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Christian Living

Showing 751–800 of 7071 results

  • Worry Free Parent Workbook (Workbook)


    The Tools You Need to Stop the Spread of Worry

    Anxiety has an amazing ability to spread. But there are practical things you can do to fight back. In this encouraging, well-designed companion workbook to The Worry-Free Parent, veteran counselor and parenting expert Sissy Goff helps you dig deeper into the roots of your anxiety and identify targeted ways to overcome it.

    Through clinically tested questions and exercises, learn how to:

    * uncover more of what keeps you stuck in worry
    * reframe your concerns with worry-fighting truths and Scripture
    * implement joy-filled practices to foster deeper connection in your family
    * find practical ways to experience freedom in your daily life

    Here are the space and tools you need to grab hold of peace, embrace grace, and become the person, parent, and family you want to be.

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  • Life After God


    The understanding of God that many Christians insist is so clear in the Bible makes faith seem like an all-or-nothing proposition. When much of that rigid projection seems in doubt, it’s not surprising that many people leave behind this take-it-or-leave-it religion. Pastor Mark Feldmeir offers an introduction to a God that many people weren’t aware existed–a mysterious, uncontainable, still-active God who loves and cares for real people with real problems. Life after God offers glimpses of the ineffable God, who can emerge when we forget what we think we’re supposed to believe about God and open us up to the mystery, wonder, and compelling love we crave.

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  • Pray : Daily Moments To Quiet Your Mind And Center Your Soul


    Make prayer a priority with this prayer devotional from Pray: Daily Moments to Quiet Your Mind and Center Your Soul is designed to help you step into a serene, focused space in today’s busy world. Opening up in prayer isn’t always easy. It can take time just to settle your mind and shed the worries of the day. Building a habit of prayer can help calm your anxiety, silence your fears, bring you peace regardless of your circumstances, and help you focus your attention on God’s glorious plan for your life.

    With 100 daly readings that include a Scripture passage, a devotion, and a written prayer, this companion for daily moments with God will inspire you and allow you to speak to God from your heart. As you reflect on His Word, you’ll find the words you’ve been looking for?and enjoy a time of conversation and meditation with the One who always hears you. He is with you. May you find peace, rest and renewed hope!

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  • When God Is Silent


    For Christians, one of our earliest lessons–and greatest gifts–is learning how to pray. And yet many of us believe our prayer lives fall short. In When God Is Silent, John Koessler reassures us that this has nothing to do with motivation or method. Our problems are relational, and recognizing this is the first step to having a better prayer life.

    Prayer is a conversation that moves primarily in one direction: from the believer who prays to the God who hears. If God appears silent, that does not mean that he is unresponsive. We always have God’s attention. This book does more than answer questions like how and why we should pray–it also invites us to gain a sense of God, of his goodness, and the rich welcome that is waiting for us every time we approach him in the name of Jesus Christ.

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  • David And Me Devotions For Boys

    Original price was: $6.99.Current price is: $5.59.

    You can learn a lot from David–
    shepherd boy, giant killer,
    psalm writer, and king.

    And this kids’ devotional makes the learning fun!

    This book introduces you to a very important Bible character. You’ll see how David’s life and yours are often alike–and be encouraged to follow the good examples he set.

    Learn about David’s:

    *early days as a shepherd
    *battle with Goliath
    *struggles with King Saul
    *close, loving connection with God

    Easy to read but hard to forget, David & Me Devotions for Kids will start a personal devotional journey that could change your life!
    Perfect for ages 5-to-8.

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  • Worry Free Parent

    Original price was: $17.99.Current price is: $14.97.

    Worry is contagious…
    but you can stop its spread

    Anxiety has an amazing ability to spread. Time and time again, when veteran counselor and parenting expert Sissy Goff has an anxious child or teen in her office, she’s found they have at least one very well-intentioned but anxious parent. Anxiety is contagious, and it’s likely affecting your kids, distracting you in the present, and making you feel like it will define your family’s future.

    It doesn’t have to be this way. With over 30 years of experience helping both children and adults, Sissy offers you practical, well-researched tools that will make a difference in your life–and the lives of your children. Learn how to:

    * uncover the roots of your own anxiety
    * process anxiety in healthy ways rather than passing it on
    * model bravery
    * discover a place of deeper, freer connection to your kids

    Here is the help you need to experience freedom from anxiety, raise confident, courageous kids, and become a worry-free family in an increasingly anxious world.

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  • Translating Jesus : How To Share Your Faith In Language Today’s Culture Can


    We in the church do not speak the same language as the culture. We use many of the same words, but they rarely mean the same thing. And speaking louder isn’t the answer. If we are to faithfully and effectively share the Good News, we have to translate Jesus.

    Embracing and unpacking the bilingual nature of spreading the gospel, pastor and teacher Shauna Pilgreen shows you how to learn the language of the culture so that you can clearly communicate the love of God in the three places Christ and culture meet: the gate, the cross, and the table. By learning how to share your story in the language of the culture, you’ll not only find spiritual conversations more fruitful but also build a supportive and loving community of bilingual believers excited about inviting others to enter the kingdom of God.

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  • I Used To Be


    Navigate Through Grief with Biblical Mental Health Tools

    When you suffer a loss, you enter the realm of “used to be.” You used to be married. You used to be employed. You used to be pregnant, secure, healthy, sober, thin. You used to be a son or daughter, a brother or sister, a mother or father. And in that used-to-be space there is deep emptiness, loneliness, and sorrow. It’s a place we all dwell for a while. But it’s not a place in which we are meant to remain.

    The path forward includes exploring the unseen elements of grief. With this book, pastor Chuck Elliott and counselor Ashley Elliott light the way to a better future. Sharing biblical advice and proven mental health techniques, they help you learn how to fully feel and face your grief, hold onto your faith, and develop healthy ways to see yourself, your life, and your loved ones. They offer coping strategies for when moving forward seems impossible and guide you toward building new thinking patterns that will result in true healing and growth.

    Maybe you “used to be” something–but there is a future waiting when you “will be” once more.

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  • Break Up With What Broke You


    It’s time to stop letting your past define your future

    Breakups are typically synonymous with rocky road ice cream, rom-com reruns, and rough crying sessions. But not this one! This is an invitation to liberation, a chance to release who you’ve been and discover who you truly are. Often, our former mistakes and regrets hold us back from where we’re called to be. How can one heal and move on? To find your breakthrough, you must break up with what broke you.

    You can leave your less for more.
    You can silence shame’s lies.
    You can restore your original design.

    With great compassion, Christian Bevere shows how to leave behind what’s held you back. She offers practical ways to overcome regret, insecurity, and shame so that you can develop a positive, godly self-image and move into your future with confident expectation. With Christian’s help, you can make a clean break today. No matter what left you feeling broken, God wants to redeem and rewrite your story.

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  • Rest For Your Soul


    Rest for Your Soul is for every woman who lives with an unsettled soul. She feels her circumstances and/or emotions have taken her soul hostage and have led her into the deepest of unsettledness, maybe even despair and grief. It’s Wendy’s heart to encourage and equip this woman to seek God, hear God, find God, and connect with God in the middle of any dark place and then slowly shift her perspective. She wants to provide you with the opportunity and ability to take your eyes off of your circumstances and unsettledness and, instead, fix them on God and His Word.

    Each of the six chapters contains some or all of the following: biblical and practical teaching, personal stories, practical application, prayer and opportunities to put into practice what she’s learning in the chapter. For example, memorizing Scripture, committing to times of silence with God, engaging in deeper Bible study with me through steps taught in the chapter, invitations to pray and write God’s Word.

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  • You Can Live The Dream


    What if you could start living the life of your dreams today?

    Everyone has dreams. Usually, they look like a set of achievements: a dream house, a dream job, a dream family, a dream vacation… However, in pursuing them, we often become disgruntled and disheartened as challenges, setbacks, and opposition come our way. We get stuck focusing on what we don’t have and where we want to be.

    Nick Nilson, Associate Pastor at Lakewood Church, offers a different approach to overcome these challenges: a change of perspective. What if we stopped focusing on what we lack, and instead focused on what we do have, and the possibilities our life currently offers us? What would change if you truly believed that God was in the middle of your troubles, disappointment and heartache and actually working all things out for your good!? Imagine if your dream wasn’t a destination you chased, but a mindset you chose?

    You Can Live the Dream outlines how readers can harness the power of perspective in every aspect of their lives. Recognizing that you don’t have to wait to live the dream, you can live your dream now.

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  • Like A River

    Original price was: $29.99.Current price is: $22.97.

    Like a River, a triumphant story of new life birthed out of tragedy, will teach readers how to face their failures, confront their pain, and connect with God–the true source of life.

    On June 4th, 2019, country music singer Granger Smith was enjoying a final evening with his kids before heading to Nashville for the CMT Music Awards and his next tour. While helping his daughter London with her gymnastics, his youngest son fell into their pool. Granger did everything he could to get to him, but he was too late. River drowned, and Granger’s world shattered.

    The days, weeks, and months that followed River’s death sent Granger on a dark and painful journey. Every time he closed his eyes, he replayed the horrific event in his mind, and every time he opened his computer, he was bombarded by the critique and criticism of people who blamed him for the accident.

    Despite his best effort to get back on stage with a smile and song, it was all a faade. On the inside he was dying. Fortunately, that’s not how his story ended. And now he is compelled to help people all around the world find strength, peace, and hope on the other side of tragedy.

    *Like a River, life is full of twists and turns.
    *Like a River, people pollute our world with their critique and criticism.
    *Like a River, tragic events keep us dammed up.
    *But like a river, we can find the courage to keep moving downstream.

    Rivers don’t run on their own strength; they flow from their source. When we try to keep going on our own, we won’t make it, but when we connect to the greater source, we will find the strength and the faith to keep living after loss. This triumphant story of new life birthed out of death will inspire every reader to live Like a River.

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  • Inconvenient Parenting : Activate Your Child’s God-Given Traits


    Hope and help for shaping Christ-honoring future generations.

    Families are like little churches. They are meant to be places of discipleship, worship, and rest–places where we can fine tune the gifts God’s given us so we can bless the world. They can be full of surprises and joy. But family life can also be heartbreaking and downright discouraging. Trained counselor and mother Melissa Hannigan knows how hard it is to cast and keep a vision of rich family life. How do we cultivate a family culture that’s vibrant and encouraging–a refuge amidst life’s storms?

    Melissa is passionate about helping families build healthy, strong, God-honoring homes. In Inconvenient Parenting, she shares twelve qualities that are the key ingredients to that desired end:

    Wisdom — Wonder — Vitality — Sensitivity — Flexibility —-Curiosity —

    Creativity — Imagination — Inventiveness — Playfulness — Humor — Joy

    Melissa shows us why, though inconvenient at times, it’s necessary to encourage and infuse these traits in our children and reveals how we can unknowingly discourage these qualities.
    Each chapter concludes with practical activities, book recommendations, and discussion questions to help parents immediately apply the principles discussed.

    Become more connected to God and one another through the rich wisdom and help offered in Inconvenient Parenting.

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  • Closer Than Your Next Breath

    Original price was: $18.99.Current price is: $14.97.

    God is omnipresent–meaning He’s here, there, everywhere all at the same time–so no matter what you’re going through today or worried about facing tomorrow, He is closer than you can imagine, and His presence changes everything.

    The God of creation cares deeply about every detail of our personal lives. He’s in charge of every galaxy and has named every star. He also knows about the hurts in our hearts and the hairs on our heads. He’s near and far. His glory fills the universe, and yet He’s up close and involved.

    Though we believe in our minds that God is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-present, sometimes we don’t feel his closeness. How can we walk boldly in our faith, expecting Him to draw near to us as we draw near to Him, as promised in the book of James? In Closer Than Your Next Breath, bestselling author, speaker, and radio host Susie Larson helps readers experience God’s trustworthiness and love–even when they feel far from Him. In this book, readers will explore these questions and more:

    *How do I know if I’m hearing the voice of God?
    *Is feeling good the same as feeling God?
    *Is there anything I can do when God seems silent?
    *How should God’s presence impact me?

    There’s nothing like God’s presence in our lives, but sometimes we chase the sensational and miss the supernatural. Worship services, retreats or conferences, and mountaintop experiences are great, but too often we rush right by the nuanced, miraculous ways God shows up in our story every day. When we pursue the heart of God through the Word of God, that’s when we experience the presence of God–and it makes all the difference in our lives.

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  • When Faith Meets Therapy


    Now available in trade paper!

    The power of faith intersects with the practicality of counseling in this unique partnership of a faith/worship leader and a therapist as they offer a pathway for readers to find help, hope, healing, and freedom while navigating life’s struggles.

    No one is immune from life’s difficulties, yet many people are reluctant to talk about mental health or seek professional help when they are struggling. People of faith who are battling issues such as anxiety, depression, life changes, stress, or relationship problems may suffer in silence, believing things would get better if only their faith was stronger, they prayed more, or if they had more self-discipline. The stigma about needing to seek help is all too real.

    But seeking professional help isn’t a sign of weakness; it’s a sign that someone is serious about moving forward emotionally, relationally, and spiritually. Written by producer, artist, and author Anthony Evans, along with licensed psychotherapist Stacy Kaiser, When Faith Meets Therapy:

    *Dispels the cultural myths and stigmas that surround professional therapy

    *Shares stories from the authors’ personal experiences and others who are facing life’s challenges

    *Provides practical steps that readers can take in the pursuit of emotional, relational, and spiritual progress

    Anthony and Stacy met five years ago when Anthony was seeking emotional and relational healing of his own. Stacy led Anthony through his own process of internal renovation and remains his personal therapist to this day.

    When Faith Meets Therapy contains priceless, practical knowledge to break stereotypes that surround therapy, all while offering immeasurable hope and encouragement.

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  • Centering Jesus : How The Lamb Of God Transforms Our Communities, Ethics, A


    What happens when Jesus becomes obscured from our point of view?

    With all the hostility boiling just under the surface of our world, we need a renewed vision of Jesus as the Lamb of God who can lead us in the peaceable ways of the Kingdom. When we fail to keep Jesus at the center of our lives, we lean into the desires of our hearts more than the desires God has for us. As a result, our entire spirituality becomes driven by the self and for the self. We need renewed practices of centering Jesus in our hearts and minds.

    In Centering Jesus, Derek Vreeland invites you to imagine what it looks like to keep Jesus as the Lamb of God at the center of three key areas of our lives-our spiritual formation, our moral lives, and our common life together. With the deep divide in American culture and the polarization that continues to grow, we need a renewed focus on the Lamb so that we might blaze a path forward into civility and kindness.

    Learn how to

    *identify the problems that occur when Jesus is obscured from our view;

    *walk through some of the key biblical descriptions of the Lamb;

    *describe a Lamb-shaped and Jesus-centered approach to the Christian virtues of faith, hope, and love, the foundation of our moral lives; and

    *experience the Lamb at the center of common life together, specifically worship life, participation in acts of justice, and political life.

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  • Tired Of Trying


    What if that hard thing you’re going through is not happening to you but for you?

    You’ve tried it all-saying the right words and prayers, reading the right Bible verses-but nothing seems to work. What do you do when your faith doesn’t seem to be “working” anymore?

    Ashley Morgan Jackson is no stranger to this kind of spiritual exhaustion and discouragement. Much like the biblical character Jacob, Ashley wrestled with God, trying desperately to keep trusting Him despite her pain. It was here she found that sometimes God requires us to hold on to Him so we can let go of everything holding us back.

    Rich with biblical encouragement, personal story, and practical application, Tired of Trying is an invitation to wrestle-and face God in your greatest fears, pains, and unanswered questions. You’ll learn to:

    *break out of the cycle of frustration by saying yes to wrestling;

    *identify the lies you are believing about God, yourself, and your circumstances and replace them with truth;

    *shift your perspective so you can choose faith, persevere, and discover God’s purpose for you.

    Choosing to wrestle isn’t easy or quick-but it does have purpose. What seemingly tears us down may be an opportunity to grow. God is good at redeeming heartache. When we reach the place where the only choice is to run to God or run from Him, we can hold tight . . . because transformation and blessing will come.

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  • Beside Still Waters


    Just as the psalmist encountered, we can be overwhelmed by the circumstances of life. We run into situations that are frustrating and discouraging. But we also experience the peace and protection of our wonderful Creator whose goodness is not dependent on our situation.

    Depression and anxiety may threaten to steal our hope and joy, but the psalms are full of God’s unchanging love and faithfulness. As we offer our prayers and praise to God, we can also choose to believe that each day will be filled with his perfect promises.

    Find the hope, joy, and peace that is abundant in God as you reflect on these devotional entries, psalms, and prayers.

    Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever. Psalm 136:1 NLT

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  • Prayers And Promises For Teachers


    Teaching is a work of heart that takes energy and inspiration. Whether your classroom is in a traditional school building or right next to your kitchen, the young people you are equipping are blessed to have you pouring wisdom into their lives.

    Prayers & Promises for Teachers is a topically organized collection that guides you through themes of peace, purpose, wisdom, patience, strength, and more. Encouraging Scriptures, heartfelt prayers, and prompting questions give you an opportunity to find joy and truth in God’s Word.

    Stay connected to God and believe in his promises. Ask him to help you lead with grace and compassion. He is with you, guiding you in how to make a positive impact on those in your care.

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  • Unfair Advantage : 7 Keys From The Life Of Joseph For Transforming Any Obst


    “Life’s not fair!” You’ve heard it a million times–and probably said it yourself. But what if your greatest difficulties were steppingstones to a greater destiny? What if seasons of unbearable pain turned out to be pathways to unbelievable purpose?

    In The Unfair Advantage, pastor Aaron Burke takes a closer look at the seven unfair seasons Joseph endures in the book of Genesis and reveals how Joseph’s struggles are not unlike the battles readers face today.

    Combining biblical truths with Pastor Aaron’s insights from his years of walking with people through their biggest challenges, this book offers a message of hope and renewed strength for anyone who has battled seasons of feeling discouraged, rejected, undervalued, tempted, unfairly punished, deprived, or forgotten. The surprising reality revealed by the story of Joseph is that unfair moments and seasons of difficulty–if handled wisely–can actually be used by God for our advantage.

    Readers will be comforted and inspired as they encounter in a new way the dramatic story of Joseph’s trials and ultimate triumph. Along the way, they’ll learn how to

    *transform adversity into advantage,
    *endure even the most challenging moments through courage and hope rooted in faith,
    *become aware of God’s presence, peace, and promise in the midst of hardship.

    In The Unfair Advantage, readers who are walking through a season that seems unfair will be reminded of God’s ultimate gift of favor. While their situation may seem hopeless now, they can trust that God is forging something beautiful out of the brokenness, putting purpose to their pain, righting every wrong, and building a destiny better than their greatest dreams.

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  • How To Help Your Child Clean Up Their Mental Mess


    Every Parent’s Guide to Supporting Their Child’s Mental Health

    Increasingly, children ages 3-10 are struggling with anxiety, depression, and mental health challenges. These can be brought on by many factors–stress at home, upheavals in society, breaks in routine, isolation from friends, bullying or social pressure–and if left unaddressed, they follow kids into their teens and adulthood, causing mental, emotional, and relational problems that will steal their peace and joy.

    But there is hope. Bestselling author Dr. Caroline Leaf helps you teach your kids how to:
    – recognize negative feelings and respond in a healthy way
    – navigate a world that can feel scary and overwhelming
    – manage uncomfortable or challenging situations
    – replace toxic thoughts with brain-building practices that produce better outcomes
    – develop resilience and emotional strength

    Based on up-to-date research, clearly illustrated with case studies, and practically applied to the problems kids are facing today, How to Help Your Child Clean Up Their Mental Mess is what parents, caretakers, teachers, and counselors have been waiting for. Dr. Leaf shares a clear and effective five-step plan to teach your child how to manage their mind so they can live a life with greater resilience, health, and happiness.

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  • Fire Of Perfect Love


    You Can Take Comfort in the Intensity of His Love

    As the world grows more hostile to the love and truth of Jesus, we need hearts that burn hotter than the fury of fear and persecution. And the secret to that kind of passion lies in a heart yielded to the fire of God’s perfect love.

    With warmth and piercing insight, global apostolic ministers Steven and Rene Springer help you embrace God’s purifying fire that will:

    * captivate your heart
    * ignite power and purpose
    * reveal your true identity
    * bring forth boldness and cast out fear
    * fuel you for greater transformation and impact

    When you make fiery love the goal of your life, you won’t burn up and you won’t burn out. You will bring the transforming love of Jesus to your city, nation, and world with confidence and power.

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  • Fearless By Faith


    “If you fear God, you need not fear man.”–Brother Andrew

    For more than 50 years, Brother Andrew sought fellow Christians in Communist and Muslim countries and encouraged and equipped them to stand strong in the face of turmoil and persecution. Offering his same bold teaching for the battles we face today, this 60-day devotional mines the lives of Moses, David, Elijah, Jonah, and Gideon, revealing not only the secrets of their success in spiritual warfare, but also how to

    * hear and respond to God’s assignment,
    * defeat the giants in your life, and
    * live out your faith in a hostile culture.

    You don’t need to fear. Take courage as you follow the One who has overcome the world–and have faith that your battles belong to the Lord.

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  • Hem Of His Garment


    Hope for When the Pain Won’t Quit

    Everyone experiences pain at times. It can manifest physically, emotionally, relationally, or spiritually. It can follow tragic accidents, great loss, sudden betrayal, or unexpected and unwanted change. Often it is temporary. But what do you do when it isn’t? When the pain just won’t go away, when healing does not come, when the grief and hurt settle in?

    Drawing on her own experience of chronic pain and her years as a board-certified clinical neuropsychologist, Dr. Michelle Bengtson provides a countercultural perspective on pain. Offering hope without any false promises or empty platitudes, Dr. Bengtson unwraps the complex emotional aspects of dealing with pain. She gives you permission to question God, helps you identify the lies you’ve believed about your pain, and reorients your perception based on the truth of God’s Word. Each chapter ends with a recommended playlist, reflection questions, and a prayer.

    Your pain may not change, but your experience of it can.

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  • 180 Prayers To Help You Sleep


    Pray Your Way to a Good Night’s Sleep with These 180 Calming Prayers!

    If a good night’s slumber is what you crave, you’ll be well on your way with this calming collection of prayers.

    180 Prayers to Help You Sleep provides much-needed comfort and serenity for your soul. With each turn of the page, you will encounter a lovely design alongside faith-building, biblically based prayers and related scripture selections. Touching on topics like relaxation, contentment, peace, rest, blessings, joy, and more, these 180 prayers will help you discover that your very best sleep always begins–and ends–in conversation with your heavenly Father.

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  • 1st Light And Eventide


    This easy-to-use journal encourages readers to bookend each day with short, personal reflections that bring insight and intentionality to their busy and unpredictable lives.

    How can six simple questions help you better navigate life’s uncertainty?

    Bestselling author Tsh Oxenreider invites you to lean into the rhythms that each morning and evening offers with a twice-daily thought exercise focusing on gratitude, greater truth, grace, and more.

    As you reflect on and record your answers to three key questions near the beginning and end of your day, you will be more poised and prepared for whatever God has for you in the hours between. Quotable wisdom from famous authors, thinkers, and leaders will inspire you throughout.

    Embrace the gift of First Light and Eventide and bookend your days with mindfulness and clarity.

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  • Attitude Is A Choice So Pick A Good One


    A Positive Attitude Changes Everything

    Author and leadership coach Bob Phillips has witnessed firsthand how choosing to face every day with a hopeful outlook is not only Christlike, but lifechanging! Though it’s easy to fall into a pattern of negative thinking, you can make small decisions every day to make a habit of looking on the bright side.

    Inside Attitude Is a Choice–So Pick a Good One, you’ll find helpful tips, biblical truths, and inspiring quotes that reveal how a positive mentality toward life blesses you with perspective, motivation, and happiness. Inside, you’ll discover:

    *exercises and actions that help you make optimism your default setting
    *principles from Scripture that illuminate the hopeful mindset God wants you to have
    *check points for evaluating your attitude and noting your progress towards positivity

    Attitude is a Choice–So Pick a Good One will move you towards growth in all areas of your life. Full of bite-sized wisdom and uplifting insights, this book will help you make lasting positive changes to how you approach each day.

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  • Recipes For A Sweet Child


    Practical Help for the Overwhelmed Mom

    Searching for answers to your toughest parenting problems, like how to turn your children’s grumbling into gratitude? Are you trying to navigate ongoing issues like sibling rivalry, tattling, unforgiveness, peer pressure, or bullying?

    Author Katie J. Trent combines her counseling and ministry expertise with her own parenting experiences to provide you with a creative guide to work past challenging childhood issues in a winsome way.

    Recipes for a Sweet Child will help you:

    *Teach your kids, from toddlers to teens, how to apply biblical wisdom in any situation.

    *Gain invaluable insights to help your kids overcome thirty-six of the most pressing emotional, behavioral, and relational battles that they face.

    *Discover simple tools to bring peace and joy into your home with easy, interactive activities and Bible lessons.

    *Engage the whole family in fun games and in-depth conversations.

    *Build kindness and character in your children so that they become the young ladies and gentlemen God wants them to be.

    *Enjoy making delicious recipes with your kids. Full-color photos are included.

    Katie J. Trent, a licensed clinical social worker, has over a decade of experience equipping and encouraging families through counseling and ministry. The author of Dishing Up Devotions: 36 Faith-Building Activities for Homeschooling Families, a popular blogger, and speaker, Katie loves to create resources to simplify life for busy moms by infusing faith and fun to build strong families. Katie puts the fun back into the fundamentals of family discipleship.

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  • How Can I Be Sure Whats Right And Wrong


    How can I be sure what’s right and wrong? Is it all just a matter of opinion? Do we really need God to tell us how to be good people, or can we just figure it out for ourselves? What about situations where there is no one right answer, or when we disagree with others about what the best thing to do is?

    In this fun and fast-paced book, Christian Studies teacher and school chaplain Chris Morphew walks 9-13-year-olds through various questions about morality. He makes the case that there is such a thing as right and wrong, and that we need to go to God for solid and satisfying answers.

    – An apologetic case for objective morality which connects with the culture today’s children are growing up in

    – Points children to the grace and truth of the gospel message

    – Includes chapters on disagreeing well with others

    – Written for kids who don’t yet identify as Christians as well as those who do

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  • Any Time Any Place Any Prayer Family Bible Devotional


    This devotional is a chance to take your family on a journey through the story of prayer in the Bible. It is based on the popular storybook by Laura Wifler, co-founder of Risen Motherhood, which explores prayer: from the Garden of Eden, where Adam and Eve talked with God face to face, through Old Testament examples and the teaching of Jesus, all the way to the promise of the new creation, where we’ll dwell with God .

    These 10-minute devotions are designed to be easy to lead and fun to do. They will help your family to learn to pray with confidence, . They are ideal for kids aged 5-11.

    Each one of the 15 devotions includes:

    – a short opening prayer

    – a starter question

    – a short Bible passage, printed in full

    – two questions about the passage

    – a short explanation that can be read aloud

    – two reflection questions (Usually one is simpler and the other requires more thought. Feel free to just pick one!)

    – a prayer idea

    – an optional extra section that goes deeper, aimed at older or more confident children

    In addition, there are simple, creative reflection ideas as well as bonus puzzles and activities.

    Explore, reflect and grow together as you and your family are encouraged to pray more often, more joyfully and with more confidence in Jesus.

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  • Get Organized Gods Way


    With the abundance of how-to books and advice on organizing, why do we still struggle with clutter? Is there a deeper problem underneath our piles of possessions??Could it be that clutter is really a spiritual issue??

    As a certified professional organizer, author Eileen Koff unveils the disorganizing lies that keep people in darkness and disarray. Get Organized God’s Way sheds light on God’s plan to bring His order into your chaos so you can experience His perfect peace and purpose for your life.

    This study will empower you to:

    *break free from false beliefs that keep you in bondage to your possessions
    *remove distractions so you can hear God’s voice clearly
    *create space to prioritize your gifts and talents to serve others
    *outline realistic expectations on how to maintain your work and
    *flourish in your relationships with God and with others.

    Get Organized God’s Way uses real-life stories, the study of Scripture, and strategic questions to enhance your learning and personal application. It has changed the lives of hundreds of clients seeking guidance and inspiration. Our prayer is that it will not only transform your spaces but that you will experience the transforming power of God’s Word.

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  • Morning By Morning


    Experience the profound and practical insights of Charles Spurgeon, the revered “Prince of Preachers,” through the Morning by Morning Softcover One-Minute Devotions. This delightful paperback volume presents 366 simple yet deeply spiritual reflections that will enrich your daily life.

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  • God Calls You To More


    Don’t be content to coast.
    Aim higher.
    Work harder.

    Do more to honor God.

    Based on 2 Timothy 2:15 (“Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved”), God Calls You to More is for every Christian man who knows there’s more to life than ease and pleasure. Each of these 180 readings encourages you to stretch yourself spiritually–not to earn your salvation but to honor the God who saved you.

    Combining the familiar devotional outline:

    *a brief, memorable title
    *an introductory scripture
    *and a thought-provoking contemporary reading

    with a second page featuring:

    *practical suggestions or questions for further thought
    *a relevant quotation
    *and a powerful prayer starter

    God Calls You to More will challenge you to shake off complacency and work with God to change your world.

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  • Holy Unhappiness : God, Goodness, And The Myth Of The Blessed Life


    What does it mean to be blessed? Are Christians entitled to happiness, fulfilment, and perfect peace? Holy Unhappiness explores these questions and challenges the false beliefs many in the church hold about “the good life” and what it means to walk in communion with God.

    American Christians have developed a long list of expectations about what the life with God will feel like. Many Christians rightly deny the Prosperity Gospel–the idea that God wants you to be healthy and wealthy– but instead embrace its more subtle spin-off, the Emotional Prosperity Gospel, or the belief that God wants you to always experience happiness and fulfillment. Our society has become increasingly averse to sadness and emotional discomfort. Too often, people of faith assume that difficult feelings are a result of either God’s judgment or our own lack of spiritual maturity. Some even equate happiness with holiness.

    In Holy Unhappiness, Amanda Held Opelt, author of A Hole in the World, grapples with her own experience of disillusionment when life didn’t go the way she expected. She examines some of the historic, religious, and cultural influences that led to the idolization of positive feelings and the marginalization of negative feelings. Unpacking nine elements of life that have been tainted by the message of the Emotional Prosperity Gospel – including work, marriage, parenting, calling, community, and church – she points to a new path forward, one that reimagines what the “blessed” life can be like if we release some of our expectations and seek God in places we never thought to look.

    While Opelt acknowledges the dignity of desiring happiness, she ultimately pleads for the normalization of sadness, anger, grief, disappointment, and other uncomfortable feelings as a part of the Christian experience, making a case that there is holiness to be found even in our unhappiness.

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  • Get The Guy


    “Is he a hard worker? Does he have a job? Is he strong? Is he courageous? Do other men respect him? You should want a man that you believe is fully capable of taking you on. And if you are a handful, then he needs to be a masculine handful.” From the book

    This book is a collection of letters to a fictional young woman looking for advice on what kind of man to marry. Douglas Wilson offers the kind of advice he has giving young women for decades. A woman should not feel shame about wanting someone who is strong and capable of leading her. In fact, a woman should want someone who has the backbone to lead her, even when she does not want to be led. Beyond that, it’s best not to overcomplicate things. Women should guard their hearts in the courtship process, not letting their imaginations get ahead of them, and trusting that God will take care of everything else.

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  • How To Talk About Jesus Without Looking Like An Idiot


    Have natural conversations with your friends and family about your faith. Discover four key questions that invite people into engaging discussions about what matters most in life.

    Why is it so difficult to talk to our closest friends about what’s most important to us? Our true identity? Our hopes and dreams? Our true purpose and faith? Andy Bannister struggled with that question himself. As a twentysomething, he operated as an Undercover Christian at his job. He knew it didn’t make sense, and he spent the following decades helping countless people find easy, natural ways to discuss the fundamental questions of life with the ones they love. How to Talk about Jesus without Looking like an Idiot explores:

    *why you don’t need to be afraid or uncomfortable,
    *the four questions that help people open up,
    *the five steps to respond to tough questions,and
    *how to effortlessly bring faith into a conversation.

    It doesn’t need to be awkward. Let Andy help you find easy ways to talk about the true meaning of life with your friends and family.

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  • Finding God In The Darkness


    Suffering engulfs our lives in an unavoidable darkness, leaving answers and explanations obscured like a sorrowful fog. The gospel of Christ, however, gives us something infinitely more valuable than answers or explanations. Finding God in the Darkness: Hopeful Reflections from the Pits of Depression, Despair, and Disappointment is not an attempt to decode or decipher every nook and cranny of sorrow and suffering. It is a journey wherein faith, hope, and love are unexpectedly found along the way, in the midst of darkness. Much to our surprise, that’s where God shows up, too.

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  • Understanding And Trusting Our Great God


    This unique devotional from bestselling author Tim Challies features quotes and commentary that give readers a greater understanding of who God is.

    “To know God is to love him, and to love him is to have our hearts thrilled by him.”-Tim Challies

    Do you desire to deepen your understanding of God and trust him more fully? This beautifully designed devotional features poignant reflections from author Tim Challies on the quotable wisdom of some of Christianity’s most influential voices.

    In each chapter, Tim shares his spiritual insights on a different aspect of God’s character-his wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness, and faithfulness. The more you learn about who God is, the more your love for him will grow, leading to greater joy and delight in him.

    With thought-provoking words and inspiring imagery, Understanding and Trusting Our Great God will grow your faith in extraordinary ways.

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  • Whispers Of Hope


    If you’re a believer seeking a more intimate relationship with the LORD, the Whispers of Wisdom Softcover Devotional is the perfect companion for your journey. This devotional is designed to help you reflect on the real-life issues you face daily. As you read each day’s entry, you’ll listen as God whispers His truths to your heart, bringing you closer to Him.

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  • Wake Up To Wonder


    In her quest to live a vibrant spiritual life, Karen Wright Marsh had a revelation: she didn’t need to find and follow the perfect plan; she needed people she could follow.

    In Wake Up to Wonder, Marsh introduces us to those people–faithful yet oh-so-human Christians from across centuries and cultures. Inspired by their example, she offers playful, simple practices that bring deeper meaning and purpose to everyday life.

    In the company of diverse spiritual companions–from Dorothy Day, Francis of Assisi, and Fannie Lou Hamer to Patrick of Ireland, Wangari Maathai, and Henri Nouwen–readers journey through physical health, prayer, activism, Scripture reading, creativity, and beyond. Each chapter includes hands-on invitations such as writing prompts, space for personal reflection, and “Try This,” a collage of spiritual and personal experiments anyone can do. As readers wake up to wonder, they’ll discover what these twenty-two historical figures already knew: that a life of spiritual depth, amazement, and connection is within reach–today and every day.

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  • Every Day A Miracle


    We may know Jesus as Lord and Savior, but do we know him as Healer? This book is for anyone asking for a miracle–whether physical, mental, relational, or spiritual–and how to worship the Great Healer no matter if His answer is answer is yes, no, or wait.

    If we understand anything about our culture, it’s that we desperately need healing. Many people are quick to believe in an outrageous conspiracy before they will believe in Jesus and the miracle worker He is. Throughout Scripture, we see that He makes the blind see, opens deaf ears, restores life from death, and so much more . . . but what about you?

    Do you believe that Jesus has the power to restore you to health and heal your wounds? Throughout this book, Matthew Stephen Brown leads readers on a spiritual journey designed to discover who Jesus is as Healer and explore many questions including:

    *Why do we believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior, but not as Healer?

    *Why would a good God allow us to experience pain in the first place, and maybe many times?

    *When we don’t experience healing, does that mean Jesus has failed or let us down?

    *Jesus cares about our physical needs, but what healing in our lives is He most concerned about?

    Combining personal stories, biblical truth and wisdom, and humor that puts people at ease and draws them in, Pastor Matt Brown leads readers to worship a God who is not random, not careless, and who is never without cause, especially when it comes to performing miracles. Everyone can get behind a God who says yes. But what about when God says no? Or wait? No matter what God’s plan is for your life, we can learn to trust and worship the Great Healer.

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  • 21 Most Effective Prayers In The Bible


    Ever wish your prayers were more effective?

    The pages of Scripture record numerous prayers, prayed by desperate and sincere people, that got results! Why not learn from the best of those prayers?

    In The 21 Most Effective Prayers in the Bible, pastor Dave Earley explores the 21 most powerful of these heart-felt prayers that brought results. He shares many personal and modern examples of these prayers in action and offers practical advice and instruction on how you can pray these prayers too . . . and see results! This book will fill you with hope and encourage you to deeper levels of faith in your prayer life.

    The 21 Most Effective Prayers in the Bible is a great resource for churches or small groups to use as a 21-day prayer initiative.

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  • Bible Trivia Devotional


    You may have learned a lot about the Bible when you were growing up, or maybe you’ve just picked it up recently. It’s good to jump back in and remember some of those facts that may have seemed a little trivial at first.

    In this fun Bible Trivia Devotional, you will be challenged to think beyond the answers to their daily application. Recall Scriptures, heroes of the faith, miracles, historical places and events and discover how they are all relevant to you in this moment. Glean new insight and perspective from old, familiar passages.

    The Bible is always worth studying; spending time reading it is never a waste. And the best part is that it’s not trivial at all. It isn’t just head knowledge or rote memory. The Word of God is alive and active! It is life-changing, brimming with hope, joy, wisdom, and peace. Dive in today!

    It is the same with my word.
    I send it out, and it always produces fruit.
    It will accomplish all I want it to,
    and it will prosper everywhere I send it.
    Isaiah 55:11 NLT

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  • Defeating Depression : You Can Be A Victor, Not A Victim


    Depression is a beast. It has recently surpassed cancer, heart disease, Covid, and other deadly diseases as the number one cause of disability in the world. It is a menial health issue that can be very isolating and many well known, successful people and countless others have suffered with this malady. It is more than simply the blues or feeling sad, it is an overwhelming sense of hopelessness, profound insecurity, and a darkness that can consume your thoughts, feelings and your entire outlook on life. It is an excruciating pain that causes so many to commit suicide. But it is possible to overcome depression! Defeating Depression was written from the author’s own experience dealing with depression. He addresses the cause and how to battle it on a spiritual level, a psychological level, and a physical level. You can be a victor, not a victim. You can defeat depression.

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  • Spiritually Vibrant Home


    We all long for homes where we can thrive and flourish. What does it take to have a spiritually vibrant household?

    Don Everts invites us to contemplate what the Bible says about households and consider what a new research project has revealed by pulling back the curtains on everyday households of faith. Original research from the Barna Group and Lutheran Hour Ministries shows that some of the healthiest, most vibrant homes extend beyond the nuclear family and include people that may not be biologically related but feel like family. These households have vital practices of spirituality, hospitality, and community that make them delightful places for living and thriving.

    You might just be surprised by how God wants to work in and through your household. Discover practical steps for nurturing a vibrant household of faith, no matter what stage of life you are in.

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  • Nourishing Narratives : The Power Of Story To Shape Our Faith


    Humans are story-shaped creatures.

    We make sense of our world, pattern our lives, and reflect on what is ultimately significant through language and the words that compose our stories. But how does this relate to the narrative of the Bible and the story that God is writing through history?

    In Nourishing Narratives, writer and professor Jennifer Holberg engages with words from the likes of Dante, Gerard Manley Hopkins, Flannery O’Connor, Marilynne Robinson, and more while also offering some of her own stories to reflect on the importance of story to our lives and our faith.

    Here, readers are encouraged not only to understand how stories nourish our faith, but to discover how our stories are part of God’s great story.

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  • Well All Be Free


    Never doubt your worth again

    You’re not good enough. How many of us internalize this belief before we even reach adulthood? How many of us feel unworthy and unable to live up to what seem like impossible, completely arbitrary standards? Where do these toxic beliefs about ourselves come from? And who told us there is a way we are “supposed” to be, anyway?

    With passion and compassion, educator and podcaster Caroline J. Sumlin reveals the force that keeps all of us, whether we are part of a marginalized group or not, from freely expressing who we are as image bearers of God: white supremacy culture. Sharing her own story, she helps us:

    ? see the wide-ranging effects of living in a culture of white supremacy
    ? identify the damaging beliefs we internalize from our very earliest days
    ? find clarity and freedom as we dismantle the oppressive structures that hem us in and force us to conform

    If you have struggled with perfectionism, self-doubt, unworthiness, or the unrelenting pressure to pursue someone else’s version of “success,” you will find here the tools you need to silence the voices that seek to keep you down and to value yourself as never before.

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  • Hi God Its Me


    20 Days to a Strong and Powerful Prayer Life. For many, engaging in prayer can feel like a constant “stop-and-go” experience. It may be tough to get into a rhythm or frequently find the right words to say, especially during busy seasons or stressful days. Hi God, It’s Me: 20 Days to a Strong and Powerful Prayer Life encourages readers to see prayer differently – not as a moment in time, but as a lifestyle that they can enjoy. In this 20-day guide, readers will discover how to build a resilient prayer life that withstands waves of feeling or trying times. As they read selected Scriptures, pray, and engage in the fun activities provided, they’ll learn how to get carried along in a current of fresh and meaningful conversations with God. For many, engaging in prayer can feel like a constant “stop-and-go” experience. It may be tough to get into a rhythm or frequently find the right words to say, especially during busy seasons or stressful days. Hi God, It’s Me: 20 Days to a Strong and Powerful Prayer Life encourages readers to see prayer differently – not as a moment in time, but as a lifestyle that they can enjoy. In this 20-day guide, readers will discover how to build a resilient prayer life that withstands waves of feeling or trying times. As they read selected Scriptures, pray, and engage in the fun activities provided, they’ll learn how to get carried along in a current of fresh and meaningful conversations with God.

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  • Come Out From Among Them


    If God’s chosen people were meant to be set apart, then why are we staying trapped by the world?

    After reading this book, you will have the boldness and the integrity to make an impact for the Kingdom of Heaven by tearing down the dark deceptions of the enemy that are plaguing our culture today.

    In 2021, evangelist Todd Coconato had an angelic visitation that rocked him to the core. The angelic messenger told him two things: “Come out from among them,” and, “Be consecrated.” For the next year, Coconato sought God to understand the message for himself and the body of Christ.

    In Come Out From Among Them, Coconato shares what he believes God is calling the body of Christ to in this season: to come out of the Babylon system and truly be set apart, not participating in the wickedness of this hour or listening to the modern-day prophets of Baal–the “fake news” media! This is a time of great shaking and awakening, and the church can no longer be a silent majority. This is a time for action.

    In this book, Coconato shows God’s remnant warriors how to:

    *Truly be set apart;
    *Refuse to conform to the wickedness of this hour; and
    *Take back the culture for the kingdom of God.

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  • Well All Be Free


    Never doubt your worth again

    You’re not good enough. How many of us internalize this belief before we even reach adulthood? How many of us feel unworthy and unable to live up to what seem like impossible, completely arbitrary standards? Where do these toxic beliefs about ourselves come from? And who told us there is a way we are “supposed” to be, anyway?

    With passion and compassion, educator and podcaster Caroline J. Sumlin reveals the force that keeps all of us, whether we are part of a marginalized group or not, from freely expressing who we are as image bearers of God: white supremacy culture. Sharing her own story, she helps us:

    ? see the wide-ranging effects of living in a culture of white supremacy
    ? identify the damaging beliefs we internalize from our very earliest days
    ? find clarity and freedom as we dismantle the oppressive structures that hem us in and force us to conform

    If you have struggled with perfectionism, self-doubt, unworthiness, or the unrelenting pressure to pursue someone else’s version of “success,” you will find here the tools you need to silence the voices that seek to keep you down and to value yourself as never before.

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