


    Theology (Exegetical Historical Practical etc.)

    • Isaiahs Vision And The Family Of God


      This timely series explores current trends within the discipline of biblical interpretation by dealing with the literary qualities of the Bible: the play of its language, the coherence of its final form, and the relationships between text and readers. Biblical interpreters are being challenged to take responsibility for the theological, social, and ethical implications of their readings. This series encourages original readings that breach the confines of traditional biblical criticism.

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    • In Her Words


      In Her Words illustrates the contributions made to contemporary Christian theology by the increasing number of female theologians. Oden compiles selections from the writings of major female theologians from the early church through the present. The older selections have been translated into modern English. Each selection is accompanied by a brief introduction outlining its historical and theological context. Selections from the early church include Perpetua, The Martyrdom of Crispina, The Martyrdom of Agape, Irene, and Chione; from the monastic and middle period are Clare of Assisi, Hildegard of Bingen, Leoba, Julian of Norwich, and Catherine of Siena; and post-1500 C.E. include Teresa of Avila, Jane de Chantal, Lucretia Mott, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Georgia Harkness.

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    • Theology And Evangelism In The Wesleyan Heritage


      This is the first volume specifically focused on the theology of evangelism in the Wesleyan tradition to be published inmore than twenty years. It contains essays written by key Methodist leaders from Asia, America, Europe, and Africa, thus offering a wide range of views of the nature and purpose of evangelism in the Wesleyan heritage and providing focused and stimulating theological reflection on the important topic. The essays give attention both to the theology of John Wesley and the evangelistic practices of Wesley’s Methodism and to the theological and institutional development of Methodist evangelism in the two hundred years since Wesley.

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    • Battling For The Modern Mind


      The battle for the mind dates back to Genesis 3, when the first human beings lost the battle and left a bequest with dire consequences that still plague us. They failed to recognize their protagonist, the nature of the confrontation, or its significance. Today, millennia later, the confusion persists. Countless words continue to be written in what seems to be a fruitless effort to single out causes for the problems that frustrate society and the world

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    • Union With Christ


      The Columbia Series in Reformed Theology represents a joint commitment by Columbia Theological Seminary and Westminster John Knox Press to provide theological resources from the Reformed tradition for the church today. Volumes in this series are intended for scholars, theologians, pastors, and lay people who are committed to faith in search of understanding.

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    • Sin : Radical Evil In Soul And Society


      In Sin: Radical Evil in Soul and Society, Ted Peters boldly revisits the dark side of human nature and the perennial categories of sin that have been glossed over by our pluralistic culture. Using numerous illustrations from everyday life as well as the social sciences, Peters examines the kinds of evil – both personal and societal mdash; that we all confront on a daily basis. Writing with the goal to both educate and inspire, Peters offers serious theological reflection on sin in a popular style, provides an up-to-date examination of Satanism, and introduces a provocative new theory about how sin works in daily life. An illuminating guide for the educated reader, regardless of field or walk of life, this compelling book forces everyone to ask the question “Am I a sinner?” while it simultaneously provides the gentle and much-needed reminder that God’s grace is available to all who answer in the affirmative.

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    • Biblical Authority Or Biblical Tyranny


      How is the Bible authoritative for faith and doctrine? What does it mean to say it’s inspired? infallible? the Word of God? ‘ Offers worthwhile reflection, challenge, and/or growth to anyone in a pastoral or teaching ministry.

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    • Suffering And Hope A Print On Demand Title


      This compelling study by J. Christian Beker provides a moving, triumphant answer to one of life’s greatest mysteries – the presence of suffering in God’s world. Now an established classic in the discussion of the problem of evil, Suffering and Hope plumbs the Old Testament’s response to earthly pain as well as Paul’s own dealings with “redemptive suffering.” Beker seeks to understand how the Bible’s view of suffering relates to our present experience of suffering and to the Christian hope for the future of creation. His concern is with the quality and character of both suffering and hope in a world where the question of suffering is inescapable. This powerful new edition features a foreword by Ben C. Ollenburger that describes the story behind the book – the dehumanizing conditions Beker endured as a slave laborer during the Nazi occupation of The Netherlands and the ways in which they helped shape the particular poignancy of his view of suffering. Readers will be moved both by Beker’s personal transparency and by his biblical vision of “hopeful suffering” – the apocalyptic trust in God’s eventual victory over the power of death that poisons his creation.

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    • Ending Auschwitz : The Future Of Jewish And Christian Life


      This book begins with Marc Ellis’s own journey to Auschwitz in 1992 and reflects back on his past, which includes his childhood experience as a Jew and his university years studying under Holocaust theologian Richard Rubenstein. Marc Ellis has taught and traveled among third-world peoples and has been outspoken on Middle Eastern issues. Based on this experience, Ellis has come to see that both Judaism and Christianity are locked in a static position. He shows that there is a continuity between the era of Christendom, exemplified by 1492, and Auschwitz and provides evidence to show that they are intimately linked. He sees the possibility of Jews and third-world Christians joining in a solidarity characterized by suffering and hope. He advocates what he calls “the ultimate religious act of contemporary Judaism and Christianity” to end Auschwitz and 1492 and to begin anew to create a world where all people can claim their own freedom and history.

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    • Outline Of The Bible Book By Book


      An Outline of the Bible: Book by Book is an aid to understanding the Bible for both students and general readers. It includes a summary of contents and information on authorship, historical background and literary style of each book of the King James Version. Maps and a glossary are also included.

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    • Resurrection And Moral Order (Revised)


      This seminal work makes a cogent and compelling case for Christian ethics based on the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Drawing on a profound knowledge both of the history of Christina thought and of contemporary ethical theology, O’Dovovan illumines such important concepts as freedom, authority, nature, history, and revelation. Also includes an extensive new prologue in which the author enters into critical dialogue with four key figures in Christian ethics: Finnis, Honecker,Hauerwas and Barth.

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    • Prophethood Of Black Believers


      The author, one of the founding fathers of the black theology movement, provides this valuable survey of the black church. Using a cross cultural, interdiscplinary, ecumenical approach, he shows how knowledge gained through black theology can be applied to specific areas of ministry such as education, pastoral care, and political and economic issues. He challenges ministers and churches to nurture the “prophethood” of all believers in a holistic ministry in and to the black community, a ministry that has both personal and social dimensions and needs to involve the underclass as well as the middle class.

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    • Vanishing Boundaries : The Religion Of Mainline Protestant Baby Boomers


      This in-depth survey provides a vivid overview of the religious world of the Baby Boomers. The authors worked with a national sample of persons confirmed in the Presbyterian Church, examining the religious faith of the Baby Boomers and exploring the reasons they gave for leaving or staying in the church. The authors identify eight types of young adults-half of them churched and the other half unchurched. Their findings provide some unexpected results.

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    • 1st Theologians A Print On Demand Title


      The First Theologians represents an important contribution to the scholarly investigation of the nature and function of early Christian prophecy.

      This topic, occasioned by Harnack’s publication of The Didache text in 1884, is one that continues to vex New Testament scholars, who have been unable to reach widespread assent on certain pressing questions: What were the function and location of the prophets in early Christianity? What were the nature and authority of their prophesying? What were the forms and content of their prophecy? Such questions point up the issues involved in the inquiry as it has developed, but the question of just what early Christian prophets were doing when they were prophesying remains open.

      Thomas Gillespie refocuses the issue by looking at the apostle Paul’s own description of the prophetic phenomenon in 1 Corinthians. From a careful exegesis of Paul’s arguments in chapters 12 and 14 and 2:6-16, Gillespie puts forth the idea that Paul understood Christian prophecy “as Spirit-inspired interpretation of the theological and ethical implications of the apostolic kerygma.” Because prophecy represents primary reflection on the implications of the gospel, its yield may be termed theology. Therefore Gillespie is able to call the early Christian prophets the first true theologians of the church.

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    • Land Is Mine


      Norman C. Habel identifies six discrete ideologies in the Hebrew Bible regarding land: royal, agrarian, theocratic, prophetic, ancestral household, and immagrant. He then shows the importance of these ideaologies for biblical interpretation.

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    • Human Factor : Evolution Culture And Religion


      Philip Hefner works in an interdisciplinary fashion, examining human beings both scientifically and theologically. He takes into account forces of biological and cultural evolution. Viewing human beings as essentially created co-creators, he offers a balanced view of humanity as both united with the nonhuman creation and unique within the creation.

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    • Mystery Of Christ And Why We Dont Get It


      Widely recognized as a creative, insightful writer, Robert Farrar Capon offers still more of his uniquely provocative fare in The Mystery of Christ . . . and Why We Don’t Get It. This engaging book probes the meaning of salvation – peace, forgiveness, grace, reconciliation – spoken of in the New Testament as a “mystery.”

      Reminding his readers, sometimes in startling ways, that salvation is a gift rather than a transaction, Capon uses a variety of dialogues to drive home the truth that “there is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” Along the way he explores guilt, forgiveness, love, anger, romance, grief, spiritual contentment, the Incarnation, reincarnation, resurrection, and more – and manages to make salvation something fresh and new in the process.

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    • Raising Up A Faithful Priest


      This thought-provoking study reviews priesthood from a theological perspective and explores the theological value and significance of priests in the Old and New Testaments.

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    • What Christians Believe


      What Christians Believe offers a general theology that will serve every group of evangelical Christians. This theology affirms the unity of the various confessions as well as the validity of diversity in matters of secondary importance. The traditional way of doing theology among evangelicals has been to set forth a rigid theological system and vigorously defend that system as the revealed truth. That appoach tends to emphasize the points of disagreement among Christians instead of the beliefs held in common. What Christians Believe takes the approach of contextualized theology — that is, with the recognition that all systems of theological thought reflect the particular cultural grid in which they were originally written. Thus theology is a discipline that reflects on the truth. And therefore this book offers dual perspectives on each theological concept, with Alan F. Johnson unfolding its biblical foundation and Robert E. Webber tracing its historical development in the church.

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    • Peculiar Treasures


      Peculiar Treasures is the second book of Frederick Buechner’s lexical trilogy. He profiles more than 125 of the Bible’s most holy and profane people-and one whale. In his lively and witty prose, Buechner brings to life such moments from scripture as: Adam’s pangs of regret for a remembered Eden, Delilah’s last glimpse of Samson as they dragged him away, and Lazarus’s first impressions upon rising from the dead. To read Peculiar Treasures is to realize that many of these legendary figures are not who we thought they were. But they are-in their human dreams, ambitions, and imperfections-very much like us.

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    • Church In The Power Of The Spirit


      This book can be recommended on the basis that it cont ains challenging and creative insights that can be used by the discriminating reader in the service of church renewal. Moltmann represents the theology of liberation at its best, and those who wish to know more about this theology would do well to study this creative and searching theologian.

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    • Theology Of Hope


      ”A ‘must’ for every theological student who wishes to become acquainted with the most significant movement in contemporary continental theology,”—Christian Century. ”Hope is the other side of faith, as Moltmann shows, the unique characteristic of Christianity,”—Christianity Today.

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    • Wishful Thinking


      In Wishful Thinking, the first book in his much-loved lexical trilogy, Frederick Buechner puts the language of God, the universe, and the human spirit under his wry linguistic microscope. In his often ironic and always keen-sighted reflections on such terms as agnostic, envy, love, and sin, he invited us to look at theses everyday words in new and enlightening ways. Freshly revised and expanded for this edition, Wishful Thinking is a “beguiling” [Time] adventure in language for the restless believer, the doubter, and all who love words.

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    • Theological Introduction To The Book Of Psalms


      McCann’s A Theological Introduction to the Psalms represents a fresh approach to the book of Psalms. Taking his point of departure from the newest frontier of research, McCann reads the Psalms in the context of their final shape and canonical form. He interprets the psalms in their identity as scripture as well as in their character as songs, prayers, and poetry from Israel’s history. McCann’s intent is to contribute to the church’s recovery of the Psalms as Torah-Instruction (not as law), as a guide to prayer, praise of God, and pious living. The explicit connections which McCann draws from the psalms to the New Testament, and to Christian faith and life, are extensive, making his work suitable for serious study of the psalms both in academic and church settings. An appendix examines the tradition of singing the psalms and offers suggestions and resources for the use of the psalms in worship.

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    • Case For Progressive Dispensationalism


      Debate abounds on the future of Israel and Israel’s relation to the church, not only between dispensationalists and non-dispensationalists, but among dispensationalists themselves. In the past that debate has sometimes been acrimonious, and proponents of the differing viewpoints have found little common ground. In recent years, however, views have been modified and developed so that the dialogue is increasingly by cooperation and a mutual exploration of diverse ideas. The Case for Progressive Dispensationalism is intended to enlighten the debate in that same irenic spirit. The book is solidly dispensational in perspective in affirming that the Old Testament prophecies are completely fulfilled in the future, that the nation of Israel has a prophetic future, and that Israel is not the church. Dr. Saucy departs from classic dispensationalism, however, in showing that (1) the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy begins in the present church age, and (2) the church is not a parenthesis in God’s program but represents a continuity with the Old Testament messianic program. This modified dispensationalism seeks to satisfy many of the objections of non-dispensational approaches to eschatology while retaining the crucial elements of biblical interpretation that characterize dispensational thought.

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    • New Genesis : Theology And The Genetic Revolution


      How should living things and our own human nature be changed in the hands of those who can alter them genetically? How do we set limits, and what goals are legitimate pursuits? Neither the science of genetics nor the theory of evolution can answer these questions alone. This book’s contribution to a theological understanding of science and technology helps in showing how Christian theology can provide a solid frameword for considering these issues.

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    • Culture Of Interpretation A Print On Demand Title


      This is a print on demand book and is therefore non- returnable.   A bold, ambitious undertaking, this book offers a broad-ranging account of contemporary American culture, the complex network of symbols, practices, and beliefs at the heart of our society. Writing from a well-considered Christian perspective, Roger Lundin explores the historical background of some of our “postmodern” culture’s central beliefs and examines the crucial ethical and theological implications of those beliefs.The goal of Lundin’s sweeping cultural analysis is to initiate a meaningful dialogue – within the Christian church about the relationship of Christ to contemporary culture, and outside the church about the nature of the self and of truth. The Culture of Interpretation will be of interest to educated general readers, to scholars in various disciplines (philosophy, history, sociology, English, etc.), and to Christian graduate students in theology and the humanities.

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    • Unmasking The Powers


      “UNMASKING THE POWERS is one of the most powerful and incisive treatments of the evils which afflict our society and our church that I have ever read. With wisdom, scholar- ship, and evangelical zeal, Walter Wink deals with the many ways that the powers of evil infiltrate our lives. This book is a must for anyone who would understand the seductive and destructive aspects of evil which are so much a part of human life. It provides not only methods by which the influence of evil can be unmasked, but also hints of how that influence can be counteracted.” – Morton Kelsey Professor Emeritus University of Notre Dame

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    • Dwelling Place For Wisdom


      World-renowned philosopher of religion Raimon Panikkar sees wisdom as the art and knowledge of life and a source of happiness and joy–a dwelling place where people are blessed. In this book he discusses four major issues: an existential feminist approach to life and knowldge, a catholic and less fragmented anthropology, a recovery of the most ancient meaning of philosophy, and how to preserve one’s own identity without being shallow, indifferent, or exclusive. He provides a distinctive practical resource for individuals wanting to experience wisdom.

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    • Basic Christian Ethics


      This series focuses on what it means to think theologically and ethically. It presents a selection of important, otherwise unavailable texts – English – language texts and translations that have fallen out of print, new translations, and collections of significant statements about problems and themes of special importance – in an easily accessible form. With these volumes scholars and teachers will be able to use classic texts more extensively as they train new generations of theolgians, ethicists, and ministers.

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    • Religious Liberty : Catholic Struggles With Pluralism


      Includes Murray’s most important statements on religious freedom and two essays. One on religious freedom, originally suppressed by the Vatican and published here for the first time. The second is a discussion on human dignity – how it is defined and how it functions as the phiolsophical foundation of religious freedom, newly translated into English. This fascinating collection will help readers look back at past struggles over religious liberty and forward to dilemnas presently facing the church

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    • Liberation Theology : An Introductory Guide


      In a manner that is vivid and lively, Robert McAfee Brown explains and illuminates liberation theology for North American readers who may have no previous knowledge of this dynamic Christian movement. Growing out of the experience of oppressed people in Latin America, liberation theology lends a transforming power to both the study of the Bible and the Christian duty to work for justice for all God’s people. With heartwarming, terrifying, and humorous stories, Brown shows the strength and significance of one of the outstanding developments in religious faith today and for the future.

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    • Church In The Round


      Ideas of the Christian church are changing, and Letty Russell envisions its future as partnership and sharing for all memebers around a common table of hospitality. Dr. Russell draws on her interracial urban pastorate, her classes in theology, and many ecumencial conversations to help the newly emerging church face the challenges of liberation for all people.

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    • War In The 20th Century


      This timely anthology of important statements by Christian ethicists and ecclesial groups who draw upon the just-war tradition reviews the rationale for war in the twentieth century. Included are writings from Niebuhrs, the Calhoun Commission, John Ford, Elizabeth Anscombe, Paul Ramsey, Ralph Potter, the U.S. Catholic Bishops, and the U.S. Methodist Bishops. These authors, whose ideas reflect diverse trends in Roman Catholic and Protestant ethics spanning the period from the Manchurian crisis in the early 1930s to the Persian Gulf War in 1991, have sought to sharpen our moral literacy about the ethics of war. They address issues relevanct to modern warfare – obliteration bombing, selective conscientious objection, and nuclear deterrence.

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    • Slaying The Dragon


      In Slaying the Dragon: Mythmaking in the Biblical Tradition, Bernard Batto argues that biblical authors, like other ancient Near East authors, used mythic traditions in composing their works. Batto joins massive evidence with masterful argument to show that myth actually lies at the heart of the theological enterprise of the biblical authors. Slaying the Dragon is sure to provoke dicussion on the theological relevance of myth in the biblical tradition.

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    • Making Sense Of It All


      No matter how old you are, the big questions keep coming up—questions about life, death, God, religion, the nature of faith, the formation of an adequate worldview, and the meaning of it all. Morris takes a new look at those old issues in this entertaining and instructive book. Relating numerous personal anecdotes, incorporating intriguing material from the films of Woody Allen and the journals of Leo Tolstoy, and using the writings of the 17th-century genius Blaise Pascal as a central guide, he’ll help you philosophize about your life, enjoy the process, and perhaps even make sense of it all.

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    • Karl Rahner : Theologian Of The Graced Search For Meaning


      The select bibliography neatly organizes the vast work by and on Rhner and the selected texts are creatively chosen, strategically beginning not with Rahner’s philosphical anthropology but with the spiritual life. Together they comprise something of a mini summa of Rahner’s contributions to the chief areas of theology.

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    • Love And Justice


      The relationship between Christian love and justice was, for Reinhold Niebuhr, the most important issue in the modern world. In this book, there are 64 essays written by Niebuhr on a variety of social issues: democracy, race relations, socialized medicine, international relations, the atomic bomb, pacifism, and many others. Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971) was the best-known spokesman for American Neoorthodoxy. Niebuhr served as a pastor in Detroit before becoming Professor of Theology at Union Theological Seminary in New York. Niebuhr’s theological work is characterized by a deep concern for the impact of the Christ- ian message upon society and politics. Niebuhr called his view Christian Realism.

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    • Charts Of Christian Theology And Doctrines


      Charts of Christian Theology and Doctrine provides students of theology with precise and condensed summaries of the concepts and arguments from the fields of theology and doctrine. It does this by introducing readers to important terms and positions and their meanings. The value of this book lies mainly in its use as a handy reference that allows readers to organize and integrate the material learned from other textbooks and in the classroom.

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    • Eternal Word And Changing Worlds


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      In this book, addressed to the “Western, white evangelical community,” Professor Conn drives home the need for a radical reevaluation of our Western models for theology and missions. The rise of non-Western and nonwhite theologies and the changes in our understanding of language, culture, and religions force upon us the realization of the inadequacy of our ethnocentric, abstracting approach to theology and missions

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    • Invitation To Cross Cultural Theology


      Invitation to Cross-Cultural Theology seeks to extend the study of theology to the way in which lay communities of Christians endeavor to shape their world by their faith. Using narratives of experiences with God as source material, Dyrness sets out to discover the framework, both explicit as well as implicit, that guides their lives as Christians. Testimonies are heard from five very different communities around the world. In the final chapter, the author discusses the various ways in which Christ and salvation are being addressed in these communities today.

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    • New Handbook Of Christian Theologians (Expanded)


      Covering theology from the apostolic church through the present, A New Handbook of Christian Theology is a valuable reference source for anyone interested in theology. Its encyclopedic style and cross-referencing make it easy to use and its broad scope offers a balanced look at the issues at the forefront of Christian theology.

      Where some theology reference books tend to focus on a period, such as the Reformation, A New Handbook of Christian Theology offers a scholarly look at the wide range of theological issues, ranging from election and atonement to liberation and feminist theology, throughout the history of the Church. Under the assumption that there is no dominant position governing all of Christian theology in our time, editors Donald Musser and Joseph Price chose to present a pluralistic and diverse view of the theological issues, including articles by women, minorities, and even geographically distant and diverse authors. Some of the contributors include: Jose Miguez Bonino, Langdon Gilkey, John Cobb Jr., Stanley Hauerwas, William L. Hendricks, Martin E. Marty, Jurgen Moltmann, Richard John Neuhaus, and Marjorie Hewitt Suchocki. For a full contributor listing, click the more info button.

      The editors have completely revised the first version of A Handbook of Christian Theology for this version, adding half again as many articles, and focusing on some contemporary issues. All in all, this book is a broad, scholarly look at the issues that have shaped Christian theology, and the issues which are still shaping Christian theology now. Indispensable for any serious student of theology.

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    • Understanding Doctrine : Its Relevance And Purpose For Today


      In this highly readable and much-needed book, Alister McGrath explains what doctrine is, why it is important, and what its limitations are. He then briefly examines three key doctrines to illustrate his points; the Incarnation, the Atonement, and the Trinity.

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    • Rediscovering The Sacred A Print On Demand Title


      Claiming that modern interest in the sacred remains constant over time but that the sacred continually manifests itself in changing forms, Wuthnow examines the main theoretical approaches toward religion that have emerged of late in the social sciences, and he shows how these approaches have moved away from the idea of linear secularization and can help explain the changing character and shifting location of the sacred in modern society.

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    • After Modernity What


      This vigorous and incisive critique of modernity lights the path to recovering the revitalizing heritage of classical Christianity.

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    • Theology Without Boundaries


      In this book, Carnegie Samuel Calian, who was baptized in the Eastern tradition and raised a Protestant, promotes greater dialogue and exchange among Christians of the East and West. He seeks to make Christians aware of the diversity of faith and offers suggestions and insight to this end.

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    • Liberty Of Conscience


      Shows the development of the idea of liberty of conscience from the English Puritan William Perkins to the First Amendment two hundred years later.

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    • Messianic Exegesis : Christological Interpretation Of The Old Testament In


      The thesis of this book can be summarized as follows: “The beginnings of Christian reflection can be traced to interpretations of Israel’s Scriptures, and the major focus of that scriptural interpretation was Jesus, the crucified and risen Messiah.” Juel argues that the earliest use of the Old Testament Scripture was not to argue in behalf of the Gospel, but rather to understand the gospel, and to clarify the implications of faith in Christ for relating to Israel’s God and the world. Furthermore, he feels that the concept of Jesus as Messiah is the central guiding factor in scriptural exegesis.

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    • Old Testament Theology


      In OLD TESTAMENT THEOLOGY, WALTER BRUEGGEMANN addresses the necessity for thinking about the shape and structure of Old Testament theology–and the impact such thinking can have on the large issues of contemporary life. He draws on the work of persons from all academic and intellectual disciplines and incorporates them in a seminal way in his theology. Writers in the areas of theology, psychology, the social sciences, and politics are examined as providing possible basic models for talking about the Old Testament. The Old Testament is seen to be something that has intelligible and significant connections to many facets of modern life. This is a selection of Brueggemann’s essays previously published in various journals and books. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: WALTER BRUEGGEMANN is Professor of Old Testament at Columbia Theological Seminary, Atlanta, and past President of the Society of Biblical Literature.

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    • Social Teaching Of The Christian Churches 2


      More than a history of Christian ethics, this history of the Christian era relates ideas such as the changing structures of church and society, showing the mutual influences between ideas, social forces, and institutions.

      The Library of Theological Ethics series focuses on what it means to think theologically and ethically. It presents a selection of important and otherwise unavailable texts in easily accessible form. Volumes in this series will enable sustained dialogue with predecessors though reflection on classic works in the field.

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