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    • What Grace They Received


      Here are 12 worship resources about modern-day saints. Eleven are designed for “the sermon slot.” Dag Hammarskjold’s chapter is an entire liturgy. Each resource has parts for two or more readers. One is the narrator while another shares excerpts from the writings of the saint. Additional readers may make connections to our lives today.

      The 12 saints are:
      * Wilhelm Loehe
      * St. Benedict
      * Cyril and Methodius
      * Bartolome de Las Casas
      * Thomas Aquinas
      * Albert Schweitzer
      * Perpetua and Felicity
      * Dag Hammarskjold
      * Athanasius
      * St. Ignatius
      * Ludwig Nommensen
      * John Christian Frederick Heyer

      Lutherans will find these 12 commemorated in the Lutheran Book of Worship during 1993 and 1994.

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    • Holy Week Confessions


      Death took me. I found myself in an empty, dark void. I don’t remember anything of it, just emptiness. Then I heard his voice, “Lazarus, come out!” Jesus called me from death to life. Struggling through the darkness, I came out of my tomb. (from Lazarus’ personal confession)

      Using the theme “confessions” this resource offers 12 worship options to enhance your congregation’s Holy Week and Easter journey.

      The journey begins with a Palm Sunday worship service and the confession of Lazarus. Resources are also offered for Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and various Saturday and Sunday services.

      Two communion services for Easter Sunday and an Easter message, “The Sun Has Risen, Behold — The Risen Son!” conclude the series.

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    • New Handbook Of The Christian Year


      ”A valuable source of services for the Christian seasons. One of the best currently available for all denominations,”—Christianity Today. A Christmas Eve family service, Ash Wednesday liturgy, and John Wesley’s covenant service among others.

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    • Trouble At The Table


      How can we resolve the crsis and revitalize the worship in our church? Too often we evaluate worship as a matter of taste without examinging the presuppositions that inform worship in a given congregation. Exploring and developing techniques for handling resistance to change, the authors help church leaders see that worship is a public event, which must be continually renewed and revitalized.

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    • Litanies And Other Prayers For The Revised Common Lectionary Year A


      Includes invocations, calls to worship, litanies, benedictions, and more. Year A.

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    • ABCs Of Worship


      If you’re curious about the terms and practices used in worship, you’ll enjoy this dictionary. Stake includes 150 concise (not wordy) articles on topics such as ecumenicism, Maundy Thursday, anointing, symbols, Pentecost, and the Christian Year. Clearly written, the articles are arranged in alphabetical order and are cross-referenced so you can get the most out of them. Satisfy your curiosity!

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    • Christian Marriage


      In this action the church expressed a hope that such a book and the process leading to it would provide a new instrument for the renewal of the church at its life giving center.

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    • Funeral


      SKU (ISBN): 9780664240349ISBN10: 0664240348Binding: Trade PaperPublished: January 1992Presbyterian Supplemental Liturgical ResourcesPublisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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    • What Happens Sunday Morning


      SKU (ISBN): 9780664252274ISBN10: 0664252273Carol NorenBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 1992Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Holy Baptism And Services For The Renewal Of Baptism


      SKU (ISBN): 9780664246471ISBN10: 0664246478Binding: Trade PaperPublished: January 1992Presbyterian Supplemental Liturgical ResourcesPublisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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    • My Worship Planner And Organizer


      My Worship Planner And Organizer is the best friend of the pastor, organist, church secretary, choir director, and worship committee when it comes to keeping worship records and reference.

      Its focus is Sunday worship. Each Sunday has two pages available for taking notes and reference.

      You will find Sunday by Sunday:
      Cycle A, B, and C, gospel, first and second lesson lectionary text listings for Revised Common, Episcopal, Lutheran, and Roman Catholic.
      Countless hymn possibilities based on the lectionary.
      Invaluable liturgical information, at your fingertips.
      You may record Sunday by Sunday (for three years):
      Hymns used
      Special music
      Sermon titles
      Special notations for any Sunday

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    • Your King Comes


      Your King Comes! Is a complete Palm Sunday service. It includes a dramatic celebration of the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem led by the children and youth of the church school.

      This resource captured the spirit of Palm Sunday with songs, words, and gestures. It will involve as many as 47 persons of all ages from your congregation. Minimum rehearsal is needed.

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    • Service Of Shadows


      “A Service Of Shadows” offers congregations a complete tenebrae service with a suggested order of service and an alternative ending with holy communion.

      This impressive service includes 15 candles and parts for up to 15 readers. As the Passion narrative is read, these candles will be extinguished one at a time as directed in the service.

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    • Services For Occasions Of Pastoral Care


      Services for Occasions of Pastoral Care – Prepared by the Office of Theology and Worship of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A), this liturgical resource is designed to supplement the Presbyterian Book of Common Worship. It provides full liturgies for many services not included in the BCW, including the rites of ordination of ministers, elders, and deacons; the dedication of a church building; the laying of cornerstone; the comissioning of missionaries; and various other services for local congregations and presbyteries. All ministers and other worship leaders in the Presbyterian Church will need this volume as a resource for worship planning and to complement the BCW.

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    • Come Sunday : The Liturgy Of Zion


      From the Publisher:” COME SUNDAY: THE LITURGY OF ZION by William B. McClain Companion to “Songs of Zion”; discusses liturgical time, spirituals, gospel songs; includes Scripture/ lectionary index.

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    • Gospel Treasury Cycle B


      Would you like to add something new, something fresh, to your lectionary worship experience? If you answered “Yes!” you will love this new collection by Andrew Daughters for Cycle B.
      Use these inspirational poems in your church’s worship service as corporate readings, pastoral prayers, opportunities for lay involvement, or as private meditations. Or duplicate them for insertion in your parish newsletter or bulletin. However you choose to use them, this special collection will add vitality and meaning to your worship experience all year long.
      This book is part of a three-part set, which follows the Lectionary cycles A, B and C.

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    • Choices


      Your congregation’s children are the focus of this spectacular service for Christmas Eve.

      Traditional Christmas scripture texts are skillfully interwoven with mimed dramatizations, dramatic dialogs in contemporary language, and familiar hymns and carols in this complete order of worship.

      With something for everyone to do, from pre-schoolers to high school seniors, your children — and their parents — will personally experience the joy of the Christ child’s birth — and the choices which that miraculous event gives us.

      Performance Time: approximately 45 minutes.

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    • Alive For Everymore


      Alive For Evermore is a collection of seven worship services compiled by CSS. It recognizes the need of pastors to have in one volume, orders of service for important celebrations of the church during Lent and Easter.

      You will find in this compact volume complete services for:
      Ash Wednesday
      Palm Sunday
      Maundy Thursday
      Good Friday (two services)
      Easter Sunrise
      Easter Morning

      Each suggested service includes an order of worship, liturgy, scripture, and hymn possibilities. Copy privileges are available with each service. The seven services include congregation involvement in various forms. The Sunday sunrise service invites participation from a family in the congregation.

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    • Protestant Worship


      Drawing on years of teaching experience, James F. White provides a unique overview of PROTESTANT WORSHIP. He examines the origins, development, and present characteristics of nine traditions: Lutheran, Reformed, Anabaptist, Anglican, Separatist, and Puritan, Quaker, Methodist, Frontier and Pentecostal. To capture the “reality of worship,” White looks beyond the printed texts and sacraments. He deals with Protestantism on a historical basis and brings insight by studying distinctively American contributions. He develops fresh and appropriate methods, focusing on ordinary events and tendencies that include piety, times of worship, architectural settings for worship, preaching, public prayer, church music, and social change among people.

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    • Parents Of The Passion


      We have heard from the disciples of our Lord. Each has told us his story time and time again. But what of those who knew Our Lord and his disciples because they had given them their life and nurtured them in Godly homes?

      William Grimbol takes us into the homes of seven families in Palestine. With an eye to stressing values of a godly home and upbringing, the author helps us to imagine how the parents of Thomas, Simon the Zealot, Nathanael, Peter, Judas, James the Less, and Jesus must have felt, seeing their adult children give themselves to a cause which they did not understand — nor, in some cases, appreciate.

      These seven monologs are appropriate for use at Sunday or mid-week worship during the season of Lent. Each is matched with an accompanying order of worship, which the purchaser of this publication may duplicate in quantity for use in the local congregation.

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    • Participating In Worship


      SKU (ISBN): 9780804219006ISBN10: 0804219001Craig EricksonBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 1989Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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    • People In The Presence Of God


      Is there one correct way for the people of God to worship him? It turns out that Scripture offers many models and forms for worship, all of which are acceptable but not necessarily appropriate or functional in a particular setting. Barry Liesch, a professor of music at Biola University, helps his readers to grasp that fact and it’s implications for worship in the church today. This is a one-of-a-kind book for many kinds of readers in all kinds of churches. It offers biblical perspective, historical awareness, musical and artistic sensitivity, authentic reverence, and creative stimulation for worship leaders, church musicians, study groups, pastors, worship committees, and a host of others who are interested in appreciating and renewing worship according to biblical models. Within each of the twenty chapters the author shares many suggestions for enhancing and transforming worship in the church today. Not only does he present the various biblical models and offer a wealth of suggestions, he takes up some of the major concerns of worship leaders, planners, and participants — concerns such as the role of music, uses of symbolism, the appropriateness of dance, modes of celebration, expressions of reverence, and many others.

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    • Lord Forgive Me Cycle C


      Relate the themes of scripture to the everyday concerns of modern life with this collection of penetrating prayers written in an informal, personal style. The first-person language encourages individual accountability while affirming our common sins and the sense of community upon which Christian worship is built. Based on lectionary scripture passages, there are original prayers of confession for each Sunday plus several special days in the church year.

      Whether read aloud or contemplated silently, these tried and proven prayers will add a freshly honest, contemporary texture to your Sunday morning worship — or provide meaningful insight for Bible study classes and personal devotions.

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    • Gospel Treasury Cycle C


      Would you like to add something new, something fresh, to your lectionary worship experience? If you answered “Yes!” you will love this new collection by Andrew Daughters of contemporary poems based on lectionary Gospel texts for Cycle C.

      Use these inspirational poems in your church’s worship service as corporate readings, pastoral prayers, opportunities for lay involvement, or as private meditations. Or duplicate them for insertion in your parish newsletter or bulletin. However you choose to use them, this special collection will add vitality and meaning to your worship experience all year long.

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    • Ashes And Tears


      Ash Wednesday and Holy Week are special days indeed on the Christian calendar. Pastors and worship leaders need to approach these days with special care so that their significance is not lost on the gathered congregation. How does one mark familiar days such as Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, and Good Friday in such a way that a deadening sameness does not overtake the planning and the execution of the worship services for these days?

      James M. Bloom provides in this helpful resource eleven separate services or worship ideas. Liturgies and meditations are included. In most cases more than one worship alternative is provided.

      Use this volume to enrich your observance of the special season of Lent. Share its ideas with others on your worship planning team. Help the members of your parish to experience a blessed Lent.

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    • Day Of Redemption


      This service and drama provide a complete worship resource for Good Friday. The tenebrae service Seven Words To Us makes use of the traditional “Seven Last Words” (or sentences) of Jesus from the cross. Each section includes a brief reading, a litany, and a reading or dialogue. The service concludes with a litany of commitment.

      The worship drama, The Escape, may either be included as part of the service or could be used at another service — or even another time during Lent. The action focuses on two “death row prisoners” who struggle with their fate on that first Good Friday. The conclusion will catch the worshiper by surprise.

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    • Draw Us Nearer To You Lord


      Over one-hundred responsive prayers are included in this useful resource. They may be used either as beginning “Calls to Worship” or at another place within the service. The author has organized the material in eight categories:
      Christ’s Life
      The Holy Spirit
      Christian Values
      The Christian Life
      Gratitude and Praise
      The Church
      Special Occasions

      By using one prayer each week, a congregation will have a new prayer for each worship service for two entire years.

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    • Passion Paths : Worthip Services For Ash Wednesday And Holy Week


      Here are five creative worship services for five special days on the Christian worship calendar. Each service involves the congregation in responsive readings, participation in contemporary prayers, and appropriate hymnody, psalmody, and scripture. Each service is accompanied with a highly creative sermon dialog to be shared by 3, 4, 5, or 7 readers.

      The service and dialogs lead worshipers down familiar and appropriate paths to confrontation with the Living Christ and the God of Grace, whom we meet in the Lenten season in a special way.

      The Path of Maturity — Ash Wednesday
      The Path of Quality — Palm Sunday
      The Path of Integrity — Maundy Thursday
      The Path of Dignity — Good Friday
      The Path of Creativity — Easter Day

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    • Daily Prayer


      SKU (ISBN): 9780664240899ISBN10: 0664240895Binding: Trade PaperPublished: January 1987Presbyterian Supplemental Liturgical ResourcesPublisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Sing Praises To His Name


      This useful resource provides the busy pastor or worship planner a rich variety of worship sentences and prayers for use in the Sunday service. The writer, a United Methodist pastor, has tested these materials in his own Colorado parish. The material reflects the seasons of the church and calendar year and the rhythms of the spirit and our daily walk.
      Included in this volume are:
      – Seventy calls to worship
      – Eighty-six prayers of confession
      – Nineteen prayers of celebration
      – Seventy-six general prayers
      Louis Pratt is pastor of Walsh (Colorado) United Methodist Church. He is also the author of the CSS title “Worship the Lord! Prayers for the Sunday Service.”

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    • He Is Risen Indeed


      Each of these sermon — length dramas celebrates the resurrection from an unusual perspective. Suitable for use at Easter Sunrise, Easter Festival worship, or on a series of Sundays during the Easter Season, Gurden Henley’s dramas involve 5-8 characters each.

      Sunrise Surprise tells the traditional Easter morning story through the eyes and mouths of Mary Magdalene, John, Peter, and Jesus.

      A Zealot’s Greatest Battle deals With the resurrection from the perspective of a Jewish freedom- fighter of Jesus’ generation who saw his hopes for freedom going down the drain on Good Friday.

      When Old Nick Met Nicodemus tells the resurrection story from the perspective of contemporary American society. An unchurched outsider is profoundly moved by the rehearsal of an Easter drama and is caught in the story.

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    • Come Holy Spirit


      Come, Holy Spirit was created by a pastor in the United Church of Christ and a laywoman in the American Lutheran Church. Nevin Feather’s order of service includes rich historical background, locating the roots of the Christian festival in the Jewish harvest celebration. Complete plans are included for the construction of a Pentecost banner for use on this day. Myrtle Collins’ sermon drama, “The Treasure That Makes All Things New,” focuses upon the gifts which every member of a Christian congregation has received from the outpouring of God’s Spirit.

      Breathe new life into your congregation’s celebration of the Festival of Pentecost by using this complete program in your parish year.

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    • Joy To You And Me


      Joseph, Jesus’ Guardian; the Bethlehem shepherds; and aged Simeon are featured in these three new Christmas worship dramas. Any of the three could provide the message for the service for one of the Sundays in Advent, or for Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, or a special worship time near Christmas. With the use of selected prayers and hymns, any of these dramas can provide a complete worship service.

      When Joseph Doubted confronts the congregation with the turmoil with which Jesus’ guardian was faced when God gave him the task to stand by Mary and her infant son. The drama involves a cast of four.

      Off-limits To Shepherds features the first visitors to the manger in a Nativity play for eight participants. The Old Torch Lighter, with three speaking parts, tells the story of Simeon, who waited in the Jerusalem Temple hoping to see the Messiah.

      All three dramas are easily staged with a minimum of props.

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    • Scriptural And Topical Indices To LBW


      Users of Lutheran Book Of Worship have, since the new hymnal’s issuance, felt the need for more comprehensive indices. This volume fills the gap. Part 1 includes an expanded listing of scripture references from all 66 canonical books which appear in hymn texts in LBW. The arrangement is by Bible books, with Genesis citations listed first. Part 2 includes a complete topical listing of themes and subjects suggested by the hymnody of LBW. Included are church and secular seasons, doctrinal themes, and emphases for specific worship of preaching cycles. Scriptural And Topical Indices To LBW will prove a valuable planning tool for those who preach, plan worship and music, or teach in a Lutheran school setting.

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    • Lectionary Worship Aids Series C


      Heth H. Corl is a United Methodist pastor in Dayton, Ohio. A graduate of Bluffton College and the United Theological Seminary, he previously served congregations in Perrysburg, Upper Sandusky, Peoria, Findlay, Dunkirk, and Van Wert, Ohio. He has served on various committees of the West Ohio Conference of the United Methodist Church. He is married to Karen (nee Dunn) of Fostoria, Ohio, and they are parents of three children, Deborah, Kathi, and Rebekah.

      Lectionary Worship Aids, Series C is a complete worship planning resource. You may plan your entire worship service around the theme of one of the lessons, then use this book for the Call to Worship, Collect, Prayer of Confession, hymn selections, all based upon the scripture text you have chosen to unify your service. Topical and scriptural indexes make it easy for you to select worship elements for any celebration.

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    • At Noon On Friday


      At Noon On Friday is a volume of reflections on the seven last words of Jesus as he hung on the cross. In his usual masterly fashion, Dr. Richard C. Hoefler holds up before his listeners the cross of Christ and calls for a devotional response not merely an intellectual one. The goal of these sermons is to prompt something important, different and decisive to happen to both speaker and listener. They were written in such a way as to create an experience of participating in the three hours our Lord suffered. In the author’s words: “The seven words of Christ are like seven panels of one single stained glass window, reflecting forth the light of the total act of our Lord’s crucifixion.”

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    • New Covenants Power


      The New Covenant’s Power presents worship services and other resources for Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunrise. Maundy Thursday – “Christ’s Power for New Community” – focuses on the Lord’s Supper and the command to love one another; Good Friday “Christ’s Power for New Covenant Compassion” – emphasizes the actual events of the crucifixion; Easter Sunrise – “Christ’s Power for New Celebration” – rejoices in Christ’s triumph over sin and death. Each of these powerful themes is carried out through the use of symbols, hymns, scripture, and communal prayers. This little volume will give liturgy planners and ministers all the tools they need for Holy Week worship services that are unified in structure, in theme, and in sensitivity to the events being commemorated and celebrated.

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    • Worship As Pastoral Care


      Demonstrates how worship and pastoral care can be blended to sustain and enrich each other.

      Using insights gained from pastoral care and pastoral psychology, William H. Willimon explores what happens to people when they become involved in Christian worship. True pastoral care, he shows, cannot take place apart from an active worshiping community of faith.

      Worship as Pastoral Care sensitizes pastors to the many ways Christian worship and pastoral care methods can be blended to enrich and support one another. It encourages pastors to broaden their understanding of corporate worship and to become aware of the importance of their role as priests.

      To illustrate his concepts, Dr. Willimon examines four familiar acts of worship: the funeral, the wedding, baptism, and the Lord’s Supper. The psychological dimensions are discussed and suggestions are given on ways pastors can nurture and sustain their congregations through these services.

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    • Our Christian Worship


      Our Christian Worship: Resources For Palm Sunday Through Easter, contains original and selected, contemporary resources for worship for Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter.

      Our Christian Worship features opening sentences, invocations, introits, collects, Scripture suggestions, hymn suggestions, prayers, welcome to visitors, offertory sentence, and prayers.

      Our Christian Worship offers everything at your fingertips with such programs as: Maundy Thursday — A Communion service and Tenebrae; Good Friday — Passion story based upon the Seven Last Words; and Easter — A Communion service.

      Our Christian Worship also includes a brief treasury of additional prayers for use during Holy Week.

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    • Reflections On The Crucifixion


      Reflections On The Crucifixion is a Service of Tenebrae, written for either one hour or three hours, reflecting the thoughts and feelings of Jesus’ disciples on that original Good Friday.

      Reflections On The Crucifixion is taken from Dr. Orso’s successful book, As We Love and Forgive. The tenebrae provides a lot of congregational participation and is a moving worship experience for every congregation.

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