


    Theology (Exegetical Historical Practical etc.)

    • Domestication Of Transendence


      Taking a careful look at the “classical” views (e.g., Aquinas, Calvin, Luther) and later trends beginning in the 17th century, Placher says theology has taken a wrong turn in terms of transcendence, and asks us to reconsider the nature–grace controversy in pre-modern thought.

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    • God Creation And Comtemporary Physics


      Worthing critiques the traditional arguments for God’s existence made by physicists, then evaluates creatio ex nihilo in terms of the big bang theory; providence in terms of entropy, field theory, and Bell’s theorem; and assorted scenarios for the close of creation.

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    • Living With Limits


      This book will provide insight to the reader searching for a better understanding of the way Christianity applies to our day. It will bring inspiration to preachers who need to deal with tough issues and are looking for poignant illustrations to punctuate their message.

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    • Jesus Christ In The Preaching Of Calvin And Schleiermacher


      While the effects of historical criticism on theology in the modern period have been well documented, their implications for modern preaching have been largely ignored. Dawn DeVries examines the content of and reasoning behind the preaching on the Synoptic Gospels by John Calvin and Friedrich Schleiermacher in order to ascertain their responses to the historical Jesus. By doing so, DeVries demonstrates that the shifting of emphasis in modern preaching from the miraculous aspects of the Gospel narratives to the “internal” miracles of faith has historical, intellectual, and spiritual grounding in the work of these classical theologians.

      The Columbia Series in Reformed Theology represents a joint commitment by Columbia Theological Seminary and Westminster John Knox Press to provide theological resources from the Reformed tradition for the church today. This series examines theological and ethical issues that confront church and society in our own particular time and place.

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    • Christ In Christian Tradition 2 Part 4


      Embark on a “Christological expedition up the Nile.” Exploring the years between A.D. 450 and 604, this study examines the social and theological influences that shaped the Alexandrian patriarchate and Coptic church, the evangelization of the Sudan, and the synthesis of Judaism and Christianity in Ethiopia.

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    • Old Testament Theology 2


      In this work, a part of the Old Testament Library series, Horst Preuss provides a comprehensive analysis of the theology of the Old Testament. He focuses on a detailed assessment of Israel’s responses to God’s acts of election and covenant with them as a people.

      The Old Testament Library provides fresh and authoritative treatments of important aspects of Old Testament study through commentaries and general surveys. The contributors are scholars of international standing.

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    • Trinity In Asian Perspective


      Western Christians often despair of finding meaning in the paradoxical statement that God is both “One” and “Three”. The problem, says Jung Young Lee, is not with the doctrine of the Trinity itself; rather, it is with the Western conceptual tendency to view reality in exclusive, “either/or” terms. The Trinity is at its heart an inclusive doctrine of one God who is nonetheless three distinct persons. In order to grasp this fact, we need different conceptual categories, not only with which to view God, but all of reality. The Asian philosophical construct of yin and yang can offer a way out of this problem, with its inherently “both/and” way of thinking. Drawing on a variety of East Asian religious traditions, Lee offers a creative reinterpretation of this central Christian doctrine. He shows how a global perspective can illuminate Western theological constructs as he establishes the necessity of a contextual approach to the doctrine of the Trinity.

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    • Cultural Interpretation : Reorienting New Testament Criticism


      Blount’s analysis demonstrates the social intent of every reading and shows the influence of communicative context in such diverse readings of the Bible as Rudolf Bultmann’s, the peasants of Solentiname, the Negro spirituals, and black-church sermons. Blount then shows how his proposal helps in assessing the several readings of Mark’s trial scenes and the figure of Jesus there.

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    • Prophet Motive : Examining The Reliability Of Biblical Prophets


      Outstanding book about Christian evidences from the perspective of Old Testament prophets. The writings of Barfield, president of Mars Hill Bible School, are enlightening. Suitable for use in high school, college, church or personal study.

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    • Reinventing Christianity A Print On Demand Title


      This is a print on demand book and is therefore non- returnable.

      In Reinventing Christianity, the first comprehensive survey of Christian theology in Africa to appear in English, John Parratt provides a critical yet sympathetic examination of the new ways of doing theology that have recently emerged from within the African church.

      Following an introduction that charts the growth and development of African theology, Parratt examines the differing theological assumptions and methodologies throughout the continent. He also shows how Africans are rethinking the central dogmas of the Christian faith – Scripture, God, Christology, the church, and eschatology – and evaluates Africa’s political theologies, giving special attention to theological approaches to African socialism and to South African black theology. The final chapter exposes some of the problematic issues that can provide a framework for wider ecumenical theological debate.

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    • Fundamental Practical Theology


      Besides taking a revolutionary look at theology (“all theology is practical”), Browning shows very clearly that the embarrassed silence that has fallen between ministers and scholars is unreasonable. The four movements of practical theology drive home the deficiencies of theory-to-practice models, while the five dimensions of practical reasoning and moral thinking underscore that this way of viewing things belongs to the philosopher as much to the pastor.

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    • Engendering God : Male And Female Faces Of God


      In this book, Carl Raschke and Susan Doughty Raschke argue that God’s own self-revelation is neither exclusively male nor female but both at once. With this self-revelation of the “two in one,” the authors contend that the Scriptures are actually a radical proclamation of gender equality. Basing their findings on historical, anthropological, and biblical scholarship, they make a compelling argument that this awareness of God’s dual nature was widely accepted and understood in the early years of Christianity but was intentionally obscured through the ages.

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    • Old Testament Theology 1


      In this work, a part of the Old Testament Library series, Horst Preuss provides a comprehensive analysis of the theology of the Old Testament. He focuses on a detailed assessment of Israel’s responses to God’s acts of election and covenant with them as a people.

      The Old Testament Library provides fresh and authoritative treatments of important aspects of Old Testament study through commentaries and general surveys. The contributors are scholars of international standing.

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    • Waking From Doctrinal Amnesia


      Asserting that the “return to Wesley” that is represented in the Quadrilateral is “intellectually wrongheaded,” William J. Abraham argues that the Quadrilateral is not, and should not be, United Methodist doctrine. Abraham’s lively treatise makes a provocative appeal for a reasoned exploration of the significance of the UMC’s doctrinal identity. He reveals how churches have faced incompatible doctrinal proposals within their midst and examines the specific issues facing the United Methodist church as a whole.

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    • Theology In Hymns


      Of the many hymnbooks published by John and Charles Wesley, the most important was A Collection of Hymns for the Use of the People Called Methodists (1780). Taking this volume as a case study and concentrating on the Charles Wesley hymns included in it, Teresa Berger clarifies the relationbetween the language of doxology of worship and praise of God and the substance of theological reflection. She identifies the central theological themes and emphases in this body of hymnody, and raises the question of how theology can be embodied in hymns. Central to her argument is the claim that the theological analysis of doxological material is possible only when it takes care to recognize and safeguard the characteristics, the criteria of authenticity, and the tests of authority and legitimacy peculiar to doxological language. Part One of the book sets the whole discussion within the context of a renewed interest in doxological and liturgical traditions across Christianity by showing how the relationship of doxology and theology is an importopic of theological discussion in Roman Catholic, Protesttancircles. Part Two is devoted to a thorough theological analysis of the central themes and images of the 1780 Collection. Part Three attempts to clarify the nature of doxology in its relation to theology.

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    • Claiming The Center


      CLAIMING THE CENTER, by Jack Rogers The thesis of this book is that the root cause of mainstream church decline is an internal confict of worldviews. Using the Presbyterian Church (USA) as an example Rogers argues that the worldview that some members have developed has caused them to see life in conservative terms, whereas others have acquired a worldview that gives a liberal interpretation of life. Confict occurs when Christian people make their theological elaborations or ideological application or experiential colorings the ultimate reference point rather than the religious worldview itself. Rogers writes: “Hope for reconciliation and renewal lies in both leaders and members claiming the center and reconstituting a common worldview. This begins by patiently returning to a common affirmation of the root religious worldview that is more fundamental than any ideological application. Recognizing that those who differe with us accept the same religous worldview could enable us to build together on a foundation of Jesus Christ, the head of one body.”

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    • Reconstructing Christian Ethics


      One of the major British theologians and ethicists of the nineteenth century, F. D. Maurice was a forerunner of the contemporary ecumenical movement. His writings and work were an articulation of his theology, which emphasizes the inclusiveness of Christianity despite ideological divisions within the Christian community. Maurice proposed a primary unifying principle, based on the dynamic love of God for humankind in all its diversity, that would bring the various Christian traditions into a catholic whole. This volume brings to readers a selection of Maurice’s moral writings based on his theological worldview. It is the only anthology of his ethical writings currently available.

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    • Tabernacle Of Moses


      This book by Australian Bible teacher Kevin Conner strives to present readers with a reasonable working knowledge of the Tabernacle of Moses, finding in the elements of the Tabernacle insights that relate to the story of divine redemption. Study includes: A look at the significance of the Tabernacle layout An explanation of the Tabernacle’s place in Jewish society Design and symbolism of the Tabernacle futniture. Tabernacle construction and purpose And more

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    • Foundations Of Christian Doctrine


      Just as any building needs a strong foundation, Christians need a solid understanding of theology to soundly interpret Scripture. Here 12 of the great doctrines of faith—from God to angels, sin to atonement—are presented clearly and relevantly. An excellent tool for pastors, this readable text is also appropriate for individual study and research.

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    • Covenants : The Key To Gods Relationship With Mankind


      This text on covenants is a systematic presentation of the nine divine covenants found in Scripture, the knowledge of which provides a necessary backdrop for the study of many other biblical subjects.

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    • Reforming Protestantism : Christian Commitment In Todays World


      Reformed Protestantism has undergone drastic changes throughout its history in America. Although it has become less prominent in American society, Douglas Ottati reminds us that this Christian movement is still a dynamic and important witness to our world. This book is an important contribution to promoting, deepening, and extending the distinctive spirit and witness of Reformed Protestantism.

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    • Temple Of Solomon


      The Temple of Solomon: discover how the ancient Hebrews worshiped God in splendor. In this temple that stood until its destructionin Jeremiah’s day, all Israel could come and offer sacrifices to Him. Study the order of worship as found in the Temple of Solomon and examine the many distinctions that separate it from the Tabernacles of Moses and David. The Temple of Solomon includes: Chronological look at the temple from its initial design to completion; historical background and significance on the dedication of the Temple; a brief view of the life of Solomon; insightful study on the sacrifices performed in the Temple; thorough discussion on the use and symbolism of Temple furniture; a picture of Redemption’s plan seen through the Temple; charts and pictures of priestly garments and Temple objects; and supplemental material on other temples found in Scripture.

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    • Tabernacle Of David


      The Tabernacle of David is the second work in Conner’s trilogy concerning the three major dwelling places of God in the Old Testament. This text answers many vital questions concerning the tabernacle in the Old Testament and its significance to New Testament revelation. The Tabernacle of David is a devotional, typical, theological and practical book and clearly shows the vast differences between the Old Covenant and the New Covenant methods of worship. It presents an exciting and stimulating challenge to the believer who is hungry to learn more about the move of the Holy Spirit today.

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    • Ethics


      This book is recognized as a major contribution to Christian ethics. Bonhoeffer illustrates that God’s design is to be found in the Church, the family, labor, and government. His will permits man to live as man before God, in a world God made, with responsibility for the institutions of that world.

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    • Theology And Pastoral Counseling A Print On Demand Title


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      This volume lays out an important new interdisciplinary approach to the relationship between theology and psychology in the work of pastoral counseling. Hunsinger sets forth a method for relating theology and psychology from a Barthian theological perspective. Her work shows that Barth’s theology provides a wealth of material for pastoral counselors who wish to bring a consistent theological perspective to the interpretive task.

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    • Jesus Christ For Todays World


      Moltmann takes fresh approaches to a number of crucial topics: Jesus and the kingdom of God, the passion of Jesus and the pain of God, Jesus as brother of the tortured, and the resurrection of Christ as hope for the World, the cosmic Christ, Jesus in Jewish-Christian dialogue, the future of God, and other.

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    • Christ In Christian Tradition 2 Part 2


      A monumental work in scope and content, Aloys Grillmeier’s Chirst in the Christian Tradition offers students and scholars a comprehensive exposition of Western writing on the history of doctrine. Volume Two covers the Council of Chalcedon (451) to Gregory the Great (590-604), with Part Two focusing on the Church of Constantinople in the sixth century.

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    • Remembering The Christian Past A Print On Demand Title


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      Prompting readers to reacquaint themselves with forgotten aspects of Christian tradition, this collection of essays points out the importance of remembering the enduring truths of the faith. Robert Wilken touches on a host of topics that are still pertinent today: the role of commitment in the study of religion, religious pluralism, Christian apologetics, the biblical roots of the doctrine of the Trinity, the spiritual interpretation of the Bible, the importance of examples for living a virtuous life, and the place of the passions in our relation to God.

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    • Wealth As Peril And Obligation A Print On Demand Title


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      This timely study of the New Testament helps bring clarity to one of the great ethical dilemmas of the modern church – the moral status of wealth and the ownership of property and possessions in relation to Christian faith.

      Sondra Ely Wheeler shows how Scripture can both form and inform contemporary moral discernment regarding wealth. After first developing a sound methodology for interpreting the New Testament’s moral witness on this sticky ethical question, Wheeler gives a responsible exegesis of the key New Testament texts that deal with wealth and possessions. What results is a practical, biblically based statement regarding the ethics of wealth and ownership and a useful set of criteria for sound moral discernment concerning economic life within the contemporary Christian church.

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    • Grace And Responsibility


      A distinguished thinker ponders the meaning of Wesley’s theology.

      John B. Cobb, Jr., draws on the historical, critical, and literary work that has characterized Wesley studies in recent years, but moves beyond them to propose one way of reconstructing and reappropriating essential elements of Wesley’s thought in service of the church’s life and mission.

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    • I Am A Palestinian Christian


      A personal testimony of God and politics in the Holy Land. Mitri Raheb is a Palestinian Arab Lutheran Christian pastor who ministers in his hometown of Bethlehem. For many American Christians this combination of identities is incomprehensible. They assume that Palestinian Arabs are Muslims, not Christians, much less Lutherans. Raheb writes as a cultural mediator to the Western Christian world and as a local theologian for the Palestinian community. He grapples with how Palestinian Christians can develop a local theology that can be both truthful and helpful in mediating the conflicts between Israel and Palestine and among Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Both are conflicts in which religion, politics, and collective identity intertwine.

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    • 2nd Coming : A Wesleyan Approach To The Doctrine


      A conspicuous silence on eschatology-the study of last things-pervades the ranks of Wesleyan scholars, which has led to some unfortunate circumstances.
      H. Ray Dunning notes with concern, “While we have been busy with other themes, foreign ideas have virtually stolen the store in this area of theology, with the odd phenomenon that eschatological teachings that are contrary to both good biblical scholarship and Wesleyan theology have virtually assumed the status of orthodoxy among Wesleyans, as well as among other evangelical Christians.”

      This book is an attempt to break the silence. Ten noted Wesleyan scholars probe both the historical and contemporary influences that have shaped the prevailing evangelical view of end-time events.

      You will be challenged to take a more thoughtful and discerning look at what is widely held today in the study of last things, while keeping a strong focus on what Scripture clearly presents as undebatable: Christ will come again.

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    • John Calvins Exegesis Of The Old Testament


      John Calvin’s reading of the Old Testament was a departure from that of many of his contemporaries. He rejected much of the traditional Christian exegesis of the Old Testament that attempted to to explain it in terms of the New Testament revelation of Christ. He also rejected much of the traditional Jewish exegesis of the Old Testament that favored a more so-called historical approach to the writings. Instead he offered a middle way to interpret the Old Testament scripture with respect to both traditions. David Puckett examines this often-neglected area of study of John Calvin’s exegetical reasoning in this comprehensive and fascinating analysis.

      The Columbia Series in Reformed Theology represents a joint commitment by Columbia Theological Seminary and Westminster John Knox Press to provide theological resources from the Reformed tradition for the church today. This series examines theological and ethical issues that confront church and society in our own particular time and place.

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    • End Of The Age Has Come


      The Christian, according to the apostle Paul, lives between two times. The end is already present with Christ’s death and resurrection, but the end is yet to come with his second appearing. Following the seminal work of Oscar Cullmann, Marvin Pate argues that this “already/not yet” eschatological tension lies at the heart of all writings of the apostle Paul and is, in fact, the key to understanding them.

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    • Theology For Skeptics


      Here one of the most widely read theologians of our time returns to the most basic question of all: God. Yet she does so with a twist. Soelle work invites the reader on a personal quest for a new, world-embracing notion of God, one that can counter the gravitational pull of first-world people’s political apathy, material acquisitiveness, and spiritual numbness.

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    • Resurrection Myth Or Reality


      Using approaches from the Hebrew interpretive tradition to discern the actual events surrounging Jesus’ death, Bishop Spong questions the hitorical validity of literal narrative concerned the Ressurection. He asserts that the resurrection story was born in an experience that opened the disciples’ eyes to the reality of God and the meaning of Jesus of Nazareth. Spong traces the Christian origins of anti-Semitism to the Church’s fabrication of the ultimate Jewish scapegoat, Judas Iscariot. He affirms the inclusiveness of the Christian message and emphasizes the necessity of mutual integrity and respect among Christians and Jews.

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    • Serious Talk


      Western culture needs constant, varied, and skilled attention to loosen the knot that scientism hold upon its open-mindedness. Since religion is frequently accused by scientists of tying just such a knot of its own, all the more urgent that scientists with theological training, such as Polinghorne, be involved in the apologetic enterprise to motivate a belief based upon rational inquiry.

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    • Theology Of The Gospel Of John


      Lecturers can request examination copies for course consideration.
      D. Moody Smith lucidly explains the theological ideas of the Gospel of John, one of the most important documents of the New Testament. He concentrates on its presentation of Jesus as the Christ, and deals also with such topics as God, the scriptures, the Church, and the spirit. These topics are related insofar as possible to the specific setting in which the Gospel was written, since one cannot understand such theological concepts in the abstract. The book is an ideal introduction to the question of the origin of the Gospel of John as well as its theology.

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    • Resurrection Of Jesus


      What actually happened at the resurrection of Jesus? Gerd Luedemann suggests that this question, considered unanswerable by many, is of critical importance to Christians and that it can be answered more specifically than has been the case in recent studies. Luedemann begins with the oldest list of witnesses to the resurrection and proceeds from there to other texts from Paul and the Gospels to investigate the events of Good Friday, Easter, and Pentecost.

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    • Reconstructing Chistian Theology


      Just-released anthology of leading contributors to liberating vistas. ”Rarely does it happen,” said Interpretation of the earlier volumes, ”that a dozen or more religionists author books with so much pizzazz. Lively statements of Christian doctrine.”

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    • Worship As Theology


      In Worship As Theology, Don Saliers discusses how worship is both theological and anthropological (embodied and embedded in specific human and cultural contexts). He illuminates theology “prayed, sung, and enacted.” At the same time, by focusing upon specific dimensions of liturgical action such as praising, thanking, invoking, confessing, proclaiming, interceding, and blessing, he addresses the differences between the liturgical/ sacramental and the “free – church”/ evangelical church traditions.

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    • Responsible Grace : John Wesleys Practical Theology


      The central purpose of this book is to provide a reflective overview of John Wesley’s characteristic theological activities and convictions. One special focus is highlighting the practical theological dynamics of Wesley’s work as theologian, and suggesting possible implications for contemporary attempts to recover theology as a practical discipline.

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    • Theology Of The Letters Of James Peter And Jude


      The letters of James, 1 and 2 Peter, and Jude are among the most neglected parts of the New Testament, for they lack the immediacy and specificity of the Pauline letters. The authors of this study seek to remedy such neglect; they set the letters in context, examine their major themes, and argue that they are important both for the theology of the New Testament generally and for contemporary discussion about the nature and character of Christian faith today.

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    • Listening Hearts : Retreat Designs And Meditation Exercises


      SKU (ISBN): 9780819216212ISBN10: 0819216216Suzanne Farnham | R. Taylor McLeanBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 1994Listening HeartsPublisher: Morehouse Publishing Print On Demand Product

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    • They Cried To The Lord


      ”Exceptionally fine work for both the church and academy. There are innumerable quotations from the prayer texts themselves plus commentary; reflections on Christian faith, life, and thought; the refusal to evade difficult theological issues,”—Presbyterian Outlook.

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    • Doctrine


      Volume two of a projected three! ”Read McClendon because it’s fun. He is not afraid of plain speech; he adores biographies and fleshing out people. Will convince the laity that serious theology need not be forbidding,”—Christianity Today.

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    • Pierced For Our Transgressions


      An increasing number of theologians and church leaders are questioning the doctrine of penal substitution. The authors offer a fresh re-articulation of the doctrine and its central role, and engage with over twenty specific objections that have been brought against it.

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    • Jesus In Contemporary Scholarship


      Professor Borg, a nationally known Jesus scholar, offers an accessible guide through the growing maze of literature and research on Jesus. A welcome resource for libraries and researchers, the book focuses on the renaissance in Jesus studies in the 1980s, examines issues in contemporary Jesus research, and reveals how current research may help rethink Jesus’ identity.

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    • Finneys Systematic Theology (Expanded)


      True to Scripture, true to reason, and true to life.

      Discover why these writings have been the impetus for revivals around the world.

      Students of revival agree that Charles Grandison Finney spearheaded one of America’s greatest revivals and influenced the course of history. Church rolls swelled in the wake of Finney’s revivals. He is often directly or indirectly credited with the conversions of around 500,000 people.

      Finney’s theological convictions were born in the fires of revival and shaped by a keen lawyer’s mind committed to the full authority of the Bible. He gave his life to promote: “The return to and practice of Biblical Christianity in the power of the Holy Spirit for the sake of God’s kingdom and glory.” The distinctive truths that Finney preached brought such a deep conviction of sin that today’s church does well when it studies his position on the moral government of God, the nature of man, the atonement, sovereignty, attributes of love, unity of moral action and regeneration.

      This expanded volume represents the complete 1878 edition, two lectures of truth from the earlier 1847 and 1851 editions, a comprehensive introduction from L.G. Parkhurst, Jr., plus appendixes, a glossary, and a scripture index.

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    • Nonfoundationalism


      Not so much as a movement or school as an emerging consensus about philosophical criteria of truth and reality, nonfoundationalism is the critical impulse associated with the work of Richard Rorty, Richard Berstein, and others. Increasingly its critique of the search for sure and impregnable foundations shapes the fundamental commitments that gird contemporary theology. John Thiel here assays a careful exploration of its assumptions and convictions, as well as ways nonfoundationalism has influenced contemporary theology.

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