




    • Mom Set Free


      Combining modern research, personal stories, professional experience, and real-life examples, Jeannie Cunnion shows parents how to embrace God s grace and let go of the pressures external and internal that come with raising children.

      When it comes to their children, parents feel constant pressure to get everything right. They face overwhelming moments of weakness when they believe they re doing it all wrong or feel like they re not enough leaving them with a constant fear that their kids won t turn out the way they hoped, or worse, have already turned out badly.

      Jeannie Cunnion is here to tell you that the pressure is off.

      Mom Set Free is an invitation to parents to stop worrying about the minor details and embrace God s role in their child s life. This isn t an excuse to be a lousy parent, but instead offers a chance to focus on your relationship with God and what he has asked of you. This book is a long overdue permission slip for parents everywhere to stop ceaselessly trying to be perfect and trust God with the children He has entrusted to them, and learn to reflect His grace in the everyday moments of parenting.”

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    • Making Children Mind Without Losing Yours (Revised)


      This bestseller equips parents with seven principles of reality discipline–a loving, no-nonsense parenting approach that really works.

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    • Imaginative Prayer : A Yearlong Guide For Your Childs Spiritual Formation


      Imaginative Prayer Creedal Poem
      How To Use This Book
      Part I: God’s Love
      1. God Loves So Many Things
      2. He Loves Me
      3. When I Am Lost, He Will Come Looking For Me
      4. When I Am Sick, He Wants To Heal Me
      5. When I Make Mistakes, He Will Always Have Grace On Me
      6. There Is Nothing That Can Separate Me From The Love Of God

      Review Week
      Part II: Loving Others
      7. God Invites Us To Live A Life Of Love
      8. Love Looks Like Being Patient And Kind And Not Making A List Of People’s Mistakes
      9. Love Looks Like Inviting People Who May Be Left Out
      10. Love Looks Like Taking Care Of People When They Need Help
      11. We Love Others With The Love That God Pours Into Us
      12. People Will Know That We Are Followers Of Jesus Because Of Our Love For Each Other

      Review Week
      Part III: Forgiveness
      13. Forgiveness Means We Can Have Peace With God
      14. Forgiveness Means God Welcomes Anyone
      15. Forgiveness Means God Takes Away Our Sin
      16. Forgiveness Means We Can Forgive The Sins Of Others
      17. When We Forgive, We Will Be Forgiven. When We Give, It Will Be Given Unto Us
      18. Love And Forgiveness Make Room For Reconciliation

      Review Week
      Part IV: Jesus Is The King
      19. Jesus Is The King Who Came To Undo The Power Of Death
      20. Jesus Is The King Who Came To Defeat The Power Of Sin
      21. Jesus Is The King Who Came To Defeat The Power Of The Accuser
      22. Jesus Is A Faithful King, Even When We Don’t Have Faith
      23. We Have Life With God Through The Faithfulness Of Jesus The King
      24. God Became King Through Love And Forgiveness

      Review Week
      Part V: The Good News Of God
      25. God Made Us A Promise, And It Comes To Us Through Jesus
      26. The Good News Of God Comes To Us Through The Words Of Jesus
      27. The Good News Of God Comes To Us Through The Life Of Jesus
      28. The Good News Of God Comes To Us Through The Death Of Jesus
      29. The Good News Of God Comes To Us Through The Resurrection Of Jesus
      30. We Receive The Promises Of God When We Choose To Follow Jesus

      Review Week
      Part XI: The Mission Of God
      31. When We Choose To Follow Jesus, We Join The Mission Of God To Bring His Love Into The World
      32. The Mission Of God Is To Make Everything In The World Good Again
      33. The Mission Of God Is To Bring All Things Under The Reign Of King Jesus
      34. The Mission Of God Is To Bring Peace And Reconciliation To Everything
      35. The Mission Of God Is To Take Away The Veil That Covers Up The Presence Of God
      36. God Is At Wo

      Additional Info
      How do we help our kids connect with God? Most parents want their kids to learn to love God. But most of us struggle to facilitate real spiritual experiences. It’s hard enough to have a meaningful conversation with our kids about spiritual things, let alone help them experience true transformation in the presence of God. Jared Patrick Boyd discovered that children’s spiritual formation is rooted in the imagination. When we lead our children through guided times of imaginative prayer, they can experience a connection with God that transcends mere Bible knowledge or doctrinal content. This unique resource provides six units of weekly guided imaginative prayer, themed around core topics: God’s love, loving others, forgiveness, God as king, the good news of God, and the mission of God. Each unit has six sessions, providing a yearlong experience of spiritual formation for children ages 5-13. Through imaginative prayer you can help your child connect with God. As you do so, you may find yourself connecting more closely with your child, and your own formation as a parent will deepen into greater awareness of God’s work in your lives.

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    • Leading By Example


      Leading by Example: A Parental Guide to Teaching and Modeling Christian Faith at Home by author Rev. Dr. Timothy L. Tooten, Sr. is a nonfiction Christian parenting guide that equips Christian parents and educators to model their faith to their children. This biblically based Christian parenting book teaches parents about the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual development of their kids, helps parents talk about faith to their kids, trains parents to share their testimony and faith at home, and instructs parents on how to pray with their kids. Living by Example is a must-read for parents wondering, “How do I teach my kids about God?” “How do I grow my child’s faith?” and “How can I be a spiritual leader in my home?” Christian parenting; faith development; child development; faith formation; children’s ministry; family ministry, Christian parenting books; Christian parenting discipline; biblical advice on parenting; biblical parenting.

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    • When Parenting Isnt Perfect


      Perfection is the enemy of parenting. Jim Daly sees and hears from mothers and fathers trying hard to pursue perfection. They listen to the best experts and read all the right books. When someone gives them a “World’s Best Mom” or “No. 1 Dad” coffee mug, they want it to be true. And they want their children to pursue perfection, too.

      It’s admirable for parents to be the very best moms and dads they can be for their children. But sometimes in so doing, they leave grace behind-both for themselves and their children. Jim believes that our quest for perfection, a quest that he believes is particularly strong among Christians, runs counter to God’s own boundless gift of grace. We can become Pharisaical parents, quoting endless rules and holding everyone to impossible standards. But God doesn’t want us, and our kids don’t need us, to be perfect. As parents, we’re called to simply do our best. And when we fail-which we will-we’re called to try again tomorrow.

      Though he’s the President of Focus on the Family, Jim does not promise that his book will be a catalyst for a perfect family. But it can help point the way toward a good family-one that feels safe and warm; one filled with love and laughter. This book will encourage mothers and fathers to embrace the messiness of parenthood and show grace to their own less-than-ideal children. Jim, through his own experiences, expertise, and array of stories, will lead both moms and dads to a better understanding of what being a good family is all about.

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    • Planet Middle School


      You are about to embark on a fantastic journey

      If you’ve ever watched one of those movies where regular people are walking around minding their own business, until without warning their chests burst open and alien life-forms come slithering out, then you know what it’s like to suddenly find yourself with a middle-schooler. Your once-peaceful home full of silliness and laughter morphs into the twisted landscape of a forbidding alien world, where moody adolescents drag their claws and moan about . . . well, just about everything.

      Welcome to Planet Middle School. Better get comfortable. You’ll be here awhile.

      Lucky for you, New York Times bestselling author Dr. Kevin Leman successfully navigated Planet Middle School with five children. With his expert guidance, you’ll see how you can help your child not only survive but thrive during these turbulent years. Leman shows you how to:
      * understand your child’s rapidly expanding world
      * respond rather than react to mood swings
      * tell your child about sex (before someone else tells their version)
      * create opportunities for your child to practice selflessness and gratitude
      * ensure that your kid is one who loves home and family
      * and much more

      Middle-schoolers can be a strange, unpredictable species. But with a little help from Dr. Leman, you can ride out the interstellar storm with humor and confidence.

      Houston, we have a problem.

      It happens to every parent. One day, you have a sweet son or daughter who loves to snuggle on the couch and who puts a smile on your face just by walking into the room. The next day, it’s as if someone left the door open and let in an alien with a smart mouth and an attitude that, frankly, you could do without. Entering middle school is like stepping onto a different planet–for parent and child alike.

      But these years don’t have to create chaos in your family. In fact, they can be some of the best, most fruitful years of all, a time when you can grow closer rather than drift apart. From the internal storms of hormonal changes to the external challenges of peer pressure and our technology-saturated culture, your child is under constant bombardment. Learn how to come alongside your middle-schooler with the love, understanding, and values that will see you both safely back home to earth when your time on Planet Middle School is over.

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    • 10 Gifts Of Heart


      Every parent wants their child to grow into a gracious and competent adult. Faith, character, manners, initiative, gratitude-these are just a few of the qualities and skills children need to take to heart before they leave home. Yet parents today do not always have a clear vision for how to cultivate those traits. What does it look like for a mother to train her child’s heart to excellence and goodness? In 10 Gifts of Heart, Sally Clarkson shares biblical wisdom and practical insights from over thirty years of motherhood to show the way.

      You’ll be motivated and empowered in this friendly and accessible book to accept the challenge to spiritually influence and direct your child’s heart. That kind of heart training is hard work, though, so 10 Gifts of Heart is filled with personal examples, engaging stories, practical suggestions, and heartfelt encouragement for moms in the thick of raising children. It is, at its heart, a book of vision and inspiration for shaping your child’s heart to want to follow and please God.

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    • Bible Promises For Parents Of Children With Special Needs


      As the parent of a child with special needs, does your heart ache with questions, confusion, or discouragement? Do you ever feel that you have no margin in your emotional reserves or sense a gaping need for encouragement, rest, and refreshment? Caring for someone with autism, Down syndrome, ADHD, emotional or behavioral disorders, or physical disabilities can be all-consuming. Bible Promises for Parents of Children with Special Needs can help you claim God’s promises for your everyday life. You’ll become more aware of God’s passion for you and your child through this handy guide that speaks directly to the unique journey of special needs parenting. These promises are for your comfort. Claim them as your own. Pray them over your family and over your children. Let them guide you into the presence of Jesus and the security that only he can provide.

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    • Do Your Children Believe


      Are your children ready to live out their faith in the real world? Most parents who value Christian faith want their children to enjoy a vibrant, growing relationship with God, both now and throughout their lives. But few of those parents ever attach this hope to an ongoing plan; therefore, they fail to lay a reliable spiritual track in front of the fast-moving train of family life. This book is a junction point where deep parental desire meets workable design and where timid inadequacy meets Christ’s sufficiency. It’s where individual families become multiplication factories, exerting a lasting impact not only on their coming generations but even on the culture at large. The death of Joshua and his contemporaries was barely old news in Israel before the people of God experienced a Judges 2:10 moment: “There arose another generation after them who did not know the Lord or the work that he had done” (ESV). One generation is all it takes. One generation who stops remembering. One generation who stops creating. One generation blinded to God’s real work in their lives who then subtly quiets the expectation of His new work in succeeding generations. Do Your Children Believe? appears at a time in history when another Judges 2:10 moment doesn’t sound so incredibly far-fetched-a day when many people’s only real knowledge of God comes from what they’ve heard and read about, not what they’ve actually seen and experienced, and when His work is more about the dutiful following of rules than the daily adventure of walking with Him as Lord. Imagine, instead, a generation of your family who knows God with intimate familiarity. Who doesn’t just pretend at faith but actually lives it. Kids who can tell you what they believe and why it matters. Teenagers who handle adversity with the resilient joy of godly wisdom. A family who prays together and worships together, growing into young adults who are equipped and inspired to keep this torch ablaze from the moment their own new families begin. This book is here to make that reality happen, written by an author equipped with not only a passion for the concept but also a proven plan for success-a wealth of first-hand personal stories from his wife and kids for how they’ve put this plan into living action with remarkable blessings in tow. When God puts His power behind families who embrace this kingdom call, on-the-ground change will result in off-the-charts revival.

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    • My Teenage Zombie


      A must-read guide for parents and grandparents who want to practically and successfully help their teenager navigate the ever-lengthening stage of adolescence launching, them into society with confidence, vision, and success. Zombies are not just found in horror movies, sometimes they’re lying on your living room couch. These are undead adolescents whose psychological and social development have come to a screeching halt. Torn by their yearning for freedom and their fear of surviving the outside world, they have stalled in their maturity, motivation, and purpose in life, hijacked by a helplessness and fear of responsibility. Parents often feel ill-equipped to love, support, and guide them-especially when they may be facing a midlife crisis of their own and battling some of the same issues in their own lives. Is it really possible to escape this “undead” state of being? In My Teenage Zombie board-certified psychiatrist and medical doctor David L. Henderson explains the parts of a teenage zombie (their brain, heart, and spirit), how they got into this undead state, and how to resurrect them back to life. Using real-life examples of families he has counseled, he describes both their physical and psychological characteristics and offers practical suggestions on how to deal with, and in many cases avoid, having an undead adolescent in your home. The book is divided into three helpful sections:
      *The Rise of the Undead: Understanding the Nature of a Teenage Zombie
      *The Fear of the Undead: Facing the Anxiety of Confronting a Teenage Zombie
      *Resurrecting the Undead: Restoring Your Teenage Zombie to a Life Worth Living

      If you are the parent of an undead adolescent, there is hope for you and your child. Or maybe you have children who are not yet adolescents. It’s never too early to prepare for the challenges that await you. Either way, stay calm and start resurrecting zombies!

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    • Faith At Home


      Home (not the congregation) and parents (not clergy, youth ministers, or Sunday School) are the key mechanisms by which religious faith and practice are transmitted intergenerationally. Recent studies indicate that the single most important factor in youth becoming committed and engaged in their religious faith as young adults is that the family talks about religion at home. However, for many parents in the United States, religious language is a foreign language. Faith at Home will help parents learn this “second language” and introduce it to their children in simple, meaningful, concrete ways. Parents often ask: How do we introduce prayer to our children if we do not necessarily believe prayer changes outcomes? How do we approach reading the Bible with our children when our own relationship with it is mixed or complicated? How do we talk about difficult things and where do we find God in the midst of them? How do we teach our children to make a difference in the world? How do we connect what happens at church to what happens at home? These questions and many more are addressed with talking points, practices, and resources provided for each subject.

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    • Raising Your Children For Christ


      Children are gifts from the Lord. In this practical guide to parenting, Andrew Murray shows the essential qualities of being a parent who loves the Lord. He also shows you how to build your family in the Lord, alleviate stressful family situations, direct your children’s steps, and see the needs of your family met. Christians desire that their children grow up and live as followers of Christ. In this book, you will find biblical advice and God’s promises on how you can shape and mold the lives of your children for eternity.

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    • With All Due Respect


      With All Due Respect is a handbook for parents navigating the difficulties of the tween and teen years. Roesner and Hitchcock help parents identify what successful relationships look like and give easy-to-follow lessons in enforcing rules, communicating lovingly, resetting relationships, overcoming fears and exhaustion, and handling rebellion. Each day features a story every mom can relate to, down-to-earth questions to think about, and a prayer to launch an action plan. As a result, the reader gains new skills and perspective, greater strength, and an ability to live out faith daily as never before. With All Due Respect is for all parents seeking not only to connect more deeply with and positively impact their teens and tweens, but also to grow more deeply in faith through the process.

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    • 52 Ways To Connect With Your Smartphone Obsessed Kid


      In 52 Ways to Connect with Your Smartphone Obsessed Kid, author Jonathan McKee offers just the help you need to have meaningful interaction with your kids instead of always overreacting to their unhealthy consumption of technology and media. In a world where over 80 percent of 12- to 17-year-olds now own a smartphone, parents are searching for ways to pry their kids’ eyes from their devices and engage them in real, face-to-face conversation. Mckee–drawing from his 20-plus years of experience working with teenagers, studying youth culture, and raising three teens of his own–provides an abundant supply of useful tips and creative ideas to help you bond with the Smartphone Generation.

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    • You Are Not Alone


      I can’t tell you how to keep your child from making mistakes. But I can equip you with facts, tools, and resources. I can show you that you can survive this nightmare. I can encourage you that one day-somehow-you can thrive again.”
      -Dena Yohe, You Are Not Alone

      You would go to the ends of the earth for your child. So, if your teenager or young adult is in the midst of crisis due to self-injury, mental illness, depression, bullying, or destructive choices, you probably feel broken, powerless, and isolated.

      Dena Yohe wants you to know you are not alone. You are not a bad parent. And you are going to be okay.

      Dena has been where you are. In You Are Not Alone, she speaks from experience as she offers healthy ways to maintain your other relationships, suggestions for responding to friends who don’t understand, and ideas for keeping up your emotional and spiritual well-being when your world feels as if it’s crashing down.

      It is possible to find purpose in your pain, joy beyond your fear, and hope for every tomorrow.

      Includes prayers, exercises, websites, and other helpful resources.

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    • Give Your Child The World


      Young children live with awe and wonder as their daily companions. But as they grow, worries often crowd out wonder. Knowing this, how can parents strengthen their kids’ love for the world so it sticks around for the long haul?

      Thankfully, parents have at their fingertips a miracle vaccine-one that can boost their kids’ immunity to the world’s distractions. Well-chosen stories connect us with others, even those on the other side of the globe. Build your kids’ lives on a story-solid foundation and you’ll give them armor to shield themselves from the world’s cynicism. You’ll give them confidence to persevere in the face of life’s conflicts. You’ll give them a reservoir of compassion that spills over into a lifetime of love in action.

      Give Your Child the World features inspiring stories, practical suggestions, and carefully curated reading lists of the best children’s literature for each area of the globe. Reading lists are organized by region, country, and age range (ages 4-12). Each listing includes a brief description of the book, its themes, and any content of which parents should be aware. Parents can introduce their children to the world from the comfort of home by simply opening a book together. Give Your Child the World is poised to become a bestselling family reading treasury that promotes literacy, develops a global perspective, and strengthens family bonds while increasing faith and compassion.

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    • 5 Love Languages Of Children


      More than 1 million sold! You know you love your child. But how can you show it so they really feel loved?

      The #1 New York Times bestselling The 5 Love Languages has helped millions of couples learn the secret to building a love that lasts. Now discover how to speak your child’s love language and make them feel loved in a way they understand.

      Dr. Gary Chapman and Dr. Ross Campbell help you: Discover your child’s love language, understand the link between successful learning and the love languages, see how the love languages can help you discipline more effectively, and build a foundation of unconditional love for your child.

      Plus: Find dozens of tips for practical ways to speak your child’s love language. Discover your child’s primary language, then speak it, and you will be on your way to a stronger relationship and seeing your child flourish.

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    • More Than Happy


      In the tradition of Bringing Up Bebe and Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, an in-depth look at the practices and principles of Amish parents and how they raise children who are self-sufficient, hard-working, and remarkably happy.

      The more time Serena Miller spent in Holmes County, Ohio, doing research for her popular Amish novels, the more she began to notice something-Amish children were the happiest children she’d ever seen. Despite not having modern toys and conveniences, they are joyful, serene, calm, and respectful-not to mention whipping up full meals and driving buggies before most of us will allow our children to walk to school alone. And yet, when she started asking questions about what these parents were doing differently, she was startled to learn that happiness is not a goal Amish strive for at all.

      In More Than Happy Miller uncovers many surprising insights, including the significance of real responsibilities, the wisdom of unplugging from technology, the value of unstructured time to play, the importance of firm rules, and the importance of each teenager’s freedom to decide what is best for their future.

      Full of practical takeaways, More Than Happy shows you how to apply the basic principles and parenting techniques the Amish use, so you can raise happy, well-adjusted kids.

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    • Teach Your Child To Fish


      Don’t you wish someone would’ve taken the time to teach you money-management concepts at a young age? This faith-based playbook is easy-to-digest and provides guiding principles and practical activities for parents to teach school-age children money management concepts.

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    • Parents Guide To Autism


      This guide will help readers have an in-depth understanding of autism, and provide a plan for parents to raise happy, healthy children.

      One in every sixty-eight children will be diagnosed with autism. More children will be diagnosed with autism than with AIDS, diabetes, and cancer combined. This means every year in America sixty thousand families will receive the diagnosis that their precious son or daughter has an autism spectrum disorder. With diagnosis at such an alarming rate, how can parents be equipped to confidently raise children with autism?

      All children can flourish and mature through love.

      A Parent’s Guide to Autism offers interviews from forty experts, exclusive teaching on bully-proofing children, as well as practical wisdom, biblical knowledge, and life experiences from Ron Sandison. He compassionately shares his own personal struggles with overcoming autism as a minister and professional in the medical field to help parents raise outstanding children.

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    • Wrap You Up In Jesus Name


      When you are young and first start raising your children there are so many questions and worries. I hope this book will be a guideline to help you get in the word of God and know what he wants us to do while we are raising our children. We have to do our part praying, reading the bible and teaching them right from wrong. But the hardest part is learning to say “Ok Lord, I know they belong to you, I have to trust you to do the rest.” Just remember what the bible says in John 15;7, “If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you”

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    • Small Matters : How Churches And Parents Can Raise Up World Changing Childr


      Children have always been close to the heart of God and as followers of Jesus it is our responsibility to protect, nurture, and pass our faith to children. In Small Matters: Why Children are Such a Big Deal, authors Greg Nettles and Santiago “Jimmy” Mellado offer a model of discipleship that encourages parents to raise up the next generation to be deeply committed to and in love with Jesus. When we awaken to the fact that children between the ages of four and fourteen are the most likely to make a decision to follow Jesus, and that the discipleship that children receive forms their future, it will transform the way we view children, invest in them, reach out to them, teach them and ultimately, empower them to be disciples of Jesus. In recent history the church has embraced a model of discipleship that encourages parents to, “Bring your children to us and we will disciple them. And, by the way, we would love it if you would help.” This model is ineffective as much as it is unbiblical. It is imperative that the church today shifts to a new model of discipleship that encourages parents to, “Disciple your children as your primary responsibility. And, we (the church) would love to help.” Because our world is becoming more and more sensitive to the needs of children, a reflection of the heart of God, it provides those of us who follow Jesus with an unprecedented opportunity to disciple children in our homes, in our churches, in our communities and throughout the world. Now more than ever people are willing to invest in the cause of children through new church planting, equipping children’s ministries, and child sponsorship; all of which are committed to holistic child development.

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    • Its Not Too Late


      It has long been said that once kids are in high school and college, they are beyond the influence of their parents. This pervasive cultural myth is not supported by research, biblical teaching, or even anecdotal accounts. Yet because of it, many Christian parents live in silent angst about the faith of their older and adult children, thinking they can no longer do anything to shape their kids’ spiritual and life decisions.

      Drawing on sociological research and Scripture, Dan Dupee shows parents that it is not too late–and in fact these turbulent years of transitioning into adulthood are a time when their kids may need their guidance the most. He shows parents how to make the most out of the opportunities they have to offer guidance, wisdom, and spiritual support, with the goal of seeing their children not just survive college with faith intact but enter adulthood with a faith of their own–one that will carry them through all that life brings their way.

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    • Fireflies : Sharing Gods Light In The Time Of Loss


      Fireflies is a wonderful little book of a family with a loss. It explains death to a child in a simple way, showing hope and love. Tyler is puzzled why his little brother left to go to heaven, but after a friend shared with him about what death really is, Tyler was comforted and had peace.

      The book also has a Memory Page in the back of the book, along with ‘How to Lead a Child to Christ’. Author has released copyright on this page so it may be copied and shared in a children’s ministry area.

      The illustrations are bright and colorful, giving joy to the story. Little hidden messages are scattered throughout the book.

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    • Navigating Public Schools


      Prepare The Way Publishing

      Who Should Read This Book?
      Navigating Public Schools will empower Christian parents to navigate the increasingly secular public school system with the aim to 1) cultivate strong relationships with their children in a season of immense secular pressure; 2) help their children stand firm in their Christian faith and Biblical worldview; 3) exercise their rights on campus; 4) become salt and light for Jesus Christ.

      This book will also be a powerful resource for all Christians involved in schools-teachers, administrators, staff, extra-curricular groups, Christian club volunteers, youth leaders, pastors-as they learn to discern the misapplication of the “separation of church and state” and appropriately live out their Christian faith on public school campuses.

      How Can This Book Help You?
      For Christians, navigating the public education system is becoming increasingly daunting. Christian parents often feel anxiety about sending their children into the public school environment. Kids spend more waking hours in school than in their homes, and while there, they face many challenges to their faith. The statistics on kids and faith reveal that roughly 50-70% of Christian teens walk away from church when they leave home, and only about 10% come out of the teen years with a Biblical worldview.

      Navigating Public Schools was not written to debate whether kids should be in public schools or not because the fact is, the majority of Christian kids are in public schools. This book was written to parents who are hungry for guidance on this journey. As a public school teacher for ten years, Stephen saw firsthand how a child’s faith may be eroded, so he desires to equip parents and concerned adults to protect children’s faith in schools. This book is perfect for busy parents who want clear tools to navigate curriculum pitfalls, exercise their rights in schools, build a strong worldview foundation as a family, and influence the culture for Christ. This book is meant to help Christian parents be intentional about charting a course to protect their child’s faith and Biblical worldview. But it’s not only for parents-Navigating Public Schools also equips teachers to step off the fear-induced cultural tightrope and appropriately incorporate Christianity into their curriculum. Christian educators, volunteers, pastors, and anyone who is involved directly or indirectly with public schools will learn to exercise their Constitutionally-protected rig

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    • Raising Uncommon Kids (Reprinted)


      The single greatest lesson parents teach their kids isn’t anything they say–it’s what they do. And while most parents would say they want to raise compassionate kids, they might be surprised to discover just how little they’re actually modeling the behaviors they hope to pass on–qualities such as unconditional love, gentleness, forgiveness, patience, gratitude, humility, and more.

      In this unique book, Sami Cone shows parents a new way to look at molding their children, one in which focusing on adding good behaviors and attitudes is more powerful than eliminating bad ones. Grounding her advice in Scripture–specifically the twelve characteristics found in Colossians 3:12-17–Cone offers plenty of stories from her own life to show these principles in action. And she offers practical things parents can do right now to create a home and family that exhibits love, harmony, and generosity of spirit in a self-centered world.

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    • Transforming Children Into Spiritual Champions (Reprinted)


      No one can deny our culture is opposed to Christian values, and the influences bombarding our children’s moral development are difficult to contend with. But few parents and church leaders realize that a child’s moral development is set by the age of nine. It is therefore critical to start developing a child’s biblical worldview from the very earliest years of life.

      The problem is complex: parents who themselves did not receive early spiritual training leave their children’s training to the church. Yet the church often focuses on older children. The answer is for churches to come alongside parents to provide them biblical worldview training, parenting information, and counseling that will equip them to help their children become the spiritually mature church of tomorrow. This helpful and hopeful book unpacks just how to develop this kind of dynamic church/parent relationship and includes profiles of churches that are effectively ministering to children and winning the war for their hearts and minds.

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    • Safehouse : How Emotional Safety Is The Key To Raising Kids Who Live Love A


      These days especially, parents are deeply concerned about keeping their children safe physically, emotionally, relationally, and spiritually. An expert on family and child psychology presents current research, biblical insight, and practical suggestions for making your home a safe house for your kids.

      Family counselor, professor, and pastor Josh Straub shows parents how to create a “Safe House,” an environment free of fear and a place of safety where young minds and hearts can thrive. And the secret is that the Safe House is not a house at all, but you.

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    • Meditations For Adoptive Parents


      The perfect gift for adoptive parents in the style of the bestselling Meditations for the New Mother. Using her family experiences, the author weaves many threads into the fabric of these meditations on adoption. She includes advice about bonding to infants and older children, the stages in relinquishment and adoption, how “entitlement” happens, and more.

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    • Reparenting 2


      Deep inside you, there is a part of you that still thinks, feels, and reacts like a child. This is true because time alone does not heal all the wounds of childhood. There are actually steps and a process you must go through to nurture and heal the child within you. This process is called reparenting, and this workbook is the second of two volumes designed to walk you through it.

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    • Purposeful Parenting : Six Steps To Bring Out The Best In Your Kids


      How you parent directly impacts who your children are and who they will become. No one is naturally born a good parent. It takes hard work, determination and passionate intention to raise our kids right. In the end, we can either parent on purpose… or idly sit back and allow everything else in the world to shape our children into the men and women they will become.

      In Purposeful Parenting, author Jean Barnes gives you six essential practices, based on both Biblical instruction and best practices in psychology, for successfully raising your kids. Learn how to:
      *Show your children that your truly love them
      *Use discipline to maintain life and freedom
      *Recognize the purpose and passions in your child’s heart
      *Help your child build good character
      *Empower your children to be responsible
      *Persevere through difficult times and never give up

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    • Never Say No


      The parents of Jon and Tim Foreman of Switchfoot offer stories and practical advice that show parents can raise children who use their unique gifts to shape their world. They instilled in their sons a belief that they could make a difference by living beyond themselves. The book starts with the importance of both parent and child finding their identity in God and then exploring practical ways to nurture creativity in a media saturated culture. Never Say No: Raising Big Picture Kids will inspire readers to raise children to live in the wonder of life by loving others well. Parents will find encouragement for their own parenting journey as they guide their kids to live out God’s purpose in radical ways.

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    • Winning Dad : How To Finish First With Your Kids


      Being a good dad is a challenge, but you can be the father you’ve always wanted to be. Laced with tips and quotes from NASCAR greats like Dale Jarrett, Darrell Waltrip, and Ernie Irvin, The Winning Dad gives every man the confidence to be a good dad.

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    • More Than Just The Talk (Reprinted)


      In a sex-saturated culture where kids are exposed to nearly 14,000 sexual references per year on television, and 70 percent of teenagers have encountered pornography on the Internet, parents can’t rely on the traditional one-time “sex talk” that their own parents muddled through. Kids need to know that it’s natural to be curious about sex and that their parents are the most reliable source of information. Otherwise, their friends and smartphones will be more than willing to give answers that are likely to lead them down the path to sin and heartache.

      Jonathan McKee shows parents how to move beyond the initial awkwardness of this subject into an ongoing conversation with their kids about God’s amazing gift of sex. He equips them to engage in open conversations about dating, temptation, porn, and purity. Parents will find answers to the tough questions most people avoid and relevant Scripture regarding sexual issues. When parents provide the honest answers their kids are longing for, they can become the ones their kids turn to with their questions about this critical topic.

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    • Mean Moms Guide To Raising Great Kids


      “Mom, you’re so mean!” Do you struggle to instill loving boundaries and become discouraged when your child doesn’t like you for them? Let The Mean Mom’s Guide inspire you to dig in and stand your ground when parenting gets tough-because a mean mom isn’t always the mean you think it means.

      The Mean Mom’s Guide to Raising Great Kids encourages overly nice “marshmallow” moms to instill a few much-needed boundaries. It motivates parents to stand their ground when childrearing is tough, most especially when a child doesn’t like them for it.

      Covering parenting from preschool to high school, each of the four sections highlights topics specific to each age. Scripture is weaved throughout as a continual reminder of God’s truth, and “Mom 2 Mom” quotes at the end of each chapter are filled with heartfelt transparency from dozens of moms who lent their own experiences to encourage the reader. Mean moms encourage openly, love passionately, and know full well being called mean by her child is oftentimes a compliment.
      – See more at:

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    • You Can Adopt Without Debt


      Important facts, encouragement, and tips help readers avoid the huge cost that can come with adoption.Many families want to adopt, but do not have the large amount of money it takes to complete a private domestic or international adoption. Some quickly give up the idea of adopting and are left feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, and discouraged. Those who choose to proceed often take out large loans or borrow from family and friends which adds to the financial pressure on the family. Author Julie Gumm shares proven strategies from her own experience as well as from others that include applying for grants, creative budgeting, and fundraising prospective adoptive parents can use to prepare for and avoid those high costs associated with adoption.

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    • Forever Mom : What To Expect When Youre Adopting


      Adoption is on the rise, and popular writer and blogger Mary Ostyn shares her experiences of adopting six children, inspiring those who have been called to adopt and providing practical advice on how to make it work. In Forever Mom Mary Ostyn, a long-time beloved adoption writer and blogger, shares the practical tools and resources she uses to thrive as an adoptive mom. She takes readers through her own and downs as she learned to nurture a growing family through living well on less, eating healthy foods, homeschooling, and mothering children with a variety of adjustment issues. She’ll walk readers through how to build heart connections, help babies, toddlers, and older children settle in, effectively implement attachment parenting, and allow for personal time too. Whether readers are the parent of an adopted child or interested in pursuing adoption, Mary’s warm advice and fresh perspective will inspire, inform, and affirm them. They’ll walk away knowing they’re the perfect mom for whatever child God brings into their lives.

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    • Small Talk : Learning From My Children About What Matters Most


      Almost every day, one of Amy Julia’s children says something or asks something that prompts her to think more carefully: “What “lasting’ mean?” William wonders when he hears a song about God being an everlasting God. ‘If the children who died went to heaven, then why are we sad?” Penny asks, when she passes by a funeral for a victim of the Sandy Hook shootings. ‘I don’t wanna’ get ‘tized!’ says Marilee about baptism. These conversations deepen her relationships with her children, but they also deepen and refine her own understanding of what she believes, why she believes it, and what she hopes to pass along to the next generation.

      Small Talk is a narrative based upon these conversations. It is not a parenting guide. It does not offer prescriptive lessons about how to talk with children. Rather, it tells stories based upon the questions and statements Amy Julia’s children have made about the things that make life good (such as love, kindness, beauty, laughter, and friendship), the things that make life hard (such as death, failure, and tragedy), and what we believe (such as prayer, God, and miracles). Amy Julia moves in rough chronological order through the basic questions her kids asked when they were very young to the more intellectual and spiritual questions of later childhood. Small Talk invites other parents into these same conversations, with their children, with God, and with themselves. Moving from humorous exchanges to profound questions to heart-wrenching moments, Amy Julia encourages parents to ask themselves—and to talk with their children about—what matters most.

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    • In This House We Will Giggle


      A fresh and innovative guide for mothers of young children who want to bring laughter and faith to life in their home.

      In This House, We Will Giggle empowers moms to capture the hearts of their kids in fun and creative ways, teaching core virtues while building treasured memories. Parents will learn innovative ways to showcase the joy of following God as they nurture in their children such virtues as generosity, determination, and humility through delightful antics like Family Olympics, Kindness in Communities, and Loving Up Your Family. (Shaving cream and water balloons not included with the book.)

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    • Bringing Up Boys


      Sensible advice and caring encouragement on raising boys from the nation’s most trusted parenting authority, Dr. James Dobson.
      With so much confusion about the role of men in our society, it’s no wonder so many parents and teachers are asking questions about how to bring up boys. Why are so many boys in crisis? What qualities should we be trying to instill in young males? Our culture has vilified masculinity and, as a result, an entire generation of boys is growing up without a clear idea of what it means to be a man. In the runaway bestseller Bringing Up Boys, Dr. Dobson draws from his experience as a child psychologist and family counselor, as well as extensive research, to offer advice and encouragement based on a firm foundation of biblical principles. (This new edition is part of Dr. James Dobson’s Building A Family Legacy initiative.)

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    • New Dare To Discipline


      Much-needed answers to your toughest parenting questions! Why are boundaries so important? Do children really want limits set on their behavior? My spouse doesn’t seem to care about discipline; why I am I stuck being the “bad guy?” Is it okay to spank my child, or will it lead him to hit others and become a violent person? Join the millions of caring parents who have found answers in the wisdom of parenting authority and family counselor Dr. James Dobson. The New Dare to Discipline is a revised and updated edition of the classic bestseller, designed to help you lead your children through the tough job of growing up. This practical, reassuring guide will teach you how to meet your children’s needs of love, trust, affection-and discipline. (This new edition is part of Dr. James Dobson’s Building A Family Legacy initiative.)

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    • New Strong Willed Child


      Is a willful little darling driving you to distraction? The New Strong-Willed Child is the resource you need-a classic bestseller completely rewritten, updated, and expanded for a new generation of parents and teachers. Challenging as they are to raise, strong-willed children can grow up to be men and women of strong character-if lovingly guided with understanding and the right kind of discipline. Find out what Dr. James Dobson, today’s most trusted authority on parenting, has to say about what makes strong-willed children the way they are; shaping the will while protecting the spirit; avoiding the most common parenting mistake; and much more. If you are struggling to raise and teach children who are convinced they should be able to live by their own rules, The New Strong-Willed Child is a must-read! (This new edition is part of Dr. James Dobson’s Building A Family Legacy initiative.)

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    • Sticky Faith Guide For Your Family


      The Sticky Faith Guide for Your Unique Family addresses one of the top current concerns about youth and the church: the reality that nearly half of all young people raised in Christian families walk away from their faith when they graduate from high school. That’s the bad news. But here’s the good news: research also shows that parents are one of the primary influences on their child’s faith. This book arises from the innovative, research-based, and extensively field-tested project known as ‘Sticky Faith,’ designed to equip parents with insights and ideas for nurturing long-term faith in children and young people. Because of the Fuller Youth Institute’s six years of research with more than 500 young people, 100 churches, and 50 families, four of this guidebook’s unique qualities make it a ‘must have’ for families eager to point their young people toward long-term faith.

      First, it’s grounded in sophisticated, academically verified data. While Dr. Powell is a parent of three children who authentically weaves her own experiences throughout the book, the chapter topics correlate with parenting principles proven in national research. Second, it is positive. Amid gloomy and theoretical resources, this book leaves parents empowered and hopeful that even little tweaks to their family rhythms can make a big difference. Third, it is practical. Readers get what they want most: more than 100 ideas from other parents they can try today, this week, or this month. Fourth, its ‘guidebook’ format is accessible. For busy parents who don’t have time and inclination to read, this format is a welcome resource that they can return to time and time again for fresh ideas and inspiration.

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    • I Need Some Help Here (Reprinted)


      It’s easy to feel overwhelmed as a parent–and worried and anxious. There are so many areas of a child’s life that can go wrong along the way. What’s a mom to do?

      With wit and wisdom, Kathi Lipp meets moms where they are and offers the most powerful hope they have–prayer–for both their kids and themselves. Chapters include

      When Your Child Is Running Away from God
      When Your Child Makes Poor Choices
      When Your Child Is Struggling
      When Your Child Is Left Out
      When Your Child Is Different

      Moms who are overwhelmed or simply need a little support will cherish this expert guidance on praying for their kids–from toddler to teenager–with boldness and confidence.

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    • Dads And Daughters


      She’ll always be your girl.

      Whether your daughter is still small or all grown up, she holds a special place in her dad’s heart forever. Today, celebrate the gifts and blessings of the unique relationship between dads and their girls with this inspirational book by family counselor and widely acclaimed parenting expert Dr. James Dobson.Based on the New York Times bestseller Bringing Up Girls, Dads and Daughters is a beautiful tribute to a dad’s role in his daughter’s life. It’s an insightful collection of wisdom for dads on developing and preserving a truly exceptional connection with their daughters. And it’s a joyful celebration of the lifelong bond of love they share.

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    • Before You Go


      What do I say? Many of us are faced with the moment when our children leave home and begin the next chapter of their lives. We hope they are prepared to face the challenges to come. In this book, author William Rice, shares what every parent needs to speak and every kid needs to hear before time slips away. Using practical insights and personal letters he brings the timeless wisdom of Proverbs into focus for a new generation. Take a journey through these teachings and learn the essential lessons that one generation needs to pass along to another.

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    • Train Up A Child


      TRAIN UP A CHILD is a teacher education textbook for Christian parents engaged in laying the foundation for life and learning during the preschool years. It defines the meaning and purpose for education and provides a curriculum for the parents in developing the necessary educational awareness in all areas of learning. Following are several quotations that highlight the Christian character and Biblical worldview of both the author and the Book.

      You have given birth to a one and only model, with a potential never before registered on earth, and now God also tells you that you are responsible to train up this little one in the way he should go-both for time and for eternity.

      Teaching/Learning should begin in the womb and never cease.

      Learning is (1) the acquisition of knowledge, (2) the structuring of the knowledge processing systems resulting in a proper understanding and use of knowledge, and (3) the structuring of the individual-building what we know as character.

      The way he should go- is the path especially belonging to this child fitted for his individual characteristics.

      A child must be systematically instructed, initiated in the way of life, from the earliest dawn of intelligence.

      First, the parents must be characterized by their supreme love for God. Loving Him as LORD with all their hearts, with all their souls, and with all their might. This is the highest teaching credential for training children in the way they should go.

      If you desire to raise your children to love and obey Jesus Christ then you must give prime attention to instilling a value system within their minds that is truly minted from the gold of heaven-values that have eternal meaning.

      Think of it this way, God is trusting you to work with Him to conform your child into the likeness of Christ. This is the great goal, and reward for faithful parenting.

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    • Mystery Of Jack


      Although there have been several books written on the topic of Autism, The Mystery of Jack is a book of Hope and Excitement while coping with life’s new reality. The majority of books on this topic take a clinical approach and/or focuses on types of therapy, various diets, and the struggles of Autism. Basically, the books are focused strictly on Autism and not the physical and emotional impact it has on a family.
      However, The Mystery of Jack’s primary focus is the parents (as viewed through the eyes of a father) and their adaptation to their newly defined world. The stories of the child (Jackson) are used to illustrate joy and happiness in areas of life often taken for granted. There are areas of sadness which is an unfortunate reality. But, the reader will experience an open and honest reflection of life’s new direction and how the joy or sadness is ultimately within their own control.

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    • Power Of Praying For Your Adult Children Prayer And Study Guide (Student/Study G


      Stormie Omartian’s bestselling The Power of a Praying(R) series (more than 23 million copies sold) is rereleased with fresh new covers and new material to reach a still-growing market of readers eager to discover the power of prayer for their lives.

      If you are a mom or dad reading The Power of Praying(R) for Your Adult Children (more than 250,000 copies sold), this prayer and study guide presents insightful, interactive questions that further explore God’s Word and His promises. This more in-depth journey offers special prayers and encouragement to lead you to lift up your adult children and areas of their lives, including:
      *faith and prayer life
      *family and relationships
      *direction and purpose
      *wisdom and integrity
      *wholeness and healing

      Mothers, fathers, couples, and parenting groups will find comfort, answers, and incredible blessing as they continue to cover their kids in prayer…even if their kids have children of their own.

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    • Power Of Praying For Your Adult Children Book Of Prayers


      Stormie Omartian’s bestselling The Power of a Praying(R) series (more than 23 million copies sold) is rereleased with fresh new covers and new material to reach a still-growing market of readers eager to discover the power of prayer for their lives.

      Just because your children are grown up doesn’t mean they don’t need your prayers. In some ways they need them more than ever.

      Stormie offers you a gathering of heartfelt prayers from one of her most popular books, The Power of Praying(R) for Your Adult Children. This little-but-powerful book of prayer and Scripture is ideally sized for mothers or fathers to pull from purse or pocket throughout the day for quick and meaningful talks with God about their grown children’s relationships, faith, finances, struggles, direction, and parenting.

      This compact resource unveils the power of prayer to protect, nurture, and guide. It offers parents the comfort, reassurance, and wisdom of God’s promises for them and their adult child’s life and future.

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