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    • Lectionary Preaching Workbook Series 8 Cycle B


      The challenge of creating a fresh, incisive sermon every Sunday can sometimes seem overwhelming — but if you have the all-new edition of CSS’ acclaimed Lectionary Preaching Workbook at your fingertips, you’ll never feel that way again! With penetrating reflections on Cycle B lectionary passages and a thorough discussion of preaching themes plus a treasure trove of supporting illustrations, this comprehensive volume is the perfect starting point for your weekly homiletic research. Carlos Wilton combines a scholar’s deep insight into the biblical texts with a pastor’s practical understanding of how to make them come alive for the people in your pews, and his astute commentary is sure to stimulate your thought process and provide plenty of seeds for developing messages with maximum impact. A handy, easy-to-use sermon planning template is also included to facilitate the process of building your sermon. The Lectionary Preaching Workbook is an indispensable tool that helps you to powerfully proclaim God’s Word while getting the most out of your limited preparation time.

      Each Sunday’s material includes:

      ? a listing of applicable Revised Common, Roman Catholic, and Episcopal lectionary texts

      ? a theme for the day

      ? commentary on the Old Testament, New Testament, and Gospel lessons

      ? possible preaching approaches

      ? a pastoral prayer

      ? numerous illustrations to flesh out the message

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    • More Profound Alleluia


      Two questions lie at the heart of this rich, suggestive book: What are the theological implications of worship? and What are the liturgical implications of theology? Convinced that worship and theology are integrally related, the authors of A More Profound Alleluia show in practical terms how liturgy and doctrine fruitfully illuminate each other.

      Each chapter pairs an element of the worship service with related Christian teachings, clearly demonstrating how the great doctrines of the faith find their natural expression in the drama of worship and how the liturgy in turn finds its corollary in doctrine. The interrelation of theology and worship is illustrated with anecdotes from congregational life, resources drawn from church history, and themes from novels and films. Each chapter also includes two hymn texts that exemplify orthodox doctrine communicated through song.

      A More Profound Alleluia will be a valuable text for courses in theology or worship, will help worship leaders to plan services with greater theological depth, and will enhance worship for Christian believers generally.

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    • Preaching Workbook


      This book is practical, packed with relevant exercises, clear, non-technical and often very funny!

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    • Word Made Plain


      Preaching mediates the word of God into a cultural matrix. And no American preaching has done so more effectively and powerfully than African American preaching, claims noted homiletician James Harris. Known for its rhetorical strength, social-justice orientation, and dead-on connection to the community’s lived experience, black preaching is here analyzed and proposed as a model for all preaching.
      Harris grounds black preaching in the self-understanding of the historic black church and its most prominent preachers, from Martin Luther King Jr. to Samuel Proctor. Harris also explores the hermeneutical and aesthetic dimensions of preaching, especially at the intersection of sacred text and the broader culture. He then lays out the specific distinguishing characteristics of black preaching, including verbal cadence and rhythm, use of gestures, and, most thoroughly, the narrative model of the sermon. His last chapter, “Preaching Plainly,” provides specific instructions on how to put the sermon together employing this model.

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    • Wound Of Knowledge


      SKU (ISBN): 9781561010479ISBN10: 1561010472Rowan WilliamsBinding: Trade PaperPublished: February 2004Publisher: Cowley Publications Print On Demand Product

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    • Preaching Hebrews


      The Rochester College Sermon Seminar and the series of books it has inspired have been built on the conviction that Christian preaching today needs revision. Such reforming begins with a close and faithful reading of Scripture, an engagement so serious that the world of Scripture ultimately sets agendas and invents expectations for meaningful life…In this present volume, too, we wish to grant the book of Hebrews the opportunity to pull all of us into the world it envisions, allowing it the power to judge, convict, and form us into a community God desires. This is not an easy task for several reasons, most notably the fact that the world of Hebrews is quite alien from our own…Like previous volumes in the Rochester Lectures on Preaching, the current work is divided into two parts. The first is a collection of four related essays meant to orient the reader to the world clearly conceived in Hebrews. The second half appropriates this orientation with sermons for particular Christian congregations.

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    • Preaching As Prophetic Calling


      Preaching as Prophetic Calling is the twelfth in a series of books devoted to presenting examples of preaching excellence from parishes throughout the Episcopal Church. This volume addresses the difficult and essential area of preaching a prophetic word. What does a prophetic sermon look like without being shrill, and without being filled with “musts,” “oughts,” and “shoulds”? This collection of sermons includes examples of prophetic preaching that are visionary and that speak in ways that offer radical comfort as well as radical challenge.

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    • Preaching The Parables Series 3 Cycle C


      Jesus used his parables to teach ordinary persons with mundane concerns about the kingdom of God; and because these simple stories contain universal truth that transcends time and culture, they still strike a powerful chord with us nearly two millennia later. Preaching The Parables provides a gold mine of background material on each of the eighteen parables appearing in Cycle C of the Revised Common Lectionary. Dallas Brauninger brings a fresh, imaginative approach to these familiar texts, probing them to reveal what they tell us about God and inviting further reflection on what they mean for us today.

      Preaching The Parables is more than just a sermon preparation resource; it’s also stimulating reading for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of how God speaks to us through the parables. Modeled on the format of Brauninger’s popular Preaching The Miracles series, each chapter in Preaching The Parables includes five sections:

      * Text — the entire parable text is reproduced, eliminating the need to flip back and forth to a Bible

      * What’s Happening? — a synopsis of points of action within the story, defining its movement, conflict, and change or resolution

      * Spadework — significant terms are examined through a survey of Hebrew and New Testament writings

      * Parallel Scripture — similarities and differences with parallel stories in the other Gospels are highlighted; where the story is unique, parallel words and concepts are examined

      * Chat Room — readers are creatively engaged in a variety of imaginary online exchanges, ranging from interviews with parable characters to browsing ideas to self-driven conversations.

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    • Preaching And Reading The Old Testament Lessons Cycle C


      Prominent author and biblical scholar Elizabeth Achtemeier provides an outstanding preaching and study resource with this collection of brief expositions on all of the First Lesson texts contained in Cycle C of the Revised Common and Lutheran Lectionaries. Infused with her customary insight into the Hebrew scriptures, this compendium of Achtemeier’s stimulating contributions to the preaching journal Emphasis furnishes a plethora of fruitful starting points for preparing sermons solidly rooted in the Bible yet connected to modern life. But as the book’s title suggests, this volume isn’t just for preachers and homiletics students — it’s also a powerful commentary for study groups and personal devotional reading. Achtemeier’s unrelenting focus on the promises of God appearing in the Old Testament and fulfilled in the New Testament, combined with her outstanding scholarship, make these faith-filled essays an enriching resource for anyone who wants a clearer understanding of God’s Word contained in the scriptures.

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    • Voicing The Vision


      For more than a decade popular homiletics professor Linda Clader has been helping her students become attentive to how the Holy Spirit is speaking to them, and eventually through them to the congregation. In Voicing the Vision she shares her ideas about what preachers can do to be open and receptive to the Spirit once the exegesis is done.

      Clader’s approach to inspired and prophetic preaching is a holistic one, filled with suggestions about how the preacher’s spiritual life and practice affect openness to the Spirit, as well as how various creative exercises can create spaces in which the Spirit can flourish. Her careful analysis of the biblical texts that illuminate how the Spirit works in those texts is supplemented by practical suggestions for noticing how the Spirit also works in the everyday life of preacher and congregation.

      This book will be a welcome companion for the seminarian who is just learning to preach, as well as the seasoned preacher who is looking for new inspiration

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    • Preaching And Reading The Old Testament Lessons Cycle A


      Prominent author and biblical scholar Elizabeth Achtemeier provides an outstanding preaching and study resource with this collection of brief expositions on all of the First Lesson texts contained in Cycle A of the Revised Common and Lutheran Lectionaries. Infused with her customary insight into the Hebrew scriptures, this compendium of Achtemeier’s stimulating contributions to the preaching journal Emphasis furnishes a plethora of fruitful starting points for preparing sermons solidly rooted in the Bible yet connected to modern life. But as the book’s title suggests, this volume isn’t just for preachers and homiletics students — it’s also a powerful commentary for study groups and personal devotional reading. Achtemeier’s unrelenting focus on the promises of God appearing in the Old Testament and fulfilled in the New Testament, combined with her outstanding scholarship, make these faith-filled essays an enriching resource for anyone who wants a clearer understanding of God’s Word contained in the scriptures.

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    • Preaching The Parables Series 3 Cycle A


      Jesus used his parables to teach ordinary persons with ordinary quandaries; yet because these simple stories contain universal truths that transcend time and culture, they still provide us with powerful lessons. Preaching The Parables provides a gold mine of background material on each of the fourteen parables appearing in Cycle A of the Revised Common Lectionary. Dallas Brauninger brings a fresh, imaginative approach to these familiar texts, probing them to reveal what they tell us about God and inviting further reflection on what they mean for modern living.

      Much more than just a sermon preparation resource, Preaching The Parables explores questions like:
      * What dimension of the soul that needs tending does the parable address?
      * What is the parable’s surprise?
      * What moves us into hope?
      * How does its point become obvious?
      * How do its characters relate to us today?

      Brauninger identifies points of action, examines significant terms, and engages in imaginary exchanges with a variety of characters. The complete text of each parable is also included, along with an analysis highlighting similarities and differences in parallel passages. Modeled on the format of Brauninger’s popular Preaching The Miracles series, each chapter includes five sections:

      * Text
      * What’s Happening?
      * Spadework
      * Parallel Scripture
      * Chat Room

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    • Lectionary Preaching Workbook Series 3 Cycle C


      Practical preaching strategies to help the over-burdened parish pastor communicate God’s Word in vital, meaningful ways.

      This is the third volume in CSS’s third series of popular preaching workbooks — Designed to help you get the most out of every moment you spend in sermon preparation.

      Special Features Include:
      Commentary on Roman Catholic, Episcopal, Lutheran, and Common Lectionary texts
      Sermon Starters for First Lesson, Second Lesson, and Gospel texts for every Sunday in Cycle C
      “Theological Clues” to help you explore the relationships among all the texts for each Sunday
      Wide Margins and Stay-flat binding for ease of use
      Overviews of preaching challenges and possibilities for each liturgical season
      Extensive Bibliography of exegetical and homiletic resources for Cycle C preaching
      And All-new Insights from one of CSS’s most well-respected and successful authors

      This workbook is an exercise in liturgical, as well as lectionary preaching. It springs from the rationale that most lectionary helps ignore the liturgical setting of the lessons assigned to the various Sundays. It is this author’s contention that the exegetical/homiletical process begins with the church year. The year, cycles, seasons, Sundays, and festivals establish the themes and provide theological clues for worship and, particularly, preaching, especially in the first half of the church year. This approach is the outgrowth of the author’s doctoral dissertation and four of his books, The Renewal Of Liturgical Preaching, The Song And The Story, and Lectionary Preaching Workbook, Cycle A and Cycle B. Each deals with preaching from the lectionary texts in the context of the worship, work, and lives of the people of God.

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    • Dancing With Words


      SKU (ISBN): 9780881774078ISBN10: 0881774073Ray BuckleyBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2004Publisher: Upper Room Ministries Print On Demand Product

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    • Lectionary Preaching Workbook Cycle A (Revised)


      One of the most comprehensive lectionary preaching resources available, the Lectionary Preaching Workbook is the one tool you will want to have close at hand to help you get the most out of every minute you spend preparing your Sunday sermon. This completely revised and updated volume provides you with a host of practical aids for effectively proclaiming God’s Word. In addition to theological reflections on the three lessons for each Sunday, each chapter also explores a theme for the day (including a prayer and a suggested hymn) and outlines numerous preaching options. You’ll also find a handy, easy-to-use Sermon Planner template to facilitate the process of building your sermon.

      Special features include:
      * an introduction to Matthew’s gospel
      * overviews for each liturgical season that pinpoint preaching goals and possible sermon series — and examine the season’s customs, history, meaning, and message
      * a listing of applicable Revised Common, Roman Catholic, and Episcopal lectionary texts
      * commentary on each Sunday’s Old Testament, New Testament, and Gospel lessons
      * theological reflections to help you explore the relationships among all the texts
      * a variety of preaching options, complete with suggested outlines
      * available in either paperback or 3-ring binder formats, with wide margins for convenient, easy use

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    • Bucket Full Of Miracles Cycle A


      The stories of Jesus’ miracles challenge our jaded modern sensibilities — with today’s wealth of scientific and technological knowledge, the wonders of our world rarely amaze us anymore. It can be difficult for us to grasp the astounding effect of these events in Jesus’ time, especially when we are sidetracked in a search for logical explanations, but Jeff Wedge maintains that the key to fully understanding the miracles is recapturing our child-like sense of wonder about them. Underlying these familiar stories is the joy, excitement, and mystery of the world in which we live.

      Packed with valuable idea starters and rich material for sermon development, A Bucket Full Of Miracles helps evoke that sense of wonder with a detailed exploration of the nine miracle stories appearing in Cycle A of the Revised Common Lectionary. Each chapter includes the biblical text and examines the words, the people, and the action of the lesson, as well as providing several illustrations and possible preaching approaches. This volume provides plenty of homiletic material for the busy pastor with limited time — but it’s also stimulating reading for anyone who wants greater insight into these marvelous accounts of God’s power at work.

      Chapter titles include:
      * Nativity (Matthew 1:18-25)
      * The Man Born Blind (John 9:1-41)
      * Spirit’s Coming (Acts 2:1-21)
      * Walking On Water (Matthew 14:22-33)
      * The Demon-Possessed Girl (Matthew 15:21-28)
      … and four more!

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    • Preaching The Miracles Series 2 Cycle C


      While this book offers information for the sermon writer, the design of its contents provides more than the ho-hum. It avoids presenting a ready-made cloak of words for a morning sermon. Instead it invites preachers and their audiences to explore the gap between the “back then” and the “now.” It not only helps answer questions, it generates them- a crucial element in understanding the miracles of Jesus.

      Five sections are devoted to each of the nine miracles in cycle C:
      Text — For Easy access the entire lectionary text is provided, preventing the need to flip back and forth to a Bible.
      What’s Happening? — A synopsis of points of action within each miracle story. By reviewing the story action, readers define its movement, the conflict and the change or resolution.
      Connecting Points -Conversations — This section offers the central material of each chapter. Here Brauninger engages the preacher in an imaginary exchange before the text is given its usual preparatory attention. Visits with main characters and an occasional bystander nudge the reader toward stepping into their sandals. This section invites the preacher and the listening audience to ask questions relevant for them, thus expanding their questioning, and therefore their understanding
      Words — Here significant words are examined. While this work is not intended as a scholarly study, it assists in placing things in proper context.
      Gospel Parallels — This section highlights similarities and differences among parallel stories in the other gospels.

      There is also a helpful bibliography included.

      This new series from Brauninger promises to be a favorite among preachers. Through it audiences will become aware of how God speaks to them through the miracle stories and will enable them to hear their inner voice and more clearly understand it and themselves.

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    • Spirit Filled Teaching


      Acclaimed teacher Roy B. Zuck reveals how teachers can tap into the power of divine energy to fulfill their calling and use their gifts at a deeper level. By applying these timeless, spirit-focused principles, teachers will learn how to teach more effectively and inspire students spiritually.

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    • Whats Good About This News


      In this study of the Gospels and the book of Galatians, David Bartlett explores how to reconcile the biblical text’s message to our contemporary context and a particular congregation’s character and need. While, as he shows, important continuities exist in the way the good news is understood throughout the New Testament, precisely what it looks like and how Christians respond to it differs between Mark, Paul, John, and the rest of the writers. Consequently, he demonstrates, preachers have options as they try to discern what news a congregation needs to hear on a particular Sunday. Including sample sermons, What’s Good about This News? shows how each of these biblical texts remains a redemptive word for today’s people.

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    • Design For Preaching


      An extremely modern approach on how to preach, stressing the individuality of each sermon. An aid to the experienced preacher as well as the seminary student. Choice of mode, tense, proper use of voice, words, logic, etc.-all these and more topics are treated.

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    • Practical Guide To Pulpit Ministry


      There is a need within the leadership of the Church (the body of Christ) to place a particular emphasis on public speaking dynamics used in pulpit ministry. Many of God’s ministers have received or already accepted the call to publicly minister the Word of God directly from the pulpit, yet may not have the opportunity to receive any practical training or considered the dynamics needed to accomplish the will and purpose of God for their ministries. A Practical Guide to Pulpit Ministry (Public Speaking Dynamics) addresses: Pulpit ministry overview of goals and responsibilities Motivation techniques and instruction Principles of learning Effective communication Preparing outlines/lesson plans Outline/lesson plan personalization And much more! This offering to church leadership and current/prospective ministers embodies the true essence of giving God your best, while keeping Him as the absolute focus!

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    • Practical Guide To Pulpit Ministry


      There is a need within the leadership of the Church (the body of Christ) to place a particular emphasis on public speaking dynamics used in pulpit ministry. Many of God’s ministers have received or already accepted the call to publicly minister the Word of God directly from the pulpit, yet may not have the opportunity to receive any practical training or considered the dynamics needed to accomplish the will and purpose of God for their ministries. A Practical Guide to Pulpit Ministry (Public Speaking Dynamics) addresses: Pulpit ministry overview of goals and responsibilities Motivation techniques and instruction Principles of learning Effective communication Preparing outlines/lesson plans Outline/lesson plan personalization And much more! This offering to church leadership and current/prospective ministers embodies the true essence of giving God your best, while keeping Him as the absolute focus!

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    • Sermon Maker : Tales Of A Transformed Preacher


      Pastor Sam knows all about how to preach-but he’s got a lot to learn about how people listen. All of this is about to change. An unexpected heavenly visitor is coming Sam’s way with a few pointers designed to connect Sam-and every preacher who longs for significance-with the life-changing soul of the sermon. Sam is soon to learn that the sermon is a season of creation-a compass and a call to new directions. With extensive notations for study or discussion

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    • Preaching To Myself


      A compelling preacher shares her unique method for creating memorable sermons in this practical, down-to-earth manual that’s chock-full of excellent ideas for homiletical preparation. It’s an engaging look at what characterizes outstanding preaching as well as a humorous catalog of the hazards facing those who enter the pulpit. Schmitz relates numerous amusing and instructive anecdotes from her own preaching experience, and offers valuable advice on how to write and deliver messages with maximum impact. For example, Schmitz notes that compelling stories which resonate with hearers are a crucial ingredient of great sermons — and Preaching To Myself illustrates how to tap into this endlessly renewable resource. Simple, funny, field-tested in the trenches with real people — if you want to enjoy a chuckle while learning what makes top-notch sermons that change lives, then this is the book for you.

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    • Preaching Marks Gospel


      In a classic case of failing to see the forest for the trees, Jensen, a homiletics professor and author of two works on narrative preaching, says that preachers tend to analyze biblical books to glean the slightest bits of exegetical data, yet miss the thrust of the overarching story they try to convey. Jensen contends that preachers get too caught up in an analytical, left-brained mentality that obscures the power and meaning of the good news story.

      In these pages Jensen helps us approach Mark’s gospel with eyes wide open rather than with microscope in hand. He treats Mark’s gospel as a narrative whole and challenges preachers to tell the gospel’s story to their congregations. In doing so, Jensen emphasizes the strength of biblical stories. He says that these stories are powerful in and of themselves, that they work without much explanatory help. The problem is that listeners never hear the entire story, because it’s always told to them in bits and pieces.

      Jensen’s adaptation of what Robert Alter (author of The Art of Biblical Narrative) calls narrative analogy assumes that “… parallel acts or situations are used to comment on each other in biblical narrative.” In other words, if Mark told story “B” to flesh out the reality of story “A,” then perhaps preachers today can do the same thing in their preaching. Students of Jensen have enthusiastically embraced this approach: “This is great, we never get to hear them (stories) whole!” How did it ever occur to us that we could improve on the story of the Prodigal Son, for example, by reducing it to ideas?

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    • Pastors Guide To Effective Preaching


      12 Chapters

      Additional Info
      Pastors are judged by their preaching. How are you measuring up?
      Every week, those 30 minutes you spend in front of the congregation impact their decisions about whether or not to attend your church.
      Preaching changes lives when Christians answer the call to do what
      God asks of them.
      In The Pastors Guide To Effective Preaching, Billy Graham William Willimon, Eugene Peterson, and other well known church leaders will teach you to connect with the congregation through your preaching. Beyond the “how to’s” of preaching, The Pastors Guide provides a foundation for embodying God’s grace and holiness as a means of communicating His message.
      You’ll learn to
      Keep your congregation engaged in what you’re saying.
      Plan an extended preaching schedule.
      Relate the gospel to our secular and humanistic society
      Understand the role of preaching in your overall ministry
      Preach with authority and communicate the gospel with simplicity
      And much more.

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    • Confessing Jesus Christ A Print On Demand Title


      264 Pages

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      Denying any realities beyond our own mental constructions, postmodernists relentlessly question the presuppositions of many disciplines—including homiletics. Confessing Jesus Christ: Preaching in a Postmodern World encourages pastors to treat sermons as public acts of “faith alone.” Offering a lively description of antifoundationalism—and its implications for Christianity—David Lose suggests concrete methods of countering the challenges it poses. Includes two sample sermons.

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    • Pew Rights : For People Who Listen To Sermons (Reprinted)


      SKU (ISBN): 9780802847843ISBN10: 0802847846Roger VanHarnBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2003Publisher: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. Print On Demand Product

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    • If A Sermon Falls In The Forest


      This fascinating volume looks at the scriptural texts concerning a pivotal New Testament theme — the resurrection of Jesus — and examines how they may be read in various interpretive communities. Shepherd analyzes each of the major New Testament writers — Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul — and places their distinctive accounts of Jesus’ resurrection in the broader context of their entire output. Through a careful study of the literary, historical, theological, anthropological, and sociological dimensions that color each writer’s picture of the resurrection, Shepherd helps readers understand the unique view each brought to bear on the life of Jesus and the faith of his followers.

      But that is not all this book has to offer. Each section also includes one or more sample sermons illustrating how a preacher might treat these texts for an actual congregation. Each message is introduced with a description of its original setting and the homiletical and interpretive issues involved — so this is an excellent resource for pastors looking for stimulating Easter material or instructive preaching models.

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    • Word Before The Powers


      In this examination of the ethical significance of preaching, Charles Campbell provides both fresh insights into the relationship between preaching and ethics, and a challenging moral vision for the contemporary church. Moving beyond a narrow focus on moral decision-making or social-issues sermons. Campbell argues that a particular ethic–nonviolent resistance–is inherent in the practice of preaching and shapes the moral life of the church. In the face of the powers, the fundamental ethical task of preaching involves building up the church as a community of resistance. Employing three dimensions of character ethics–vision, practices, and virtues–Campbell demonstrates the concrete ways in which preachers may undertake this task.

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    • Speaking Jesus : Homiletic Theology And The Sermon On The Mount


      Once again, renowned homiletician David Buttrick has written a highly practical book that conveys and makes contagious his excitement for the theological task of preaching. In this book, he delineates the theological issues inherent in the Sermon on the Mount and presents a homiletical strategy for preaching its meaning an relevance. In Part One, Buttrick gives a general overview of the text and raises central theological issues imperative to its preaching, particularly the authenticity of Jesus’ words and the sermon’s relevance for today. In Part Two, he provides commentary on Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, provides suggestions for preaching, and includes some of his own sermons as examples.

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    • Power In The Pulpit


      Scholar and preacher Cleophus J. LaRue brings together the voices of twelve of America’s most influential African-American preachers. Each of these renowned preachers describes his or her method of sermon preparation and includes a sample sermon for illustration. An excellent how-to-manual for pastors and students, this book is both sage wisdom on the art of preaching and an inspiring look at some of the most prominent figures in the black church

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    • Word Disclosed : Preaching The Gospel Of John (Revised)


      “While taking account of historical and social dynamics in the setting of John’s community, O’Day offers a subtle but sophisticated literary reading of John to show that the listener must experience the movement of the plot within the text of John in order to understand the text as fully as he can…All preachers should own this book for its specific studies of the passages of John, for its clarity in helping us hear the distinctive Johannine theological voice, and for its model of close reading that can guide a preacher working with almost any text.”

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    • Overhearing The Gospel (Revised)


      Part I: The Illusion
      1. Concerning Method
      2. Concerning The Listener
      3. Concerning The Teller
      4. Concerning The Story

      Part II: An Attack Upon The Illusions
      5. By Way Of Kierkegaard
      6. To A Proposal: The Experience Of The Listener
      7. To A Proposal: The Method Of The Teller

      Part III: Sermons
      8. “Don’t Be Afraid” (Matthew 28:1-10)
      9. “The Bottom Line” (Matthew 7:21-29)
      10. “Old Story, New Ending” (Luke 16:19-31)

      Additional Info
      “This is a classic in the literature of narrative preaching. It is also vintage Fred Craddock. The reader enjoys the telling of the tales and the flow of the prose so immensely that one hardly notices that the homiletical universe is being rearranges in the process.”

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    • Company Of Preachers


      483 Pages

      Additional Info
      Sit at the feet of the giants: Augustine, Chrysostom, Baxter, Wesley, Cassian, Craddock, Herbert, Bonhoeffer, Luther, Wainwright, Broadus, Gonz<#225>lez, and more. Advice on how to proclaim the Word, the importance of rhetoric, focusing on the listener, the character of the messenger, etc.

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    • There Are Demons In The Sea Cycle B (Revised)


      This book offers valuable and superbly organized background information on whether Jesus provided a cure from something or for something – Hoefler’s scholarship, perceptive insight, and potent illustrative material make this volume an invaluable aid to preaching preperation or scriptural study. It studies ten miracle stories from the Gospel of Mark featured in Cycle B of the Revised Common Lectionary

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    • Preaching The Parables Cycle B (Revised)


      The parables of Jesus are timeless stories-and with the current popularity of narrative preaching, the parables are a familiar topic in the contemporary pulpit. But preaching on the parables is not as easy as it looks at first glance. Should we simply tell the parable in our own words and let it stand on its own feet, or is its lesson most effectively communicated by constructing a sermon around the central theme? Or should the preacher spiritualize the parable by probing for allegorical meaning?

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    • Lectionary Preaching Workbook Series 7 Cycle B


      Providing a fresh, timely reflection every week on assigned scripture passages is one of the most daunting tasks facing pastors. So when time or inspiration is flagging and you need the jump-start of creative ideas, the latest edition of the classic CSS resource Lectionary Preaching Workbook is just what the doctor ordered! Prominent pastor, former seminary president, and prolific author Jerry Schmalenberger draws upon the experiences of a lifetime in the ministry to help readers effectively share God’s Word with crisply written insights. This outstanding set of practical aids explores many homiletical approaches and is sure to help preachers prepare more vital, incisive sermons.

      Each chapter includes:
      * a listing of the applicable Revised Common, Roman Catholic, and Episcopal lectionary texts;
      * a theme for the day’s service;
      * commentary on the Old Testament, New Testament, and Gospel lessons;
      * suggestions on preaching possibilities;
      * an outline of possible sermon moves; and
      * additional illustrations to flesh out the message.

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    • 10 Commandments : A Preaching Commentary


      Plenty of resources help preachers explore and understand the lectionary texts—but what if you don’t follow the lectionary, or occasionally depart from it during the year? Offering valuable assistance for preparing sermons on The Ten Commandments, John Holbert’s helpful preaching commentary—the first volume in The Great Texts series—will help you to powerfully proclaim this keystone of the faith.

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    • Enacting The Word


      The addition of simple drama to sermons is effective in bringing Bible passages alive and involving a variety of church members in preaching. In this book, James O. Chatham invites clergy to develop a use of drama to proclaim the gospel. Chatham writes that the Bible is comprised primarily of stories–stories of the relationship between God and God’s people spanning over more than a thousand years–many of which are so good that they need little explanation. There is no more engaging way to tell these stories, he says, than through effective sermon drama. Chatham offers seven example dramas that are ready for use, complete with lines, stage directions and a list of characters and needed props. Drawing from both New Testament and Old Testament texts, Chatham’s dramas tell the stories of the persistent widow in Luke 18, of Rahab, and of Jonah; give testimony to the re-creative power of God. God’s continued calling of God’s people, and the importance of the Easter story in modern contexts, and provides a lesson for discerning light from darkness.

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    • Age Of The Reformation


      Hughes Oliphant Old’s survey of preaching throughout the history of the Christian church has been heralded as a monumental achievement. This fourth volume of Old’s history brings the story of preaching up through the Protestant Reformation to the end of the seventeenth century.

      This is the pivotal volume in Old’s project because it covers not only what the Reformers preached but also their reform of preaching itself. Luther made a clear break with the preaching traditions of the Middle Ages, while figures like Bucer and Calvin developed a strong expository approach to preaching. Old traces the main events and people involved in the development of distinctly Protestant forms of preaching, giving due attention to how and in what sense preaching was itself an act of worship.

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    • Too Deep For Words


      Exploring fundamental ways in which verbal expression in worship relates to aesthetic expression, Clayton Schmit provides a vitally important book for all homiletics students and scholars. Worship isn’t just a sequence of “holy” words. Schmit reflects theologically on the relationship between verbal and aesthetic expression and the aesthetic responsibility of those who preach, pray, and lead in public worship.

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    • Preaching John


      The Gospel of John and 1 John exhibit a peculiar Christian language and thought that need to be understood and employed in the preaching ministry. The preacher’s task involves penetrating the thick and often confusing language of the Gospel and comprehending its frequently paradoxical theology. The preacher can find new and powerful resources for preaching in Johannine language and thought, as well as its use of narrative and discourse. These discoveries facilitate preaching John in ways that are consistent with recent trends in homiletic theory. The method of this book is to combine the practical (how to preach John) with proposals for understanding the Gospel and 1 John. The author offers a variety of sermon ideas and designs throughout each chapter based on numerous passages selected from the Revised Common Lectionary.

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    • Preaching Is Believing


      This practical handbook will help preachers equip congregations to grasp core Christian convictions so that the community can believe, live, and witness with integrity. Allen encourages preachers from the broad spectrum of theological families to bring their perspectives more boldly to the surface of the sermon. This volume does not so much advocate a special kind of preaching as it commends more conscientious and critical attention to systematic theology throughout the preparation and preaching of all sermons.

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    • Making A Difference In Preaching


      Brief chapters provide an overview of Haddon Robinson’s theory, method, and practice of biblical preaching which can make a difference in people’s lives.

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    • Presbyterian Worship


      SKU (ISBN): 9780664502188ISBN10: 0664502180Dudley J WeaverBinding: Trade PaperPublished: April 2002Publisher: Geneva Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Winds Of Hope For A World Out Of Breath


      How can the past speak to the present? How can the ancient make itself known in the contemporary? Many feel that it cannot — that nothing can be learned from the past – that everything to be learned is in the present and in the future. Perhaps this is where we have missed the true meaning of life. (from chapter 4)

      Robert G. Tuttle brings the 23rd Psalm to life for the 20th Century Christian. His approach aids study groups, clergy seeking preaching background material, and persons wanting personal devotional reading.

      The book is filled with countless illustrations in its eight chapters.

      Chapter titles include:
      The Good Shepherd
      Finding God In The Narrows Of Life
      God’s Extravagance
      The Final Dimensions of Life

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    • Telling It Like It Was


      Even though the sermon is the centerpiece of Protestant worship, preachers sometimes fail to capture the imagination of their audiences and communicate the spiritual resources that worshipers need. But David Rogne’s messages in Telling It Like It Was provide the living connection that worshipers are hungering for. Rogne introduces readers to an autobiographical homiletic style in which the preacher assumes the identity of a featured character. He shares his method of preparation, describes how to overcome obstacles, and then presents twelve monologues highlighting the experiences of both Biblical and more recent personalities. Each presentation is prefaced by a few paragraphs detailing considerations related to that particular individual. Some of the characters you will meet are Pharaoh, Solomon, Herod, John the Baptist, Pontius Pilate, St. Francis of Assisi, and Albert Schweitzer.

      This book will be invaluable for preachers and seminarians who are interested in expanding their repertoire of sermon styles, as well as for anyone who wants a concise biographical portrait of the people who have shaped our faith.

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    • Preachers Edge


      The Preacher’s Edge puts to work the basic principles of oratory and persuasive speaking with creative pulpit techniques. It is written to be used by preachers for a revival and renewal of their preaching.

      From this book one can learn how to reach and hold the attention of this “channel surfing” generation of congregational members.

      This book is a celebration and affirmation of the role of preaching as the church moves into the 21st century. Reading it will modify the way in which the preacher delivers his message. And it will improve the attention span of those who hear the Good News in new and exciting ways.

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    • Parables Of Jesus And Their Flip Side


      Written as a companion volume to Schmalenberger’s acclaimed CSS title The Miracles Of Jesus And Their Flip Side, this book takes an imaginative look at twelve of Jesus’ parables by examining their traditional interpretation (the “hit” side), and then turning them on their ear to see the “other side of the story” — a different perspective with relevance for our modern-day lives (the “flip” side).

      For example, in addition to warning about the dangers of building on sand instead of rock, Schmalenberger considers how to rebuild after a flood. In the parable of the wedding banquet, he discusses the people who were invited live together after the undeserved feast. And in the parable of the lost sheep, he talks about how the shepherd needs the support of the “ninety-nine never lost” in order for him to go after the one lost sheep.

      Schmalenberger’s punch, contemporary language, and narrative style produce hard-hitting and inspirational messages that offer a unique new twist in the interpretation of some old and marvelous gospel teachings — his “flip side” approach is sure to add freshness and sparkle to your preaching.

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