Christian Living
Showing 7551–7600 of 9270 resultsSorted by latest
When You Find Yourself In The Belly Of A Whale
$20.61What is it like being in the belly of a whale? Well, it’s downright scary. And the surroundings are rather depressing. However, it is quiet. You have time to think-and pray. Singing sounds really good, much like being in the shower. You begin to explore the possibility of climbing out and taming the very thing that has consumed you. Beth Cantrell Whittington used humor, honesty, a battle with cancer, criminal justice career experiences, and down-to-earth devotional thoughts to focus on the big picture-looking at the surprising blows and storms of life through God’s eyes. Jesus was never diagnosed with a life threatening disease. He was never laid off because his company was downsizing. He never had family problems or experienced a mid-life crisis. But he was falsely accused, mocked, spat upon, beaten, and left to die on a cross. He can relate!
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Letting God Be Judge
$14.99The impact of ungodly judgments can be extremely damaging and far reaching in their effect. This unique book covers a subjectrarely written about and yet it is so important that the Bible speaks extensively about it. There is little that is more offensive and divisive than a person with a judgmental spirit. The Bible’s teaching on ungodly judgments is desperately needed for the health and growth of the Church. One critical step in the process of moving toward freedom and maturity in Christ is repenting of the ungodly judgments we have made against God, ourselves, and others, and breaking their power in our lives.The simple fact is that judging others is incompatible with foundational principles in Jesus’ teaching and the teaching of His disciples. Scripture warns us clearly and repeatedly of the dangers in making ungodly judgments. This books helps the reader realize when we are falling into the judgments that Jesus so clearly prohibits, and when we are simply standing for God’s truth in a manner that brings glory and honor to Him.
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$13.73The Reality: * Fifty percent of those who marry today will divorce. * On the stress scale, divorce and separation are ranked 2nd and 3rd. Only the death of a spouse is rated higher. * More than 80 percent of those who are divorced will remarry within three years and 65 percent of those marriages will fail again. * More than a million children each year are involved in divorce and more than 13 million children under 18 live with one parent so that single parent families are growing at a rate twenty times faster than two parent families. We have lost sight of the true meaning of the marriage commitment. In this book Bro. Ronald H. Taurel skillfully interprets and explains the covenant relationship between a man and a woman in the eyes of God. Inside you will discover: * Marriage as a covenant relationship held in high regard by God. * The importance of the marriage oath. * The importance and meaning of the woman’s hymen and virginity. * The true meaning and significance of the wedding rings. * Examples of leaning on each other and facing challenges together with God. * The principle of Leaving and Cleaving This is a must-read for anyone entering into the covenant of marriage and a reminder for couples who have already taken this important step.
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Simple Recipes For Romance
$19.36Have you ever wondered, “Can I really experience romance in marriage or is it just a fairy tale?” Yes you can, if you are willing to make it happen! These simple recipes for romance will provide the ingredients for adding spice back to your marriage. If you use a recipe book to create a meal you will prepare a tasty delight. By following these “Simple Recipes for Romance” you will experience a FEAST! Steve Tucker has tested and applied these recipes throughout his 29 years of marriage. His desire is for couples to enjoy their relationship in the midst of life’s challenges. With these simple recipes for romance, you can do it! “Who doesn’t want spice in their marriage? Yet there are many couples who have forgotten what “spice” smells or tastes like and their most important relationship has grown stagnant and stale. If you want a thriving marriage that is growing more in love everyday there is only one book I would recommend … and you are looking at it.” Roger Gibson Speaker & Author, First Comes Love, Then Comes Money Smalley Relationship Center
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Raising Godly Children
$20.61The situational ethics of contemporary culture has unleashed an arsenal of moral inconsistencies aimed at diluting the validity and effectiveness of the Christian faith. It is extremely crucial that Christian parents treat with much urgency the importance of conveying their faith to their children. This book was written to assist Christian parents in the process of nurturing spiritually sensitive and emotionally stable children. Christian parents will learn: * How to effectively use the word of God in the nurturing process * How to help your children discover and pursue the purpose of God * How to create a caring environment within the home * How to protect your children from negative influences The practical advice in this book will help you to be an effective parent, affirming the words of Joshua: “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24:15)
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Greatest Commands
$29.98When asked what he believed was the most important command God ever issued, Jesus replied, “The most important command is this… Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength. The second command is this: Love your neighbor as you love yourself. There are no commands more important than these” (Mark 12:29-31 NCV). These two commands form the foundation of Christianity, yet Jesus himself is the only person to ever keep them completely. In The Greatest Commands: Learning to Love like Jesus, author Scott Bayles delves deeply into the life and love of Jesus in an attempt to draw closer to the heart of Christ and discover the true meaning of loving God and loving people.
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Greatest Commands
$19.36When asked what he believed was the most important command God ever issued, Jesus replied, “The most important command is this… Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength. The second command is this: Love your neighbor as you love yourself. There are no commands more important than these” (Mark 12:29-31 NCV). These two commands form the foundation of Christianity, yet Jesus himself is the only person to ever keep them completely. In The Greatest Commands: Learning to Love like Jesus, author Scott Bayles delves deeply into the life and love of Jesus in an attempt to draw closer to the heart of Christ and discover the true meaning of loving God and loving people.
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Moral Makeover : Reshaping The Meltdown With The Wisdom Of Solomon
$33.111. Righteousness
2. Humility
3. Absolute Truth
4. Inner Initiative
5. Generosity Commitment
6. Equal Justice
7. Peace As Current As The News HeadlinesAdditional Info
This book is for every person who is tired of the moral decline in our Nation, and is willing to help turn the tide- beginning with an inner examination! Drawing from the wisdom found in the Old Testament book of Proverbs, seven major principles are examined: Righteousness Humility Absolute Truth Inner Initiative Generosity Commitment Equal Justice Peace As current as the news headlines, these issues are put on display in an insightful way. Each chapter contains notable quotes, key Proverbs, interesting stories, and a checklist for personal diagnosis. While not a commentary on Proverbs, this book will deliver a renewed appreciation for this often-overlooked section of the Bible. This is recommended reading for everyone from politicians to pastors; from professors to people of all ages who desire to live a principled lifestyle in era of moral decline.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Rough Waters Polished Stones
$16.86Life is one crisis after another. If you don’t believe this, just wait, it will surely come! We are a people drowning in a quagmire of economic, political and moral confusion. So much of our activity is nothing more than a cheap anesthetic to deaden the pain of an empty life. We blame our circumstances, our government, our family and even God for our despair. We must recognize the frailty of human life, the reality of sin, the meaning of life, also the enigma of pain and injustice – all tools in God’s polishing process in our lives! This book is a compilation of life-changing insights about a loving God whose character portrays His desire for fellowship with us and our need to accept, appreciate and experience His attributes in our emotions, pains and joys of life. By understanding ourselves, we will then be equipped with the ability to live today with laser-intense purpose!
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Gods Creatures : A Biblical View Of Animals
$11.4915 Chapters
Additional Info
Will animals be in heaven? Is it right to kill and eat animals? How does God use animals to accomplish his purposes? Are animals somehow aware of their Creator? Here are answers to these questions and more. Susan Bulanda draws on years of experience as an animal behaviorist and a Bible student to present a discussion of God’s purposes and dealings with animals. For committed Christians who love animals, or animal lovers who are curious to know how the Christian scriptures address animal issues.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Present Day Truths
$17.99Present Day Truths seeks to bring into focus all that God is doing in the earth today. It seeks to demonstrate the Lordship of Christ and how he has everything under his control. It shows us that the people of God have nothing to fear in these days of turmoil and distress in the nations. It seeks to show from the Word of God how that all we are experiencing today on every side is in perfect agreement with the eternal plan and purpose of God.
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Jesus Bible Companion (Workbook)
$14.99This next installment of the Great Lives series unveils the life of Jesus and inspires readers with insight, teaching, and historical information. In Great Lives: Jesus, pastor and Bible teacher Charles R. Swindoll dives into the life of the Savior, taking His truth claims at face value. Its theologically rich content and straightforward, honest, and chronological journey appeals to readers’ hearts as well as their minds. Along the way, Dr. Swindoll’s trademark warmth and insight offer up life application for the reader drawn straight from the words and works of Jesus. As Dr. Swindoll writes, “The power of his resurrection is a quiet, transforming force that results in the steady growth of hope and life within the believer.” Encountering the great life of Jesus is all a believer needs to truly experience that power.
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Partly Right : Learning From The Critics Of Christianity
$19.99Sociologist Tony Campolo examines the ideologies of Christianity’s critics and responds to their skepticism. This is a handbook for believers who want to share a vital and compelling faith with those influenced by anti-Christian philosophies.
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Carpe Diem : Sieze The Day
$18.99Best-selling author and popular speaker Tony Compolo challenges believers to find fulfillment in learning how to seize the day! With contagious enthusiasm, he invites us to rediscover the wonder and joy of life, love, and dreams through a renewed passion for God.
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Heroes And Villains Of The Bible 1
$26.23Studying the lives of men and women of Scripture is a satisfying and useful investigation for all true followers of God. As Augustine once expressed, “The sacred record, like a faithful mirror has no flattery in its portrait.” The people of the Bible are exposed as the sinners that they are. While looking at heroes and villains of Scripture, the reader will not only learn about character flaws and attributes, but will discover practical doctrines that encourage us to live for Christ. The historic characters of the Bible teach us that choices have consequences and that the life we have been given must be dedicated to God’s glory, not ours.
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Who Switched The Price Tags
$18.99A Tony Campolo Classic! Things that ought to be treated as precious-like family, friends and faith-are inconsequential, and things like a new BMW, membership in the country club and the climb up the corporate ladder are all too often considered of great importance. I find people working and slaving and spending their money and their time on things that really don’t matter and ignoring the things that do. How did we get so far off-base?
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Praying The Scriptures (Revised)
$19.99Table Of Contents
Part I: The Purpose Of Prayer
1.A Scriptural Introduction
2.Scriptural Invitation: God’s R.S.V.P
3.Praying The Scriptures Involves Us In Prayer
4.”Lord, Teach Us To Pray”
5.The Bible-the Ultimate “How-to” Book On Prayer
Part II: The Power Of Prayer
6.”This Is God Calling”
7.The Inspirational Word Of God
8.The Word-a Light To Our Path
9.Increasing Our Prayer Life
10.A Guaranteed Answer To Prayer
Part III: The Position Of Prayer
11.The Key Ingredient In Prayer
12.Prayer With Understanding
13.Praying The Scriptures Stirs Our Imagination
14.Identifying In Prayer
15.Prayer Is Not Speaking In King James English
Part IV: The Promise Of Prayer
16.The Scriptures Add Intensity To Our Prayer
17.Intimately Knowing God
18.Prayer Is A Sweet Aroma To God
19.The Role Of Intercessory Prayer
20.Prayers That Last For Eternity
Scripture Index
Topical IndexAdditional Info
Brief Description
One of the most frustrating aspects of prayer is finding the right words to say. In Praying the Scriptures, readers will learn how to enhance their prayer lives by bringing the Scriptures into their prayers. It includes additional Scripture reading at the end of each chapter and Scripture and Topical Indices in the back of the book.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Churches Without Walls
$27.48“Is this not the fast that I have chosen…?” How often have you read this scripture from Isaiah 58:6? It doesn’t stop at the giving of food or “bringing the homeless poor into the house.” It’s about YOU being a vessel of God’s anointing – that anointing, which breaks every yoke and sets every captive free, being released through you. The real cry of Isaiah 58 is for everyone to be a bridge into the hearts of those in need. Church, are you ready to obey God’s Mandate to get outside your four walls and be that body of love and power to a mass of humanity that is in desperate need of a shepherd – to experience the Jesus of Nazareth who, some 2,000 years ago on the Judean Hillside, told His disciples, “FEED MY PEOPLE”? Don’t just read this book – study it! It opens up God’s heart!
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Thought For Food
$19.36FINALLY, a nutrition guidebook that is clear, comprehensive and written in lay terms by a professional nutritionist! THOUGHT FOR FOOD is a unique concept combining a manual on nutrition basics with devotionals for quiet time. Each chapter explores a specific nutritional area, such as protein, and looks at the physical as well as the spiritual needs. The author uses a conversational writing style to convey sound Biblical wisdom for spiritual parallels or in her words, mirror images, of the scientific principle being reflected, bringing the reader into an awareness of the multi-dimensional person he or she is. You are a soul. You have a spirit. You live in a physical body. This book shows you how all three dimensions of who you are Need nourishment Need exercise Need to discern distortions and half-truths Need God …and then it shows you how to get them!
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Its Friday But Sundays Comin (Reprinted)
$18.99A Tony Campolo Classic! For everyone who has lost at love, been let down by life, feels like their universe is unraveling…here is the celebrated message from Tony Campolo to warm their souls and encourage them to keep trusting in God. This repackaged edition celebrates one of the most classic messages of our day. Get ready to be challenged and inspired by Tony Campolo’s timeless words of hope for every believer… “IT’S FRIDAY, BUT SUNDAY’S COMIN’
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Reasonable Faith
$18.99A Tony Campolo Classic!Best-selling author and popular speaker Tony Campolo writes to communicate the faith in understandable terms to secular people steeped in contemporary ideas about the nature of things, and to clarify for Christian readers how our beliefs intersect conclusively with modern concerns. He does that with both clarity and wit.
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Ill Have What Shes Having
$18.99In this book, Bobbie speaks openly, honestly and warmly of her conviction that all women, including those in leadership and ministry, ought to live lives that are the ultimate example of Christ-influenced character. Bobbie Houston lives to help women overcome what prevents, contains and limits them. Her book reflects her passionate belief that God is ready to equip a generation of awesome women. Women who live by conviction. Women who live with such resolve that nothing daunts them. Women who know how to partner for success, and women who are committed to painting their world with such color and dynamic that others just can’t help but say… “I’ll have what she’s having!”
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We Are Able
$18.73We Are Able. To Overcome Obstacles It is with a great deal of enthusiasm that the author sends an array of hope to a reading audience. This book is written in a simplistic form with an appeal to foster an awareness of God’s love. The message of hope indicates that we are able to overcome obstacles that are placed in our paths. It is important to follow the prescription that is given in Hebrews 12:1. “Lay aside every weight, and sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is before us.” In order to overcome any obstacle, one must be willing to reduce the baggage that hinders us from moving freely with God. Be encouraged as you take this plight in overcoming your barriers. Best wishes and God’s blessings upon you. Be strong and courageous and know that God is with you as you seek His will.
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Jezebels Apprentice : Up Close And Personal
$16.86Jezebel’s Apprentice is a true story, written to show Christians how the devil plans to steal your future. It is a book written to expose the tricks of the devil against Christians and his plans to rob you of your desires and the secret petitions of your heart. If your call from the Lord and the desires of your heart are eluding you and fading away, then this book is for you. There is a dying world of Christians that have become discouraged and have given up on ever amounting to anything in the Kingdom of God. Read how the Lord took the “least of the least” and led her from one level to the next on the “warrior’s path.” Like you, she was simply the Lord’s child following His footsteps as He taught her to slay the dragons. At first it was in baby steps, chasing the little ones and gradually the path grew steeper and the dragons grew bigger; but her Father always helped to gain the victory for His glory. You too can find yourself on “the other side of victory.”
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For This I Was Born
$18.99At some point, everyone contemplates the “meaning of life.” All over the world, people are on a quest to find answers as they search for someone or something to believe in. In Brian Houston’s book, For This I Was Born, he says that to know the Cause of Christ is to understand why you were born, to know what you are living for, and to decide what you are prepared to die for.If you do not know the meaning of life, he says, you will never live a life of meaning. Houston desires that each of his readers come to know the cause of Christ. His Cause, he says, is the key that opens us to new places of vision, passion, strength, and reason for living.
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Just As I Am
$15.99This book enables us to view the powerhouse that lies within the person [of Ruth Etchells] . . . She has aimed to provide a resource to help others in their prayers. My prayer is that that will be the case, and that this collection of prayers will become the personal prayers of many’ George Carey in his Foreword Just as I Am presents a pattern of daily prayer, providing simple but profound material for anyone who wants to revitalize their prayer life. Although daily personal prayer is not something which most of us find easy, dialogue with God is, as the author says, ‘the very oxygen of our spiritual bloodstream’
So this book is meant to help us ‘be where He is likely to appear’ It represents the ‘fruits of many years’ daily conversation with God, often wrestling, sometimes resting, occasionally glorying, almost always – eventually – thanking’ There is material for the morning and evening of each day for a month, as well as for the seasons of the Christian year and for special times of joy and sorrow. While drawing on a wide range of Christian writers, almost all of the prayers were specially written for this book.
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Deliverance : How To Overcome Anger Forgive And Walk In Love
$18.73This book reveals how God delivered them out of years of anger, unforgiveness and violence, and what the Bible has to say on these subjects. God has delivered them from everything imaginable, including drug addiction. They have learned from experience that people are more receptive to someone who has overcome what they themselves are going through. If you feel bound up by anger or an addiction, then this book is for you. Jeffrey and Melissa want to help you see that there is a way of overcoming anything with the help of Jesus Christ. With God you will succeed in breaking free and overcoming whatever it is that you are going through.
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Hopeful Parenting : Encouragement For Raising Kids Who Love God
$14.99Parenting is far from easy. From first steps to first dates, parenthood is filled with unique challenges. Yet there is no greater joy than nurturing one of God’s most precious gifts.
Popular author David Jeremiah presents a heartwarming look at adventures in parenting. Drawing from his own rich journey through fatherhood, David shares wit and wisdom on raising children in an unpredictable world. And each delightful passage features timeless truths from God’s Word that offer encouragement for the road ahead.
So be refreshed. Be challenged. And be inspired to build a rich legacy of faith for your family.
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Living And Dying Without Regret
$20.61Will God say well done if you haven’t done well? Would God name you good and faithful, if you were neither? The truth is; how we live our life will determine how we will end our life. I’ve found that people regret two things at the end of their lives; the things that they have done and the things that they haven’t done. My prayer is that this book will both open your eyes to the way you live, and if found appropriate, provoke change. Within the pages of this book are real people at the end of their lives, and their stories of remorse and shame over the way they’ve lived, as well as Gods wisdom on how we can truly live and die without regret.
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Seeds Of Faith
$17.99In every moment and event in our lives, God plants seeds which we may or may not notice in our paths. Our challenge is to prepare the soil of our lives to receive and nurture these seeds so that they may take root and help us grow closer to God.
By tapping into the spiritual practices revealed in scripture and throughout Christian tradition, we come to embrace what God the Gardener is doing in our lives and, in turn, to share God’s grace with the world. The healthier our spiritual lives, the more abundant will be the fruits of our love, hope, joy, and kindness.
This book is for seekers of all ages and walks of life – college students, parents, professionals, the lapsed and the weary, as well as seasoned saints who wish to deepen their faith in small but meaningful ways, and it covers topics such as:
Why Believe? The Practice of Doubt
Awareness: The Practice of Seeking
Loneliness vs. Being Alone: The Practice of Solitude
Spiritual Exercise: The Practice of Practice
Touchstones of the Sacred: The Practice of Living Sacramentally
How, Then, Shall I Live? The Practice of Vocation
Happy Are They: The Practice of Celebration
When Did We See You Hungry? The Practice of Mercy
Following Christ: The Practice of DiscipleshipAdd to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Life After The Death Of My Son
$14.99On the morning of February 6, 1991, Dennis Apple discovered the lifeless body of his son on their family room couch. Eighteen-year-old Denny had died without warning from what was later explained as complications due to Mono.
Sixteen years later, Dennis still struggles with living in a world without his son.
Life After the Death of My Son shares a glimpse of the unspeakable pain, helplessness, frustration, and eventual healing that Dennis and his wife, Buelah, have experienced since losing their son. Using excerpts from his journal-which he began the day after Denny died-Dennis explores the dark, lonely road of grieving for a child. He discloses his anger and disappointment with God; discusses his frustrations with friends and family; and shares how he’s dealt with the grief attacks, which continue to sneak up and surprise him. His painful, yet promising story offers comfort and connection to those walking similar paths. With understanding and compassion, Dennis offers grieving parents insight from 10 lessons he’s learned-and continues to learn. His gentle words and honest understanding will guide those with grieving hearts on their difficult journey; giving them hope; helping them to discover ways in which God is able to continue the life of the child they loved.
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Breaking Free From The Spirit Of Death
A Personal Odyssey Of Discovery
Unmasking The Spirit Of Death
Christians Under The Influence
When It Begins
Operating Under The Influence
Breaking Free
Staying Free
Evicting The Squatters
Prayer Essentials: Embracing Life
Bibliography & Suggested ReadingsAdditional Info
Although Breaking Free from the spirit of death deals with the concept of death and its influences, at core this is a book about hope and possibility. In its pages you will find the good news that we can all partake of the fullness of the life that is our inheritance in Christ Jesus. In clear language, this powerful book teaches the reader about influences of the spirit of death. But, the emphasis is on how to break free from its grip! Through stories, scripture, and wonderful insight, this book empowers the reader to hope anew in the promise of abundant Life. The book concludes with a powerful prayer severing ties with the spirit of death and embracing Life! Breathing Free from the spirit of death will enable readers to find the freedom that Jonathan and many he has ministered to have found.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Battling The Spirit Of Perversion
$16.86Anastasia has a passion for seeing people everywhere delivered from the spirit perversion (especially those in Christian marriages). Her passion was ignited by her own experience with this vile and ungodly lust. But with the weapons of warfare and sound doctrinal teaching she was able to Beat the Beast without sacrificing her marriage. This book is for the Christian and non-Christian, the married and single, for those in ministry and the lay member, for both men and women. It will… Help you understand how and where the spirit of perversion was birthed Identify your weapons of warfare Breakdown some of the most common practices of perversion in our society Help you go from quilt and shame to freedom and victory Give you some powerful declarations Show you how to overcome and more Bondage is no longer an option.
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What Would Jesus Do Today
The question is often asked – as if the answer were obvious – What would Jesus do?
What would Jesus do if he were…
*facing what you’re facing?
*deciding what you have to decide?
*in the moral dilemma you are in?What would Jesus do? The answer is not always simple.
Offering solid principles and biblical direction, Rubel Shelly and Mike Cope courageously explore contemporary issues facing Christians today. Each chapter includes a section on “What Jesus Taught” and “How Jesus Lived.”
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At The Core
$21.58At The Core is a blueprint for character transformation that is both biblical and practical. Jennie Newbrough defines character and describes how to recognize and cure character defects, which are often deeper than we can see. Character is a choice. Character determines destiny. At the Core brings understanding to what shapes our character, gives direction to overcome character defects, and reveals God’s process of forming His character within us. The challenge is for everyone to make conscious character choices. At the Core will encourage individuals going through recovery, spiritual growth, step programs, and everyday challenges as it effectively addresses defects of character.
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Growing Pains : How To Overcome Life’s Earliest Experiences To Become All G
$19.99This book focuses in unresolved issues of insecurity, rejection, anger, frustration, disappointment, and emptiness that began as a result of negative experiences in the earliest years of life. It gives steps for identifying the root problem and outlines principles for eradicating these negative roots from your life so that you can “grow up” in wholeness and maturity????????????mind, body, and spirit. Author Information John and Paula Sandford are the founders of Elijah House and are well known around the world for their writing in the areas of family living, inner healing, prophecy, social concerns, human behavior, and theology.
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New Conspirators : Creating The Future One Mustard Seed At A Time
$20.99Tom Sine helps us to think critically and creatively about the world we’ve inherited and the global community we’re crafting. Often we are overwhelmed by the big problems and are content to live in isolation from each other. Sine shares stories of churches and ministries that have planted hope in this troubled world. With inimitable insight and delight, Sine commissions this mustard seed generation to refashion the world according to God’s great vision. The New Conspirators offers encouraging signs that God’s people can flourish and minister to the changing and challenging world around them by living out their faith in small and great ways.
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Intimate Friendship With God (Revised)
$18.82It can sound like a contradiction: fear God, but consider him a close friend. How does a Christian find the balance between reverence and communion? For decades Joy Dawson has been helping readers reconcile diverse approaches to the throne of God. She shows them how to have God’s attitude toward sin, overcome the fear of what people think, attain godly wisdom, and fulfill their destinies. With personal examples and biblical truths, Dawson invites readers on a fascinating adventure into a place of intimate friendship with almighty God. This 20th anniversary edition includes fresh illustrations and a new foreword from Jack Hayford.
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Gods Promises For Your Every Need NKJV
$5.99No matter what your situation, God has a promise for you! Life is tough, and when you’re faced with challenges or in need of encouragement, the best place to go is to God’s Word. But sometimes it’s difficult to know where to look. God’s Promises for Your Every Need topically arranges crucial scriptures for every student of the Word to seek out in the ups and downs of life. Over 15 million copies have been sold in the God’s Promises line. This version features a burgundy kivar cover and scriptures all from the NKJV.
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Look At It This Way
$13.99Each person has his or her own particular way of looking at life: a kind of grid that helps readers process whatever comes their way. Though this grid can be a helpful tool, far too often it is a weight around the neck. So what can be done about it? How can readers change their perspectives_replacing the grid that drags them down with one that equips them to face life’s challenges and live victoriously?
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Destined To Win
$13.73Destined to Win reveals the Secret to Success in Life. It points you to God’s Word for you and your family. It reveals to you the secret to becoming a channel of blessing and a vessel of honour to manifest the glory of God. My prayer for you is that, the Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn His face towards you and give you peace.
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Senior Citizens Pre Election Workbook (Workbook)
$18.73Since I have been taught to never criticize without suggesting a solution I have made some that I believe would allow our elected officials to solve last century’s problems before a decade or two of this century passes. Suggestions: SET ONE TERM LIMITS FOR ALL ELECTED OFFICIALS ALLOWING THEM TO WORK FULL TIME WITHOUT WORRYING ABOUT RELECTION. This would allow those who want to, to acknowledge GOD without the worry of being POLITICALLY INCORRECT harming their reelection chances. * ELIMINATE THE SECULAR LIBERAL’S PLANTATIONS OF DEPENDENCY * ELIMINATE THEIR MULTI-BILLION DOLLAR ABORTION BUSINESS * ELIMINATE THEIR SOCIALIST METHIODS IN THE BLOATED INEFFECIENT AND WASTEFUL GOVERNMENT AGENCIES After reading my workbook please make you own recommendations to your lawmakers. GOD BLESS
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Grace To Recognize False Teaching
$15.611 John 4:1 “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world.” “The sheep are slowly led to slaughter. Look at the admiration in their eyes. They even sacrifice their sons and their daughters Because it’s not Jesus, it’s the preacher that they idolize, Christianity is the disguise.
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Open Your Heart
$17.99If you are on a journey of reclaiming your life for God, or rediscovering your true self after a period of living “out of control” in some way, you may need this wisdom. Carol Showalter—the founder of the 3D Plan—has helped change more than 1 million lives with her advice, self-deprecating good humor, and inspiration.
Open Your Heart focuses you on the best ways to look for roadblocks that prevent spiritual growth and maturity. If you are undergoing serious changes in lifestyle and habit—perhaps weight loss, or simply gaining control over destructive habits—this is also a time for focusing on the spiritual side of life.
Walk with Carol as she addresses:
*Learning to Forgive Yourself
*The Need to Be Loved
*Dealing with Feelings of Anger
*Playing God
*How to Make Every Day a New BeginningAdd to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Beautiful Disappointment : Discovering Who You Are Through The Trials Of Li
$19.95The many challenges life throws at us do not shape us. How we respond to these challenges does. In “The Beautiful Disappointment” urban youth worker and author, Colin McCartney, shares his personal struggles in dealing with the murder of one of his staff, the death of a child in his program and his own near death experience from a paralyzing water accident in Hawaii. While the author was recovering from this life threatening accident in the critical care unit of Maui Memorial Hospital he slowly realizes that trials are “beautiful disappointments” God can use to purge us off all the false things we have allowed to disfigure who we truly are. It is through this “refining by trials” that the author experiences the intimate presence of God, a presence in our soul that frees us to reconnect to who we truly are as God originally created us to be. A true story that will leave the reader truly changed.
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What Now Discovery Guide (Student/Study Guide)
$16.65Discovering the unique path of your personal destiny can be a challenge. This 12-week guide and companion book to What Now: Making Sense of Who You Are and Where You’re Going provides a step-by-step program for understanding your potential and equips you to live with incredible passion. Ideal for small groups, intern programs, Sunday School, campus ministry, and church equipping.
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Souls Of Steel
$37.14Pat Williams has shown us what traits are vital for effective leadership and how to develop those skills in our children. In SOULS OF STEEL, he focuses on one specific trait: Character. He explains why character matters and why so many young people today think issues like character, integrity, morality, and truth are relics of a bygone era. He shows us that to be individuals who contribute positively to our world they must have SOULS OF STEEL.
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Weapons To Stand Boldly And Win The Battle
$19.98Do you desire a life of freedom where you emerge victorious? This book exposes the tactics of the enemy and replaces them with the truths of God’s word. There is a spiritual war. However, you do not have to be a casualty on the battlefield. Regardless of your circumstances, you are more than a conqueror and can gain tools to stand strong in the battle. Specifically written for men, this companion book to Standing Victoriously in the Battle, takes you on a journey of taking up weapons to stand boldly and win the battle. Universally, men can become bold warriors as tactics of the enemy are unveiled. * Satan lost. God won. * Armor of God is power for men everywhere. * Enemy tactics weaken when men know the truth.
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Keys To Financial Excellence
$20.00Do you struggle week after week just to make ends meet? Do you wish you could give more to God’s work but end up giving the bare minimum? Many people miss the path to true prosperity because they are seeking it through incorrect ideas and false promises. The way to true abundance in all areas of your life is to discover and live in God’s economy. The Bible is filled with hundreds of truths, examples, and principles about how we are to handle our money and our relationships. These scriptural laws and illustrations give us the keys to pleasing God, reflecting His giving nature, and receiving His generous abundance in our lives. Author Phil Pringle has put these biblical truths and illustrations into bite-sized portions that you can grasp easily and apply to your life today. From his personal experience in receiving the overflow of God’s blessings, Pringle show you how to put these dynamic principles into practice. Keys to Financial Excellence is a life-changing treasure that will enable you to experience the fullness of abundant living. Discover a prosperity that will transform your life.
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