




    • Regalo Del Tiempo – (Spanish)


      Escrito como una serie de cartas a sus hijos, Jorge Ramos-el periodista, viajero incansable, ganador del premio Emmy y autor bestseller-nos presenta el que es, sin duda, su libro mas personal e intimo Hay cosas que todo padre siempre quiere decirles a sus hijos. Sobre el amor. Sobre la muerte. Sobre lo que es realmente importante en la vida. Sobre el sexo. Sobre dios y la religion. Sobre sus abuelos y sus raices. Sobre vivir en un pais extranjero. Sobre como salir adelante. Y Jorge Ramos no se quedo con las ganas. En El Regalo del Tiempo nos recuerda que no hay que estar a punto de morirse para decirle a nuestros hijos cuanto los queremos y ensenarles las lecciones que, esperamos, les permitan llevar una vida mas plena, honesta y-por que no?-alegre. Jorge comparte en este libro lo que nunca antes se habia atrevido, siquiera, a sugerir en publico. El Regalo del Tiempo es una mirada intima y conmovedora del mundo en que vivimos y del rol que debe cumplir un padre. A traves de su experiencia como testigo de muchos de los horrores y alegrias del mundo, Ramos le ofrece a sus hijos consejos solidos que necesitan no solo para vivir, sino tambien para sobrevivir en el turbulento mundo de hoy. Sus sugerencias son universales. Este libro es de todos los tiempos y esta cargado de emocion y de lecciones que sus hijos y sus lectores podran llevar consigo para siempre. Aqui conocemos no solo la filosofia, los valores y las convicciones del conductor de television sino tambien al hermano, al hijo y, sobre todo, al padre que quiere contarles a sus hijos todas las cosas que ha aprendido en la vida. “Al final de cuentas,” concluye el padre-escritor, “lo unico que tenemos para regalarle a nuestros hijos es tiempo… nuestro tiempo.”

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    • Del Llanto A La Sonrisa – (Spanish)


      A violently honest testimony of what God can do with a life that was fighting againg all odds. Alex Campos, a well known singer-songwriter talks about his childhood and adolescence, his battles against sickness, neglect, the death of one of his loved ones, lack of resources and rejection. What is the process that God uses to shape a young man’s dream? Is it possible to reach impossible dreams and desires if you seem to have no possibilities? In this book, Alex will take you from tears to laughter just as God took him along the road of trials to a destiny of triumph.

      A challenging and innovative book that includes a DVD with an exclusive concert for his friends and a guide for youth leaders that want to help youth overcome their hurt.

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    • 90 Minutos En El Cielo (Reprinted) – (Spanish) (Reprinted)


      Killed by an 18-wheeler, Piper went to heaven. Ninety minutes later, he returned to life. He tells us his experience and road to healing.

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    • Joel – (Spanish)


      Joel Sonnenberg was only two years old when an 18-wheel truck crashed into his family’s car. In the resulting inferno, he was burned over more than 85 percent of his body. This is his story told in the way that only he can tell it. Experience the world from Joel’s point of view while he takes the reader through a personal journey that includes more trauma than any Hollywood film could suggest. His life is a story of great struggles and suffering. Prepare to fall in love with this young man named Joel.

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    • A Los Pies Del Maestro – (Spanish)


      This book is a treasury of 366 devotions, offering a sampler of the very best of Charles Spurgeon, chosen with the modern reader’s spiritual needs in mind. It also contains a plan for reading the entire Bible through in a year. Each devotional includes a related Scripture in the NIV. These classic writings will guide you daily in your journey toward a deeper and more thoughtful faith in Jesus Christ.

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    • Monologos De Dante Gebel – (Spanish)


      A humorous compilation of the best of this well-known youth pastor. Humorous monologues about marriage, dating, television, American movies, plane trips, pets, evangelistic styles, childhood, the poor part of town and even stories about the “thoughts of the pastor’s dog”. A book written for the enjoyment of the family includes stories that will make you laugh. It is an original work characterized by Dante Gebel’s detail, humor and cutting edge.

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    • Sueno De Toda Mujer – (Spanish)


      This book shares what goes on “behind the scenes” in ministry and leadership. The wife of well-known evangelist Dante Gebel shares how a person who thinks she has no possibility of achieving her dreams, fulfills the dream of every woman – to fall in love, serve the Lord and conquer the craziness of the future. She discusses discrimination of women in Latin America and those women who maintain a low profile but accomplish their vision secretly. “Nobody saw you when your husband wanted to give up and you helped him stick with it, nobody recognized you when your husband cried on your shoulder.”

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    • Manuel Bonilla – (Spanish)


      Caminaremos de la mano del primer musico latinoamericano en cumplir sus bodas de oro con la musica, y disfrutaremos con el de un viaje lleno de ricos testimonios. El Padre de los adoradores, como le dicen hoy afamados cantantes, es una vez mas pionero. Este es el libro que toda persona que desea vivir una vida de adoracion debe leer.

      Take a walk with the first Latin American musican to celebrate 50 years of music and enjoy a journey full of rich testimonies. The “Father of worshipers”, as he is called today by many famous singers, he is also a pioneer. This is a book that anyone who desires to live a life of worship should read.

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    • Jornada – (Spanish)


      Descripcion (Description):

      Billy Graham es querido y respetado en todo el mundo. Y este es su magnum opus, la culminacion de toda una vida de experiencia y ministerio.

      Capitulo a capitulo, Graham nos dirige en una jornada de fe. Aprenderemos acerca de Dios y de Su proposito en nuestras vidas; de quien es Jesus y de lo que ha hecho por nosotros. Aprenderemos a enfrentar los desafios: la tentacion; los malos pensamientos y las motivaciones, los habitos que destruyen nuestro espiritu y que hacer cuando la vida se vuelve en contra nuestra. Tambien recibiremos el consejo practico de la Biblia, en cuanto a la oracion, conocer la voluntad de Dios, tomar las decisiones correctas, encontrar la comunion, reforzar nuestros matrimonios, ser padres sabios y usar nuestros dones para hablar de Cristo con los demas.

      Con el consejo que solo puede surgir de una vida dedicada a Dios, La Jornada esta lleno de sabiduria, animo, esperanza e inspiracion para cualquiera que quiera vivir una vida mas feliz y mas satisfactoria.

      Billy Graham is respected and loved around the world. And this work is his magnum opus, the culmination of a lifetime of experience and ministry!

      Chapter by chapter, Graham leads us on a journey in faith. We learn about God and his purpose for our lives; who Jesus is and what he has done for us. We learn to deal with challenges along the way: temptation; wrong thoughts and motives, habits that destroy our spirit, and what to do when life turns against us. And we are given practical advice on the Bible, prayer, knowing God’s will, making right decisions, finding fellowship, strengthening our marriage, being wise parents, and using our gifts to share Christ with others.

      With insight that only comes from a life spent with God, La Jornada is filled with wisdom, encouragement, hope, and inspiration for anyone who wants to live a happier, more fulfilling life.

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    • conquiste al enemigo llamado p – (Spanish)


      52 “nuggets of truth” that will put mediocrity and unfulfilled dreams where they belong – out of your life!

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    • 100 Secretos De La Gente Salud – (Spanish)


      From fitness to diets to emotional health and longevity, what do people who feel and look healthy do differently than those who are overtired, depressed, or out of shape? Every day we face an avalanche of studies and statistics that tell us what we should or shouldn’t eat, how long we need to exercise, or how to protect ourselves from secondhand smoke and the harmful rays from the sun. Not only are these studies often contradictory, but the actual scientific information is usually inaccessible.

      Moving beyond the myths and misinformation, the advice in these pages is not based on one person’s opinions or one expert’s study. For the first time the research available on the health of average Americans has been distilled into one hundred essential ways that we can become healthier and happier. Each of the core findings is accompanied by a real life example showing these results in action.

      Eat more often. Oxford University researchers found that people who ate five or six times a day had a 5 percent lower total cholesterol than average and were 45 percent more likely to be able to sustain their target weight than people who ate once or twice a day.

      Who says caffeine is bad for you? The majority of scientific evidence shows that, for a healthy adult, moderate quantities of caffeine (about three cups of coffee per day) pose no significant health risks.

      Home sweet home. People who described their home lives as satisfying were 24 percent more likely to live beyond normal life expectancy, according to a UCLA study.

      Cual es la diferencia entre las personas que se sienten y se ven saludables, y las que estan cansadas o deprimidas y jamas estan en forma? A diario enfrentamos una cantidad alarmante de estudios y estadisticas que nos dicen que debemos y no debemos comer, cuanto tiempo tenemos que hacer ejercicio o como protegernos del humo de segunda mano y los dainos rayos del sol. Pero estos estudios, ademas de ser contradictorios, suelen tener informacion cientifica literalmente incomprensible para el lector comun.

      En este libro, David Niven nos hace el favor de resumir los millones de estudios que se han hecho acerca de la salud del ser humano, y de convertirlos en cien faciles puntos que nos ayudaran a vivir mas saludables y felices. Desmontando mitos comunes con consejos reales y aplicables, Niven nos explica la importancia de estos descubrimientos.

      Coma con frecuencia. Los investigadores de la universidad Oxford hallaron q

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    • Don Del Cambio – (Spanish)


      Bestselling author Marianne Williamson delves deeply into the powerful role of change in our lives today. Far from something to fear and avoid, she says, every change — even the most difficult and painful — gives us an opportunity to receive the miraculous gift of personal transformation into what we are capable of becoming. The only real failure in life is the failure to grow from what we go through.

      Williamson leads us across key bridges of transformation including:

      From Forgetting Who We Are to Remembering Who We Are
      From Negative Thinking to Positive Love
      From Asking God to Change the World to Praying That He Change Us
      From Living in the Past and Future to Living in the Now
      From Separation to Relationship
      From Your Plan to God’s Plan
      From Who We Were to Who We Are Becoming

      These simple but profound changes empower us to see life’s transitions as opportunities for growth and rebirth, providing not only keys for shaping our lives today, but also hope for transforming our world into a place of greater love and peace.

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    • Imitacion Es Limitacion – (Spanish)


      Descripcion (Description):

      Con su peculiar estilo, John Mason le inspira a tener el valor para vivir de la manera en que Dios desea que usted viva. Los consejos vitales faciles de leer y de recordar, llenan las paginas de este libro. Con ellos usted encontrara animo, reto y motivacion para una vida de mayor realizacion. Algunos de los desafios son:

      Atrevase a ser a quien usted es
      Aprenda a disfrutar de soar en grande
      El fracaso espera sobre la senda de la persistencia
      El exito llega cuando uno se atreve a dar pasos pequeos
      Encuentre un camino hacia la meta, no un camino que lo desvie de ella

      In his signature style, John Mason inspires you to have the courage to live as God created you to live. Easy-to-read-and-remember nuggets of truth fill every page, encouraging, challenging, and motivating you to a more fulfilling life. Some challenges include:

      Dare to be who you are
      Learn to be comfortable with bigh dreams
      Failure is waiting on the path of persistence
      Success come from daring to take small steps
      Find a way to, not a way not to

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    • Fruto Del Espiritu – (Spanish)


      Would you like true fulfillment in your life? Health in your relationships? Victory over anxiety and conflict? You can have them if you let God’s Spirit grow his fruit in your heart. In this book, Tom Trask and Wayde Goodall take you for a close look at love, joy, peace, patience, kindness and the rest of the fruit of the spirit. Here is a passionate and illuminating look at what happens to your thoughts, emotions, and actions when you live each day in intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. Drawing from the storehouse of God’s Word, Trask and Goodall sow seeds of insight into your heart that both convict and encourage. They show how you can cooperate with God’s work in your life. And they offer true-life examples of how you, too, can change when you let the Holy Spirit reproduce the character of Jesus within you. Your witness for Christ is as good as the fruit your relationship with him produces. The Fruit of the Spirit points you toward a lifestyle that makes the Gospel you proclaim attractive to others because they can see its results.

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    • Aplauso Del Cielo – (Spanish)


      Un nuevo enfoque sobre las Bienaventuranzas.

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    • Cuando Dios Susurra Tu Nombre – (Spanish)



      235 Paginas En 28 Capitulos

      Additional Info
      Palabras de animo a quienes han perdido la confianza.

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    • Que Bueno Que Me Dijiste Lo Qu – (Spanish)


      Stories of life’s hurdles and God’s healing.

      Historias de los sufrimientos de la vida y la sanidad de Dios a traves de la risa.

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    • Misterio De La Voluntad De Dio – (Spanish)


      This is a book about the life long journey of getting to know God and His will for you, not about easy answers.

      Este es un libro sobre la jornada de toda una vida de conocer a Dios y su voluntad para con nosotros, no de respuestas faciles. Muchos piensan que si pudieran descubrir ese plan de Dios, marcharian sin esfuerzo por la vida. Pero la vida no es asi. Probablemente el mayor error al tratar uno de descubrir la voluntad de Dios radica en el concepto de que, si hago esto, la lucha terminara, las preguntas cesaran, las respuestas llegaran y vivire feliz para siempre. Pero eso es un cuento de hada. No es la realidad.

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    • Todavia Remueve Piedras – (Spanish)



      Written In Spanish
      17 Chapters In 209 Pages

      Additional Info
      Dios todavia esta dispuesto a repetir las grandezas y milagros de los tiempos biblicos.

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    • Desarrolle El Lider Que Esta E – (Spanish)


      240 Paginas

      Additional Info
      Como desarrollar la vision, el valor, la influencia y la motivacion.

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    • Gran Casa De Dios – (Spanish)


      El Padre Nuestro como referencia, cada capitulo del libro representa un refugio de Dios para sus hijos.

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    • Fuego Vivo Viento Fresco – (Spanish)


      The times are urgent, God is on the move, now is the moment to ask God to ignite his fire in your soul!

      Jim Cymbala believes that Jesus wants nothing more than to renew and revive his people to call us back from spiritual dead ends that lead only to apathy and lukewarm religion.

      As pastor of the Brooklyn Tabernacle, one of America’s most remarkable churches, he knows firsthand the transforming power of God’s love – strong enough to convert prostitutes, pimps, drug addicts, homeless people, and transvestites. Strong enough to draw professional men and women, blacks, whites, and Hispanics together in worship. Strong enough to rekindle our own dull hearts and flagging spirits.

      Twenty-five years ago, the Brooklyn Tabernacle could barely draw twenty people to a Sunday service. Today it is six thousand strong, a testament of what God can do when men and women begin to pour out their hearts to God.

      The story of what has happened to a broken-down church in one of America’s meanest neighborhoods points the way to a new spiritual vitality in the church and in your own life. But don’t look in this book for faddish techniques – you wont’ find them. And while the Tabernacle today has an interracial membership and world-renowned choir, don’t look for an emphasis on cross culturalism, numbers, or well-orchestrates worship music.

      Instead look for what God can do when a handful of people humble themselves and take the Gospel seriously. When believers turn to their last and only recourse – their knees – and discover there the life-changing reality of the Holy Spirit.

      Whether you’re a pastor or a layperson, if you’re hungry for more of God, this book will break your heart and restore your passion.

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    • Bendiciones Del Quebrantamient – (Spanish)


      Considering that life can deliver hard punches in our lives, can we with all sincerity believe that God can bring good out of our crisis? But there is also another possibility: we might discover a richness in our lives that we might not have encountered otherwise.

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    • Modelos Para Orar – (Spanish)


      If you have a deep desire to cultivate the quality of your prayers and increase the time you spend in prayer, this book will help you develop your communion with the heavenly Father.

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    • Esposa De Cristo – (Spanish)


      The promise of the coming of Christ is awaiting us in the shadows of the horizon. Maybe only a couple of hours remain before daybreak, the darkest part of the night is immediately before the dawn. For the bride of Christ it is time to start the fire, light the lamps and to dissipate the shadows.

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    • Vida En El Redil – (Spanish)


      El salmo 23 esta lleno de terminos y descripciones cuyos verdaderos y profundos significados a veces escapan de quien jamas ha sido pastor de ovejas. Que verdades mas profundas hay tras esas imagenes que apenas comprendemos a medias? Cual es el alcance y los limites de las promesas de Dios? Dejemos que sea precisamente un pastor de ovejas quien nos vaya senalando los tesoros escondidos en este amado salmo.

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    • Como Vencer El Temor – (Spanish)


      Fear can produce misery, slavery, and destruction. It is overwhelming to find out how many from all social classes live in fear. Read this book with the expectation that all the fear that you have is going to disappear. Along the way you will reach faith, confidence, courage and true mental peace. Find how to overcome fear!

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    • Seras Lo Que Quieras Ser – (Spanish)


      This book will teach you how you can be the person you want to be, how you can reach goals and be inspired by them. It teaches confidence in your self: how to get it, use it and keep it. It teaches enthusiasm: the strength that motivates us and will pushes us to action. And it shows you how to keep going with a positive attitude.

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    • Senor Hazme Llorar – (Spanish)


      This book is the moving, and often times offensive, true story of Cookie Rodrigues and how she found something she longed for even more than her addiction to heroine.

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    • Poder De La Alabanza – (Spanish)


      Carothers brings to the reader an extraordinary way to face circumstances that seem hopeless.

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    • De La Prison A La Alabanza – (Spanish)


      This is a surprising personal revelation of an attitude of gratitude toward God “in all things” no matter the cost or circumstances. The concept of chaplain Carothers is of praising God in all aspects of life. This book will lead the readers to evaluate their priorities in life.

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    • Corre Nicky Corre – (Spanish)


      This is the emotional story of Nicky Cruz and how he escaped from the barrios under extreme and desperate pressure to find a better life. This biography is of a young man that won the battle of alcoholism, escaped the violent crimes of his past and become an inspiration to teenagers around the world.

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    • Cruz Y El Punal – (Spanish)


      David Wilkerson masterfully narrates the true and moving account of his mission among those lost in the world of drugs, crime, and the most horrible sin. Wilkerson spent many hours in New York City, talk of rebirth and rehabilitation to hardened gang members. Once you start reading The Cross and the Switchblade you won’t be able to put it down again. You will live, together with its characters moments of fear, anxiety, pain, and emotion that will bring you from tragedy to joy and back again, from tears to hope, reading about the true and amazing things that took place in this ministry.

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