Showing 201–250 of 258 resultsSorted by latest
Como Vivir Una Vida Extraordin – (Spanish)
$14.99Add to cartDescripcion (Description):
Para muchos en el mundo, la fe cristiana es un conjunto de reglamentos y ordenanzas. Pero ni el mismo Jesus le enseo a sus seguidores de esa forma; El les enseo principios fundamentales para sus vidas. Estos principios, tal como lo dice Charles Stanley, son verdades sencillas que funcionan como una brujula para nuestra alma.
Usted aprendera que:Su vida es una obra de arte
Esperar en Dios no es algo pasivo
Las decepciones son inevitables, pero el desanimo es una eleccion
Usted fue creado con eternidad en su corazon
Dios asume toda la responsabilidad de sus necesidades si usted le obedeceUtilizando ejemplos de su propia experiencia, personajes biblicos y analisis de casos, el doctor Stanley demuestra como estos principios claves pueden impactar la vida en el siglo 21 y como nos hace diferentes, como cristianos, de aquellos que viven de acuerdo a su preferencia mas que sus principios.
To many in the world, the Christian faith is a set of rules and regulations. But Jesus himself did not teach his followers in sets of dos and don’ts; he taught them foundational principles to live by. These life principles, Charles Stanley says, are the simple truths that act as a compass for our souls.
You will learn:
Your life is a Masterpiece
Waiting on God is not passive
Disappointments are inevitable, but discouragement is a choice
You were created with eternity in your heart
God assumes full responsibility for your needs when you obey HimUsing examples from his own personal experiences, Biblical personalities, and case studies, Dr. Stanley demonstrates how these key life principles impact life in the 21st century-and how they make us, as Christians, different from those who live their lives according to preference, rather than principles.
Fe Explosiva – (Spanish)
$13.99Add to cartThere are two powerful things that the devil cannot steal and that make us heirs of the riches of heaven: faith and the name of Jesus. Each time we pronounce the name of Jesus we trigger a supernatural explosion in the spiritual world, fueled by the addition of faith. To have faith in the name of Jesus entails an explosive combination capable of surpassing the limitations that impede the transformation of heavenly riches and earthly realities.
Ventas De Alta Confiabilidad – (Spanish)
$15.99Add to cartThere is a major difference between being a saleperson in business and being in business as a salesperson. Being successful in sales has a lot more to do with what’s on the inside of a person, and the person’s ability to establish and foster loyal relationships.
Mujer Invisible Cuando Solo Di – (Spanish)
$12.99Add to cartInvisibility is inflicted upon mothers. By the nature of the job their faces disappear and their work is anonymous. They become hands, building and shaping, fashioning and carving. But what if mothers saw their role like a builder working on one of the great cathedrals?
One day a man showed up on the construction site of one of the great cathedrals and saw a builder carving a tiny bird into a beam that would eventually be covered over by the roof. Puzzled, the man asked the worker, “Why are you putting so much time and effort into something no one will ever see?” It is reported that the builder replied, “Because God sees.”
La mujer invisible is a moving story that affirms women in their often unseen daily chores for their families. It includes a dedication page with the inscription: With admiration for the greatness of what you are building, when only God sees. It is sure to become a treasured gift by mothers and grandmothers everywhere.
La invisibilidad se encuentra infligida en las madres. Debido a la clase de trabajo que hacen, sus rostros desaparecen y su labor es anonima. Ellas se convierten en manos que construyen, forman y moldean. Pero, Que sucederia si las madres pudieran ver su funcion tan claramente como cuando se le observa a un constructor trabajar en una de las grandes catedrales?
Un dia un hombre llego a una construccion de una de las catedrales mas grandes que existian y vio a un constructor esculpiendo un pajarito en una de las vigas que eventualmente iba a ser cubierta por el techo. Confundido, el hombre le pregunto al trabajador, Por que haces tanto esfuerzo en algo que nadie nunca va a ver? Se dice que el constructor le respondio: Porque Dios si lo vera.
La mujer invisible es una historia conmovedora que se afirma a las mujeres por el trabajo casi nunca observado en su diario quehacer para sus familias. El libro incluye una dedicatoria con la inscripcion: Con admiracion por la grandeza de lo que estas edificando, cuando solamente Dios lo ve. Con seguridad, este libro se convertira en un regalo atesorado para madres y abuelas en todo el mundo.
Nutricion Y Salud – (Spanish)
$12.99Add to cartLograr una salud completa requiere dedicacion, conocimiento de como mantener el cuerpo en condiciones fisicas optimas y una comprension de los principios basicos sobre la salud y el acondicionamiento. Los doctores Jose y Nelly Caruci exponen en su libro Nutricion y salud, la importancia de conservar el cuerpo en una buena condicion fisica y de como crear buenos habitos que le ayuden a lograr una salud optima.
Milagros – (Spanish)
$11.95Add to cartEn realidad suceden milagros? “El milagro principal del que hablan los cristianos es la Encarnacion. Ellos dicen que Dios se hizo Hombre. Cualquier otro milagro sucedio en preparacion para esto, o es un resultado de esto.” Este es el punto clave de Los Milagros, obra en la cual C. S. Lewis nos muestra que un cristiano debe no solo aceptar sino tambien regocijarse de los milagros como testimonios de la participacion de Dios en la creacion. Utilizando su caracteristico calor, lucidez e ingenio, Lewis desafia a los racionalistas y a los cinicos por su falta de imaginacion, y ofrece una poetica y alegre afirmacion que los milagros si ocurren en nuestras vidas cotidianas.
Espiritu Santo Tengo Hambre De (Revised) – (Spanish) (Revised)
$14.99Add to cartDescripcion (Description): En este extraordinario libro, Claudio Freidzon desafia a todo cristiano a buscar una profunda y poderosa relacion con el Espiritu Santo. Como? El autor no nos deja sedientos y, trasladandonos a sus propias experiencias, nos seala con sinceridad las etapas que debemos transitar.
In this extraordinary book, Claudio Freidzon challenges all Christians to seek a more powerful and profound relationship with the Holy Spirit. How? By not leaving us thirsty the author, drawing from his own experiences, shows us with sincerity every step we need to follow
Cuando El Enemigo Ataca – (Spanish)
$18.99Add to cartDescripcion (Description):
En algun momento de su vida, todos los cristianos nos enfrentaremos a un ataque satanico: un asalto energico del diablo con el proposito de daar nuestro espiritu, alma o cuerpo. Dios quiere que los cristianos esten bajo su control, pero el enemigo nos quiere bajo su influencia, y hara todo lo posible por destruir todo lo bueno en nuestras vidas.
At some point or another every Christian will experience a satanic attack-a willful, determined assault by the Devil for the purpose of harming our spirit, soul, or body. God wants Christians to be under His control, but the Enemy ultimately wants us under his influence, and he will do his best to destroy everything good in our lives. So the question is not how to avoid satanic attacks, but how to overcome them.
Satan is not omnipotent, but he is nonetheless a very powerful adversary. However, God does not leave us to defend ourselves, and He wants us to understand His supernatural and unlimited ability to help us. Dr. Stanley will show readers how to achieve victory by:
Identifying the enemy
Dressing in the full armor of God and standing firm
Releasing God’s energy, divine power, and protection through prayer
Sensing the forewarnings of Satan’s attacks on finances, family, relationships, or healthSpiritual warfare is fought every day on the battlefield of your mind. The Adversary knows that if he can influence and direct your thinking, it’s only a matter of time before you’re vulnerable to the allure of sin. Dr. Stanley teaches that to stand against Satan’s attacks, you must meditate upon biblical principles and take every thought captive by arming yourself with the sword of the spirit-God’s Word.
Acercate Sediento – (Spanish)
$14.99Add to cartDescripcion (Description): Los cientificos nos aseguran que los seres humanos no podemos vivir sin agua, y ni siquiera lo intentamos. Pero sobrevivir sin Dios? Oh, eso si lo hacemos, tomamos un sorbo, lo saboreamos; sin embargo, estamos inclinados a pasar por largos periodos de tiempo sin un buen trago de la fuente del Seor. Y pagamos un precio al hacerlo. Nos encogemos. Nos torcemos y retorcemos contra este mundo… los organos se endurecen…el corazon se endurece.
En este libro, renovador y vivificante, Max Lucado, nos guia a los cuatro nutrientes esenciales que cada alma necesita.
Scientists assure us that humans can’t live without water, and we don’t even attempt it. But survival without God? Oh, we sip, we taste, but we’re prone to go extended times without a good drink from the well of the Lord. And we pay the price for doing so. We shrink. We coil and re-coil against the world… organs harden… hearts harden.
In this renewing and life-giving book, Max Lucado, leads us to the four essential nutrients needed by every soul.
Features: Visit the official Come Thirsty website here!
Also check out:
Come Thirsty T-shirts from Kerusso!
Come Thirsty Gift Cards from DaySpring!
Despertar De Los Muertos – (Spanish)
$16.99Add to cartHay una gloria en la vida, que la mayoria de las personas, incluyendo los creyentes, nunca ven. En este libro nuevo y revelador, John Eldredge presenta al corazon como el centro de la vida. No solamente el corazon es esencial; el corazon que Dios ha redimido tambien es bueno. Construyendo sobre estas verdades fundamentales, Eldredge muestra a los lectores por que el verdadero cristianismo es un proceso de restauracion, donde las partes quebradas de nuestro corazon son sanadas y las partes cautivas son liberadas.
Como Por Orar Para La Voluntad – (Spanish)
$12.99Add to cartDescripcion (Description):
Por aos, Stormie Omartian oro pidiendo: “Seor, cambia a mi esposo”. Entonces, se dio cuenta de que tenia que orar por ella misma, y examinar su propio corazon, antes de poder orar eficazmente por el.
For years Stormie Omartian prayed the prayer, “Change my husband, Lord.” Then she realized that she had to pray for herself -and examine her own heart – before she could pray effectively for him. Her prayer became, “Change me, Lord.” In this book, she presents that process for all wives who want the power to pray for themselves and their husbands.
Como orar por la voluntad de Dios para tu vida is ideal for women who have read Stormie’s bestselling books on prayer and want to move deeper into the power of prayer.
Regalo Del Viajero – (Spanish)
$13.99Add to cartAsi como los libros de mayor venta de Og Mandino, esta narracion extraordinaria es una mezcla de ficcion amena, alegorias e inspiracion. El escritor de cuentos Andy Andrews le da a usted un asiento en primera fila, para presenciar el viaje de un hombre, que se convierte en la experiencia mas asombrosa de toda su vida. David Ponder ha perdido su trabajo y el deseo de vivir. Cuando es elegido sobrenaturalmente para viajar a traves del tiempo, visita a personajes historicos como Abraham Lincoln, el rey Salomon y Anne Frank. De cada visita emerge una decision para el exito, que un dia va a impactar al mundo entero.
12 Hombres Comunes – (Spanish)
$15.99Add to cartContrariamente a la creencia popular, no tenemos que ser perfectos para hacer la obra de Dios. Sin ir mas lejos, las debilidades de los doce discipulos estan preservadas para siempre a traves de las paginas del Nuevo Testamento. Jesus eligio gente comun, como pescadores, recolectores de impuestos, politicos fanaticos; y cambio sus debilidades en puntos fuertes, produciendo grandeza de la total inutilidad. MacArthur delinea principios del cuidadoso entrenamiento de los primeros doce discipulos, para los discipulos modernos como tu.
Alcanzando Al Dios Invisible – (Spanish)
$16.99Add to cart“How do I relate to a God who is invisible when I’m never quite sure he’s there?” –Philip Yancey Life with God doesn’t always work like we thought. High expectations slam against the reality of personal weaknesses and unwelcome surprises. And the God whom we’ve been told, longs for our company may seem remote and emotionally unavailable. Is God playing games? What can we count on this God for? This relationship with a God we can’t see, hear, or touch–how does it really work? Reaching for the Invisible God offers deep, satisfying insights that affirm and dignify the questions we’re sometimes afraid to ask. In this Gold Medallion Award-winning book, Philip Yancey explores six foundational areas: our thirst for God, faith during times when God seems unavailable, the nature of God himself, our personal relationship with God, stages along the way, and the end goal of spiritual transformation. Honest and deeply personal, here is straight talk on Christian living for the man or woman who wants more than pat answers to life’s imponderables. Ultimately, Yancey shifts the focus from our questions to the One who offers himself in answer. The God who invites us to reach for him–and find.
Secreto De La Paz Personal – (Spanish)
$4.99Add to cartLa gente esta buscando respuestas a la confusion, la enfermedad moral y el vacio espiritual que oprime al mundo. Todos estamos clamando por direccion, por consuelo, por paz. Hay alguna salida para nuestro dilema? Podemos verdaderamente encontrar paz con Dios? Si! Pero solo si la buscamos en el lugar correcto. El secreto de la paz personal incluye verdades biblicas confiables por el renombrado evangelista, doctor Billy Graham, haciendo de este libro un regalo perfecto para evangelismo o alcance. El secreto de la paz personal ofrece una mirada en como vivir la vida en la plenitud de Dios.
Todos Son Normales Hasta Que L – (Spanish)
$16.99Add to cartNormal? Who’s normal? None of us are normal according to God’s definition, and the closer we get to one another, the clearer that becomes. In Everyone is Normal Till You Get To Know Them, professor and best-selling author John Ortberg takes on some thought-provoking questions as you look into the heart of God, at others and at yourself. Even better, you will find wisdom for drawing closer to others in powerful and impacting ways. With humor, insight and a gift for storytelling, Ortberg shows how community pays tremendous dividends in happiness, health, support and growth. This is where all of us, even weird and difficult people, find God’s love in tangible ways and discover the transforming power of being loved, accepted and valued just as we are.
Escuela Dominical El Corazon D – (Spanish)
$11.99Add to cart: This book will challenge the Church to return to the systematic study of the Word of God. We are in need of men, women and children with strong Biblical foundations, but many congregations have pushed Sunday School to the side. The author challenges the Church with hope for a positive response.
Biblia Que Leyo Jesus – (Spanish)
$14.99Add to cartPhilip Yancey has a way of confronting our most cherished but misguided notions about faith. In The Bible Jesus Read, he challenges the perception that the New Testament is all that matters and the Old Testament isn’t worth taking the time to read and understand. Yancey admits that, like many Christians, he usually avoided the Old Testament. After all, why bother with writings that can be so baffling, boring, even offensive to the modern mind? But a surprising discovery awaited Yancey when he began to explore how the Old Testament related to his life today. Those seemingly irrelevant Hebrew Scriptures took on a startling immediacy, portraying a passionate relationship between God and people against the broad backdrop of human experience. Like nothing else, the Old Testament depicts the cries, the complaints, the deep, insistent questionings of the heart, the stuff of life we all must contend with. With his candid, signature style, Yancey interacts with the Old Testament from the perspective of his own deeply personal journey. From Moses, the amazing prince of Egypt, to the psalmists’ turbulent emotions and the prophets’ oddball rantings, Yancey paints a picture of Israel’s God–and ours–that fills in the blanks of a solely New Testament vision of the Almighty. Probing some carefully selected Old Testament books–Job, Deuteronomy, Psalms, Ecclesiastes, and the Prophets–Yancey reveals how the Old Testament deals in astonishing depth and detail with the issues that trouble us most. The Old Testament in fact tackles what the New Testament often only skirts. But that shouldn’t surprise us. It is, after all, the Bible Jesus read. The Bible Jesus Read will give you abundant new insights into the heart of God the Father. And as you read with a fresh eye the prayers, poems, songs, and bedtime stories that Jesus so revered, you will gain a profound new understanding of Christ. “The more we comprehend the Old Testament,” Yancey writes, “the more we comprehend Jesus.”
Si Quieres Caminar Sobre Las A – (Spanish)
$14.99Add to cartPeter may have gotten out of the boat nearly 2000 years ago, but Jesus’ invitation still stands today. But what is waiting on the other side could just be a lot of water and very little chance of remaining above it. As Jesus’ followers, we can follow His calling, but can we walk on water? To walk on water means to: * Face our fears and not allow others to have the last word in our lives. * Discover God’s calling for your life and follow it for the rest of your life. * Experience God’s power in your life in order to achieve what wasn’t possible in your own strength. Christ walked on water successfully. There’s only one thing that you need to do before you can walk on water successfully: You need to get out of the boat!
Todos Los Nombres De Dios En L – (Spanish)
$17.99Add to cartLa humanidad ha llegado a entender mejor a Dios gracias a los nombres, titulos e imagenes que lo identifican en la Biblia. Por ejemplo: Nombres: Jehova, Soberano Dios, Dios Eterno Titulos: Creador del cielo, Dios de verdad, Dios de justicia Imagenes: Fortaleza, Alfarero, Padre. La humanidad ha llegado a entender mejor a Dios gracias a los nombres, titulos e imagenes que lo identifican en la Biblia. Por ejemplo: Nombres: Jehova, Soberano Dios, Dios Eterno Titulos: Creador del cielo, Dios de verdad, Dios de justicia Imagenes: Fortaleza, Alfarero, Padre.
Humanity has come to understand God more fully by way of the names, titles, and images used to identify Him in the Bible. These three aspects include examples such as: Names: Yahweh, Sovereign Lord, Eternal God. Titles:Creator of heaven, God of truth, God of justice. Images:Fortress, Potter, Father.
Amor Que Puedes Compartir – (Spanish)
$14.99Add to cartReceive first. Love second. Drink deeply of God’s love and find that you can love others in the overflow. They say it is better to give than to receive – well, no more! Max Lucado unpacks 1 Corinthians 13 word by word, addressing the only way we can truly love by receiving God’s love first. If you have never received love, how can you be asked to give it away? God is the only one who can give us the power to love, and in the receiving we may find love for the giving.
Recibe primero. Ama segundo. Bebe profundamente del amor de Dios y descubre que puedes amar a otros en el derrame. Dicen que es mejor dar que recibir – bueno, !ya no mas! Max Lucado desempaca 1 Corintios 13 palabra por palabra, adordando en la unica forma que realmente podemos amar y esa es recibiendo el amor de Dios primero. Si nunca has recibido amor, como puedes darlo? Dios es el unico que nos puede dar el poder para amar, y en recibirlo podemos encontrar amor para dar. En vez de dejar que Corintios 13 te recuerde de un amor que tu no puedes producir, deja que Max Lucado te guie a encontrar un amor irresistible – el amor de Dios.
Orientacion Basica Para Recien – (Spanish)
$12.99Add to cartThis revised and updated edition of “Orientation for New Believers” is a very useful tool for pastors, leaders, and anyone else helping newborn Christians, as well as for those who used the previous edition. In its nine chapters, the reader will find reviewing exercises and others to consolidate specific terms and concepts. Even though this work can be read by the new Christian, it is much more effective when used as a study manual for the first week’s preparation of new members. The central focus of the book is the newborn, but every Christian can benefit by reading it- even if you are an active member in your church.
This manual will help you review key concepts of basic Biblical principles, and expand your knowledge of Christian-living. All this … and much more can be achieved through this practical and concise manual, yet vast in spiritual resources.
Biografias De Grandes Cristian – (Spanish)
$15.99Add to cartThey need to do some thing that will challenge their courage. They had to win a battle that will mine the trenght of the most intelligent. But they accept the challenge… Vida Publishers, present the edition of Biographies of Great Christians in a brief way, simplify biographies of some of the most distinguish character in church, from the past and present. Many wonder to whom they can attribute the great success of servant of God like Luther, Bunyan, Wesley, Whitefiled, Finney, Carey, Judson, and many others. Certainly no to their talent nor to their strength of will. The true mystery of their greatness of the christian are, and is, the prayer. For those that walk with God in prayer, like they did, there are no mystery on this. And to many, the life of these men’s has a lot to talk about, their biography inspire us and show that they victory of the Christian depend on the prayer.
Exito Ala Maner De Dios – (Spanish)
$14.99Add to cartEl exito genuino, desde el punto de vista de Dios, esta arraigado en la categoria en que Dios nos ha puesto, en las metas que Dios quiere para nuestras vidas. Mientras que el mundo tiende a definir el exito en terminos de fama y fortuna, el Dr. Stanley cree que Dios resume los exitos en terminos de relacion, caracter y obediencia.
Poder Vivo – (Spanish)
$14.99Add to cartIt’s time for us to get hold of the Holy Spirit-or rather, to let him get hold of us. Pastor Jim Cymbala of the Brooklyn Tabernacle cuts through the theological clutter about the Holly Spirit with this fundamental truth: We need the Spirit desperately. All our cleverness can’t transform a single crack addict, heal the heart of a rape victim, or draw a jaded businessman to Christ. Only God’s Spirit can do that. Drawing examples from the Bible and from the sidewalks of New York City, Fresh Power show what happens when the Spirit of God moves in your midst. With passion and convictions, Pastor Jim Cymbala of the Brooklyn Tabernacle reminds us that in this sin-torn, heart-broken culture, we cannot do without the Holy Spirit. And we can’t afford to presume his presence. We need to seek him with the same fervor as the early belivers. Discover what happens when the Holy Spirit moves in power. Jim Cymbala shares with you the witness of Scritpure and the stories of men and women whose lives have been transformed. From the healing of the lame man in the book of Acts to the stirring conversion of serial killer David Berkowitz, better known as “Son son Sam” you’ll see how the Spirit accomplishes what no human wisdom or power can produce. Fresh Power will expand your vision of what God can and will do and inspire you to pray like never before of the power of the Spirit in your church – and in you.
Donde Esta Dios Cuando Sucede – (Spanish)
$15.99Add to cartSuffering: its stubborn inevitability prompts our deepest doubts about life_-as well as a profound search for meaning. Why do we suffer? Why must we lose the ones we love? Why must each of us face sickness and death? If God exists, where is God when these things happen? International evangelist Luis Palau has seen desperate suffering in the lives of millions of people all over the world and has experienced it in his own life, especially with the early death of his father and with his wife’s painful fight against breast cancer. In this book Palau helps those in pain come to grips with the crushing adversities of life by pointing them to the limitless resources found in God. Helpful to readers already committed in their faith, this book is an empathetic exploration of divine action in the midst of terrible pain.
Vida En El Reino Romanos – (Spanish)
$9.99Add to cartVida en el Reino: Para un crecimiento constante en la fe (Estudio de Romanos) forma parte de una serie de guias de estudio que se caracterizan por cubrir de manera atractiva y esclarecedora un libro de la Biblia y temas del poder, enfocados a provocar la vida dinamica llena del Espiritu Santo.
Vida en el Reino: Para un crecimiento constante en la fe (Estudio de Romanos) is one of a series of study guides that focus exciting, discovery-geared coverage of Bible book and power themes-all prompting toward dynamic, Holy Spirit-filled living.
Tesoro En Vasos De Barro – (Spanish)
$15.99Add to cartIn this book, Freidzon invites us to visit God’s workshop and become His vessels to be broken and reformed. Although this may be a painful experience, the reader will understand why it is a necessary step towards spiritual growth.
A traves de las paginas de este libro, el pastor Claudio Freidzon invita a visitar el taller de Dios y ser parte de esa obra transformadora que ocurre cuando el alfarero rompe el vaso y lo hace de nuevo. Aunque la experiencia resulte dolorosa, el lector compredera que para tener un crecimiento espiritual es necesario hacer una cita en el taller de Dios.
Iglesia Con Proposito – (Spanish)
$19.99Add to cartEvery church is driven by something. Tradition, finances, programs, personalities, events, seekers, and even buildings can each be the controlling force in a church. But Rick Warren believes that in order for a church to be healthy it must become a purpose-driven church with Jesus in the lead. The founding pastor of Saddleback Church shares a proven five-part strategy that will enable your church to grow. . .- Warmer through fellowship – Deeper through discipleship – Stronger through worship – Broader through ministry – Larger through evangelism. Discover the same practical insights and principles for growing a healthy church that Rick has taught in seminars to over 22,000 pastors and church leaders from sixty denominations and forty-two countries. The Purpose-Driven Church(R) shifts the focus away from church building programs to emphasizing a people-building process. Warren says, “If you will concentrate on building people, God will build the church.”
6 Horas De Un Viernes – (Spanish)
$13.99Add to cartMany spectators didn’t observe any thing extraordinary during those six hours, for them they were six regular hours in any given day. If God really ordained his own crucifixion during these six hours then these six hours are full of triumph, because within these six hours God gave us three strong points on how to anchor ourselves to the cross. This anchor is strong enough to resist any storm that life can throw at us.
Fuego Vivo Viento Fresco – (Spanish)
$9.99Add to cartThe times are urgent, God is on the move, now is the moment to ask God to ignite his fire in your soul!
Jim Cymbala believes that Jesus wants nothing more than to renew and revive his people to call us back from spiritual dead ends that lead only to apathy and lukewarm religion.
As pastor of the Brooklyn Tabernacle, one of America’s most remarkable churches, he knows firsthand the transforming power of God’s love – strong enough to convert prostitutes, pimps, drug addicts, homeless people, and transvestites. Strong enough to draw professional men and women, blacks, whites, and Hispanics together in worship. Strong enough to rekindle our own dull hearts and flagging spirits.
Twenty-five years ago, the Brooklyn Tabernacle could barely draw twenty people to a Sunday service. Today it is six thousand strong, a testament of what God can do when men and women begin to pour out their hearts to God.
The story of what has happened to a broken-down church in one of America’s meanest neighborhoods points the way to a new spiritual vitality in the church and in your own life. But don’t look in this book for faddish techniques – you wont’ find them. And while the Tabernacle today has an interracial membership and world-renowned choir, don’t look for an emphasis on cross culturalism, numbers, or well-orchestrates worship music.
Instead look for what God can do when a handful of people humble themselves and take the Gospel seriously. When believers turn to their last and only recourse – their knees – and discover there the life-changing reality of the Holy Spirit.
Whether you’re a pastor or a layperson, if you’re hungry for more of God, this book will break your heart and restore your passion.
Gracia Divina VS Condena Human – (Spanish)
$18.99Add to cartIn 1987, an IRA bomb buried Gordon Wilson and his twenty-year-old daughter beneath five feet of rubble. Godon alone survived. And forgave. He said of the bombers, “I have lost my daughter, but I bear no grudge…I shall pray, tonight and every night, that God will forgive them.” His words caught the media’s ears_and out of one man’s grief, the world got a glimpse of grace. Grace is the church’s great distinction. It’s the one thing the world cannot duplicate, and the one thing it craves above all else_for only grace can bring hope and transformation to a jaded world. In this book award-winning author Philip Yancey explores grace at street level. If grace is God’s love for the undeserving, he asks, then what does it look like in action? And if Christians are its sole dispensers, then how are we doing at lavishing grace on a world that knows far more of cruelty and unforgiveness than it does of mercy? Grace does not excuse sin, say Yancey, but it treasures the sinner. True grace is shocking, scandalous. It shakes our conventions with its insistence on getting close to sinners and touching them with mercy and hope.
Bendiciones Del Quebrantamient – (Spanish)
$11.99Add to cartConsidering that life can deliver hard punches in our lives, can we with all sincerity believe that God can bring good out of our crisis? But there is also another possibility: we might discover a richness in our lives that we might not have encountered otherwise.
No Te Des Por Vencido – (Spanish)
$12.99Add to cartEveryone has experienced sadness and pain once in a while. Sometimes they are so big that we want to give up. David Wilkerson knows how to help us solve our feelings of hopelessness and despair about life. He does an exam of despondency. He examines the things that afflict us and offers resources to exceed the problems. Learn to let God heal, reconstruct your faith and give you genuine peace.
Esposa De Cristo – (Spanish)
$14.99Add to cartThe promise of the coming of Christ is awaiting us in the shadows of the horizon. Maybe only a couple of hours remain before daybreak, the darkest part of the night is immediately before the dawn. For the bride of Christ it is time to start the fire, light the lamps and to dissipate the shadows.
Mi Companero El Espiritu Santo – (Spanish)
$13.99Add to cartYou can enjoy a relationship with the Holy Spirit. Dr. Cho sees himself as the junior partner of the Holy Spirit in his daily work of accomplishing the portion of God’s plan assigned to him. Learn how to be guided by the Holy Spirit every day, receive inspiration through the testimony of David Yonggi Cho, understand and receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Su Manifesta Presencia – (Spanish)
$17.99Add to cartContents
Part I – The Heart Cry Of The Lord
1. God’s Desire – To Dwell With His People
2. God’s Fire – His Means Of Preparation
3. God’s Ministry – From The Sanctuary
4. God’s Plan – His Word Within
5. God’s Type – Solomon’s TemplePart II – Moving To Solomon’s Temple
6. God’s Provision – Fulness Of SalvationPart III – Fit For The Master’s Use
7. God’s Workmanship – Changing The Inner Realm
8. God’s Goal – The Restoration Of Hearts
EpilogueAdditional Info
His Manifest Presence is:
* Abiding intimacy with God
* A refuge from the coming storm
* Where genuine worship touches God
* His fulness manifested in Solomon’s Temple
* Where the constant miraculous is experienced dailyWe must move from David’s Tabernacle worship to Solomon’s Temple, where His Manifest Presence is experienced, if we are to live in His fulness and in His protection through the tumultuous days ahead. Here are some ways in which you can enter His presence.