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Elisha Code And The Coming Revival
$19.99Is there a “hidden code” to the Bible-a code hidden in plain sight-we have been missing for generations?
By studying the ministry of Jesus, we can rediscover the blueprint he was following to launch the first-century church. It is a blueprint patterned after the prophetic Old Testament ministries of Elijah and Elisha.
Together, let’s crack the Elisha Code, renew our first love, and become participants in the next great endtimes revival-a revival marked by a double portion of Christ’s miraculous anointing.
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Quest For Revival
$27.48Now is the Time to Embrace God’s Revival Fires
Manifestations of God’s presence and power are known to have swept the world in past revivals with amazing healings and miracles. But today, how often do we see God’s mighty power? Now, more than ever, we need the refreshing of the Lord.
In Quest for Revival, international Bible teacher and revival historian, Ron McIntosh uncovers key truths of the marvelous moves of God and shares insights to ignite the revival fires in your life today. Ron draws on the victories and failures of past revivalists including John Alexander Dowie, Smith Wigglesworth, William Seymour, Kathryn Kuhlman, and more to reveal how you can:
*Recognize the seasons of revival
*Activate the power of prevailing prayer
*Understand the role of repentance for a nation
*Utilize the force of divine momentum
*Experience fresh communion with the Holy SpiritIt may seem like darkness is overtaking the world, but God’s tremendous power is about to break loose! Discover how you can join God’s plan to dispel the darkness and ignite the glorious fires of revival.
Now is the Time to Embrace God’s Revival Fires
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Revival Rising : Embracing His Transforming Fire
$17.99Revival happens when passion for God breaks through human restraint and ignites one heart after another with his unquenchable love. Speaking with enthusiasm and vibrancy, Kim Meeder encourages readers to seek transformation of heart, soul, mind, and strength by engaging the holy fire of God’s presence. Within this place, fear and pride melt away and the desire burns brightly to reach all who are losing the battle for hope. Through inspiring true encounters, Meeder challenges each believer to accept Jesus’s commission to carry the living flame of his love wherever he leads.
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Revival Starts Here
$11.99Revival Starts Here is a short and pointed conversation about the way in which biblical prayer and fasting can prepare the way for fresh revival in our churches, our cities, our nation-and beyond.
In this book, Dave Clayton lights a signal fire as he calls the 21st-century church to return to the Lord through prayer and fasting.
If you long to experience revival, then this conversation is for you.
Will you join what God is doing?
“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” -2 CHRONICLES 7:14
Note: 20,000 Christians in Nashville have used Revival Starts Here to help them pray and fast for a month-long revival movement in their city. You can join them in your city. Start by reading this book.
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Concerning Sin Righteousness And Judgment
$15.29Part 1 Concerning Sin…
Chapter 1 Salvation
The Creator God And Man
The Wall Of Sin Between God And Man
The True Meaning Of Salvation
The Method Of Salvation
The Providence Of Salvation Through Jesus ChristChapter 2 The Father, Son, And Holy Spirit
Who Is The Father God?
Father God – The Supreme Director Of Human Cultivation
Who Is The Son, Jesus Christ?
Jesus Christ The Savior
Who Is The Holy Spirit, The Helper?
The Work Of The Holy Spirit, The Helper
God The Trinity Fulfills The Providence Of SalvationChapter 3 Works Of The Flesh
Things Of The Flesh And Works Of The Flesh
Works Of The Flesh That Keep Man From Inheriting The Kingdom Of God
Evident Works Of The FleshChapter 4 “Therefore Bear Fruit In Keeping With Repentance”
Bear Fruit In Keeping With Repentance
Do Not Suppose Abraham Is Your Father
“Every Tree That Does Not Bear Good Fruit Is Cut Down And Thrown Into The Fire”
The Fruit In Keeping With Repentance
People Who Bore The Fruits In Keeping With RepentanceChapter 5 “Abhor What Is Evil; Cling To What Is Good.”
How Evil Is Displayed As Sin
To Cast Out Evil And Become A Person Of Goodness
An Evil And Adulterous Generation That Craves A Sign
The Forms Of Evil We Should AbhorGlossary 1
Part 2 Concerning Righteousness…
Chapter 6 Righteousness That Leads To Life
Righteousness In God’s Sight
The One Act Of Righteousness Which Saves All Of Mankind
The Beginning Of Righteousness Is Believing In God
The Righteousness Of Jesus Christ Which We Must Emulate
The Way Of Becoming A Righteous Person
The Blessings For The RighteousChapter 7 The Righteous Shall Live By Faith
To Become A Truly Righteous Person
Why Do We Need To Become Righteous?
The Righteous Shall Live By Faith
How To Possess Spiritual Faith
Ways To Live By FaithChapter 8 To The Obedience Of Christ
Fleshly Thoughts Which Are Hostile Toward God
“Self-Righteousness” – One Of The Prime Fleshly Thoughts
Apostle Paul Broke Down His Fleshly Thoughts
The Righteousness Which Comes From God
Saul Disobeyed God With Fleshly Thoughts
The Way To Fulfill God’s Righteousness Through FaithChapter 9 He Whom The Lord Commends
He Whom The Lord Commends
To Be Approved By God
Nail Your Passions And Desires On The Cross
The Patriarchs Who Were Righteous Before GodChapter 10 Blessing
Abraham, The Father Of Faith
God Considers Faith As Righteousness And Gives His Blessings
God Makes QualityAdditional Info
Today, there are many people who go on with their lives not even knowing what sin is, what righteousness is, and what judgment is all about. Even those who go to church don’t have assurance of salvation, and they live secular lives–just like everyone else in the world. Furthermore, they do not lead Christian lives that are righteous according to God, but righteous according to what they think is righteous. So Concerning Sin, Righteousness, and Judgment is the first book of the Holiness and Power sermon series which deals with how we can lead a successful Christian life by receiving forgiveness for our sins and by accomplishing the righteousness of God in our lives.To confirm this teaching with evidence of His power, in the first session of the first day of our revival in 1993, God promised the blessing of conception for dozens of couples who were married for 5-6 years, and even as long as10 years without conceiving a child. By the end of the revival, almost all of these couples conceived and began raising families.
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Speak Forth With The Original Voice
$11.00Chapter 1 Origin
Chapter 2 Heavens
Chapter 3 Triune GodExamples Of The Bible I Events That Took Place When The Gate Of The Second Heaven Opened In The First Heaven
Chapter 4 Justice
Chapter 5 Obedience
Chapter 6 FaithExamples Of The Bible II The Third Heaven And The Space Of The Third Dimension
Chapter 7 Who Do You Say I Am?
Chapter 8 What Do You Want Me To Do For You?
Chapter 9 It Shall Be Done For You As You Have BelievedExamples Of The Bible III The Power Of God, Who Possesses The Fourth Heaven
Additional Info
This work Speak Forth with the Original Voice is the last book of the series ‘Holiness and Power’. It shows you the way to experience the power of God through the original voice. There are also introduction of the actual works of God’s power so the readers can apply the principle in their everyday lives. There are also ‘Examples of the Bible’ which will help the readers understand the spiritual realm and the principles in receiving the answers.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Purple Pill : God’s Call To His Bride To Make Herself Ready
$11.77Goosebear Press
The greatest revival the world has ever experienced is aligning, and believers have a vital part to play. Tap into a well of faith, hope, and love by discovering the call of God. See what God sees, not what others see.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
When Spirit And Word Collide
$12.99Jarrod Cooper explores the 1947 prophecy about revival attributed to Smith Wigglesworth and examines what it means for today’s Church. A new wave of extraordinary Spirit and Word churches are emerging. In this book he looks at the qualities that will set them apart and position them at the centre of a great move of God that will sweep our nation.
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How To Experience Revival Journal Edition
$15.00This is a handbook for Christian workers who wish to learn the simple principles of the promise of revival. Charles Finney reveals his personal secrets on how to experience revival. These dynamic messages leave no doubt about what it takes to win our world to Christ.
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Holy Spirit Revivals
$19.00Charles Finney’s ministry led to some of the most amazing revivals that have ever occurred in the United States or England. In Holy Spirit Revivals, Finney recalls those events, revealing the secrets that led to the mass conversions of lost souls in his meetings throughout upstate New York, as well as in Boston, Philadelphia, and London.
Unafraid of offending delicate ears by addressing the problem of sin head on, Finney’s dedication to prayer, his understanding of Scripture, and his radical reliance on the power of the Holy Spirit are a great template for believers today.
An outstanding resource for anyone interested in seeing a revival of faith in the church, Holy Spirit Revivals is a treasured account of one of the greatest Christian preachers in history.
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Revival Culture : Prepare For The Next Great Awakening
$22.50We all want revival. We talk about it, pray for it, and devise every evangelism strategy imaginable. We read about the Great Awakening and recall the Jesus Movement. And today we stand at the precipice of another sweeping spiritual outbreak that could reach the ends of the earth. But are we ready? Revival Culture is an inspirational, biblical, and empowering manual for the next generation of revivalists. Michael Brodeur and Banning Liebscher have been witnessing a spiritual renewal at Bethel Church in Redding, California, and through Jesus Culture, that goes beyond slogans and high hopes to actually reaching. They have learned that transformation happens when we see the unreached as Jesus sees them and when we make revival a part of our lives rather than an event. This is the full picture of revival culture.
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You Might Need Revival If
$16.86“You Might Need Revival If” is an attempt to examine the meaning of Christian revival in a unique way. Believing that God is the Creator of all things, including laughter, the author tries to look at revival from its humorous side; and at the same time, express the need for joy in the heart of every Christian. This joy can only come from knowing the God of all creation, Who loves us and wants to bless us with a happiness that transcends earthly emotions. Using stories, cartoons and jokes, as well as a Bible verse, Psalm 85:6, the author tries to answer the question, “Do you need revival?”
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Church Go To Hell Please
$24.98The powerful soul-winner and founder of the Salvation Army, William Booth, was once asked, “Do you think you have the best training program to teach people how to witness for Jesus Christ and win souls to Jesus?” William Booth replied, “No, I don’t think my methods are the best methods. I think the best method of giving people a burden for lost souls would be to take them to the devil’s hell and allow them to experience what it is to be lost in hell, separated from God for an eternity in the fire that could never be quenched. Then I believe men would truly have a burden and know what it is to be soul-winners because they would see what it is to be lost.” The purpose of this book is to give people that experience. Time is getting short for the church to do what the Lord has called us to do. It’s time for the Church to realize that Hell is real and eternal for those we do not reach. It’s time the church quit playing games. Though The Church that has been purchased by the blood of Christ can never experience Hell in its fullness, it is imperative that the church be able to see and feel the eternalness of the torments of Hell. That we wake up, “Be Revived”, and get busy about the Father’s work. Luke sixteen tells us of activities that are now taking place in Hell, activities that need to be taking place in our churches. Please, allow your church and yourself to “Go To Hell” so that those who the Lord and you love will never have to go to Hell. The Trape at Our Feet
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South Africas Forgotten Revival
$20.61Although the Great Awakening at the Cape in 1860 was as powerful as its precursors in America, Ireland and Wales, its story has never been fully told until now. Dr. Olea Nel has succeeded in filling a much needed gap in the literature by describing these events through the lives of three key players: Andrew Murray, Nicolaas Hofmeyr and Gottlieb van der Lingen. As the story unfolds, you will learn:
About the crisis in the Dutch Reformed Church prior to revival when
semi-literate stock farmers believed that God had called them to subdue the African tribes, not evangelize them.How virtually overnight the revival demolished this outlook so that awakened Christians became people of prayer and mission enthusiasts.
How Andrew Murray defended the Church against the onslaught of
liberalism through legal battles in the Cape High Court as well as the Privy Council, London.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Seasons Of Revival
$33.31Over the years, waves of revival have swept through the world. What can we learn from past movements? How can we sustain spiritual life and power? Exploring Scripture, history, and contemporary culture, Damazio offers balanced insights and practical applications to help you understand, prepare for, and enjoy the Spirit’s refreshing—and nurture the fruit of God’s outpouring.
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Revival : Gods Proven Method Of Awakening His Church
$18.73God longs to send a nationwide revival wherever He finds a people totally obedient to His will and given to desperate prayer. Revival-God’s Proven Method of Awakening His Church is the result of the author being deeply touched by God for revival, which led to his becoming involved in the awakening experienced in central India in 1969. In this study you’ll find examples of God’s response to the prevailing prayer of His people in the Old and New Testaments, in church history, and in Europe, Asia, and America, as well as His work in the lives of individuals, churches, and colleges in America and large areas of many nations-all of which have been changed by the work of His Spirit. In answer to God’s promise in 2 Chronicles 7:14, “If my people will…I will…,” Christians in India prayed and God answered. Even so, our hearts resonate with Habakkuk, as he prayed, “In this time of our deep need, begin again to help us, as you did in years gone by” (LB).
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When God Bursts In
$14.991. Glory Days
2. Universals Of Revival
3. Differences In Revivals
4. A Biblical View
5. What Are We Looking For
6. A Prophetic Challenge
7. Let’s Do It!
8. Revival Experiences Today
141 PagesAdditional Info
For revival to spread, it must begin in the hearts of the people. When God Bursts In books at the history of revival and pinpoints ways of preparing God’s people for a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Lundell and Pettit stress that prayer and sincere devotion to Christ’s calling are the primary tools needed to spark revival in the church and throughout the kingdom of God.When God Bursts In offers biblically sound advice and practical insights for pastors, churches, or anyone seeking a fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit.
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Leprosy In The Church
$19.36Blatant truth! This book is not for the squeamish as it exposes the aggressive plague that has hit and spread across the Body of Christ. This contagion has no respect of persons, position, or title and has infiltrated the church at large from the pulpit to the pews. When was the last time you had a spiritual check up? How do you know how spiritually healthy you are? Leprosy In The Church takes a candid look at the condition of today’s church, offers riveting insight and shines the light of the Word on eight prevailing Biblical symptoms of spiritual leprosy that pervade the Body of Christ. This book provides a diagnostic for individuals, churches, and ministries to examine ourselves based on the Word of God and to determine whether we have a clean bill of spiritual health or whether this plague has gripped our spirit. Leprosy In The Church offers masterful teaching to reignite and help jumpstart the heart of the church back on a course to holiness, crucifying the flesh in pursuit of purification that will lead to a power-based relationship with the Almighty. Moreover, this text is a unique and powerful tool that provides a scripturally based means by which you can examine your own heart using a Spiritual Wellness Check strategically developed by the author. No matter what your title or position is or where you are in your walk with God, Leprosy In The Church is an absolute must read for those of us who are tired of the infirmed condition of the church, weary of where we are in God and desperately seek another dimension and a deeper level. As you ingest the words of this book and allow the Spirit of the Lord to uncover and cleanse you from the hidden things that have hindered you from pursuing that next dimension, you are destined to embark upon a divine journey into the supernatural that will manifest and demonstrate the power of the Holy Spirit in your life, your church, and your ministry. Embrace yourself for transfiguration!
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Why Revival Tarries (Reprinted)
$16.99Leonard Ravenhill’s call to revival is as timely now as it was when first published over forty years ago. The message is fearless and often radical as he expounds on the disparity between the New Testament church and the church today. This book contains the heart of his message, A.W. Tozer called Ravenhill “a man sent from God” who “appeared at (a) critical moment in history,” just as the Old Testament prophets did. Included are questions for group and individual study.
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Saved But Stuck
$18.73Does it feel as if you’ve hit a spiritual glass ceiling? Has your passion and sense of mission long since evaporated? Is your once blazing fire now a flickering flame? If so, you are more than likely saved, but stuck! This book looks at the most common reasons believers become stuck and examines how prominent biblical personalities faced similar challenges and overcame them to make meaningful contributions to the Kingdom of God. The book uses an easy-to-read, 30-day format with a section called “A Look in the Mirror” at the end of each chapter. This section allows readers to examine themselves and assess their own condition. This book will challenge you to strive for excellence and become the person God has called you to be. Revival starts with you!
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No More Locusts Its Restoration Time
$16.86Listen, now, to the cry of the church! Just as of old, “Send revival, Lord, pour out Your Spirit in this dry land!” We are crying out for THE Last Revival, THE LAST ONE! And what will be the catalyst that makes this one so different from the past moves of God? RESTORATION! What is to be restored? We have a record, in the building and completion of Solomon’s Temple, of a perfect place and time when His Beloved ushered in God’s Shekinah presence and He resided perpetually here on planet earth. It was perfect! Let’s take a closer look at this time and this temple, this Most Holy Place, and use it as a blueprint of what God wants to bring back to His Living Temple, the one made without walls. No More Locusts! It’s Restoration Time brings a message that will encourage you to go on to accomplish those plans God has for you and yours. His plan is to restore His Living Temple, the Temple of the Holy Spirit, to the way He always wanted it to be: glorious, holy, and magnificent! It’s restoration time, Beloved!
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Church Planting
$19.991. Church Planting: Listening To The Critics
2. Church Planting: A Theological Framework
3. Church Planting: A New Testament Practice
4. Church Planting: A Historical Perspective
5. Church Planting And The Task Of The Church
6. Church Planting And The Shape Of The Church
7. Church Planting And The Ethos Of The Church
8. Church Planting And The Structures Of The Church
9. Church Planting And The Leadership Of The Church
10. Church Planting: Models And Methods288 Pages
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Describing his church planting ministry, the apostle Paul writes,“I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow. . .For we are God’s fellow-workers; you are God’s field, God’s building. By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as an expert builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one should be careful how he builds. For no-one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.”
Mixing his metaphors, Paul speaks of the church in Corinth as both a field and a building. Church planters are co-workers with God, planting seeds from which churches grow and larying foundations on which they are built. God is the life source of these churches. Jesus Christ is their foundation. Other workers, like Apollos, water the seed which has been planted and build on the foundations which have been laid. The role of the church planter is to ensure that good seed has been sown and firm foundations laid.
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Pray For Our Nation
$4.99We are living in a time of action! America needs prayer now more than ever. God’s promise is simple: If the church will humbly seek His face, He will revive our nation.
The time is now! Join countless others in this campaign to reclaim our country through prayer. Pray For Our Nation will enrich your prayer life as you intercede for our heritage and future with prayers:
*For the economy
*For the Supreme Court
*For the educational system
*For national protection
*For the military
*And much more!Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
When The Heavens Are Brass
$22.481. Devilish Dominion Under Brassy Skies
2. The Devil Traffics In Dry Places
3. Eight Obstacles To Brass-Shattering Prayer
4. Cleanse The Waters So The River Will Flow
5. God’s Prescription For A Breakthrough
6. Is There Leprosy In Your House?
7. Opening The Heavens Over Your Home
8. Reaping Under An Open Heaven P. 137Additional Info
Why are the heavens brass?What are the spiritual and eternal dynamics that prepare the soil of our hearts for revival?
Pastor John Kilpatrick longed for revival. He ached for more than what he was seeing in the Church and in his own life. In this provocative book, John Kilpatrick shares the principles that prepared his church for God’s sudden appearing on Father’s Day, 1995, and for the mighty revival that followed.
Discover the keys to effective prayer and the arrival of revival!
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Spiritual Entrepreneurs : Six Principals For Risking Renewal
$22.99This book tells the story of an innovative pastor and leadership team who intentionally led their church to take spiritual risks. By using six principles, renewal can come to any church, asserts Slaughter. These six principles are focused on Jesus Christ, the Bible, new forms of worship, a commitment to membership, equipping lay people for ministry, and spiritual leadership.
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End Of The American Gospel Enterprise
$22.48From the publisher: This book brings an urgent word to the contemporary Church. It is a fiery call for repentance with a promise of great revival yet to come. The message of this book will bring you to your knees and challenge you to look deep into your own life. It will move you to sell out for the Lord.
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Successful Home Cell Groups
$15.99Paul Yonggi Cho describes his church as both the smallest and the largest in the world. The plan of home cell groups developed there has brought about not only phenomenal growth, but also intimate fellowship and involvement. He details everything you need to know to make home cell groups work.
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