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Christology (Theology of Jesus Christ the Son)

  • True Story About The Sign Of Jonah


    This book shows that the traditional view of Easter (Palm Sunday, Friday crucifixion, and Sunday morning resurrection) is not scriptural. To grasp what really happened to Jesus requires an understanding of the Hebrew calendar, derived from the book of Exodus. Jesus was crucified on the Preparation Day and was entombed during the Passover, on the spices and perfume Preparation Day and during the regular Jewish Sabbath. This is three days and three nights just as Jesus prophesied numerous times. The Easter festival was established with a Greek calendar much later and can never explain the sign of Jonah.

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  • Messiah In The Old And New Testaments


    When the ancients discussed “Messiah,” what did they picture? Did it refer to a stately figure to rule, a militant to rescue, or a term to describe a variety of roles held by many? While Christians have traditionally equated the word with Jesus, the discussion is far more complex. The Messiah in the Old and New Testament is the culmination of that discussion. In this excellent collection Stanley Porter has gathered a host of experts to address the questions surrounding the concept of messiah, in order to clarify what it means to call Jesus “messiah.” Divided into two parts” writers who preceded or surrounded the New Testament and writers of the New Testament” and followed by a complete response to both sections from Craig A. Evans, any student of the New Testament will find this book a useful tool for sparking further discussion and understanding the past.

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  • Christ And Empire


    Although we loathe admitting it, Christians have often, through crusade, conquest, and commerce, used the name and power of Christ to promote and justify political, economic, and even military gain.

    Rieger’s ambitious and faith-filled project chips away at the colonial legacy of Christology to find the authentic Christ – or rather the many authentic depictions of Christ in history and theology that survive our self-serving domestications. Against the seeming inevitability of globalized unfairness, Rieger holds up a “stumbling block” that confounds even empire.

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  • 8 Blessings (Student/Study Guide)


    The essence of all that Jesus taught is summarized in the Beatitudes – the blessings that begin the Sermon on the Mount. More than just poetic verse, the Beatitudes constitute the core of Jesus’ message from beginning to end. Exploring each individual blessing, Stanford offers illustrations from Jesus’ ministry and poignant stories from contemporary life to help readers rediscover the power of living according to the beatitudes.

    Includes a leader’s guide for small-group use.

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  • 101 Amazing Truths About Jesus You Probably Didnt Know


    Do you know . . .
    — Jesus paid taxes?
    — His parents almost divorced?
    — Some of his ancestors were less than desirable characters?
    — Sometimes even his followers didn’t believe him?
    — If Jesus was really born on December 25?

    Are you ready to . . .

    — Expand your knowledge beyond the stories you heard in Sunday school?
    — Find truths that will compel you to love him more?
    — Understand his words and find the secret of true happiness?
    — Discover the joy in seeing others through his eyes?

    Let this captivating book introduce you to the most creative, thought-provoking person in history . . . JESUS!

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  • Jesus : According To The Earliest Witness


    Who was Jesus, really? In these pages Robinson, one of the premier scholars of the New Testament and the Sayings Gospel Q, askes what we can know of Jesus from what many believe was the earliest writings source behind the Gospels. Surprising insights abound and the author includes an autobiographical essay charting the important currents in New Testament scholarship over the last fifty years. The book also includes a translation of Q.

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  • Misquoting Jesus : The Story Behind Who Changed The Bible And Why


    The New York Times bestseller that explores the mistakes and changes that ancient copyists made to the New Testament that greatly impacted the Bible we use today.

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  • Last Week : What The Gospels Really Teach About Jesus Final Days In Jerusal


    Chronicles the mounting tension that forced everyone in Jesus’s path to pledge allegiance – either to Rome’s way of power and oppression or to his way of love and equality.

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  • Power And Passion


    Samuel Wells vividly paints the stories surrounding Jesus’ cross and resurrection. We see the weakness of Pontius Pilate and Barabbas, and the compromised character of Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus. We discover the subtle power of Pilate’s wife. And in Peter and Mary Magdalene we find the true power of resurrection, bringing forgiveness and ending the stranglehold of death, thus transforming all human passion. Through close readings of the gospel texts, Wells demonstrates the significance of these characters for faith and life today.

    In this book, structured with one chapter for each week of Lent, Wells guides us from the deathly power that put Jesus on the cross to the new power brought by Jesus’ resurrection. The book offers opportunities at the end of each chapter for prayer and discussion. The Archbishop of Canterbury has selected Power and Passion as his Lent book for 2007.

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  • Meet The Rabbis (Student/Study Guide)


    Meet the Rabbis is an engagingly written introduction to rabbinic thought, literature, and the lives of the most influential rabbis. This is a must read for everyone interested in Judaism and Christian origins.

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  • Pre Existent Son


    Finding evidence for Jesus’ pre-incarnate existence in the Synoptics, Gathercole compares the “I have come” sayings of Jesus with angelic pronouncements in Second Temple and rabbinic literature; considers the variety of titles applied to Jesus; then comments on related topics such as wisdom Christology. Will stir up debate. 320 pages, softcover. Eerdmans.

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  • Heart Of The Cross


    Theologies have often pointed to the cross as a place of suffering and sacrifice, while feminist critiques have frequently argued against interpretations of the cross as patriarchal valorizing of suffering. W. Anne Joh points toward a new interpretation of the cross as a place of love, where God and humanity come together in a surprising way. She interprets the cross as performing a double gesture that has a subversive effect. The cross works both to pay homage to overwhelming and multiple and complex oppressive powers (e.g. the empire) and simultaneously to menace those powers. The cross as a double gesture speaks to those who have shifted from a typical politics of identity to political identities shaped more by postmodern ambiguities of difference. Utilizing the Korean concept of jeong (a notion that helps clarify how the double gesture of the cross inspires a new relationality), Joh constructs a theology that is feminist, political and love-centered, while acknowledging the cross as source of pain and suffering as well.

    A real gift of Joh’s book is its interdisciplinary approach, carefully fusing postcolonial theories of hybridity and mimicry (Bhabha, Trihn), feminist poststructuralist psychoanalysis of abjection (Kristeva), cultural studies of the contemporary world, and more traditional christologies. The result is Joh’s innovative vision of the heart of Christology as a call for political love that is stronger than powers of oppression.

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  • Images Of Christ (Student/Study Guide)


    Good Shepherd. Branch. Bridegroom. Cornerstone. There are many images of Christ in Scripture. Some of these word-portraits are easier for us to grasp than others, but each reveals an important aspect of who Christ is. By helping us understand the different images, these ten studies by Dale and Sandy Larsen lead us to know and respond to the reality behind the images–Christ himself–in new and deeper ways

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  • Jesus And Archaeology


    Archaeology still has many things to reveal about the life and world of Jesus of Nazareth. To touch a two-thousand-year-old pot held by a Jew who lived in a small village frequented by Jesus can bring us closer to understanding those who were touched by Jesus.

    Jesus and Archaeology contains the revised and edited lectures that leading archaeologists and biblical scholars presented at a gathering in Jerusalem to celebrate the new millennium. Many contributors came directly from their excavations in places like Bethsaida, Capernaum, Nazareth, and Jerusalem to share their discoveries and insights, focusing on the question In what ways do new archaeological discoveries clarify the world, life, and thought of Jesus from Nazareth? Readers of Jesus and Archaeology will gain many new insights into the life and times of this fascinating Galilean Jew.

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  • Jesus And The Resurrection


    Deals with the historical evidence surrounding the existence of Jesus and the empty tomb. It is presented in an easy to read format for those Christian workers who want information for teaching the lost.

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  • Pilgrim Heart : The Way Of Jesus In Everyday Life (Student/Study Guide)


    An invitation to consider afresh the way of Jesus in light of practices that have proven to transform lives for 2000 years. A 16-week, chapter-by-chapter guide suitable for a quarterly study in a Bible class or small group. A weekend retreat guide, complete with schedule and activities.

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  • Yeshua : The Lion Of Judah (Student/Study Guide)


    DISCOVER YESHUA – THE SON OF GOD AS YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN HIM BEFORE Let this book talk to you through the Holy Scriptures to show you the sides of Yeshua Ha’Mashiach as you have never seen. Counselor, ram of God, the Lion of Judah, the King of Righteousness, high priest, and creator. If you let the simple presentation of the Holy Scriptures speak for themselves, this book will reward you with a deeper, more satisfying understanding of Yeshua and the relationship he has with the God of the Universe. This book will ignite a fire of passion for God as your understanding deepens for what God has done for us through Yeshua. This book will transform your life.

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  • Yeshua : The Lion Of Judah (Student/Study Guide)


    DISCOVER YESHUA – THE SON OF GOD AS YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN HIM BEFORE Let this book talk to you through the Holy Scriptures to show you the sides of Yeshua Ha’Mashiach as you have never seen. Counselor, ram of God, the Lion of Judah, the King of Righteousness, high priest, and creator. If you let the simple presentation of the Holy Scriptures speak for themselves, this book will reward you with a deeper, more satisfying understanding of Yeshua and the relationship he has with the God of the Universe. This book will ignite a fire of passion for God as your understanding deepens for what God has done for us through Yeshua. This book will transform your life.

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  • Last Days Of Jesus


    Acclaimed New Testament scholar Francois Bovon engagingly and concisely explores the last days of Jesus. Detailing the similarities and differences in the passion narratives of the four canonical Gospels and the Gospel of Peter, he shows that these stories were not composed by objective witnesses but are reflections of the perspectives of those who wrote them. This lucid, highly readable, yet critical appraisal of Jesus’ final days is a master example of the discipline of biblical studies.

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  • I Wonder Why He Had To Die


    Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Who was He? Why did He come to live on our planet for 33 years, only to die a cruel death on a Roman cross? How do the Jews figure into all of this, and why does Jesus’ name cause people to rise up in praise, fall down on their knees in worship, or call out a curse against Him?

    This book addresses these questions, first raised by a fourth grade student on a field trip when he saw a crucifix in a museum.

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  • 12 Parables Of Jesus (Student/Study Guide)


    Introduction “He Said Nothing To Them Without A Parable”
    1. What To Do While Waiting For The Judgment
    Wise And Foolish Virgins (Matthew 25:1-13)
    2. The Power Of Persistence
    Ask, Seek, Knock (Luke 11:1-13; 18:1-8)
    3. How To Deal With Demons
    The Empty House (Matthew 12:38-50)
    4. Good For Nothing
    The Barren Fig Tree (Luke 13:1-9)
    5. Serendipity
    The Treasure And The Pearl (Matthew 13:44-46)
    6. How To Escape Being Posessed By Possessions
    The Rich Fool (Luke 12:13-34)
    7. Our Most Common Sin
    Pharisee And Tax Collector (Luke 18:9-17)
    8. Practicing Humility
    Places At The Table (Luke 14:7-11)
    9. How Do We Get Rid Of Evil Without Destroying Good?
    Wheat And Tares (Matthew 13:24-30)
    10. What To Do When You Have Been Forgiven
    The Unforgiving Servant (Matthew 18:21-35)
    11. What To Do With Your Assets
    The Talents (Matthew 25:14-30)
    12. Lost And Found
    The Prodigal Son (Luke 15:1-32)

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    “More than one-third of Jesus’ recorded teaching is in the form of parables…Why did Jesus choose to teach in parables? A story catches the attention, fires the imagination…We find ourselves identifying with the characters…they inspire us to respond and to act.Through the parables we can see the world in which Jesus lived.”- from the introduction

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  • Reading The Sermon On The Mount (Reprinted)


    A concise introduction to and commentary on the Sermon on the Mount, with particular attention to its role in character formation and ethical decision making.

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  • Hiding Place : The Sinner Found In Christ


    Print on demand
    The Old Testament gives us several names or titles for God. For instance, God is called Jehevah-Tsidkenu, the LORD our righteousness. In this insightful book, John Macfarlane demonstrates how these Old Testament names of God are best expressed and fulfilled in Jesus Christ. Concerning God as our righteousness, Macfarlane shows how Jesus provides the necessary righteousness for guilty sinners to stand acceptable before a Holy God. Other names of God treated are Jehovah-Jireh (the LORD will provide), Jehovah-Rophi (the LORD my healer), Jehovah-Shalom (the LORD our peace), Jehovah-Nissi (the LORD my banner), and Jehovah-Shammah (the LORD is there). In treating these titles of God, Macfarlane opens up the way of salvation, exhibiting Christ as the safe hiding place of sin-weary souls.

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  • Shattering Sound Of Amazing Grace


    David J. Schlafer, acclaimed preacher, teacher, and writer, weaves words and ideas like a Celtic braid. He places us in the company of some of the people who appear in the Gospel of John-Nicodemus, the woman at the well, the woman taken in adultery, Martha and Mary, the man born blind, the bride and groom at Cana-and examines them in two unusual sources of light:

    *The classic line from C. S. Lewis: Every idea we form of God, God must, in mercy, shatter.

    *John Newton’s hymn Amazing Grace .

    Schlafer offers refreshment: He helps us refresh our ideas of God. He refreshes the meaning of the well-worn phrase Amazing Grace, giving it new life and urgency. He refreshes our grasp of John’s Gospel by centering on Jesus’ interpersonal encounters rather than on the famous discourses, which are too often considered only in the abstract and at the expense of the dramas John narrates. The Shattering Sound of Amazing Grace is an inspired meeting with Jesus and the people of John’s Gospel.

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  • Metaphor Of God Incarnate (Revised)


    In this groundbreaking work, John Hick refutes the traditional Christian understanding of Jesus of Nazareth. According to Hick, Jesus did not teach what was to become the orthodox understanding of him: that he was God incarnate who became human to die for the sins of the world. Further, the traditional dogma of Jesus’ two natures-human and divine-cannot be explained satisfactorily, and worse, it has been used to justify great human evils. Thus, the divine incarnation, he explains, is best understood metaphorically. Nevertheless, he concludes that Christians can still understand Jesus as Lord and the one who has made God real to us. This second edition includes new chapters on the Christologies of Anglican theologian John Macquarrie and Catholic theologian Roger Haight, SJ.

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  • Names Of Jesus Pamphlet


    12-14 Panels Unfolds To 33″ Long.
    High Gloss Plastic Coated Sheet

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    Names of Jesus pamphlet
    There are many names for Jesus given in the Bible and each has a special blessing for us that will enrich your worship and prayer life. This fold-out pamphlet shows more than 50 names for Jesus, each with the meaning and Bible reference:
    * King of Kings, Lord of Lords
    * Good Shepherd
    * Chief Cornerstone
    * The Way, The Truth, and the Life
    * Advocate
    * I AM
    * Wonderful Counselor
    * High Priest
    * Holy One
    * Alpha and Omega
    * Mighty God
    * Morning Star
    * Lion of Judah
    * Son of God
    * Son of Man
    * Rock
    * Immanuel
    * Beloved
    * and many more

    This beautiful chart gives the definition, a scripture reference, and shows the spiritual meaning for today.

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  • Atonement And Intercession Of Jesus Christ


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    This is a classic statement on two pivotal doctrines of the Christian faith. William Symington thoughtfully considers Christ’s atonement and intercession, and provides a clear analysis of both. When looking at the atonement, he begins by defining its substitutionary nature, then addresses objections to it, its necessity, and the ample scriptural evidence of its reality. He proceeds with a closer study of Christ’s sufferings and their value, extent, and outcome. Symington aptly closes by discussing Christ’s work of intercession as the continued efficacy of His atoning sacrifice.

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  • Stature Of Waiting


    This classic of spirutal writing transforms our understanding of the experience of illness, or or of being out of work, or feeling inactive and powerless. The author shows us the unquestioned and impressive majesty of Jesus as He “waits” before those who accuse him, waits before those who taunt him and, finally, waits before even those who crucity him. As the example of Jesus shows us, when we have things done to us instead of doing things – the times when we simply wait – are as important as the times of action and taking charge.

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  • Christ Is The Question


    In this series of reflections on the mystery of Jesus and the questions that surround him, noted New Testament scholar Wayne Meeks redirects the course of the Jesus debates. Insisting that we cease focusing on who the historical Jesus was and ask instead “Who is Christ?” Meeks demonstrates with electric and lucid prose that Jesus is not a permanent artifact whose precise nature can be traced back through history but, rather, a figure whose identity continues to emerge as contemporary persons engage him in their daily lives.

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  • View From Mount Calvary Print On Demand Title (Student/Study Guide)


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    Without Jesus, the Bible makes no sense. And without his atoning death on the cross, the Bible makes no difference. This book surveys the entire Bible and shows how its many sections, books, and subjects all revolve around the death of Jesus on Mt. Calvary. Recommended reading especially during the Easter season, this book will deepen readers’ appreciation of the finished work of Christ.

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  • Parables Of Jesus


    An alternative reading of Jesus’ parables. Decries the traditional allegorizing of Jesus’ stories, with their easy identification of God as one of the characters in the stories.

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  • He Came Down From Heaven


    IVP Print On Demand Title

    Drawing on expert scholarship Dougles McCready makes the important debate surrounding the Christian orthodox conviction of Christ’s preexistence accessible to students and other nonexperts who want to know the evidence and arguments for this central doctrine of Christian faith.

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  • 7 Sayings Of The Saviour On The Cross (Reprinted)


    The words Christ spoke from the cross can inform Christians of the purpose, the meaning, and the sufficiency of his death. After an introduction that discusses the nature of Christ’s death as natural, unnatural, preternatural, and supernatural, Dr. Arthur W. Pink clearly illustrates the lessons that can be drawn from Christ’s words-lessons on forgiveness, salvation, affection, anguish, suffering, victory, and contentment. This comprehensive and accessible volume is useful for both sermon preparation and personal study.

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  • Introduction To Jesus And The Gospels


    Introduction: Theological And Historical Backgrounds
    Chapter 1. What Is A Gospel?
    Chapter 2. History Of Critical Methods For Gospel Study
    Chapter 3. The Gospel Of Mark
    Chapter 4. Q
    Chapter 5. Matthew
    Chapter 6. Luke
    Chapter 7. John
    Chapter 8. Other Gospels (Gospel Of Thomas, Infancy Gospels, Other Apocryphal Gospels); Chapter 9. Christian Interpretations Of Jesus;
    Chapter 10. The Historical Jesus
    Chapter 11. Conclusion
    Further Reading
    Notes: Subject Index
    (Charts, Sidebars, Illustrations, And Maps.)

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    “Jesus and the Gospels” is one of the most popular religion courses at colleges, and it is required at many seminaries and divinity schools.This textbook, written by an award-winning educator, is designed for a semester-long course in both these settings. Moreover, it could be used as a supplementary text in courses on christology, the historical Jesus, New Testament literature, and the Bible. Murphy will provide an introduction to the gospels that does justice to the full range of modern critical methods and insights. He will discuss the implications of these methods for how we understand the nature of the gospels and how we can read them today. The chapters will sketch the portrait of Jesus that emerges from each gospel, and then examine the “canonical” view of Jesus by comparing and contrasting these pictures, as well as the ones that emerge from the non-canonical gospels and from the modern quest for the historical Jesus.

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  • Lord Jesus Christ


    This outstanding book provides an in-depth historical study of the place of Jesus in the religious life, beliefs, and worship of Christians from the beginnings of the Christian movement down to the late second century.

    Lord Jesus Christ is a monumental work on earliest Christian devotion to Jesus, sure to replace Wilhelm Bousset’s Kyrios Christos (1913) as the standard work on the subject. Larry Hurtado, widely respected for his previous contributions to the study of the New Testament and Christian origins, offers the best view to date of how the first Christians saw and reverenced Jesus as divine. In assembling this compelling picture, Hurtado draws on a wide body of ancient sources, from Scripture and the writings of such figures as Ignatius of Antioch and Justin to apocryphal texts such as the Gospel of Thomas and the Gospel of Truth.

    Hurtado considers such themes as early beliefs about Jesus’ divine status and significance, but he also explores telling devotional practices of the time, including prayer and worship, the use of Jesus’ name in exorcism, baptism and healing, ritual invocation of Jesus as “Lord,” martyrdom, and lesser-known phenomena such as prayer postures and the curious scribal practice known today as the nomina sacra.

    The revealing portrait that emerges from Hurtado’s comprehensive study yields definitive answers to questions like these: How important was this formative period to later Christian tradition? When did the divinization of Jesus first occur? Was early Christianity influenced by neighboring religions? How did the idea of Jesus’ divinity change old views of God? And why did the powerful dynamics of early beliefs and practices encourage people to make the costly move of becoming a Christian?

    Boasting an unprecedented breadth and depth of coverage – the book speaks authoritatively on everything from early Christian history to themes in biblical studies to New Testament Christology – Hurtado’s Lord Jesus Christ is at once significant enough that a wide range of scholars will want to read it and accessible enough that general readers interested at all in Christian origins will also profit greatly from it.

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  • Jesus In Context


    Knowing the historical and cultural background of the Bible is crucial to properly understanding and interpreting it. But the passing of 2,000 years often prevents today’s reader from fully understanding the significance of various actions and teachings of Jesus in the Gospels. For example, the radical nature of Jesus’s healings on the Sabbath may go unnoticed without an awareness of first-century Jewish teaching on what was and was not permissible.

    Pastors and other serious Bible students may not have access to important early writings that would provide this background, nor the time to wade through volumes of source material to find relevant tidbits. This unique reference work gathers into one handy volume the key extrabiblical texts that provide the necessary background for passages in the Gospels, along with introductory comments by the editors.

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  • Remembering Jesus : Christian Community Scripture And The Moral Life (Reprinted)


    In the wake of the “What Would Jesus Do?” movement, Allen Verhey’s Remembering Jesus takes a serious look at what Jesus really did and what he might do in the strange world of contemporary ethics.

    Verhey asserts that following Jesus requires remembering him, and this entails immersing ourselves in Scripture and Christian community, where the memory of Jesus is found. This book, which promises to be Verhy’s magnum opus, explores how Christians can practice medical, sexual, economic, and political ethics with integrity.

    An ideal text for courses in Christian ethics, Remembering Jesus is also a valuable resource for pastors and general readers in search of readable, biblically based guidance for living in today’s complex world.

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  • Cross And The Prodigal


    Bailey has been living and teaching in the Middle East for 40 years; thus, his knowledge of customs and practices there is matchless. From his extensive firsthand observations, he is able to offer unique insight into the meaning of Jesus’ parables as they relate to law, honor, forgiveness, etc.

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  • Is Jesus The Only Savior


    In this timely book for believers, inquirers, and skeptics alike, James R. Edwards faces head-on the question of whether or not Jesus is indeed the sole savior of the world. After tracing the currents of modernity from the Enlightenment to the Jesus Seminar, Edwards contends that the assumptions of the most skeptical historical-Jesus scholars are no more intellectually defensible than the claims of faith. He then assembles extensive support to show that Jesus considered himself the unique and saving mission of God to the world.
    Edwards devotes the second half of the book to discussing Jesus as savior in light of contemporary cultural currents, specifically addressing the thorny issues of religious pluralism, moral relativism, postmodernism, and the quest for world peace. Illustrated with real-life stories, “Is Jesus the Only Savior?” gives a fair hearing to twenty-first-century concerns while upholding historic Christian faith.

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  • Jesus In The Gospels


    According to renowned biblical scholar Rudolf Schnackenburg, a truly historical portrait of Jesus is unattainable because the primary sources written about Jesus were not historical records as such. What is attainable, however, is a faith interpretation of Jesus’ life and works, gleaned from the writings of those closest to the life of Christ: the four Gospels. Thus, Schnackenburg provides a full faith interpretation of Jesus as each Gospel community portrayed him. A surprising number of commonalities about Jesus are revealed, and a fully recognizable portrait of Jesus emerges.

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  • Lord And Servant


    Building on Covenant and Eschatology: The Divine Drama, this volume is part two of a three-part project surveying essential topics of Christian theology through the lens of covenant. In Lord and Servant: A Covenant Christology, Michael Horton explores the topics that are generally grouped under the doctrines of God, humanity, and Christology. Rather than attempt a general systematic theology, Horton revisits these topics at the places where covenant and eschatology offer the most promising insight and where there is the most contemporary interest and debate.

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  • Christology Of John Owen


    Print on demand title
    The Puritans are often accused of being weak on Christology. In this revision of his doctoral dissertation for Westminster Theological Seminary, Richard Daniels shows how wrong that assessment is. He plumbs the depths of John Owen’s views on Christ, covering His person, natures, offices, and states. Dr. Daniels also relates how Owen taught that believers can have personal communion with Christ. This is a masterful work that will be deeply appreciated by readers who love both the Puritans and their theology.

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  • Incomparable Christ


    Sorting through the numerous books of recent years, you may find yourself lost in a thicket of viewpoints, some troubling to faith, some puzzling to the intellect. But John Stott, one of the outstanding evangelical voices of the last half century, offers in The Incomparable Christ an enriching vision of Jesus that defies measurment.

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  • God Came Near


    Christians want so desperately to see Jesus. To squint through their pain, sorrow, fear, and dizzying distractions, and really, truly focus on Him. Now they can, with the help of this much-loved pastor and writer! Lucado touches listeners right where they are today. And he gently leads them to the place where they can glimpse the risen Lord in all His glory and feel His very presence in their lives. This warm, insightful audio offers an irresistible opportunity for seekers and Christians alike to begin anew their journey. . . to the God who came near just so they could know Him.

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  • Evidence For The Resurrection Pamphlet


    High Gloss Plastic Coated Sheet
    Size: 8.5″ X 5.5″ 12-14 Panels Unfolds To 33″ Long

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    Pamphlet: Evidence for the Resurrection
    Here are 12 reasons skeptics should believe that Jesus died and rose again. Examine the historical, archaeological, and cultural proofs for Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. Also know the answers to other beliefs held by atheists and others. Learn why the resurrection is central for Christians. Discover the evidence that has convinced critics over the years.

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  • Beyond The Passion


    For most Christian believers, what is truly remarkable and important about Jesus is not his life, but his resurrection from the dead. They may believe that Jesus’ death is significant not as the end of Jesus’ life, but as the first half of the saving event that comprises the Christian gospel: the death and resurrection of Jesus. For Christians, this great divine cosmic event, around which all of human history pivots, is what saves us from our sins. Apart from this, the death of Jesus would simply be the meaningless end to an interesting but insignificant life. In this lively and provocative work, Patterson reconstructs early Christian assessments of Jesus’ significance and also questions basic assumptions about modern interpretations of Jesus’ death. He emphasizes the importance of Jesus’ life in relation to his death and resurrection. And he challenges individualistic notions of how Jesus’ death relates to Christian ethics.

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  • Gospel Code


    IVP Print On Demand Title

    Blurring the line between fact and fiction, Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code raises a controversial question. Did the early church suppress ancient documents revealing long-buried secrets about Jesus? Witherington takes you back to the time following Christ’s death to reveal what we can really know about Jesus, Mary Magdalene, the canonical Gospels, and their Gnostic rivals.

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  • Only Jesus Of Nazareth Can Be Isreals King Messiah


    Only Jesus of Nazareth Can Be Israel’s King Messiah, the third in the King Messiah Series, proves beyond doubt according to biblical prophecy that only Jesus of Nazareth can be Israel’s King Messiah. Using his skills as a retired federal investigator, plus spending thousands of hours studying the Bible and debating, John McTernan uses Daniel 9, the Davidic covenant, and the genealogy of the kings of Judah to form an airtight case proving only the Lord Jesus is Israel’s King Messiah. The author provides a unique way to look at Daniel 9 to pinpoint the exact time of King Messiah’s first coming. He shows that the Davidic covenant reveals that King Messiah has to be the Son of God. And finally, he shows that the genealogy of the kings of Judah possesses overwhelming evidence that only Jesus of Nazareth by His virgin birth can be the Messiah. This book is a great witnessing tool.

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  • Glimpse Of Jesus


    Beloved Christian writer Brennan Manning has long been illuminating the transforming power of God’s constant love for us in his bestselling books. Now he identifies self-hatred as the reason that so many of us seem unable to accept this incredible, unchanging love. By clearly examining and understanding Jesus’ life, we can put self-hatred behind us forever and truly be transformed in the ways God intended.

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  • Behold The Man


    The truthful Man . . . falsely accused. The innocent Man . . . illegally tried and wrongly convicted. The gentle Man . . . who suffered punishment few could imagine, much less endure. The murdered Man . . . who forgave His own merciless killers. The divine Man . . . who died as a common criminal. The willing Man . . . who gave His life for others. The ordinary Man . . . who was, in fact, the extraordinary Son of God.

    Behold . . . the Man. And ask yourself the only question that really matters: Why? Why would this innocent Man walk willingly and with unwavering determination toward such a grisly end? Why would He ever accept such undeserved mistreatment?

    In this incredible, historically accurate account, you will come face to face with Jesus-the Man of Sorrows. If you’re honest, you’ll find the amazing answer to why . . . and you’ll change. When you stop long enough to look, to think, to imagine, and to truly Behold the Man, you’ll never be the same again.

    Chuck Swindoll leads us through a detailed examination of the events surrounding Jesus as he follows the winding pathway of his passion to the cross. This story-based investigation of the last week of Jesus’s life-from the Last Supper to his death-focuses on “Why?” And in his Epilogue to this powerful, insightful book, Swindoll clearly explains to the unchurched and non-Christian reader why Jesus was willing to walk this sacrificial path to die-he did it for them.

    Releasing simultaneously with Mel Gibson’s stirring movie The Passion of The Christ, Swindoll’s book provides Christians an excellent evangelistic follow-up tool to give to their unchurched or non-Christian friends and families who see the film. As Chuck said after a private viewing of the movie, “You’ll never be the same again.” And Behold . . . the Man will help ensure that fact.

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