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    Adult Ministries

    • 5 Means Of Grace


      Wesley showed us ways to reorder our lives through the “means of grace.” Recharge. Reboot. Reorder. Whatever you want to call it, we need a process that helps us continuously renew our relationship with God so that we don’t drift away from our faith. Based on The Wesley Covenant for Renewal, Five Means of Grace is a six-week, video-based study that will show you how to reorder your life through prayer, searching Scripture, receiving the Lord’s Supper, fasting, and conferencing (worshiping together). You’ll learn how to recognize and affirm the outward signs, words, and actions of an invisible divine grace, deepening your relationship with God and making your faith more complete. A Leader Guide and DVD are also available.

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    • Millenial Narrative: Participant Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      A good education will land you a good job, “Be an entrepreneur/Start something in a garage or dorm room” and even “Jesus saves” are narratives that collapsed for the millennial generation (born 1982-2002). These narratives, amongst many similar social and religious ones, have lost their meaning and power as millennials question all authorities and struggle to flourish in a world come of age. With their needs for community and success, a strong spirituality, and believing that their gifts should be recognized and can make a difference, millennials increasingly find meaning and purpose outside the church. As they face economic uncertainty, reduced career prospects, unceasing change, as well as civic, global, and ecological uncertainties, however, a large number of millennials are overwhelmed with feelings of anxiety and depression. Caught between hope and fear, millennials leave the church with their values of personal transformation, purpose, community, spirituality, social transformation and ecological awareness. Ironically the church often holds the same values. Reaching the Millennial Generation is written for pastoral leaders who want to welcome millennials, both inside and outside their congregation. The book draws on the wisdom of the prophetic Book of Joel as a narrative worth living into. Drawing on Joel’s three chapters, Reaching the Millennial Generation empowers pastoral leaders to: – Facilitate the work of mourning Millennials are facing; – Envision a spiritual community that can welcome millennials; – Introduce a compassionate God that restores and indwells as the Spirit; – Reflect on God’s judgment through the lens of accountability; and, – Support and encourage millennials to be a blessing to others.

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    • Millenial Narrative : Sharing A Good Life With The Next Generation


      A good education will land you a good job, “Be an entrepreneur/Start something in a garage or dorm room” and even “Jesus saves” are narratives that collapsed for the millennial generation (born 1982-2002). These narratives, amongst many similar social and religious ones, have lost their meaning and power as millennials question all authorities and struggle to flourish in a world come of age. With their needs for community and success, a strong spirituality, and believing that their gifts should be recognized and can make a difference, millennials increasingly find meaning and purpose outside the church. As they face economic uncertainty, reduced career prospects, unceasing change, as well as civic, global, and ecological uncertainties, however, a large number of millennials are overwhelmed with feelings of anxiety and depression. Caught between hope and fear, millennials leave the church with their values of personal transformation, purpose, community, spirituality, social transformation and ecological awareness. Ironically the church often holds the same values. Reaching the Millennial Generation is written for pastoral leaders who want to welcome millennials, both inside and outside their congregation. The book draws on the wisdom of the prophetic Book of Joel as a narrative worth living into. Drawing on Joel’s three chapters, Reaching the Millennial Generation empowers pastoral leaders to: – Facilitate the work of mourning Millennials are facing; – Envision a spiritual community that can welcome millennials; – Introduce a compassionate God that restores and indwells as the Spirit; – Reflect on God’s judgment through the lens of accountability; and, – Support and encourage millennials to be a blessing to others.
      In addition, pastoral leaders will receive a sermon outline and material for adult education.

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    • Age Of Opportunity


      A companion to the author’s earlier book Designing an Older Adult Ministry (Discipleship Resources, 1999), this book will provide new information and outline ways to develop and strengthen ministries by, with, and for older adults that can, and will, enhance the spiritual growth and well-being of people of all ages. The church is beginning to recognize that there are vast numbers of older people in its membership. It is becoming aware of its indebtedness to them for the leadership, support, service, and faith that has made the church of today possible. The church is uniquely positioned to help older adults respond to the challenges of aging; to see the tremendous potentialities in the lives of older adult for making the church and community better; and to assist older people as they experience new meaning and purpose in their later lives. Chapters include “Why Older-Adult Ministries?”; “Understanding the Aging Process”; “Aging and the Spiritual Journey”; “The New Seniors: Boomers?”; “Intentional Ministry by, with, and for Older Adults”; “Organizing for Intentional Ministry in the Local Church”; “Organizing for Intentional Ministry in the Conference”; “Congregational Care Ministry”; “Additional Ideas for Intentional Ministry”; and “Trends in Aging.” Appendixes include a “Facts about Aging” quiz, information on creating and using older adult surveys, and suggested resources for further reading and study.

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    • Grounded In Creed Participant And Leader Book (Student/Study Guide)


      Session One: I Believe
      Session Two: In God
      Session Three: In Jesus
      Session Four: In The Spirit
      Session Five: In The Church
      Session Six: In The Promise

      Additional Info
      This offer to community groups (and small groups of any kind) is a six-session study based on the Apostles creed, which has served the church for nearly 1500 years as a basic summary statement about core Christian beliefs. This participant experience expands on the principle that “Growing People Change” their hearts and lives (a changed heart and life is the meaning of the New Testament concept metanoia, which in Elizabethan English is translated as “repentance”). This growth is accomplished by (1) understanding what changes in belief come through turning away from the practices that separate us from God (2) reflecting about our relationship to God while learning how to think theologically.

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    • New Playlist Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


      Whether we know it or not, we are living with a playlist. Caused by schedule overload and multiple distractions, it causes stress and anxiety. There is a playlist that causes us great anxiety. Schedule overload and many distractions play into it. The playlist sounds like this: You have to do everything. You have to say “yes” to everything. You are supposed to be in all places at all times. Jesus gives us a different playlist. It says: You are supposed to do two things: love God and love your neighbor. Saying no is often the best yes. You can only be one place at a time. This book addresses the anxiety, distraction addiction, and schedule overload that result from listening to the world’s playlist and gives us permission to hear and live by Jesus’ words. The Leader Guide contains everything needed to guide a group through the six-week study including session plans, activities, and discussion questions, as well as multiple format options.

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    • Interrupting Silence : Gods Command To Speak Out (Student/Study Guide)


      Silence is a complex matter. It can refer to awe before unutterable holiness, but it can also refer to the coercion where some voices are silenced in the interest of control by the dominant voices. It is the latter silence that Walter Brueggemann explores, urging us to speak up in situations of injustice.

      Interrupting Silence illustrates that the Bible is filled with stories where marginalized people break repressive silence and speak against it. Examining how maintaining silence allows the powerful to keep control, Brueggemann motivates readers to consider situations in their lives where they need to either interrupt silence or be part of the problem, convincing us that God is active and wanting us to act for justice.

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    • Renovate Participant Book (Student/Study Guide)


      Renovating a house can be an exciting and rewarding experience. But the act of renovation can often leave the house in a state of disarray, causing stress and frustration. In the same way, God wants to renovate your life by altering the “old you” and creating a “new you” with an improved heart. It’s not going to be easy, and your life might experience some disarray, but renovating with God is the opportunity of a lifetime. Using the Book of Nehemiah, popular author and pastor Jacob Armstrong explores the physical and spiritual renovation experienced by the nation of Judah. Nehemiah knew that his plan for renovating the wall and gates of Jerusalem would be hard work. But equally hard would be the spiritual renovation of the Jewish people as they returned to their homeland. Thankfully, spiritual renovation is not a do-it-yourself project. We need God’s great power working through us to renovate our lives by the power of the Holy Spirit. Chapters include: Never Too Late for a Renovation It Starts with Tears What to Know Before You Build When Others Don’t Like Your Plans Inviting Others to Come Home The Big Reveal Additional components for a six-week study include a comprehensive Leader Guide and a DVD featuring author and pastor Jacob Armstrong.

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    • Fear Of The Other Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


      This five-week DVD/video based small group study (DVD and Leader Guide) companion to the book, Fear of the Other: No Fear in Love invites readers to consider the Gospel command to love (and not merely tolerate) those considered to be “Other” or outside mainstream Christian culture. Rooted in the faith of Israel and the Christian story and vision, Willimon – in an onscreen conversation with Delia Catalina Ramirez, brings a non-technical, Wesleyan perspective to bear on what may be the hardest thing for people of faith to do: keeping and loving the Other as Other. Emphasizing the biblical mandate to receive Others in their particularity and difference as gifts and mysteries bearing the grace of God, this study also offers a strong critique of the privileged who all too often rush to language of reconciliation and evade the huge inequalities surrounding conversations and practices dealing with xenophobia and injustice. Rooted in the New Testament understanding of Gentile outsiders grafted into the covenant community, this study invites readers to an on-the ground faith that hearkens to a soliciting and revealing God – the God who comes to us again and again through so-called outsiders, strangers, immigrants, and those without status. The 5 video conversations between Will Willimon and Delia Ramirez focus on each of the five chapters of Fear of the Other: Session 1: Saved by the Other Session 2: The Other, My Enemy Session 3: Learning to Fear Like Christians Session 4: Loving the Other in Church Session 5: Jesus, the Other

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    • Restored : Finding Redemption In Our Mess


      Often we make a mess of our lives and wonder if there is any redemption. In this book, pastor and author Tom Berlin helps us see our mess through the eyes of Christ to find redemption and restoration. Using Scripture, devotional tools, and the writings of Ignatius of Loyola, John of the Cross, St. Augustine, John Wesley, Evelyn Underhill, and others, Berlin encourages reflection and meditation through our own brokenness. Only then can we focus on the cross as the place where we truly surrender control, leave our mess, and find redemption.
      Chapters include:
      This Is a Real Mess
      Who Left This Mess?
      Bless This Mess
      No Messing Around
      Address This Mess
      The Message in the Mess

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    • 3 Simple Rules For Christian Living Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


      This small-group study by Jeanne Torrence Finley is based on Rueben P. Job’s book Three Simple Rules: A Wesleyan Way of Living. Six sessions provide extended reflection for adults on three principles of Christian life: do no harm, do good, and stay in love with God. Each rule has a session to help you understand the rule and a session to help you explore ways to practice the rule. The Leader Guide contains everything needed to guide a group through the 6-week study, including session plans, discussion questions, and other useful information for organizing, leading, and publicizing your study group.

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    • So Great A Cloud Of Witnesses


      Chapters Included In This Book:
      The Supplanter: Jacob
      My House Will Serve The Lord: Joshua
      The Sword Of The Lord: Gideon
      The Outsider: Ruth And Boaz
      The Sweet Singer Of Israel: David

      Additional Info
      One of the insights of people of faith is that God is active in history as he seeks to bring creation into conformity with his purpose. There have been those in every age who have discovered something of God’s purpose and have attempted to pass it on. Sometimes, God’s activity has been reported in supernatural terms, but fully as often, the activity of God is revealed in the faithful actions of human beings. For that reason, the Old and New Testaments are filled with the experiences of individuals who have discovered God’s presence in their individual circumstances.

      David Rogne’s So Great A Cloud of Witnesses will give readers an appreciation for the people of faith who are presented, and humbly recognize the cost borne by so many to deliver the faith to us. They are a great cloud of witnesses. They have played their part in relaying the faith to subsequent generations, and they are now filling the stands in the heavenly arena, eager to see how we continue the race.

      Witnesses have been chosen from varied backgrounds so that it may be seen that people from all walks of life are called to live faithfully and to witness to God’s truth. The entire known story of some of these individuals, such as Joseph, the husband of Mary, may be just a few verses of Scripture. Some, such as the Wiseman and the Emmaus disciple, are not even named. Nevertheless, their witness is important. Rogne attempts to give life to the testimony of these less-well-known witnesses by giving them names and employing a little imagination. In every case, the subjects tell their stories as they might have experienced them.

      Chapters included in this book:
      The Supplanter: Jacob
      My House Will Serve the Lord: Joshua
      The Sword of the Lord: Gideon
      The Outsider: Ruth and Boaz
      The Sweet Singer of Israel: David

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    • Get Their Name Coordinators Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


      The Coordinator’s Guide is twofold, helping the pastor (or other leader) to implement worship/sermons, and a congregational study experience. It contains worship helps for each week of the series, including sermon plans and instructions for using the video illustrations. It also includes instructions for implementing the all-congregation study, along with tips for next steps-ways to follow up after the month-long experience has ended. Church leaders and members should all read the original Get Their Name book during the month of this church-wide experience.

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    • Just Say Yes Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


      In Just Say Yes! Robert Schnase shows church leaders how to unleash people for fruitful ministry. He teaches leaders to spot their own nay-saying, and gives specific instructions for reversing the culture of ‘No’ that has become so prevalent in many churches. Step by step, Schnase shows readers-pastors, other church leaders, and congregants-how to make significant change in their attitude and actions, to become a permission-giving church.

      This set of resources is the next step in the author’s effort to reshape church leaders across the mainline denomination. Just Say Yes! Becoming a Permission-Giving Church give church leaders what they need in order to begin implementing the principles in the original book. It starts with a 6-hour group experience for church leaders, facilitated by a senior leader (typically the pastor). The 6 hours could be spent in a single day retreat or broken up into 3 or 6 separate sessions.

      The Leader Guide includes instructions and guidance for leaders in planning, hosting, debriefing and following up after the experience. Using this resource, plus the included customizable PowerPoint slides and the video Stories of Permission, a pastor or other key leader can effectively facilitate an extraordinary group experience resulting in transformation for the congregation.

      The Participant Guide is a complete workbook and devotion guide for church leaders-staff and laity-who participate in the Permission-Giving group experience. These will typically be church councils, staff teams, committee chairs, ministry team leaders, and the like. The Guide includes prompts to reinforce the material shared in the videos and by the facilitator, questions for reflection and discussion, and specific action steps for becoming permission-giving leaders in the church. It includes plenty of room for writing and note taking during the group experience. It also includes a 30-day Devotional, which the participant can complete either during or after the group experience.

      This study consists of a Leader Guide, Participant Guide, DVD and free Customizable Downloadable Resources. The DVD has 8 video stories showing the Permission-Giving Church in action, 3 brief videos essays demonstrating the essentials of a permission-giving church and 1 video promo for inviting participation in the Just Say Yes! experience.

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    • Get Their Name Participant Workbook (Workbook)


      The Participant Guide is a workbook to facilitate the layperson’s experience as the church studies Get Their Name. It includes group and individual activities, and personal devotional material.experience.

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    • Gods Not Dead 2 Adult Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      This four-week study guide by author Rice Broocks will help small group members answer one of the most important questions featured in the movie God’s Not Dead 2: “Who do you say I am?” Lead your groups to discover what they truly believe in, and give them a foundation to defend their faith even in the midst of opposition. For use with the God’s Not Dead 2 DVD-based Study.

      The four weekly topics are:

      Lesson 1: Searching for Answers
      Lesson 2: Understanding the Evidence
      Lesson 3: Passing the Test
      Lesson 4: Spreading the News

      About the film, in theaters nationwide on April 1, 2016:

      From the college classroom of GODS NOT DEAD to the public square in GODS NOT DEAD 2, the name of Jesus is welcomed less and less with each passing day. If Christians don’t take a stand today, will we even have a choice tomorrow?

      When a Christian teacher is asked an honest question about Jesus, her reasoned response lands her in big trouble. As the principal and superintendent join forces with a zealous civil liberties group, an epic court case could expel God from the classroom and the public square once and for all!

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    • Counterfeit Christianity : The Persistence Of Errors In The Church


      Historic heresies didn’t die or fade away. Each generation boasts its own. Even while these counterfeit teachings remain outside the accepted bounds of Christianity, modern-day versions plague churches.So how does a church leader or pastor understand and deal with these age-old controversies when they pop up in the congregation? In this book, Roger Olson describes the curses but also gifts that heresies bring the Church. While heresies can occasionally correct a version of orthodoxy, they are not simple confusions or misunderstandings about impenetrable mysteries of divine revelation. Instead they undermine the faith and are dangerous distortions. The author describes major heresies and how the church dealt with them, the players, and what pastors can do to address these faith issues in order to educate congregations about Jesus, God, and salvation. Also included are questions for individual or group study.

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    • God Of Justice


      The level of injustice in the world is staggering. The church needs to respond. International Justice Mission (IJM) has worked with thousands of churches to help them live out the mandate of Isaiah 1:17: to seek justice, rescue the oppressed and care for orphans and widows. Christians need to be equipped and mobilized to be the hands and feet of Jesus to those who are vulnerable and oppressed. The God of Justice is a twelve-sesson, discussion-based curriculum that explores the biblical narrative of justice throughout the whole of Scripture, from Genesis to Revelation. Through the participatory study of Scripture, Christians can explore God’s call to engage in bringing about justice on earth. Throughout the course of study, participants will come to a deeper knowledge and understanding of biblical justice and will draw personal application for the pursuit of justice ministry in their individual lives and the wider church. Prepare to have your heart and mind engaged, to be instructed by Scripture and challenged by real-life stories of people freed by the God of justice. This curriculum can help you and your church bring freedom, restoration and reconciliation to those in need. Discover how God reveals himself to those who join him on his justice journey!

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    • God For The Rest Of Us Pastors DVD Kit


      The Pharisees called Jesus “a friend of sinners.” He took it as a compliment. Would you? In these resources, Pastor Vince Antonucci and his unusual church that reaches out to people on the Las Vegas Strip explore a powerful question: what if God is not just for the faithful, church-going, or holier-than-thou types – what if God is for the rest of us? This small group study expands viewpoints, overcomes stereotypes, and models how to really love people like Jesus does. The Pastor’s Kit includes everything needed to plan a six-week teaching series around the concepts presented in the Small Group Study. It includes:
      Special video message for pastors
      Video guide for implementing a church-wide program
      Six sermon outlines
      Six short video clips to accompany each week’s sermon
      Six sermon bumpers (short video clips to introduce each week’s sermon)
      Digital art files to use in creation of bulletins and other promo materials

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    • Team Ministry : Gifted To Serve


      How Spiritual Gifts Can Unleash the Power of Your Team! This practical guide for pastors and church leaders is newly edited and revised to include one powerful handbook of the best Team Ministry resources. It provides * Tools to help pastors and church leaders activate members’ gifts * Methods for developing volunteers and leaders in your church * Ways to use your members’ spiritual gifts to help your church grow * Questions and tools for teaching the nine team gifts in a small group or Sunday school setting (or use in a seminar). Team Ministry: Gifted to Serve is the perfect companion for ministry leaders who want to take their churches to new heights for God’s Kingdom.

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    • Robots Or Rebels


      Legalism! Almost no one is neutral on the subject. Some see a legalist behind every attempt to encourage holiness in the lives of God’s people, while others fail to see that they have fallen into the clutches of legalistic thinking. In the name of calling people to righteousness, many add to the Word of God and form a system destined to end in an unbiblical approach to godly living.
      The results of legalism are devastating. Many fail to learn to think, or at least think biblically, but continue to conform to the rules that have been laid before them. Robotic in their obedience, they never experience the joy of the freedom available in Christ. Others rebel, not only against the system, but against even those teachings that are true to the Scriptures. These rebels often leave their families and the church in pursuit of personal pleasure. In so doing they find themselves becoming slaves to sin.
      This book is designed to expose legalism and its tragic results, and then point the way to a true holiness that is based in biblical motivations. Christ is glorified only through truly holy lives.

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    • God Story Daily Readings


      Developed by Jacob Armstrong, founding pastor of Providence UMC in Mt. Juliet, Tennessee, The God Story is a seven-week sermon series seeking to help congregants see the threads that run throughout the story of God’s people culminating in Jesus and the resurrection. The series uses classic components of story to help people see their place and role in God’s story. The devotional participant books allow individual church members to bring the sermon message home and provide additional insights and inspiration until the next Sunday sermon.

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    • Loving Large Daily Readings


      Loving Large is a four week series that seeks to move people to action in their Christian faith. In a world that seems to run on money, greed, oil, power, etc., what would our world look like if it ran on the love of God? How can we infuse this world-changing love into our community and world? The series gives real opportunities for people to serve God and love their neighbor. It could possibly culminate with a church-wide day of service to the community. The devotional participant books allow individual church members to bring the sermon message home and provide additional insights and inspiration until the next Sunday sermon.

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    • Serving God Participant Book (Student/Study Guide)


      As a component of Journey 101: Knowing, Loving, Serving God, this Participant Book for Serving God contains six session guides, Scripture, and an interactive format with space for responding to questions and recording personal reflection.

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    • Loving God Participant Book (Student/Study Guide)


      As a component of Journey 101: Knowing, Loving, Serving God, this Participant Book for Loving God contains six session guides, Scripture, and an interactive format with space for responding to questions and recording personal reflection.

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    • Serving God Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


      Journey 101 Serving God is one component of Journey 101: Knowing, Loving, Serving God. Each of the three separate, interactive six-week courses utilizes a group teaching format with a leader and a video presenter combined with small group table breakouts. This Leader Guide contains six session guides on Serving God, plus leader helps for conducting a successful study.

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    • Loving God Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


      Journey 101 Loving God is one component of Journey 101: Knowing, Loving, Serving God. Each of the three separate, interactive six-week courses utilizes a group teaching format with a leader and a video presenter combined with small group table breakouts. This Leader Guide contains six session guides on Serving God, plus leader helps for conducting a successful study.

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    • Knowing God Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


      Journey 101 Knowing God is one component of Journey 101: Knowing, Loving, Serving God. Each of the three separate, interactive six-week courses utilizes a group teaching format with a leader and a video presenter combined with small group table breakouts. This Leader Guide contains six session guides on Serving God, plus leader helps for conducting a successful study.

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    • Knowing God Participant Book (Student/Study Guide)


      Journey 101: Knowing, Loving, Serving God is a three-part basic faith study designed to teach what it means to know, love and serve God. Each of the three separate, interactive 6-week courses utilize a group teaching format with a leader and a video presenter combined with small group table breakouts.

      For the church and leadership, the three courses are part of a complete offering. However, the program is flexible enough that group members can take the three courses in any order.

      The three courses include:

      * Knowing God – Explore the good news of the Bible and discover Bible study tools and resources to deepen your understanding of the Scriptures.

      * Loving God – Learn spiritual practices that will help you fall more in love with God as you grow in your relationship with Him and others.

      * Serving God – Understand the Biblical context for service that will enable you to share your time and spiritual gifts with others.

      This Participant Book is designed to be used with the first course in the series, Knowing God and contains six session guides, Scripture and devotional readings and an interactive format with space for responding to questions and recording personal reflection.

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    • 1st Devotional : Putting God First In Living And Giving


      What happens when we truly put God first in all aspects of our lives?

      In First: Putting God First in Living and Giving,pastor and author Mike Slaughter conducts a four-week all-church stewardship program to help participants reassess priorities and create a culture and a lifestyle of giving with a special emphasis on missions. To help parents educate and model generosity for their kids, First includes components for children and youth that help families explore financial decisions together. This book of devotional readings is a companion resource for program participants and is designed to draw families into closer fellowship with God as they explore financial decisions together. Includes short readings, Scripture, prayer, and stories.

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    • Embracing Interfaith Cooperation Workbook (Student/Study Guide)


      Quick Guide To The Handbook
      Beyond The “Quick Guide”
      Pointers On Facilitation
      Session 1: Interfaith Cooperation In American History
      Session 2: Interfaith Literacy
      Session 3: The Science Of Interfaith Cooperation
      Session 4: The Art Of Interfaith Leadership
      Session 5: The Role Of Colleges, Seminaries, And Houses Of Worship

      Additional Info
      Embracing Series A 5- to 10-week study for adults, young adults and high school teens. Join interfaith commentator Eboo Patel as he explores what it means to be “literate” about other faiths, how interfaith cooperation “works” and why, the skills needed for interfaith cooperation and the significant role that our institutions, including colleges and faith communities, can play in this process.

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    • Different Kind Of Christmas


      Every year, we say we’re going to cut back, simplify, and have a family Christmas that focuses on the real reason for the season-Jesus. But every year, advertisements beckon, the children plead, and it seems easier just to indulge our wants and whims. Overspending, overeating, materialism, and busyness rob us of our peace and joy and rob Jesus of his rightful role as the center of our celebration. This book of devotional readings is designed to draw your entire family into closer fellowship with God as you respond to this Christmas season and the call of God to live generously all year around. The devotional includes thirty short readings, Scripture, prayer, and stories about helping others at Christmas. A Different Kind of Christmas: Devotional Readings for the Season is a great gift idea for family, friends, teachers, and ministry leaders.

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    • Different Kind Of Christmas Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


      A Different Kind of Christmas is a practical and inspirational study for the Advent season. Based on Mike Slaughter’s popular book Christmas Is Not Your Birthday, this five-week study will empower your family and your church to reclaim the broader missional meaning of Jesus’ birth and experience a Christmas season with more peace and joy than any toy or gadget could ever bring. This comprehensive resource includes a 64-page Leader Guide containing everything needed to guide your group through the study. Inside you’ll find five full session plans, discussion questions, and activities, as well as multiple format options and suggestions of ways to make the study a meaningful experience for any group. Sessions include: 1. Expect a Miracle 2. Giving Up on Perfect 3. Scandalous Love 4. Jesus’ Wish List 5. By a Different Road Help your church cast a vision for how Christians can experience the true joy of living and giving like Jesus beginning with the Christmas season and continuing as a lifestyle. This six week study helps participants see the traps and discontentment of consumerism and the call of God to live generously to fulfill God’s mission in the world.

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    • Embracing A Life Of Meaning (Student/Study Guide)


      Newest Embracing title taps Kathleen Norris for unique 5 to 10 session study

      The newest installment in the Embracing collection features the essential components of earlier works: (1) DVD with five 10 to 15 minute presentations by the host, in this case Kathleen Norris, including her interpretive interactions with a small group, plus (2) a printed guide with all the material needed by participants and facilitator.

      Norris provides a unique viewpoint of “what matters most,” including BELIEF (that to which we give our hearts), THE BIBLE (the collective story/tradition of the Christian people), COMMUNITY (where individualism and imperfection meet grace and acceptance), PLACE (setting faith within the physical space of home, church, land, and people) and US (what it means to remain in God’s image, countering our selfishness to embrace the world and its needs).

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    • Community Is Messy


      First Things First: Blood, Sweat And Spit
      Community Is Messy
      Everything Is An Experiment
      Lead Yourself Well
      Growing People Grow People
      Discipleship Is Not Linear
      Small Groups Should Happen In Real Life
      Systems Are Made To Be Destroyed
      Wear Out Your Welcome
      Navigating The Mess

      Additional Info
      Drawing on her background in environmental engineering and her role as pastor of discipleship at National Community Church in Washington, D.C., Heather Zempel assesses the perils and possibilities inherent in small groups and other environments for Christian community. The book helps leaders begin to see the inherent “mess” of such gatherings as raw material for arriving at something beautiful.

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    • Heart And Soul


      Fighting crime by helping criminals and their families.

      Read five true stories of criminals who are Heart and Soul Survivors. The best way to fight crime is to improve the community. The quality of a community is seen in how it treats its marginalized people. Statistics show that the percentage of marginalized adults in custody is considerably higher than the percentage of their representation in the overall population. Marginalized people include the poor, the mentally ill, the learning disabled, and drug addicts. Warehousing these people is a community’s shame. This book is urging a ministry involving volunteers working with criminals and their families. It will provide you with the tools necessary to help some people and thereby reduce crime. Chaplain Elsey writes from his experience and the knowledge gained working with hundreds of these families.

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    • Shaping The Journey Of Emerging Adults


      Between adolescence and adulthood is a new stage of life: emerging adulthood.

      Those in their twenties and early thirties find themselves in transition. This “provisional adulthood” is a time of identity exploration and instability in which one’s vocation, purpose, relationships and spirituality are all being renegotiated. Many emerging adults lose sight of God and experience significant confusion and brokenness. Others unexpectedly reconnect with the Christian faith and seek deeper discipleship, yet lack helpful mentoring and direction.

      Veteran disciplemakers Rick Dunn and Jana Sundene offer concrete guidance for those who shepherd and care for emerging adults. Some traditional models of disciplemaking focus on a set curriculum to be transferred from the discipler to the disciplee. Dunn and Sundene instead emphasize relational rhythms of discernment, intentionality and reflection to meet emerging adults where they are at and then to walk with them further into the Christlife.

      Whether you’re an older adult ministering to the next generation or a younger adult with a heart for your peers, this book is an accessible, hopeful guide for effective ministry to emerging adults

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    • Embracing The Prophets In Contemporary Culture (Student/Study Guide)


      Quick Guide To The Handbook
      Beyond The “Quick Guide”
      Pointers On Facilitation
      Session 1: Moses, Pharaoh, The Prophets And Us
      Session 2: The Prophets As Uncredentialed Purveyors Of Covenant
      Session 3: Moral Coherence In A World Of Power, Money And Violence
      Session 4: The Shrill Rhetoric That Breaks Denial
      Session 5: The Grief Of Loss As Divine Judgement

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      New 6-12 week study for adults and young adults led by Walter Brueggemann

      Old Testament scholar presents this compelling faith exploration and develops the contemporary significance and relevance of the Old Testament prophets as uncredentialed purveyors of convenant and moral coherence in a world of power, money and violence.

      In keeping with the format established by two earlier editions, this new Emracing study engages participants with two components. (1) A DVD, here featuring five 10-15 minute presentations, followed by additional video with a small, diverse group of adults as they respond and discuss the topics, and (2) a participant workbook containing all the material needed by class participants as well as for the facilitator.

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    • Circle Maker Participants Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      This six-session video-based study with participant’s guide (sold separately) will help participants gain a deeper understanding of prayer and, in turn, make a more consistent practice of prayer.

      It will give viewers new vocabulary and methodology to pray with a holy confidence. It will help participants dream big, pray hard and think long.

      The six video sessions combine a teaching element with a creative element to draw viewers into the circle. Through this combination, participants will gain old theology and new methodology for prayer.

      The six-week study will not only revolutionize the personal prayer life of each participant, but together the group will form a prayer circle around each other’s challenges, opportunities and dreams.

      Each session wraps up with a practical application called ‘Draw the Circle,’ giving participants the opportunity to put the prayer principles they have learned into practice. Session titles include:
      The Legend of the Circle Maker
      Circling Jericho
      The 1st Circle-Dream Big
      The 2nd Circle-Pray Hard
      The 3rd Circle-Think Long
      Circling Your Life Goals

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    • Mosaic : When God Uses All The Pieces A Lenten Study For Adults


      Focuses on how God uses the brokenness in people’s lives to make them better

      Seven sessions, one for each Sunday in Lent and Easter Sunday

      Each session features a Scripture reference, a personal reading, questions for personal reflection or group study, and closing prayer

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    • Making Sense Of The Cross Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


      Session 1: A Man Hanging On A Tree
      Session 2: Portraits And Perspectives
      Session 3: Ransom And Victory
      Session 4: Substitution, Satisfaction, And Sacrifice
      Session 5: Example And Encouragement
      Session 6: Event And Experience

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      Lead your small group as they ask questions and engage in conversation about the cross. Making Sense of the Cross is a flexible course and this leader guide contains suggestions for adapting the sessions to your context.

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    • Leaving Egypt : Finding God In The Wilderness Places


      The Exodus story is your story.

      The Israelites’ liberation from Egypt and journey to the promised land is one the Bible’s most compelling narratives. But the Exodus isn’t just a long-ago Bible story. We each find ourselves enslaved: to work, to destructive relationships, to food, to spending . . . but beyond our personal Egypt lies God’s promised land.

      Chuck DeGroat shows how our wilderness journey helps us face our fears, receive our new identity, experience transformation, and live into our newfound freedom. Discussion questions follow each chapter.

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    • Church And The Crisis Of Community


      Contemporary society is in crisis, its structures broken and fragmented, and its people overstimulated, overstressed, and thirsty for true communion with the sacred and with one another. Yet although more than eighty-five percent of congregations in the United States conduct small-group ministry, too many of these groups begin with no clear sense of purpose, structure, or spiritual focus and end by veering away from Christian tradition and unknowingly settling for shallow versions of popular Christianity. In The Church and the Crisis of Community Theresa Latini lays out both a theoretical groundwork and a practical guideline for successful small-group ministry. Examining the latest sociological research and the real-life practices of small groups in six congregations, she shows how well-developed groups – those with mission statements, leadership training, and solid organizational structure – can be a truly effective tool in the church’s work of transforming broken and shallow forms of community into life-giving, life-sustaining relationships with God and others.

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    • Embracing Emergence Christianity (Student/Study Guide)


      1. Emergence 101
      2. Where Now Is The Authority
      3. The 20th Century And Emergence
      4. Gifts From Other Times
      5. How Then Shall We Live?
      6. Hallmarks Of Emergence

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      Author, historian and keen cultural observer Phyllis Tickle invites us to join her in examining the changing face of Christianity and culture. Phyllis surveys 2000 years of Western history, identifying the great upheavals that occur in Western culture and Christianity every 500 years. The last was the Great Reformation of the 1500’s; the next is happening now.

      What are the implications of the “Great Emergence,” both culturally and spiritually? What are the key questions and issues that need to be addressed? Where might we be headed next?

      And, perhaps most importantly, where are you, at this moment? Might you be an emergence Christian?

      There are six sessions on the DVD.

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    • Young Anointed And Empowered


      In his seminal work, Young, Anointed and Empowered, Marcus L. Arrington presents an uplifting message of hope to teens and young adults worldwide. Through transparent articulation of his own journey and the journeys of well-known biblical figures, he confirms that God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things. Some of his character highlights include David, Joseph and Daniel and his three friends. Arrington’s introduction begins with a brief survey of the ills that inundate the landscape of youthdom. He ends on a glorious note of triumph by assuring youths and those that care for youths that the enemies that confront them and seek to destroy them aren’t indestructible. In fact, Arrington informs some and reminds others that God Almighty is a timely deliverer who makes it His business to rescue the downtrodden, bruised and oppressed. After a riveting introduction, Arrington builds momentum in Chapter 1 where he asks poignantly, “whatcha lookin for?” He again informs and reminds youths that the “it” or “thing” their searching for is found in God through Jesus Christ. After examining the faith, commitment and courage of the aforesaid biblical figures in Chapters 4-6, Arrington continues his conversation by observing purity and the need to have a clean heart before God in chapter 7. He transitions from his emphasis on purity and addresses the politics of being called by God to do a work for God. In Chapter 8 Arrington, discusses empowerment. He creatively explains the ministry, person and work of the Holy Spirit and why all believers need His direction and help. Finally, Arrington concludes his conversation with a heartfelt observation of the truth that greatness in life is preceded by the tandem of humility and obedience to God.

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    • Hard To Dance With The Devil On Your Back (Student/Study Guide)


      Looks at transcendent struggle in the lives of believers while helping readers enter the continually crumbling world surrounding Jesus and the disciples in the days preceding Easter.
      Seven sessions, one for each Sunday in Lent and Easter Sunday
      Each session features a Scripture reference, a personal reading, questions for personal reflection or group study, a closing prayer, and a focus for the coming week.

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    • Reason For God Discussion Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      Captured live and unscripted, pastor and author Timothy Keller meets with a group of skeptics to address their doubts and questions about Christianity. This course will train you on how to deal with six of the most common questions from skeptics as well as give you the resources to meet with your own group.

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    • 5 Practices Of Fruitful Living (Student/Study Guide)


      *Receiving God’s Love
      *Loving God In Return
      *Growing In Grace
      *Loving And Serving Others
      *The Grace Of Giving
      *Fruitful Living And Offering God’s Love

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      How do I cultivate a life that is purposeful, deep, and fruitful? What are the commitments, critical risks, and personal practices that open me to God’s grace? How can I discover the spiritual life and the difference God intends for me to make in the world?

      Radical Hospitality. Passionate Worship. Intentional Faith Development. Risk-Taking Mission and Service. Extravagant Generosity.

      Five Practices of Fruitful Living provides an honest, practical, and winsome guide to the spiritual journey. By repeating and deepening certain fundamental practices, we cooperate with God in our spiritual growth. These five practices – to receive God’s love, to love God in return, to grow in Christ, to serve others, and to give ourselves fully – as we attend to them and develop them, help us settle ourselves in God and become instruments of God’s grace.

      Following Christ will change your heart; and through you, God will change the world.

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    • Baby Boomers And Beyond


      How ministry leaders can help older adults be a vital part of Christian community?

      With the explosion of the older adult population, this important book explores the opportunities and challenges that this presents for the Christian community. Amy Hanson challenges us to let go of many old stereotypes regarding aging and embrace a new paradigm that sees older adults as active, healthy and capable of making significant contributions.
      *Debunks the myths of aging that keep us from fully embracing the potential of people in life’s second half
      *Offers suggestions on how to re-invent ministry with older adults
      *Focuses on unleashing older adults to serve and make an impact on churches and congregations
      *A volume in the Leadership Network series

      The author shows church leaders how they can unleash the power of the baby boomer population to strengthen their congregations.

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    • Creative Retreat Ideas


      Time apart to listen to God is an essential component of the Christian life. This wide ranging practical resource offers complete programme ideas – from short spiritual breaks for those who can only manage a couple of hours from their work or family responsibilities, to a range of ideas for whole day and full weekend retreats. aaExperienced retreat conductor Sue Pickering explores the elements that are commonly used in retreats:silence, journalling, using craft materials, reflection, lectio divina, imaginative prayer, music and movement, and more. aaOut of these building blocks, unlimited retreat programmes can be created. Part two offers themed retreat programme outlines complete with handouts which are downloadable from the accompanying CD Rom. These include Quiet Breakfasts, A Prayer Walk, A Garden Retreat and much more.

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