


    Biblical Studies

    • Jesus In Global Contexts


      Liberator, ancestor, cosmic Christ, and Black Messiah: These are just some of the ways that Jesus is viewed in the world. This rare book presents with a fresh and energetic tone a global tour of the Christologies emerging in Latin America, Asia, and Africa, and those of North American Feminist and African American theologies.

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    • No Longer Be Silent


      Cheryl Brown studies the portrayal of women in Biblical Antiquities, attributed to Philo, and in the Jewish Antiquities of Josephus, two documents that characterize women differently than their biblical prototypes. Her insightful investigation will bring new perspectives on the subject of women in Judaeo-Christian tradition during the Greco-Roman period.

      The Gender and the Biblical Tradition series brings to a wide audience important new discoveries concerning women and the Bible, ancient Israel, and early Christianity. The books explore the role of sexuality within the biblical tradition and document the continuing influence of biblical treatments of gender on subsequent life and thought.

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    • Gospel Of Peace


      Ulrich Mauser uses the Bible, especially the New Testament, as a guide for present-day peace efforts. He explores the meaning of peace, and throughout the book he interlaces the New Testament experience of peace with elements of the Old Testament idea of shalom, not overlooking the wars of Yahweh.

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    • Literary Forms In The New Testament


      In this useful and accessible book, James Bailey and Lyle Vander Broek discuss the literary and rhetorical forms found in the New Testament. The authors offer definitions and examples of these forms while also helping the reader appreciate the significance of their use for the task of biblical interpretation. This highly readable book will benefit college and seminary students, ministers, and anyone interested in biblical analysis and interpretation.

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    • Jesus The Teacher


      This book makes an important, indeed a groundbreaking, contribution to Markan studies. Not only does it address a lacuna in these studies, but it does so by means of an innovative methodology… that permits a satisfying integration of the Jewish background of Mark’s Gospel with its Greco-Roman background while retaining a sensitivity to the literary dimensions of the text as well as an interest in its reader. Robbins has accomplished a remarkable feat… Markan studies are certain to benefit greatly from this work.

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    • Circle Of Sovereignty


      How do politics govern the plot and motivate the characters of the book of Daniel? By revealing a complex pattern of religious/political dynamics not found in other more superficial studies of Daniel, the author of this study provides an essential alternative to standard historical-critical interpretations of this key Old Testament book.

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    • Prophetic Oracles Of Salvation In The Old Testament


      Israel’s prophets pronounced unforgettable messages of judgment and doom, but they also proclaimed the glorious salvation prepared for God’s people. Westermann demonstrates that these ”oracles of salvation”, occurring in four distinct forms, constitute a coherent prophetic tradition.

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    • Far More Precious Than Jewels


      One of the best ways to grasp the contours of an idea is to look at it from a perspective not your own. Darr concisely introduces interpretive models from three ”different” traditions—rabbinical, critical, and feminist—to give Christians new ways of understanding Old Testament women. She focuses particularly on Ruth, Sarah, Hagar, and Esther. This is the first volume in Westminster’s new series, Gender and the Biblical Tradition

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    • Triumph Of God




      1.The Hermeneutical Problem
      Three Solutions

      2.Primary Themes In Pauline Thought
      The Dialectic Of Coherence And Contingency
      Apocalyptic As The Basis Of Paul’s Gospel


      3.The Contingency Of The Gospel
      Paul’s Occasional Letters
      Galatians And Romans

      4.The Coherence Of The Gospel
      Objections To Apocalyptic
      Apocalyptic And The Resurrection Of Christ
      The Cross Of Christ And The Demonic Powers
      Christian Life And The Church: The Appropriation And Practice Of The Gospel In The Horizon Of Hope

      5.The Enigma Of The Law And The Struggle Between Sin And Death
      The Law Amid The Struggle Between The Powers
      The Dilemma Of Sin And Death: Equal Or Disparate Powers?


      Appendix: Paul The Theologian: Major Motifs In Pauline Theology


      Additional Info
      This book posits two pillars as the foundations of Paul’s thought: 1) the interaction between coherence and contingency in Paul’s interpretation of the gospel and 2) the apocalyptic character of his gospel. The author ventures to demonstrate how Paul’s interpretation of the gospel as coherent is integral with Paul’s communication of the gospel as situationally contingent. These ostensibly opposing perspectives actually combine to form a fluid Pauline hermeneutic. The centrality of Christological apocalyptic in Paul’s interpretation is posited and involves a radical shift in traditional conceptions of Paul’s theology. The author is “recasting Paul’s theology as a theocentric theology of hope rather than as a Christocentric salvation-history (O. Cullmann) or as an existentialist theology of the cross (R. Bultmann). A theology of hope views the present as the dawn of the future and the future as the full actualization of the present.” Examining the implications of this approach-the ultimacy of God’s sovereignty and triumph beside the Christ- event, the formation of a “biblical- theology,” a rethinking of traditional concepts of salvation and ethics-the author intends to reveal a fresh and most enlightening view of Paul’s theology.

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    • Jesus Paul And The Law


      Here is a master new Testament scholars decade of research – along with new material – on a major issue on the study of Christian origins. Extended international debate has been concerned with this question: What were the attitudes toward the Jewish law within earliest Christianity?

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    • Liberating Exegesis : The Challenge Of Liberation Theology To Biblical Stud


      This important book provides a sampling of liberation theology’s use of biblical texts, relating it to the “standard” methods of interpretation in Europe and America. Divided into four sections, the book sets out contemporary readings of the parable of Jesus influenced by a liberationist perspective; identifies the biblical and theoretical foundations of liberation theology, comparing them with the dominant exegetical paradigm in the first world; explores the way in which liberation exegesis affects reading the canonical accounts of Jesus; and argues that liberation theology cannot be seen solely as a third-world phenomenon.

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    • People Of The Book


      In this book, John Barton offers a positive but critical evaluation of biblical authority. Among other topics, he discusses the canon, the value of the Bible as historical evidence, the Bible’s witness to the faith, and the place of Scripture in worship. He shows Christians that critical reading of Scripture is a help rather than a hindrance to their faith and affirms that they are not required to chose between fundamentalism and unbelief.

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    • Revelation For Today


      Revelation is the Bible’s most puzzling book. Though it has inspired some of the world’s greatest literature and art, to many readers the book remains a total mystery–a hodge-podge of strange, mystical symbolism and obscure references. Now James M. Efird provides a clear, readable look at the meaning of Revelation. Probing the mysterious book to its very core, Efird offers the best of modern scholarship in an accessible way. Efird places Revelation in its historical context (approximately AD 90), and explains its message for us today. Revelation for Today features an appendix on ways to teach the book, designed for pastors and church school teachers.

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    • Love Within Limits A Print On Demand Title


      An exploration of how ideal love – selfless love – can work within the limits of our ordinary lives. Using the magnificent lines of 1 Corinthians 13 as his guide, Smedes discusses the areas of life into which love must fit in order to do its work. Includes discussion questions.

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    • Guide Through The Old Testament (Workbook)


      Using a simple workbook-style approach, Celia Sinclair combines commentary, study guides, maps, and charts to direct the reader through the Old Testament. The author has also included the latest scholarship in Old Testament studies. Written with a high school Old Testament survey course in mind, the book is also ideal for independent study. The tear-out study guides may be used as homework or in-class assignments or as a basis for group discussions.

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    • Gender And Difference In Ancient Israel


      “Freed from contemporary theological categories that have been informed by ideological and psychological issues, but ever mindful of the social location of gender analysis, these essays provide fresh and exciting looks at otherwise unfamiliar texts. They jar our minds and our biases…. This book is a valuable contribution to gender-oriented biblical scholarship. Its content is accessible to both the scholarly and the less technically trained reader. All will be well served by this important collection of essays.”
      – Naomi Steinberg, DePaul University

      “This book is a credit to the quality and breadth of feminine biblical scholarship and presents some creative interpretations of the texts and a wealth of Ancient Near Eastern material.”
      – J. Massyngbaerde Ford, University of Notre Dame

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    • Journey Through Acts Part 1 (Student/Study Guide)


      Relive the lively first days of the young Christian church in these fifteen stirring chapters based on the first half of the New Testament book of the Acts of the Apostles. Fictional but believable first-century news releases from imaginary newspapers of the day further enliven this highly readable reader. Questions for thought and discussion conclude each chapter.
      “I am delighted that a writer of the stature of Albert P. Stauderman is giving to the church a book that will help us reflect on the work of the Spirit in the lives of early Christians.”
      Dr. Herbert W. Chilstrom, Bishop
      Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
      “Journey Through Acts is a rare publishing event. Drawing upon a lifetime of reporting about the twentieth-century church, Al Stauderman turns his attention to the first-century church. The result is a lively “news commentary” such as readers of that time might have found in their daily newspapers. This unique updating of the biblical witness gives today’s readers unusual insights into contemporary churchlife and growth.”
      Dr. Edgar R. Trexler, Editor
      “The Lutheran”

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    • Moral Exhortation : A Greco Roman Sourcebook


      What did the moral teachings of the early Christian writers have in common with the works of the pagan philosophers and orators of their time? Illustrating both parallels and contrasts, Malherbe excerpts many primary source materials that have not been easily available and makes this accessible with concise and penetrating introductions.

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    • And God Created Laughter


      Recognizing “a playful spirit” as part of our human makeup, Conrad Hyers shows how laughter and humor are integral to our serious study of the Bible. With the darker realities of the Bible–sin, suffering, and death–there exists a lighter side–laughter, humor, and playfulness. Competent biblical study, Hyers explains, requires both perspectives. This highly readable, preachable, and teachable work gives ministers, students, and lay readers a valuable tool for recovering the spirit of humor and offers a chance to share in the celebration of life and the divine comedy of faith, hope, and love.

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    • Hope Within History


      Within a culture that is presently shaped by values of hopelessness, Walter Brueggemann looks at the biblical text and finds the resources for a hope within history, a hope that challenges hopelessness and dispair. Hope within History describes how individuals and churches can grow even when at odds with their social context, addresses the theological question of how we experience hope in our historical-biblical context, and provides a model for faith development based on our understanding of hope within history as set forth in the biblical narrative.

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    • Interpreting The Prophets


      depth, and readability, these essays from the journal Interpretation will be an up-to-date and valuable resource for teaching and preaching the prophets

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    • These Things Are Written


      There has been no shortage of introductory studies on the Bible. What has been needed is a book that would meet the needs of everyone-students, Sunday school teachers, professors, ministers, lay persons, and scholars. James M. Efird’s These Things Are Written does exactly that!

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    • Guide To Revelation (Student/Study Guide)


      SKU (ISBN): 9780281041930ISBN10: 0281041938D. Van DaalenBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 1986International Study Guide # 20Publisher: SPCK Print On Demand Product

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    • Hebrew Prophets


      This work is an informative survey of the Old Testament Prophets, presented in an orderly format that makes the books more accessible and understandable to readers of the Bible. The prophets are discussed in regards to their historical context and background, their writings, and their major themes. Further, Newsome includes exegetical studies on a few passages from each prophet’s book. Newsome pays particular attention to how Old Testament prophecy relates to human life and faith. The systematic outline and form of this introductory work makes clear the essential element of each prophet’s message, with which the reader can build a foundation for deeper understanding and appreciation of the Word of God.

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    • Hopeful Imagination : Prophetic Voices In Exile


      Brueggemann, whose strong suit is making the Old Testament relevant to today’s world, probes three major prophetic traditions: Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Second Isaiah to demonstrate how these exhortations and encouragements are similar to what caregivers should counsel in modern situations of exile.

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    • Evidence For Jesus


      An acknowledged New Testament authority, James D. G. Dunn here makes an important contribution to contemporary thought. He looks at the origins of Christianity in the light of modern scholarship, demonstrating why Christians should “welcome the critically inquiring and investigative skills of scholars.”

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    • Suffering Of God


      In this comprehensive and thought-provoking study, Terence Fretheim focuses on the theme of divine suffering, an aspect of our understanding of God which both the church and scholarship have neglected. Maintaining that “metaphors matter,” Fretheim carefully examines the ruling and anthropomorphic metaphors of the Old Testament and discusses them in the context of current biblical-theological scholarship. His aim is to broaden our understanding of the God of the Old Testament by showing that “suffering belongs to the person and purpose of God.”

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    • Crisis And Catharsis


      For the first time in complete form, the results of recent analyses of the Apocalypse are presented in a way that is easily understood by the beginning student and challenging to the scholar looking for a fresh approach. In a clear and vivid manner, Adela Yarbro Collins discusses the authorship of the book of Revelation, when it was written, the situation it addressed, the social themes it considered, and the psychological meaning behind apocalyptic language.

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    • Meaning Of Creation


      Conrad Hyers offers a welcome respite from the counter-productive effects of extremism that surround the creation issue. Focusing on the creation texts from the book of Genesis, Hyers interprets the biblical account in light of its relationship to its culture, context, and purpose.

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    • Old Testament And Criticism A Print On Demand Title


      Although many conservative scholars have had reservations about biblical criticism since its rise a century ago, Carl Armerding contends that critical rationalism need not be antithetical to belief in a divinely inspired Word of God. Indeed, says Armerding, the evangelical scholar – mediating the traditional conservative view and the rational critical view of Scripture – is able to use all the tools of historical, philological, and literary study, while still retaining biblical categories of revelation, inspiration, and history.

      Armerding applies this synthesis of approaches – the traditional and the critical – to four major branches of criticism: literary (or source) criticism, form criticism, structural analysis, and textual criticism. Cautioning against misuse of these critical methods, he demonstrates how each method can be conscientiously used by faithful scholars to enrich their understanding of the Old Testament text. Of great value to scholars, students, and pastors, Armerding’s work promises to enrich study of the Old Testament much as George Eldon Ladd’s book (The New Testament and Criticism) has enriched study of the New.

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    • Faith Of The Old Testament


      Intended as a student textbook on the religion of Israel, Werner Schmidt’s The Faith of the Old Testament is especially relevant to theology. A great deal of attention is given to ideas of God and there are ample references to Old Testament texts.

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    • Union With Christ A Print On Demand Title


      How can a person who lived nearly two thousand years ago radically change a human life here now? How can Jesus of Nazareth radically affect us, as persons, to the depths of our being? How can he reach out over the great span of time that divides us from him and change us so profoundly that we become “new creatures” in him?

      The answer, according to the Apostle Paul, lies in the fact that Jesus Christ enters into union with us. Lewis B. Smedes believes that union with Christ is at once the center and circumference of authentic human existence. Union with Christ is Smedes’ probing and sustained exegetical study of what Paul means when he speaks of our being in Christ and Christ being in us. Hailed as “a thoughtful, discerning, and thoroughly scriptural study” when it was first published in 1970 under the title All Things Made New, the book has been greatly streamlined in this edition. By judiciously cutting away what now strikes him as “scholarly clutter,” Smedes has produced a carefully condensed version of his earlier work while retaining its basic substance.

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    • Other Gospels : Non Canonical Gospel Texts


      This anthology of gospel literature contains texts that are not a part of the New Testament but are of great importance for the study of Christian origins. Containing some of the writings from the Nag Hammadi library, these sixteen texts constitute what remains of the non-canonical Gospels from the first and second centuries. They transmit sayings of Jesus and relate stories about Jesus.

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    • Testaments Of Love A Print On Demand Title


      Using the same exacting scholarship that has characterized his other books and commentaries, Leon Morris here offers a thorough and instructive analysis of love in the Bible – a topic that he believes has been neglected and misinterpreted by most biblical scholars.

      Morris is particularly concerned with eliminating the cultural and personal biases he finds in many interpretations of love in the Bible. Striving for a truly biblical interpretation, he scrupulously examines the various Hebrew and Greek forms of the word in both the Old and New Testaments, concluding that love is the basis of God’s dealing with men and that Christians ought to demonstrate more authentic biblical love within and without the Christian community.

      In the Old Testament, claims Morris, God’s loving actions are very apparent, even though the word love is seldom used. He points out that even in the prophetic books God obviously loves his people despite their frequent disobedience. And in the New Testament, the definitive expression of God’s love on the cross demonstrates that “God’s love is not simply a beautiful but detached emotion – it is a love that pays a price.”

      Other topics discussed by Morris include natural affection, friendship, passion, eros, and agape. Throughout the study, he refers to specific biblical passages and supplements the text with abundant footnotes that summarize and evaluate helpful additional information from scores of sources.

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    • Jesus The Jew


      Contents: PART 1: THE SETTING 1. Jesus the Jew 2. Jesus and Galilee 3. Jesus and charismatic Judaism PART 2: THE TITLES OF JESUS 4. Jesus the prophet Excursus: prophetic celibacy 5. Jesus the lord Excursus: ‘lord’ and the style of the Gospel of Mark 6. Jesus the Messiah Excursus: Jesus, son of David Excursus: the metaphorical us of ‘to anoint’ 7. Jesus the son of man Excursus: the cloud, a means of heavenly transport Excursus: debate on the circum- locutional use of son of man 8. Jesus the son of God Excursus: son of God and virgin birth GEZA VERMES: The author was born in Hungary in 1924, studied in Budapest and in Louvain. He is now Professor Emiritus of Jewish Studies and Emeritus Fellow of Wolfson College. He continues to lecture at the Oriental Institute, has taught at Oxford and Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

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    • Introduction To The Parables Of Jesus


      Robert Stein investigates how the parables have been interpreted throughout the ages begining with the early church fathers, continuing through the Middle Ages and the Reformation, and concluding with recent critical discussion. He establishes basic principles for interpreting parables, demonstrates how to apply these principles, and organizes the parables under four major themes: the Kingdom of God as a present reality, the Kingdom of God as demand, the God of grace, and final judgement.

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    • Paul The Apostle


      With a new preface by the author, this book posists two pillars as the foundations of Paul’s thought: the interaction between coherence and contingency in Paul’s interpretation of the gospel and the apocalyptic character of his gospel.

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    • Encountering New Testament Manuscripts A Print On Demand Title


      The field of textual criticism remains an exciting one. Thousands of manuscripts have been recovered in recent years. Using the methods of textual criticism, translators have been able to discern from these manuscripts a probably reading of the original New Testament text, a difficult but important task.

      Several scholarly books describing the process of textual criticism have already been written, but Encountering New Testament Manuscripts is uniquely different in its approach. Here students have an opportunity to see and read portions of the chief manuscripts for themselves and to learn firsthand the principles of textual criticism.

      Included are twenty-four photographs of some of the oldest and most important manuscripts, including papyri, parchment, and paper texts with both uncial and miniscule script. Through the steps of transcribing the original manuscripts and organizing the various evidences presented, the student learns to develop conclusions about the reading of the original text.

      A comprehensive introductory chapter surveying the nature and history of textual criticism and a concluding chapter on the question of methodology make this book a complete course on the subject. Helpful indices and lists of important New Testament manuscripts make it an excellent resource volume as well.

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    • New Testament Writings


      The New Testament Writings is a simple and direct introduction to the New Testament. Christians have a need and desire to comprehend the literature on which their faith is based. James Efird’s book serves this need very well. He presents the New Testament clearly and concisely in nontechnical language. This is a valuable resource for education, growth, and faith.

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    • Form Criticism Of The Old Testament


      Because of its long oral tradition the Old Testament includes an array of different literary types and compositions. Analysis of these genres in the biblical material is known as form criticism. Gene Tucker draws on contemporary speech patterns to illustrate how the scholar pinpoints various categories or genres. The basic principles of form criticism are outlined and many biblical examples given. The story of Jacob’s struggle at the Jabbok and the prophetic literature are treated in detail. While form criticism does not solve all the interpreter’s problems, it forms an essential tool for exegesis and for recovering the living history of Old Testament literature.

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    • Pattern Of New Testament Truth A Print On Demand Title


      George Eldon Ladd here addresses the problem of differences and similarities in the theologies of the New Testament writers, and seeks to show in this examination what he calls “the pattern of New Testament truth.”

      The author argues against an overemphasis on Gnosticism in the study of the background of the New Testament. Ladd then goes on to consider a philosophical movement, prevalent during the first century, about which much more is known – Greek dualism, especially as expressed by Plato, Plutarch, and Philo. He points out the differences between Greek and New Testament thought, and goes on to contrast the Greek view of reality with that of the Hebrews, which he concludes to be essentially that of the New Testament. / The unity of the New Testament, Ladd believes, is to be found in the Heilgeschichte, the record of the historical dealings of God with man. The diversity between the Synoptics (Mathew, Mark, and Luke), John, and Paul is a result of different perspectives from which this redemptive event of God is interpreted. A chapter is devoted to each of these viewpoints, giving a detailed analysis of the unity and diversity that manifests itself, and demonstrating that differences are a matter of separate strata or levels of theology rather than of conflicting suppositions.

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    • Introduction To The New Testament (Revised)


      The general purpose of this book is to provide a broad understanding of the background and message of the New Testament. It opens with chapters on the time between the Old and New Testaments, giving information on history, institutions, and literature, and goes on to discuss the language of the New Testament, the text and its transmission, the canon, and the individual books of the New Testament.

      For each of the New Testament books Everett Harrison provides a helpful outline and introduces the reader to a greater understanding of the text by a discussion of such matters as purpose, background, date, authorship, characteristics or principal concepts, taking into full account the most significant findings and interpretations of recent scholars. He also provides general essays on the Gospels and on the Epistles and special bibliographies for each chapter.

      Fully revised and enlarged by the author, and including an updated bibliography and index, this basic and comprehensive introduction is a valuable aid to the study of the Scriptures, both in school and in church.

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    • Teaching Of The Epistle To The Hebrews A Print On Demand Title


      The Teaching of the Epistle to the Hebrews is the work of Geerhardus Vos, a man described as the most penetrating English-language exegete of the twentieth century. This volume contains Vos’s classroom lectures on Hebrews, distilling his long teaching experience on the subject into one slim volume. It is especially valuable for its scriptural illumination of such theological subjects as Christology and eschatology.

      Vos first examines the strong connection of this New Testament epistle to the Old Testament and explains why the older scripture plays such a prominent role in the new. He then discusses how the concept of the Diatheke – the new covenant promise and lasting testament between God and man – found in Hebrews affects the whole of Christianity. Vos also points out that Hebrews presents its own philosophy of redemption and revelation and that it offers a significant, corrective teaching on the subject of Christian eschatology. Finally he sets forth the epistle’s teachings on the priesthood of Christ and the better sacrifice of the new covenant.

      Vos’s work on Hebrews provides readers with exacting scholarship, illuminating comment, and intensive study – all testifying to his profound love of the Word of God.

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