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    Carl Braaten

    • Who Is Jesus


      New Testament scholars have long debated the historical identity of Jesus and the development of Christology within the church’s history. In this book Carl E. Braaten reviews the history of the three historical Jesus quests – the different approaches scholars have taken to understand Jesus. Against the implication that the “real” Jesus has been lost and needs to be found, Braaten suggests that “the only real Jesus is the One presented in the canonical Gospels” and “any other Jesus is irrelevant to Christian faith.” Braaten openly confesses his Lutheran theological convictions even as he conducts a thorough and well-reasoned study and encourages readers to engage enthusiastically with contentious questions such as these: What can we know about Jesus of Nazareth? How do Christians come to believe in Jesus? Did Jesus really rise from the dead? Why do Christians believe that Jesus is “truly God”? Is Jesus unique – the one and only way of salvation? Why did Jesus have to die on the cross? Was Jesus the founder of the Christian church?

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    • Christian Dogmatics Volume 2


      Christian Dogmatics is a two-volume survey of the twelve major loci of Christian doctrine, each treated extensively in terms of its biblical foundations, historical tradition, and contemporary significance. From the perspective of the Lutheran tradition and in view of the unique questions and issues of the American context, each locus is developed independent of the others by six theologians, themselves influenced by divergent theological movements: Carl Braaten, Gerhard Forde, Philip Hefner, Robert Jenson, Paul Sponheim, and Hans Schwartz. Volume 1 discusses dogmatics, the Trinity, the identity of God, creation, sin, and Christology. Volume 2 treats atonement, the Holy Spirit, ecclesiology, the sacraments, justification by faith, and eschatology.

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    • Christian Dogmatics Volume 1


      Christian Dogmatics is a two-volume survey of the twelve major loci of Christian doctrine, each treated extensively in terms of its biblical foundations, historical tradition, and contemporary significance. From the perspective of the Lutheran tradition and in view of the unique questions and issues of the American context, each locus is developed independent of the others by six theologians, themselves influenced by divergent theological movements:
      Carl Braaten, Gerhard Forde, Philip Hefner, Robert Jenson, Paul Sponheim, and Hans Schwartz. Volume 1 discusses dogmatics, the Trinity, the identity of God, creation, sin, and Christology. Volume 2 treats atonement, the Holy Spirit, ecclesiology, the sacraments, justification by faith, and eschatology

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    • Principles Of Lutheran Theology (Reprinted)


      First published in 1983, this book has guided students into theological reflection on the landmarks of Christian faith as understood in the Lutheran confessional heritage for a generation. Sets forth the main principles of classical Lutheran theology with an eschatological accent.

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    • I Am The Lord Your God


      I Am the Lord Your God explores anew the place of the Ten Commandments in contemporary civil society, their relation to natural moral law, their relevance for Christian instruction, and their pertinence to ethical issues such as abortion, killing, homosexuality, lying, greed, and the like.

      Written by an outstanding group of ethicists, theologians, and Bible scholars from various church traditions – Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican, Lutheran, Methodist – this timely work argues unequivocally for the divine authority and permanent validity of the Ten Commandments in both church and society. While including the Judge Roy Moore controversy in Alabama and other pertinent current issues in their discussion, the authors above all call the church to remain faithful to its heritage – ultimately to the Lord God – amid our postmodern culture at large.

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    • Mary Mother Of God


      Since the Council of Ephesus (A.D. 431), orthodox Christianity has confessed Mary as Theotokos, “Mother of God.” Yet neither this title nor Mary’s significance has fared well in Protestant Christianity. In the wake of new interest in Mary following Vatican II and recent ecumenical dialogues, this volume seeks to makes clear that Mariology is properly related to Christ and his church in ways that can and should be meaningful for all Christians.

      Written with insight and sensitivity by Orthodox, Catholic, and Protestant scholars, these seven studies inquire into Mary’s place in the story of salvation, in personal devotion, and in public worship.

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    • Jews And Christians


      While Christians and Jews have always been aware of their religious connections historical continuity, overlapping theology, shared scriptures that awareness has traditionally been infected by centuries of mutual suspicion and hostility. As this important volume shows, however, theologians and scholars of Judaism and Christianity alike are now radically rethinking the relation between their two covenant communities.

      “Jews and Christians” presents the best of this work, introducing readers to current attempts to construct a coherent Jewish theology of Christianity and a Christian theology of Judaism. Here are leading Christian and Jewish thinkers who have engaged in extensive conversation, who take each other’s work seriously, and who avoid the pitfall common to Jewish-Christian dialogue watering down distinctive beliefs to accommodate both partners. Indeed, these pages show how the new theological exchange goes to the roots of that “olive tree” of which both Judaism and Christianity are branches, and the book as a whole represents post-Holocaust Jewish-Christian dialogue at the highest theological level.

      In addition to eight major chapters, “Jews and Christians” includes a moving testimony by Reidar Dittmann on his experience of the Holocaust and reprints the 2000 manifesto “Dabru Emet: A Jewish Statement on Christians and Christianity,” followed by incisive Christian and Jewish responses.

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    • In One Body Through The Cross


      The Princeton Proposal is a landmark statement on the present situation and future possibilities of modern ecumenism. Drafted by sixteen theologians and ecumenists from various church traditions, who met over a period of three years in Princeton, New Jersey, this document seeks to steer contemporary efforts at church unity away from social and political agendas, which are themselves divisive, and back to the chief goal of the modern ecumenical movement the visible unity of Christians worldwide, of all those who are reconciled “in one body through the cross.”

      Since the study group that produced this statement was instituted and its participants were chosen by an independent ecumenical foundation, the Center for Catholic and Evangelical Theology, their “unofficial” work presents especially profound and creative reflection on the ecumenical task. With this report the study group members do not claim to speak for their churches, but hope to speak to all the churches out of shared concern for the founding ecumenical imperative “that they all may be one . . . so that the world may believe.”

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    • Strange New Word Of The Gospel


      In today’s postmodern culture many people are turning to religion, but they are not necessarily finding their way back to the church. Most believers in America and other Western countries are “post-Christian.” Though baptized and brought up in a church, they no longer believe and practice the Christian faith. In such a time, the great challenge facing the church is re-evangelization. This volume provides serious theological reflection on Christian mission within postmodern, post-Christian culture. Written by respected scholars representing the Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox traditions, these chapters point out elements of the gospel that will help the church speak effectively to contemporary society, particularly in the United States.

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    • Last Things A Print On Demand Title


      In modern theology, the traditional “last things” of Christian doctrine have largely been ignored. This volume takes the biblical vision of the future seriously once again, explaining its significance for the life of today’s church.

      Written by ten front-ranking Christian thinkers, The Last Things offers fresh interpretations of the major themes in eschatology; the end of the world, the return of Christ, the resurrection of the dead, and the final judgment. Recognizing that eschatology has been a source of disagreement in the history of the church, the contributors offer ecumenical perspectives that cast a promising image of the future for our postmodern culture.

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    • Sin Death And The Devil A Print On Demand Title


      Sin, death, and the devil, called the “unholy trinity” by Martin Luther, are the classic biblical tyrants, portrayed in Scripture as the enemies of God and the oppressors of humanity. This engaging book, which takes its cue from John Paul II’s description of Western society as a “culture of death,” unveils the many faces of sin, death, and the devil manifest in today’s world. Eight recognized Christian thinkers show that while the forms taken by these diabolical forces may have changed under the conditions of modern life, the underlying realities remain the same. Thus politics can become demonic, power can promote death, and sin can be disguised as virtue. Far from being pessimistic, however, the authors affirm God’s victory over these enslaving powers through the proclamation of the gospel and the sacraments of the church.

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    • Union With Christ A Print On Demand Title


      This book introduces the English-speaking world to the new Finnish interpretation of the theology of Martin Luther, initiated by the writings of Tuomo Mannermaa of Helsinki University. At the heart of the Finnish breakthrough in Luther research lies the theme of salvation. Luther found his answer to the mystery of salvation in the justifying work of Christ received through faith alone. But Protestant theology has never enjoyed a consensus on how to interpret the Reformation doctrine of justification by faith. In opposition to the traditional forensic understanding of justification, Mannermaa argues that for Luther “Christ is really present in faith itself.” Mannermaa’s interpretation of Luther’s view of justification is thus more ontological and mystical than ethical and juridical. As such, his work challenges a century of scholarly opinion concerning a foundational doctrine of Protestant theology.

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    • Mother Church : Ecclesiology And Ecumenism


      Carl Braaten here issues an energetic call for a truly ecumenical church, including a Lutheran rationale for recovery of the historiacl episcopacy and papal primacy as servants of the gospel.

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    • 2 Cities Of God A Print On Demand Title


      The chapters of this book offer informed perspectives on a “theology of the world,” exploring the question How does/should the church relate to the secular world? The standard dogma of the 1960s was Let the world set the agenda! Such a perspective has often caused the American church merely to reflect, rather than to inform and lead, the society in which it lives. Surely, say the authors of this volume, it must be the other way around.

      Using the biblical image of the earthly city and the heavenly city, Robert Benne, Carl E. Braaten, Robert W. Jenson, Gilbert Meilaender, Christopher R. Seitz, Anthony Ugolnik, George Weigel, and Robert L. Wilken discuss such subjects as natural law, politics, the academy, economics, and marriage. Each essay boldly asserts that the church’s most faithful service in the world begins and ends with her life in the communion of the triune God. The first task of the church is to be true to her own self as the Body of Christ in the world. As such the church is a sign and agent of the heavenly city within and for the earthly city.

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    • Map Of 20th Century Theology


      The only one-volume anthology of twentieth- century theology.

      Indispensable to understanding the advent and import of today’s radically pluralistic scene, this unique historical anthology presents thirty- seven signal readings from key theologians of this century.

      Outstanding interpreters of these figures and their generative ideas, Braaten and Jenson offer solid and sympathetic introductions and a clear scheme, a roadmap that makes sense of the fundamental and formative questions, concerns, “schools,” and movements that have animated the theological enterprise in this explosive century from 1900 right up to the threshold of contemporary currents.

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    • Either Or A Print On Demand Title


      Many mainline church members no longer understand what Christianity really is and why they themselves are Christians. Bible-centered doctrine is being adulterated, and the meaning of Christian living is being compromised by the pagan elements of modern culture. America is a new mission field where the gospel is in a life-and-death struggle with the “spirits of the age.”

      Seeking a return from pagan tendencies to biblical orthodoxy, the contributors to Either/Or argue that neopaganism in not merely an objective threat from outside the walls of the church, but has permeated the church’s inner life under such guises as “pluralism,” “multiculturalism,” ” feminism,” and “hospitality.” They address the crucial issues facing the church and explore the implications of these issues for preaching, worship, pastoral care, and evangelism.

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    • Justification The Article By Which The Church Stands Or Falls


      In Part I, Braaten assesses Luther’s view of justification and its subsequent interpretation by orthodoxy, by Calvin, by Ritschl and Harnack, by Tillich, and by Barth. In Part II, the discussion turns to ecumenical dialogues on justification and the relation of the doctrine to evangelization, to the distinction between law and gospel, to pastoral care, and to the church’s involvment in secular issues.

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    • Christian Dogmatics Volume 2


      Volume 2 treats atonement, the Holy Spirit, ecclesiology, the sacraments, justification by faith, and eschatology.

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    • Christian Dogmatics Volume 1


      Christian Dogmatics volume 1 contains contributions from Carl Braaten, Gerhard Forde, Philip Hefner, Robert Jenson, Hans Schwarz, and Paul Sponheim. Serving as the first part of a two volume Lutheran systematic theology, the contributors treat such topics as prolegomena to Christian dogmatics, the Trinity, the knowledge of God, the doctrine of creation, sin and the problem of evil, and Christology.

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