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Brian McLaren

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  • Life After Doom


    A deeply insightful exploration of how to live with wisdom, resilience and love in our turbulent times

    For the last quarter-century, author and activist Brian D. McLaren has been writing at the intersection of religious faith and contemporary culture. In Life After Doom, he engages with the catastrophic failure of both our religious and political leaders to address the dominant realities of our time: ecological overshoot, economic injustice, and the increasing likelihood of civilizational collapse. McLaren defines doom as the “un-peaceful, uneasy, unwanted feeling” that “we humans have made a mess of our civilization and our planet, and not enough of us seem to care enough to change deeply enough or quickly enough to save ourselves.”

    Blending insights from philosophers, poets, scientists, and theologians, Life After Doom explores the complexity of hope, the necessity of grief, and the need for new ways of thinking, becoming, and belonging in turbulent times. If you want to help yourself, your family, and the communities to which you belong to find courage and resilience for the deeply challenging times that are upon us — this is the book you need right now.

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  • Why Did Jesus Moses The Buddha And Mohammed Cross The Road


    Brian McLaren, one of the established leaders of the emerging church movement, invites interfaith dialogue, suggesting tolerance and respect between religions.

    When four religious leaders walk across the road, it’s not the beginning of a joke. It’s the start of one of the most important conversations in today’s world.

    Can you be a committed Christian without having to condemn or convert people of other faiths? Is it possible to affirm other religious traditions without watering down your own?

    In his most important book yet, widely acclaimed author and speaker Brian McLaren proposes a new faith alternative, one built on “benevolence and solidarity rather than rivalry and hostility.” This way of being Christian is strong but doesn’t strong-arm anyone, going beyond mere tolerance to vigorous hospitality toward, interest in, and collaboration with the other.

    Blending history, narrative, and brilliant insight, McLaren shows readers step-by-step how to reclaim this strong-benevolent faith, challenging us to stop creating barriers in the name of God and learn how affirming other religions can strengthen our commitment to our own. And in doing so, he invites Christians to become more Christ-like than ever before.

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  • Finding Our Way Again


    Why have certain spiritual disciplines been in use for centuries, and why are they so important?

    It is questionable if one can ever be exactly the same person waking up on two consecutive days. How are spiritual sojourners to cope with the constant change? Many are beginning to explore the ancient Christian spiritual practices, such as fixed-hour prayer, fasting and sincere observance of the Sabbath. What is causing this hunger for deeper spirituality?

    Brian McLaren guides us on this quest for an explanation of these spiritual practices, many of which go all the way back to Abraham and the establishment of Israel. In the midst of contemporary Christianity, we discover the beauty of these disciplines and the transformation through Christ that each can provide.

    Includes foreword by Phyllis Tickle and leads into seven additional titles, The Ancient Practices, a classic series featuring some of the leading writers on spirituality in the world today.

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  • Everything Must Change


    Status-quo Christianity has traded the revolutionary story of Jesus for familiar cliches, pat answers, and domesticated programs. McLaren states, “More and more Christian leaders are beginning to realize that for the millions of young adults who have recently dropped out of church, Christianity is a failed religion…It has focused on ‘me’ and ‘my eternal destiny,’ but it has failed to address the dominant societal and global realities of their lifetime…” What he sets forth in this provocative, unsettling work is a “form of Christian faith that is holistic, integral, balanced, that offers good news for both the living and the dying, that speaks of God’s grace at work both in this life and the life to come, both to individuals and to societies and the planet as a whole.”

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  • Love Is An Orientation


    Table Of Contents
    1. We Don’t Need Your God
    2. We Are Not Your Project: Sexual Behavior Is Gay Identity
    3. Stigma, Shame And Politics: The GLBT Experience In The Broader Culture
    4. Gays Versus Christians And Gay Christians: Redefinition Of Scripture Or Life Within The GLBTand Religious Communities?
    5. The “Gay Agenda”: Activists Don?t Speak For Everybody
    6. Who Are We Looking To For Validation?: The GLBT Quest For Good News From God
    7. Reclaiming The Word “Love”: Measurable Unconditional Behaviors
    8. The Big 5: Principles For A More Constructive Conversation
    9. Laying The Foundation To Building A Bridge: Commitment, Boldness And Humility
    10. Building A Bridge: Asking The Right Questions
    11. Crossing A Bridge: The World Reads Christians, Not The Bible
    12. Conclusion

    Additional Info
    When three of Andrew Marin’s friends came out to him in the span of three months, he was confronted head-on with the question of how to reconcile his friends with his faith. Love Is an Orientation is the result of years of wrestling with this issue. In the book, Marin speaks out with compassion and conviction, elevating the conversation between Christianity and the GLBT community so that the focus is moved from genetics to gospel, where it really belongs.

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  • Picturing The Gospel


    IVP Print On Demand Title

    In our image-based culture, people need to visualize something to understand it. This has never been more true about our communication of the gospel. But sometimes our understanding of the gospel gets stuck in a rut, and all we know is a particular outline or one-size-fits-all formula. While we hold to only one gospel, the New Testament uses a wealth of dynamic, compelling images for explaining the good news of Jesus, each of which connects with different people at different points of need. Neil Livingstone provides a guided tour of biblical images of the gospel and shows how each offers fresh insight into God’s saving work. Walking through Scripture’s gallery of pictures of salvation from new life to deliverance, from justification to adoption, Livingstone invites us to deepen our understanding of the gospel. By letting the truth and power of each permeate our lives, we will be better able to articluate the life-changing gospel of Christ to a world that needs to taste–and see–that the Lord is good.

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  • Mensaje Secreto De Jesus – (Spanish)


    Brian Aclaren, uno de los “25 Evangelicos mas influyentes en los Estados Unidos” de la Revista TIME”, regresa y esta vez para llevar a los lectores en una travesia que sera turbulenta y estremecedora, como tambien emocionante y transformadora. Sin temor a la controversia o a los tabues de la vida, la busqueda de McLaren es hallar la esencia del mensaje de Jesus, aunque esto signifique un vuelco a nuestras ideas convencionales, prioridades y practicas. “A traves de los anos, frecuentemente he tenido un sentimiento de incomodidad” escribe McLaren, “Que el retrato de Jesus encontrado en el Nuevo Testamento no se ajusta con las imagenes de Jesus en la iglesia”. De este sentimiento de incomodidad nacio este libro, prometiendo ser el mas revolucionario que haya escrito McLaren hasta la fecha. En el nos escribe: “Quisiera compartir mi busqueda con usted, e invitarle a que usted sea parte de ella. No quiero danar el final, pero esto le dire: cuanto mas avanzo en esta busqueda del mensaje de Jesus, mas me inspiro, soy conmovido, desafiado, sacudido y motivado.”

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