Showing 51–100 of 145 resultsSorted by latest
Causa De Belen – (Spanish)
$14.99Add to cartCada ano, la temporada navidena impulsa a las personas a hacerse las preguntas sobre la navidad: cual es el objetivo del bebe en el pesebre? Quien era el? Que tiene que ver su nacimiento conmigo? De todas las respuestas, hay una que sobresale: Gracias a Belen, Dios supo lo que es ser humano. Cuando hablamos con Dios acerca de nuestras luchas y nuestros tiempos dificiles, el nos comprende, porque el ha estado ahi. Ha estado aqui. En este estudio en video de cuatro sesiones, el autor best seller Max Lucado muestra que debido a que Jesus eligio nacer en este mundo, tenemos un amigo en el cielo. No tenemos ninguna mancha en nuestro historial, solamente gracia. Tenemos la promesa de que Dios esta siempre cerca de nosotros, siempre por nosotros y siempre dentro de nosotros. Nosotros podemos olvidarnos de el, pero el nunca se olvida de nosotros. Navidad nos recuerda que Dios dispone todas las cosas para el bien de quienes lo aman (Romanos 8.28 ). Luego de que los invitados se han marchado, los villancicos se han ido a casa y que las luces se han apagado, esa promesa permanece.
Vida Es Una Serie De Presentac – (Spanish)
$14.99Add to cartWith his national platform, compelling message and personal charisma, Jeary is poised to be the 21st century’s answer to Dale Carnegie. In “Life is a Series of Presentations” this pitchmaster shows how to make the most of any interaction by mastering eight simple secrets.
10 Horas De Vida – (Spanish)
$14.99Add to cartEso es lo que el medico dijo tras diagnosticar a Brian Wills, con veintidos aos de edad, uno de los canceres mas mortales y de mas rapido crecimiento, conocido como linfoma de Burkitt. Increiblemente, este raro tumor aumento desde tener el tamao de una bola de golf hasta 23 centimetros en solo tres dias.
Asi comenzo la batalla de Brian que amenazaba su vida, tanto fisica como espiritual, para recibir una recuperacion completa enfocandose en las poderosas promesas de sanidad de Dios. Mediante su increible testimonio real de sanidad contra toda probabilidad, descubra como puede usted:
*Vencer las circunstancias mas desesperadas
*Aprender a aplicar la Palabra de Dios para sanidad
*Edificar su fe para lo milagroso
*Descubrir gozo en medio del sufrimiento
*Recibir consuelo en momentos de prueba10 Horas de Vida incluye muchos otros testimonios de personas que han sido sanadas sobrenaturalmente por el poder de Dios.
!Dios quiere sanarle a usted tambien!
“I give him ten hours to live.”
That’s what the doctor said after diagnosing twenty-two-year-old Brian Wills with one of the deadliest and fastest-growing cancers, known as Burkitt’s lymphoma. Incredibly, this rare tumor grew from the size of a golf ball to nine inches in diameter in only three days.
Thus began Brian’s life-threatening battle-both physical and spiritual-to receive a full recovery by focusing on God’s powerful promises of healing. Through his incredible, true-life testimony of healing against all odds, find out how you can:
*Overcome the most hopeless of circumstances
*Learn how to apply God’s Word for healing
*Build your faith for the miraculous
*Discover joy in the midst of suffering
*Receive comfort in times of trial10 Hours to Live includes many other testimonies of people who have been supernaturally healed by the power of God.
God wants to heal you, too!
Dias De Gloria – (Spanish)
$16.99Add to cartEl desierto. Tal vez tu lo conoces bien. Los israelitas ciertamente si lo conocieron. Despues de todo, pasaron cuarenta anos vagando por el desierto. Victorias eran pocas. El progreso era lento. Estaban libres del Faraon, pero no libres del temor. Salvos pero atrapados. Redimidos pero encerrados en una rutina. Te Suena miserable. Te Suena familiar? Los hebreos solo tenia que cruzar el rio Jordan hacia la Tierra Prometida. Usted no tiene que cruzar un rio, pero tal vez usted necesita llegar al final de la semana. Usted no esta haciendo frente a un Jerico, pero usted esta enfrentando el rechazo o la angustia. Amalecitas no te acechan, pero la enfermedad, el desaliento, el peligro si? El libro de Josue esta en la Biblia para tales estaciones. Le reta a creer que sus mejores dias estan por venir, que hay una tierra prometida para usted. No es un territorio fisico, es una realidad espiritual; no de bienes raices, sino un estado real del corazon y la mente. Max Lucado, autor reconocido, invita a los lectores a dejar el desierto, cruzar el rio Jordan, y descubrir una vida definida por la gracia, refinado por el desafio, y alineado con un llamado celestial. A traves de un estudio de la vida de Josue y el libro biblico que lleva su nombre, Lucado lleva a los lectores en un viaje de la mera existencia de la vida a una tierra prometida.
15 Milagros Del Amor – (Spanish)
$13.99Add to cartHoy en dia vivimos educados en base al miedo. No es ninguna sorpresa que crecemos reprimiendo nuestros suenos y nuestras aspiraciones y simplemente llegamos a aceptar una vida mediocre limitando todo nuestro potencial. Este libro te va a ensenar como transformar la emocion conductora de tu vida que por mucho tiempo ha sido miedo y ego en amor. Una vez que comenzamos a vivir desde esta perspectiva, literalmente, la vida comienza a ser milagrosa, comenzamos a hacer posible lo que antes parecia imposible. El libro esta dividido en una introduccion, 15 capitulos que son los 15 milagros del amor descritos en el libro y finalmente una conclusion o palabras finales. Cada capitulo esta dividido en distintas secciones descritas a continuacion. 1) Explicacion del milagro, sus beneficios etc. a traves de historias. 2) Reflexion respecto a problemas o situaciones de la vida cotidiana y como el milagro puede crear un gran cambio e impacto en nuestra vida 3) Ejercicios y compromisos que el lector podra asumir despues de cada capitulo para comenzar a vivir los milagros del amor y ver los resultados manifestados en su vida.
Despierta Tu Heroe Interior – (Spanish)
$15.99Add to cartPor cientos de anos, escritores, poetas y directores han utilizado principios universales para construir grandes historias; historias que conmueven y conectan. Dichas historias atraen a miles que se sumergen en una narrativa de heroes con un llamado, de vidas con un gran proposito. Pero al mismo tiempo que dichas historias nos llenan, surge en nosotros un vacio, una conviccion de que en la vida hay algo mas, un anhelo de que nuestra vida deberia ser como esas historias. En Despierta tu heroe interior el autor nos revela la Jornada del Heroe junto a principios que han sido utilizados por siglos para escribir grandes historias. El aplicar dichos principios a nuestra propia vida, nos permitira comenzar a vivir una vida emocionante, con proposito, riesgo y aventura; una vida que inspira y vale la pena. Si quieres llevar tu historia al siguiente nivel, si quieres moverte del exito al significado, entonces necesitas comenzar a cambiar el mundo. Te invito a cambiarlo juntos.
Gotas De Sabedoria Para El Alm – (Spanish)
$18.99Add to cartGotas de sabiduria para el alma es un paseo por el libro de proverbios. Es andar por los jardines de Dios paseando con el sabio rey Salomon para escuchar sus consejos oportunos. Es recibir todos los dias porciones de ese precioso rocio que viene del cielo; es recibir las refrescantes gotas que emanan de las Escrituras.
Lea estas meditaciones con la mente abierta a la verdad divina, con el corazon sediento por oir la voz de Dios a traves de la Palabra y con el alma dispuesta a recibir todo lo que Dios le ha preparado. Esas gotas se pueden volver rios que fluyen del trono de Dios para su vida, dirigiendo sus pasos por los caminos rectos de la obediencia y de las bienaventuranzas.
Gotas de sabiduria para el alma es de una sensibilidad impresionante. Por medio de una coleccion de meditaciones diaria (una para cada dia del ao), el libro abre las cortinas a un panorama de la vida moderna, pero vista por un angulo diferente. Diversas situaciones – gestion del tiempo, educacion y crianza de los hijos, cuidados con la integridad personal, administracion financiera, autoestima, bienestar fisico y espiritual – van goteando a lo largo de lectura y trayendo consuelo y cura para el alma.Cada tema es abordado con fundamentos en la Palabra de Dios, proveyendo asi orientacion segura para las exigencias del diario vivir. En estos tiempos de superficialidad y ausencia de compromisos, Gotas de sabiduria para el alma lleva al lector a establecer puntos de partida para encuentros importantes con el projimo, con lo divino y quizas el mas importante, consigo mismo.
Drops of wisdom for the soul
Gotas de sabiduria para el almais a walk through the book of Proverbs. It is a walk through Gods gardens with the wise King Solomon to listen to his proper and timely counsel. It is receiving every day a portion of the precious dew that comes from heaven. It is receiving the refreshing drops that come from Scripture.Read these meditations with an open mind to the divine truth, with your heart thirsty to hear Gods voice through the Word, and with your soul willing to receive all God has prepared for you. Those drops can become rivers that flow from Gods throne to your life, guiding your steps through the straight paths of obedience and the Beatitudes.
Mantenga Viva La Esperanza – (Spanish)
$19.99Add to cart#1 New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer teaches readers how to transform their lives by tapping into the power of hope. One of the most powerful forces in the universe is hope–the happy and confident anticipation that something good is going to happen. Regardless of where one is in life, it is impossible to live successfully and to the fullest without hope. With GET YOUR HOPES UP! Joyce will help readers achieve a lasting sense of hope, built on their faith in God. Hope is only as strong as its source. This book will help readers avoid misplacing their trust in unreliable things, and help them ground their hope steadfastly in God for limitless joy and possibilities for their lives. As Joyce explains, “Without hope in God, there isn’t much you can do, but with Hope in God, there isn’t much you can’t do.”
Buscando A Ala Encontrando A J – (Spanish)
$16.99Add to cartEn Buscando a Ala, encontrando a Jesus, Nabeel Qureshi, quien fuera devoto musulman, describe su dramatico peregrinar del Islam al cristianismo, y con el, todas las amistades, investigaciones, suenos y visiones que fue encontrando por el camino. Muchos occidentales estan confundidos acerca del Islam, les tienen algo de temor a los musulmanes, o sencillamente no estan informados acerca de la relacion que existe entre la fe islamica y la cristiana. A su vez, a muchos musulmanes, una serie de barreras culturales, intelectuales y teologicas les impiden comprender, o incluso escuchar correctamente, el evangelio de Jesucristo. A lo largo de su historia, Qureshi nos presenta una apologetica compasiva, pero poderosa a favor del cristianismo sobre el Islam, enfatizando las relaciones y el amor. Los apendices aportados por eruditos y expertos populares les dan mas informacion a los musulmanes para que la analicen, y a los cristianos para que la consulten en sus discusiones espirituales con sus amigos musulmanes. Fascinante como relato y util como recurso apologetico, Buscando a Ala, encontrando a Jesus, les presenta a los lectores una poderosa historia sobre el choque entre el Islam y el cristianismo dentro del corazon de un hombre, y sobre la paz que termino hallando en Jesus.
Milagros En Ti – (Spanish)
$19.99Add to cartMark Victor Hansen, co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul, authors the ultimate book on personal and spiritual success for the 21st century.
God is at work every minute of the day doing miraculous things in our lives, but few have eyes to see him at work. Using his classic story-driven style, in The Miracles in You, Mark Victor Hansen helps us see life-changing, often daily miraculous events we dismiss as accidents or just plain luck. Once Hansen shows us how to recognize a true miracle when we see it, then we can see actual miracles that are occurring in our own lives – a powerful experience. Finally, the book shows you how to be a miracle in the lives of almost everyone around you. An eye opening read!
Desaparicion De La Gracia – (Spanish)
$17.99Add to cartPor que la iglesia provoca sentimientos tan negativos?. Philip Yancey ha estado haciendo esa pregunta toda su vida como periodista. Su pregunta es mas relevante ahora que nunca: en un periodo de veinte anos comenzando desde mitad de los noventa, la investigacion muestra que las opiniones favorables hacia el cristianismo se han desplomado de manera drastica; y las opiniones de los evangelicos han caido incluso mas profundamente. Yancey examina lo que pudo haber contribuido a la hostilidad hacia los evangelicos. Ofrece esclarecedoras formas de como la fe puede expresarse de maneras que desarmen incluso a los criticos mas cinicos y examina que son las Buenas Nuevas y lo que vale la pena preservar en una cultura que cree que ha rechazado la fe cristiana.
Leyenda Del Monje Y El Mercade – (Spanish)
$14.99Add to cartUna parabola que invita a la reflexion e ilustra importantes verdades acerca del trabajo, las finanzas, el liderazgo y el caracter. En la Roma del siglo dieciseis, Antonio prepara a su nieto Julio, de dieciocho anos, para que se integre a los negocios de la familia. Sus conversaciones, complementadas con los doce principios para el exito que se encuentran en el diario de Antonio, invitan a los lectores a revisar sus propios pensamientos sobre como las personas de fe pueden participar en el mundo de los negocios y a la vez honrar a Dios.Los principios de Antonio, que incluyen Trabaja duro y Dios te prosperara,
Ve los desafios como peldanos, no como obstaculos, Vive sin deudas y dentro de tus posibilidades y Separa el primer 10% para honrar a Dios, son especialmente relevantes en el ambiente del siglo veintiuno, donde con frecuencia las actividades comerciales son tratadas con escepticismo por creyentes y no creyentes por igual.Un libro que Dave Ramsey acredita con haberle aclarado sus propios pensamientos sobre la relacion entre los negocios y la iglesia, La leyenda del monje y el mercader afinara la comprension de los lectores respecto a sus carreras, riqueza y exitos.
Poder De La Oracion Comun – (Spanish)
$30.00Add to cartA touching gift book that helps readers understand the power and beauty of prayer and how it can transform our hearts, so that we can be a catalyst for transformation in others. Many of us seek to be blessed more than we seek to bless others. It’s our heart aligned with the heart of God that brings blessing, because He is by nature extravagantly generous and loves giving gifts. No matter where readers are on their journey with God, they will be motivated and inspired to open their hearts and discover the abundant joy and peace that can be theirs through the power of a simple prayer of blessing.
Encuentre El Sentido Cuando La – (Spanish)
$19.99Add to cartBeloved author Cecil Murphey empowers readers to discover the good in every situation and to make life better because of adversities.
Sometimes life gets messy. It’s cluttered with too many demands. Companies downsize. Love relationships end. Trauma hits. When chaos erupts, every person has a choice to make-to decide whether it’s the worst time of life, to find comfort in the way things used to be, to move on because change is forced, and then resent everything that happens, or to say, “This can be the best time of my life. I can try the things I wanted to do but never
did.” In Making Sense…When Life Doesn’t, Cecil Murphey’s compelling stories, hope-filled insights, and gentle encouragement move readers with messy lives to the stunning realization that life won’t ever be perfect, but it can be good…even exciting! -
Pocket Prayers 40 Oraciones Si – (Spanish)
$5.99Add to cartWhen the chaos of our daily lives becomes overwhelming, where can we turn for peace and rest? Best-selling author Max Lucado points to the Source of all hope and strength in Pocket Prayers, which contains forty guided prayers and complementary scriptures for any situation. This pass-along companion to Before Amen serves as an outreach tool for ministries and churches, offering simple encouragement for those who struggle to pray.
Viva Valientemente – (Spanish)
$19.99Add to cartFear commonly affects our ability to live fully, holding us back from what enriches our lives and the lives of others. But our quality of life will improve when we learn how to be courageous in the face of fear.In LIVING COURAGEOUSLY, Joyce Meyer explains how, as Christians, we can overcome the paralyzing power of fear by calling upon the Lord. “Fear not” is written throughout the Bible. God knows His children will be confronted with fear, but He can help us resist it. It is your inherited right as a child of God to live life to the fullest and to enjoy it. Joyce will encourage you to be expectant as you learn to conquer fear, become all God wants you to be, and do all He wants you to do. With a blend of personal insight and inspiring Scripture, this book will help you employ the power of God to overcome fear and achieve your best.
Movimientos Milagrosos – (Spanish)
$13.99Add to cartHow do the people most resistant to the transformative power of the gospel come to be its most devoted followers? Miraculous Movement recounts an amazing change taking place within Muslim communities where the truth of Jesus Christ is turning around the lives of many thousands of Muslims from more than twenty people groups. Discover through the sometimes humorous, often sobering, but always enlightening and encouraging true stories how imams, sheikhs, and entire mosques are forsaking Islam and embracing Christ. This close look at what the Lord is doing to spread the gospel highlights the key scriptural principles that help Christians reach out in love to share the gospel in their own community. The authors outline the principle of service to others that open doors of opportunity to the work of the gospel. Authors Jerry Trousdale and Muti Abdul Masih work with CityTeam Ministries, an organization dedicated to helping disciples make disciples through CityTeam’s own ministry and through training other ministries in more than thirty countries.
Features includes:
*Outlines important principles on how to share the gospel with non-Christians
*Explains how ordinary people can lead neighbors to Christ in love and humility
*Tells many exciting and encouraging stories of Muslims who have accepted Jesus *Describes CityTeam’s unique program focused on God’s work through disciple-making movements, a strategy that harnesses the power of disciples making disciples and churches planting churches -
Segundas Oportunidades – (Spanish)
$15.99Add to cartNosotros los humanos somos propensos al fracaso. Somos expertos en enredar, revolver y estropear nuestras vidas. Quien de nosotros no ha mirado hacia arriba desde el fondo de un hoyo y se ha dado cuenta de que lo ha cavado por si mismo? Quien no ha caido tan hondo y ha echado a perder las cosas de tal manera que ha llegado a pensar que no habia esperanza? Es en estos momentos de desaliento cuando anhelamos un recordatorio de que hay esperanza para los quebrantados.
Ningun recordatorio es tan conmovedor como una historia que hable de segundas oportunidades. Una historia de gracia en accion. A cuantos no les servirian mas historias como estas?
Segundas oportunidades llega al mercado en el momento oportuno para las ofertas de Pascua y es el complemento ideal de GRACIA: Mas que lo merecido, mucho mas que lo imaginado. Esta lleno de relatos biblicos, contemporaneos y de ficcion extraidos de las obras publicadas de Max Lucado, donde se observa la gracia de Dios en accion, e incluye historias sobre nuevas oportunidades para aquellas personas propensas al fracaso, llenas de rebeldia, orgullo y otras condiciones. Desde Pedro hasta el rey David, pasando por una hija prodiga, estas historias les recordaran a los lectores la magnitud del evangelio sobre segundas oportunidades.
We humans are prone to failure. We’re experts at muddying, mixing, and messing up our lives. Who among us hasn’t looked up from the bottom of a pit and realized he dug it himself? Who hasn’t fallen so far, messed up so badly that she thought there was no hope? And it’s at these low points that we crave reminders that there’s hope for the broken.
No reminder is quite as poignant as a story of second chances. A story of grace in action. Who couldn’t use more stories of grace like this?
Second Chances releases just in time for Easter promotions and is an ideal companion to GRACE: More Than We Deserve, Greater Than We Imagine. Filled with biblical, contemporary, and imaginative accounts of God’s grace in action pulled from Max’s previously published works, Second Chances includes tales of second chances for the rebellious, prideful, failure-prone, and more. From Peter to King David to a prodigal daughter, these stories will remind readers of the magnitude of the gospel of second chances.
Paladin Las Siete Dimensiones – (Spanish)
AMOR_ es lo que todos estamos buscando, es una busqueda de caracter universal. Cuanto realmente sabes tu al respecto? Como podemos entender sus secretos y encontrar amor por la eternidad? Paladin ha aprendido acerca del Universo y del tiempo mediante sus encuentros con la bella Genio y tambien de como aplicarlos en la vida real en todas las relaciones. Aun asi descubre que el conocimiento sin proposito no tiene sentido y la vida sin amor esta totalmente vacia. Entonces La bella Genio se revela como una ayudante celestial enviada por Dios, su angel que lo lleva a descubrir la energia mas poderosa del universo.Paladin en las 7 dimensiones del amor explora esta y muchas otros misterios acerca de las mas grandes fuerzas y la mas poderosa energia en el Universo. Ed Vergara no solo examina las muchas facetas del amor, sino tambien nos ayuda a descubrir el profundo significado y proposito en nuestras vidas. De este gran conocimiento procede la habilidad de amar y de ser amado.
Quieres descubrir como amar y ser amado en todas sus dimensiones? Quieres conocer este gran misterio, y como tu creador te puede llevar a la siguiente dimension del amor? En las aventuras de Paladin juntos descubriremos como la gratitud te llevara muy, pero muy lejos, como vencer al temor y como el amor sobrepasa cualquier adversidad hasta que puedas seguir a tu Corazon con toda confianza y aprendas a vivir tu vida con toda plenitud por la eternidad.
Inconmovible – (Spanish)
$14.99Add to cartChristine Caine offers life-transforming insights about how not only to overcome the challenges, wrong turns, and often painful circumstances we all experience, but also to actually grow from those experiences and be equipped and empowered to help others. Using her own dramatic life story, Caine shows how God rescued her from a life where she was unnamed, unwanted, and unqualified. She tells how she overcame abuse, abandonment, fears, and other challenges to go on a mission of adventure, fueled by faith and filled with love and courage. Her personal stories inspire readers to hear their name called, just as Christine heard her own—‘You are beloved. You are the hope. You are chosen’—to go into a dark and troubled world, knowing each of us possess all it takes to bring hope, create change, and live completely for Christ. Part inspirational tale, part manifesto to stir readers to lives of adventure, Undaunted shows the way with spiritual wisdom and insight.
Viejo Violin – (Spanish)
$31.99Add to cartDios usa a Olga poderosamente!!
Nos gozamos enormemente de ver la transformacion que Cristo ha hecho en ella y en su vida. La amamos mucho!!!
Es impactante ver y escuchar la manera en que Olga comparte el amor de Cristo en cada emision.
De verdad, es impresionante ver la intensidad con la que Olga ama y exalta a nuestro bendito Salvador, Cristo Jesus!
Yo le doy gracias a Dios por su vida.
Viejo Violin – (Spanish)
$19.99Add to cartDios usa a Olga poderosamente!!
Nos gozamos enormemente de ver la transformacion que Cristo ha hecho en ella y en su vida. La amamos mucho!!!
Es impactante ver y escuchar la manera en que Olga comparte el amor de Cristo en cada emision.
De verdad, es impresionante ver la intensidad con la que Olga ama y exalta a nuestro bendito Salvador, Cristo Jesus!
Yo le doy gracias a Dios por su vida.
Razon De Mi Esperanza – (Spanish)
$15.99Add to cartAmerica’s Evangelist presents his masterwork.
Who would refuse rescue? This is the question Billy Graham asks throughout this book. The answer is sometimes surprising because there are actually people who refuse to be saved, even if they are in a hopeless situation. Why? Each chapter draws the reader in by posing questions for contemplation using relevant illustrations about what the world thinks in contrast to what the Bible says.
As Mr. Graham has expressed for decades, his purpose is to engage the reader in considering his or her life in light of the here and now and the hereafter. Who would refuse rescue from a plane crash, a sinking boat, an automobile fire, or an assassin’s bullet? True accounts are given that cause readers to ask what they think and how they would respond to similar experiences and to ultimately bring them to life’s most important question.
In what could be his final book, Billy Graham presents the core message that has guided his life and calling for more than 70 years. Filled with new stories and timeless truth, Graham once again calls the world back to its spiritual priority as only he can. The book coincides with a massive campaign of the same name by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association that will mobilize millions of people in the United States to invite friends and neighbors into their homes to hear the message of Jesus Christ through customized video and a new message from Mr. Graham.
Jesus Es – (Spanish)
$13.99Add to cart!Un best-seller del New York Times!Jesus es ____. Como terminaria usted la frase?El sujeto esta ahi, y tambien esta el verbo, pero lo que viene despues? Su respuesta podria arrojar luz sobre el camino para convertirse en quien usted fue hecho para ser.En estas paginas, Judah Smith llena esa frase una y otra vez, cada vez que revela aun mas el caracter de Jesus. Escribe como si escribiera a un amigo, ilustrando la importancia del mensaje de Cristo a los hombres y mujeres modernos. -ste es un libro para los nuevos creyentes, para los seguidores de toda la vida, y para los simplemente curiosos.Juda Smith nos muestra al Jesus que las pinturas e himnos sombrios no pueden captar. Con pasion, humor y conviccion, el muestra que Jesus es vida. Jesus es la gracia. Jesus es tu amigo. Jesus es una nueva y mejor manera de ser humano.
Donde Esta Dios Cuando Mas Lo – (Spanish)
$13.99Add to cartAs a mother who lost her two little daughters to a congenital illness, Gloria Vazquez is well acquainted with the difficult and dark pathways of suffering. This sequel to her testimonial book ‘Los caminos altos’ (The Higher Pathways), helps us discover a little more about the source of the faith and hope that has enabled her to endure her trials with gratitude to God and with a greater understanding of His unsearchable will.
Resucitado De La Muerto – (Spanish)
$14.99Add to cart“He’s Breathing!”
In 2001, Reinhard Bonnke was debating whether or not he should move to America. Before he could even conceive of leaving decades of missionary work in Africa, however, Bonnke did something he had never done before: he prayed for a sign to confirm that God truly was calling him to go to America. God was about to answer that prayer.
A few days later, a woman brought her husband to the Nigerian church where Bonnke was preaching, in hopes that his partially embalmed body would be raised from the dead after three days in a coffin. Although Bonnke was unaware of this and never even prayed for the man, the woman’s husband, lying in the church basement, began to breathe again during the sermon. In front of thousands of witnesses, this man, who still couldn’t move because of rigor mortis, was raised back to life. After his message, Bonnke was besieged by a crowd yelling “He’s breathing! He’s breathing!”
This incredible miracle, now detailed for the first time, is part of a movement of God, birthed in a small African church and stretching around the world to America! It is the beginning of a work of God that will confirm His word: “America shall be saved!”
En 1972, Reinhard Bonnke oyo un mensaje de Dios: “Africa sera salva”. En obediencia, Bonnke se mudo a Africa, donde su ministerio crecio desde humildes raices hasta cruzadas delante de mas de un millon de personas cada noche. Su ministerio genero increibles milagros de sanidad de Dios, vio la conversion de musulmanes a un ritmo que justifica una carta personal de amenaza por parte de Osama bin Laden, y registro mas de 74 millones de decisiones por Cristo.
En 2001, Bonnke debatido si desea mover su ministerio a America. Antes de poder pensar en dejar decadas de trabajo misionero en Africa, Bonnke hizo algo que nunca antes habia hecho: oro por una seal que confirmase su llamado a America. Dios estaba a punto de responder esta oracion.
Unos dias despues, una mujer llevo a su esposo a la iglesia nigeriana donde Bonnke estaba predicando, con la esperanza de que ese cuerpo parcialmente embalsamado fuese resucitado de la muerte despues de haber estado tres dias en un ataud. Aunque Bonnke no sabia eso y ni siquiera llego a orar por el hombre, el esposo de aquella mujer comenzo a respirar de nuevo durante el sermon. Delante de miles de testigos, este hombre, que aun no podia moverse debido al rigor mortis, fue resucitado a la vida. Despues de su mensaje, Bonnke fue rodeado por una multi
Circulos De Oracion – (Spanish)
$16.99Add to cartAccording to Pastor Mark Batterson in his book, The Circle Maker, ‘Drawing prayer circles around our dreams isn’t just a mechanism whereby we accomplish great things for God. It’s a mechanism whereby God accomplishes great things in us.’ Do you ever sense that there’s far more to prayer, and to God’s vision for your life, than what you’re experiencing? It’s time you learned from the legend of Honi the Circle Maker—a man bold enough to draw a circle in the sand and not budge from inside it until God answered his prayers for his people. What impossibly big dream is God calling you to draw a prayer circle around? Sharing inspiring stories from his own experiences as a circle maker, Mark Batterson will help you uncover your heart’s deepest desires and God
Poemas De Dios – (Spanish)
$12.99Add to cartAlex Campos has distinguished himself as an artist that has made a new generation fall in love with poetry. When you listen to his songs it’s easy to see the depth of his lyrics, and that depth gives way to this small book of reflections that will help the reader learn about and come to know God. In the pages of this book, Alex highlights aspects of faith, struggle, the minister and his dreams while helping young people who long for a deeper relationship with God.
Lider Como Jesus – (Spanish)
$16.99Add to cartEffective leadership-whether on the job, in the community, at church or in the home-starts on the inside. Before you can hope to lead anyone else, you have to know who you are. Every leader must answer two critical questions: Whose are you going to be? and Who are you going to be? One deals with your relationship to Christ. The other with your life purpose.
With simple yet profound principles from the life of Jesus, and dozens of stories and leadership examples from his life experiences, veteran author, speaker and leadership expert Ken Blanchard, guides readers through the process of discovering how to lead like Jesus.
El liderazgo eficaz, sea en el trabajo, la comunidad, la iglesia o el hogar comienza internamente. Antes de que espere dirigir a alguien, usted debe conocerse a si mismo. Cada lider debe hacerse dos preguntas vitales: De quien va a ser? Quien va a ser? Una tiene que ver con su relacion con Cristo. La otra con el proposito de su vida.
A traves de principios sencillos pero profundos de la vida de Jesus y docenas de historias y ejemplos de liderazgo de su experiencia propia, el veterano autor, orador y experto en liderazgo, Ken Blanchard, guia a los lectores en el proceso de descubrir la forma de dirigir como Jesus.
Redescubrimiento Del Espiritu – (Spanish)
$14.99Add to cartFor some of us, being a Christian is harder than it should be. Discouraged, anxious, worn down, we wonder what happened to the power and the joy Jesus promised. ‘You can have regular devotions, great preaching, a strong emphasis on the Bible, a great worship team, and a congregation that is trying hard,’ Cymbala writes, ‘but if you aren’t vitally in touch with God’s Spirit, you are missing out on the life God has for you.’ The Holy Spirit is God’s agent on earth. Yet he is the least understood, least preached about, and least discussed member of the Trinity. This is sad because without him our spiritual lives will always be dry, mechanical, and a struggle. With stunning stories of how God is working in the lives of people and churches today and with biblical teaching about the Holy Spirit, Jim Cymbala invites you to experience God in a fresh and vital way. If we want power, confidence, joy, peace, and more love in our lives, then we need a better understanding of how and why the Spirit moves so we can join him there.
Encuentro Entre Dios Y El Canc – (Spanish)
$15.99Add to cartTyndale House Print On Demand Title
When God and Cancer Meet is a book of powerful stories about cancer patients and their families who have been touched by God in miraculous ways: some in their bodies, others in their minds, all in their spirits. This book offers inspiring testimony that when God and cancer meet, cancer is conquered.
Mejores Mensajes De Dante Gebe – (Spanish)
$13.99Add to cartIncluding, Dancing with the ugliest, Family secrets, God’s grandkids and other extraordinary messages in one book. A compilation of the best conferences from the author of The Champion’s Code, never before written in a book, with which you can laugh, get excited and be moved. Enjoy each chapter as a delicacy and Dante Gebel’s essence.
Casi En Casa – (Spanish)
$14.99Add to cart“I never thought I would live to be this old.”
In this moving narrative, Billy Graham once again takes up the pen not only to share his personal experience of growing older but also teach us some important lessons on how to view our time here on Earth. He says that the Bible makes it clear that God has a specific reason for keeping us here. So what is His purpose for these years, and how can we align our lives with it? How can we not only learn to cope with the fears and struggles and growing limitations we face but actually grow stronger inwardly in the midst of these difficulties?
In what may be his most powerful message of the last decade, Billy Graham speaks to all on this side of Heaven as he covers the importance of four key areas:
Building strong foundations and understanding the gift of years
Facing life’s transitions, including the passing of years, retirement, and when loved ones die
Making wise decisions
Understanding our glorious hope“In this book I invite you to explore with me not only the realities of life as we grow older but the hope and fulfillment and even joy that can be ours once we learn to look at these years from God’s point of view and discover His strength to sustain us every day. I pray that you and I may learn what it means not only to grow older, but, with God’s help, to grow older with grace.”
“Nunca pense que viviria hasta esta edad”
En esta conmovedora narracion, Billy Graham vuelve a tomar la pluma no solo para compartir su experiencia a esta edad, sino que tambien nos ensea algunas lecciones importantes sobre como ver nuestro paso aqui en la tierra. Dice que la Biblia es clara en que Dios tiene una razon especifica para tenernos aqui. Asi que cual es Su proposito para estos aos, y como podemos alinear nuestras vidas con ese proposito? Como podriamos no solo aprender a lidiar con los temores y dificultades, y con los multiples obstaculos, sino tambien a volvernos mas fuertes por dentro en medio de estas dificultades?
“En este libro te invito a explorar conmigo no solo las realidades de la vida conforme vamos envejeciendo sino tambien la esperanza y satisfaccion, e inclusive el gozo que podemos tener cuando aprendemos a ver estos aos desde la perspectiva de Dios y descubrimos Su fortaleza para sostenernos cada dia. Pido a Dios que tu y yo podamos aprender lo que significa no solo llegar a la ancianidad, sino hacerlo en la gracia de Dios”.
En Puertas Del Cielo – (Spanish)
$8.99Add to cartIn this book, Rebecca Springer shares a personal vision and experience about the world of heaven. Within Heaven’s Gates, is an elaborate and detailed description of the involvement of the society of heaven.
!Hay vida despues de la muerte!
Rebecca Springer comparte las maravillas y los gozos de su gloriosa vision del cielo y tambien ofrece esperanza para el futuro de la humanidad. Mediante este inspirador libro, obtendra usted un destello del hogar eterno que espera a los creyentes, al igual que inspiracion para continuar su caminar espiritual. !Aventurese En las Puertas del Cielo!
Lunes Con Mi Viejo Pastor – (Spanish)
$16.99Add to cartA totally burned-out young preacher reignites his faith and gathers wisdom for life while spending successive Mondays with an eighty-three-year-old pastor.
“Deep inside in some uncertain part of my soul persisted this strange exhaustion that was difficult to explain and hard to endure,” writes pastor and author Jose Luis Navajo. Thinking of quitting the ministry, Navajo doesn’t know where to turn until he begins meeting with a seasoned man of the cloth-his “old pastor”-who, through successive Monday visits, offers a legacy of wisdom in the form of 15 unique principles. In lyrical prose, Navajo shares the personal anecdotes, fables, and deep spiritual insights offered by the old pastor and his wife. By turns funny, heartbreaking, and thought provoking, Mondays with My Old Pastor is a comfort to anyone who struggles in his or her walk with God. As readers follow Navajo’s journey from desperation to rejuvenation, they will find themselves similarly transformed and inspired. This moving, beautifully written account is sure to reignite every soul’s longing for renewal.
Maleta – (Spanish)
$13.99Add to cartA moving story of common wisdom from the best-selling author of El regalo del viajero.
Orange Beach, Alabama is a simple town filled with simple people. But they all have their share of problems: marriages teetering on the brink of divorce, young adults giving up on life, business people on the verge of bankruptcy, and many of the other obstacles that life seems to dish out to the masses.Fortunately, when things look the darkest, a mysterious old man named Jones has a miraculous way of showing up. Communicating what he calls “a little perspective,” Jones explains that he has been given a gift of noticing things that others miss. In his simple interactions, Jones speaks to that part in everyone that is yearning to understand why things happen and what we can do about it. Based on a remarkable true story, The Noticer beautifully blends fiction, allegory, and inspiration.orever.
Palabras Que Mueven Montanas – (Spanish)
$9.99Add to cartExperience God’s Power!
“He who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.” (John 14:12)
Through authors’ Kenyon and Gossett’s words and ministry, you will discover what happened in their lives-and what can take place in your own life. Find out how you can…
” Walk in divine health and wholeness.
” Overcome the power of evil.
” Experience God’s power in your life.
” Perform the miracles that Christ did.
” See the “incurable” healed.
” Lead the lost to Christ.
” Minister in God’s anointing.Here you will discover how you can personally receive God’s healing touch and how God can use you to bring healing to others.
Promesas De Dios Para Cada Una – (Spanish)
$13.99Add to cartThere’s nothing that sets our minds and hearts at ease like the promises of God. In Promesas de Dios offers comfort and hope found only in God’s Word. No matter what your situation, God has a promise for you!
Some promises found in this edition are:
SecurityNo hay nada que tranquilice a nuestros corazones y mentes como las promesas de Dios. Promesas de Dios ofrece el consuelo y la esperanza que solo se encuentran en la Palabra de Dios. No importa cual sea su situacion, !Dios tiene una promesa para usted!
Sin Temor – (Spanish)
$15.99Add to cartEach sunrise seems to bring fresh reasons for fear. They’re talking layoffs at work, slowdowns in the economy, flare-ups in the Middle East, turnovers at headquarters, downturns in the housing market, upswings in global warming. The plague of our day, terrorism, begins with the word terror. Fear, it seems, has taken up a hundred-year lease on the building next door and set up shop. Oversized and rude, fear herds us into a prison of unlocked doors. Wouldn’t it be great to walk out? Imagine your life, wholly untouched by angst. What if faith, not fear, was your default reaction to threats? If you could hover a fear magnet over your heart and extract every last shaving of dread, insecurity, or doubt, what would remain? Envision a day, just one day, where you could trust more and fear less. Can you imagine your life without fear?
Cada amanecer parece traer nuevasrazones para sentir temor.Hablan de despidos en el trabajo,disminucion del ritmo de la economia, brotes de violencia en el Medio Oriente,bajas en el mercado de lavivienda, subidas en el calentamiento global. La plaga de la actualidad, elterrorismo, comienza con la palabra terror.Los noticieros difunden suficiente informacion causante de nerviosismo quejustifican boletines de ultima hora. De tamano inmenso y grosero, el temor nosmete como manada en una carcel de puertas cerradas. ?No seria fabuloso salirlibre?Imagine su vida, sin que la toque para nadala angustia. ?Que tal si la fe, no el temor, fuera su reaccion instintiva a lasamenazas? Si usted pudiera sostener un iman detector de temores sobre sucorazon y extraer cada indicio de miedo, inseguridad o duda, ?que quedaria?Visualice un dia, solo un dia, en el que pudiera confiar mas y temermenos.
Toma El Riesgo – (Spanish)
$15.99Add to cartYou can find our culture’s obsession with avoiding risk everywhere, from multiple insurance policies to crash-tested vehicles. But is ducking risk the most productive way for us to live? Surgeon and author Dr. Ben Carson, who faces risk on a daily basis, offers an inspiring message on how accepting risk can lead us to a higher purpose.