


    Church Life

    • Preaching In The Era Of Trump


      Now more than ever, it’s time to preach.

      The election of Donald Trump left countless faith leaders across the country speechless. Now that he is president, silence must give way to prophetic preaching.

      Christians have long debated whether politics should be addressed from the pulpit. Following Donald Trump’s controversial, divisive rise to power and the sweeping changes his fledgling administration has already proposed, that s no longer a question political preaching will be the order of the day, even for pastors who try to steer clear of controversy. It s up to preachers to make the church great again by leading it to embrace and embody God s concern for those whose lives are at stake in a Trump administration. Veteran teacher, preacher, and author Wes Allen offers a blueprint for addressing current events through a Gospel lens, persuasively and pastorally without engaging in divisive, antagonistic rhetoric.

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    • Gospel DNA : 21 Ministry Values For Growing Churches


      22 Chapters

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      Acts chapter 20 tells how Paul sat down to train the elders of the Ephesian church he had planted some years before. The principles of gospel ministry he lays down are simple, but absolute dynamite.

      In 21 simple, practical principles, Richard Coekin sets out how this “Gospel DNA” should shape our approach to building churches today.

      This book draws on his experience as Director of the London-based Co-Mission church-planting initiative in the UK. It will help you be part of a dynamic strategy for growing gospel churches today.

      Includes a Foreword by D.A. Carson

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    • How To Break Growth Barriers Updated (Reprinted)


      In this newly revised edition, church growth experts explain how effective leadership and growth go hand-in-hand, offering a proven approach to increasing church membership.

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    • To Alter Your World


      1. God Groans Like A Woman In Labor
      2. What’s Standing In Our Way?
      3. A Divine Disruption
      4. Midwives To The Birth Of The New Creation
      5. Making Space For Birth To Happen
      6. On Being Adaptive And Daring
      7. How To Really Change The World
      8. Changing The World Through Our Work
      9. Changing The World Through Placecrafting
      10. Being Changed As We Bring Change
      11. Suffering Along The Way

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      In Christ, a new world is being born and the new creation is unfurling all around us. God is directing history toward the future restoration, repair, and renewal of all creation. And our job is to cooperate with God in being a sign and foretaste of that coming world. Renowned missional leaders Michael Frost and Christiana Rice introduce the bold metaphor of a midwife to depict us as God’s birthing assistants as the kingdom comes on earth as it is in heaven. With groundbreaking ideas and practical illustrations from all corners of the globe, To Alter Your World will change the way you see how your church can partner in God’s world-altering mission. Nothing else could be more rewarding than laboring alongside a God who is birthing the new creation and inviting all to join in its benefits and blessings.

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    • Transcending Mission : The Eclipse Of A Modern Tradition


      Introduction: The Enigma Of Mission

      Part I: Justifying Mission
      1. Partisans And Apologists
      2. Reading Scripture As Mission
      3. Presenting History As Mission
      4. Rhetoric And Trope

      Part II: Innovating Mission
      5. Holy Conquest
      6. Latin Occupation
      7. Mission Vow
      8. Ignatian Mission

      Part III: Revising Mission
      9. Protestant Reception
      10. Missionary Problems

      Epilogue: Toward Pilgrim Witness
      Works Cited

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      Mission, missions, missional, and all its linguistic variations are part of the expanding vocabulary and rhetoric of the contemporary Christian missionary enterprise. Its language and assumptions are deeply ingrained in the thought and speech of the church today. Christianity is a missionary religion and faithful churches are mission-minded. What’s more, in telling the story of apostles and bishops and monks as missionaries, we think we have grasped the true thread of Christian history. But what about those odd shapes, those unsettling gaps and creases in the historical record? Is the language of mission so clearly evident across the broad reaches of time? Is the trajectory of mission really so explicit from the early church to the present? Or has the modern missionary enterprise distorted our view of the past? As with every reigning paradigm, there comes a point when enough questions surface to beg for a close and critical look, even when it may seem transgressive to do so. In this study of the language of mission-its origin, development, and application-Michael Stroope investigates how the modern church has come to understand, speak of, and engage in the global expansion of Christianity. There is both surprise and hope in this tale. And perhaps the beginnings of a new conversation.

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    • Right Thinking In A Church Gone Astray


      Keeping the Church on Track in a Secular World

      One of the greatest challenges to Christianity today is the pervasive influence popular culture has on the church. When Christians embrace a secular worldview, it causes division within the church and greatly diminishes its impact.

      Right Thinking in a Church Gone Astray offers responses from trusted evangelical voices on 20 timely issues. With a careful look at God’s Word, you’ll gain wisdom and insights on highly relevant topics such as…
      *countering the church’s celebrity culture
      *ministering to the “Me Generation”
      *discovering where science meets Scripture
      *responding appropriately to homosexuality
      *reclaiming the essentials of the Christian faith

      With biblical guidance on these and other controversial matters, this resource provides much-needed clarity for today’s church.

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    • Organizing Church : Grassroots Practices For Embodying Change In Your Congr


      What if congregations embraced community organizing? While many theories exist on how to plant or how to renew a church and its leadership, Organizing Church offers a unique perspective that brings together the tools of community organizing and a robust ecclesiology to suggest a new way forward for revitalizing and empowering churches. This book is a helpful field guide for pastors and other church leaders trying to build healthy congregations, create a deep culture of discipleship in their community, and to respond to the challenges presented by the global culture of the 21st century.

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    • Increase Your Anointing


      God said that we are to do greater works. Most ministries are not even doing the works of Jesus. Things are about to change. God has spoken that what I have discovered is being made available so that we can all attain the prize of our high calling. It is time for us to flow in miracles signs and wonders. I’m talking about even in the local Church. Get ready for an increase of the anointing. Remember it is going to cost you something but it will be worth it. You are about to discover three life changing types of anointing. There is the revelatory, the breaker, and the kingly anointing. This is the most important things I discovered that brought a higher level anointing.

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    • Megachurch Accountability In Missions


      Megachurches are of relatively recent vintage. Their numerical strength invests them with social and financial power. To whom, if anyone, however, are megachurches accountable? What role do they play as innovators in missions? How have their enormous influence and financial strength been harnessed? What lessons can be learned? What course corrections ought to be made? Over the course of a week, the third meeting of the Korean Global Mission Leadership Forum (KGMLF), held in Korea in 2015, addressed these and related questions. Combining the insights of a rich mix of Korean and international megachurch leaders and scholars, Megachurch Accountability in Missions: Korean and Global Case Studies offers analysis, critique, and positive recommendations for future megachurch engagement in mission. This book is the third volume in KGMLF’s Accountability in Missions series.

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    • Launch Revised And Expanded (Reprinted)


      This revised, updated, and expanded edition of Launch by pastors of The Journey Church in NYC walks every church planter from the initial stages of discerning a calling to successfully starting a new church in today’s environment.

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    • Sheltered Through The Storm


      As storms of persecution, betrayals, and attacks face believers worldwide, many are filled with fear and wonder if God has abandoned His people.
      The challenges the Church faces today are many:
      Unprecedented attacks from without and within
      Radical Islamic terrorism spreading fear
      A deterioration of morality and Judeo-Christian values
      A lack of dependence on the truth of God’s Word.
      Michael Jolayemi says the Church must be courageous, and reach out to help a frightened world. The gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is the only effective weapon against terrorism and social injustice. He challenges the Church to live holy in a perverted world that seeks to destroy its godly heritage, and return to its total dependence on the basic truths of the Word of God.

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    • Owning Faith : Reimagining The Role Of Church And Family In The Faith Of Te


      More than ever, young disciples want relationships with their parents and other adults; Owning Faith helps older disciples understand how to honor and nurture relationships that last a lifetime.

      Today’s adolescents face an uphill climb as they seek to own their faith. And while it’s easy to think that what they really need is an expert, Owning Faith lets you in on God’s big secret: what they need more than anything else is you.

      Owning Faith is an accessible guide into the adventure-filled spiritual journey of adolescents. If you would like to learn how to be a wise and compassionate companion who can make an eternal difference in the lives of youth, Owning Faith will show you how.

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    • From Suriving To Thriving


      Some Chapters Included:
      Stop Making Excuses And Start Doing Something
      Get Your Church’s Financial House In Order
      Reclaim Your Inactive Members
      Reach The Unchurched In Your Community
      Remove The Roadblocks That Impede Thriving
      Expect God’s Miracles

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      For years, Rev. Dr. John H. Krahn has been one of his denomination’s most successful interim pastors whom God has used to save many dying churches. He shares his proven methods for helping churches which are barely surviving to once again thrive. Whether your church is on life support or is doing quite well, this book shares ways and insights which will strengthen your church and its ministry. Unlike other books on church growth, From Surviving to Thriving — A Practical Guide to Revitalize Your Church, is a hands-on approach that will assist you and your church greatly. Dr. Krahn believes that no church should fail. He has written this book to help your church once again thrive.

      Inside you will find a good measure of practical advice, pressed down, shaken together and running over with experience and good sense. There are not many suggestions that cannot immediately be put into practice by pastors and members of congregations alike. Pastor Krahn has done what he recommends and seen the results of intentional missional ministry in more than one context. The book is overflowing with good stories and examples of excellent ministry. He draws richly from the pastoral imagination of other settings. We all know that the current culture does not necessarily support our congregational revitalization, but rather than simply analyze the situation and describe the problem, the author proposes concrete and effective practices in worship, finances, and programs that he has seen work. There are no silver bullets to address our challenges but a comprehensive approach including, among others, getting the church’s financial house in order, practicing good stewardship, developing a strategic plan and vision, marketing the church in new and old ways, and developing an evangelism program. Here is a book by a veteran pastor who knows how to revitalize a congregation that is long on hope and short on excuses.

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    • Beating The Boundaries


      Using the image of the traditional practice of “beating the bounds” of the parish, this book contrasts the desire to mark boundaries with God’s call to explore boundaries in order to open them. Building on visits to nine Episcopal and Church of England congregations, Spicer explores how they are opening the boundaries between inherited expressions of church and the unique contexts in which they find themselves. He argues that to beat the boundaries around their current expressions of church, congregations should (1) name a missional identity common to both their past expressions of congregational life and the church they hear God calling them to become; (2) identify whom they’re seeking to reach in the community and how they intend to do so; (3) identify what sort of new church expression God is calling them to create; (4) empower a missional leader and plan for governance issues their work may raise; and (5) collaboratively identify how to define success and how to understand what might be seen as failure in terms of common church metrics.

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    • Get Out Of The Pews


      Yeah, we dress-up for church on Sunday mornings, clap our hands all the way through the service, and still walk outside of the church doors cursing our neighbors, turning our backs on those in need, and ignoring things that really matter.

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    • State Of Missiology Today


      The 2015 Missiology Lectures at Fuller Theological Seminary marked the fiftieth anniversary of the School of Intercultural Studies (formerly School of World Mission). The papers from that conference present a “state of the art” in the field of missiology, drawing on the past and looking ahead to a diverse, global future.

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    • Beauty Of Grace


      Encouraging and Heartfelt Stories of Grace Connect Women’s Hearts with God–Now in Paper
      In this hectic life, it’s easy to forget that God is always near, even though he sends us frequent reminders. The beauty amid the mess, a well-timed word of encouragement from a friend, the memories that won’t let go of our hearts–they’re all ways God extends us grace. But if we’re not paying attention, we can miss them. With heartfelt stories from some of today’s foremost writers, The Beauty of Grace is a haven of calm contemplation amid the chaos. These inspiring stories helps readers appreciate the benefits of cultivating friendship, waiting on God, choosing joy, staying connected, learning to trust, and much more.Contributors include Jessica Turner, Lisa-Jo Baker, Holley Gerth, Ann Voskamp, Bonnie Gray, Tsh Oxenreider, Leeana Tankersley, Emily Freeman, Margaret Feinberg, and many others.

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    • Gaining By Losing


      People are leaving the church J.D. Greear pastors. Big givers. Key volunteers. Some of his best leaders and friends. And that’s exactly how he wants it to be. When Jesus gave his disciples the Great Commission, he revealed that the key for reaching the world with the gospel is found in sending, not gathering. Though many churches focus time and energy on attracting people and counting numbers, the real mission of the church isn’t how many people you can gather. It’s about training up disciples and then sending them out. The true measure of success for a church should be its sending capacity, not its seating capacity. But there is a cost to this. To see ministry multiply, we must release the seeds God has placed in our hands. And to do that, we must ask ourselves whether we are concerned more with building our kingdom or God’s. In Gaining By Losing, J.D. Greear unpacks ten plumb lines that you can use to reorient your church’s priorities around God’s mission to reach a lost world. The good news is that you don’t need to choose between gathering or sending. Effective churches can, and must, do both.

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    • Grab Gather And Grow


      Jim and Jen Cowart, authors of Start This, Stop That, offer a fresh strategy for developing community groups for your whole church and beyond. Harvest Church (, a young United Methodist congregation twenty miles southwest of Macon, met for seven years (on Sundays) on the move in a rented theatre. They learned about adaptive systems, digital tools, and flexible overhead. Since building a multipurpose facility on 43 acres near Warner Robins, Georgia in 2007, Harvest Church applied what they learned about mobility and sustained rapid growth to 2700 in worship attendance, with seven weekend services. They dispensed with a typical education wing (at significant cost savings) and classrooms in favor of four multipurpose rooms. They adapted a community groups strategy, which meets primarily in homes. Over 18 months they have expanded from 76 community groups to over 250 community groups. In this leadership book, Jen and Jim offer a five-part method for transforming a congregation through launching community groups. Community groups become a multiplication strategy because they nurture an urgent expectation outside the congregation to share the good news with persons not yet professing faith, while creating a well defined path for growth in discipleship. The book will include the following themes: Group Explosion – New Strategy for 100% plus group participation Overcoming Obstacles – Structuring for Maximum Growth vs Control – Crowd to Core Group Growth The Power of the Pulpit – This system is driven from the stage Living the 5 through Group Life – How the CG lives into Fellowship, Discipleship, Ministry, Evangelism, and Worship Creating Infrastructure for Facilitators

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    • Praying For Your Pastor


      It’s tough to be a pastor. Pastors face demands and pressures on every side, from the challenges of church ministry to the realities of spiritual warfare. But you can make a difference. Your prayers provide a lifeline for your pastor’s spiritual health and ministry effectiveness. Eddie Byun offers a handy, practical guide to praying for pastors. He shares stories of how congregational intercession changes things, with specific guidelines for prayers for protection, rest, anointing, integrity and more. God calls us to pray for our leaders. When we do, their ministry is strengthened, the kingdom is advanced and lives and communities are transformed.

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    • Flipping Church : How Successful Church Planters Are Turning Conventional W


      An innovative anthology written by successful church planters who have consistently and successfully challenged prevailing assumptions about healthy church development and “best practices.” This informative book gives insight into how they broke the mold of church planting. Includes chapters written by Michael Baughman, Olu Brown, Doug Cunningham, Kenda Creasy Dean, Mark DeVries, Amanda Garber, Trey Hall, Diane Harrison, Elaine Heath, Jerry Herships, Derek Jacobs, Matt Miofsky, David Rangel, and Owen Ross.

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    • True Church : The Multi-Dimenisonal Manifestation Of The Real Church


      1. The Birth Of The Promised Church
      2. The Church: A Spiritual Entity
      3. The Church: The Body Of Christ
      4. The Church: The Bride Of Christ
      5. The Church: The Temple Of God
      6. The Church: A House Of Prayer
      7. The Church: In The World
      8. Beware Of The Synagogue Of Satan
      9. The Present-Day Church

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      This book reveals what Heaven expects from the church. It reveals what Jesus meant by “I will build my church.” It is not a critique but a standard of spiritual measurement and divine alignment as to the definition of a true church. The true church (The Ekklesia) is not a denominational gathering of any kind, whether orthodox, charismatic, or pentecostal. The true church is one which has placed primacy on building the dispensational temple (the man) only according to God’s pattern. This book will be a great eye opener for you. You will no longer strive in the flesh after going through this book. The issues of competition, comparison, sense of inferiority, and superiority complex, which are some of the distractions and strategies of the enemy, will be exposed. Your work and ministry with God will never remain the same. You can’t read this book and still retain your old mentality and operating system. Whatever you are building for the Lord from now on shall be to the Lord’s glory and according to his specifications. Personal agenda will be given up. Deeper truths and insights are made available inside this book.

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    • Riddle Of Life


      Fresh translation of a classic treatise on Christian belief

      In the spirit of C. S. Lewis’s Mere Christianity, eminent Calvinist thinker J. H. Bavinck’s Riddle of Life offers a compact and compelling treatise on Christian belief, starting with the eternal questions that haunt every conscious human being: Why are we here? Where do we come from? What is our destiny? How should we live? He goes on to explore essential topics including sin, salvation, and Jesus the Redeemer; faith and idolatry; God’s great plan for creation; and the ultimate purpose behind our lives.

      This lucid new translation by Bert Hielema of a classic text will make Bavinck’s profound reflections on faith and the meaning of human life accessible to a new generation of seekers.

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    • Made To Lead


      Women were made to lead. Even in church.

      Jesus affirmed women as leaders-many contend Mary Magdalene was the first female minister. Yet women in ministry face challenges and obstacles, both from churches and from their own self-doubts. Both men and women miss out when women don’t lead.

      Made to Lead empowers you to live out your calling boldly and confidently. Draw closer to God with relevant biblical examples and heartfelt prayers. Break down stereotypes of women in leadership. And create your own successful reality in which you are a key part of God’s holy community.

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    • Apostolicity : The Ecumenical Question In World Christian Perspective


      1. The Problem Of Apostolicity
      2. Apostolicity Under The Horizon Of Schism
      3. Culture As The Nature Of Apostolic Continuity
      4. Apostolicity And Colonization: A Relationship?
      5. Subordinating Apostolicity To The Apostolate
      6. Historical Continuity In The Perspective Of World Christianity
      7. Jesus Christ, The One Ground Of The Apostle
      8. Apostolicity: The Livingness Of The Living Word
      Author Index
      Subject Index
      Scripture Index

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      What constitutes the unity of the church over time and across cultures? Can our account of the church’s apostolic faith embrace the cultural diversity of world Christianity? The ecumenical movement that began in the twentieth century posed the problem of the church’s apostolicity in profound new ways. In the attempt to find unity in the midst of the Protestant-Catholic schism, participants in this movement defined the church as a distinct culture-complete with its own structures, rituals, architecture and music. Apostolicity became a matter of cultivating the church’s own (Western) culture. At the same time it became disconnected from mission, and more importantly, from the diverse reality of world Christianity. In this pioneering study, John Flett assesses the state of the conversation about the apostolic nature of the church. He contends that the pursuit of ecumenical unity has come at the expense of dealing responsibly with crosscultural difference. By looking out to the church beyond the West and back to the New Testament, Flett presents a bold account of an apostolicity that embraces plurality.

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    • Get Their Name Coordinators Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


      The Coordinator’s Guide is twofold, helping the pastor (or other leader) to implement worship/sermons, and a congregational study experience. It contains worship helps for each week of the series, including sermon plans and instructions for using the video illustrations. It also includes instructions for implementing the all-congregation study, along with tips for next steps-ways to follow up after the month-long experience has ended. Church leaders and members should all read the original Get Their Name book during the month of this church-wide experience.

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    • Equipping Church : Serving Together To Transform Lives


      Picture your church as a place where the priesthood of believers finds its expression in creative and powerful ways. Picture leaders and staff equipping and unleashing people to minister in ways consistent with how God designed them. Think of the effectiveness, vitality, and contentment that come when the body of Christ nurtures itself through the healthy give-and-take of each member. In The Equipping Church, Sue Mallory describes the benefits, the structure, and the culture of an equipping church and shows how your congregation can become one. This book is about limitless possibilities. Think “vision.”

      What might your church look like if its members became vital, fully empowered partners in ministry? How can you help them discover and release their full potential? How would their roles change–and yours?

      * pastors and leaders enable church members to share in ministry
      * people’s gifts, talents, and life callings are matched with areas of service
      * ministry opportunities are recognized and developed
      * the culture encourages the growth of a broad array of ministries
      *a well-designed system addresses needs of every kind, both individual and corporate *the pastor doesn’t have to be all things to all people

      Unpacking insights and principles uncovered by Leadership Training Network over the last several years, Mallory helps you customize an equipping system and culture in your church. You’ll proceed from preparation (what you need to know), to foundations (what you need to change), to construction (what you need to do). In the process, Mallory takes you inside the story of her own church, Brentwood Presbyterian, to observe the different stages of their trial-and-error journey and how it has transformed their approach to “doing church.” See how they dealt with various concerns that arose along the way, and meet men and women whose lives have been changed because Brentwood took the ministry road less traveled. Each chapter includes a section of “Equipping Principles,” questions for discussion and reflection, and a summary of different equipping churches from around the country. With the accompanying Equipping Church Guidebook, this book will be a mile marker in your church–and the gateway to a more effective and biblical approach to ministry.

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    • Impossible People


      1. New World, Old Challenge
      2. The Greatest Challenge Ever
      3. The War Of Spirits
      4. Exploring The Heart Of Darkness
      5. Life With No Amen
      6. Yesterday, Today, Forever
      7. Give Us The Tools

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      The church in the West is at a critical moment. While the gospel is exploding throughout the global south, Western civilization faces militant assaults from aggressive secularism and radical Islam. Will the church resist the seductive shaping power of advanced modernity? More than ever, Christians must resist the negative cultural forces of our day with fortitude and winsomeness. What is needed is followers of Christ who are willing to face reality without flinching and respond with a faithfulness that is unwavering. Os Guinness describes these Christians as “impossible people,” those who have “hearts that can melt with compassion, but with faces like flint and backbones of steel who are unmanipulable, unbribable, undeterrable and unclubbable, without ever losing the gentleness, the mercy, the grace and the compassion of our Lord.” Few accounts of the challenge of today are more realistic, and few calls to Christian courage are more timely, resolute?and hopeful. Guinness argues that we must engage secularism and atheism in new ways, confronting competing ideas with discernment and fresh articulation of the faith. Christians are called to be impossible people, serving an Impossible God.

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    • Navigating The Nonsense


      Cascade Books
      Navigating the Nonsense will change the way your church approaches conflict and communication. It will unlock the untapped potential that exists in your church. It is a book for clergy and lay leaders. It is for churches tired of getting a new pastor every four years. It is for pastors who are afraid conflict may derail the effectiveness of their ministry. It is for pastors who are afraid conflict with a small group of people may lead to an early departure from their pastorate. It is for church leaders who want to find ways to protect their pastors from disgruntled members. It is for leadership teams and boards that feel their ministries are frozen in place or in a permanent state of decline. It is for those who believe the church cannot focus on ministry if it is bound up by so much conflict. It is for anyone who is tired of feeling frustrated and wants their church to become more centrally focused on Jesus and his way of doing things.

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    • Get Their Name Participant Workbook (Workbook)


      The Participant Guide is a workbook to facilitate the layperson’s experience as the church studies Get Their Name. It includes group and individual activities, and personal devotional material.experience.

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    • Loving The City


      Even if you don’t go to the city to minister, make no mistake-the city is coming to you. Regardless of your particular cultural or geographical context, you will need to consider the city when forming a theological vision that engages the people you are trying to reach.

      In Loving the City, bestselling author and pastor Timothy Keller looks at the biblical foundations for contextualizing the gospel as we communicate to the culture in a way that is both respectful and challenging. He articulates the key characteristics of a city vision, showing how the city develops as a theme throughout Scripture, from its anti-God origins, to its strategic importance for mission, to its culmination and redemption in glory.

      Finally, he examines the need for thoughtful cultural engagement, unpacking four models for engaging culture, showing the strengths and weaknesses of each approach and emphasizing a blended approach that balances the key insights of each. Loving the City will help you to minister to your cultural context in a way that is biblically faithful and fruitful.

      This new edition contains the second section of Center Church in an easy-to-read format with new reflections and additional essays from Timothy Keller and several other contributors.

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    • Shaped By The Gospel


      It is easy to assume that if we understand the gospel and preach it faithfully, our ministry will necessarily be shaped by it-but this is not true. Many churches claim to be gospel-centered but do not have a ministry that is shaped by, centered on, and empowered through the gospel. The implications of the gospel have not yet worked their way into the fabric of how that church does ministry.

      Gospel-centered ministry is more theologically driven than program driven. To pursue it, we must spend time reflecting on the essence, the truths, and the very patterns of the gospel itself. The gospel is neither religion nor irreligion, but something else entirely-a third way of relating to God through grace. In Gospel-Centered Church, bestselling author and pastor Timothy Keller addresses several current discussion and conflicts about the nature of the gospel and shows how faithful preaching of the gospel leads to individual and corporate renewal.

      This new edition contains the first section of Center Church in an easy-to-read format with new reflections and additional essays from Timothy Keller and several other contributors.

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    • Serving A Movement


      Our goal as Christians is never simply to build our own tribe. Instead, we seek the peace and prosperity of the city or community in which we live through a gospel movement led by the Holy Spirit, a movement united by the gospel of Jesus Christ, a common mission to reach and serve others, and a commitment to be gracious and generous to those who disagree with you.

      In Serving a Movement, best-selling author and pastor Timothy Keller looks at the nature of the church’s mission and its relationship to the work of individual Christians in the world. He examines what it means to be a “missional” church today and how churches can practically equip people for missional living. Churches need to intentionally cultivate an integrative ministry that connects people to God, to one another, to the needs of the city, and to the culture around us. Finally, he highlights the need for intentional movements of churches planting new churches that faithfully proclaim God’s truth and serve their communities.

      This new edition contains the third section of Center Church in an easy-to-read format with new reflections and additional essays from Timothy Keller and several other contributors.

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    • Why Bother With Church


      1. Foundations: How To Consider Church
      2. Life Changing: How To Attend Church
      3. Running: How To Organize Church
      4. Imperfect: How To Survive Church
      5. Wonderful: How To Love Church

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      The church has an image problem.

      It is widely viewed in the world at large as being outdated, boring, irrelevant and filled with backbiting hypocrites.

      How different that picture is to how the Bible talks about the new family that Jesus has gathered. It is a precious bride, a sparkling jewel, a lifeboat for forgiven sinners that is precious and holy; nurturing and warm; filled with truth, friendship and all embracing, forgiving love.

      Sam Allberry understands the collision between these two views, and how, even as Christian believers, we can lose sight of how truly wonderful church is and should be, and what a privilege it is to be part of, and to serve.

      In this brief accessible but thorough guide to church, Sam outlines what church is and why we need it. And how, when we have got it wrong, we can move closer to what a true church should be.

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    • Growing Gods Church (Reprinted)


      It’s no secret that the evangelism methods of yesterday are not yielding the kinds of results they did in the 1970s and 1980s. So how are new Christians hearing the Gospel today? How are they finding churches? And what makes them stay at a church? The answers to these questions have the power to dramatically alter the way we do outreach. And Dr. McIntosh has them.

      Based on ten years of scientific research, Growing God’s Church shows pastors and church leaders how people are actually coming to faith in the 21st century. It covers factors such as our motive for ministry, the priorities churches set for themselves, the reality of churchless Christians, generational and gender-based differences in evangelism effectiveness, the name of your church, the influence of pastors, and much more. The appendix includes a copy of the survey that provides the basis for McIntosh’s arguments and an overview of the study is provided in the first chapter.

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    • Trouble Ive Seen


      What if racial reconciliation doesn’t look like what you expected? The high-profile killings of young black men and women by white police officers, and the protests and violence that ensued, have convinced many white Christians to reexamine their intuitions when it comes to race and justice.

      In this provocative book, theologian and blogger Drew G. I. Hart places police brutality, mass incarceration, antiblack stereotypes, poverty, and everyday acts of racism within the larger framework of white supremacy. Leading readers toward Jesus, Hart offers concrete practices for churches that seek solidarity with the oppressed and are committed to racial justice.

      What if all Christians listened to the stories of those on the racialized margins? How might the church be changed by the trouble we ve seen?

      Key Features:
      -Written by well-known theologian and blogger Drew Hart with foreword by Christena Cleveland
      -Hard-hitting analysis of racial injustice in the twenty-first century
      -Provides a call to action for Christians committed to racial justice and creative proposals for antiracist practices for churches

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    • Next Worship : Glorify God In A Diverse World


      What happens when a diverse church glorifies the global God? We live in a time of unprecedented intercultural exchange, where our communities welcome people from around the world. Music and media from every culture are easily accessible, and our worship is infused with a rich variety of musical and liturgical influences. But leading worship in multicultural contexts can be a crosscultural experience for everybody. How do we help our congregations navigate the journey? Pioneering worship leader Sandra Van Opstal is known for crafting worship that embodies the global, multiethnic body of Christ. Likening diverse worship to a sumptuous banquet, she shows how worship leaders can set the table and welcome worshipers from every tribe and tongue. Van Opstal provides biblical foundations for multiethnic worship, with practical tools and resources for planning services that reflect God’s invitation for all peoples to praise him. When multiethnic worship is done well, the church models reconciliation and prophetic justice, heralding God’s good news for the world. Enter into the praise of our king, and let the nations rejoice!

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    • Faithful Presence : Working Together For The Common Good


      Together for the Common Good is a network of scholars, church leaders and activists engaged in matters of social justice. Its first major event was a conference in Liverpool in 2013. Since then the network has developed and grown and its website and e-newsletters have a wide reach. Research undertaken prior to the conference showed that the importance of churches, clergy and lay people being involved in working for social justice on the ground and for this activism to be rooted in the Christian tradition. Therefore it is time for a popular, accessible short book aimed at practitioners.

      It is written in non- technical, accessible language and designed to be of interest to clerical and lay audiences across denominations, including those who create, manage and implement social justice initiatives.

      It contains lots of illustrative examples of the ways that churches work together and of the range of social action undertaken by churches locally and nationally – pastoral, advocacy, campaigning.

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    • Volunteering : A Guide To Serving In The Body Of Christ


      Volunteering can be a rewarding and exciting experience-but to effectively serve you need to understand the why, how, and what of serving others. Based on the principles and training they have utilized at Wooddale Church, pastor Leith Anderson and Jill Fox will help you better understand:
      *The importance of prayer in ministry
      *Avoiding burnout and serving for the long-term
      *Recruiting others to serve in ways that are natural and easy
      *Enjoying the “pay’ that is more valuable than money
      *Finding your fit and serving out of your strengths

      This short and accessible book will help you to find the resources you need to be inspired and trained to serve in the most vital workforce in the world today-the church of Jesus Christ.

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    • Counterfeit Christianity : The Persistence Of Errors In The Church


      Historic heresies didn’t die or fade away. Each generation boasts its own. Even while these counterfeit teachings remain outside the accepted bounds of Christianity, modern-day versions plague churches.So how does a church leader or pastor understand and deal with these age-old controversies when they pop up in the congregation? In this book, Roger Olson describes the curses but also gifts that heresies bring the Church. While heresies can occasionally correct a version of orthodoxy, they are not simple confusions or misunderstandings about impenetrable mysteries of divine revelation. Instead they undermine the faith and are dangerous distortions. The author describes major heresies and how the church dealt with them, the players, and what pastors can do to address these faith issues in order to educate congregations about Jesus, God, and salvation. Also included are questions for individual or group study.

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    • Volunteer Church : Mobilizing Your Congregation For Growth And Effectivenes


      Working with volunteers can be a rewarding and exciting experience-for them as well as for those who recruit, train, and maintain their services. However, if church leaders are honest, they know there are times that it can be frustrating. They know that volunteers are essential, vital to creating growth and new ministries, and are the key to introducing youth and children to Jesus Christ. They have the welcoming smiles at the door, they serve the food, pray for needs, stuff bulletins, organize missions trips, and on and on. If they want to see their church grow, it must be a volunteering church, a church that runs on volunteers. The Volunteer Church was developed out of the ministry of Leith Anderson at Wooddale Church in Eden Prairie, Minnesota, where a vital and vibrant volunteer program boasting 4,000 participants grew under the leadership of Jill Fox. The principles and training have been applied in churches of all sizes and denominations in seminar settings across the country as well as at Wooddale Church. In The Volunteer Church, leaders will Learn how to effectively recruit and train volunteers Discover how to build sustainable, long-lasting ministries led by volunteers Find methods for encouraging and maintaining your volunteers for success Know how to build teams of volunteers Understand how to find the right service that fits a willing volunteer If you lead a church and are exhausted by the lack of volunteer help, or if you are a volunteer and dream of adding numbers to your team, this book is for you. If you are on a church staff and know that a new ministry is needed but volunteers and training are required to make it happen, here you will find the resources to recruit, inspire, train, and maintain the church’s most vital workforce.

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    • Spent Matches : Igniting The Signal Fire For The Spiritually Dissatisfied


      Spent Matches explores the possibility that a few small paradigm shifts within the church might make the difference between extinction and effectiveness. In fact, taking a clue from the automobile industry, the church might be able to not only halt the rapid decay in attendance but also become an effective tool in achieving Jesus’ final command. For instance, the Hybrid car has become the answer to Detroit’s environmental and oil crisis issues. Finding the synergy between two technologies, gas and electric has created a new day for the auto industry. Likewise, Spent Matchesexplores how the church can find synergy between two seemingly competing thoughts: an invitation to come and a command to go. The Hybrid metaphor brings energy to the church’s mission and an explanation to the age-old argument of Missional versus Attractional methods.

      Features include:
      *Innovative ideas for growing the church
      *Methods to reach those who may never have attended church
      *Scripture passages that touch on the subject of church growth

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    • When God Builds A Church


      Pastor Bob Russell shares the ten principles upon which Southeast Christian Church, one of the largest and fastest growing churches in America, was founded. He shares not only the story of one of the most amazing churches in America, but also what your church can become if you follow the principles and allow God to build your church.
      Can the church truly be the “city on a hill that cannot be hidden” that Jesus talked about in the Sermon on the Mount? Can it grow large enough to attract throngs of seekers and yet be loving enough to care for each individual that comes? Bob Russell, pastor of Southeast Christian Church one of the largest and fastest growing churches in America says that it most certainly can. But it can only be done when we are submissive to God’s will and allow Him to build that church. In the pages of this far-sighted, uncompromising book, Bob Russell and his son Rusty share the ten principles upon which this remarkable church was founded. Throughout the book, you will see God’s mighty power at work in a church that began in 1962 with only 50 members and has now grown to over 14,000 and has become a bustling “city on a hill” whose beaming faith powerfully impacts its community and the world. This book shares not only the story of one of the most amazing churches in America but also the story of what your church can become as you follow these ten time-tested principles and allow God to build your church.”

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    • Christian Writers Guide To The Book Proposal


      A complete proposal sells your book, pure and simple. But some authors don’t think a proposal is necessary. Perhaps you already have a contract, or you plan to self-publish. If you don’t have to sell the book to a publisher, why write a proposal? That reasoning sounds logical, but there are purposes for a book proposal beyond selling it to a publisher. In A Christian Writer’s Guide to the Book Proposal, I share six reasons why it benefits you to write a book proposal and seven items that should be part of every book proposal. A Christian Writer’s Guide to the Book Proposal is based on my previously published writing and on my teaching at Christian writers’ conferences around the country. The material included applies to writers and book projects of all sorts: fiction and nonfiction; completed manuscripts and unwritten book ideas, first-time and previously published authors, traditionally published, indie, and self-published. So, give your book idea a chance for success. Learn how with A Christian Writer’s Guide to the Book Proposal.

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    • Just Mission : Practical Politics For Local Churches


      The last decade has seen a resurgence of the social action of the local church -responses to social need have included street pastors, cold weather shelters, debt advice centres and latterly food banks. The last decade has also seen a greater experimentation in forms of evangelism, most prominently in the fresh expressions movement. The intention has been to bring the Church into contact with people who would not otherwise cross its threshold. All these changes have led to new pastoral relationships being formed and a greater awareness of how social change affects real people’s lives. Just Mission draws upon the increased activism of local churches and links it to effective use of democratic processes to achieve justice for the people with whom they have a pastoral relationship. It seeks to explain in a straight forward and theologically-based way, how they can undertake that task based upon the pastoral work that arises from their social action and evangelism. Helen Cameron introduces the political and public theology that is currently being produced to local church leaders so they can see that theology has a genuine interest in the dilemmas they currently face.

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    • Minister As Entrepreneur


      Building on his own experiences as a priest and an entrepreneur, Volland argues that the concept of entrepreneurship offers churches a helpful lens through which to view Christian ministry and mission, and an understanding and approach to ministry that is well fitted for the mission task in a rapidly changing world. He shows how an entrepreneurial approach is consistent with understandings of leadership in the major denominations and in the new churches. He also argues that such an approach is consistent both with the nature of God and with human collaboration with God’s activity in the world. “To be a minister is to face the everyday challenge of finding new ways to express the faith, and to refresh the life of the Church. This is the call to be an entrepreneur. Michael Volland sets out the case for the minister as an agent of change and as the one who looks for new ways to do things . . . This is an important and a timely book which will help us to see entrepreneurship as gift of God and a delight for the Church.’Pete Ward, Professorial Fellow in Ecclesiology and Ethnography, Durham University

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    • Return To The Margins


      Most Christians know that all is not well with America. Every day the church feels pushed further to the margins of society. We are losing status, influence, and certain freedoms. So, what is the church to do?

      In Return to the Margins Terry Coy explains that the church has historically and globally existed and thrived at the margins. Jesus ministered in the margins of society. The New Testament church grew from the margins. Most of the global church today lives and ministers in the margins. The church in post-Christian America must understand:

      * What the new American church will look like
      * How to respond when religious rights are taken away
      * What the church must do now to prepare for the future
      * How life in the margins has historically increased the church’s fruitfulness

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    • Me To We


      Churches with front doors that open up mission fields rather than buildings.When Christians answer the clarion call to be missional, too often it is primarily to feel good or to grow in their own faith. But ultimately we remain unsatisfied because, in the end, it’s still about “me”-my church, my faith, my salvation. Then sometimes inspiration dries up.

      We forget that Jesus is the head of the Church, which exists at God’s pleasure and disposal. God is birthing a new Social Gospel, meant to reclaim mission and justice ministries as prime directives for the Church, and not with the naive thinking of the 19th or 20th centuries.

      What are the characteristics of this new Social Gospel? There is an expectation that mission is “with” and not “for” others. There is an acknowledgement that tolerance is not a dirty word and we have to find a peaceable way to live in our intercultural world. It carries the Wesleyan impulse to change the world by working to build God’s kingdom in this world. It offers the grace and salvation of Christ to those in need, believing that none are free unless all are free. It means that we feed the hungry, educate to poor, and equip the powerless in tangible ways.

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    • With All Our Prayers


      A resource for both corporate worship and personal devotion, With All Our Prayers invites readers to pray, think, and live into God’s purpose for the world and for their own lives. Written by a longtime Presbyterian pastor, the beautiful prayers in this book are theologically grounded in God’s steadfast love and invincible grace and contain traditional elements of adoration, confession, thanksgiving, petition, and intercession.

      In this helpful volume church leaders will find prayers ordered around the liturgical calendar with themes appropriate to the seasons of the church year. Individuals and prayer groups will find guidance in praying for church and world, in interceding on behalf of strangers and enemies as well as loved ones and friends.

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    • God Gave The Growth


      The Episcopal Church has recognized that planting new churches is a high priority through the Mission Enterprise Zones initiative, which provides grant funding for new worshiping communities, in partnership with dioceses. While there is significant literature and training available for church planters in evangelical contexts, very little is available for planters in the Episcopal/mainline context. This book addresses how to rise up and train leaders for the difficult task of planting new churches in the twenty-first century. It answers the essential questions, such as why should we plant churches, what models of church planting are most successful, what kinds of leaders are necessary, and what problems can be expected. Through the author’s personal experience and interviews with diocesan experts and leaders in mainline denominations, it provides strategies, approaches, and problem-solving techniques.

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