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Showing 301–327 of 327 results

  • To The Ends Of The Earth


    104 pages

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    Missionary stories from around the world as told by Marj Carpenter.

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  • Journey To The Center Of The City


    IVP Print on Demand Title

    Randy and Tina White, with their two young sons, left suburbia to join believers living in a disadvantaged area of Fresno, California. Through their family’s story you will learn more about God’s heart for the city, you’ll meet some of the people who live there, and you’ll see ways you might make a difference too. Includes discussion questions, 12 Bible studies on God and the city, and a list of 21 Things You Can Do to Love the City.

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  • Church Between Gospel And Culture A Print On Demand Title


    This excellent collections of essays, written by a diverse group of Christian leaders working on the frontier of mission within the present North American context, lays the groundwork for the newly emerging missionary encounter fo teh gospel with North American culture.
    Demonstrating that the missionary identity of the church is to be found at the intersection fo culture-gospel-church, these essays outlive the missionary agenda now before the church as it confronts North American assumptions, perspectives, preferences, and practices.

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  • History Of Christianity In Africa


    This book examines the origins and development ofChristianity in Africa from the early story of EgyptianChristianity to the spectacular growth, vitality, anddiversity of the churches in Africa today.

    The book opens with Christianity in Antiquity and shows howEgypt and N. Africa produced some of the most influentialintellects of the time. She then discusses the churchesfounded in the wake of early contacts with Europe, from thelate fifteenth century on, and the unbroken Christian witness of Coptic Egypt and of Ethiopia. Isichei also examines the different types of Christianity in modern Africa and shows how social factors have influenced its development and expression.
    With the explosive growth of Christianity now taking place in Africa–393 million adherents projected by the year 2000- and the increasingly recognized significance of AfricanChristianity, this book fills the void in scholarly works onAfrica’s Christian past.

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  • Mission And Dialogue


    SKU (ISBN): 9780281048106ISBN10: 028104810XMichael Nazir-AliBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 1995Publisher: SPCK Print On Demand Product

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  • Anthropological Reflections On Missiological Issues (Reprinted)


    Anthropology’s contributions explored for cross-cultural understanding of epistemology, globalism, urbanization, church planting, and spiritual warfare.

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  • Come Walk With Me


    Come Walk With Me will challenge and inspire you. It will grip, inform, and enertain you. And when you are finished reading, you will be changed. This is a story of medical missions and the untiring service of Christians who have committed their lives to helping others. But it is more then that. It is a story of lives- lives that know sorrow and happiness, illness and health, death and new life. It is the story of people who share the Good News of Jesus Christ wherever they go.

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  • Canon And Mission


    This book’s theme is that the biblical canon, read as a whole or as a “unity of unities,” calls for a mission, and mission emerges from and always has need of the biblical canon for its witness in an to the world. Beeby proposes the Exodus theme as a way of understanding both the canonical unity of the Bible and Christianity’s mission in today’s world – a mission that must include interfaith diaglogue. The canon moves from creation, he writes, and this movement, restoration, and redemption is through a sent (missio) nation, son, and community.

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  • Wonder O The Wind


    Manufactured On Demand Title

    This richly textured account of the life of a unique man of God has already thrilled readers by the thousands. Now Kregel Publications has the privelege of reissuing it as a companion volume to the same author’s spiritual biography, the popular God Is My Delight.

    Phillip Keller- author, naturalist, agriculture specialist and wildlife photographer- recounts his adventurous life in this testimony of how God’s Spirit guides even the willful into His ways.

    Born and raised in East Africa, Keller grew up with an intense love for the land, its wildlife and its people. For a time he was inclined to disbelief and cynicism by the way the world distorts and abuses God’s handiwork- and he struggled to exert his own will against society’s pressures, sometimes even against society’s pressures, sometimes even against the will of God.

    Finally, the Wind of God’s Spirit has his wondrous way. The author tells the gripping story of God’s loving but abrupt intrusion into his self-centered life. He relives his trek back to Africa and eventually around the world in His service. A vibrant love for life, for God, and for His word, pulsates through this fascinating story of how one man’s will was brought into harmony with the will of God.

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  • Jesus Weeps : Global Encounters On Our Doorstep


    How can the church respond to the divisions within society that leave many persons marginalized? This book refocuses our notions of what mission is and suggests how local churches can immerse themselves in other cultural contexts.

    North American Christians have become concerned with justice and human rights struggles of the third-world poor, but such “globalization” has not made connections with the poor of the first-world society who are overwhelmingly rooted in the inner cities of the nation. Recinos examines the meaning of globalization as reflected in Biblical and specific social histories.

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  • Eternal Word And Changing Worlds


    372 Pages

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    In this book, addressed to the “Western, white evangelical community,” Professor Conn drives home the need for a radical reevaluation of our Western models for theology and missions. The rise of non-Western and nonwhite theologies and the changes in our understanding of language, culture, and religions force upon us the realization of the inadequacy of our ethnocentric, abstracting approach to theology and missions

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  • Invitation To Cross Cultural Theology


    Invitation to Cross-Cultural Theology seeks to extend the study of theology to the way in which lay communities of Christians endeavor to shape their world by their faith. Using narratives of experiences with God as source material, Dyrness sets out to discover the framework, both explicit as well as implicit, that guides their lives as Christians. Testimonies are heard from five very different communities around the world. In the final chapter, the author discusses the various ways in which Christ and salvation are being addressed in these communities today.

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  • Communicating Christ Cross Culturally Second Edition (Reprinted)


    45 Chapters

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    This revised edition of Dr. David Hesselgrave’s great work Communicating Christ Cross-Culturally updates the original edition and interacts with the most recent literature on this increasingly important topic. The original edition went through fifteen printings and, very deservedly, has come to be one of the most widely used textbooks on Christian cross-cultural communications. The revisions in this new edition are extensive and carry on the high level of discussion maintained throughout the original edition, taking into account, for example, the current discussion on the relationship between form and function and the enormous body of literature that has sprung up recently on contextualization. To enhance the volume’s usefulness for students, Dr. Hesselgrave has added an extensive bibliography of twenty-five pages on various aspects of cross-cultural communications. This revision of Communicating Christ Cross-Culturally is superb. It raises a great book into a unique category, undoubtedly the finest book on this topic available today.

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  • City Of God City Of Satan


    Why is the city a battleground of hostile principalities and powers? What is the mission of the church in the city? How can the church be supported in accomplishing that mission? These are the questions that Robert Linthicum treats in his comprehensive and probing biblical theology of the city. In the Bible the city is depicted both as a dwelling place of God and his people and as a center of power for Satan and his minions. The city is one primary stage on which the drama of salvation is played out. And that is no less the case at the end of this pivotal century as megacities become the focal point of most human activity and aspirations around the world. This is a timely theology of the city that weaves the theological images of the Bible and the social realities of the contemporary world into a revealing tapestry of truths about the urban experience. Its purpose is to define clearly the mission of the church in the midst of the urban realities and to support well the work of the church in the urban world.

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  • 44 Questions For Church Planters


    Answers the question “Why start new churches?” and shows how to reverse the decline of new church development. Schaller offers tested advice based on more than thirty years of working with leaders responsible for developing new churches.

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  • Cultural Anthropology (Reprinted)


    This introduction to the field of cultural anthropology from a Christian perspective exposes students to the excitement and significance of human history and culture.

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  • Planning Strategies For World Evangelization A Print On Demand Title (Revised)


    Over three billion people in the world have never heard the name of Jesus Christ.

    The task of evangelizing these people seems monumental. In this major study of world evangelization, however, Edward Dayton and Donald Fraser view the world not as billions of individuals but as thousands of “people groups.”

    The Dayton-Fraser strategy includes ten basic steps that analyze and define the goals in reaching these people groups and the obstacles standing in the way. Unlike other mission strategies, this approach incorporates the social sciences and basic management principles into the context of God’s sovereignty and of the church’s responsibility to evangelize the world.

    The book includes a comprehensive bibliography reflecting the authors’ extensive research in theology, sociology, anthropology, and management.

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  • Learning About Theology From The Third World


    Designed to introduce Western Christians to discussions about theology going on in the Third World. Gives major overviews of the theology of Africa, Latin America and Asia.

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  • On The Far Side Of Liglig Mountain


    On the Far Side of Liglig Mountain is a book that will take you lands away to the mysterious “closed” kingdom of Nepal, where its author, Thomas Hale, and his wife, Cynthia, have struggled to serve God as medical doctors. With beguiling humor and humility, Dr. Hale recounts his often amazing (and sometimes almost unbelievable) experiences in bringing western medicine to people who distrust — even fear — the introduction of ideas different from their own. He and his family work as a team to dispel that distrust and fear, and in the process have experienced incredible adventures. On the Far Side of Liglig Mountain is a book about – faith and courage – laughter and loving your neighbor – the hardships and the blessings of self-denial — a book that you will not easily lay aside. Just as he has gained the trust and affection of his Nepalese patients and neighbors by his love for people and his eagerness to share his love of Christ, Thomas Hale will captivate the reader with his intriguing account of the joys and realities of ministering to the human condition.

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  • Cultural Anthropology : Christian Perspective (Reprinted)


    This volume on cultural anthropology by Stephen Grunlan and Marvin Mayers presents precisely what its subtitle indicates, namely, “a Christian perspective.” Stephen Grunlan, who formerly taught at Moody Bible Institute and at St. Paul Bible College, is now senior pastor at the Appleton Alliance Church, Appleton, Wisconsin. He first studied anthropology under Dr. Marvin Mayers at Wheaton College and later was engaged in work among Chicanos in California and the Chicago area. Dr. Mayers engaged sponsorship of the Wycliffe Bible Translators before teaching for nine years at Wheaton College, during which time he also had some field experience in the Philippines. He was director of the program for the Summer Institute of Linguistics in Dallas, Texas, and professor of linguistics at the University of Texas at Arlington for many years. He is currently dean at the School of Intercultural Studies at Biola University. Cultural Anthropology: A Christian Perspective is addressed primarily to Bible school students of conservative evangelical backgrounds, with the hope that a sympathetic approach to the problems of cultural diversity thoughout the world will help young people overcome typical North American cultural biases and make them more able to understand and appreciate the diversitites of behavior and thought that exist in a culturally heterogeneous world. Grunlan and Mayers take the position of “functional creationism”; and though they discuss some of the problems implied in traditional interpretations of the age of the world and especially of the creation of the human race, they do not attempt to deal with either physical anthropology or the origins of man. They do, however, attempt to deal meaningfully with the problems posed by biblical absolutism and cultural relativism, and their practice of concluding chapters with a series of thought-provoking questions should prove to be of real help to the nonprofessional teacher of anthropology, who has been specifically in mind as they prepared this text.

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  • Contemporary Missiology A Print On Demand Title


    This comprehensive introduction examines the place, significance, and scope of the practice of missiology, its biblical foundations, motives, goals, and methods. Particular consideration is given to Asian, African, and Latin American missions, and to the church’s mission to the Jews.

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  • Christianity Confronts Culture (Revised)


    Christianity Confronts Culture is a practical guide to effective communications in the crosscultural setting — which exists, in fact, when any one person meets another. Dr. Mayers discusses crosscultural communication by means of four models, each of which approaches the subject in the light of a different discipline: social psychology, sociology, anthropology, and crosscultural education. The second part of the book presents a series of case studies illustrating each of the four models. Pastors, future pastors, missionaries, Christian educators — any who find themselves in constant contact with foreign cultures or North American cultures — will find this book invaluable.

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  • Introduction To Missiology


    While teaching at Fuller School of World Mission, Tippett inspired and challenged the founding generation of “great commission” or “church growth” missiologists. This collection brings together almost 40 of his best writings. In a style that is both academic and personal, he deals first with missiological theory then with anthropological and historical dimensions of missiology. He then treats a number of specific missiological problems from these perspectives including seminal material on power encounters.

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  • Dont Let The Goats Eat The Loquat Trees


    21 Chapters

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    Dr. Hale writes about being a missionary surgeon in the same delightful way James Herriot writes about being a Yorkshire veterinarian.

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  • Evangelism Primer


    SKU (ISBN): 9780804220392ISBN10: 0804220395Ben JohnsonBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 1986Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Song Of Ascents


    In this Song of Ascents not one single note is here by right. I deserve nothing; I have everything. God is the heart of this everything. I have everything – everything I need, and more. … What I had – Jesus, God, the Kingdom of God – was all I wanted and needed. I didn’t want anything different. I only wanted more of what I had. (from the Introduction)

    The spiritual autobiography of E. Stanley Jones remains relevant for readers in any age, from any background, of any faith, in any place in the world. Jones’ message centers on the good news of Jesus Christ that Jones lived and preached around the world for 60+ years. This is Jones’ story of coming to know Jesus, following Jesus and proclaiming Jesus. Jones lived and ministered as a missionary throughout India which was his base. In India, he primarily preached to the intellectual class; however, his reach was to all Indians. He also traveled to just about every part of the world preaching Jesus–China, Japan, Europe, South America and the United States.

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  • Christ Of The Indian Road


    Messenger And The Message
    Motive And End Of Christian Missions
    Growing Moral And Spiritual Supremacy Of Jesus
    Jesus Comes Through Irregular Channels
    Mahatma Gandhi’s Part
    Through The Regular Channels
    Some Evangelistic Series
    Great Hindrance
    Question Hour
    Jesus Through Experience
    What Or Whom
    Christ And The Other Faiths
    Concrete Christ
    Indian Interpretation Of Jesus
    Christ Of The Indian Road

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    Christ of the Indian Road” is a first-person account of E. Stanley Jones’ experiences as a Christian missionary in India almost 100 years ago. He describes the journey that he undertook from a presumptuous young missionary hoping to bring meaning into the lives of lost pagans (my wording) to a seasoned veteran proclaimer of the joy found through following Christ, ultimately trying to contextualize Christ within a rich, religious Indian culture. Jones clearly communicates his disdain for the common mistake that many Christians make to assume that our cultural framework is the “Christian” one, trying to superimpose our culture on top of the culture of those to whom we bring Christ. As an alternative approach, Jones admonishes us to learn from other cultures, to respect the truth that can be found in them, and to allow Christ to enter into that culture on His terms and on their terms, not on our terms.

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