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Chad Bird

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  • Hitchhiking With Prophets


    The Bible is not some dusty textbook, but a veritable circus of humanity, with high-soaring saints, back-talking donkeys, left-handed kingslayers, and all the glory and gore you can fit inside the big top of this biblical tent.

    And everywhere in this story is God who, in his wild and passionate love for humanity, is shepherding history toward the birth and ministry of Jesus the Messiah.

    Do you already have a good grasp of the Old Testament? Wonderful. This book will be an enjoyable review. Do you not know the difference between the Bible and The Hobbit? Also fine. This book will be a helpful map into unknown territory.

    By the time we’re done, you won’t know all the ins and outs of the story, but you will have a strong grasp of the major movers and shakers. We will sit shotgun with patriarchs and prophets. Each one will take us a little farther down the Old Testament road until we get to the goal: to Jesus, the one in whom the whole story finds fulfillment and meaning.

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  • Tu Dios Es Demasiado Glorioso – (Spanish)


    La mayoria de nosotros somos personas corrientes que tenemos dias buenos y dias malos. Nuestras vidas son radicalmente ordinarias y poco emocionantes. Eso significa que son la clase de vidas que a Dios le fascinan. Mientras que el mundo alaba la belleza, el poder y la riqueza, Dios oculta su gloria en lo simple, lo trivial, lo insensato, y actua en personas, cosas y lugares sin ningun esplendor. En nuestra epoca de adoracion a los influentes y de presuncion virtual, esta es una forma novedosa, incluso transformadora, de entender a Dios y nuestro lugar en su creacion. Nos insta a apreciar una vida de sencillez, a amar a aquellos a los que el mundo ignora, a trabajar por la gloria de Dios antes que la nuestra. Y demuestra que Dios siempre ha sido el Seor de la cruz: un Salvador que esconde su gracia en lugares sin encanto ni gloria. Tu Dios es demasiado glorioso les recuerda a los lectores que, si bien una vida tranquila puede parecerle insulsa al mundo, Dios tiende a usar a las personas comunes y corrientes para llevar a cabo su labor mas importante. Al final de cada capitulo, Chad Bird invita al lector a profundizar en la busqueda de la vida fiel y ordinaria con preguntas de estudio para uso tanto personal como grupal.

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  • Your God Is Too Glorious


    Most of us are regular people who have good days and bad days. Our lives are radically ordinary and unexciting. That means they’re the kind of lives God gets excited about. While the world worships beauty and power and wealth, God hides his glory in the simple, the mundane, the foolish, working in unawesome people, things, and places. In our day of celebrity worship and online posturing, this is a refreshing, even transformative way of understanding God and our place in his creation. It urges us to treasure a life of simplicity, to love those whom the world passes by, to work for God’s glory rather than our own. And it demonstrates that God has always been the Lord of the cross–a Savior who hides his grace in unattractive, inglorious places. Your God Is Too Glorious reminds readers that while a quiet life may look unimpressive to the world, it’s the regular, everyday people that God tends to use to do his most important work.

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  • Upside Down Spirituality


    In our age when the church can too often seem like a poor copy of the world, Chad Bird challenges us to reclaim the astounding originality of our ancient, backward faith. Where the world stresses the importance of success, Bird invites readers to embrace nine specific failures in the areas of our personal lives, our relationships, and the church. Why? Because what human wisdom deems indispensable is so often an impediment to our spiritual growth, and what it deems insignificant is so often essential to it.

    With compelling examples from the Bible and today, Bird paints an enticing picture of the counterintuitive, countercultural life that God wants for us. He helps readers delight in all of the ways that Jesus turned the world upside-down, allowing us to experience true freedom, not from our weaknesses but in the midst of them.

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  • Your God Is Too Glorious (Reprinted)


    Pastor and speaker demonstrates that God has always been the Lord of the cross–a Savior who hides his grace in unattractive, inglorious places encouraging readers to dream small and relish the joys of an unaccomplished life.

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