real beginning for a genuine biblical theology. Dr. Kaiser tests his approach by chronologically discussing the texts from each of the Old Testament eras from creation to the postexilic period. A special section examines the connections between the Old and New Testament theology.

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    • Discipulado – (Spanish)


      The Christian life is full of challenges.

      We have to be ready for spiritual growth.

      That is how Paul felt when he said: “Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal” (Philippians 3:13-14)

      If you want to go forward, “Discipleship” is the book that you need.

      In this book you will find many Biblical studies that will be of great help.

      The four main themes are: -New life in Christ -Moving forward in discipleship -Moving toward practical holiness -Moving toward Christian maturity

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    • Periodos Biblicos (Revised) – (Spanish) (Revised)


      In a clear manner, the author explains dispensations and how they are useful tools for studying the Bible, covering uhe earth, humans and the spirits. This is a book that not only will benefit pastors but also believers in general

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    • Jesus Que Nunca Conoci – (Spanish)


      Yancey offers a new and different perspective on the life of Christ and his work and ultimately who he was and why he came. It gives a moving and refreshing portrait of the central figure in history. In this book we will discover a Jesus Christ who is creator, challenger, audacious, compassionate and convincing.

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    • Hermeneutica – (Spanish)


      Recently many debates center on the topic of biblical hermeneutics. This is an up-to-date book. Each chapter starts with some goal for the student, includes exercises and suggestions for additional reading and concludes with a summary.

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    • Explorando El Nuevo Testamento – (Spanish)


      En esta excelente obra biblica, el editor es el destacado biblista Dr. Ralph Earle, quien nos presenta el trabajo de varios especialistas en la materia. Este documento es ideal como libro de texto por su contenido y presentacion ordenada y metodica. Muy popular en instituciones biblicas.

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    • Se Hizo Hombre – (Spanish)


      Here is a fascinating commentary on the life of Jesus. The author presents the political, social and religious setting of the most fascinating period in the history of humankind. The author transports our mind to the first millennium where he makes us live the adventure of the political, social, and religious setting

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    • Libro Siempre Nuevo – (Spanish)


      Many people have loved the Bible without having an idea of its structure, origin, and formation. We need a book that will explain in detail all this information.

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    • Libros Historicos – (Spanish)


      The story of Israel is full of fascinating messages that apply today. Hoff offers a valuable commentary on Israel’s history for all believers.

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    • Libro De Los Hechos – (Spanish)


      The book of Acts is much more that a simple step between the Gospels and the epistles. That is what this author believes. While writing this book, the author had in consideration the needs of ministers and lay people. This book, which everyone has been waiting for, is a great tool to understand and bring to the actual life the “acts of Jesus resurrected by the Holy Spirit in the church and through it.”

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    • Apocalipsis El Drama De Los Si – (Spanish)


      This is the greatest story of all times that will affect all those that have lived or will live through the Great Tribulation! This study of the chapter of Revelation is an anticipatory vision of what is going to happen at the end of human history.

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    • Pentateuco – (Spanish)


      It is the desire of the author that this book will be a great blessing to its readers, stimulating them to search and come to a profound understanding of the Sacred Scriptures, providing them with a rich and spiritual nourishment for their lives.

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    • Diccionario Manual De La Bibli – (Spanish)


      This dictionary is widely known and appreciated for it’s ease of use and profound statements of the principal biblical themes, accompanied by photographs and maps.

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    • Hermeneutica Introduccion Bibl – (Spanish)


      This volume combines two reference books that have had the approval of Hispanic evangelicals: “Hermeneutics” and “Introduction to the Bible”. The first writer was E. Lund, a profound teacher in Biblical studies.

      This book would meet a need in the Hispanic evangelic community.

      The second writer is Alicia C. Luce.

      Her book answers many of the questions in regard to the origin and translation of the Bible.

      Editorial Vida presents this book not only for the pastor, evangelist and the working Christian, but for all those who have a passion for Biblical studies.

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