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    • Al Borde Del Oscuro Mar De Las – (Spanish)


      Habia una vez, en una cabaa al borde del oscuro mar de las tinieblas, tres nios y su fiel perro, Nugget. Janner Igiby, su hermano Tink, y su hermana con habilidades especiales Leeli, son nios talentosos como los son todos los nios, amados por su madre que es noble y su abuelo que era pirata. Pero necesitaran todos sus dones y todo lo que aman para sobrevivir a la malvada persecucion de los venenosos Colmillos Malditos, que han cruzado el mar oscuro para gobernar la tierra con su malicia. Los Igiby guardan el secreto de la leyenda perdida y las joyas del buen Rey Wingfeather de la Isla Resplandeciente de Anniera.

      Lleno de personajes con un gran corazon, inteligencia y coraje, Al borde del oscuro mar de las tinieblas es un cuento para que nios de todas las edades y sus familias pueden leerlo en alta voz y en grupos de lectura para poder disfrutar mientras descrubren las innumerables capas de significado de este libro.

      Once, in a cottage above the cliffs on the Dark Sea of Darkness, there lived three children and their trusty dog, Nugget. Janner Igiby, his brother, Tink, and their disabled sister, Leeli, are gifted children as all children are, loved well by a noble mother and ex-pirate grandfather. But they will need all their gifts and all that they love to survive the evil pursuit of the venomous Fangs of Dang, who have crossed the dark sea to rule the land with malice. The Igibys hold the secret to the lost legend and jewels of good King Wingfeather of the Shining Isle of Anniera.

      Full of characters rich in heart, smarts, and courage, On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness is a tale children of all ages will cherish, families can read aloud, and readers’ groups are sure to enjoy discussing for its many layers of meaning.

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    • Esa Horrible Fortaleza – (Spanish)


      Esa horrible fortaleza es la tercera novela de la trilogia de ciencia ficcion de Lewis. Ambientada en la Tierra, narra una terrorifica conspiracion contra la humanidad. La historia rodea a Mark y Jane Studdock, una pareja recien casada. Mark es un sociologo que se siente atraido por una organizacion llamada N.I.C.E., que pretende controlar toda la vida humana. Jane, por su parte, tiene extraos sueos profeticos sobre un cientifico decapitado, Alcasan. Mientras Mark se ve arrastrado inextricablemente a la siniestra organizacion, descubre la verdad de los sueos de su mujer cuando conoce la cabeza literal de Alcasan, que se mantiene viva mediante infusiones de sangre. Jane busca ayuda en relacion con sus sueos en una comunidad llamada Santa Ana, donde conoce a su lider, el Dr. Ransom. La historia termina en una espectacular escena final en la sede de la N.I.C.E., donde Merlin aparece para enfrentarse a los poderes del infierno.

      That Hideous Strength

      That Hideous Strength is the third novel in Lewis’s science fiction trilogy. Set on Earth, it tells of a terrifying conspiracy against humanity. The story surrounds Mark and Jane Studdock, a newly married couple. Mark is a sociologist who is enticed to join an organization called N.I.C.E., which aims to control all human life. Jane, meanwhile, has bizarre prophetic dreams about a decapitated scientist, Alcasan. As Mark is drawn inextricably into the sinister organization, he discovers the truth of his wife’s dreams when he meets the literal head of Alcasan, which is being kept alive by infusions of blood. Jane seeks help concerning her dreams at a community called St. Anne’s, where she meets their leader–Dr. Ransom. The story ends in a final spectacular scene at the N.I.C.E. headquarters where Merlin appears to confront the powers of Hell.

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    • Mas Alla Del Planeta Silencios – (Spanish)


      Mas alla del planeta silencioso es la primera novela de la clasica trilogia de ciencia ficcion de C. S. Lewis. Cuenta la aventura del Dr. Ransom, un academico de Cambridge, que es secuestrado y llevado en una nave espacial al planeta rojo de Malacandra, que el conoce como Marte. Sus captores planean saquear los tesoros del planeta y ofrecer a Ransom como sacrificio a las criaturas que viven alli. Ransom descubre que viene del planeta silencioso, la Tierra, cuya tragica historia es conocida en todo el universo.

      Out of the Silent Planet

      Out of the Silent Planet is the first novel in C. S. Lewis’s classic science fiction trilogy. It tells the adventure of Dr. Ransom, a Cambridge academic, who is abducted and taken on a spaceship to the red planet of Malacandra, which he knows as Mars. His captors are plotting to plunder the planet’s treasures and plan to offer Ransom as a sacrifice to the creatures who live there. Ransom discovers he has come from the silent planet–Earth–whose tragic story is known throughout the universe!

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    • Leon La Bruja Y El Ropero – (Spanish)


      A whole new audience of young readers can now step into the magical world beyond the wardrobe! The best-selling title in C. S. Lewis’s classic The Chronicles of Narnia is available for the first time in a Spanish-language edition. This paperback edition features the original black-and-white illustrations by award-winning artist Pauline Baynes.

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