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    Bible Language Tools

    • Handbook Of New Testament Exegesis (Reprinted)


      1. Textual Criticism
      2. Translation And Translations
      3. Historical-Cultural Context
      4. Literary Context
      5. Word Studies
      6. Grammar
      7. Interpretive Problems
      8. Outlining
      9. Theology
      10. Application
      Appendix: Checklist For Doing Biblical Exegesis

      Additional Info
      This handbook provides a one-stop-shopping guide to the New Testament exegetical method. Brief and approachable, it offers both a broad overview of the exegetical process and a step-by-step approach to studying the New Testament in depth, helping students and pastors understand the text and appropriate it responsibly. The book is chock-full of illustrations of New Testament texts where the method under discussion truly makes a difference.

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    • Revelation Of Jesus Christ In The Old Testament


      Christ: The Angel of God.
      Christ: The Battle Bow
      Christ: A Goodly Cedar

      Since the time that I accepted Jesus Christ as my Saviour in 1976, I have heard it said that He was the focus of the Bible. I have never doubted that. I have heard it said that Jesus Christ was the subject of each book of the Bible, including the Old Testament. I struggled with that, not because it was untrue, but because no one in my theological circle submitted proof that it was true. This book is proof that Jesus Christ can be found in each book of the Old Testament. Therefore, Jesus Christ is available to become the subject of any book of the Bible if we take this approach to the Scriptures.

      What is the benefit of this approach? The Lord Jesus Christ becomes more precious to our souls as we encounter the varied facets of His Person. That should be enough, but now we can gain new insights into the Godhead and the inspired Word of God. This approach provides a fresh reason to study the Bible and a new direction in sermon and lesson preparation. Personal and family devotions are given new life in Christ. A fresh breeze blows across the pages of the Old Testament.

      The book is arranged for ease of use. Section One contains all the designations of Christ arranged alphabetically. Section Two contains all the physical aspects of Christ arranged alphabetically. Section Three is arranged by the mentions of Christ in each book of the Old Testament.

      Do you have your Bible? Do you have this book? Begin your journey seeking for “…the unsearchable riches of Christ.”

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    • Fundamentals Of New Testament Greek (Workbook)


      This extremely useful volume is a comprehensive introduction to the grammar and vocabulary of the Greek of the New Testament, with extensive paradigms, examples, and explanations.

      Porter, Reed, and O’Donnell’s Fundamentals of New Testament Greek makes use of pedagogically sound and linguistically informed language-instruction techniques to provide the most effective textbook possible. The book introduces the individual elements of the Greek language according to their frequency of use in the New Testament so as to reinforce in students the elements that they will most often encounter. Every grammatical element is explained in sufficient detail – including illustrative examples – and is accompanied by useful information to describe its composition and analysis. The authors also include complete paradigms with plenty of examples, and significant vocabulary is introduced throughout the course of the volume.

      Students who complete this text can engage in serious reading, translation, and understanding of the Greek New Testament, moving directly into Greek exegesis courses and more advanced Greek-language courses. Fundamentals of New Testament Greek: First Year will prove invaluable for gaining a thorough foundational understanding of New Testament Greek. It is bound to be a standard text for years to come.

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    • Revelation Of Jesus Christ In The Old Testament


      Christ: The Angel of God.
      Christ: The Battle Bow
      Christ: A Goodly Cedar

      Since the time that I accepted Jesus Christ as my Saviour in 1976, I have heard it said that He was the focus of the Bible. I have never doubted that. I have heard it said that Jesus Christ was the subject of each book of the Bible, including the Old Testament. I struggled with that, not because it was untrue, but because no one in my theological circle submitted proof that it was true. This book is proof that Jesus Christ can be found in each book of the Old Testament. Therefore, Jesus Christ is available to become the subject of any book of the Bible if we take this approach to the Scriptures.

      What is the benefit of this approach? The Lord Jesus Christ becomes more precious to our souls as we encounter the varied facets of His Person. That should be enough, but now we can gain new insights into the Godhead and the inspired Word of God. This approach provides a fresh reason to study the Bible and a new direction in sermon and lesson preparation. Personal and family devotions are given new life in Christ. A fresh breeze blows across the pages of the Old Testament.

      The book is arranged for ease of use. Section One contains all the designations of Christ arranged alphabetically. Section Two contains all the physical aspects of Christ arranged alphabetically. Section Three is arranged by the mentions of Christ in each book of the Old Testament.

      Do you have your Bible? Do you have this book? Begin your journey seeking for “…the unsearchable riches of Christ.”

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    • Aprenda El Greigo Del Nuevo Te – (Spanish)


      Let the one you’ve trusted for word studies for years teach you to read the New Testament in Greek!

      Created by W.E. Vine, the trusted author of the world’s most-used expository dictionary, this book is an easy “teach yourself” course for those who have no previous knowledge of Greek. Designed especially for the layperson, you’ll start by learning the Greek alphabet and by the third lesson you’ll be reading directly from the Greek New Testament!

      Complete with charts, tables, and diagrams, it is ideal for self-study. Vine’s Learn New Testament Greek is an all-in-one Greek grammar and lesson book.

      Permita que el que usted ha confiado para los estudios de la Palabra durante aos le ensee a leer el Nuevo Testamento en griego!
      Creado por W.E. Vine, el autor del diccionario expositivo mas utilizado en el mundo. Con este libro es muy facil “aprender por si solo”. Es para aquellos que no tienen conocimiento previo del lenguaje griego. Diseado especialmente para principiantes, usted comenzara por aprender el alfabeto griego y ya por la tercera leccion estara leyendo directamente el griego del Nuevo Testamento.

      Completo con graficos, tablas y diagramas, es ideal para el autoestudio. Aprenda el griego del Nuevo Testamento de Vine contiene lecciones y gramatica griega.

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    • How We Got The Bible (Reprinted)


      How We Got the Bible provides factual, accessible answers to questions such as

      How and when did the books of the Bible originate?
      In what sense are these books different from other books?
      How have these books been preserved and transmitted to us?
      Why do we have so many different translations of the Bible?

      A popular guide for Bible students, it has sold more than 1 million copies during its forty years in print. This trade paper edition of the well-loved classic offers readers an even more affordable way to learn about the development of the most important book in history.

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    • Guide To Interpreting Scripture


      Quoting verses without regard to context can have serious consequences. In A Guide to Interpreting Scripture, Dr. Michael Kyomya illustrates what scriptural interpretation is, why it is important, how to do it, and the pitfalls to avoid. Full of ways to enrich your personal study of the Bible, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and instruction you need.

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    • You Can Understand The Bible


      This book will give you the power tools you need to accurately interpret the Word of God. Written in a breezy, conversational style with occasional flashes of humor, this easy-to-read book is your practical, hands-on guide to understanding where the Bible came from, how to pronounce all those unintelligible names, and why it is so important that you understand the world’s most read but sometimes least understood book.

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    • English Grammar To Ace Biblical Hebrew


      English Grammar to Ace Biblical Hebrew by Miles Van Pelt- a companion to English Grammar to Ace New Testament Greek by Samuel Lamerson-enables students of biblical Hebrew to grasp the basic concepts of English grammar that are needed in order to be able to transfer these concepts to biblical Hebrew.

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    • Greek Course – (Spanish)


      The self-taught method applied in this book allows each student to advance at their own pace in learning Koine Greek.

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    • Oxford Bible Atlas


      This new edition of the Oxford Bible Atlas, now with full-colour maps and illustrations, has been thoroughly revised to bring it up to date with regard both to biblical scholarship and to archaeology and topography. The Atlas will help readers of the Bible understand the contexts in which its stories are set and to appreciate the world from which it emerged and which formed its background. Maps show the geographical setting of the Bible’s stories and reflect the successive stages of the Bible’s accounts, while specially chosen full-colour illustrations bring the countries and their peoples to life. The accompanying text describes the land of Palestine, and its wider ancient Near Eastern and east Mediterranean settings. It outlines clearly the successive historical periods, and describes the major civilizations with which Israelites, Jews, and early Christians came into contact. There is also an illustrated survey of the relevance of archaeology for the study of the Bible. The Atlas provides a superb guide to the geography of the Holy Land throughout biblical history, from the Exodus period through to New Testament times.

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    • Bibles Redemption Pattern And Numeric Map


      God has placed numbers strategically throughout the Bible to point to His ten-step redemption plan. Symbolism associated with numbers one to ten reveals that each number represents progressively intricate elements of the plan. For example, the number one represents God the Father, but it also represents beginnings, creation, and separation (darkness from light, water from land, etc). The most valuable aspect of the Redemption Pattern is understanding God’s ten progressive steps of spiritual growth. This book explains numbers’ symbolism, as well as showing the incredible DNA-like intersection of numbers across Scripture, numbers that form a Numeric Map and built-in Bible concordance. Numbers validate that the Bible, miraculously, still exists as God intended, and they prove the Old and New Testaments are two inseparable parts of one book. While many believe numbers studies should be avoided, this book shows how God uses numbers in very precise ways that, when understood, contribute to more-accurate biblical interpretation. Number meanings are easy to use and don’t reduce study to numerical analysis. Instead, they add exciting new dimensions to understanding God’s Word. Gaining understanding of biblical numbers will transform your Bible study into a great adventure. Compelling evidence proves these claims can’t be coincidence. Examples include – John 3:16, the keystone verse for Christianity, is in the 1,000th chapter. Matthew 24:42, warning of the “Day of the Lord,” is the precise 24,000th verse. Psalms 117, the only two-verse chapter, is located exactly as the Bible’s middle chapter. With much more amazing discoveries inside, get ready to be amazed.

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    • Hebrew For The Rest Of Us


      This book is a guide for English-only readers to understand the language of the Old Testament just enough to work with the Old Testament in more detail and to understand the secondary literature on the Bible that uses Hebrew directly.

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    • Introduction To The Hebrew Bible


      Designed for undergraduate students, this engaging overview introduces the origins of the Old Testament text. Subsequent chapters discuss Israelite identity (family, gender, ethnicity, and class); organization (power and state); and ideology (God and the canon)—and present religion as part of every aspect of life. A companion website features tests and teaching tools.

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    • Basics Of Verbal Aspect In Biblical Greek


      In this book, Constantine Campbell investigates the function of verbal aspect within the New Testament Greek narrative. The book includes exercises, an answer key, glossary of key concepts, an appendix covering space and time, and an index to Scripture cited.

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    • Guide To Old Testament Bible Study


      The material in A Guide to Old Testament Bible Study has been rewritten many times during 46 years of teaching high school students in Mid-City / Crescent City High School. Those who were never before Bible students began to take an interest in God’s Word because they saw the purpose running through it. Every year, the Holy Spirit used this material to help some become born-again believers. The study contains two major emphases: the history of early man (although not written as a history book, every bit of history in the Bible is true) and the Messiah (the mission of the Messiah promised in Genesis 3:15 is unfolded and developed throughout this study). This book will strengthen your faith in the Bible as God’s Word, and help you to help others.

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    • Gramatica Castellana – (Spanish)


      This book describes the rules of grammar based on the biblical text. It includes practical aspects including how to write letters, board minutes and other important documents.

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    • New Strongs Guide To Bible Words


      Get more mileage out of your Strong’s Concordance with this English Word Index Every one of the millions of users of Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance can now multiply its usefulness and benefit from the exclusive English Word Index created by Thomas Nelson. A convenient addition to Bible study resources for pastors, scholars, students, and those who want to dig deeper in their personal Bible study, this index offers an easy-to-use format for doing word studies more efficiently and completely. The New Strong’s Guide to Bible Words helps you get the full benefit of your current Bible study resources-giving you access to over 14,000 biblical words, showing all Hebrew or Greek words that lie behind each English word, along with the number of times each occurs, Strong’s numbers, and brief definitions. If you own a Strong’s Concordance, you’ll want the New Strong’s Guide to Bible Words. If you want to do serious word studies, you won’t want to be without this valuable tool.

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    • Where To Find Favorite Bible Verses Pamphlet


      Don’t have a photographic memory? Here are the most important verses in Scripture organized by topic. Perfect for people who do not remember the exact Bible reference for their favorite passage.
      Fits inside a Bible cover
      Unfolds to 38″ long.

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    • Meanings : The Bible As Document And As Guide


      These essays reveal the consistency and integrity of a master exegete, New Testament theologian, and churchman. Stendahl brings to the biblical text a constant concern to discover what was meant by a particular biblical passage, as free as possible of the doctrinal or cultural preoccupations of intervening centuries, but also to reflect on what the text means to us today, ever alert to the ways scripture has fueled anti-semitism, the subordination of women, and other forms of prejudice and injury. The combination of respect shown here for the diversity of meanings in scripture and the urgency of reflecting – critically and faithfully – on our contemporary responsibilities in light of scripture is irresistible. The collection is a testament to the wide range of Stendahl’s interests and the depth of his perception.

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    • Mark And Method


      Since its publication by Fortress Press in 1992, Mark and Method has been an invaluable resource for the study of Mark, and of the range of methods used in interpreting the New Testament. This second edition offers a new introduction and chapters brought up to date with the latest developments in interpretation, including new chapters on Cultural Studies and Post-Colonial Criticism.

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    • How To Choose A Translation For All Its Worth


      A book on Bible translation from a premier biblical scholar.

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    • Taking Up The Cross


      Discussions of the meaning of Jesus’ passion are at a creative high point, in part because of popular events like Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ, and Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code, but also because of a groundswell of interest in contemporary biblical scholarship.

      Barbara E. Reid, O.P., here pays attention to the role of women in the accounts of Jesus’ passion and observes that some of the interpretations of Jesus’ death in the New Testament open us up to life and liberation, while others have been used to perpetuate cycles of violence and victimization.

      When women have identified their suffering with that of Jesus, this has sometimes given them strength, but has also led to a harmful acceptance of unjust suffering. Reid explores five theological “images” of the death of Jesus through conversation with the voices of women from Mexico, Bolivia, and Peru and examination of the roles of women in the New Testament accounts. The result is an illuminating combination of New Testament exegesis with a liberative constructive theology.

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    • How To Study The Bible


      This brand-new guide provides a brief, concise overview of personal Bible study for the layperson. Long-time Bible teacher Robert West gives insight into the types, tools, and techniques of personal study, offering both practical guidance and encouragement to pursue the command of 2 Timothy 2:15 (“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth”). Covering topics such as the inductive method, word studies, commentaries, dictionaries, and concordances, How to Study the Bible also emphasizes the personal benefits of private Bible time.

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    • Philippians : A Greek Students Intermediate Reader


      A skill-boosting resource to help second-year Greek students bridge the gap between elementary grammars and exercises and actually reading the biblical text. It provides language learners with added confidence in Greek syntax as they work their way through an entire New Testament book.

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    • Biblical Greek Language And Lexicography


      Frederick W. Danker is deservedly recognized as one of today’s foremost Greek lexicographers. Unique among contemporary biblical scholars, Danker has lived to see the publication of two major Greek dictionaries that he himself edited. While he was part of the editorial team that produced the second edition of A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature, he alone thoroughly revised the entire dictionary to produce the third edition, popularly known as BDAG. Projects like these have considerably advanced New Testament lexicography in the twentieth century and have laid a solid foundation for further lexicographical work in the twenty-first. Biblical Greek Language and Lexicography celebrates the life and work of Professor Danker. In character with his contribution to Greek scholarship, the essays have been chosen to assist biblical Greek students and their teachers to develop a deeper understanding of aspects of Greek language and lexicography. Among the topics of discussion are the way one discovers the meaning of words, current tools available to students of language, and the approach being used in the latest New Testament and Septuagint Greek dictionaries. The book also features rich footnotes directing students to important Greek language resources, a selected bibliography of Danker’s publications, an appendix listing BDAG precursors, and four indexes – biblical references, Greek words, Hebrew forms, and grammatical and lexicographical terms. Sure to interest scholars, teachers, pastors, and students, this volume is both a worthy tribute to the career of Frederick Danker and a valuable presentation of the state of the art in Greek and biblical language studies. Contributors: Rykle Borger Cameron Boyd-Taylor Peter R. Burton Randall Buth Frederick William Danker John H. Elliott Trevor V. Evans Erik Eynikel Katrin Hauspie William A. Johnson John A. L. Lee Barclay M. Newman Jr. Takamitsu Muraoka Stanley E. Porter Terry Roberts Bernard A. Taylor James W. Voelz Richard E. Whitaker

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    • Bible Research : Developing Your Ability To Study The Scriptures


      Bible Research clearly explains specific methods and essential tools needed for successful Scripture study. It includes both text and self instructional workshops on specific research books such as Nave’s Topical Bible, Strong’s Concordance, Vine’s Expository Dictionary, and The Manners and Customs of the Bible.

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    • Workbook For New Testament Syntax (Workbook)


      Daniel B. Wallace’s groundbreaking books Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics: An Exegetical Syntax of the New Testament and Basics of New Testament Syntax have become the standard textbooks among colleges and seminaries for teaching New Testament Greek syntax. This workbook, designed to accompany both books, presents a dynamic approach to learning Greek syntax. Instead of simply learning syntax in single-verse snippets, students are exposed to all of the major syntactical categories in exegetically and theologically significant passages.

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    • Literature Of The Sages Second Part


      This long-awaited companion volume to The Literature of the Sages, First Part (Fortress Press, 1987) brings to completion Section II of the renowned Compendia series, published cooperatively with Van Gorcum of Amsterdam.

      The Literature of the Sages, Second Part, explores the literary creation of thousands of ancient Jewish teachers, the often- anonymous Sages of late antiquity and the Middle Ages. Essays by premier scholars provide a careful and succinct analysis of the content and character of various documents, their textual and literary forms, with particular attention to the ongoing discovery and publication of new textual material.

      Incorporating groundbreaking developments in research, these essays give a comprehensive presentation published here for the first time. This volume will prove an important reference work for all students of ancient Judaism, the origins of Jewish tradition, and the Jewish background of Christianity.

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    • Development Of Greek And The New Testament


      Provides a wealth of historical data about the Greek language that is not otherwise readily available.

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    • Word Order Variation In Biblical Hebrew Poetry


      SKU (ISBN): 9781842274231ISBN10: 1842274236Nicholas LunnBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2007Paternoster Biblical MonographsPublisher: Paternoster Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Translating Truth : The Case For Essentially Literal Bible Translation


      In an age when there is a wide choice of English Bible translations, the issues involved in Bible translating are steadily gaining interest. Consumers often wonder what separates one Bible version from another.

      The contributors to this book argue that there are significant differences between literal translations and the alternatives. The task of those who employ an essentially literal Bible translation philosophy is to produce a translation that remains faithful to the original languages, preserving as much of the original form and meaning as possible while still communicating effectively and clearly in the receptors’ languages.

      Translating Truth advocates essentially literal Bible translation and in an attempt to foster an edifying dialogue concerning translation philosophy. It addresses what constitutes “good” translation, common myths about word-for-word translations, and the importance of preserving the authenticity of the Bible text. The essays in this book offer clear and enlightening insights into the foundational ideas of essentially literal Bible translation.

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    • Ultimate Things : An Introduction To Jewish And Christian Apocalyptic Liter


      “Hearty thanks to Greg Carey for this wide-ranging survey of classical Jewish and Christian apocalyptic discourse. Uniquely comprehensive, the volume treats the full range of ancient apocalyptic imagination from 1 Enoch to the apocalypses of Peter and Paul. Such key topics as the Dead Sea Scrolls, the thought of Jesus and Paul, and the Shepherd of Hermas are all included. Readers are sure to appreciate Carey’s keen insights, balanced summaries of scholarship, and sane direction amid heated controversies. His introduction should become one of the first places instructors direct students interested in both scriptural and extra-canonical apocalyptic writings.”

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    • Handbook To A Grammar For Biblical Hebrew (Revised)


      This handbook is a companion to the widely used and standard text, A Grammar for Biblical Hebrew (revised edition), by C. L. Seow. It has been thoroughly and successfully field-tested in various settings for studying biblical Hebrew.

      For each exercise in the Grammar, this volume refreshes the student on lessons already learned, reinforces explanations and terms used in the lesson, explains concepts not yet covered, provides an annotated answer key, offers practical helps and tips, and cites relevant information in the standard dictionaries and reference grammars. The Handbook helps students make the most of the introductory grammar, in the classroom or for self-guided study. The reference to the major research grammars and lexicons will enable the student and instructor to take learning and teaching to a more advanced level in studying and translating Biblical Hebrew.

      The authors are doctoral students of C. L. Seow at Princeton Theological Seminary. Jennifer S. Green is an instructor at Columbia Theological Seminary, G. Brooke Lester is an instructor at Seabury-Western Theological Seminary, and Joseph F. Scrivner is an instructor at Samford University.

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    • Introduction To The Psalms


      Introduction to the Psalms: A Song from Ancient Israel seeks to provide the reader with a solid introduction to the Hebrew Psalter, one that is informed by an interest in its shape and shaping. Its author, Nancy deClaisse-Walford, provides an up-to-date study on the poetic style of the psalms in the Psalter, their Gattungen or genres, the broad shape of the book, and the history of its shaping. She introduces each of the five books of the Psalter, providing a detailed examination of those individual psalms that are either key to the shaping of the Psalter or interesting studies in poetic style. In the final chapter, deClaisse-Walford draws conclusions about the shape of the Psalter and about its story and message. She proposes a way to read the Psalms as a unified whole and in relationship to one another rather than as individual pieces. giving an inclusive, all-encompassing shape to the Psalter.
      Included are two appendices that provide a listing of the Superscriptions and Gattungen of the psalms in the Hebrew Psalter and an explanation of many of the technical terms found in their superscriptions.

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    • Como Explorar La Biblia – (Spanish)


      Descripcion (Description):

      En una cultura controlada por los medios de comunicacion, Como presentar la Biblia a aquellos que estan acostumbrados a las peliculas, las revistas y a los periodicos? Muy sencillo, les damos Como explorar la Biblia, una mirada dinamica y llena de accion a los personajes principales, los eventos y significados del Antiguo y Nuevo Testamento.

      Grandes escenas: los eventos principales en palabras e ilustraciones detalladas.
      Papeles protagonicos: Una mirada a los personajes principales.
      La trama: El relato en una capsula:
      Alerta: Los consejos cruciales que no se deben pasar por alto.
      Frases celebres: Las frases que conocemos pero que no sabiamos que fueron extraidas de la Biblia.
      Cronologias: Sucesos en el mundo biblico y otros lugares de la Tierra. Todo eso y mucho mas.

      In today’s media-driven culture, how do you introduce the Bible to people who are used to movies, comic books, and USA Today? You give them Como explorar la Biblia, a fast-paced, action-packed look at the main characters, events, and meanings of the Old and New Testament.

      Using with the reader-friendly Contemporary English Version, this book makes it even easier for adults who are unfamiliar with the Bible to get into the Scriptures.

      Big Scenes–the main events in words and detailed illustrations
      Starring Roles–a look at the leading characters
      Plot–the story in a nutshell What to Look For–the crucial insights you don’t want to miss
      Famous Lines–phrases you may already know, but didn’t know they came from the
      Bible Timelines–happenings in the Bible world and the rest of the world And lots more!

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    • Paul In Roman Custody


      In this book, Rapske uses ancient literary sources and archaeological evidence to uncover important background on the custodial system of the Graeco-Roman world in order to better view Paul’s persona and Christian mission. This study shows Luke to be keenly aware of the practical and theological threat that imprisonment posed for Paul and argues that this understanding motivated one of Luke’s primary objectives in his writing of Luke-Acts to defend or justify the prisoner missionary Paul to the reader.

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    • English Grammar To Ace New Testament Greek


      Many students struggle during their New Testament Greek course because they do not have sufficient knowledge of English grammar. English Grammar To Ace New Testament Greek was written to help those students. In eighteen brief chapters, Sam Lamerson reviews the main elements of English to help the beginning Greek student. Using an entertaining and colorful style, with chapters such as “You Ain’t Nothing but a Noun Dog”, “Principal Parts”, and The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance,” the author compares each element of English grammar with the similar element in Greek. This book can be used as a one-week intensive study prior to the study of Greek grammar or as an introduction to various chapters. Each chapter includes a set of exercises. Features include: * Short chapters * Devotional comments * A colorful and entertaining writing style * Lessons that coordinate with Basics of Biblical Greek: Grammar and Workbook by William D. Mounce

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    • Story As Torah


      Using familiar stories in Genesis and Judges as test cases, Wenham demonstrates how Old Testament narratives can function as “”Torah,”” informing one’s ethical choices.

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    • Donde Hallarlo En La Biblia – (Spanish)


      Puedes hallarlo en la Biblia… si sabes donde buscarlo. Si quieres saber lo que dice la Biblia sobre temas como el de las computadoras, la nutricion o la sicologia, no lo conseguiras en otras concordancias. Pero esta moderna fuente tematica te llevara a donde no llegan las otras, y sin ningun lenguaje teologico complicado.

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    • Biblical Dyslexia : Overcoming The Barriers To Understanding Scripture


      “Religious assumptions are the ‘learning disability’ which keeps us in a state of functional illiteracy where the Bible is concerned.” Misread, misconstrued, and misquoted, our Bible is held up as the foundation of the faith, the rulebook for service, and the justification for every religious lunacy in Christendom. But what are the scriptures really? How can we be sure we’re reading them properly? This book explains why we misunderstand the Bible, how bewildering Christianity can be as a result, and how we can begin to read the scriptures as they were given. Using many examples from scripture, it introduces the reader to the Bible’s language, history, diversity, and testimony, which are neither popular nor popularly known. Addressed primarily to evangelical Christians, those in mainline denominations and “home churchers” who are drawn to an earnest encounter with the scriptures will also find this book speaking to them. If you have ever wondered why the Bible seems so confusing while invoked so resolutely, please read. “After decades of getting blank looks from Christians when speaking about fundamental things of their faith, I identified a chief reason why real discernment of God’s purposes eludes so many for so long: We are never taught how to approach the scriptures without some invisible, ‘orthodox’ interpreter looking over our shoulder.”

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    • Topical Bible Guide (Expanded)


      “A little book about the big issues of life, this collection of Scriptures provides readers with the heart of the Bibles teaching on such important subjects as Gods guidance, His love for us, and our new life in Him. Its clear and appealing layout groups m”

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    • Charts Of Bible Prophecy


      This chart book provides an outline of the major issues and themes in Bible prophecy. It is designed to appeal to nonspecialist readers, yet in its detail and comprehensiveness it also serves the specialist well. While there are many books on prophecy, the vast majority deal with the subject from a particular perspective and tend to dismiss other views. This book seeks to be evenhanded and to avoid prejudicing readers for or against particular points of view.

      The 85 charts fall into a number of groups as follows:
      Introductory Issues in Prophecy
      Hermeneutical or Interpretative Methodology in Prophecy
      Fulfillment of Prophecy
      Interpretation of Prophetic Texts
      Systems of Eschatology
      Prophetic Teaching on the First and Second Comings of Jesus Christ
      Prophetic Teaching on the Nation of Israel
      Prophetic Teaching on the Tribulation
      The Olivet Discourse and Prophecy
      Prophetic Teaching on the Millennium
      The Books of Daniel and Revelation in Prophecy
      Views Concerning Last Things

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    • Aramaic Gospels And Acts Companion


      Translations usually, as a rule, suffer a loss from the original source. The poetic Aramaic Peshitta translation of the Greek Gospels is perhaps the greatest exception to that rule, due to the Aramaic source that is evident in the original Greek translation. The line-by-line Latin letter transliteration is presented here to aid those who are starting to study Syriac-Aramaic, and for those who want to reference the Aramaic language version of the Gospels in their own Bible studies.

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    • Vocabulary Guide To Biblical Hebrew


      A guide for mastering basic Hebrew vocabulary This guide helps seminary and Christian college students learn Hebrew vocabulary. A special feature of the guide is that it groups thevocabulary in three basic consonants. * All words occurring ten times or more in the Hebrew Bible in descending order of frequency * Primary roots and all words derived from roots occurring ten timesor more * Unusual and difficult word list, such as proper names, adjectives, prepositions, pronouns, particles, and verbs

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    • Taking The Old Testament Challenge


      Help your congregation experience the life-changing relevance of the Old Testament The Old Testament Challenge (OTC) is a turn-key program to help everyone in your church understand and apply the Old Testament. Participants experience the content in multiple contexts: through sermons, group discussions, and personal devotions. This 32-week series is designed for churches to teach, study, and discuss the entire Old Testament over a 9-month period. The goal of OTC is to discover the life-changing truths of the Old Testament and how they can be applied to daily life. Based on Pastor John Ortberg9s OTC series at the New Community services of Willow Creek Community Church, this resource enables churches to raise the level of biblical literacy and understanding among their congregations. Your congregation will fall in love with the Old Testament! The OTC curriculum is made up of 4 kits of 7-9 lessons each. This first kit covers the Pentateuch and includes everything you need to preach 9 sermons (that9s less than $25 per week!): * Teaching Guide containing material from Ortberg9s weekly teachings for pastors and/or teachers * Group Discussion Guide focusing on specific passages from the Old Testament designed for weekly or bi-weekly use and including leader9s notes * DVD and VHS Video presenting an OTC “vision-casting” message from Ortberg, a promotional piece for churches, and 4 creative video elements for each kit to use during the OTC message * CD-ROM providing 7-9 PowerPoint presentations for use with each of the OTC messages. It also contains 40 FAQ sheets answering tough questions from the Old Testament for use on your web site or to be printed in hard copy. * Sets of slides for each teaching session for pastors and teachers. * Sermon Audio CD set containing all 9 messages preached by John Ortberg * Implementation Guide * 40 Weeks With God reading guide

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    • Pocket Dictionary For The Study Of Biblical Hebrew


      Perhaps nothing is so daunting to modern seminarians asstudy of the ancient languages, Hebrew in particular. Thiseasy-to-use guide takes much of the mystery out of the little-known terminology, providing lucid examples for difficult concepts.

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    • Bible Answers For Almost All Your Questions


      Why is cloning wrong? Does the Bible say a divorced person can remarry? Can angels sin? Is body piercing wrong? Can demons read our thoughts? Dr. Elmer Towns, author of over 80 books and Dean of Liberty University’s School of Religion, answers these and many other questions you have wondered about.Written for the new Christian too embarrassed to ask, and for the long-time Christian who still has unanswered questions, this one-volume, indexed resource provides the kind of responses your own pastor would give as you’re shaking hands after the Sunday morning sermon_short, knowledgeable, and to the point. Topics covered include: PoliticsThe Bible,The Holy Spirit,and AngelsCreationDemons and the Devil*God’s NamesPrayer, Salvation, and SinIf you have questions_and who doesn’t_Bible Answers for Almost All Your Questions is an essential resource.

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    • Challenge Of Bible Translation


      The theory, history, and practice of Bible translation in a collection of 21 essays by leading scholars and practitioners in honor of Ronald F. Youngblood. There is a growing interest in the challenges of Bible translation as well as an increasing awareness of the power of translators to influence culture. This collection of 21 essays brings together the carefully nuanced insights of years of experience devoted to the challenges of responsible biblical interpretation and translation. Contributors include leading scholars and practitioners, many of whom are part of the Committee on Bible Translation for the New International Version. Contributors: Kenneth Barker, Donald Carson, Thomas Correll, Charles H. Cosgrove, Kent Eaton, Richard T. France, Andreas Kostenberger, Douglas Moo, Glen G. Scorgie, Moises Silva, James Smith III, John Stek, Mark Strauss, Ronald Veenker, Mariel Deluca Voth, Steven Voth, Larry Walker, Bruce Waltke, and Walt Wessel. EDITOR: Glen G. Scorgie;Mark L. Strauss;Steven M. Voth

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    • Jacob And The Prodigal


      232 Pages

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      “Esau ran to meet Jacob and embraced him.” A father runs to welcome his prodigal son with open arms. What are the similarities between these two stories? Noting that Israel takes its name from Jacob, Bailey unpacks parallels freighted with theological significance, offering a fresh take on Jesus’ view of Israel’s destiny.

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