Eschatology (End Times)
Showing 151–200 of 206 resultsSorted by latest
Revelation Apostasy End Times And This Generation
$22.48No one knows the day of Christ’s return. But Christ, in His own words in Scripture, gives us the exact window of time during which He will return, and we now living in that window of time. This book features a chapter by chapter study if the book of Revelation, end-time events, prophecy, and our place in eternity.
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Rapture : A Dangerous Deception
$21.86Many who teach the “rapture” theory increase the confusion by using terms such as “the coming of Christ,” “the return of Jesus,” “the appearance if Jesus,” and “the second coming of Jesus.” This book is about the idea the all Christians will be physically removed from the earth to heaven, along with the resurrected dead Christians, to be with the Lord Jesus Christ.
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Lost In Translation Book Of Revelation 2
$22.99Lost in Translation The Book of Revelation Through Hebrew Eyes is a worthy follow-up to its predecessor, Rediscovering the Hebrew Roots of Our Faith. This is the second in a three-volume series that will cover the entire book of Revelation in awe-inspiring detail, expounding and expanding on familiar verses in Gods Word that have been misunderstood and misconstrued for many years. Or, in some cases, linking together verses and concepts that have been repeatedly overlooked. In this volume the authors explore the first half of Revelation from the perspective they established so clearly in Volume 1 that of a Hebrew God speaking through a Hebrew believer to an audience that was intimately familiar with the Hebrew language, culture, customs, and concepts that form both the literal and the metaphorical foundation for vast portions of Revelation. *Who are the 144,000, anyway? What will be their true function in the End Times? *Who is the Bride of Messiah? Does that designation automatically include everyone who accepts salvation, no matter when or where? *What does the book of Revelation really tell us about two vastly different and completely separate sequences of events that transpire at one and the same time, in entirely different places yet all as integral parts of the same vast panorama of end-times happenings? How do the Wedding and the Judgments fit together if they even DO? These are just some of the questions to which youll find plausible, sensible, biblically sound answers in this volume. Please join us, right now, for another voyage of discovery unlike anything youve embarked on before, even if you’ve already read volume 1
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I Never Knew You
$19.36This book is based upon Christ’s words and tells you how you can know for sure that you are saved and will spend eternity in heaven. There are many false plans of salvation being taught by the great preachers of today which will not save you or prevent you from standing before Christ at the Great White Throne Judgement. When one stands before Christ at this judgement, they will be cast into the lake of fire for all eternity.
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Gods Preparations For His Heroes
$27.48God’s Will, being executed based on His Preparations, Plan and Purpose. It’s a correlation of the Men of the Bible, (Joseph, Moses, Elijah, David, Joshua), and the present generation of Men, (Martin L. King, Jr. and President Barack H. Obama). The Spirit of God is emerging on the scene of a new generation who will champion God’s cause in these end-times. Whenever God decides to do something new, He releases new revelations, zeal, and anointing through men and women. This is captured in “God’s Preparation for His Heroes.”
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Gods Preparations For His Heroes
$16.86God’s Will, being executed based on His Preparations, Plan and Purpose. It’s a correlation of the Men of the Bible, (Joseph, Moses, Elijah, David, Joshua), and the present generation of Men, (Martin L. King, Jr. and President Barack H. Obama). The Spirit of God is emerging on the scene of a new generation who will champion God’s cause in these end-times. Whenever God decides to do something new, He releases new revelations, zeal, and anointing through men and women. This is captured in “God’s Preparation for His Heroes.”
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Guided Tour Through The Revelation
$21.23NO KIDDING! The Revelation Is Meant To Be Understood! The Bible’s last book is not a puzzle, mystery or myth, but God’s clear foretelling of the conclusion of His predetermined history of the universe and the human race in their perfected state. Unfortunately, well-meaning interpreters have blurred and distorted it’s message by imposing their biased eschatologies upon it rather than allowing the Revelation text to tell its own exciting and encouraging story. As we journey along with John on his visionary tour into the future the Lord’s angel will keep us abreast of the sights and sounds we encounter at each new location until we are awe-stricken upon arriving at its destination, the new heaven and earth which God will have created in which we shall live eternally with Him, His Son and the Holy Spirit. A scholarly, readable, new and different but valid commentary on the Revelation.
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And The Word Was Made Flesh
$21.23The much awaited event in the Biblical prophecy is the rapture of the Church. Knowledgeable teachers and preachers of the Bible and those who are serious followers of world events are convinced that this the generation that will see the return of Jesus Christ. This book shows the way to be saved, to escape the great tribulation that will follow immediately after the rapture and not be left behind!
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Automated Cars : Prophesied By William Branham
$16.86Since the beginning of times man always had a deep longing to know the future. As God forbids fortune telling, he nevertheless sends prophets to prepare his people. One of the prophets in the twentieth century was a Pentecostal Pastor called William Branham. In 1933 he received seven prophetic visions on end time events. In the fourth vision he saw cars running automatically on American highways. Cars had no steering wheel and the front passengers were turned backwards playing some kind of game. The roof was completely transparent and cars were egg shaped. This prophecy is now in the process of being fulfilled. In 1997 a dozen of cars moved automatically on a Californian highway. The technology is now present to help establish these highways. Science will soon accomplish what God foretold. This book explains scientifically how and when science will fulfill this prophecy in the twenty first century.
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Case For Historic Premillennialism (Reprinted)
$35.00Twentieth- and twenty-first-century American evangelicalism, particularly at the popular level, has been virtually saturated with the eschatology of dispensational premillennialism. The distinctive teachings of that system, in particular its affirmation of the pretribulation rapture of the church, have become so pervasive that many evangelicals would be hard pressed to identify an alternative approach. Popular novels that disseminate dispensationalism to a wider readership have only furthered that trend.
The contributors to this volume provide a thoughtful alternative. They present compelling arguments for historic or classic premillennialism–a position widely held throughout church history (and popularly advanced in the writings of George Eldon Ladd).
An introductory chapter examines the differences within premillennial eschatology and considers reasons for the widespread popularity of dispensationalism in the twentieth century. This is followed by biblical, theological, historical, and missiological studies that reexamine classic premillennialism, particularly with regard to its understanding of the return of Christ.
The authors, all respected scholars in their fields, present arguments for a return to an eschatological theology that was widely held for many centuries. Their engaging studies should be of great interest to evangelical readers–both within the academy and in the church.
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Illuminating Revelation : A Study In The Book Of Revelation (Student/Study Guide
$33.11God has revealed Himself in the Word of God as well as in the world around us. And that is what makes the book of Revelation so amazing; that God has revealed the plan for the end of an age, a plan that spells out what will happen to mankind when we refuse to accept the wonderful gift of salvation that God has offered through the death and resurrection of His Son Christ Jesus. In this book, the author sets out to illuminate what God has already revealed, providing enough information for the reader to grasp what is at stake for their eternal state.
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Illuminating Revelation : A Study In The Book Of Revelation (Student/Study Guide
$20.61God has revealed Himself in the Word of God as well as in the world around us. And that is what makes the book of Revelation so amazing; that God has revealed the plan for the end of an age, a plan that spells out what will happen to mankind when we refuse to accept the wonderful gift of salvation that God has offered through the death and resurrection of His Son Christ Jesus. In this book, the author sets out to illuminate what God has already revealed, providing enough information for the reader to grasp what is at stake for their eternal state.
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Living In The Times Of The Signs
$47.48LIVING IN THE TIMES OF THE SIGNS Bible Prophecy for the 21st Century We are living in exciting times. The present generation has witnessed the fulfillment of more prophetic signs than any generation in history; and no more significant sign has been fulfilled than the return of the Jews to the reestablished State of Israel. This book explains Bible prophecy as it applies to events unfolding in the 21st century. The foundations of our culture, our churches and our nation are being shaken by those who would have us all worship at the altar of the politically correct god. But the Lord calls His people to walk in love, obedience and faithfulness. FIND ANSWERS TO THESE QUESTIONS: What is Israel’s place in end-time events? What is Islam’s role in Bible prophecy? When and where will the Temple be rebuilt? How will the Israeli/Palestinian conflict be resolved? How close are we to a global religion and a global government? Does the Bible teach about the rapture and the tribulation?
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Red Skys A Blazin
$20.61Product Description
To reach souls for Christ and counter the philosophies of those advocates of church growth that eliminate such scriptural doctrines as sin, judgment, and Hell, Red Sky’s a Blazin’ is presented to you. This book is a collection of awesome, prophetic end-time events recorded in the Bible that not even Hollywood with all its money and technology could come anywhere near dramatizing. If you have had difficulties understanding prophecy, Norm Sharbaugh’s simple, no-nonsense, straightforward approach to God’s Word in Red Sky’s a Blazin’ is an absolute must read book. The author brings to this work over 130 illustrations from his 39 year preaching ministry. Many are from his personal experiences. For those that are busy in the ministry, this book could be a great aid in preparing Bible lessons and sermons. Norm Sharbaugh is a graduate of St. Joseph’s College in Rennsselaer, Indiana, with a degree in biology. While teaching religion and science related subjects at a catholic high school and coaching basketball at a local college in Grand Rapids, he received Christ as his Savior. He attended Grand Rapids Baptist Seminary. He met and married Teri Hubble and they now have six children and fifteen grandchildren. Norm has been an evangelist for 39 years and has held over 1400 revival, evangelistic, prophecy, and creation meetings. He has authored three books: The present one, Red Sky’s a Blazin’, The Treasure in Earthen Vessels, and Ammunition: For Piercing the Armor of the Philosophy of Evolution. His wife Teri has authored an exciting novel, Compelled to Love a Stranger. The two presently live in Brownsburg, Indiana. Check out Norm’s website at to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Get A Grip On A Heavenly Perspective
$15.61The Bible tells us that “in the last days, perilous times will come…” and truly we are in these days. In this book, the child of God will discover how to ride these perilous times as an overcomer by using tools God has given us in His Word.
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$43.73This book is a wealth of information, which is interestingly written and justified with documents. It is very thorough and informative, whilst also discussing a delicate issue courageously. No matter what you think about the Millennium, you won’t be bored with this book! In addition, you will learn many facts about the situation in the Middle-East and Israel, which the newspapers refuse for some reason to reveal. The Finnish Christian TV-7, January 2008 One has to admire the author’s knowledge of the Middle-East and the people living there; few have such expertise. When we add his knowledge of the Bible, there certainly aren’t many people who can boast to know equally much. The book covers the basic Gospel too, and thus is also suitable for anyone who is still seeking. In all, this book is very extensive and it can be warmly recommended to anyone. The Finnish Christian Weekly magazine, December 2007
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$28.73This book is a wealth of information, which is interestingly written and justified with documents. It is very thorough and informative, whilst also discussing a delicate issue courageously. No matter what you think about the Millennium, you won’t be bored with this book! In addition, you will learn many facts about the situation in the Middle-East and Israel, which the newspapers refuse for some reason to reveal. The Finnish Christian TV-7, January 2008 One has to admire the author’s knowledge of the Middle-East and the people living there; few have such expertise. When we add his knowledge of the Bible, there certainly aren’t many people who can boast to know equally much. The book covers the basic Gospel too, and thus is also suitable for anyone who is still seeking. In all, this book is very extensive and it can be warmly recommended to anyone. The Finnish Christian Weekly magazine, December 2007
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Pretrib Rapture : Choreographed In The Gospels
$19.98Jesus told His disciples (that includes us) to Watch for His return (Matt. 24:42) ? The rapture is a subject of much controversy. Since scholars cannot agree on the timing of the rapture, how can we know what to believe? ? Is the rapture “pie in the sky” theology? ? This book does not tread a well-worn path. The Bible has more to say about the rapture than has been previously realized. ? This oft-surprising, ground-breaking book reveals the choreographed, pretrib answer from none other than Jesus Himself. While we in the church have been arguing amongst ourselves about the timing of the rapture, some no longer look for it. Others rip the spirit from the imminent return of the Lord, teaching that He only returns at the end of human history. The Pretrib Rapture Choreographed in the Gospels can resolve doubt, bring back hope, and instill confidence in the pretrib rapture.
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Partial Rapture Theory Explained
$36.23The Rapture of the Bride of Christ is the next event scheduled inside the plan of God which was spoken into existence complete from beginning to end in a “moment” before time. With its occurrence the Church Age will come to its conclusion and the final chapter of the history of the world will begin with The Great Tribulation. All who have failed to heed the warnings clearly stated by the Word of God that would have pointed each to an escape of this gruesome period of history, will be engulfed by the horrors it will bring. Deceit, betrayal and perversion will be the norm. No one will be safe or can be trusted. Once entered, the only available exit will be through the passageway of physical death which will be so common as to not be a second thought on the mind of a twisted and bloodthirsty world.
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Partial Rapture Theory Explained
$23.73The Rapture of the Bride of Christ is the next event scheduled inside the plan of God which was spoken into existence complete from beginning to end in a “moment” before time. With its occurrence the Church Age will come to its conclusion and the final chapter of the history of the world will begin with The Great Tribulation. All who have failed to heed the warnings clearly stated by the Word of God that would have pointed each to an escape of this gruesome period of history, will be engulfed by the horrors it will bring. Deceit, betrayal and perversion will be the norm. No one will be safe or can be trusted. Once entered, the only available exit will be through the passageway of physical death which will be so common as to not be a second thought on the mind of a twisted and bloodthirsty world.
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End Times Scripture Handbook For Powerful Strategic Praying
$23.43Olive Press Publisher
Many people today view prayer as a world-changing adventure with God. If you are one of them, here is a new tool from God’s Word to help intensify your prayer power and excitement. This handbook has lists of scriptures and scripture-filled prayers to use to do global, intercessory praying. There is a list of prophecies about Israel that haven’t yet been fulfilled, and another about things that must happen before the Second Coming. There are also lists to pray for the nations, for the coastlands, for secular world leaders, and for Kingdom workers. There are even lists for combating pride and evil. These are fighting, Biblical prophetic Words to use for earth-shaking prayers like you may have never prayed before.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Waging Spiritual Warfare
$17.00The end of the age is causing the clash between the kingdom of light and the kingdom of darkness to intensify. Today’s church is lamentably ignorant about spiritual warfare. In this follow-up to Spiritual Warfare, Richard Ing exposes Satan’s deceptions and prepares believers for the final global conflict. This book will help you to deliver those suffering physical and psychological oppression, overcome the obstacles of religious pride and unbelief, understand the role of angels, recognize the signs of the end times, resist being deceived, and know the believer’s role in the worldwide revival to come. Know your enemy so you can defeat him!
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Protection From Deception
$16.99According to Scripture, supernatural signs and wonders will multiply as we approach the end times. God isn’t the only one with a plan, however – Satan is plotting a scheme to deceive with supernatural signs and wonders of his own. In this book, Derek Prince warns Christians of deception, equipping them to recognize and resist the Antichrist, test the source of supernatural signs and wonders, and distinguish between the Holy Spirit and counterfeit spirits. By resisting Satan’s schemes and rejecting the false church, believers can beautify the true church and prepare for the end of this age, when Christ will gather those who have remained faithful.
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Understanding Revelation
$28.73Revelation is the most prominent book in the Bible when it comes to revealing the events of the end times, yet it has been misunderstood by ministers and laymen alike since its canonization. Many today make little or not attempt to understand its truths. Understanding Revelation uses a different method to interpret this fascinating book: the 39 books of the OT and the 27 books of the NT. Scripture interpreting Scripture. You see, God has hidden the symbols and mysteries of Revelation within the Bible itself.
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Eschatology And Pain In Saint Gregory The Great
$43.73Hester shows that the spirituality of Pope Gregory the Great (c. 540-604) is that of a contemplative looking for Christ and finding him in the pain of this world. The coming judge who punishes is also the God who saves and he does so often through the very pain of human existence. Gregory’s Christ is always the suffering servant and always the j…
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Mission And The Coming Of God
$49.98Chester explores the theology and missiology of the influential contemporary theologian, Jurgen Moltmann. It highlights the important contribution Moltmann has made while offering a critique of his thought from an evangelical perspective. The conclusion proposes “an eschatology of the cross” which offers a critique of the over-realized eschatologies in liberation theology and certain forms of evangelicalism.
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Post Resurrection : The Truth About The Rapture
$18.73Everyone is focusing their attention on the end times. We are all very concerned about the timing of the rapture. Maybe you have read the “Left Behind Series”, or perhaps you have heard your pastor mentioning that we will one day disappear before the great tribulation starts. There have been many teachings on the rapture of the church but very few on the resurrection. If we want to know for sure when the rapture of the church is going to take place, we have to first find out when the resurrection will take place. For we all know, the dead in Christ rise first. This book is designed to pinpoint when the resurrection will happen. By doing so, all doubt will be removed as to when the rapture will take place.
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All Things New (Student/Study Guide)
$27.48Presents a basic overview of the End Times for small groups, discipleship, communities, or personal Bible study. The hope is to provide a helpful “big picture” approach to those who have been intimidated, overwhelmed, or flat-out scared to death of God’s prophetic future.
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All Things New (Student/Study Guide)
$16.86Presents a basic overview of the End Times for small groups, discipleship, communities, or personal Bible study. The hope is to provide a helpful “big picture” approach to those who have been intimidated, overwhelmed, or flat-out scared to death of God’s prophetic future.
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Possess The Vision
$18.73A man lives through death and the terror of Golgotha, hell, the devil and the lake of fire and brimstone. Read how God saves him from these things and delivers him from the judgment seat of Christ. God then shows him His vision for the church, the bride of Christ. See the first sunrise of the new earth and witness the bride’s marriage to the Lamb. Learn all the prophetic messages that proclaim Possess the Vision.
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Rapture : Fact Of Fiction
$19.98As each year passes there arises one relentless question concerning the rapture: “Where is the rapture?” This question will always be answered by those who teach the rapture with a statement like “it could happen anytime, so be ready-it will come as a thief in the night.” But will it? Does God’s Word teach that Jesus will come on a secret trip to snatch His Bride from this planet? If so, why is there so much confusion concerning the rapture? Is our God a God of confusion? If Jesus is coming on a secret trip, why did He not say so clearly and unmistakably? The truth is simple. Jesus did make perfectly clear the events surrounding His return, and it has nothing to do with a secret trip. In this book you will discover the truth of God’s Word concerning the rapture
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Coming Islamic Invasion Of Israel
$11.99Writing 2,500 years ago, the prophet Ezekiel predicted a Russian-Islamic invasion of Israel in the last days. The third book in Mark Hitchcock’s fascinating prophecy series explains the relevance of this prediction to today’s world. First, he establishes how the current global scene sets the stage for this event and focuses on the identity of the invading nations (those mentioned in Ezekiel are like a Who’s Who of Israel’s current enemies). Hitchcock then considers the time and motives for their attack. Finally, he discusses God’s dramatic intervention that will pave the way for the Antichrist’s worldwide empire.
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Future : What The Bible Teaches About The Future
$25.61Great attention is now being given to the subject of prophecy. Some studies on the subject are statements of opinion; however, it is important to give careful attention to what the Bible has to say about prophetical matters. An attempt was made in this material to survey what the Scriptures have to say. It is helpful for Christians to be informed concerning what the Bible has to say about all things, but the study of prophecy has been neglected in the church. To help fill this gap and to increase knowledge about the future of the earth, this work was produced.
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Promise Of His Appearing
$18.75The book of Second Peter has long troubled biblical scholars and interpreters who have disputed its authorship and its claims about the imminent return of Christ. Leithart offers a preterist reading of the epistle, arguing that it describes first-century events rather than the end of history. He maintains orthodoxy, avoiding hyper-preterism, affirming both the real future return of Christ and the epistle’s authenticity.
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Apocolypse Now And Then
$53.33SKU (ISBN): 9780800637361ISBN10: 0800637364Catherine KellerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: December 2004Publisher: Augsburg Fortress Publishers – 1517 Media Print On Demand Product
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Signs Of The Coming Christ
$34.36Biblical prophecy has received renewed interest during the past several years, as significant world events have triggered the desire in many people to seek answers to man’s future and the future of the world. Because a variety of different approaches have been used to read and understand prophecy, a great deal of unnecessary confusion has resulted. However, by applying the well-established principles of research and data analysis, these scriptures can be uncovered and definitive conclusions may be reached. In this book, author Dr. R. Scott Sykes has used his medical and research experience to bring new light to the scriptures. By applying proven methods of scientific research to the study of Bible prophecy, the scriptures can become unraveled, and the clear messages that were intended for this last generation can be received. The conclusion from this objective, research-based effort is obvious: Jesus will return, and His return appears to be very soon.
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Signs Of The Coming Christ
$21.86Biblical prophecy has received renewed interest during the past several years, as significant world events have triggered the desire in many people to seek answers to man’s future and the future of the world. Because a variety of different approaches have been used to read and understand prophecy, a great deal of unnecessary confusion has resulted. However, by applying the well-established principles of research and data analysis, these scriptures can be uncovered and definitive conclusions may be reached. In this book, author Dr. R. Scott Sykes has used his medical and research experience to bring new light to the scriptures. By applying proven methods of scientific research to the study of Bible prophecy, the scriptures can become unraveled, and the clear messages that were intended for this last generation can be received. The conclusion from this objective, research-based effort is obvious: Jesus will return, and His return appears to be very soon.
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Revelation : Completing The End Times Puzzle
$21.86REVELATION: Completing the End Times Puzzle may change your thoughts about the book of Revelation if you, like most people, think it is too difficult to understand. This book explains Revelation chapter by chapter, putting end times chronology in its proper order with easy-to-comprehend explanations. You’ll see the mysteries of Revelation come together like a picture puzzle being completed. You’ll come away with answers to the following: * What is the “sign” of the Son of Man? * When will the Antichrist appear on the scene? * What is the significance of the 144,000 Israelites? * When will the two witnesses begin their ministry? * What will the mark of the beast be? * What will the millennium be like? * Who is Babylon the Great? You will gain a better understanding of: * Daniel’s seventieth seven. * The rapture. * The Great Tribulation. * The wrath of God. And a whole lot more!
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Road To Armageddon
$18.99SKU (ISBN): 9780849991257UPC: 023755024862Charles Swindoll | John Walvoord | J. Dwight PentecostBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2004Publisher: Thomas Nelson Print On Demand Product
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End Times : Practical Heavenly Mindedness (Student/Study Guide)
$12.99Do you wonder about the “end times”–when it will come? What it will be like? What will happen to you? As R. Paul Stevens leads you to examine for yourself what the Bible says about end times, you’ll learn what you can do now to be ready for the future–whatever it holds.
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Planetary Exodus
$27.48Stunning biblical predictions will unmask a future world tyrant’s identity just before the Rapture. The counterfeit Elijah will come. Israel’s future sacrificial Temple will play a major role in world events. Also included are the following subjects: Babylon and world government. Did the Apostles exclusively teach the Rapture? Did Jesus speak of the Rapture? Is the Rapture a non-blessed hope? The Rapture’s relation to modern Charismatic/Pentecostal signs. Views about the restrainer linked to the world pharaoh’s unmasking. Forgotten early church fathers’ words and the Rapture. The “any-moment Rapture” is tested against Scripture. Why the Rapture has been delayed for centuries. Rapture imminency and events that fanned its popularity. Two miracle workers and the world pharaoh. A Rapture word pun from Scripture. The future world pharaoh’s demonic anointing. When the Rapture will take place. Daniel E. Almonz holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Bible and pastoral
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Decoding The Apocalypse
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Road Map To The Future
$21.23An easy-to-read study of the events relating to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ Road maps are used every day. A Road Map to the Future will show you how to discover the future that God has in store for our world and its people. This handbook/sourcebook, designed for worldwide distribution, will permit you to peer into the future by means of hundreds of Bible texts. The thirty-one “bite-sized” chapters will rapidly make you aware of the great future events. Tied to the teaching about the Second Coming of Christ are many major Bible doctrines. You will read current events with greater perception. It will be a pastor’s helper and an excellent tool for small group study and discussion. It has a strong evangelistic emphasis, and it will encourage believers to live holy lives in the light of Christ’s Coming. “I have had the privilege and honor of knowing the author as a friend, mentor, missionary, minister, prayer warrior, and even as a patient. Now, after reading his book, I also know him as a teacher and scholar. A Road Map to the Future provides an excellent ‘nuts and bolts’ approach to the study of the ‘end time’ events. I wholeheartedly and enthusiastically endorse this book.” -C. Jake Lambert, Jr., M.D., F.A.C.S. “The author haas provided a basic and thorough outline of prophetic events, in language that all are able to comprehend. It will help every Christian to work through the maze. This book is interesting, true to the Bible, and highly recommended.” -John H. Stoll, Th.M., Ph.D, Founder and Director, ASK, Inc. “I have known Dr. Fogle (pastor, missionary and professor) for many years. I believe this book will be helpful to believers today around the world and that it can lead some to accept Christ.” -George Verwer, Founder and International Director, Operation Mobilization
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Gathering Over Jerusalem
$19.98SKU (ISBN): 9781591608295ISBN10: 1591608295Joel GravesBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 2003Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product
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What Jesus Says About Earths Final Days
$12.99“Prophecy expert Mark Hitchcock brings Jesus’ great speech about the end times to life, urging readers to live expectantly.”
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From Iraq To Armageddon
$22.48176 Pages
Additional Info
What is the mystery behind Babylon? How does Jerusalem fit into Middle East prophecy? Does the Bible help clarify the Iraqi War—and events that lie beyond? Get in-depth analysis on these and other questions. A pastor and messianic Jewish scholar, Intrater offers intriguing insights suggesting that time is winding down on the end-times clock.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Wrath Of The Lamb
$16.86The Event – Imagine the world standing still for a few moments. During these few moments, all the people in the world intuitively understand with complete clarity how their sinful actions and thoughts have displeased God and how they have affected their souls, weakening them and staining their beauty. And all the people in the world fear that God is about to pour out His wrath on them. The experience is so captivating that each person is completely unaware that the same thing is happening to everyone else. Though the experience is brief, it seems to last an eternity. Then, to everyone’s relief, the experience ceases. God does not pour out His wrath. History does not end. Instead, life returns to normal. Three Assertions – The purpose of this book is to defend three assertions. The first is that the sixth seal of the Apocalypse, in the final book of the Bible, prophesied this event, which I refer to throughout this book as a “worldwide illumination of conscience,” more than nineteen hundred years ago. The second assertion is that various Christian prophets have also prophesied this event. The third assertion is that this event is going to happen soon.
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Revelation The End Time Story
$23.73Revelation-The End Time Story is a verse-by-verse devotional commentary divided up into short segments designed to take the reader through the book of Revelation within two months in a user-friendly style. After all, Revelation is so relevant to current events that it needs to be studied on a regular basis. John wrote, “Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near.” The time is very near. The story is unfolding before our very eyes. This commentary, therefore, will shed insight into the happenings of the world and its future.
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Apocalypse Recalled : The Book Of Revelation After Christendom
$56.66The Book of Revelation has often been read as a set of endtime scenarios, glorifying a vengeful God and predicting and even fomenting apocalyptic violence. Yet it continues to exert a profound hold on the dreams and visions, fears and nightmares of our contemporary, first-world, secular culture. Harry Maier insists that, however much one is skeptical of its misuse or awed by its influence, Revelation still harbors a powerful and important message for Christians today. His fascinating book, erudite yet also intensely personal, asks us to recall Apocalypse through a careful exegesis of Revelation’s deeper literary currents against the backdrop of imperial Rome. He explores the narrrator’s literary identity, the plot or journey of the text, its many ocular and aural dimensions, and the ambiguous temporal dimensions of its “past vision of a future time.” Revelation, he believes, “offers an inversion of the violent and militaristic ideals of a first-century Roman Empire by offering a highly ironical political parody of imperial politics and insisting the true power belongs to the hero of the Apocalypse, the Slain Lamb.” In the end, Apocalypse Recalled seeks to free the imprisoned John of Patmos and employ his massively influential and controversial text to awaken a sleeping, sidelined, and culturally assimilated church to new imperatives of discipleship.
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Time Of Travail
$16.86A Time of Travail, a simple study into the book of Revelation and the Hebrew prophets, brings to light the sequence of events that must occur prior to, as well as those that will occur during the Tribulation. By taking both the Old and New Testament scriptural passages and bringing them together, it demonstrates to the reader that prophetic scripture cannot be separated into two books, but rather it is a single book that was given to the Jew first and then reiterated for the benefit of the rest of mankind as a warning of things to come. This book will not always give earthly rational answers to an event because we truly serve a God who is beyond earth’s confinement and it’s associated physical laws. A Time of Travail is intended for those: Who desire to understand the sequence of events that must precede the tribulation and why, as well as those events that will occur during the tribulation. Wishing to understand the correlation between Old and New Testament prophetic scriptures in a simple way. Who would like to meet the players during this period of time with all the symbolism peeled away. Offering some non-earthy answers and corresponding rationale to some of the events that will be administered by a God not bound by our physical laws.
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