Showing 101–150 of 220 resultsSorted by latest
Salmo 23 De C H Spurgeon – (Spanish)
$12.99El Salmo 23, del gran predicador C. H. Spurgeon, tiene como proposito dar a conocer la obra magna que recogera todos los salmos completos y que, Editorial CLIE publicara en breve en dos amplios y extensos volumenes. El Salmo 23 en forma de adelanto a la obra completa, no deja de constituir, por si mismo, el mas completo, profundo y selecto comentario disponible de “El Salmo del Pastor”.
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Caso De La Gracia – (Spanish)
$17.99The Case for a Creator explored the scientific evidence for God;
The Case for Christ investigated the historical evidence for Jesus;
The Case for Faith responded to eight major objections about Christianity;
The Case for The Real Jesus refuted the current challenges to the Bible and Christ …Now, in The Case for Grace, Lee Strobel crafts a compelling and highly personal experiential case for God, focusing on God’s transforming work in the lives of men and women today.
Writing with unusual candor, Lee draws upon his own journey from atheism to Christianity to explore the depth and breadth of God’s redeeming love for spiritually wayward people. He travels thousands of miles to capture the inspiring stories of everyday people whose values have been radically changed and who have discovered the “how” and “why” behind God’s amazing grace. You’ll encounter racists, addicts, and even murderers who have found new hope and purpose. You’ll meet once-bitter people who have received God’s power to forgive those who have harmed them—and, equally amazing, people mired in guilt who have discovered that they can even forgive themselves.
Through it all, you will be encouraged as you see how God’s grace can revolutionize your eternity and relationships… starting today.
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Transformacion Sobrenatural – (Spanish)
$16.99Cada problema espiritual, mental y emocional, y muchos fisicos, esta arraigado en el corazon. El estado de nuestro corazon espiritual afecta a todos los aspectos de nuestra vida diaria. Por lo tanto, la condicion de nuestro corazon sera la condicion de nuestra vida. Acompae al Pastor Maldonado en un viaje de descubrimiento del proposito, los motivos y el potencial de nuestro corazon espiritual.
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Como Probar Un Espiritu – (Spanish)
$14.99A fin de caminar en la verdad y evitar ser engaados por filosofias mundanas y ataques satanicos, debemos probar los espiritus para ver si son de Dios, segun el mandato de 1 Juan 4:1. Muchos creyentes son conscientes de este mandamiento pero no saben como probar los espiritus. Por donde comienzan?
Si es usted una de esas personas, no se preocupe. !Este libro puede ayudar! Mary Garrison ha compilado una guia de los principales espiritus malos que estan obrando en nuestro mundo actualmente, para que usted pueda identificarlos y eliminarlos de su vida y de las vidas de otros. En este libro aprendera…
*Los nombres biblicos de los principales espiritus malos
*Los frutos de esos espiritus
*Las tacticas que utilizan en las vidas de los creyentes
*Metodos biblicos para vencerlos
*Como vivir en victoria sobre el malignoNo continue siendo engaado. Aprenda a probar los espiritus y camine en la victoria que Cristo ha comprado para usted en la cruz. Usted fue creado para caminar en la verdad, !y la verdad le hara libre!
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Realidades De La Nueva Creacio – (Spanish)
$16.99Hemos encontrado el secreto que los psicologos han buscado por tanto tiempo. Es el “hombre interior”; es el espiritu creado de nuevo; es el alma que ha sido cambiada por la obra redentora de Dios. Es la constante revelacion de quienes somos en Cristo hoy: quien El dice que somos y quien El nos ha hecho ser.
Los cuatro Evangelios describen el “caminar terrenal” del Maestro, pero las Epistolas paulinas nos dan una revelacion de lo que sucedio en la cruz y lo que significa para nosotros que Cristo fue resucitado de la muerte. Mediante esas cartas, obtenemos una imagen viva de la obra sustitutoria de Cristo: el marco legar de nuestra redencion.
En este importante libro, el Dr. E. W. Kenyon desgaja el proceso de la “nueva creacion”. Usted descubrira la verdad acerca de su nueva identidad en Cristo, y obtendra una imagen mas clara de lo que Dios ve en usted y lo que El piensa de usted.
Si alguna vez batalla con la culpa o la condenacion, o si alguna vez piensa que el amor de Dios es “demasiado bueno para ser verdad”, debe leer este libro. Vera por las palabras de la Escritura lo verdadero que es el amor de Dios por usted.
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Sigueme – (Spanish)
$22.48Part One: Learning Kingdom Values
Part Two: Learning Kingdom Ministry
Part Three: Learning Kingdom LeadershipAdditional Info
Sigueme” La estrategia de Jesus para hacer discipulos.“David Schroeder sabiamente observa que la principal tarea de la Iglesi es hacer discipulos y que el verdadero discipulado toma lugar en el contexto de las relaciones intimas. Combinando la investigacion academica con ricos conocimientos practicos y devocionales, examina los valores que Jesus enseo como la humildad, las compasion y la rendicion de cuentas y muestra como pueden transformar a los individuos y las comunidades. Conozco a David desde hace casi cuatro decadas, y le recomiendo su importante trabajo.” – Dr. Ravi Zacharias, Fundador y Presidente, Ravi Zacharias Internacional Ministries
“Dr. Shroeder presenta una percepcion sobre el al llamado de Jesus a seguirle que remueve los obstaculos comunes hacia el verdadero discipulado. Sigueme resume un camino practico hacia la madurez espiritual. !Es una gran lectura!”
-Dr.David D. Ireland, Ph. D., Pastor y Autor, The kneeling Warrior“Sigueme es convincente, preciso, y especialmente significativo para mi en mi actual proceso de madurez en Cristo.” -Dr. Bill McCartney, fundador de Promise Keepers
Sigueme y Sigueme Guia de Grupo tambien estan disponibles en ingles bajo el titulo Follow Me.
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Mantenimiento Milagros – (Spanish)
$12.99Con cada don que “recibe” de parte de Dios esta la responsabilidad de “mantenerlo”, pues si no, se arriesga a perder la bendicion de ese don. Aunque muchos cristianos entienden este concepto con respecto al area de la sanidad fisica, tambien se aplica a muchas otras areas de nuestra vida. Los dones pueden llegar en forma de respeto, honor, favor y oportunidades, al igual que compasion, amor, perdon, reconocimiento e instruccion. Y lo que hagamos con los dones que recibimos de Dios puede afectar a la trayectoria de nuestra vida.
La autora y maestra Joan Hunter le conducira por un viaje de revelacion a medida que usted…
Aprende la diferencia entre tomar y recibir
Edifica su confianza en la provision milagrosa de Dios
Entiende como posicionarse para recibir los dones de Dios
Es consciente de obstaculos para recibir
Descubre los secretos de mantener las bendiciones que recibeAprender a mantener los milagros que recibe afectara a cada area de su vida. Cambiara su modo de pensar, vera usted con vision renovada, y vivira con el latido del corazon de Dios.
With every gift you “receive” from God, there is the responsibility to “maintain” it, or else you risk losing the blessing of that gift. While many Christians understand this concept as it relates to the area of physical healing, it applies to so many other areas of our lives, as well. Gifts may come in the form of respect, honor, favor, and opportunities, as well as compassion, love, forgiveness, recognition, and instruction. And what we do with the gifts we receive from God can affect the trajectory of our lives.
Author and teacher Joan Hunter will lead you on a journey of revelation as you…
Learn the difference between taking and receiving
Build your confidence in God’s miraculous provision
Understand how to position yourself to receive God’s gifts
Become aware of hindrances to receiving
Discover the secrets to keeping the blessings you receiveLearning to maintain the miracles you receive will affect every area of your life. You will change the way you think, you will see with renewed vision, and you will live with the heartbeat of God.
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En Su Presencia – (Spanish)
$16.99Este libro no habla de quienes fueron otros y lo que hicieron, !sino de quienes somos nosotros y lo que podemos hacer!
El internacionalmente aclamado maestro de la Biblia, Dr. E. W. Kenyon, levanta el telon para revelar el lugar santisimo y nuestra capacidad de entrar en su interior para estar en la presencia del Padre, quien esta disponible para cada hijo de Dios. En el aprendera a…
Escalar a nuevas alturas de realidad espiritual.
Quitar la neblina que ha rodeado el tema de la oracion aventurandose a la Luz de la Vida.
Estar firme sobre sus derechos como hijo de Dios.
Situar todas las cosas en sujecion bajo los pies de Dios.
Vencer a los enemigos de su vida de oracion.
Usar la autoridad del nombre de Jesus.Este libro ha sido un desafio y una bendicion para incontables multitudes en todo el mundo. No aceptara la invitacion, abrira la puerta y entrara en la presencia del Padre?
This book is not about who others were and what they did but about who we are and what we can do!
Internationally acclaimed Bible teacher Dr. E. W. Kenyon lifts the curtain to reveal the Holy of Holies and our ability to enter within to stand in the presence of the Father, who is available to every child of God. In this book, you will learn to…
Climb to new heights of spiritual reality
Remove the mist that has surrounded the subject of prayer by venturing into the Light of Life.
Stand on your rights as a child of God.
Put all things in subjection under God’s feet.
Overcome the enemies of your prayer life.
Use the authority of the name of Jesus.This book has been a challenge and blessing to multitudes all over the world. Won’t you accept the invitation, open the door, and enter into the presence of the Father?
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Buscando Su Presencia – (Spanish)
$13.99I will open my mouth in parables, I will utter hidden things, things from of old.
-Psalm 78:2 NIVThousands of years ago, God imbedded mysteries within the pattern of Moses’ wilderness tabernacle. But just as earthly treasures must be searched for and mined, we also must diligently search for the spiritual riches that God has buried for us in His Word.
With David Cerullo as your guide, this book will be your treasure map to assist you on this journey of discovery and transformation. With it, you will…
*Explore ancient scriptural truths unveiling the pathway into God’s awesome presence.
*Understand as never before the riches hidden within the tabernacle.
*Discover the joy of ever-deepening intimacy with the Lord.Get ready to embark on a life-changing path that will draw you straight into the very heart of God!
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Hombre Del Reino – (Spanish)
$16.99Cuando un hombre sigue los principios de la hombria biblica, todos a su alrededor se benefician de su cuidado y de su liderazgo. Un hombre del reino desafia e equipa a los hombres a entender completamente su posicion bajo la autoridad de Dios asi como tambien su posicion sobre lo que Dios le ha dado. La definicion biblica de un hombre es aquel que ha aprendido a operar bajo la autoridad de Jesucristo llevando a cabo un liderazgo responsable y legitimo dentro de la esfera de influencia en la que Dios lo ha puesto. Un hombre del reino proporciona conceptos que los hombres pueden seguir y les ayuda a desarrollar al maximo calidades de caracter de la hombria biblica en sus vidas.
When a man follows the principles of biblical manhood, those around him benefit from his leadership and care. Kingdom Man challenges and equips men to fully understand their position under God as well as their position over what God has given them. The biblical definition of a man is one who has learned to operate under the authority of Jesus Christ while carrying out responsible and legitimate leadership within the sphere of influence in which God has placed him.
Kingdom Man provides concepts men can follow that will help them to actively pursue ways to maximize and develop the character qualities of biblical manhood in their lives.
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Para Que Estoy Aqui En La Tier (Student/Study Guide) – (Spanish) (Student/Study
$12.99You are about to embark on a journey of discovery. In the next forty days, you and a group of friends are going to discover together the answer to life’s most fundamental question: ‘What on earth am I here for?’And here’s a clue to the answer: ‘It’s not about you … You were created by God and for God, and until you understand that, life will never make sense. It is only in God that we discover our origin, our identity, our meaning, our purpose, our significance, and our destiny. Every other path leads to a dead end. The Purpose Driven Life Small Group Curriculum is a six-week, video-based small group study of The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren—the book Publishers Weekly declared the ‘bestselling nonfiction hardback in history.’The six video lessons are taught by Rick Warren, and are supplemented by small group discussion material in the accompanying study guide. When combined with the reading of The Purpose Driven Life, this study will give your small group the opportunity to discuss the implications and applications of these life-changing truths. You’ll see the big picture of what life is all about and begin to live the life God created you to live.
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Millar De Obsequios – (Spanish)
$15.99Just like you, Ann Voskamp hungers to live her one life well. Forget the bucket lists that have us escaping our everyday lives for exotic experiences. ‘How,’ Ann wondered, ‘do we find joy in the midst of deadlines, debt, drama, and daily duties? What does the Christ-life really look like when your days are gritty, long—and sometimes even dark? How is God even here?’ In One Thousand Gifts, Ann invites you to embrace everyday blessings and embark on the transformative spiritual discipline of chronicling God’s gifts. It’s only in this expressing of gratitude for the life we already have, we discover the life we’ve always wanted … a life we can take, give thanks for, and break for others. We come to feel and know the impossible right down in our bones: we are wildly loved — by God. Let Ann’s beautiful, heart-aching stories of the everyday give you a way of seeing that opens your eyes to ordinary amazing grace, a way of being present to God that makes you deeply happy, and a way of living that is finally fully alive. Come live the best dare of all!
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Y Ahora Que Hago – (Spanish)
$10.99When things go wrong in life and relationships, and with stunning frequency they do, you will connect with this simple yet highly effective inspirational approach to solving problems no matter what the issue: marriage, finances, bad choices, fear, anxiety, emotional hurt, obsessions, addictions, weight issues, and more. From the bestselling author of Boundaries, this quick-read book—Now What Do I Do?—will help you tap into the power of seven key principles that will help you solve everything from crises that explode without warning to chronic issues that have lingered for years. Solving problems isn’t instantaneous, but it still can be miraculous!
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Identificar Y Romper Maldicion – (Spanish)
$9.99Redemption from Curses
Perhaps you are plagued by family disputes and bickering. Your marriage is crumbling, and you just can’t seem to connect with your kids. Maybe you’re sick of living paycheck to paycheck. You’ve prayed and fasted and prayed some more, but nothing has seemed to work.
No matter what kind of problem you’re dealing with-financial, familial, or physical-you may be unknowingly living under a curse. Here is how to determine if you’re under a curse and, if so, how to break that curse.
Redencion de las Maldiciones
Quiza este usted inundando de disputas y peleas familiares. Su matrimonio se desmorona y parece que usted no puede conectar con sus hijos. Puede que este enfermo y se limite a vivir de salario en salario. Ha orado y ayunando, y ha vuelto a orar, pero nada parece funcionar.
Sin importar cual sea su dolencia, sea economica, familiar o fisica, puede que inconscientemente este usted viviendo bajo una maldicion. Aqui tenemos como determinar si esta usted bajo una maldicion y, si es asi, como romper esa maldicio.
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Vida Con Proposito Edicion Amp (Expanded) – (Spanish) (Expanded)
$18.99The most basic question everyone faces in life is ‘Why am I here?’. What is my purpose? Self-help books suggest that people should look within, at their own desires and dreams, but Rick Warren says the starting place must be with God—and His eternal purpose for each life. Real meaning and significance comes from understanding and fulfilling God’s purposes for putting us on earth. ‘The Purpose-Driven Life’ takes the groundbreaking message of the award-winning ‘Purpose-Driven Church’ and goes deeper, applying it to the lifestyle of individual Christians. This book helps readers understand God’s incredible plan for their lives. Warren enables them to see ‘the big picture’ of what life is all about and begin to live the life God created them to live.
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Paz Del Perdon – (Spanish)
$14.99Charles Stanley, one of the most influential spiritual leaders of our day, shares the key to personal and even world peace in La paz del perdon. As Stanley points out that no sin is so shockingly evil it blocks God’s forgiveness nor so trivial it negates the need for God’s mercy, he shares the specifics of how to go about receiving and giving forgiveness.
Una guia practica acerca del perdon de Dios y hacia nuestros semejantes.
Charles Stanley, uno de los lideres espirtuales mas influyentes de nuestra epoca, comparte la llave de la paz tanto personal como para todo el mundo en La paz del perdon. Stanley muestra que ningun pecado es tan malvado que Dios no lo puede perdonar ni tan trivial que no se necesita la misericordia de Dios. Comparte pasos espicificos en cuanto a como recibir y dar el perdon.
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Fe Familia Y Finanzas – (Spanish)
$15.99Rebuild the Foundations of
…Your Faith
…Your Family
…Your FinancesGod is ready to help Christians rebuild and strengthen the foundations of their lives. By calling on Him and returning to His plan for success, you can:
*Break free from the chains of debt
*Enjoy God’s miraculous provision
*Strengthen family relationships
*Make wise decisions
*Find freedom from fear
*Build a power-filled faith
*Protect your family from spiritual attacks
*Live a joyful, victorious lifeExperience all of the blessings, prosperity, and abundance God has in store for every area of your life!
Reconstruya los cimientos de
…su fe
…su familia
…sus finanzasDios esta preparado para ayudar a los cristianos a reconstruir y fortalecer los cimientos de sus vidas. Al clamar a El y regresar a su plan para el exito, usted puede:
*Ser libre de las cadenas de la deuda
*Disfrutar de la milagrosa provision de Dios
*Fortalecer las relaciones familiares
*Tomar decisiones sabias
*Encontrar libertad del temor
*Edificar una fe llena de poder
*Proteger a su familia de ataques espirituales
*Vivir una vida gozosa y victoriosa!Experimente todas las bendiciones, prosperidad y abundancia que Dios tiene preparadas para cada area de su vida!
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Demonios Y Liberacion – (Spanish)
$15.99Power-packed authority
Satanic activity continues to increase at an explosive rate. H. A. Maxwell Whyte provides practical answers to the most frequently asked questions about demons, including…
*What exactly is a demon?
*How does a person come under demonic influence?
*Can we inherit evil spirits from our ancestors?
*Can a believer be possessed?
*How can Christians resist the powers of darkness?
*Can just anybody cast out a demon?
*Are there any dangers in casting out demons?Discover how you, as a Christian, have the authority to defeat oppression, addiction, sickness, mental problems, and unexplainable behavior with lasting results.
Autoridad cargada de poder
La actividad satanica continua aumentando a un ritmo explosivo. H. A. Maxwell Whyte aporta respuestas practicas a las preguntas mas frecuentemente formuladas acerca de los demonios, incluyendo…
*Que es exactamente un demonio?
*Como se situa una persona bajo influencia demoniaca?
*Podemos heredar espiritus malos de nuestros antepasados?
*Puede un creyente ser poseido?
*Como pueden los cristianos resistir a las potestades de las tinieblas?
*Puede cualquiera echar fuera un demonio?
*Hay algun peligro en echar fuera demonios?Descubra que usted, como cristiano, tiene la autoridad para derrotar la opresion, la adiccion, la enfermedad, los problemas mentales y la conducta inexplicable con resultados duraderos.
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Doce Heroes Inconcebibles – (Spanish)
$15.99In the third installment of the Twelve series, readers discover that true success is measured in terms of obedience, humility and faithfulness to God.
They faltered. They struggled. At times, they failed. Yet God worked through them in incredible ways to accomplish his purposes. In Twelve Unlikely Heroes, the third installment of Dr. MacArthur’s Twelve series (Twelve Ordinary Men, Twelve Extraordinary Women), readers gain new insights into the kind of people God uses, and what it means to be successful in his eyes. Readers receive deep biblical teaching and inspiring life instruction from Bible characters like:
Joseph: a slave who saved his country and his family
Miriam: the sister who helped shape one of Israel’s foremost deliverers
Samson: an uncontrollable man whom God empowered and used
Jonathan: an heir to a throne he was willing to give up
Esther: the woman God used to spare the Jewish people
Mark: a coward who was restored and wrote the second gospel
Onesimus: a runaway slave who became a minister And more!Twelve Unlikely Heroes highlights this wonderful mystery: that God uses weak, foolish, and broken people to showcase his power, wisdom, and love. He works through those who are humble, contrite, and eager to obey. By God’s grace and for his glory, ordinary sinners are unexpectedly transformed into heroes of the faith.
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Restauracion De Dios – (Spanish)
$14.99Readers encounter a new message about God’s redemptive plan for their failures and shortcomings.
One bite of forbidden fruit is all it took to send humanity reeling from God. What Sheila Walsh unveils in God Loves Broken People is that God had a divine plan even then that is hidden underneath our pain and mistakes. God intends to wield our failures, our wanderings, and the deep hurt of our lives not only to drive us toward him but also to give us a deeper experience of his grace and healing power. So many people, Christians and non-Christians alike, look at their wounds and sense that they are somehow beyond repair, that their moments of weakness make them spiritually defective. In this powerful book full of deep biblical teaching, Walsh encourages readers with God’s truth that he is not done with them yet, that he can and will redeem their failures to create a deeper intimacy with him and accomplish his kingdom purposes.
Everyone has messed up somehow, sometime. For anyone who is not able to move beyond and experience the deep love and grace of God, they need God Loves Broken People.
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Gloria De Dios – (Spanish)
$16.99Es la gloria de Dios una simple teoria o es algo que podemos experimentar?
En este libro, el Dr. Guillermo Maldonado nos revela los misterios de la Gloria de Dios y nos guia a tener un encuentro real con Dios y experimentar Su presencia, !aqui y ahora! El Dr. Guillermo Maldonado vierte mas de 20 aos de experiencia manifestando el poder sobrenatural de Dios en su ministerio, donde ha sido usado por Dios para hacer que los ciegos vean, los sordos oigan, los cojos caminen, los muertos se levanten, y los oprimidos sean liberados, en mas de 50 paises alrededor del mundo.
Este libro le impartira y lo activara para ser un vaso escogido por Dios para manifestar Su gloria dondequiera que vaya, por medio de milagros, seales y maravillas. A traves de este libro usted…
*Entendera que es la gloria de Dios y la experimentara
*Conectara la revelacion con la manifestacion
*Recibira el fuego que lo apasionara a buscar Su presencia
*Aprendera a construir una atmosfera de adoracion que traiga Su presencia
*Experimentara una transformacion radical
*Diferenciara las fuentes genuinas de poder de las falsas
*Aprendera como ser un vaso escogido que manifieste Su gloria, aqui y ahoraIs the glory of God only a theory or is it something we can experience?
In this book, Dr. Guillermo Maldonado reveals the mysteries of the Glory of God and guides you to having a real encounter with God and experience His presence-here and now! Dr. Guillermo Maldonado pours out more than 20 years of experience in manifesting God’s supernatural power in his ministry, where he has been used by God to make the blind see, the deaf hear, the lame walk, the dead raise, and the oppressed be delivered in over 50 countries around the world.
This book will impart and activate you to be a chosen vessel of God to manifest the glory of God wherever you go with miracles, signs, and wonders-here and now! Through this book you will…
*Understand what the Glory of God is and experience it
*Be able to connect revelation to manifestation
*Receive a fire for passion to search for His presence
*How to build an atmosphere of worship in order to draw His manifested presence
*Experience a radical transformation
*Identify the genuine source of power versus the counterfeit
*How to become a chosen vessel to manifest his glory here and nowAdd to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Dile Si A Dios – (Spanish)
$13.99You have a plan for the rest of your life. God has a plan for the rest of your life. Are they the same? Say Yes to God—formerly titled Dangerous Surrender—will help you find the answer.
You have expectations for how your life will play out, and you hope those plans will become realities. But what if God’s plan for your life is far different from what you had in mind? Can you accept that? Will you surrender your goals for God’s?
Kay Warren had a plan. Together with her husband, Rick Warren, author of the megaseller The Purpose Driven Life, she planned that after her kids were grown, she’d travel the world, teaching and encouraging couples in ministry. It was a good plan. But it wasn’t what God had in mind for her.
In her own startling wake-up call, Kay discovered the shocking realities of the AIDS pandemic in Africa while reading a magazine. ‘I want to use you!’ she heard God say. That began the struggle—first to avoid God’s call and then to surrender herself to God.
She cried out to God, ‘Why are you bothering me with this? There’s nothing I can do about it. I’m just an ordinary person. What could one person do about such a gigantic problem?’ But God had grabbed her attention and wouldn’t let go.
If you’ve ever struggled with knowing and doing God’s will, this book is for you. With raw honesty, Kay goes straight to the heart of the matter: the bottom line is surrender. Will you say yes to God? Along the way she’ll introduce you to others—people like you—who have said yes to God and have made a difference in the world. Using their skills, energy, faith, and a willingness to take risks, they became powerful instruments of change and tools in God’s hands. Giving in to God isn’t easy. It’s not for cowards. It’s the boldest, riskiest step you’ll ever take. This dangerous surrender can bring both joy and pain, both heartache and ecstasy, but it enables you to know God in a far deeper way than ever before.
‘I had to make a conscious decision. Would I retreat to my comfortable life and to my settled plans? Or would I surrender to God’s call and let my heart engage with the cause to which he called me one that I was pretty sure would include buckets of pain and sorrow? I felt like I was standing on the edge of a giant precipice; I couldn’t go back, and yet the way forward looked like stepping into a void.’
Kay Warren took that step, choosing to say yes to God. That decision transformed her life and reshaped h
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Seis Lugares Donde Jesus Derra – (Spanish)
$14.99!Descubra la plena revelacion de lo que Jesus logro para usted por medio de su muerte y resurreccion!
Cada pagina de este revolucionario libro del pastor Larry Huch le llevara a un notable viaje por los ultimos dias de la vida y el ministerio de Jesus. Usted recibira una nueva perspectiva sobre como derramo El su sangre no solamente una vez, !sino siete!
Las frescas perspectivas y las profundas revelaciones del pastor Huch le mostraran el poder para salvar, liberar y sanar mediante cada lugar donde Jesus derramo su sangre.
Vaya con el paso a paso a medida que le lleva al huerto de Getsemani, donde Jesus sudo gotas de sangre, al poste de los azotes, donde su espalda quedo rasgada por los treinta y nueve latigazos, hasta las heridas de los clavos en sus manos y pies en el Calvario y la lanza que traspaso su costado.
Cada lugar donde la sangre de Jesus fue derramada se convertira en una conexion transformadora para que usted reciba las bendiciones redentoras de Dios. Experimentelas ahora en Los 7 Lugares Donde Jesus Derramo Su Sangre.
Discover the full revelation of what Jesus accomplished for you through His death and resurrection!
Every page of this revolutionary book by Pastor Larry Huch will take you on a remarkable journey through the last days of Jesus’ life and ministry. You’ll receive a fresh perspective on how He shed His blood not just one time, but seven!
Pastor Huch’s fresh insights and deep revelations will show you the power to save, deliver, and heal through each place Jesus shed His blood.
Go with him step-by-step, as he takes you to the garden of Gethsemane, where Jesus sweat drops of blood, to the whipping post where His back was laid bare by the thirty-nine stripes, to the nail wounds in His hands and feet at Calvary, and finally to the spear thrust into His side.
Every place Jesus’ blood was shed will become a life-changing connection for you to receive the redemptive blessings of God. Experience them now in The 7 Places Jesus Shed His Blood.
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Vence La Adversidad – (Spanish)
$13.99Revealing the survival instinct that God has placed in every believer, so that along with the guidance that He provides, we can survive and be winners when confronted by the challenges of life. Emphasizing the importance of a defiant attitude when faced with faced with adversity.
Making use of certain situations described in the word of God, where the persons involved, when faced with adverse circumstances, understood that it was possible to survive where others had fallen.
From Jonah, who survived in the belly of a whale, to Samson chained in the temple of Dagon and forward to the well-known story of the prodigal son, who despite a bad start, was able to survive and return to the place that his father made for him.
Every believer goes through difficult times, but these moments demonstrate the divine nature that may be in evidence and on display at any given moment. And just like Jonah, Samson, and the prodigal son, we all have that survival instinct that makes us SURVIVORS.
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Dios Prodigo Guia Del Discusio (Student/Study Guide) – (Spanish) (Student/Study
$12.99Two sons, one who kept the rules religiously and one who broke them all. One Father who loved both lost sons beyond anything they could imagine. Discover how deep and far God’s grace goes in The Prodigal God
The Prodigal God discussion guide will help you uncover, personalize, and apply life-changing insight from The Prodigal God DVD and book.
In six captivating sessions, pastor and New York Times bestselling author Timothy Keller opens your eyes to the powerful message of Jesus’ best-known—and least understood—parable. The Prodigal God is a revelation of the very heart of the gospel: God’s radical love for sinners of every kind.
Taking you beyond the traditional focus on the wayward younger son, Keller helps you glean insights from each of the characters in Jesus’ parable: the irreligious younger son, the moralistic elder son, and the Father who lavishes his love on both.
Inside this guide, you’ll explore questions for group discussion and personal reflection, and exercises that will help you experience the truths of Jesus’ parable in your own life.
The gospel is neither religion nor irreligion, but something else entirely. Whether you’re a devout believer or a skeptic, The Prodigal God will challenge you to see Christianity in a whole new way.
Session titles include the following:
The Parable
The People Around Jesus
The Two Lost Sons
The Elder Brother
The True Elder Brother
The Feast of the FatherDesigned for use with The Prodigal God DVD and book.
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No Lo Soy Pero Conozco Al Yo S – (Spanish)
$10.99We wear ourselves out trying to be smarter, bigger, the center of attention. But dynamic communicator Louie Giglio’s latest book puts success back in perspective. When John the Baptist said that he must decrease while Jesus must increase, he was expressing the secret to astonishing freedom…and incredible rest. This book will teach you the rich, meaningful lifestyle of being small. Free from the worries that used to strangle you, you’ll radiate the power of the God who is all the things you aren’t!
I am not, but God knows my name.
I am not, but He has pursued me in His love.
I am not, but I know the Creator of the universe.
I am not, but I know I AM!
If you see life as your own one-act play and history as your story, you could be in for a rude awakening when the curtain finally closes on your tiny tale-and you discover that life wasn’t all about you after all.
The real story of life is God-I AM-the main character and true star of time and eternity. He is at center stage in all of Creation, and He wants you to know Him by name. Knowing I AM means embracing your smallness in light of His greatness.
Savor the true meaning of life as you learn to work and rest in His power, spending your life for what lasts forever-the unending glory that is God’s alone
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Contigo Espiritu Santo – (Spanish)
$9.99The Holy Spirit is a divine person, part of the Trinity. He speaks, listens, and desires you. He is guide, teacher and intercessor. He feels joy, jealousy, anger, and sadness. But most importantly, he intensely desires to have a relationship with you and to bless you.
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Admirable Forajido – (Spanish)
$28.55Reading the Gospels without knowing the personality of Jesus is like watching television with the sound turned off. The result is a dry, two dimensional person doing strange, undecipherable things.
In BEAUTIFUL OUTLAW, John Eldredge removes the religious varnish to help readers discover stunning new insights into the humanity of Jesus. He was accused of breaking the law, keeping bad company, heavy drinking. Of being the evil himself. He was so compelling and dangerous they had to kill him. But others loved him passsionately. He had a sense of humor. His generosity was scandalous. His anger made enemies tremble. He’d say the most outragious things. He was definitely not the Jesus of the stained glass.
In the author’s winsome, narrative approach, he breaks Jesus out of the typical stereotypes, just as he set masculinity free in his book, Wild at Heart. By uncovering the real Jesus, readers are welcomed into the rich emotional life of Christ. All of the remarkable qualities of Jesus burst like fireworks with color and brilliance because of his humanity.
Eldredge goes on to show readers how they can experience this Jesus in their lives every day. This book will quicken readers’ worship, and deepen their intimacy with Jesus.
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Antiguos Secretos Biblicos Des – (Spanish)
$15.99Un alarmante numero de cristianos han sido alimentados con la idea de que nuestro Dios es un dios tacao y enojado. Nada podria estar mas lejos de la verdad. De hecho, Larry Huch sugiere que los ojos de Dios estan constantemente recorriendo “toda la tierra” (2 Cronicas 16:9), buscando a alguien a quien sanar, a quien bendecir, a alguien a quien prosperar y a alguien a quien mostrar favor.
En su nuevo libro, Antiguos Secretos Biblicos Desvelados, Huch revela las antiguas bendiciones de Dios para su vida, como:
La produccion a ciento por uno en la parabola de la semilla
El secreto de la oracion revelado en la escalera de Jacob
El poder protector de la mezuza
El milagro de Purim para transformar la historia de su vida
Fe biblica para los ultimos tiempos
El pacto de Dios para el exito
El poder de Dios multiplicado en su vida con las cuatro copas de la ComunionAl entender y acceder a estas verdades intemporales en la Tora, los cristianos pueden volver a descubrir el destino que Dios quiere para su pueblo. No debiamos vivir vidas de vacio ritual religioso; !debiamos ser brillantes ejemplos del poder, la bendicion y el favor de Dios!
An alarming number of Christians have been fed the notion that our God is a mean and angry god. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, Larry Huch suggests that God’s eyes are constantly searching “to and fro throughout the whole earth” (2 Chronicles 16:9), looking for someone to heal, someone to bless, someone to prosper, and someone to favor.
In his new book, Unveiling Ancient Biblical Secrets, Huch reveals God’s ancient blessings for your life, such as:
The hundredfold breakthrough in the parable of the seed
The secret of prayer revealed in Jacob’s ladder
The protective power of the mezuzah
Purim’s miracle for turning your life story around
Biblical faith for the last days
God’s covenant of successAdd to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Esencia De La Historia – (Spanish)
$16.99A companion to The Story Bible campaign, The Heart of The Story provides insight, clarity, and explanation for understanding how individual stories fit, chronologically as well as theologically, into the grand design of God’s Upper Story. Examining the 31 key Scriptural divisions used in The Story Bible, this book connects each back to the big picture.
On every page of the Bible, God reveals his vision and his heart for his people. From Genesis to Revelation, he discloses his plan to extend his community—what we know as the Trinity of Father, Son, and Spirit—to the community of his creation. Even when people rebel against God, he pursues and offers his Son so that we might have relationship with him.
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Historia Teen Edition – (Spanish)
$19.99‘The Greatest Story Ever Told’ is more than just a cliche. God has gone to great lengths to rescue lost and hurting people. That is what The Story for Teens is all about—the story of the Bible, God’s great love affair with humanity. Condensed into 31 accessible chapters, The Story for Teens sweeps you into the unfolding progression of Bible characters and events from Genesis to Revelation. Using the clear, accurate, and easy-to-understand text of the New International Version, it allows the stories, poems, and teachings of the Bible to read like a novel. And like any good story, it is filled with intrigue, drama, conflict, romance, and redemption.
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Guerra Espiritual – (Spanish)
$16.99Comenzando hoy, su familia puede estar a salvo de la devastacion de ataques por parte de fortalezas de oscuridad espirituales: peleas, division, vacio, amargura, desesperacion y mucho mas.
En este contundente libro, Marilyn Hickey muestra, por medio de sus propias experiencias y las de otros, como contraatacar con exito utilizando las poderosas armas espirituales que ios le ha dado. Entonces, usted puede:
*Ser libre de maldiciones generacionales.
*Conquistar pecados y habitos arraigados.
*Recibir poderosas respuestas a la oracion.
*Bloquear los ataques de Satanas.
*Liberar a otros de la atadura espiritual.
*Vencer las tentaciones.
*Recibir proteccion divina.Guerra Espiritual revela las estrategias del enemigo y le equipa a usted para participar en batallas espirituales… !Y GANAR!
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Como Caminar En Poder Sobrenat (Student/Study Guide) – (Spanish) (Student/Study
$20.00!El Poder de los Milagros esta Disponible Hoy!
“Y estas seales seguiran a los que creen: En mi nombre echaran fuera demonios; hablaran nuevas lenguas”. (Marcos 16:17)
El poder sobrenatural esta disponible hoy para todos los creyentes, tal como lo estaba para la iglesia primitiva durante los dias de los apostoles. El poder de Dios nunca se ha extinguido, solo el entendimiento de la iglesia de como obtenerlo.
Milagros, sanidades y liberacion de opresiones demoniacas estan disponibles para cada creyente. Ahora, a traves de la Escritura, el Apostol Maldonado le muestra como obtener los beneficios del poder sobrenatural que estan disponibles para usted, de manera que pueda:Desarrollar fe para los milagros
Protegerse a si mismo de los engaos del diablo
Operar y fluir en lo sobrenatural
Ministrar sanidad a los enfermos
Una vez que usted reciba la revelacion completa del Dios sobrenatural, usted podra tomar este poder y ganar el mundo para Cristo.
Today’s church is not reaching many of the lost, sick, and hurting because believers are not taking the authority and power they have been given through Christ and going out to the world as His body. Guillermo Maldonado believes that the gospel message being presented today is anemic because it is not accompanied by signs and wonders confirming that Jesus has been raised from the dead and is alive today, still able to heal, do miracles, and conquer the devil’s oppression.
Through Maldonado’s insights on the supernatural, you will:
” Recognize human substitutes for God’s power
” Develop faith for the miraculous
” Seek God’s anointing to carry out His calling
” Receive the glory that accompanies His supernatural presence
” Protect yourself from the devil’s deception
” Learn to hear God’s voice
” Overcome demonic attacks
” Understand how to operate in the supernaturalOnce you grasp the full revelation of our supernatural God and live in it, you will be able to reach the world for Christ!
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Su Poder En Espiritu Santo – (Spanish)
$16.99John G. Lake was anointed by God to reach the sick and the lost in miraculous ways. Here is a glimpse of the unparalleled outpouring of Holy Spirit power when operating through a completely yielded life. Drawing upon his vast ministry experiences, Lake presents an enlightening look at how God desires to use His people mightily to minister to a dying world. Through his insightful words, you will discover how you can personally…
* Receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
* Be filled with the overcoming life of Christ.
* Be a more powerful witness for Christ.
* Overcome all the schemes of Satan.
* Exercise authority over evil spirits in Jesus’ name.
* Trust God to meet all your needs.
* Find true purpose for your life.
* Develop a faith for miracles.
* See people powerfully saved, healed, and delivered.
* Transform your world for Christ.You, too, can bring salvation and healing to many hurting,
hungry people in the fullness and power of the Holy Spirit.
Discover the exciting opportunities available to believers
everywhere, and experience God’s powerful and miraculous
ways!Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Esclavo – (Spanish)
$15.99El autor y pastor Dr. John MacArthur revela una palabra crucial que revolucionara lo que significa el seguir a Jesus.
A traves de la Biblia, los seguidores de Jesus han sido ordenados a someterse. Se les ha dicho que tienen que obedecer y seguir fielmente sin titubeos. Cada vez que los cristianos pronuncian la palabra Dios, ellos hacen una declaracion sutil pero profunda- Que Dios es nuestro dueno y que pertenecemos a El. De hecho, la Biblia describe a los creyentes como sus esclavos. Hemos sido comprados a un precio y ahora vivimos para Cristo como gente de su propia posesion.
Vaya a una iglesia hoy en dia, ojee a traves de la mayoria de las traducciones de la Biblia y Usted no vera ni escuchara la palabra esclavo en ningun lugar porque se ha perdido en la traduccion. En este excitante libro el Dr. John MacArthur utiliza profundas ensenanzas biblicas y evaluaciones historicas para revelar una palabra olvidada que restaura la verdadera definicion de la Biblia sobre la libertad del cristiano.
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Favor Camino Hacia Exito – (Spanish)
$9.99Como obtener el favor de Dios.
Estas verdades ayudaran a los cristianos a liberar al Espiritu Santo que esta en su interior, a fin de que los creyentes puedan experimentar vidas plenas, emocionantes y exuberantes.
Bob Buess habla sobre como:
El favor transforma la inseguridad en confianza en uno mismo
El favor cambiara hogares, esposos, esposas, e hijos
Usted puede recibir la bendicion de Dios y exito en sus circunstanciasSe incluyen varios testimonios del favor de Dios. El autor combina un celo celestial con una utilidad practica, !y podria encontrarse riendo y a la vez aprendiendo!
“Porque tu, oh Jehova, bendeciras al justo; como con un escudo lo rodearas de tu favor”. -Salmo 5:12
These truths will help Christians release the Holy Spirit who is within, so that believers can experience full, exciting, exuberant lives.
Bob Buess discusses how:
Favor changes insecurity into self-confidence
Favor will change homes, husbands, wives, and children
You can receive God’s blessing and success in your circumstancesIncluded are many testimonies of God’s favor. The author combines heavenly zeal with a down-to-earth practicality, and you may find yourself laughing while learning!
“For thou, Lord, wilt bless the righteous; with favour wilt thou compass him as with a shield.” -Psalm 6:12
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Dos Tipos De Justicia – (Spanish)
$15.99The Right Choice Provides Rewards–Now and Eternally!
Legendary teacher E. W. Kenyon describes biblical righteousness. True righteousness is a gift from God that means the ability to stand in His presence without fear or any sense of guilt and inferiority. This righteousness is available to you right now…if you choose rightly. Then, you will:
*Overcome sin and temptation
*Receive God’s blessings
*Tap into the power of the Holy Spirit
*Experience the deep joy of fellowship with God
*Powerfully witness to others
*Develop miracle-working faith
True righteousness can be yours today!La eleccion correcta proporciona recompensas, !ahora y eternamente!
El legendario maestro E. W. Kenyon describe la justicia biblica. La verdadera justicia es un regalo de Dios que significa la capacidad de estar en la presencia de El sin temor y sin ningun sentimiento de culpa o de inferioridad. Esta justicia esta a tu disposicion ahora… si escoges correctamente. Entonces:
*Venceras el pecado y la tentacion
*Recibiras las bendiciones de Dios
*Tendras acceso al poder del Espiritu Santo
*Experimentaras el profundo gozo de la comunion con Dios
*Testificaras poderosamente a otros
*Desarrollaras una fe que obra milagros
!La verdadera justicia puede ser tuya hoy!Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Jesus El Sanador – (Spanish)
$9.99Multitudes have been healed while reading this book!
Experience the Power of Faith in Your Life
Dr. Kenyon had a rare gift for presenting deep, profound biblical truths in a simple and easily understood way. You, too, can be inspired to step out and receive your healing, like the many multitudes of others who have read Jesus the Healer and were healed. Explore these rich truths with Kenyon, and discover how to:
*Receive physical and emotional healing
*Remove hindrances to healing
*Be free from fear, guilt, and shame
*Experience a new joy in your life
*Become a stronger soulwinner
*Develop a miracle-working faithShare these powerful truths, and see how God can use you to bring healing to others.
You, too, can personally receive God’s healing touch!Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Discipulado E Interpretacion – (Spanish)
$21.86“Discipulado e interpretacion” es un llamado a realizar la gran comision de nuestro Seor Jesucristo: “id y haced discipulos”. Pero hacer discipulos requiere que todo cristiano tenga un esquema hermeneutico para entender el texto escrito de la tradicion cristiana. Si entendemos bien, podremos ensear bien y asi formar discipulos buenos que se reproduzcan en otros discipulos, y estos en otros, y estos en otros. Pero si nos desviamos, estaremos propensos a perder el gozo de nuestra mision.
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Come La Galleta Compra Los Zap – (Spanish)
$16.99Breaking away from society’s belief that unbending discipline is the only way to succeed shows weakness, right? Wrong, says Meyer. Here she explores the difference between healthy celebration and destructive self-indulgence; demonstrates how to achieve balance in your life; and gives you permission to indulge in a guilty pleasure every now and then.
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Ser Que Quiero Ser – (Spanish)
$16.99The Me I Want to Be book and group video experience is your first step to becoming God’s best version of you. Join bestselling author and Pastor John Ortberg as he guides you through the sometimes difficult but ultimately fulfilling journey towards a uniquely created spirituality. One designed just for you – one that will enable you to experience God more fully each day.
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Claves Para Hombres – (Spanish)
$6.99Llenas con pensamientos muy motivadores y consejos muy practicos, estas frases inspiradores del autor de Best SellersDr. Myles Munroe proveen sabiduria para que puedas vivir tu vida de acuerdo con los propositos de Dios. Claves para los Hombres capacita a los hombres para que puedan entender el proposito que Dios les dio, asi como sus cualidades unicas, y sus relaciones con los demas- incluyendo su relacion complementaria con las mujeres- de tal manera que puedan llegar a realizar su destino y todo su potencial.
Filled with motivating insights and practical advice, these inspiring quotes from best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe provide wisdom for living your life according to God’s purposes. Keys for Vision shares truths on how to make your dreams and hopes a living reality. As you meditate on these truths, your mind will be renewed and your life will be transformed. You will understand the Creator’s original design so you can fulfill your unique, God-given purpose in the world with joy and confidence.
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Claves Para Cambio – (Spanish)
$6.99Filled with motivating insights and practical advice, these inspiring quotes from best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe provide wisdom for living your life according to God’s purposes. Keys for Change highlights vital principles for seasons of change and how you can maximize the benefits of change-whether the change seems positive or negative-enabling you to thrive while fulfilling your purpose in life. As you meditate on these truths, your mind will be renewed and your life will be transformed. You will understand the Creator’s original design so you can fulfill your unique, God-given purpose in the world with joy and confidence.
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Cambia Tu Corazon Cambia Tu Vi – (Spanish)
$13.99De su corazon fluyen sus palabras y acciones. Cambie su corazon, y cambiara su vida. De acuerdo al autor de exitos de libreria, el Dr. Gary Smalley, nadie tiene que vivir segun las mentiras destructivas sutiles o creer en las distorsiones de la verdad que este mundo nos presenta. Hay pasos, estrategias y creencias que las personas pueden incorporar a sus vidas, bien sea para transformarlas por completo o mejorarlas discretamente… y todo empieza con guardar en su corazon la Palabra de Dios. Guardar en su corazon la Palabra de Dios cambio de forma radical la vida del mismo Smalley, y el esta viendo como esto revoluciona las vidas de los que lo rodean tambien… rechazando la lujuria, el materialismo, el egoismo, la ira, el estres, la exageracion al comer, la ansiedad y la culpabilidad, para nombrar apenas unas pocas cosas. Sin que importe la edad de la persona, sus experiencias o patrones previos, este libro guiara a los lectores a por que y como orquestar sus creencias para cambiar por siempre sus vidas y relaciones personales.
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Espiritu De Las Disciplinas – (Spanish)
$15.99Dallas Willard, one of today’s most brilliant Christian thinkers and author of The Divine Conspiracy (Christianity Today’s 1999 Book of the Year), presents a way of living that enables ordinary men and women to enjoy the fruit of the Christian life. He reveals how the key to self-transformation resides in the practice of the spiritual disciplines, and how their practice affirms human life to the fullest. The Spirit of the Disciplines is for everyone who strives to be a disciple of Jesus in thought and action as well as intention.
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Principios Y Beneficios Del Ca – (Spanish)
$16.99L as corrientes tradicionales-ya sean personales o
culturales-pueden traer tension nerviosa, estres,
confusion e incluso panico. Solo un pequeo porcentaje de
las gentes puede responder al cambio en formas que son
verdaderamente efectivas. Sin embargo, la forma como
tratamos con el cambio determina a final de cuentas si va a
ser una fuerza positiva o negativa en nuestra vida.
El autor de Best Sellers Dr. Myles Munroe explica como
podemos enfrentarnos al poder positivo del cambio, sin
importar cual sea la fuente de origen de ese cambio, para
que nos lleve a tener exito, mientras que al mismo tiempo
estamos cumpliendo los propositos que Dios nos ha dado en
esta vida.
A traves de este libro, tu vas a descubrir como:
* Ser una parte activa del cambio, en lugar de ser victima
del mismo.
* Ser completamente libre de temores durante tiempos
* Centro activo con relacion a buscar tu proposito, aun en
contra de todas las circunstancias.
* Permitir que el cambio que ha sido ordenado por Dios sea
impartido al mundo a traves de ti.
* Poder ver los tiempos de transicion desde la perspectiva
de Dios.
* Poder encontrar tremendas oportunidades para el
crecimiento personal y la realizacion de ti mismo.
El cambio y a todos nosotros, ya sea que estemos
preparados para ello o no lo estemos. No permitas que te
desvie, sino al contrario, descubre los principios que te
permiten con el poder positivo del cambio para servicio de
tu propia vidaChange happens to us. It’s measured in gains or losses: you find a spouse or lose a loved one; you receive a promotion or lose a job.
Change happens around us. It’s marked by natural and social factors: a good harvest, a natural disaster; an economic boom, a stock market plunge.
Change is initiated by us. It’s weighed by its outcome: you make a decision that improves your life; you make a choice that shatters your dreams.Transitional tides-whether personal or cultural-can bring on stress, confusion, and even panic. Only a small percentage of people respond to change in truly effective ways. Yet how we deal with change determines whether it will ultimately be a positive or negative force in our lives. Best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe explains how we can tap into the positive power of change-no matter what the source of that change-enabling us to thrive while fulfilling our God-given purposes in life.
Through this book, you can discover how to…
” BeAdd to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Destinado Al Exito – (Spanish)
$14.99If you have read “The Champion’s Code”, you don’t want to miss this new book by Dante Gebel. It is motivating and disturbing. Dante clearly presents the way to have a successful life and how to leave your mark and footsteps for future generations to follow. This inspiring message will help you achieve purpose in your daily life and ministry.
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Esperanza Para Un Dia Sin Espe – (Spanish)
$4.99Here are real-life stories of individuals who triumphed over their “hopeless days.” Readers will be heartened by their stories of bravery and integrity-including Hayford’s experience of walking through the sudden death of his son-in-law.
Aqui se muestran historias de la vida real acerca de individuos que triunfaron sobre sus ‘dias sin esperanza’. Los lectores seran tocados en sus corazones por estas historias de valentia e integridad incluyendo la experiencia de Hayford, al que le toco caminar a traves de la muerte de su yerno.”
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Revelacion Divina Del Oracion – (Spanish)
$16.99!La oracion realmente funciona!
Muchos cristianos se preguntan por que no pueden vencer sus pecados y sus tentaciones, y cual es la razon de que sus oraciones pidiendo por una mejor salud, bendiciones financieras, y restauracion en sus relaciones con otras personas, no han recibido respuesta.
La autora de Best Sellers Mary K. Baxter comparte visiones y revelaciones acerca del poder de la oracion, que abren los ojos hacia una nueva perspectiva.
Sus respuestas personales tan asombrosas te van a ayudar a:
” Vencer temores, ataduras y fracasos
” Poder escuchar claramente la direccion de Dios
” Recibir sanidad y liberacion de todo tipo de adicciones
” Poder vivir el tipo de vida que deberias vivir
” Experimentar el poder de Dios diariamente!Descubre los secretos que estan en la oracion
para poderosas victorias transformadoras el hoy mismo!When you pray but don’t see an answer, you can be tempted to think God isn’t listening to you. Yet even when you do not visibly see God at work, He is actively answering your requests in the invisible realm. In A Divine Revelation of Prayer, Mary K. Baxter and George Bloomer share fascinating dreams and revelations concerning the power of prayer and their experiences with answered prayer as they’ve ministered throughout the world.
You will discover…
* How our prayers are received in the spirit realm.
* How to pray in expectation.
* How to live in confident faith that God’s will has been done as you wait for the physical manifestation of your answer.
* Why you should never give up on prayer but rather give in to God.
* How to discern and overcome hindrances to your prayers.
* How to exercise the power of prayer in your everyday life.
Ask for God’s help, and He will make you an overcomer in every facet of your life.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase