Showing 201–250 of 273 resultsSorted by latest
Who They Really Were
$19.93When the problem of what to preach next Sunday raises its frowning head, solve it by calling on one of the hundreds of biblical characters standing in line at your study door, nearly beating it down with their clamorous “Take me! Take me!”.
Preaching on biblical personalities has an irresistible appeal, because audiences are more interested in people than in anything else. Jesus himself preached mainly about people (“a certain man had two sons …”); so there’s no excuse for making the Gospel dull — and with the help of Bodo’s book, preachers can add spice to the pulpit fare they serve up week after strenuous week.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Preaching Matthews Gospel
$28.68Jensen’s research and insights provide a stimulating resource on Matthew’s Gospel. Jensen provides “Homiletical Directions” at the end of each chapter that will help the preacher find a focus and locate themes for preaching the text. Jensen points to the ways in which the biblical writers lock their stories together with other stories in order to give fuller meaning to their narratives. He covers material that is not included in the assigned lectionary texts and discusses the inter-relatedness of Matthew’s stories. These “narrative analogies” imply that preaching on Matthew’s Gospel may at times be a retelling of two or more Matthean stories.
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No Deed Greater Than A Word
$21.18This book is written for preachers who suspect that the way they were taught to preach (and for the most part are still being taught to preach) simply does not work.
The author’s objective is to bring the Bible to life in the sermon in all of its dimensions. To do that the preacher must understand his listeners as well as his message. Those who explore Shepherd’s message will find themselves thinking about the sermon and preaching in an entirely new way.Shepherd presents his position with a firm grounding in biblical studies, literary criticism, and theology.
The book is for those preachers who are dissatisfied with the way they were taught to preach, but are not sure why. Using practical examples from real sermons, the book uncovers many of the faults of traditional preaching styles and inspires a new approach to the sermon that unites preacher, congregation, and scripture under the powerful Word of God’s grace.
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Literary Companion To The Lectionary
$48.33This beautiful book offers poems and literary pieces for Sundays and principal feasts throughout the liturgical year. Each selection relates to an aspect of the Scripture readings for the Eucharist in the Revised Common Lectionary, the Roman Catholic lectionary, and the Book of Common Prayer. Drawn from many centuries and many countries including Britain, Ireland, North America, Africa, and Australia, these readings bridging literature and liturgy can prompt private prayer or public worship through imaginative engagement. A short note before each passage connects with an idea, image, or story found in one of the biblical readings or the seasonal theme. From Robert Herrick to Brendan Kennelly, from Christina Rossetti to Emily Dickinson, from Dante to Monica Furlong, the poets, novelists, and playwrights gathered here bring an added dimension that graces the life of the church.
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Lectionary Preaching Workbook Series 7 Cycle A (Workbook)
$52.43Providing a fresh, timely reflection every week on assigned scripture passages can be one of a pastor’s most daunting tasks. But when time or inspiration is flagging and you need the jump-start of creative ideas, the latest edition of the classic CSS resource Lectionary Preaching Workbook is just what the doctor ordered! Prominent pastor, former seminary president, and prolific author Jerry Schmalenberger draws upon the experiences of a lifetime in the ministry to help readers effectively share God’s Word with crisply written insights. He’s created an outstanding set of practical aids to help preachers with their weekly sermons. Each chapter includes a listing of the applicable Revised Common, Roman Catholic, and Episcopal lectionary texts; a theme for the day’s service; commentary on the Old Testament, New Testament, and Gospel lessons; suggestions on preaching possibilities; an outline of possible sermon moves; and additional illustrations to flesh out the message.
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Preaching To Every Pew
$40.00The growing cultural diversity of American society is mirrored in the pews and parishes of mainline denominations and represents a dynamic challenge to the effective proclamation of the gospel on Sunday mornings. Preaching to Every Pew, based on extensive field research, takes on the challenge of preaching in such a context. The authors map an approach to culture from four signifigant perspectives: ethnicity, class, displacement, and religious beliefs. They describe the signifigant ways in which culture influences human beings, detail how cultural influences affect and complicate communication in general and preaching in particular, and then recommend practical strategies for improving communication in culturally diverse settings. Preaching to Every Pew is an invaluable aid to pastors and seminaries yearning for more effective ways to proclaim the gospel.
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Preaching From Luke Acts
$29.98The context for this book is rooted in the life of the local church. We desire to integrate biblical scholarship and homiletical theory with the task of preaching Luke/Acts. Our prayer is that the responsible integration of these resources will increase the ability of the Holy Spirit to empower preachers for faithful proclamation of God’s word. To that end we give God the glory
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Craddock Stories
$23.99“Those who have heard Craddock preach know that the stories he weaves are a “secret weapon” of his preaching. Now Mike Graves and Richard Ward have complied Craddock Stories, a collection of more than 200 stories that Craddock tells, based on his own life and ministry. Even those who don’t follow Craddock’s preaching model will thoroughly enjoy the winsome and insightful stories in this collection.”
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Preaching For Special Services
$21.17Sooner or later, every pastor will be called on to conduct special services. Baptisms, weddings, funerals, infant presentations, and evangelistic services, each in their own way, challenge pastors to find the right words to mark the occasion.
Preaching for Special Services will help pastors prepare sermons for these special services. Each chapter explores a different occasion and offers the perspective, encouragement, and practical advice that pastors need as they plan their messages.
Through this useful book, pastors will discover how Christ-centered special occasion preaching can make a difference in the lives of their listeners.
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Using Illustrations To Preach With Power
$22.50Paul’s vivid metaphor of the “armor of God” still speaks to us today. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “dream” transformed an entire nation. Using illustrations in your sermon furthers your congregation’s understanding. Arguing that lively illustrations are vital to effective preaching, Chapell shows you how to choose, shape, and incorporate them into your sermons.
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Homiletical Plot : The Sermon As Narrative Art Form (Expanded)
$30.00Lowry argues that preachers should regard the sermon as a narrative art form, a sacred story of God’s dramatic encounter with humanity. He outlines five steps for preaching narrative sermons, even when dealing with non-narrative biblical texts. Because the plot of each sermon moves from a point of tension to a point of resolution, people willingly become involved in the sermon.
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Creative Styles Of Preaching
$26.001. Narrative Preaching
2. African American Preaching
3. Evangelistic Preaching
4. Topical Preaching
5. The Four Pages Of The Sermon
6. Preaching The Literary Forms Of The Bible
7. Pastoral Praching
8. Biblical Preaching
9. Imaginative PreachingAdditional Info
This useful book on newer preaching styles is designed for students and experienced clergy alike. It consists of nine chapters, each treating a different contemporary approach to preaching, such as Narrative, Evangelistic, African American, Topical, Pastoral, Biblical, Literary, and Imaginative styles. Each chapter is illustrated by sermons from well-known preachers including Tony Campolo, Barbara Brown Taylor, Sam Proctor, Fred Craddock, William Willimon, Ronald Allen, and others. This book will prove to be an invaluable travel guide to the homiletical landscape, and it will aid pastors who want to keep their sermons fresh, invigorating, and relevant to the life experiences of their congregations.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Preaching Through The Year Of Luke
$21.95Preaching Through The Year of Luke is the ninth book in a series devoted to presenting examples of preaching excellance. These sermons, collected from the 1999 Preaching Excellance Program and from clergy nationwide, explore bibical passages for the liturgical year C, which focuses on the Gospel of Luke. Sermons for the major holy days, as well as a selection of Sundays throughout the year, will be helpful to pastors preparing to preach and lay people seeking a better understanding of the lectionary passages from year C.
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Beside Still Waters
$21.47Succinct and highly practical, Beside Still Waters is devoted to solutions to the common obstacles of a successful and authentic pastoral ministry. The contributors use the 23rd Psalm to provide the context for discussion of a variety of the most critical pressure points that can disable a healthy ministry.
The book culminates in a final chapter, which addresses the task of preaching as pastoral care, which is most genuine when it emerges out of a keen awareness of good boundaries that protect the spiritual life of both pastor and parish. An annotated list of further readings is given for each area of discussion.
The authors have among themselves more than two hundred years of pastoral experience and have been on the front lines of the Pastoral Institute’s national ministry to clergy in crisis. They include Greek Orthodox, Methodist, Presbyterian, Southern Baptist ministers and pastoral counselors. They draw on both pastoral and clinical experiences to address the common and frequently overlooked areas of difficulty in ministry.
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Windows For Sermons
$16.18All those who preach or teach, or who just enjoy fascinating stories, anecdotes, and illustrations, will want to include this book in their library. After a lifetime of preaching Don Yocom has collected all of his best illustrations from life and history and categorized them in a topical index, making this as especially valuable resource.
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Evangelistic Preaching That Connects
$27.99IVP Print On Demand Title
Put more power into your evangelistic preaching by learning how to relate to a non-Christian audience. These sample sermons and practical directions will help you reach, challenge, and convert unchurched listeners who are ignorant about the Bible and steeped in pluralism and moral relativity.
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Preaching And Intimacy
$19.11Sermon Contributors
Introduction: Preparing To Release The Message
Chapter 1. Connecting With God
Chapter 2. Connecting With The Listeners
Chapter 3. Connecting With Ourselves
Chapter 4. Connecting With The Bible
Chapter 5. Releasing The MessageAdditional Info
Intimacy has multiple meanings for preaching. It affirms the crucial role the messenger has in the message. It is the quality that helps to establish a relationship between the hearer and the speaker. It is a “holistic” approach to preaching.Designed to help both the student and the practicing minister communicate more effectively, Preaching and Intimacy begins with the preacher as a person and moves through the components that are essential to preaching. Attention is given to a minister’s relationship with God, his/her feelings about himself/herself, how to imaginatively engage a biblical text, how to think of the listeners, and then how to address and deliver a sermon. Emphasis is put on the preacher’s investment in the sermon so that when it is spoken, it is authentic and real.
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Lectionary Preaching Workbook Series 6 Cycle B
$62.43McGriff provides some of the most timely and thought-provoking research on the lectionary texts ever made available. Included for each Sunday in the lectionary are:
A listing of the Revised Common, Roman Catholic, and Episcopal lectionary texts.
A description of the Psalm of the day.
A prayer for the day.
Commentary that is more than academic exegesis — McGriff brings to the forefront those points in the text that relate most poignantly to our contemporary reality.
Suggested sermon titles for each of the three texts.
Themes and suggested directions for preaching on each text.
Several additional illustrations to enliven your preaching.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Preaching The Miracles Series 3 Cycle B
$13.95One cannot read the miracles of Christ reported in the Gospel of Mark without being convinced of the divinity of Christ. John Mark repeatedly records Christ’s divine powers over nature, illness, severe physical handicaps, and sin. These events in which God’s power entered into human situations had profound effects on those who witnessed them — and they continue to teach us great spiritual truths today.
Pastors will find this volume packed with valuable idea starters for their sermons. For each miracle in Cycle B, Harold Lentz shares background material, sermon approaches, and several illustrations. Instead of wondering, “What shall I preach on this Sunday?” you’ll be thinking, “I can’t wait to share all this information with my people!”
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Connecting With The Congregation
$21.99Whether you know it or not, the timeless principles of rhetoric are at work in your preaching. When you take time to master this ancient art form, you’ll learn to consider not only what you’re saying but where, how, and to whom you’re saying it. You’ll soon get your message across with new power!
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Modern Preacher And The Ancient Text
$40.00How to choose and isolate a coherent section of Scripture, outline the main points, decide on a universal principle, choose alternate ways to preach the material (e.g., didactive, narrative, or textual), and deliver it in a creative, imaginative fashion.
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Praising God : The Trinity In Christian Worship
$26.00Explores ways to enrich the language of Christian worship while remaining faithful to the church’s affirmation of God as Trinity. The authors encourage gender-inclusive language for the Trinity, and offer pastoral and theological suggestions about trinitarian language in the worship service.
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Patterns Of Preaching
$29.99Thirty-four different ways of creating sermons with chapters introduced by and examples given from princes of the modern pulpit: Long, Mitchell, Craddock, Buttrick, Lowrie, Troeger, etc. “A good reference for anyone wanting to cultivate a more diverse homiletical repertoire,”
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Crisis Preaching : Personal And Public
$24.99It’s 6:30 Sunday morning and you’re feeling good about today’s sermon . . . until you learn a tornado has ravaged two neighborhoods overnight, leaving a quarter of your congregation homeless. With little preparation time, how do you revise your message to offer desperately needed encouragement? Jeter, a professor of homiletics, offers six practical strategies for effective “crisis preaching.”
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Speaking The Truth In Love
$36.00Philip Wogaman challenges preachers not to retreat from the world and to reconsider what they leave out of their sermons. In this helpful guide, he discusses the biblical and theological grounding of prophetic preaching, the pastoral and liturgical setting, Christian moral decision making, and appropriate issues for discussion from the pulpit. He also includes his most compelling sermons, identifying the setting and goals of each.
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Burdensome Joy Of Preaching
$21.99In this volume, James Earl Massey explores the sense of burden and the sense of joy that accompany the preaching task. He gives attention to the preacher’s sense of both the inward side of the task and the outward side of preaching. He then considers the togetherness that earnest preachers seek to experience with their hearers, followed by reflec- tions on the planning necessary for the eventfulness that preaching was ordained by God to offer. 102 page soft- cover from Abingdon Press.
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1001 More Humorous Illustrations For Public Speaking
Illustrations Topically Arranged
Index Of Sub-Topics
Alphabetical Index Of Titles
Numerical Index Of Titles
List Of Sources
380 PagesAdditional Info
Experienced speakers know the value of humor for adding punch to their point and muscle to their message. That’s why 1001 More Humorous Illustrations for Public Speaking belongs in every pastor’s and speaker’s library – including yours!Most of these humorous gems have already been tested by preachers and other speakers. And the huge variety ensures you’ll find something to tickle any congregation’s funny bone – and grab its attention.
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Biblical Period
$45.99“The Reading and Preaching of the Scriptures in the Worship of the Christian Church” is a multivolume study by Hughes Oliphant Old that canvasses the history of preaching from the words of Moses at Mount Sinai through modern times. In Volume 1, “The Biblical Period,” Old begins his survey by discussing the roots of the Christian ministry of the Word in the Worship of Israel. He then examines the preaching of Christ and the Apostles. Finally, Old looks at the development and practice of Christian preaching in the second and third centuries, concluding with the ministry of Origen.
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Preaching From The Minor Prophets A Print On Demand Title
$19.99Despite the authority and theological richness of the twelve books of the Minor Prophets, these Old Testament writings are perennially neglected by the church and the pulpit. This volume was written to provide clergy with the tools to once again preach from these important texts with confidence and relevancy.
For each of the twelve Minor Prophets, Elizabeth Achtemeier provides a wealth of information useful for preparing a sermon: recommended commentaries, historical context, theological context, and sections dealing with selected texts. These sections include (1) a brief treatment of linguistic and rhetorical features to note, (2) suggested sermon titles designed to arouse the interest of a congregation, and (3) homiletical exposition intended to stimulate preachers as they develop their sermons.
An excellent guide to the books of the Minor Prophets, this volume is unique for its theological depth, presented in clear and simple language for clergy and laity alike.
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Preaching Doctrine : For The 21st Century
$30.00SKU (ISBN): 9780800629656ISBN10: 0800629655Robert Hughes | Robert KysarBinding: Cloth TextPublished: November 1997Fortress Resources For PreachingPublisher: Augsburg Fortress Publishers – 1517 Media Print On Demand Product
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Theology For Preaching
$29.99The heart of the postmodern mind-set is an awareness of the relativity of all human thought and action. In Theology for Preaching, three authors collaborate to discuss the implications for proclamation when the culture behaves as if all human thought and practices are relative. Tips for sermon composition and theme are proposed. Sample sermons are supplied to demonstrate awareness of the cultural shifts that make preaching a worthwhile challenge in a postmodern ethos.
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Preaching From The Pew
$21.00In this deeply spiritual and prophetic collection of sermons, meditations, and prayers, Pat Brown takes the reader on a personal journey into and out of some of the most critical challenges facing the church in these turbulent and confusing times. She unveils her story of God’s handiwork in shaping her life as a child of the Reformed tradition and as the mother of a special needs son. In a time when the call for justice withers on the vine as the church struggles with itself, this book is required reading for every perplexed servant of Jesus Christ.
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Preaching As Local Theology And Folk Art
$45.00Good preaching not only requires its practitioners to become skilled biblical exegetes. It also requires them to become adept in “exegeting” local congregations and their contexts, so that they can proclaim the gospel in relevant and transformative ways for particular communities of faith. Unfortunately, however, homiletical texts and courses have not always attended as carefully or thoughtfully to the exegesis of contexts as they have to the exegesis of the texts. While preachers have been provided with detailed methods for biblical interpretation, congregational interpretation has frequently been left to the intuition and hunches of the local pastor. This book seeks to correct that imbalance.
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Preaching As A Theological Task
$37.00How do particular world situations impact preaching? How does a preacher use the gospel and Scripture to speak to those situations? This volume, in honor of homiletician David Buttrick, explores the complex and important relationships between world, gospel, and Scripture and their relevance for preaching theology.This book is for those seeking thoughtful and challenging new ways to approach the preaching task now and into the twenty-first century.
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Preaching Proverbs : Wisdom For The Pulpit
$28.00Proverbs abound in contemporary culture and in biblical texts. But surprisingly, the use of proverbial wisdom is conspicuously absent in the contemporary pulpit. Alyce McKenzie offers preachers an effective way to reclaim proverbs in preaching, highlights their usefulness in contemporary situations, and demonstrates their ability to confirm (or subvert) the status quo.
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Healing Homiletic : Preaching And Disability
$24.99In A Healing Homiletic: Preaching and Disability, Kathy Black offers a unique and effective approach for preaching about disabilities. By going to the heart of the gospel and drawing on the healing narratives or miracle stories, Black shows how preaching affects the inclusion or exclusion of forty-three million persons with disabilities from our faith communities. A Healing Homiletic provides a new method of preaching about healing, based on Scripture, for understanding the needs of the disability community.
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Pitfalls In Preaching A Print On Demand Title
$21.99This is a print on demand book and is therefore non- returnable.
This informal yet substantive guidebook is designed to help clergy and pastors identify and avoid the major pitfalls that plague the preaching task. Richard Eslinger discusses with insight, humor, and concision what he sees as the most critical pitfalls in the various contexts of preaching and offers practical strategies for avoiding them. His book is also studded with highlighted quotations, pertinent references to a wide range of homiletical thinkers and concepts, boxed hints and suggestions, and brief bibliographies.
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Fundamentals Of Preaching (Reprinted)
$65.00Completely rewritten! “Absolutely superb, it is comprehensive, balanced, and substantive and will be helpful both to neophytes and veterans who wish to increase their effectiveness,”—Theology Today. Covers visualizing the listener, brainstorming, keeping the catnapper awake, and lots more.
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Prepare The Way Of The Lord
$16.18Those looking for a resource that will deepen and enrich their spiritual life during the Advent/Christmas season will find that resource here. These reflections will strengthen the reader’s mental preparation and will serve as a starling point for prayer and meditation.
Pastors will be helped with themes and illustrations for Advent/Christmas preaching
Teachers will use this material in their classes to help renew the right spirit of Christmas among their students
Those who are seeking a deeper spiritual life will be uplifted and inspired by these daily meditationsAdd to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Concise Encyclopedia Of Preaching
$58.00The Concise Encyclopedia of Preaching is the most comprehensive reference work on preaching available in the English language. No other book so richly combines concerns for the practice of preaching with theological themes and historical tradition. Its scope ranges from the technical tasks of sermon preparation to thoughtful essays on such topics as narrative preaching, African American preaching, style, and prophetic preaching, as well as a host of issues that are shaping and challenging the contemporary pulpit. Also included are essays that explore the life and work of the church’s most influential preachers, including such diverse figures as St. Augustine, Sojourner Truth, and Fulton Sheen.
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Hum : Call And Response In African America Preaching
$21.99In The Hum: Call and Response in African Preaching, Evans E. Crawford, with Thomas H. Troeger, relates his analysis of African American folk preaching by relying upon an indigenous scheme for evaluation. The call/response tension in black preaching (derived from a West African tradition) is what drives the musicality of speech in black churches. Crawford refers to this musicality as “hum thoughts” and one can imagine the choir responding with a low rumbling hum to the musical intonations of a motivated preacher.
Key features: a new volume in the Abingdon Preacher’s Library, edited by Thomas H. Troeger; a different approach to preaching, firmly rooted in the black experience; leads the reader to understand preaching as an oral event; uses the term “homiletical musicality” to describe the musical understanding of the way sermons are heard and the oral response they awaken in the listener; and, coins new phrases for describing the preaching event.
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Preaching The Parables Series 2 Cycle A
$26.18Parables provide insights and lessons which are timeless. When they are employed in preaching the hearer receives images which are easy to remember. Preaching the Parables provides a means of communicating the teachings of Jesus for modern Christians.
With each parable Keeney includes:
Scripture Text -so readers don’t have to refer to the Bible
of the church year
of the passage or verse
of the other lections for the day
of the scriptures
of the pericope
Homily Hints
“Point of Contact”
“Points to Ponder”
Illustrative MaterialsAdd to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Lectionary Preaching Workbook Series 5 Cycle A
$53.68Bigger, stronger, better! Russell Anderson has taken the most original and successful lectionary resource in history and improved on it. He has kept all of the traditional features that have made it a classic, such as: overviews of each liturgical season, commentaries compatible with the Revised Common and Roman Catholic lectionaries (plus Lutheran and Episcopal lections for those gradually converting to the Revised Common Lectionary), an introduction to the featured Gospel narrator (Matthew, in Cycle A), theological reflections for exploring the relationships between the texts, wide margins for note-taking and a stay-flat binding.
Instead of stopping there, though, he has added: a 7″ x 10″ one-size-fits-all format, a suggested sermon title for each week, a Sermon Angle which briefly explicates the theological theme for the day (sometimes providing two or three of them) and two to four illustrative stories per chapter.
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1001 Humorous Illustrations For Public Speaking
$24.99You have something important to say. Are you sure your audience is listening? Clocks start ticking in the minds of your listeners the minute you begin your presentation. These clocks measure the amount of time you have to interest them before their attention wanders elsewhere. Could be three minutes. Could be thirty seconds. But make your audience laugh and they forget about their clocks. They are too busy listening. Make them laugh and they will listen. Humor is one of your most powerful tools as a speaker, and 1001 Humorous Illustrations for Public Speaking lets you wield it with power. Michael Hodgin has compiled hundreds of humorous anecdotes on dozens of topics and brought them together in one book. From “Ability” and “Accidents” to “Work” and “Worship,” Hodgin’s illustrations are arranged according to topic and indexed to help you quickly find the perfect anecdote. The book also provides space to record the times and places you use each illustration, so no one will hear you tell the same joke twice. Ideal for preachers, teachers, executives, and anyone else who speaks publicly, 1001 Humorous Illustrations for Public Speaking will keep your audience laughing — and listening to every word you say.
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Preaching For Black Self Esteem
$26.99Preaching for Black Self-Esteem first defines the need for ethnic self-esteem and traces it through the history of Africans and Americans. A positive theology of self-esteem is offered to ground chapters that target types of low ethnic self-esteem.
“What’s goin’ down? I know you don’t expect a seventy-five year old man to talk all that talk. . . ”
A strong and much needed book addressing black youth today, Preaching for Black Self-Esteem is geared to a generation of black men and women who can–suggests the authors–proudly face issues such as caste systems, one’s own physical characteristics, feelings of ambivalence and inferiority, and even ‘buppies’–economically upwardly mobile Blacks.
A very powerful collection of sermons for a generation of Blacks coming of age after the Civil Rights era.
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