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    David Capes

    • Divine Christ : Paul The Lord Jesus And The Scriptures Of Israel


      A leading scholar examines Paul’s letters to show how Paul constructed his unique portrait of Jesus as divine through a re-reading of Israel’s Scriptures.

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    • Rediscovering Paul : An Introduction To His World Letters And Theology


      Introduction: The Challenges Of Rediscovering Paul
      1. Rediscovering Paul In His World
      2. The Christophany
      3. Paul, The Letter Writer
      4. The Itinerant Paul: Galatians
      5. The Itinerant Paul: The Thessalonian Letters
      6. The Itinerant Paul: The Corinthian Letters
      7. The Itinerant Paul: Romans
      8. The Imprisoned Paul
      9. The Pastoral Paul
      10. Paul’s Theology And Spirituality
      11. Paul’s Legacy
      12. Paul’s Letters To Our Churches
      Author Index
      Subject Index
      Scripture Index

      Additional Info
      For some of us, the apostle Paul is intimidating, like a distant and difficult uncle. We’re told he’s pretty important. We’ve even read some of the good parts of his letters. But he can come across as prickly and unpredictable. Not someone you’d like to hang out with at a coffee shop on a rainy day. He’d make a scene, evangelize the barista, and arouse looks across the room. For a mid-morning latte, we’d prefer Jesus over Paul.

      But Paul is actually the guy who-from Ephesus to Athens-was the talk of the marketplace, the raconteur of the Parthenon. He knew everyone, founded emerging churches, and held his own against the intellectuals of his day. Maybe it’s time to give Paul a break, let go of some stereotypes, and try to get to know him on his own terms.

      If you’re willing to give Paul a try, Rediscovering Paul is your reliable guide. This is a book that reacquaints us with Paul, as if for the first time-arrested by Christ on the Damascus Road, holding forth in the marketplace of Corinth, working with a secretary in framing his letter to the Romans, or dealing with the messiness of emerging churches from Ephesus to Rome.

      Drawing on the best of contemporary scholarship, and with language shaped by teaching and conversing with today’s students, Rediscovering Paul is a textbook that has passed the test. Now in an expanded edition, it’s better than ever. There are fresh discussions of Paul’s letter writing and how those letters were received in the churches, new considerations of pseudonymity and the authenticity of Paul’s letters, and updated coverage of recent developments in interpreting Paul. In addition, the “So What?” feature-much loved by students-has been expanded. For considering the full range of issues, from Paul’s conversion and call to his ongoing impact on church and culture, this second edition of Rediscovering Paul comes enthusiastically recommended.

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    • Old Testament Yahweh Texts In Pauls Christology


      The earliest Christian communities engaged in bold and imaginative rereadings of their Scriptures–none more astounding and potentially inflammatory than of the passages that focus upon the name and nature of Israel’s God. In this volume, David B. Capes tracks the Apostle Paul’s use of Old Testament texts that directly invoke God’s name, Yahweh, for what they can disclose about the earliest Christian beliefs and practices.

      Since Paul writes to his churches in Greek and quotes the Old Testament extensively from the Septuagint, Capes focuses upon Old Testament quotations and allusions in which kyrios translates the divine name. He discovers that Paul applies a majority of his quotations of and allusions to Yahweh texts to the Lord Jesus Christ, thus offering to him designations originally reserved for Israel’s God.

      Given the high regard that Judaism placed upon both Scripture and the divine name in the first century, the application of Yahweh texts to Jesus bears significant christological weight. These texts reveal that Paul considered Jesus to be more than a man or a divine agent–Paul believed that Christ was in some sense Yahweh Himself. Capes thus unveils Paul’s strategy for the reading of Scripture, which provides a basis for properly interpreting early Christianity’s veneration of Jesus, including prayers and hymns to Christ, the authoritative status attributed to Jesus’ words, and the notions of Christ’s pre-existence, role in creation, and authority as coming eschatological Savior and Judge. How Paul reread his Bible goes hand-in-glove with the differences that developed between Christianity and Judaism.

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    • Rediscovering Jesus : An Introduction To Biblical Religious And Cultural Pe


      List Of Abbreviations
      Introduction: “My Jesus”

      Part I Introduction: Jesus In The Bible
      1. Mark’s Jesus
      2. Matthew’s Jesus
      3. Luke’s Jesus
      4. John’s Jesus
      5. Paul’s Jesus
      6. The Priestly Jesus
      7. The Jesus Of Exiles
      8. The Apocalyptic Jesus

      Part II Introduction: Jesus Outside The Bible
      9. The Gnostic Jesus
      10. The Muslim Jesus
      11. The Historical Jesus
      12. The Mormon Jesus
      13. The American Jesus
      14. The Cinematic Jesus

      Conclusion: “Our Jesus”
      Subject Index
      Scripture Index

      Additional Info
      “My Jesus I love thee, I know thou art mine.” So runs an old familiar hymn. But who is your Jesus? Matthew’s teacher? John’s Word made flesh? Hebrews’ great high priest? What if it turned out that your Jesus is a composite of your favorite selections from the New Testament buffet, garnished with some Hollywood and Americana? Rediscovering Jesus takes us on a gallery tour of biblical portraits of Jesus, from Matthew through Revelation. Our expert guides point out the background and highlights of each New Testament image of Jesus. Then we hit the streets to visit other houses of worship and their scriptures, examining the Jesus of the Book of Mormon and the Quran. Popping into a bookstore, we browse the latest on the Gnostic and the historical Jesus. Then we’re off on a walking tour of Jesus in America, followed by a film festival of Jesus movies. All along the way our tour guides describe and interpret, but also raise questions: How is this Jesus different from other portraits? If this were our only portrait of Jesus, what would our faith be like? Rediscovering Jesus is an enjoyable, informative and challenging look at how we encounter Jesus in Scripture and our culture. It takes us beyond other surveys in its unique probing of the differences our understanding of Jesus can make for faith and life. From the authors of Rediscovering Paul, this is an introduction to Jesus that guides us in our pilgrimage toward seeing Jesus truly.

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    • Slow To Judge


      God invites us to judge and to help correct wrongs. Sometimes, however, rather than doing the hard work demanded in order to judge justly, we pre-judge a person based on our own biases and superficial experiences. We stifle dialog before the conversation even begins. If all we know is our own faith, and we never put it side-by-side with what others believe, our spiritual growth and commitments can be easily stunted. By truly listening and learning from those with different beliefs, we can broaden and deepen our kingdom commitments.
      It is possible to stand up for Jesus, to articulate our faith clearly as witnesses, and to defend our faith effectively, while at the same time not being perceived as judgmental. Christians need to be faithful witnesses to God who are willing to listen to people with drastically different stories. In those exchanges, when we suspend judgment and truly listen, we will find truth and beauty and goodness in some of the most unexpected places. We will also find that, if we truly listen, we may be given a chance to speak.

      Features include:
      Help for interfaith and intercultural dialog
      Thought-provoking questions for spiritual conversation or reflection

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