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    Biblical History

    • Where Is Boasting


      This important work challenges the validity of the “New Perspective” on Paul and Judaism. Working new data from Jewish literature and a fresh reading of Romans 1-5, Simon Gathercole produces a far-reaching criticism of the current approach to Paul and points a new way forward. Building on a detailed examination of the past generation of scholarship on Paul and early Judaism, Gathercole’s work follows two paths. First, he shows that while early Judaism was not truly oriented around legalistic works-righteousness, it did consider obedience to the Law to be an important criterion at the final judgement. On the basis of this reconstruction of Jewish thought and a rereading of Romans 1-5, Gathercole advances his main argument – that Paul did indeed combat a Jewish perspective that saw obedience to the Law is not a criterion for the final judgement because human nature makes obedience to the Law impossible. His doctrine of justification can therefore be properly viewed in its Jewish context, yet anthropological issues also take center stage.

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    • Social Setting Of Jesus And The Gospels


      What do the social sciences have to contribute to the study of Jesus and the Gospels? This is the fundamental question that these essays all address-from analyses of ancient economics to altered states of consciouseness, politics, ritual, kinship, and labeling

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    • Brief History Of Ancient Israel


      Grounded in the latest archaelogical developments, Matthews’s superb new reference provides a cogent and condensed discussion of the ancestral, conquest, settlement, monarchy, exilic, and postexilic periods of ancient Israel. His concise narrative encompasses historical geography, ancient Near Eastern cultural data, and up-to-date research. Charts and insets reinforce main points and events.

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    • Amos : The Prophet And His Oracles


      The book of Amos holds a unique and central place among the canonical prophetic literature and presents a special array of issues for scholarly discussion. This book provides a thorough and balanced overview of the history of scholarship on the book of Amos; two essays that trace the history of scholarship and offers promising lines for further inquiry; a substantial anthology of readings of the multiple ways Amos has been analyzed and appropriated; an extensive and current bibliography; and notes on doctoral dissertations conducted in recent years. The result is a comprehensive compendium or resources for scholarly writing on the book of Amos.

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    • Spirit And The Word


      This volume brings together some of Mowinckel’s most important and interesting work on the prophets. He begins by introducing the reader to the method of tradition history and how it is related to form criticism and literary criticism. From this groundwork, he goes on to explore how this method is essential for analyzing the prophetic literature in the Hebrew Bible. In order to make it more helpful for students, each essay has been supplemented with additional notes and bibliography to show where the discussion has continued since Mowinckel. A bibliography of Mowinckel’s work in English and a bibliography of essays evaluating Mowinckel’s contributions are also included. This will provide an excellent supplementary textbook for courses on the prophets.

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    • Land : Place As Gift Promise And Challenge In Biblical Faith – Second Editi (Rep


      The Promised Land has played an important role in Jewish life from the days of Abraham to the rise of modern Zionism. Brueggemann elaborates on major Old Testament themes—land as gift, as temptation, as task, and as threat—plus tackles how to view the Babylonian exile and the Diaspora.

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    • Judaism When Christianity Began


      A systematic, holistic introduction to rabbinic Judaism. Offering an illuminating look at beliefs, ritual, symbols, and theology, Neusner’s discussion of revelation and Scripture, the doctrine of God, definition of the holy, chain of tradition embodied in the written and oral Torah, sacred space, and other topics makes first-century Judaism accessible to both scholars and general readers.

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    • Worship


      Hughes Oliphant Old masterfully summarizes the worship of Israel and the early church and traces the development of worship through the period of the Reformation. He provides a sterling historical study that will be highly useful for pastors and church study groups as well as for scholars and students interested in Reformed worship. Old includes chapters on baptism, the Lord’s Day, the ministry of praise, the ministry of the Word, the ministry of prayer, the Lord’s Supper, daily prayer, and alms. His concluding chapter on “Tradition and Practice” focuses on how the Reformed tradition of worship should shape our current practice and on what the Reformed liturgical heritage has to offer American Protestants today. An extensive bibliography of resources for the study of Reformed worship adds to the value of this book

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    • Lost Books Of The Bible And The Forgotten Books Of Eden


      Suppressed by the early Church fathers who compiled the Bible, these Apocrypal Books have for centuries been shrouded in silence. Now, for the first time in paperbound book, the reader can discover the hidden beauties of the Lost Books. To be found in this volume are the Apostles’ Creed, the Psalms and Odes of Solomon, and other Apocrypal writings that have become part of our religious heritage. The story of Joseph and Potiphar’s wife, of Adam and Eve, of the girlhood and betrothal of Mary, of the childhood of Jesus, are here in all warmth, intimacy, and humanity of their first telling.

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    • Bible Manners And Customs


      A Christian Educational Services Title

      “People” magazine, and many others, owe their successful existence to the fact that we human beings like to know about other people. Readers enjoy stories about famous (and even not so famous) people. The Bible is full of people whose lives, and even thoughts, are open before us. All of the drama of life is set before us in the Bible: love and hate, laughter and despair, hope and fear. The better we know the people of the Bible, the more interesting it is, the more fun it is to read, and the more we can learn as we read it. But the people of the Bible lived in a culture that was very different from ours. If we are going to know the people of the Bible, indeed, if we are going to understand the Bible itself, it is imperative that we learn something about the manners and customs of biblical times.

      Imagine trying to understand modern culture without knowing how we dressed, what we ate, where we lived, and about the jobs that people worked at all day. Under those circumstances it would be easy to misunderstand something we said or did. Yet most people know very little about the daily lives of the thousands of people who fill the pages of the Bible, from Adam and Eve to the Apostle Paul. The Bible becomes much easier to understand, and a much more fun book to read, if we take the time to learn about the manners and customs of the biblical culture. The people of the Bible, and the lessons in it, become alive for us, hold our attention, and make sense.

      When Samson said that the Philistines had “plowed with my heifer,” he was not in any way referring to cattle he owned. Just as our culture refers to girls in various ways, including “dolls, babes, chicks,” etc., so in the biblical culture young girls were sometimes referred to as “heifers.” Knowing that fact makes the passage understandable, and more fun to read. There are hundreds of examples in Scripture, where the meaning of a verse is clear if the custom is known. Understanding the manners and customs of the Bible can turn a frustrating session of Bible reading into a fun and meaningful session. Knowing biblical manners and customs can mean the difference between understanding and misunderstanding the Bible.

      This book makes known many of the manners and customs of the people of Palestine. It covers many subjects, including the climate they lived in that affected their daily lives, the clothes they wore, the food they ate, the work that consumed their days, the

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    • People Called : The Growth Of Community In The Bible


      This study focuses on a very basic theme, the tender art of living together in community. T.S. Elliot posed the question succinctly: “What life have you if you have not life together?” He thereby pointed to a truth verified both by social scientists and by our own practical experience: we receive life, we foster life, and we pass life on within the context of fellow humans. But how varied is the quality of life experienced by different humans, or even by the individual at different stages of life! Any thoughtful sensitive person is deeply aware of the fragile treasure that life is, with remarkable potential for warmth, friendship, joy, creativity, and generosity, yet so frequently threatened or destroyed by anxiety, bitterness, greed, anger, and hostility. The Bible presents a rich pageant of life in community. Its stories, hymns, and proverbs cover the whole range of human feelings and experiences, It gives the story of a people who puzzled through the riddle of life from the midst of life, and came to a conclusion strikingly similar ro Eliot’s: “There is no life that is not community. And no community not lived in praise of God.”

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    • Life In Biblical Israel


      Stunning color photographs, graphic illustrations, and lively text offer a vivid description of everyday life in ancient Israel. Based on the most up-to-date research, this magnificent volume covers such topics as domestic and work life, cultural expression, and religious practice. An ideal resource for students, scholars, and interested laypeople.

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    • Early Judaism : The Exile To The Time Of Christ


      This textbook provides an introduction to the Second Temple period (520 BCE-70 CE), the formative era of early Judaism and the milieu of Jesus and of the earliest Christians. By paying close attention to original sources–especially the Bible, the Pseudepigrapha, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and Josephus–Frederick J. Murphy introduces students to the world of ancient Jews and Christians. Early Judaism: The Exile to the Time of Christ, designed to serve students and teachers in the classroom, will also be of great interest to anyone looking for an entrance into this pivotal period. It contains suggestions for primary readings, bibliographies, maps, illustrations, glossaries, and indexes.

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    • Justification And Variegated Nomism Volume 1


      An illumination of the complexities of the Judaism of New Testament times, specifically the relationship between Christian faith and Jewish laws.

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    • After Pentecost – (Spanish)


      “There is always some view of language built into biblical interpretation. If we are to read Scripture to hear God’s address it is vital that we attend to current debates about language and become critically conscious in this respect.”

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    • Foxes Book Of Martyrs (Revised)


      In 1563, John Foxe began a memorial of martyrs starting with Stephen, the first to die for the cause of Christ, and ending with the most recent martyrs of his day; those killed during Bloody Mary’s reign. He knew that dangers lay in forgetting the martyrs–in being insensitive to their struggles. Martyrdom is not a thing of the past; every day the Christian church is persecuted in countries all over the world. More Christians were afflicted in the twentieth century then all the past centuries combined. If the Church is not reminded of the cost to follow Christ, she will die. Be vulnerable to the cries of the martyrs. Let their courage, their faith, their love–touch your life. This updated version includes reports on modern martyrs of the 20th and 21st century, a full color timeline of selected events and people for historical reference, and has been carefully edited into Modern American English for today’s reader.

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    • Roots Of Rabbinic Judaism


      In a bold challenge to the long-held scholarly notion that Rabbinic Judaism was already an established presence during the Second Temple period, Gabriele Boccaccini here argues that Rabbinic Judaism was actually a daring reform movement that developed following the destruction of the Jerusalem temple and that only took shape in the first centuries of the common era. Through careful analysis of Second Temple sources, Boccaccini explores the earliest roots of the Rabbinic system of thought in the period from the Babylonian exile to the Maccabean revolt, or from Ezekiel to Daniel. He argues convincingly that a line of thought links Rabbinic Judaism back to Zadokite Judaism through the mediation of the Pharisaic movement. Roots of Rabbinic Judaism is sure to be widely debated by all interested in the origins and development of modern Judaism.

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    • Irony Of Galatians


      Though he was transformed by Christ, Paul retained his identity within the Jewish community. Nanos challenges traditional views of the apostle as rejecting his heritage and the Law, reclaiming him in a Jewish context. He explores the issues of purity; insiders/outsiders; the character of “the gospel”; and more in this innovative interpretation of Galatians.

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    • Philo And Paul Among The Sophists A Print On Demand Title (Reprinted)


      In this highly acclaimed work, Bruce Winter gathers for the first time all the available evidence on the first-century sophistic movement from two major centers of learning in the East. Together with the writings of the contemporary Hellenistic Jews, Philo and Paul, he discusses all the protagonists and antagonists of this movement in Alexandria and Corinth. This study provides important insights into the problems that this elitist movement created for Diaspora Jews in Alexandria and for Christians in Corinth. It also traces the origins of the Second Sophistic in the reign of Nero.

      Substantially revised and including a new foreword by G. W. Bowersock, this volume is also supported by a web site – www.s – featuring additional archaeological evidence and photographs.

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    • Jesus And The Village Scribes


      This volume challenges Gerd Theissen’s dominant thesis of “wandering radicals” as the earliest spreaders of the Jesus tradition. Several conclusions emerge: (1) the textual evidence for the “wandering radicals” hypothesis is not tenable and it must be replaced with one that more closely comports with the evidence: (2) the immediate context of the Jesus movement, and of Q in particular, is the socio-economic crisis in Galilee under the Romans; and (3) the formation of Q is the product of Galilean village scribes in the Jesus movement reacting to the negative developments in Galilee that affected their social standing. Arnal moves decisively beyond earlier Q studies, which focused almost exclusively on literary history without dealing with the social realities of the first century.

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    • Paul Beyond The Judaism Hellenism Divide


      This volume does away with the traditional strategy of playing “Judaism” and “Hellenism” off against each other as a context to understand Paul. This aim is reached in two ways: (1) in essays that display the ideological underpinnings of a “Jewish” and “Hellenistic” Paul in historical and modern scholarly interpretations of him, and (2) in essays that use case studies from the Corinthian correspondence that draw freely on “Jewish” and Greco-Roman” contextual material to illuminate this Pauline phenomena.

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    • God Of The Gospel Of John


      247 Pages

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      Some scholars approaching John’s Gospel emphasize the “signs,” the “I” discourses of Jesus, or the method of organization that is so different from the other Synoptics. Thompson, however, makes a full-scale investigation of John’s view of God compared to other Scripture.

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    • Water For A Thirsty Land


      Rather than artifacts of a former generation, these essays are as fresh as ever in their perspective. To make it more helpful for students, each essay has been supplemented with additional notes and bibliography to show where the discussion has continued since Gunkel. This work will provide an excellent supplementary textbook for courses in the Old Testament or Bible.

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    • Jesus In Johannine Tradition


      Twenty Eight authors from a variety of backgrounds contribute essays concerning the distance, historically and theologically, between the Historical Jesus and the Gospel of John. Part 1 of this book discusses the issues related to the historical and ideological context in which the the 4th Gospel was produced. Part 2 explores the possibility of oral and written sources that the 4th Evangelist may have utilized. Part 3 compares the 4th Gospel with early noncanonical literature to identify various ways in which Jesus traditions were appropriated by early Christians.

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    • Historical Jesus Question


      A natural sequel to The Historical Jesus Quest, The Historical Jesus Question offers commentary on the work and significance of the classic writers presented in the earlier volume–Spinoza, Strauss, Schweitzer, Troeltsch, Bultmann, Kasemann–and some additional comment on the work of Pannenberg. Not merely a summary discussion of these important writers, this book goes beyond to follow the implications for theology of the ongoing challenge history presents to biblical authority.

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    • Paul In The Roman World


      Talk about practical theology! First Corinthians is a foremost model for how Christians should relate to the cultural, ethical, and theological issues of their time and place. Grant recovers the principles Paul lived by, showing how Christianity can be adapted to altogether new situations.

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    • Quest Of The Historical Jesus (Revised)


      In this revised translation and retrieval of the full text of the revised German edition, Schweitzer describes and critiques 18th and 19th century attempts at retrieving the “Jesus of history” and stands at the crossroads of the 19th and 20th centuries to bring closure to the former, and to open the latter for New Testament scholarship. Schweitzer saw the problems of historiography, theology, and politics in the ways the issues were formulated and the answers proposed and refocused attention on Jesus’ “eschatology” in a way abandoned by his predecessors. Issues of the messianic secrets, the nature of the kingdom of God, and Jesus’ mission are addressed. Because of the new invigorated study of Jesus in his first-century context, informed readers will desire Schweitzer as the reference point for the mistakes of the past and the possibilities of new direction.

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    • What Did The Biblical Writers Know And When Did They Know It


      84 Black And White Illustrations

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      )”In contrast with the revisionists who discredit even the most reliable archaeological evidence, Dever provides a judicious analysis of data and shows how it squares with what much of the biblical text tells us. A sound critical examination of Israel’s origins,”

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    • Ancient Israels Faith And History


      Relying on archeological artifacts and anthropological study, George Mendenhall re-tells the story of Israel’s history and faith. While careful not to move beyond the evidence, Mendenhall also provides an account of the theological dimensions of Israel’s history.

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    • Great Angel


      In this groundbreaking book, Barker claims that pre-Christian Judaism was not monotheistic and that the roots of Christian Trinitarian theology lie in a pre-Christian Palestinian belief about angels derived from the ancient religion of Israel. Barker’s beliefs are based on canonical and deutero-canonical works and literature from Qumran and rabbinic sources.

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    • Bible Time Line Pamphlet


      Unfolds To 33″ Long.
      High Gloss Plastic Coated Sheet

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      Genesis to Revelation at a Glance
      Bible Time Line pamphlet shows hundreds of facts in biblical history. Includes dates of kings, prophets, battles, and key events. Compare Bible history, world history, and Middle East history side-by-side.
      Did you know that …
      * Buddha, Confucius, and the prophet Daniel all lived at the same time?
      * While the Sheng Dynasty was flourishing in China, Moses was leading the people out of Egypt during the Exodus?
      * The first recorded Olympic games in Greece were held at the time of Jonah?
      * The Greek historian Homer lived during the time of Isaiah, Amos, and Micah?
      * Mt. Vesuvius erupted and buried Pompeii during the apostle John’s lifetime?
      Colorful photos and illustrations. 10 pt. type makes it easy to read.

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    • After Paul Left Corinth A Print On Demand Title


      After Paul Left Corinth gathers for the first time all the relevant extant material from literary, nonliterary, and archaeological sources on what life was like in the first-century Roman colony of Corinth. Using this evidence, Bruce Winter not only opens a fascinating vista on day-to-day living in the Graeco-Roman world but, more importantly, helps us understand what happened to the Christian community after Paul left Corinth. As Winter shows, the origin of many of the problems Paul dealt with in 1 Corinthians can be traced to culturally determined responses to aspects of life in Corinth.
      The significance of the role that culture played in the life of the Corinthian Christians has either been ignored or underestimated in explaining the reasons for their difficulties after Paul left. Winter first examines the extent to which Paul communicated alternative ways of behaving while he was in Corinth. Winter then explores the social changes that occurred in Corinth after Paul left. Severe grain shortages, the relocation of the Isthmian Games, the introduction of a new federal imperial cult, the withdrawal of kosher meat from the official market_all of these cultural events had a substantial impact on the life of the emerging Christian community.

      Accentuated with photos of relevant archaeological artifacts, this volume provides a significant new perspective from which to read Paul’s Corinthian correspondence.

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    • Last Trial The Akedah


      “We find that the story of Abraham and Isaac rises almost spontaneously in the mind of one generation after another…. Constantly past and present react to and upon each other, and life is given an order, a coherence, by the themes which govern the Holy Scriptures and the reinterpretations of those themes.”
      -from the Introduction by Judah Goldin
      Shalom Spiegel’s classic examines the total body of texts, legends, and traditions referring to the Binding of Isaac and weaves them together into a definitive study of the Akedah as one of the central events in all of human history.
      Spiegel here provides the model for showing how legend and history interact, how the past may be made comprehensible by present events, and how the present may be understood as a renewal of revelation.

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    • Historical Jesus Ancient Evidence For The Life Of Christ


      1. The Modern Quest For The Historical Jesus
      2. Did Jesus Ever Live?
      3. Limitations On Historical Jesus
      4. Reinterpretations Of The Historical Jesus
      5. The New Gnosticism
      6. The Jesus Seminar And The Historical Jesus
      7. Primary Sources: Creeds And Facts
      8. Archeological Sources
      9. Ancient Non-Christian Sources
      10. Ancient Christian Sources (Non-New Testament)
      11. Summary And Assessment

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      This book is chiefly an effort to examine the life, death and resurrection of Jesus from a different perspective. It is largely concerned with pre- and non-biblical evidence for these events. The main body is devoted to a study of sources that date from before, during, and just after the New Testament, including creedal traditions recorded for the first time in the pages of Scripture. These fascinating subjects seem to be too frequently left unexplored.

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    • Texts That Linger Words That Explode


      These studies on the prophetic texts from the Hebrew Bible cover a wide range of topics, challenging the reader to confront the issues of faithfulness, responsibility, and justice in an ever-changing world. Brueggemann explores how these prophetic traditions have the potential to continually resonate in our contemporary communities and individual lives. Rather than A”dead wordsA” to kingdoms no longer in existence, the Israelite and Judean prophets have an enduring impact on how God challenges our values, our perspectives — and our very lives. Brueggemann has become well known for providing fresh perspective on ancient texts, always in conversation with great thinkers and people of faith.

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    • Historical Jesus Quest


      1. The Gospels As Fraud
      2. History And Myth
      3. Consistent Skepticism
      4. The Kingdom Of God
      5. Consistent Eschatology
      6. Rejection Of The Quest
      7. The Dialectical Theology
      8. Re-Opening The Quest

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      The possibility of finding reliable information about the life of the historical Jesus has fascinated the imagination of generations of scholars from as early as the seventeenth century. Opinion on the issue has moved in waves, coming and going along with moods of pessimism and optimism. Until now, no one has brought together a comparison of the points of view of the most influential writers about the historical Jesus.

      The Historical Jesus Quest brings together substantial extracts from the seminal works in Jesus studies over the last two centuries. The extracts are accompanied by brief introductions to each writer, helpful summaries of the central arguments of the works from which the extracts are taken, and incisive assessments of their continuing relevance to current debates. In one resource, this compendium provides the foundation upon which modern research is based and allows these great scholars_Spinoza, Troeltsch, D.F. Strauss, Wrede, Schweitzer, Kahler, Bultmann, Kasemann, and others_to speak in their own words. It is essential reading for all serious students of the Gospels and of the historical Jesus.

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    • 5 Books Of Miriam


      SKU (ISBN): 9780060630379ISBN10: 006063037XEllen FrankelBinding: Trade PaperPublished: February 2000Publisher: Harper Collins Publishers

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    • Philosophy And The Christian Faith


      In this book Colin Brown discusses the thought of about 450 philosophers from Augustine to Schaeffer (or alphabetically, from Abelard to Zwingli).

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    • History Of The Society Of The Sacred Mission


      SKU (ISBN): 9781853110795ISBN10: 1853110795Alistair MasonBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2000Publisher: Canterbury Press Norwich Print On Demand Product

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    • In The Beginning


      Focusing on the original meaning of the biblical narrative, Henri Blocher presents a detailed study of the opening chapters of Genesis.

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    • Conflicts And Challenges In Early Christianity


      Hagner has put together two highly influential essays on the question of the relationship of Judaism to early Christianity: Hengel’s “Early Christianity As a Jewish-Messianic Universalist Movement” and Barrett’s “Paul: Councils and Controversies.” Fuller Theological Seminary’s New Testament professors then respond.

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    • Jesus The Miracle Worker


      Was Jesus the Miracle Worker that generations have believed him to be? Or was he merely a master psychologist, a purveyor of paranormal therapy? And what should we make of his stilling the storm or feeding the five thousand? In this comprehensive textbook study, Graham Twelftree evaluates Jesus’ own understanding of the miracles he performed, the historical reliability of the stories, and the way the modern mind views Christ’s miracles. Fascinating!

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    • Introduction To The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls (Revised)


      The classic introduction to the 20th century’s most important archaeological discovery—thoroughly revised! A leader in Dead Sea Scrolls studies for decades, Vermes chronicles the past and present research; sheds light on the Qumran community; offers you a bird’s-eye view of the documents; and explains their meaning for biblical studies.

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    • Going To Church In The First Century


      SKU (ISBN): 9780940232372ISBN10: 0940232375Robert BanksBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 1999Publisher: SeedSowers Publishing House Print On Demand Product

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    • Revolution : Story Of The Early Church The First Seventeen Years 30-47 A D


      SKU (ISBN): 9780940232020ISBN10: 0940232022Gene EdwardsBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 1999Publisher: SeedSowers Publishing House Print On Demand Product

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    • Torahs Vision Of Worship


      A complement to the author’s earlier Overtures to Biblical Theology study on prayer, this volume addresses the topic of worship as articulated in the first five books of the Bible. Rather than a history of Israelite religion, Balentine’s volume examines the “vision” of worship expounded in the Torah in relation to priesthood, creation, liturgy, and covenant. He concludes by discussing the contemporary situation of experiencing God’s hiddenness and a world caught in despair. Balentine proposes that a fresh look at the Torah offers possibilities of counter-imagination and hope.

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    • Bandits Prophets And Messiahs


      Reissue of one of Horsley’s most important works! Analyzes little-known mass movements, which were dominated by a motley group of bandits, doomsday prophets, and self-appointed messiahs. “A major contribution to our understanding of the 1st century Jewish social world.

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    • Biblical Exegesis In The Apostolic Period A Print On Demand Title (Revised)


      The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Nag Hammadi texts, and new Targums has greatly increased scholarly interest in the relationship between the New Testament and first -century Judaism. This critically acclaimed study by Richard Longenecker sheds light on this relationship by exploring the methods the earliest Christians used to interpret the Old Testament. By comparing the first Christian writings with Jewish documents from the same period, Longenecker helps to discern both the key differences between Christianity and Judaism and the Judaic roots of the Christian faith.

      This revised edition of Biblical Exegesis in the Apostolic Period brings Longenecker’s valued work up to date with current research in this important field of study.

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    • Philemons Problem A Print On Demand Title


      Philemon was a wealthy Christian whose slave Onesimus went off in search of freedom, met and listened to Paul, and joined the church. But instead of being given a new life of his own, Onesimus was sent back by Paul to an aggrieved master with no protection but his mentor’s brief Letter to Philemon. Paul never asked Philemon to free his slave. Instead, he admonished him to take Onesimus back – only now as his brother in Christ. This left both master and bondsman with a problem: how could one man own another and both be brothers in Christ? In this unique work James Tunstead Burtchaell uses the ancient story of Philemon and Onesimus as a compelling entry into modern theological reflection on the unbelievable reach of the grace and forgiveness of the Father whose Son died without disciples, rose to reconcile and transform them, and then scattered them around the world as men and women who were now also able to love those who loved them not – and transform them too. According to Burtchaell, in order for the faith of Philemon and Onesimus to cope with Paul’s imperative, they required an inspired imagination to take in the notion that the Father loves sinners (i.e., all of us), and he neither would nor could do otherwise. For Philemon and Onesimus to undertake such a relentless love themselves would require frighteningly new convictions, new commitments, and new celebrations.

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    • According To The Scriptures A Print On Demand Title


      This challenging work by a notable theologian explores the origins of the Christian gospel in Israel’s scriptures and calls for a reevaluation of the Old Testament and its role in the church. Paul van Buren defends the view that the early gospel arose when the disciples discovered in the story of the binding of Isaac words and images that allowed them to turn the crucifixion of Jesus and following events into the realities of Good Friday and Easter. The final statement of van Buren’s respected career, According to the Scriptures offers hope that Jewish and Christian communities can be drawn closer through mutual respect for each other’s intepretive traditions.

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