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Theology (Exegetical Historical Practical etc.)

Showing 3101–3150 of 3339 results

  • Eternal Word And Changing Worlds


    372 Pages

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    In this book, addressed to the “Western, white evangelical community,” Professor Conn drives home the need for a radical reevaluation of our Western models for theology and missions. The rise of non-Western and nonwhite theologies and the changes in our understanding of language, culture, and religions force upon us the realization of the inadequacy of our ethnocentric, abstracting approach to theology and missions

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  • Invitation To Cross Cultural Theology


    Invitation to Cross-Cultural Theology seeks to extend the study of theology to the way in which lay communities of Christians endeavor to shape their world by their faith. Using narratives of experiences with God as source material, Dyrness sets out to discover the framework, both explicit as well as implicit, that guides their lives as Christians. Testimonies are heard from five very different communities around the world. In the final chapter, the author discusses the various ways in which Christ and salvation are being addressed in these communities today.

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  • New Handbook Of Christian Theologians (Expanded)


    Covering theology from the apostolic church through the present, A New Handbook of Christian Theology is a valuable reference source for anyone interested in theology. Its encyclopedic style and cross-referencing make it easy to use and its broad scope offers a balanced look at the issues at the forefront of Christian theology.

    Where some theology reference books tend to focus on a period, such as the Reformation, A New Handbook of Christian Theology offers a scholarly look at the wide range of theological issues, ranging from election and atonement to liberation and feminist theology, throughout the history of the Church. Under the assumption that there is no dominant position governing all of Christian theology in our time, editors Donald Musser and Joseph Price chose to present a pluralistic and diverse view of the theological issues, including articles by women, minorities, and even geographically distant and diverse authors. Some of the contributors include: Jose Miguez Bonino, Langdon Gilkey, John Cobb Jr., Stanley Hauerwas, William L. Hendricks, Martin E. Marty, Jurgen Moltmann, Richard John Neuhaus, and Marjorie Hewitt Suchocki. For a full contributor listing, click the more info button.

    The editors have completely revised the first version of A Handbook of Christian Theology for this version, adding half again as many articles, and focusing on some contemporary issues. All in all, this book is a broad, scholarly look at the issues that have shaped Christian theology, and the issues which are still shaping Christian theology now. Indispensable for any serious student of theology.

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  • Interpreting Hebrew Poetry


    Editor’s Foreword


    1. Understanding Hebrew Poetry
    Theories Of Poetry
    Poetry-Prose Continuum
    Three Approaches
    Relationship Of Methods

    2. Parallelism
    Robert Lowth
    Basic Nomenclature
    Synonymous, Antithetic, Synthetic Parallelism
    New Understandings
    Grammatic, Morphologic, Semantic Parallelism

    3. Meter And Rhythm

    4. Poetic Style
    Stanza And Strophe

    5. Poetic Analysis
    Isaiah 5:1-17
    Psalm 1
    Selected Bibliography
    Author Index
    Scripture Index

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    Here is a convenient introduction to the unique aspects of interpreting the one-third of the Hebrew Bible that is in poetic form. Numerous are the occasions when a failure to distinguish poetry from prose in the Old Testament has resulted in flawed interpretation. Robert Lowth’s Lectures on the Sacred Poetry of the Hebrews (1753, 1787), marked a turning point of major proportions by focusing on the importance of parallelism of lines. But new studies of the past decade now require significant adjustments to Lowth’s analyses. Interpreting Hebrew Poetry offers an authoritative introduction to this discussion of parallelism, meter and rhythm, and poetic style. It also provides by way of example a poetic analysis of Deuteronomy 32, Isaiah 5:1-7, and Psalm 1.

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  • Understanding Doctrine : Its Relevance And Purpose For Today


    In this highly readable and much-needed book, Alister McGrath explains what doctrine is, why it is important, and what its limitations are. He then briefly examines three key doctrines to illustrate his points; the Incarnation, the Atonement, and the Trinity.

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  • Rediscovering The Sacred A Print On Demand Title


    Claiming that modern interest in the sacred remains constant over time but that the sacred continually manifests itself in changing forms, Wuthnow examines the main theoretical approaches toward religion that have emerged of late in the social sciences, and he shows how these approaches have moved away from the idea of linear secularization and can help explain the changing character and shifting location of the sacred in modern society.

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  • After Modernity What


    This vigorous and incisive critique of modernity lights the path to recovering the revitalizing heritage of classical Christianity.

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  • Theology Without Boundaries


    In this book, Carnegie Samuel Calian, who was baptized in the Eastern tradition and raised a Protestant, promotes greater dialogue and exchange among Christians of the East and West. He seeks to make Christians aware of the diversity of faith and offers suggestions and insight to this end.

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  • Christianity And The Social Crisis


    Walter Rauschenbusch was the primary architect of the Social Gospel, a movement that responded to the changing social and industrial conditions in the United States during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. He presents, in this book, his path-breaking and prophetic interpretation of Jesus and the kingdom, and his understanding of troubling conditions that call the church to faithful witness and work toward meaningful political and economic reforms.

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  • Liberty Of Conscience


    Shows the development of the idea of liberty of conscience from the English Puritan William Perkins to the First Amendment two hundred years later.

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  • Messianic Exegesis : Christological Interpretation Of The Old Testament In


    The thesis of this book can be summarized as follows: “The beginnings of Christian reflection can be traced to interpretations of Israel’s Scriptures, and the major focus of that scriptural interpretation was Jesus, the crucified and risen Messiah.” Juel argues that the earliest use of the Old Testament Scripture was not to argue in behalf of the Gospel, but rather to understand the gospel, and to clarify the implications of faith in Christ for relating to Israel’s God and the world. Furthermore, he feels that the concept of Jesus as Messiah is the central guiding factor in scriptural exegesis.

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  • Old Testament Theology


    In OLD TESTAMENT THEOLOGY, WALTER BRUEGGEMANN addresses the necessity for thinking about the shape and structure of Old Testament theology–and the impact such thinking can have on the large issues of contemporary life. He draws on the work of persons from all academic and intellectual disciplines and incorporates them in a seminal way in his theology. Writers in the areas of theology, psychology, the social sciences, and politics are examined as providing possible basic models for talking about the Old Testament. The Old Testament is seen to be something that has intelligible and significant connections to many facets of modern life. This is a selection of Brueggemann’s essays previously published in various journals and books. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: WALTER BRUEGGEMANN is Professor of Old Testament at Columbia Theological Seminary, Atlanta, and past President of the Society of Biblical Literature.

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  • Social Teaching Of The Christian Churches 2


    More than a history of Christian ethics, this history of the Christian era relates ideas such as the changing structures of church and society, showing the mutual influences between ideas, social forces, and institutions.

    The Library of Theological Ethics series focuses on what it means to think theologically and ethically. It presents a selection of important and otherwise unavailable texts in easily accessible form. Volumes in this series will enable sustained dialogue with predecessors though reflection on classic works in the field.

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  • Paul Tillich : Theologian Of The Boundaries


    Paul Tillich, forced into exile by the Nazis in 1933, settled in the United States. His many theological works and especially his three volume Systematic Theology have had a profound influence upon contemporary religious thought. This volume concentrates on the key texts and ideas in Tillich’s thought. It presents the essential Paul Tillich for students and the general reader.

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  • Adolf Von Harnack


    Adolf von Harnack was the most outstanding student of early Christianity in modern times and one of the most persuasive exponents of liberal theology. Although subsequent scholarship has strongly challenged many of his conclusions, the questions he raised remain central to much theological endeavor.

    Despite their critique of Harnack, both Karl Barth and Dietrich Bonhoeffer – two of his most eminent students – recognized the immense contribution he made to Christian theology in the modern era.

    This volume concentrates on the key texts and ideas in Harnack’s thought. It presents the essential Harnack for students and the general reader.

    Martin Rumscheidt’s introductory essay and notes on the selected texts set Harnack in his historical context, chart the development of his thought, and indicate the significance of his theology in the development of Christian theology as a whole.

    Substantial selections from Harnack’s work illustrate key themes:

    History as a science in the service of theology
    The gospel, early Christianity, and the history of dogma and the church
    The presence and influence of the ‘religious genius’ in the history of Christianity
    The religious-social imperative in the gospel and church
    The personal faith of the theologian

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  • Soul Theology : The Heart Of American Black Culture


    Soul Theology distills the core beliefs that have provided and sustained a healing and balancing force in the black community throughout its history in North American.

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  • Shifting Boundaries : Contextual Approaches To The Structure Of Theological


    An outstanding group of authors address the structure of theological education using different avenues of approach. Each writer describes and frames a theological response to a major feature of the contemporary scene. The contributors look at events and movements that shape the organization of theological studies, including a review of black religion, feminism, practical theology, and liberation movements. They explore interrelating issues such as social ethics, seminary and university education, and historical consciousness.

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  • Constructing A Public Theology


    Ronald Thiemann believes we live in a time and a culture where there is little agreement concerning many basic moral questions. He claims the line between private and public, between personal and political, can no longer be drawn with absolute clarity, and if moral decision making has an inevitable political dimension, then moral and theological reflection must seek to help Christians in dealing with the public aspects of their lives.

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  • Loving Nature : Ecological Integrity And Christian Responsibility


    The ecological crisis is a serious challenge to Christian theology and ethics because the crisis is rooted partly in flawed convictions about the rights and powers of humankind in relation to the rest of the natural world. James A. Nash argues that Christianity can draw on a rich theological and ethical tradition with which to confront this challenge.

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  • Eberhard Jungel : An Introduction To His Theology


    This introduction to the renowned contemporary German Protestant theologian’s work focuses on his discussions of theological and religious language, the role of Christology, doctrines of God and man, and questions of natural theology.

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  • Pastoral Theology : A Black Church Perspective


    Pastoral theology is liberation theology because it is grouned in paxis. Its focus is comprehensive and specific. It deals with developing and implementing policies and programs in the church and community that convey the meaning of Christianity in practical life situations.

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  • Truth To Tell A Print On Demand Title


    An important book for all who are concerned with the impact of Christianity on today’s world, Truth to Tell affirms the gospel as the truth – not only for personal life but also for life at the public, societal level.

    In emphasizing the Christian gospel as the truth that calls for radical conversion, Lesslie Newbigin runs counter to the prevailing subjectivism and skepticism in our society regarding the possibility of knowing ultimate truth. Societies like ours that have undergone “modernization” tend to regard the world’s religions as agencies for the cultivation of privately held religious opinions – agencies that can be studied with the tools of sociology, psychology, and other secular disciplines.

    But, says Newbigin, the Christian church is not simply an agency that stands for good personal values. In three pointed chapters – “Believing and Knowing the Truth,” “Affirming the Truth in the Church,” and “Speaking the Truth to Caesar” – Newbigin develops the argument that the Christian gospel is a statement of objective, historical truth, and all other modes of thought are to be evaluated in the light of the gospel truth.

    Directed especially to ministers and concerned laypeople, Truth to Tell consists of the Osterhaven lectures delivered by Newbigin at Western Theological Seminary in Holland, Michigan.

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  • After Christendom : How The Church Is To Behave If Freedom Justice, And A C


    Liberal/conservative and modern/postmodern concepts define contemporary theological debate. Yet what if these categories are grounded in a set of assumptions about what it means to be the church in the world, presuming we must live as though God’s existence does not matter? What if our theological discussion distracts us from the fact that the church is no longer able to shape the desires and habits of Christians? Hauerwas wrestles with these and similar questions constructing a theological politics necessary for the church to be the church in the world. In so doing, he challenges liberal notions of justice and freedom.

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  • Toward Old Testament Ethics


    Biblical ethics is a subject that has been almost totally neglected in this century. Only six men have written a major work on Old Testament ethics in the last hundred years, and only two of these works, both written before 1900, are in English. This lack of materials on Old Testament ethics serves to underscore the significance of Walter Kaiser’s Toward Old Testament Ethics. Dr. Kaiser has no illusions about providing a simple solution to questions of Old Testament ethics. He is familiar with the complexities of this subject and begins his work in Part I by addressing such questions as: How can ethics be defined? Is there an overarching structure to ethics as presented in the Old Testament, or is there only an unrelated series of laws? Do ethics of the Old Testament have any relevance for us today? What are the exegetical principles to be used in a study of Old Testament ethics? Part II examines the moral texts of the Old Testament, in particular the Decalogue, the book of the covenant (Exodus 20:22–23:33), and the law of holiness (Leviticus 18–20). Dr. Kaiser unfolds the intention of these various laws, showing how they relate to each other and form a framework for ethics. Part III explores the content of Old Testament ethics, namely, how holiness relates to worship, work, relationship, social justice, the sanctity of life, marriage and sex, wealth, use of the truth, and motives for action. Moral difficulties in the Old Testament present stumbling blocks to many who read these books. How are we to relate to a God who, at times, seems fickle, deceptive, and hateful? How are we to champion the offensive view of women and slaves, the particulars of God choosing Israel, and the imprecations that appear from time to time in the biblical texts? Reponses to these and other difficulties from Part IV. The book concludes with a discussion of Old Testament law and New Testament believers. Dr. Kaiser shows how these laws, written thousands of years ago, still challenge God’s people to live holy lives.

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  • Holy Spirit : Comprehensive Study Of The Person And Work Of The Holy Spirit


    This book on the Holy Spirit is the outgrowth of lectures on the topic given in Dr. Walvoord’s classes at Dallas Theological Seminary. Over the years, this book has aroused considerable interest and gone through 23 printings in hardcover before prompting this new paperback edition. The Holy Spirit is an extensive treatment of the entire doctrine of pneumatology, using some 1500 Scripture citations, and is designed for theological students and pastors as well as for laypeople desiring to get a complete presentation of the third person of the Trinity who indwells all Christians.

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  • Skilled Pastor : Counseling As The Practice Of Theology



    Introduction: Becoming A Skilled Pastor




    4.Theological Assessment
    6.Resources For Change

    Conclusion: The Metanoia Model


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    A splendid volume detailing the specific skills necessary for sound pastoral guidance in various situations. The author integrates theological reflection with practice, while incorporating religious resources with counseling technique.

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  • Dietrich Bonhoeffer : Witness To Jesus Christ


    Bonhoeffer’s theological brilliance, committed discipleship ecumenical insight and courageous participation in the struggle against Nazism have profoundly shaped contemporary Christian understanding and action. Although his early death at the hands of the Gestapo prevented him from providing us with a full and systematic theology, his writings are remarkably extensive and have become increasingly influential. This volume concentrates on the key texts and ideas in Bonhoeffer’s thought. It presents the essential Bonhoeffer for students and the general reader.

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  • Friedrich Schleiermacher : Pioneer Of Modern Theology


    Friedrich Schleiermacher (1768-1834), a German theologian, is considered to be one of the founders of ‘liberal theology,’ with its emphasis on inner experience and the knowledge of God as mediated through history. This volume is a collection of edited texts illustrating his thought on the following themes: religion as feeling and relationship; the distinctiveness of Christianity; the nature of theology as reflection and communication; hermeneutics; God and the world; the person and work of Christ; nation, church and state; Christianity and the religions.
    An introductory article and notes by Keith Clements set Schleiermacher in his historical context, chart the development of his thought, and indicate the significance of his theology on the broader spectrum of theological thought. This volume is designed both for students of theology and for the general reader.

    About the Author:
    Keith Clements is a Baptist minister and Co-ordinating Secretary for International Affairs, Council of Churches for Britain and Ireland.

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  • Reformation And Liberation Theology


    Using sound theology, Richard Shaull helps all Christians seek a deeper understanding of liberation theology and the Reformation. This volume will be a welcome contribution to the seminary classroom.

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  • Toward Rediscovering The Old Testament


    Understanding the Old Testament is the crucial problem for the Christian. The three parts of this book (the Old Testamentand scholarship, the Old Testament and theology, and The Old Testament and life) present issues rarely discussed by Christians, as well as models and solutions for age-old dilemmas.

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  • Handbook For Christian Philosophy


    This handbook acquaints readers with philosophy in an introductory and nontechnical way. These materials, first developed for use in classes as a supplement to other formal textbooks, are designed to gain the confidence of students who have no technical level of expertise in the field of philosophy. There is a very useful glossary at the end that will be of help to all readers, listing more than just simple definitions. Often the glossary explanations are like brief essays in themselves. This handbook acquaints readers with philosophy in an introductory and nontechnical way. These materials, first developed for use in classes as a supplement to other formal textbooks, are designed to gain the confidence of students who have no technical level of expertise in the field of philosophy. There is a very useful glossary at the end that will be of help to all readers, listing more than just simple definitions. Often the glossary explanations are like brief essays in themselves. Many significant issues arise in the field, but this book treats three in particular: theistic proofs, evil, and creation. A Handbook for Christian Philosophy offers several contributions that make it unique. First, there is a section on logic that relates the subject of logic to biblical exegesis. Second, the treatment of evil puts special emphasis on the biblical themes that provide practical and theoretical help for people who are experiencing evil and going through suffering. Third, the chapter on creation includes an up-to-date critique of naturalistic evolution and a review of the recurrent Christian principles on this topic. The author provides an excellent worldview evaluation, something that is desperately needed today by all Christians. The chapters include: What is philosophy?; How to study philosophy; Learning to think logically; Recognizing worldviews; Testing worldviews; The existence of God; Creation, the reasonable alternative; and a final chapter on God and evil.

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  • John Wesleys Message Today


    Explains major aspects of Wesley’s theology; assists groups or individuals with study questions.
    With its plain, easy-to-understand language, this Pocket Guide will help you understand the major aspects of John Wesley’s theology.
    You will discover what Wesley believed about…

    The image of God and original sin
    Justification by faith
    The witness of the Spirit
    Social holiness
    …and more. This 96 page booklet also offers study questions that will help you or your group discuss the importance of Wesley’s ideas for Christians today.

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  • Theology Of The Letter To The Hebrews


    The Letter to the Hebrews is of particular significance for the most important explanation of the sacrificial death of Christ contained in the New Testament. In this book, Barnabas Lindars explains the circumstances in which Hebrews was written, and expounds the writer’s argument at length. At each stage of the survey, the writer’s ideas are related to the main topics of New Testament theology. Special attention is paid to the rhetorical style of Hebrews, which marks it out as having been written in response to an urgent practical situation. The concluding chapters show the place of Hebrews in the context of the development of early Christianity, and indicate the lasting value of Hebrews for theology today.

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  • Genesis And Apocalypse


    Genesis and Apocalypse engages a theological history of Western culture through the works of Augustine, Luther, Barth, and other important figures in theology, as well as critical theorists such as Hegel and Nietzsche, to ultimately offer a Christology for our modern times.

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  • Thus Says The Lord


    This is a comprehensive and astute interpretive study of the prophetic tradition of ancient Israel. Ward interprets the whole of the books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and the Twelve Prophets, placing the religious/theological message of these prophets into its most probable historical context. But he also deals with the socioeconomic world of Israael’s prophets, so that readers are able to confront the message, the ideas, of the prophets in relation to the larger realities through which the people and the prophets were living.

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  • Disinheriting The Jews


    Disinheriting the Jews is a scholarly work of great interest and significance for both Christians and Jews. Jeffery Siker shows how strongly the figure of Abraham has shaped our religious identities. He also uses the portrayals of Abraham by early Christians as a new means of understanding the dynamics involved in the church’s separation and estrangement from Judaism. Siker argues that the separation was precipitated by historical contingencies more so than by Christian identity, and in so doing suggests self-corrections that could mend the rift between Christianity and Judaism.

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  • Theology Of The Second Letter To The Corinthians


    The resonances in the dialogue of Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthians are difficult to detect unless the reader has some knowledge of the social, religious, and economic situation of the community to which the apostle was writing. In this lucid and clear survey, Father Murphy-O’Connor attempts to provide such background information, which he integrates skillfully into a flowing exposition of Paul’s thought. St. Paul’s theology thus comes to life as the complex interplay of factors that prompted him to write as he did to the Corinthians are examined and explored. In addition to providing a particularly accessible picture of the distinctive theological contribution made by 2 Corinthians, the author’s book prompts new insights into the relation of Christ to the ministry of the Church.

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  • Theology Of The Johannine Epistles


    The Johannine Epistles have long been recognized as contributing a vital element to the theology of the New Testament. Usually it is to the Gospel that the reader turns first in order to explore that contribution; the First Epistle is treated as a supplement, while 2 and 3 John–because of their brevity–receive little attention. This book allows the Epistles to speak for themselves, and shows that they sound a distinctive note within Johannine theology, in particular, and the thought of the New Testament, in general. Dr. Lieu carefully outlines their most important theological themes which, when understood in their original setting, are seen to have rich potential for the continuing theology of the Church.

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  • Christian Faith


    Preface To The Translation
    Introduction To The English Edition By Garrett E. Paul
    Foreword By Marta Troeltsch
    Prefatory Remarks By Gertrud Von Le Fort

    1.The Concept Of Glaubenslehre And The Task Of The Dogmatic System In Relation To The Principles Of The Philosophy Of Religion
    2.The Sources Of The System
    3.Revelation And Faith
    4.Faith And Knowledge, Theology And Philosophy
    5.The Christian Principle And The Organization Of Glaubenslehre

    6.Faith And History
    7.The Religious Significance Of The History Of Israelite Prophetism
    8.The Significance Of Jesus For Faith
    9.The Religious Significance Of The History Of Christianity As The Development Of Revelation
    10.The Doctrine Of The Trinity As The Link Between The Historical And The Religious Elements In Christianity


    1. The Christian Concept Of God

    11.The Place Of The Concept Of God In The System
    12.God As Will And Essence
    13.The Holiness Of God
    14.God As Love

    2. The Christian Concept Of The World

    15.The Place Of The Concept Of The World In The System
    16.The Concept Of Creation
    17.The Divine World-Governance
    18.The Inner Life Of God, Or Miracle

    3. The Christian Concept Of The Soul

    19.The Place Of Anthropology In The System
    20.The Infinite Value Of The Soul
    21.The Image Of God
    22.Original Sin
    23.The Religious Vision Of History: The Struggle Between The Good And Evil Principles In The History Of The Human Race

    4. The Christian Concept Of Redemption

    24.The Place Of The Concept Of Redemption In The System
    25.Development And Redemption
    26.Redemption From Sin, Guilt, And Moral Impotence
    27.The Character Of Redemption As A Whole: Grace And Rebirth
    28.The Connection Between Redemption And The Historical Personality Of Jesus Christ, And The Accomplishment Of Redemption Through The Work Of The Holy Spirit

    5. The Christian Doctrine Of Religious Community (Fragment)

    29.Religious Community, Or The Kingdom Of God
    30.The Church
    31.The Word As The Means Of Grace
    32.The Sacraments And The Cultus
    33.The Task Of Missions

    6. The Consummation (Fragment)

    34.The Place Of Eschatology In The System
    35.The Essence Of The Consummation
    36.The Universality And Particularity Of Grace


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    The first English translation of Troeltsch’s Glaubenslehre. The first attempt to do systematic theology from a deep Christian commitment with full awareness of Christianity’s social and historical relativity.

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  • Reformed And Feminist


    Can one be a feminist and still remain true to the Reformer’s cry of “sola Scriptura” and Calvin’s Institutes? Part autobiography, part exposition, part theology, this title challenges the church to be more inclusive of women and find roles and functions to take advantage of their newly won equality.

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  • Jesus Christ In Modern Thought


    ‘An important and significant book, which provides a clear, critical and comprehensive analysis of the history of Christology and a balanced and compelling argument for one approach which should help make the classical creeds more intelligible and the idea of the incarnation more probable in a secular culture.

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  • God With Us A Print On Demand Title


    “God’s dynamic initiative” is the main theme of biblical testimony, says Christoph Barth. Here he expounds the message of the Old Testament in a manner that is faithful to the Old Testament itself – as an account of the mighty acts of God rather than a series of abstract doctrines.

    A theology of the Old Testament is not simply a study of God, however. Old Testament theology also encompasses teaching about the world and humanity, about life and death, about origin, nature, and destiny. And Old Testament theology must also take into account the New Testament, which confirms what is announced in Israel’s Scripture and thus is part of it.

    Barth elucidates the importance of the Old Testament for the New Testament and hence for Christians, surveys God’s redemptive acts as recorded in the confessional summaries of history in the Old and New Testaments, and offers contemporary applications of these biblical themes.

    Working his way through the Old Testament, Barth treats nine key topics, each of which deals with one of the divine acts that are the essential subject matter of Israel’s Scripture: creation, election of the patriarchs, exodus, wilderness wandering, Sinai revelation, gift of Canaan, election of David (kingship), election of Jerusalem and sending of prophets. He has divided each of the nine chapters into sections on one main aspect of the topic, considering theological, anthropological, soteriological, and eschatological points as well. Throughout his examination of each theme Barth pays special attention to its scriptural context.

    God With Us is an excellent textbook for introductory or survey courses in the Old Testament: each section begins with a thesis statement, summarizing its contents, and details are treated in small-print sections.

    Barth originally wrote his Old Testament theology in Indonesian and later rewrote the entire book in English; Geoffrey Bromiley has condensed the original four volumes in this edition.

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  • City Of God City Of Satan


    Why is the city a battleground of hostile principalities and powers? What is the mission of the church in the city? How can the church be supported in accomplishing that mission? These are the questions that Robert Linthicum treats in his comprehensive and probing biblical theology of the city. In the Bible the city is depicted both as a dwelling place of God and his people and as a center of power for Satan and his minions. The city is one primary stage on which the drama of salvation is played out. And that is no less the case at the end of this pivotal century as megacities become the focal point of most human activity and aspirations around the world. This is a timely theology of the city that weaves the theological images of the Bible and the social realities of the contemporary world into a revealing tapestry of truths about the urban experience. Its purpose is to define clearly the mission of the church in the midst of the urban realities and to support well the work of the church in the urban world.

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  • Interpretation And Obedience


    Brueggemann demonstrates the essential connection between faithful reading of the biblical text and faithful living in a world ordinary yet threatening values. He assesses the nature of obedience today in such areas as ministry, justice, education, hospitality, and the contemporary imagination. Walter Brueggemann is professor of Old Testament at Columbia Theological Seminary, Decatur, Georgia.

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  • Christian Basics A Print On Demand Title


    A critically acclaimed resource perfect for your membership classes—and a lively refresher for long-time believers. The Fackres begin their introduction to Christianity by answering the question “Who is God?” From there they explain—in clear language—the creation, the fall, the covenant, Jesus, the church, salvation, and consummation. Includes a study guide, challenging questions, and more.

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  • Religion In History


    The monumental work of Ernst Troeltsch stands as the twentieth century’s most thorough and systematic attempt to come to terms with the historical character of culture, knowledge, and religion. These essays, only two of which have appeared previously in English, reflect Troeltsch’s vast knowledge and deep insight into modernity, which led him to discern the radical implications of historicity for religion and theology. His thought remains a resource, a guide, and a prod in an ongoing theological quest.

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  • Descent Of God


    Joseph Hallman here makes a significant contribution to the perennial theological dilemma, how can an unchanging God relate to a changing world? The author displays a mastery of the patristic sources as well as familiarity with contemporary philosophical approaches to the issue. The Greek philosophical assumption of the immutability of God has retained a profound influence on Christian thought until modern times despite the attempts of patristic writers to harmonize the Incarnation with God’s immutability. Hallman suggests that the most promising resolution to this dilemma comes to us in the work of Whitehead.

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  • Christian Faith A Print On Demand Title (Revised)


    In today’s secular world, the Christian faith is viewed as only one aspect of what could be called “religious life.” Acknowledging this, Hendrikus Berkhof begins this thought-provoking study with a sketch of religion and faith in general before narrowing it down to a discussion of the specific place of Christian faith. Beginning with the whole of reality makes it possible to use “religion” as the basis from which to acquire an understanding of the relevance of the Christian faith for that total reality. Thus, a study of Christian faith can answer questions that deal with the place of humanity in the cosmos, the meaning of life and existence, the meaning of freedom and of death.

    Berkhof defines “religion” as the relation to the absolute. “Faith” is one step beyond religion, as it is the establishment of God’s relationship to his people. Christian faith builds on Old Testament faith because the promises of the Old Testament are accepted as being fulfilled in the ministry, suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

    For Berkhof the study of Christian faith is a systematic examination of the content of the relationship which God in Christ has entered into with us. Because the study of the faith is systematic, there must be an order to it. This order varies from theologian to theologian; for Berkhof the starting point is revelation – the sources and norms for our knowledge of God. This leads to a discussion of God, creation (of the world and of human beings), Israel, the person and work of Christ, the church, and finally, the renewal of the world and of humanity. Throughout the book Berkhof comments on (and often takes issue with) systematic theologians of the past.

    Written for both the layperson and the scholar, the text is interspersed with excurses (set off in smaller type than the main text) that cover specific subjects more thoroughly, citing sources, controversies, and the like, which will be of particular interest to theologians and students. This newly revised edition, a translation of the Dutch fifth edition, takes into account developments in dogmatics in the thirteen years since Berkhof prepared the first edition of Christian Faith.

    Berkhof’s aim throughout is to present his understanding of the truth of God; but, as he writes in his preface, “the study of the faith is not something to learn so much as something to do and practice. A book can do no more than help us to get started and stimulate us to try to do it on our own.” Thi

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  • Reinhold Niebuhr : Theologian Of Public Life


    Reinhold Niebuhr, the most significant North American Theologian since the 18th century, has decisively influenced the shape of Christian thought and action in the United States for much of the 20th century. Niebuhr addressed social and political issues from the perspective of “Christian Realism.” This was his blend of liberalism, shrewd social analysis, and elements within the Augustinian tradition. REINHOLD NIEBUHR: THEOLOGIAN OF PUBLIC LIFE is a collection of edited texts illustrating his thought on the following themes: Disorders of a technical civilization, Morality and power, Preachers and prophets, Augustine and Christian realism, Grace and sin, Justice and love, Nature and destiny, Theological ideas, Faith for a hazardous future, and Theological virtues. Larry Rasmussen’s introductory essay and notes on the selected texts set Niebuhr in his historical context, chart the development of his thought and indicate the significance of his theology in the development of Christian theology as a whole.

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  • Karl Barth : Theologian Of Freedom


    THE MAKING OF MODERN THEOLOGY. Ranked by many among the great theologians of church history, Karl Barth was the lead ing European theologian in the first half of this century. His 1919 ROMANS signaled the end of 19th century liberal theology, and his CHURCH DOGMATICS reconstructed Christian doctrine in a way that was both classical and modern. A champion of freedom of the Christian community, Barth’s the ology links “the Bible and the newspaper,” Chrsitian doctrine with the ethical issues of politics and economics, justice and peace. This volume concentrates on the key texts and ideas in Barth’s thought. It presents the essentials Barth for stu dents and the general reader. Clifford Green’s introductory essay and comments on the selected texts set Barth in his historical context, chart the development of his thought and indicate the significance of his theology in the development of Christian theology as a whole. Substantial selections from Barth’s work illustrate key themes: Barth’s critique of liberal theology The ROMANS commentary and the Anselm study Revelation and biblical theology versus natural theology Christology, election, creation, reconciliation, the church Christian ethics; the church and public life Socialism; resistance to Nazism; the church as a peacemaker Clifford Green is Professor of Theology and Ethics at Hartford Seminary abd Director of its Public Policy Center.

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