Bible Personage
Showing 101–150 of 258 resultsSorted by latest
Life Of Paul For Today (Student/Study Guide)
$17.00This book presents the life and work of the New Testament’s premier missionary, the apostle Paul. It surveys his “pre-Christian life,” his conversion and call, and his missionary activities, noting the pivotal events that marked his relationship with the congregations he founded and with the Jerusalem church. Vander Broek focuses on Paul’s life and labors but also provides important and relevant discussions of how the life of Paul speaks to Christian faith today. This book will be of much interest to contemporary church groups and individuals who are interested in how the church’s most important early missionary continues to impact Christian lives. Questions for discussion are included.
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Living Paul : An Introduction To The Apostles Life And Thought
$26.99Anthony Thiselton is an unabashed admirer of Paul, a student of his letters and a devotee of his gospel. Over a range of issues, Thiselton cleans the lens and sharpens the focus to give us snapshots of Paul’s life, mission and thought. Whatever your level of knowledge and experience of Paul, you will find The Living Paul informative and interesting, nuanced and inspiring.
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Life Of Joseph Pamphlet
$4.99Pamphlet-14 Panels, 8.5 X 5.5 In, Unfolds To 38 Inches Long. Fits Inside Most Bibles.
Additional Info
Is God really in charge?Where is he when everything goes wrong? The life of Joseph shows how God can take misfortune and evil and turn it into great good. Joseph was betrayed by people close to him and had every reason to grow bitter, yet continued to obey God. And God was working behind the scenes to change Joseph and his family. This pamphlet helps us see meaning in suffering and aids us in our own journey toward wisdom. Includes a map and time line.
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Mujeres De La Biblia Ligeramen – (Spanish)
$15.99Did you think that there were no more bad girls in the Bible to write about? In the next book in her series, Higgs retells the stories of five women who are generally thought of as good. She weaves personal anecdotes and contemporary women’s stories into her retelling of the stories of five girls in the book of Genesis.
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Long Loneliness : The Autobiography Of The Legendary Catholic Social Activi
$16.99This inspiring and fascinating memoir, subtitled, “The Autobiography of the Legendary Catholic Social Activist,” The Long Loneliness is the late Dorothy Day’s compelling autobiographical testament to her life of social activism and her spiritual pilgrimage. A founder of the Catholic Worker Movement and longtime associate of Peter Maurin, Dorothy Day was eulogized in the New York Times as, “a nonviolent social radical of luminous personality.” The Long Loneliness recounts her remarkable journey from the Greenwich Village political and literary scene of the 1920s through her conversion to Catholicism and her lifelong struggle to help bring about “the kind of society where it is easier to be good.”
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$44.99Geoffrey Harris seeks to reconcile Paul the thinker and Paul the man of action. This student-friendly textbook provides clear information about research and writing on Paul in recent years, and shows how Paul’s early life held important strands of thought which informed his later theology. Paul’s conversion and his reflection upon its meaning led him to develop a ‘resurrection theology’ from which much else followed on. The life setting of Paul’s churches and his mission strategy brings out many lessons and principles for church life and mission today.
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Testament To Freedom
$23.99Dietrich Bonhoeffer was only thirty-nine years old when he was executed in a Nazi concentration camp in 1945, yet his courage, vision, and brilliance have greatly influenced the twentieth-century Church and theology. Particularly through his bestselling classic, The Cost of Discipleship, Bonhoeffer profoundly shaped such minds and movements as Martin Luther King, Jr., and Leonardo Boff, civil rights and leberation theology.
A Testament to Freedom, completely revised and expanded for this edition, includes previously untranslated writings, excerpts from major books, sermons, and selected letters spanning the years of Bonhoeffer’s pastoral and theological career. This magnificent volume takes readers on a historical and biographical journey that follows Bonhoeffer through the various stages of his life–as teacher, ecumenist, pastor, preacher, seminary director, prophet in the Nazi era and, finally, as martyr in pursuit of peace and justice.
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What Were You Thinking
$21.23What Were You Thinking? . . . . . . Eve, as you tasted the forbidden fruit? . . . Sapphira, as you lied about the money? . . . Mrs. Lot, as you glanced back at Sodom? . . . Hannah, as you left Samuel with Eli? . . . Martha, as you tattled on Mary? What were these women thinking? You might be surprised to learn that these Bible-time women may have had thoughts that would be hard to distinguish from those of modern-day women. In these pages you will meet thirteen Bible-time women through a casual visit in a contemporary, small-group setting. Interviews with these women bring their previously black-and-white lives into vivid, living color as you get to know them more personally and begin to feel their heartstrings tug a familiar pull on your own. Discussion Questions and Leader’s Guide included!
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Job : A Man Of Heroic Endurance
$24.99Best selling author Charles Swindoll unveils the life and trials of Job and helps readers understand the key to developing heroic endurance. The trials of Job are legendary. One righteous man suffering so many calamities, so much heartache. Though many have heard about Job and his trials, not all people truly understand what those trials were about and what God was trying to accomplish through them. Job himself was confused about it all. What did I do to deserve such suffering? he cried out. Eventually, though, through tough questions and unexpected answers from God, Job gained new insights on suffering, patience, and endurance. And, more important, he learned how deeply he was loved by God, a lesson available for every Christian wounded by or in the midst of a trial.
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Moses : A Man Of Selfless Dedication
$19.99Best-selling author Charles Swindoll presents the Bible’s real Moses, showing the principles that guided his life and service to God and how readers can apply them daily. Charles Swindoll presents the Bible’s real Moses. The Moses who tried to decline his assignment from God. The Moses who dazzled Pharoh. The Moses who received the Ten Commandments. The Moses who was disobedient and weak. The Moses who was the greatest leader of God’s people in all of history. Through his faith and selfless dedication, Moses continually chose to follow God’s will through difficult and seemingly impossible situations. Readers will discover the principles that guided Moses’s life and service to God and learn how to apply them daily.
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Victorious Job : A Study Of The Book Of Job God s Message For Today
$19.36This book does much more than focus on the life of Job. It shows the way of God with a man God called righteous. Using Scripture to clearly answer the question of why the righteous suffer, the book takes an in- depth look at the psychology behind the book of Job.
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Apostle Peter
$20.61For us today, we can see many similarities between our lives and Peter of the gospels. In many ways his story mirrors ours. For instance, how many times are we unsure of ourselves? How often are we prone to shame and guilt? How often do we become overly enthusiastic, often speak before we think, are rash in our behavior, at times becoming more stubborn than a mule, and may even get a little hot-tempered? More than we would like to admit, I imagine. Yet before we write ourselves off as hopeless, consider this. Jesus never saw Peter as hopeless. What Jesus did see was potential, potential that would be realized through one simple touch of the Holy Spirit. Jesus knew that the rushing winds of Pentecost would make all of the difference in the life of Peter, us, and the world. The purpose of this book not only is to explore a before and after transformation of Peter by examining his words in the gospels, but also for us to seek transformation by contemplating how his life reflects our own.
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Introducing Paul : The Man His Mission And His Message
$25.99Table Of Contents
1. What Is Paul?
2. A Funny Thing Happened On The Road To Damascus
3. The Stories Behind The Story
4. Reading Someone Else’s Mail
5. The Royal Announcement
6. The Crux Of The Gospel
7. The Return Of The King
8. One God, One Lord: Monotheism And The Messiah
9. Living A Life Worthy Of The Gospel: The Ethics Of Paul
10. Gospelizing: Paul’s Spirituality
Scripture Index
Author IndexAdditional Info
Michael F. Bird suggests that if the Paul we claim to know looks and sounds a lot like us, it’s probably a sign that we don’t know him as well as we think. In this book Bird offers an animated and penetrating survey of Paul’s life and teaching, including the principal issues and themes in Paul’s theology.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Old Testament Prophets For Today
$18.00Carolyn Sharp offers a brief introduction to each of the Bible’s prophets and their prophetic books, developing the theological themes present in each with an eye toward how the prophetic message is relevant today. Sharp understands that prophets can be mediators to connect us with the holiness of God, idealists whose desires for humanity call us to new heights of God s desire, and companions for us in the confusing journey through our complicated world. The book contains study questions for group or individual use.
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Joseph : A Man Of Integrity And Forgiveness
$21.99In Great Lives: Joseph, Charles Swindoll reveals to us a man buffeted with the same kinds of problems we face today, whose tenacious faith in God ultimately won him great honor and achievement. No family today is more dysfunctional than Joseph’s was. No one faces greater temptation than that which Potiphar’s wife offered Joseph. No faith is challenged more severely than was Joseph’s on death row. Yet Joseph stood firm, exemplifying what is possible when ordinary people maintain their connections with God. Like an epic novel filled with intrigue, tension, and torrential emotions, Joseph’s triumphiant story touches us all. Great Lives: Joseph presents a fresh look at one of the most intriguing characters in the Old Testament and focuses on the virtue of forgiveness in the face of deceit and betrayal.
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Women In The Gospel Of John
$14.99When Dan Brown’s novel The DaVinci Code was published, it did something that many biblical scholars had not been able to do. It posed difficult questions about the role of women in Jesus’ life and in the early church, and brought these questions to the forefront of conversations. Judith Kaye Jones contends that the gospel of John does not just include stories about women, it is structured around stories of women. In this unique testament, women and their encounters with Jesus provide the framework for the central message of Jesus.
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Trinta E Um Segredos De Uma Mu – (Other Language)
$12.00Este Estudo dar a voc uma nova perspectiva. Aprenda 31 Segredos de Sabedoria com a hist ria da vida de Rute, uma mulher memor vel por sua persist ncia, esp rito ensin vel e busca por intimidade.Descubra como essas pr ticas Chaves de Sabedoria podem ser aplicadas a sua vida hojeatrav?’s de…Escolhas Corretas Disposi o Em EsperarRespeito ?’s Orienta es Recebidas E Muito Mais…!Voc Est Prestes A Ver Seus Sonhos Realizados
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Job Workbook
$19.99Sooner or later, we all go through our times of suffering and heartache, and the ancient story of Job offers timeless truth for us if we’ll only listen. Now, in this study guide to accompany Charles Swindoll’s illuminating study of Job’s life in the million-selling Great Lives series, readers will gain a new understanding of the lessons to be learned from Job’s story, and they will learn to develop their own heroic endurance.
The Great Lives: Job Interactive Study Guide includes the following features:
*Digging Deeper: deeper insight into aspects of Christian belief and practice covered in the book Great Lives: Job
*Taking Truth to Heart: Personal reflection and application
*In Other Words: Practical, applicable quotes from various authors, along with interactive questions to help readers absorb and apply the truth from each quote
*Treasures from the Text: Teaching, application and reflection to help readers glean important principles from God’s Word
*Nuggets of Wisdom: Powerful application points to help connect to Chuck Swindoll’s teachingAdd to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
David : A Man Of Passion And Destiny
$15.99In the first and best-selling Great Lives book, Great Lives: David, Dr. Swindoll explores the Old Testament shepherd, king, and psalmist, to answer the question, “What does it mean to be someone after God’s own heart?” In many ways he was a most extraordinary man-intelligent, handsome, abundantly gifted as a poet, musician, warrior, and administrator. Yet in other ways he was a most ordinary man-often gripped by destructive passion, rocked by family chaos and personal tragedy, and motivated by political expediency. How did David become the national hero of God’s chosen people? Why is he the one character in the Bible described as a “man after God’s own heart”? Chuck Swindoll explores the many facets of David-from his teenaged years and dysfunctional family life to his overwhelming passion for God.
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Heroes And Villains Of The Bible 1
$26.23Studying the lives of men and women of Scripture is a satisfying and useful investigation for all true followers of God. As Augustine once expressed, “The sacred record, like a faithful mirror has no flattery in its portrait.” The people of the Bible are exposed as the sinners that they are. While looking at heroes and villains of Scripture, the reader will not only learn about character flaws and attributes, but will discover practical doctrines that encourage us to live for Christ. The historic characters of the Bible teach us that choices have consequences and that the life we have been given must be dedicated to God’s glory, not ours.
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1st To Follow
$26.95One of the first things that Jesus did in his ministry was to reach out to twelve individuals and draw them into a circle of close companionship with him. This series is about those twelve apostles, their relationships with Jesus and with each other, and what the dynamics of that community can teach us. By studying those whom Jesus selected and what he did for them, to them, with them, and through them, we can learn much about how we can we experience the Holy in our own day. Jesus did not wait for people to be perfect in order to call them into the circle of God’s love. As we look at those that Jesus called, and consider ourselves as part of that enlarging circle, we gain not only a deeper sense of our own reality, but also a deeper sense of how Christ would like to work with us.
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Esther : Reflections From An Unexpected Life
$16.23Through easily applicable Biblical truths, interwoven with personal and hearfelt stories, Jennifer brings a contemporary relevance to Esther’s extraordinary story. Join Esther on her journey to the throne of Persia and beyond. You’ll not only discover what powerful deeds God was able to accomplish through the unexpected turns that her life took- you’ll discover what He desires to do in the unexpected turns in your life today!
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Women Of The Bible New Testament Pamphlet
$4.99In this concise comparison chart, we will dig out the significance of some important women in the Bible, addressing cultural and literary points of view to discover hidden meanings found in the women’s names, the ironies in their stories, and the culture of the time. Our understanding of the biblical text will increase as we see events from the perspective of the women themselves, their strengths and weaknesses.
Featured women of the New Testament Mary, Mother of Jesus; Elizabeth, Mary Magdalene; Mary & Martha; Lydia; Priscilla; Herodias
Unfolds to 38″ longAdd to cart8 in stock
Women Of The Bible Old Testament Pamphlet
$4.99Unfolds to 38″ long
Sarah and Hagar, Tamar, Miriam, Rahab, Deborah and Jael, Bathsheba, Naomi and Ruth, EstherIn this concise comparison chart, we will dog out the significance of some important women in the Bible, addressing cultural and literary points of view to discover hidden meanings found in the women’s names, the ironies in their stories, and the culture of the time. Our understanding of the biblical text will increase as we see events from the perspective of the women themselves, their strengths and weaknesses.
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Jesus And Paul Reconnected
$27.99New and stimulating explorations of these two extraordinary figures
Essays that explore historical congruity between Christ and his apostle and examine potential connections in their thought, relationships, and practices.
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Paul Judaism And The Gentiles (Revised)
$42.99In its first edition (1986), this book was the first monograph-length response to the groundbreaking work of E. P. Sanders. Francis Watson shared some of the concerns of what came to be called the “new perspective on Paul,” but took an independent line on several points. Now, in this new, completely rewritten edition, the discussion has been extended, updated, and clarified, in order to point the way beyond the polarization of “new” and “old” perspectives on Paul. The Paul who comes to light in these pages is both agent and thinker, apostle and theologian. He is a highly contextual figure, yet his account of Christian identity continues to shape the church’s life to this day. He is the founder of mainly Gentile, Christ-believing communities, separated from the synagogue; and yet he can see this distinctive existence as an authentic response to Jewish scripture and tradition, as fulfilled in Christ. He is a many-sided figure, transcending all our attempts to categorize him or to co-opt him for our own favored courses. Far longer than the original edition, Paul, Judaism, and the Gentiles also contains a new introduction and an extensive appendix.
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What Paul Meant
$24.00In his New York Times bestseller What Jesus Meant, Garry Wills offered a fresh and incisive reading of Jesus’ teachings. Now Wills turns to Paul, whose writings have provoked controversy throughout Christian history. Upending many common assumptions, Wills argues eloquently that what Paul meant was not something contrary to what Jesus meant. Rather, the best way to know Jesus is to discover Paul. In this stimulating and masterly analysis, Wills illuminates how Paul, writing on the road and in the heat of the moment, and often in the midst of controversy, galvanized a movement and offers us the best reflection of those early times.
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Mary And The Good News
$21.23Product Description
Mary of Nazareth stands unique. She was given a privilege and responsibility none could share. When but a teen-ager, her problems began: The prospect of becoming an unwed mother A hard journey at the worst time Bearing a baby under difficult conditions Fleeing in terror in the dark Living in a strange foreign land. When her son began his career, he soon won a large following, but strong forces opposed him. Mary had to endure seeing him arrested, tried and condemned. It was truly “like a sword piercing her very soul.” What gave Mary strength to face life with courage and confidence? She was a woman of winsome personality and staunch character. She had been carefully chosen. There could be but one mother for God’s Son.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Eye Witnesses Of His Majesty
$21.86The twelve men who were called to be Apostles became Eye Witnesses of His Majesty; but who were these men? Were they any different from us? You may be amazed at how typical and ordinary they were. This book will answer questions you have had but never bothered to ask: * What changed Simon into Peter (a rock)? * How did a zealot ever get into the band of apostles? * What really happened with Judas? * I’m a Nobody! Would there be a place for me in His plans? * Did you know there were three sets of brothers and one son among the Twelve? EYE WITNESSES OF HIS MAJESTY may be the single most illuminating book you have ever read on the Apostles of Jesus. Who they were Where they came from What they did What they became What they knew How they knew it plus How they died and where
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Hidden Power Of A Surrendered Life (Student/Study Guide)
$13.99Having influence, making a difference and leaving a legacy is a costly privilege. Doing so is to step into a destiny filled with opportunities to yield, to lead, and to boldly go where others have not gone before. It requires quietness in the midst of turmoil and courage in the face of overwhelming odds. As you journey with Glenda Malmin through the life of Esther and those she related to in The Hidden Power Of A Surrendered Life, you will find your life woven together with the ancients and see their lives in yours. Esther and her beloved mentor Mordecai both had hesitations, concerns, opinions and deep challenges in their roles and yet remained surrendered to the will of God.
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Hidden Power Of A Mothers Heart (Student/Study Guide)
$13.99In this book, the third book in Glenda Malmin’s “Hidden Power” series, mothers, grandmothers, and mothers-to-be will be encouraged and challenged as they relate to the mothering journey of Mary, the mother of Jesus. Based on biblical narrative, historical research, and anointed fiction, this book will bless the reader as it leads her through the seasons of Mary’s motherhood and applies relevant biblical principles to her own through the examples of other contemporary mothers.
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Hidden Power Of Undefeatable Faith (Student/Study Guide)
$13.99The second installment in Glenda Malmin’s ‘Hidden Power’; Series. The reader will journey with the author in the remarkable story of the ancient Rizpah in The Hidden Power of Undefeatable Faith, while discovering principles of unbeatable faith, intercession, and fulfilled destiny
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Helpmates Harlots And Heroes (Revised)
$44.00In this best-selling book, now revised and updated, Alice Ogden Bellis shares the work of feminist and womanist biblical scholars. Examining women’s stories in the Old Testament, Bellis shows how different feminist and womanist scholars have interpreted these texts-texts that have profoundly affected how women understand themselves-in the last thirty-five years. The book includes study questions and a thorough bibliography.
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Lost Gospel Of Judas
$19.99With the discovery of the Gospel of Judas came an outpouring of hyperbolic language, both negative and positive. Alongside the overwhelming opinions of historians and scholars was the quiet bewilderment of people who simply weren’t sure what to think, confusion that wasn’t helped by vast media attention. In The Lost Gospel of Judas, Stanley Porter and Gordon Heath attempt to set the record straight. They begin with a look at the initial responses to the announcement of the gospel’s existence, then provide a brief history of Judas himself as seen in the New Testament and in church history, and of Gnostic philosophy. Further sections consider other recent textual finds and examine the discovery, content, and authenticity of the gospel. They also delve into the relationship this new gospel has with the New Testament canon and contemplate the “Lucky Winner” theory of canonical history. The Lost Gospel of Judas sifts through all the evidence, presenting the results with more than enough scholarship to be respected and enough clarity to be easily understood.
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Men Worth Knowing
$20.00Author J. Ellsworth Kalas believes there is much we can learn about our own walk with God from the people in the Bible. In this inspiring book he gives us meditations about sixteen men from Scripture, some of them well known, others not even named. Each of them, he tells us, can teach us something about ourselves and our relationship with God, “not only through their wisdom but sometimes through their errors and obvious humanness.”
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Grandes Hombres De La Biblia 1 – (Spanish)
$18.99This book series documents the lives of twelve of the greatest men found in the Bible. It shows that God’s love does not depend on what He finds in our hearts. Nor does it surprise Him when He finds the sin in our hearts. These things don’t stop Him from loving us. These books not only show the human side of these men, but also the greatness they achieved once they let God take control of their lives. The first volume features the biographies of Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Joshua and Samuel.
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Grandes Hombres De La Biblia – (Spanish)
$19.99This book series documents the lives of twelve of the greatest men found in the Bible. It shows that God ‘s love does not depend on what He finds in our hearts. Nor does it surprise Him when He finds the sin in our hearts. These things don’t stop Him from loving us. These books not only show the human side of these men, but also the greatness they achieved once they let God take control of their lives. The second volume includes David, Elijah, Jeremiah, John the Baptist, Peter and Paul.
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$36.99Apart from the apostle Paul, Luke is arguably the most influential force in the canon of the New Testament. His Gospel and Acts occupy almost a third of the New Testament. Marshall provides us with a lucid guide to Luke’s theology of salvation as it is unfurled in Gospel narrative, but always with an eye on its ongoing development in his companion work, the Acts of the Apostles.
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All The Men Of The Bible All The Women Of The Bible
$24.99The Life and Times of All the Men and Women of the Bible
Bringing together two books in one convenient volume, All the Men/All the Women of the Bible is a portrait gallery and reference library of over 3,400 named biblical characters. Taken from the time-honored “All” series by Dr. Herbert Lockyer, this book mines the wealth of Scripture to give you characters you can learn from, teachings you can apply, and promises you can stand on.
All the Men
This monumental book puts comprehensive information on the men of the Bible at your fingertips, including a list of major characters. Besides named individuals, it also classifies the thousands upon thousands of unnamed men. It includes a guide to the often complex pronunciations of biblical names. And it explores the attributes of Jesus, God’s model for biblical manhood.
All the Women
From Abi to Zipporah, discover how the lives and character of different biblical women, named and unnamed, mirror the situations of women today. More than 400 profiles offer fascinating insights into the Bible’s multidimensional women. Wives, mothers, single women, prophetesses, queens, leaders, villainesses, and heroines-all are portrayed in rich, thought-provoking detail
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Life Of The Apostle Paul Pamphlet
$4.99High Gloss Plastic Coated Sheet
Size: 8.5″ X 5.5″ 12-14 Panels Unfolds To 33″ LongAdditional Info
Life of the Apostle Paul pamphlet
Here are 200 fast facts at a glance about the Apostle Paul in the Bible. Includes maps of his journeys, time line, the books of the Bible he wrote, and an overview of his life. Goes perfectly with the Paul’s Journey’s: Then and Now Bible Maps (304X).Includes:
Road to Damascus, Paul’s Conversion, Barnabas, Silas, Earthquake in the Philippian jail, and more.Add to cart11 in stock
Blog Of Job
$21.23The Book of Job tells us of one man’s journey through a season of great distress and suffering. All of us have experienced difficult times in our lives, times when it was hard to simply make it through the day. We have also known others near to us who have gone through similar times. This book examines how Job endured his difficult times-the things he did right and the things he did wrong. We will also look at how Job’s friends tried to comfort him and the lessons they learned along the way. As you read this book, you will be able to identify with multiple characters in the Book of Job. By studying them, my hope is that you will learn more about yourself, more about how to help others going through difficult times, and more about the grace and love of God.
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Abraham : A Journey To The Heart Of Three Faiths (DVD)
$17.99Both immediate and timeless, Abraham tells the powerful story of one man’s search for the shared ancestor of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Traveling through war zones, braving violence at religious sites, and seeking out faith leaders, Bruce Feiler uncovers the defining yet divisive role that Abraham plays for half the world’s believers. Provocative and uplifting, Abraham offers a thoughtful and inspiring vision of unity that redefines what we think about our neighbors, our future, and ourselves.
This P.S. edition features an extra 16 pages of insights into the book, including author interviews, recommended reading, and more.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Elijah : Living Securely In An Insecure World (Student/Study Guide)
$12.99Terrorism. Diseases. Hurricanes.
Every day the news reinforces what you want to forget–you live in an insecure world. Elijah’s times were no safer. He faced famine, murder and corruption–with both courage and fear. In these eight studies on Elijah’s life, Douglas Connelly helps you look beyond the insecurity of the world to our sovereign God who reigns forever.
This LifeGuide Bible Study in IVP’s revised format features questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, as well as a new “”Now or Later”” section following each session to help you act on what you learn.
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Hidden Heroes : Transforming An Ordinary Life Into An Extraordinary Adventu
$19.98Have you ever seen a real hero? Not the kind on television or in the movies, but the quiet kind of individual who changes lives without people even noticing. These hidden heroes dwell on the streets of compassion and on the bridges of hope. They live in the hearts of those who have love for the unlovely and a right word when everyone else is silent. Cities survive, communities continue, and families stay together because of these hidden heroes who rush in when everyone else runs out. Larry Thompson believes we all have a hero hidden inside of us.What can we learn from the hidden heroes of the Bible? What can we find out about the hero hidden inside of our own hearts? “We encounter heroes hidden in every area of life-business, community, sports. What makes someone a hero? What causes an individual to strive beyond the everyday expectations and excel? In this book, my friend Larry Thompson uncovers the secrets of Hidden Heroes from ages ago and then applies a very contemporary lesson for success in this new century.” -H.WAYNE HUIZENGA Entrepreneur and President, Huizenga Holdings, Inc. “Hidden Heroes makes me remember people that have been very important to me in my 33-year career as a head coach in the National Football League. These are people you can count on who want nothing back in return. They make as much of a contribution as those who are recognized as stars. It’s important that we find time to praise their legacy.” -DON F. SHULA Winningest Coach in the NFL (Head Coach,Miami Dolphins, 1970-1995)
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