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    Albert Hsu

    • Heart. Soul. Mind. Strength (Expanded)


      Some publishers tell you what to believe. Other publishers tell you what you already believe. But InterVarsity Press helps you believe.
      J. I. Packer

      The history of evangelicalism cannot be understood apart from the authors and books that shaped it. Over the past century, leading figures such as pastor-scholar John Stott, apologist James W. Sire, evangelist Rebecca Manley Pippert and spiritual formation writer Eugene Peterson helped generations of readers to think more biblically and engage the world around them. For many who take their Christianity seriously, books that equip them for a life of faith have frequently come from one influential publisher: InterVarsity Press.

      Andy Le Peau and Linda Doll provide a narrative history of InterVarsity Press, from its origins as the literature division of a campus ministry to its place as a prominent Christian publishing house. Here is a behind-the-scenes look at the stories, people, and events that made IVP what it is today. Recording good times and bad, celebrations and challenges, they place IVP in its historical context and demonstrate its contribution to the academy, church and world.

      In honor of IVP’s seventy-fifth anniversary, senior editor Al Hsu has updated this edition with new content, bringing the story up to 2022 and including stories about contemporary authors such as Esau McCaulley and Tish Harrison Warren. As IVP continues to adapt to changes in publishing and the global context, the mission of publishing thoughtful Christian books has not changed. IVP stands as a model of integrative Christianity for the whole person–heart, soul, mind and strength.

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    • Grieving A Suicide (Expanded)


      Introduction: For Survivors-the Other Victims Of Suicide

      Part I: When Suicide Strikes
      1. Shock
      2. Turmoil
      3. Lament
      4. Relinquishment
      5. Remembrance

      Part II: The Lingering Questions
      6. Why Did This Happen?
      7. Is Suicide The Unforgivable Sin?
      8. Where Is God When It Hurts?

      Part III: Life After Suicide
      9. The Spirituality Of God
      10. The Healing Community
      11. The Lessons Of Suicide

      Epilogue: Going On

      Appendix: Resources For Suicide Survivors And Suicide Prevention
      Questions For Reflection And Discussion
      A Single-Session Discussion Guide For Suicide Survivor Groups

      Additional Info
      A 2003 Finalist in the United Kingdom Christian Book Awards! “Albert,” the neighbor said, “your mom needs you to come home.” That’s how it began for Albert Hsu when his father died. Anyone who has lost a loved one to suicide experiences tremendous shock and trauma. What follows is a confusing mix of emotions-anger, guilt, grief, and despair. Suicide raises heartrending questions: Why did this happen? Why didn’t we see it coming? Could we have done anything to prevent it? How can we go on? Many also wonder if those who choose suicide are doomed to an eternity separated from God and their loved ones. Some may even start asking whether life is worth living at all. After his father’s death, Hsu wrestled with the intense emotional and theological questions surrounding suicide. While acknowledging that there are no easy answers, he draws on the resources of the Christian faith to point suicide survivors to the God who offers comfort in our grief and hope for the future. For those who have lost a loved one to suicide and for their counselors and pastors, this book is an essential companion for the journey toward healing. This revised edition incorporates the latest statistics, has expanded resources for suicide prevention and mental health ministry, and now includes a discussion guide for suicide survivor groups.

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    • Suburban Christian : Finding Spiritual Vitality In The Land Of Plenty


      IVP Print On Demand Title

      Suburbia: Paradise or Wasteland?

      Suburbia is a place of spiritual yearnings. People come to suburbia looking for a fresh start, the second chance, a new life. It embodies the hopes and longings of its residents, dreams for the future, safety and security for their children, and the search for meaningful community and relationships. Yet much in our suburban world militates against such aspirations, and people find themselves isolated and alienated, trapped by consumerism and materialism. Is there hope for a Christian vision for the suburbs?

      Al Hsu unpacks the spiritual significance of suburbia and explores how suburban culture shapes how we live and practice our faith. With broad historical background and sociological analysis, Hsu offers practical insights for living Christianly in a suburban context. Probing such dynamics as commuting and consuming, he offers Christian alternatives for authentic spirituality, genuine community and relevant ministry. And he challenges suburban Christians to look beyond suburbia and marshal their resources toward urban and global justice.

      Suburbia may be one of the most significant mission fields of the twenty-first century. Here is guidance and hope for all who would seek the welfare of the suburbs.

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    • Singles At The Crossroads


      IVP Print On Demand Title

      A fresh perspective on Christian singleness. Christian singles need neither more how-to books for meeting the prefect mate nor trite advice on suffering through the single life. What is lacking is a truly Christian understanding of singleness – what it means to be single and Christian. Hus suggests that a balanced, biblical view is one that honors singleness as a status equal to marriage.

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