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Encouragement and Lay Counseling

Showing 1–50 of 119 results

  • What To Say When You Dont Know What To Say


    A guide for navigating serious moments with clear, compassionate communication.

    There are times when life’s challenges can make us speechless. But that doesn’t mean we should stay silent – especially when we’re in a position to offer life-giving words. This useful guide provides helpful tips and words to share when readers aren’t quite sure what to say. It draws on Scripture to offer compassionate, Biblical communication prompts to strengthen relationships – and readers can impart words of truth and peace to give hope where, and when, it’s needed.

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  • Grieving Room : Making Space For All The Hard Things After Death And Loss


    When we lose someone we love, we are forever changed. When our person dies, our grief needs room.

    People long to reduce the enormity of our grief. “”Time heals all wounds,”” they tell us, or “”At least she isn’t in pain anymore.”” Yet no matter how hard others try to stuff our grief into a process or a plan, grief cannot be willed away.

    Leanne Friesen thought she knew a lot about bereavement. She had studied it in school and preached at memorial services. But only when her own sister died from cancer did she learn, in her very bones, what grieving people don’t need–and what they do. In Grieving Room, Friesen writes with vulnerability, wisdom, and somehow even wit about the stark and sacred lessons learned at deathbeds and funerals. When someone dies, we need room for imperfect goodbyes, she writes, and room for a changing faith. We need room for regret and room to rage at the world. Room for hard holidays and room in our schedules. We need room for redemption and room for resurrection–and we also need room to never “”get over it.””

    In this poignant account of a sister’s mourning and a pastor’s journey, Friesen pushes back against a world that wants to minimize our sorrow and avoid our despair. She helps those of us walking with the grieving figure out what to say and what not to say, and she offers practical ways to create ample space for every emotion and experience. Reflection questions, practices, and prayers at the end of the book offer guidance and ideas for individuals and groups.

    In a world that wants to rush toward closure and healing, Grieving Room gives us permission to let loss linger. When the very worst happens, we can learn to give ourselves and others grieving room.

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  • Persevering Power : Encouragement For When You’re Oppressed By Life


    Life is filled with challenges. We might be weary and overwhelmed by the world around us. Whether we are facing personal struggles or working against unjust circumstances, it can feel like the odds are against us. Does God care? How can we carry on?

    There is hope for us because God is a God of justice who cares for people in distress. Bruce Strom shows how those facing difficulties can receive God’s power to persevere. By looking to God’s perspective and purpose, we can find direction for what God has in store for us. He transforms our understanding of the past and gives us resources to renew our souls and find fresh strength to continue on. Strom shares how God has been active in his life and in others’, encouraging us with examples of how lives can change and things can be different.

    If you’re running on empty and are tired from the fight, discover the persevering power God has for you.

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  • When Religion Hurts You


    Religious trauma is something that happens far more often than most people realize.

    In When Religion Hurts You, Dr. Laura Anderson takes an honest look at a side of religion that few like to talk about. Drawing from her own life and therapy practice, she helps readers understand what religious trauma is and isn’t, and how high-control churches can be harmful and abusive, often resulting in trauma. She shows how elements of fundamentalist church life–such as fear of hell, purity culture, corporal punishment, and authoritarian leaders–can cause psychological, relational, physical, and spiritual damage.

    As she explores the growing phenomenon of religious trauma, Dr. Anderson helps readers embark on a journey of living as healing individuals and finding a new foundation to stand on. Recognizing that healing is a lifelong rather than a linear process, she offers markers of healing for those coming out of painful religious experiences and hope for finding wholeness after religious trauma.

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  • When Religion Hurts You


    Religious trauma is something that happens far more often than most people realize.

    In When Religion Hurts You, Dr. Laura Anderson takes an honest look at a side of religion that few like to talk about. Drawing from her own life and therapy practice, she helps readers understand what religious trauma is and isn’t, and how high-control churches can be harmful and abusive, often resulting in trauma. She shows how elements of fundamentalist church life–such as fear of hell, purity culture, corporal punishment, and authoritarian leaders–can cause psychological, relational, physical, and spiritual damage.

    As she explores the growing phenomenon of religious trauma, Dr. Anderson helps readers embark on a journey of living as healing individuals and finding a new foundation to stand on. Recognizing that healing is a lifelong rather than a linear process, she offers markers of healing for those coming out of painful religious experiences and hope for finding wholeness after religious trauma.

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  • Here Today Ghosted Tomorrow


    Get the practical tools, psychology, and hope to deal with ghosting and the tumultuous emotions that follow in this easy-to-read handbook by Dr. Gregory Jantz! With Here Today, Ghosted Tomorrow, you will learn:

    *What ghosting is and why it matters
    *Why people “ghost” (and why it hurts so much)
    *The 7 damaging effects of ghosting (betrayal, rejection, mental health issues, and more)
    *How to regain hope and heal any pain and abandonment

    Was it something I said? What did I do wrong? How can I fix this? If a friend or loved one has ever ghosted you, the pain can sting like deep wound. But you can overcome this grief, even without the closure you might think you need. Enjoy having:

    *Real, relatable stories
    *Definitions, statistics, and easy-to-understand summaries
    *Tried and tested psychological and spiritual advice
    *Encouraging scriptures to heal

    Has someone in your life cut off all communication with you, abruptly and without explanation, leaving you feeling hurt, abandoned, and perplexed? Without a word, they just stopped responding to your phone calls or texts? Maybe you’ve been blocked on social media or no longer see them at church or the office? Ghosting hurts, and it casts a showdown of doubt and uncertainty upon your sense of self-worth. But there’s hope in resilience and healing.

    Get Practical Advice on What To Do If You’ve Been Ghosted

    Featuring helpful checklists and research in an easy-to-read format, Jantz’s Here Today, Ghosted Tomorrow doesn’t just give you basic, one-size-fits-all explanations. This handy resource gives you detailed, step-by-step tools and encouragement to grow stronger and more resilient in your current and future relationships. Gain practical tips like:

    *10 ways to deal with rejection
    *What to do if a ghoster reappears in your life (what to say, and how to protect yourself)
    *How to evaluate whether or not you should reconnect
    *Know if there are ever healthy reasons to ghost someone
    *And more!

    Enjoy Having the Tools to Grow and Become More Resilient

    You don’t have to just move from one toxic relationship to another! You can gain the skills and tools to find friendships that are healthy, nurturing, and positive. When you leave the negativity behind, you will also be equipped with simple tools to build safe and trusted relationships built on mutual support. Some of these tools include:

    *5 steps to recover from a toxic relationship
    *10 signs someone has a good heart
    *7 ways to invest in h

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  • My Spouse Was Unfaithful


    How should you respond to the devastating disappointments that adultery and other forms of betrayal have brought into your marriage? It’s natural to feel a wide range of emotions, including anger, confusion, grief, sadness, jealousy, anxiety, embarrassment, and regret. The consequences of your spouse’s sin cast wide effects on your relationship, family, and future. Counselor Robert D. Jones has walked with many couples in your situation and provides ten steps for moving forward from this betrayal with God-given hope.

    My Spouse Was Unfaithful provides biblical principles for handling this betrayal and confronting your spouse, and it offers a guide for working through a potential repentance and restoration process. While God doesn’t promise restoration with your spouse, he does promise to be with you and help you–whether your spouse chooses to repent or not. God can use this experience to draw you closer to him and bring greater good to your life.

    *Practical, accessible, spiritual guidance on how to move forward from your spouse’s betrayal with God-given hope.

    *Part of the Ask the Christian Counselor series, walking readers through their deepest and most profound questions.

    *Gives readers guidance in understanding so they can learn to lament and guard against bitterness, vengeance, and rash decisions.

    *Compact format goes deeper than New Growth Press’s popular minibooks without overwhelming the reader.

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  • I Have PTSD


    Anyone who experiences a traumatic event feels confused, lost, out of control, unsure, and unsteady–disoriented. This kind of suffering leaves marks, sometimes on the body, always on the soul, and sometimes both. In I Have PTSD, Curtis Solomon helps both those who have suffered trauma, as well as their loved ones, to understand the physical, emotional, and spiritual effects of trauma, while offering gospel hope and practical ways to make that hope real in their lives.

    Trauma can come into our lives through any number of circumstances, but those circumstances do not derail the plans of God nor determine the trajectory for the rest of your life. God can and does utilize the most horrific suffering imaginable to accomplish his great plans for his people.

    *Practical, accessible, and concise guidance on PTSD, written by an experienced trauma expert and counselor.

    *Part of the Ask the Christian Counselor series, walking readers through their deepest and most profound questions.

    *Gives readers the tools to understand their struggle with PTSD and how the gospel brings hope and healing to post traumatic stress.

    *Compact format goes deeper than New Growth Press’s popular minibooks without overwhelming the reader.

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  • Moving Forward After Abortion


    Even though each woman’s story is different, the challenges that follow an abortion can be similar. How can you find healing and renewal for where you are now? How do you process the variety of emotions you may be experiencing, such as anger, grief, or perhaps numbness?

    Camille Cates has spent many years counseling women, helping them to answer those questions. In Moving Forward after Abortion, she helps you to see that God is forgiving, gracious, merciful, and loving, and offers comfort to those who come to him to experience restoration instead of brokenness. Reflecting on an abortion story can be intimidating, but you do not have to do it alone. God is near–and plans to use your story for good.

    *Practical, accessible, spiritual guidance on addressing an array of situations and emotions after an abortion, through the lens of Scripture.

    *Part of the Ask the Christian Counselor series, walking readers through their deepest and most profound questions.

    *Gives readers guidance in understanding the forgiveness of Christ in a deeper, fuller way.

    *Compact format goes deeper than New Growth Press’s popular minibooks without overwhelming the reader.

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  • Someone I Know Is Grieving


    Bestselling author and counselor Edward T. Welch walks readers through the difficult task of coming alongside grieving people with genuine compassion and humility.

    When someone is grieving, it can be hard to know what to say or do. We want to be helpful, not hurtful, but it’s easy to go wrong. The good news is that we can learn to approach those who are grieving with the same compassion that Jesus shows us when we are grieving. It starts with humility and listening well and expands into practical support as the Spirit leads us.

    In Someone I Know Is Grieving, Edward T. Welch leans on his many years of counseling grieving people to help readers learn from their compassionate Savior how to respond to people’s sadness and hard times without advice or trying to “fix it,” but to instead hear their story, learn from others’ experiences, and depend on the Spirit for wisdom for what to say and do.

    *Practical, accessible, spiritual guidance on responding with compassion to another person’s troubles written by an experienced counselor

    *Part of the Ask the Christian Counselor series, walking readers through their deepest and most profound questions

    *Gives readers the tools to avoid common mistakes made in responding to grieving people and a wise and kind way forward that expresses the love of God. Compact format goes deeper than New Growth Press’s popular minibooks without overwhelming the reader

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  • Stay Here : Uncovering God’s Plan To Restore Your Mental Health


    Please stay. The world is so much better with you in it.

    Every forty seconds, someone takes his or her life. Anxiety, depression, and suicide are at all-time highs–and they’re stealing our sons, daughters, friends, and spouses.

    With tender passion and bold hope, Jacob Coyne, founder of Stay Here, infuses life into the dark corners of mental health. Giving hurting souls a reason to live, he shows not only how Jesus brings life to the full, but also how anyone–regardless of their past or pain–can find healing, including how to:

    * attack our anxiety and calm our storms;
    * defeat depression and live with a sound mind;
    * overcome intrusive suicidal thoughts and enjoy life; and
    * transform pain, trauma, suicidal thoughts, and addictions into purpose.

    It’s okay to not be okay–but you don’t have to stay that way. It’s time to shine the hope of Christ into the darkness and witness His love transform broken souls into living, breathing signs to live.

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  • Deep Waters Of The Disciple


    Do you feel as if you’re drowning? As if between waves of doubt, despair, and grief, you’re struggling to stay afloat? Perhaps it’s a crisis in your marriage, the loss of a loved one, or financial problems that threaten to sink you. Maybe you’re facing shame or a scary illness. You’re clinging to life in desperation and tempted to ask: where is God in this?

    You’re not alone. When Peter started to sink in deep waters, he called out to Jesus. Jesus’s strong hand held him fast. He was in control of the storm all along.

    With pastoral compassion, Michael Cassidy comforts people facing deep waters of many kinds. He has lived through over 85 years of life’s ups and downs, including battling Leukemia. He shares stories of colleagues and people he has counselled who testify to God walking them through unimaginable trials.

    Michael provides insight into specific types of suffering, including:

    *Disease and Illness
    *Despair and Depression
    *Marriage Troubles

    When everything is shaken, you can ground yourself in the biblical wisdom of Deep Waters of the Disciple. Not only will this volume help you with your own challenges, but it will equip you to understand and help others with theirs.

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  • Leaving Military Service


    “Ted Hamm provides practical guidance for the often difficult transition back to civilian life”–

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  • Recreational Drug Use


    SKU (ISBN): 9781645073208ISBN10: 1645073203Craig SvenssonBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 2023Publisher: New Growth Press

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  • Pregnancy Crisis : This Wasn’t The Plan


    “Counselor Camille Cates wants you to know that God knows the details of the circumstances surrounding your pregnancy, and he will give you the wisdom and guidance you need to walk through this unexpected path”–

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  • When Faith Meets Therapy


    Now available in trade paper!

    The power of faith intersects with the practicality of counseling in this unique partnership of a faith/worship leader and a therapist as they offer a pathway for readers to find help, hope, healing, and freedom while navigating life’s struggles.

    No one is immune from life’s difficulties, yet many people are reluctant to talk about mental health or seek professional help when they are struggling. People of faith who are battling issues such as anxiety, depression, life changes, stress, or relationship problems may suffer in silence, believing things would get better if only their faith was stronger, they prayed more, or if they had more self-discipline. The stigma about needing to seek help is all too real.

    But seeking professional help isn’t a sign of weakness; it’s a sign that someone is serious about moving forward emotionally, relationally, and spiritually. Written by producer, artist, and author Anthony Evans, along with licensed psychotherapist Stacy Kaiser, When Faith Meets Therapy:

    *Dispels the cultural myths and stigmas that surround professional therapy

    *Shares stories from the authors’ personal experiences and others who are facing life’s challenges

    *Provides practical steps that readers can take in the pursuit of emotional, relational, and spiritual progress

    Anthony and Stacy met five years ago when Anthony was seeking emotional and relational healing of his own. Stacy led Anthony through his own process of internal renovation and remains his personal therapist to this day.

    When Faith Meets Therapy contains priceless, practical knowledge to break stereotypes that surround therapy, all while offering immeasurable hope and encouragement.

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  • Hem Of His Garment


    Hope for When the Pain Won’t Quit

    Everyone experiences pain at times. It can manifest physically, emotionally, relationally, or spiritually. It can follow tragic accidents, great loss, sudden betrayal, or unexpected and unwanted change. Often it is temporary. But what do you do when it isn’t? When the pain just won’t go away, when healing does not come, when the grief and hurt settle in?

    Drawing on her own experience of chronic pain and her years as a board-certified clinical neuropsychologist, Dr. Michelle Bengtson provides a countercultural perspective on pain. Offering hope without any false promises or empty platitudes, Dr. Bengtson unwraps the complex emotional aspects of dealing with pain. She gives you permission to question God, helps you identify the lies you’ve believed about your pain, and reorients your perception based on the truth of God’s Word. Each chapter ends with a recommended playlist, reflection questions, and a prayer.

    Your pain may not change, but your experience of it can.

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  • Como Enfrentar Momentos Difici – (Spanish)


    Todos enfrentamos y enfrentaremos momentos dificiles. La adversidad, muchas veces, se presenta de manera inesperada, y puede ser temporal, o nos acompaa por largos periodos de tiempo. La adversidad podria alterar el proyecto de vida que teniamos planeado o producir cambios inmediatos en nuestro estilo de vivir. Sin embargo, siempre deja lecciones maravillosas y conocemos a Dios de una forma diferente, profunda y personal. Toda adversidad tiene solo una ruta: la de ser superada.

    Como enfrentar momentos dificiles le ayudara a convertir la adversidad en oportunidades. Sus recomendaciones son claras y sencillas, entre otras: enfrente los pensamientos negativos; piense bien la situacion y sus posibilidades; no se detenga, avance; rodeese de personas que lo animen; admita sus limitaciones; desarrolle estrategias; y descubra las oportunidades de la vida.

    We all face and will face difficult times. Adversity often occurs unexpectedly. It can be temporary, or accompany us for long periods of time. Adversity could alter the life project we had planned or produce immediate changes in our lifestyle. However, it always leaves wonderful lessons, and we know God in a different, deep, and personal way. All adversity has only one route: we are to overcome it.

    How to Face Difficult Moments will help you turn adversity into opportunities. Sixto Porras’s recommendations are clear and simple; among others, he suggests: face negative thoughts; think well about the situation and its possibilities; don’t stop, move forward; surround yourself with people who encourage you; admit your limitations; develop strategies; and discover life’s opportunities.

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  • Vaping : Hope Through The Gospel


    Dealing with addictive temptations and triggers is ongoing and not a one-time event. There are solutions for the problem of addiction, and an eternal life free from pain and suffering awaits those who know and trust the Lord Jesus Christ.

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  • Gate Happy : About Leaving Prison


    She stood there in front of him, her head bowed down as he lambasted her with an aggressive speech. I didn’t understand the language, but I got the gist, and it wasn’t pleasant! Hold on,’ I thought, hasn’t he read the script?’ Whatever script he was reciting, it wasn’t the one she was expecting. Forty-five seconds into his dialogue and I’d had enough. She didn’t deserve this, no-one does. I walked past him with a glare and walked up to the woman and wished her all the best for the day, with the biggest smile I could muster. He stopped his verbal abuse and turned around, walked to the car park with his wife and son trailing behind.Many of the women Simeon Sturney has come across in his role as prison chaplain have lost hope, resigned themselves to a life that leaves them vulnerable. Even though they put on a show of bravado, low self-esteem, depression and anxiety are never too far away.

    Gate Happy is a collection of articles highlighting the issues many people face as they leave prison. Simeon writes as an ambassador and advocate for the importance of Through The Gate support, as well as a prison chaplain and experienced Through The Gate practitioner.

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  • Conquer Your Negative Thoughts


    Don’t let negative thoughts steal your happiness. . . learn to take charge of your thoughts and rewire your brain.

    Thoughts that we allow to circle again and again in our minds build ruts or roads in the brain, making those thoughts more likely to dominate and control our lives. But we aren’t doomed to feel down when life doesn’t go our way.

    In Conquer Your Negative Thoughts, psychiatrist and clinical neuroscientist Dr. Daniel G. Amen applies his knowledge of how the mind works to help you take back control of your thoughts, consistently generate positive feelings, and master your emotions no matter your age, income, or situation. By retraining your brain to focus on happiness and purpose, you’ll feel healthier, calmer, and more resilient and be fully prepared to face life’s ups and downs.

    Conquer Your Negative Thoughts offers readers:

    *A great resource for those dealing with anxiety and depression
    *Key insights from an expert in his field
    *Tools to change your mental habits based on scienceReal-life case studies
    *Bible verses to help conquer negative thoughts

    Empower yourself to change your mind’s habits and improve your mental health, for good.

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  • Finding Hope In A Dark Place


    “When you’re in a dark place, it is also a sacred place because God is there with you.”

    In this refreshingly candid book, author, life coach, and conference speaker Clarence Shuler shares his own story of depression and how, by God’s grace, he learned how to effectively manage it. Shuler’s story will help you receive grace in your own struggles.

    Joining Clarence is Monique Gadson (affectionately known as “Dr. Mo”), a licensed counselor who helped Clarence escape a very dark place in his life. Learn from Dr. Mo as she offers counseling insights and expertise woven throughout Clarence’s story, bringing clarity and wisdom to anyone desperate for hope. In the “Your Journey” section at the end of each chapter, you will be guided to reflect on your own walk in darkness and find ways back to joy.

    Finding Hope in a Dark Place part memoir, part mentorship, part workbook will help you recognize your own story in Clarence’s and remind you that hope is possible and worth pursuing. Even in the darkness, God is with you in that sacred space.

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  • Cuando La Soledad Duele – (Spanish)


    La soledad que duele es un enemigo silencioso, y destructor. Se oculta y ataca desde las sombras en el momento mas impensado. Es melancolia, es tristeza en el alma que sale por los poros, deforma la cara, y entristece los ojos. La soledad que duele, una vez que se afinco en una persona no se ahuyenta rodeandose intencionalmente de gente, o sumergiendose en una voragine de actividades, y mucho menos con el alcohol, las drogas, o compaias eventuales. La soledad que duele puede ser fisica, emocional, espiritual y hasta virtual. Hay soledad en la vejez, pero la hay tambien en la juventud. Duele en la falta de pareja, en el abandono, en la viudez y en la solteria. Duele por las noches, y los domingos por la tarde. Duele, aunque se oculte detras de exitos eventuales. Duele y dolera hasta encontrar la conexion por donde fluye la compaia perfecta, la “pieza faltante” en la vida que cambia el entorno, pero lo hace desde el individuo. La pieza faltante que completa el alma, cubre el dolor y lo deshace.

    En este libro revelaremos cada area de la soledad que duele, y la aislaremos tratandola desde la perspectiva biblica con el auxilio del Espiritu Santo, hasta que desaparezca.

    The loneliness that hurts is a silent and destructive enemy. It hides and attacks from the shadows at the most unexpected moment. It is melancholy, it is sadness in the soul that comes out through the pores, deforms the face, and saddens the eyes. The loneliness that hurts, once it has settled in a person, cannot be warded off by intentionally surrounding yourself with people, or immersing yourself in a maelstrom of activities, much less with alcohol, drugs, or occasional company. Loneliness that hurts can be physical, emotional, spiritual and even virtual. There is loneliness in old age, but there is also loneliness in youth. It hurts in the lack of a partner, in abandonment, in widowhood and in singleness. It hurts at night, and on Sunday afternoons. It hurts even if it hides behind eventual successes. It hurts and will hurt until you find the connection through which the perfect company flows, the “missing piece” in life that changes the environment but does so from the individual. The missing piece that completes the soul, covers the pain and undoes it.In this book we will reveal each area of loneliness that hurts, and we will isolate it, treating it from the biblical perspective with the help of the Holy Spirit, until it disappears.

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  • Dont Give Up


    The idea of quitting and giving up may be just a passing thought or it may have festered to the point that you feel like you’re at the end of your rope and have lost all hope. You may have experienced a life-altering event or betrayal of a close friend or alienation from family and friends. You may have an addiction you cannot kick or repeated failures that destroyed your self-confidence. Regardless of what brought you to the brink of hopelessness, there is still hope – if you will grab hold of it. Don’t Give Up was written to help heal the hurt, restore your heart and strengthen your resolve with Scriptures, prayers, and insights. Don’t give up! God is not a million miles away and He has not given up on you!

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  • Gods Hand In Our Hardship Pamphlet


    Why Does God Let Good People Suffer? by Joni Eareckson Tada

    When you read through the Bible, you can see that God hates suffering. Jesus spent much of his life relieving people’s illnesses and hurts. He calls us to do the same: to feed the hungry, clothe the poor, take care of widows and orphans and visit those in prison. So why doesn’t our all-powerful God get rid of suffering?

    14 panels, fits inside most Bibles, 8.5 x 5.5 inches, unfolds to 38 inches long

    Why Does God Let Good People Suffer? by Joni Eareckson Tada answers the big questions about suffering:
    *How can a gracious and loving God allow anyone to suffer?
    *Why do “good” people have to suffer? Don’t they deserve better?
    *What possible good can come through suffering?

    Popular author and speaker Joni Eareckson Tada helps you understand why God allows suffering and what we can learn from it in this glossy, full-color, 14-page pamphlet.

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  • Psalm 91 : Gods Umbrella Of Protection (Reprinted)


    Psalm 91 is one of the most comforting and encouraging of the Psalms. It offers protection from our greatest fears.

    Do the latest statistics on heart disease, cancer, or other life-threatening illnesses send a chill down your spine? Do thoughts of terrorist attacks and chemical warfare cause your heart to skip a beat? What about natural disasters that are striking in unexpected places? Do you sometimes wonder if there is any safe place in the world to hide?

    The answer to all your fears is found in Psalm 91. Peggy Joyce Ruth explains, in a comprehensive fashion, how the verses in Psalm 91 constitute God’s Covenant of Protection. This covenant can be applied to you, your family, and your loved ones. This book could be one of the most important messages you will ever read!

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  • Handbook To Happiness (Revised)


    1. Experiencing The Cross Of Christ
    2. How Spirituotherapy Works
    3. What Spiritual Maturity Really Means
    4. When Life Is Like A Wilderness
    5. Intellectual Understanding-Then What?
    6. The Great Exchange
    7. The Anatomy Of A Downer And The Way Back To Victory
    8. Testimonies Of GFI-God’s Faithful Intervention
    9. Counseling At The Century’s End

    176 Pages

    Additional Info
    1. Experiencing The Cross Of Christ
    2. How Spirituotherapy Works
    3. What Spiritual Maturity Really Means
    4. When Life Is Like A Wilderness
    5. Intellectual Understanding-Then What?
    6. The Great Exchange
    7. The Anatomy Of A Downer And The Way Back To Victory
    8. Testimonies Of GFI-God’s Faithful Intervention
    9. Counseling At The Century’s End

    176 Pages

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  • Memory Loss : Quick Reference Guide What To Day And Do How To Help


    Its difficult for many people to know what to say or do when someone is suffering from a memory-related illness. This easy-to-read pamphlet equips readers to care for and comfort those who are experiencing memory loss. The Help a Friend pamphlet on Memory Loss includes a simple overview on how to care for those suffering from this type of illness and the struggles those going through this difficulty will likely face. A Quick Tips section covers things to avoid saying and suggested further resources, and this 20-panel resource equips readers with biblical wisdom and practical, time-tested advice from Joni Eareckson Tada. The Help a Friend pamphlet series focuses on the first response by a caring friend to bad news about a loved one. Friends gain the confidence to reach out rather than avoid, equipped with biblical wisdom and practical, time-tested advice from Joni Eareckson Tada.

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  • Spiritual Direction : A Guide To Giving And Receiving Direction


    1 The Ministry Of Spiritual Direction
    2 Theological Perspectives
    3 Focused Conversation
    4 Attending To What Is Happening In Our Prayers
    5 A Spiritual Direction Session
    6 Pastoral Ministry, Evangelism And Friendship
    7 The Qualities And Character Of A Director
    8 The Qualities And Character Of A Directee
    9 The Holy Spirit As Spiritual Director
    For Further Reading

    Additional Info
    We Are Not Alone God is present with us. And God gives us companions on the journey. A spiritual director is one such companion, offering spiritual guidance to help make sense of the faith journeyinterpret the significant markers on the roadencourage us, particularly through the more difficult transitions and valleys of our pilgrimageand, most of all, to notice the ministry of the Spirit in our lives Gordon Smith writes: Even if we have been Christians and maturing in our faith for many years, we still need the encouragement and guidance that might come through spiritual direction. . . . Genuine humility is evident in our realization that we need a companion, a fellow pilgrim and Christian, who can help us discern and foster an attentiveness to God’s presence in our lives. This is the gift of spiritual direction. Whether you are a director, a directee or simply someone who wants to learn more about this ancient ministry, you will find this book to be a helpful guide.

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  • Godly Counsel Made Simple


    “The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, because the LORD has anointed me to bring good news to the poor; he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound;” Isaiah 61:1

    Godly Counsel Made Simple is intended to be a teaching tool on “how to make doing the scripture” very simple; so that you can learn life lessons that God has designed for you to help build godly character for every stage of the Christian life.

    The author uses her real life experiences conveyed through stories that are light, simple, real and highlighted with a sense of humour, and yet very frank. From encountering God through the miraculous healing while on her deathbed, to experiencing His Presence at the family altar; she offers encouragement to every believer to see God perform His word through steadfast faith and simple obedience.

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  • Que Hacer Cuando No Sabes Que – (Spanish)


    Life is difficult. Life for every person on earth is a challenging journey – with or without God. Those who invite God to join them on this adventure believe that when bad things happen they can trust God to be present and work on their behalf. But just exactly how does He go about the business of helping us when we don’t know what to do?

    Henry Cloud and John Townsend believe God has given us instructions on how He makes a way for us when we call on Him. If you follow God’s eight principles in this book, you can thrive relationally, emotionally, and spiritually. As clinical psychologists, the authors deal daily with real people facing real problems, so this book is not just psychological or biblical theory. It is a life system that captures God’s wisdom for coping with our most difficult problems.

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  • Deep Mentoring : Guiding Others On Their Leadership Journey


    Randy Reese and Robert Loane believe good leaders are developed in and through slow, deep mentoring. This book is designed to help you understand how to come alongside others as a guide and a friend, to invest in their spiritual formation and leadership. If you want long-term impact on the lives of future leaders, here is your guide.

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  • Restauracion De Dios – (Spanish)


    Readers encounter a new message about God’s redemptive plan for their failures and shortcomings.

    One bite of forbidden fruit is all it took to send humanity reeling from God. What Sheila Walsh unveils in God Loves Broken People is that God had a divine plan even then that is hidden underneath our pain and mistakes. God intends to wield our failures, our wanderings, and the deep hurt of our lives not only to drive us toward him but also to give us a deeper experience of his grace and healing power. So many people, Christians and non-Christians alike, look at their wounds and sense that they are somehow beyond repair, that their moments of weakness make them spiritually defective. In this powerful book full of deep biblical teaching, Walsh encourages readers with God’s truth that he is not done with them yet, that he can and will redeem their failures to create a deeper intimacy with him and accomplish his kingdom purposes.

    Everyone has messed up somehow, sometime. For anyone who is not able to move beyond and experience the deep love and grace of God, they need God Loves Broken People.

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  • Anger Pamphlet : Aim It In The Right Direction


    “God, why did you let this happen to me?”

    The death of a spouse, the betrayal of a friend, and the disability of a child are often so painful that we want to blame God. We all have times of anger, disappointment, and frustration. But when we aim that anger at God, we end up feeling empty, frustrated, and lost. Our anger can either destroy us with self-pity, or God can use it to make us joyful.

    The topics of anger and bitterness are issues that author, Joni Eareckson Tada, can speak to personally: A diving accident in 1967, when she was 17, left her a quadriplegic. She has lived 45 years in a wheelchair and has experienced her share of ups and downs. “But,” she says, “oh, the difference the grace of God has made in my life.” The key is to aim the anger in the right direction.

    Let Joni tell you her secrets to peace and joy, despite her wheelchair. She has spent decades studying the Word of God. She knows that God does not enjoy seeing your pain and frustration. He has compassion for you and gives you many ways to deal with life so that you can have peace. She has taken her most important insights on turning anger into joy (not bitterness) and encapsulated them into this 14-page pamphlet. Whether you or a loved one is suffering, this pamphlet will bring you some help to break free from the strangle hold of anger.

    We can find freedom from the bondage of anger. Joni has been there and she shows the way using biblical principles.

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  • Wheres My Miracle Pamphlet


    Where’s My Miracle?
    What to do when God doesn’t heal you

    Nothing can describe the horror of hearing doctors say, “You will never walk or use your hands again.”

    Or – “You have cancer. I’m afraid it’s terminal.”

    Like many people, you look to the Lord and pray for healing. You have friends and the pastor pray for you, but nothing happens. You read Scripture and claim the promises. You even have someone anoint you with oil or go to a healing crusade. But God doesn’t give you your miracle.

    You confess every possible sin and search your heart for any unconfessed sin. Your faith is strong and you tell everyone you will be healed, yet nothing seems to happen.

    You feel that God is playing a cruel joke or start to blame yourself for a lack of faith.

    And that’s a shame when Christians feel that way…

    The truth is that God certainly can heal and sometimes does heal people in a miraculous way. But the Bible does not teach that he will always heal those who come to him in faith.

    The big question is:
    What does the Bible REALLY teach about healing?

    The key is to understand God’s ultimate goal for your life. You need to-
    *Find joy in knowing God’s priorities for your life.
    *Know the comfort of the biblical promises.
    *Enthusiastically embrace God’s will for your life.

    You can find the joy of serving God despite unanswered prayer in this 14-page pamphlet. In just 30 minutes or less, you will unlock the door to a new attitude toward life.
    The topic of unanswered prayer is an issue that author, Joni Eareckson Tada, can speak to personally: A diving accident in 1967, when she was 17, left her a quadriplegic. She has lived 45 years in a wheelchair and she has experienced her share of ups and downs. “But,” she says, “oh, the difference the grace of God has made in my life.”

    Let Joni tell you her secrets to peace and joy, despite her wheelchair. She has spent decades studying the Word of God. She knows that God does not enjoy seeing your pain and frustration. He has compassion for you and gives you many ways to deal with life so that you can have peace.

    She has taken her most important insights on turning unanswered prayer into a life of joy (not anxiety) and has encapsulated them into this 14-page pamphlet. Whether you or a loved one is suffering. This pamphlet will bring you some help to break free from the strangle hold of fear and worry when God doesn’t seem to answer.

    In this pamphlet, you will find hope. Joni tells her sto

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  • Thankful Heart In A World Of Hurt Pamphlet


    It is hard to be grateful when you are looking into the jaws of mind-bending pain. Chronic illness, a heart attack, a terrible car accident, caring for a developmentally disabled child, facing betrayal and loneliness. These tough times make you want to give up and throw in the towel. You try to overcome, but the exhaustion destroys your energy and hope. You try to pray, but the pain interrupts your concentration. You want to give up.

    The topics of fear and hopelessness, depression and suffering, loneliness and worry are issues that author, Joni Eareckson Tada, can speak to personally: A diving accident in 1967, when she was 17, left her a quadriplegic. She has lived 45 years in a wheelchair and she has experienced her share of ups and downs. “But,” she says, “oh, the difference the grace of God has made in my life.”

    Let Joni tell you her secrets to peace and joy, despite her wheelchair. She has spent decades studying the Word of God. She knows that God does not enjoy seeing your suffering. He has compassion for you and gives you many ways to deal with life’s pain so that you can have peace.

    She has taken her most important insights on thankfulness and joy and encapsulated them into this 14-page pamphlet. Whether you or a loved one is suffering. This pamphlet will bring you comfort.

    In A Thankful Heart in a World of Hurt, author Joni Eareckson Tada tackles questions such as:
    *How can I really give thanks for all things?
    *How can I cultivate a grateful spirit?
    *What was the Apostle Paul’s secret to a grateful heart? (He had been beaten, stoned, whipped, starved, shipwrecked and betrayed by people he thought were friends.)
    *How is it possible to “Rejoice in the Lord always”?

    This colorful pamphlet gives God’s answers to the biggest questions.

    You need this if –
    *you are in pain and need encouragement,
    *you have a friend who needs words of comfort,
    *you are a pastor or church counselor, or
    *you lead a discussion group or home fellowship.

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  • Making Sense Of Suffering Pamphlet


    24 Ways I’ve Found Sense in Suffering by Joni Eareckson Tada
    Suffering is miserable. When you’re overwhelmed by pain and problems, it’s easy to feel helpless, hopeless and sinking into a whirlpool of self-pity.

    Joni Eareckson Tada knows about these emotions first hand. A diving accident in 1967 left her confined to a wheelchair as a quadriplegic at the age of 17. Joni knows what it’s like to suffer chronic pain. Yet she has found comfort and meaning in the God of the Bible.

    Joni says, “Somewhere after the first five years of life in my wheelchair, I noticed a change in my hardships. I was beginning to see how my quadriplegia was working for my good and God’s glory – simply put, it meant becoming more like Christ.”

    24 Ways I’ve Found Sense in Suffering is a Scripture-based pamphlet that will bring hope and comfort to those who are going through for personal difficulties, and will be a great help to groups dealing with grief, disabilities, emotional and physical trauma, divorce, and more.

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  • Surviving The Loss Of A Child (Reprinted)


    Nothing can steal peace and joy and undermine the very foundation of someone’s life like losing a child. It is devastating on a level that most of us can’t imagine. Written after the loss of the author’s own child, Surviving the Loss of a Child offers encouragement and hope to those who may think they will never be able to live fully after such tragedy. Bereaved parents, as well as friends, counselors, pastors, and caregivers, will find this book a source of comfort and discover coping mechanisms as they move through their grief. Revised and updated, it has short chapters that are easy to take in, perfect for people going through this difficult time.

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  • Living Successfully With Screwed Up People (Reprinted)


    People approach Elizabeth Brown after her seminars with the same basic question: How do I deal with someone who is so “screwed-up”? If you had to live with my husband . . . If you had to work with my boss . . .
    Unfortunately, the world is full of screwed-up people, but your world no longer has to revolve around them, writes Brown. With brilliant insights and a keen sense of humor, this trusted author and sought-after speaker shows readers how to:

    stop the power of whatever is eating them alive
    productively respond when confronted
    remain poised and in control when everyone around them loses it win fairly in unfair battles
    let go of what has been, or what they wish would be, and live triumphantly now

    Dozens of real-life success stories, brief diagnostic tests, and practical tools are included to help readers assess their own situation and gain confidence to change self-defeating behaviors.

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  • Silver Boxes : The Gift Of Encouragement


    Now in paperback from Florence Littauer!

    Humorous anecdotes and touching insights inspire readers to reach out with encouragement to people who are hurting and need help. Learn how to make others feel special, mend broken dreams and share the affirming message of the gospel through encouragement

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  • Prayers Potential : Gods Power Through Us Can Do Great Things More Than We


    Mark Taylor is just like anyone else who is struggling with the overwhelming trials of life; he has seen failure and has seen God’s blessings. Mark has walked the hard road; one he chose for himself. He finally took the turn at one of the crossroads in life that allowed Jesus to come in reconstruct his heart. The point of this book is to help and encourage people to pray and in some way to get prayer going in ones life. The answers to living in this world are by being in contact with God, the Author and the Creator of the universe and you. There are only two basic functions you need to do: one is to pray and the other is to read the Bible. If you will do these two things day in and day out, not just when you have problems, the Father will make Himself real to you and you will be able to recognize Him. Your spiritual character will determine your prayer’s effectiveness.

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  • Dancing With Depression


    This small book is written for people who don’t like reading big books! It’s written for you and me. It doesn’t go into great detail about the facts and information about depression. The emphasis is on words of encouragement and principles that work to overcome it. May the contents of this book bring you much needed hope and encouragement in your own “dance” with depression.

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  • Friendship MAPS : A Journey Through Maturity Aspirations Perspectives And S


    Do you hunger to have a sense of where you are in God’s process, purpose, principles, and power at each crossroad in your life? Do you long to travel life’s journey with caring, friendly companions, a well-tested compass, and a trustworthy map? If so, then Friendship MAPS: A Journey through Maturity, Aspirations, Perspectives, and Struggles will point you in the right direction. Friendship is filled with possibilities, and the nature of our friendships often changes throughout our lives. It is a worthwhile endeavor to explore the potential that this person-to-person dynamic holds for each of us. By examining the scope of our maturity, aspirations, perspectives, and struggles (MAPS), we can see how these factors relate to our heart connections. Using the MAPS approach, you can explore the significance of your choices, the threat of superficiality, and the sufficiency of God’s grace as you seek to connect your heart with His and others. Just like the road maps stored in our cars or the GPS in our dashboard, Friendship MAPS provides markers for where we are and where we are going as we relate to those around us. The path that will lead us to good friendships is sometimes a rocky one. Therefore, it helps to have an excellent guidebook. With its solid foundation in biblical truth, Friendship MAPS: A Journey through Maturity, Aspirations, Perspectives, and Struggles fits the bill.

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  • Unplanned Journey : A Triumph In Life And Death


    Whatever He wants, were some of the final words of Philip Joseph Morrow late in the night of April 12, 2005. He was looking at a picture of Jesus which was upright at the end of his hospital bed, occasionally raising his head to look up at it. Can you see him, Honey? I would say to him. Sure can, he is my mate was Phil’s response. That night, at just after 11:11pm, Phil finally met his mate Jesus.This is the story that Philip wanted told. He kept a detailed account of his journey and process for the five months leading up to his death as did his wife Tanya for the months thereafter. This is a story of faith and hope. It brings hope and courage to others who are facing the grief of loss and are now finding their way in life. The author also reveals her process for the twelve months after that April night and the raw emotion which accompanies grief. She openly shares of how it was her faith and abandonment to God which always saw her through.

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  • Night Wrestling


    Just as Jacob wrestled with God in his long desert night’s dream, author Leslie Williams has experienced many late-night wrestling sessions of her own. With piercing honesty and refreshing transparency, Night Wrestling shares the deep unsettling questions that can rob us of peace. More importantly, she offers hope of God’s grace and mercy for those truly seeking His face.

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  • In Every Pew Sits A Broken Heart


    Offers help and hope to those who wonder if they have out-sinned God’s grace or if their life circumstances have set them aside from being used by God, with practical help to every believer and church leader who sits side by side each Sunday with the broken and hurting. Foreword by Billy Graham.

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  • Getting Through What Youre Going Through


    Robert A. Schuller offers ten principles based on Psalm 23 to help break down the barriers to healing and help readers “get through” their difficult times. Whether you’re facing divorce, illness, the death of someone you love, a financial setback, or any other seemingly insurmountable problem, this book can be the answer to your prayers. Schuller’s ten principles will take you verse-by-verse through the Twenty-third Psalm, while breaking down barriers to healing, including self-pity, guilt, fear, and the inability to forgive. Above all, Getting Through What You’re Going Through proves the healing power of faith and prayer. “To get through what you’re going through, you must be willing to be carried, and that takes trusting,” explains Schuller. “Let go and let God support you, and your faith will lead you out of the valley into the Promised Land.”

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  • Counseling Through Your Bible Handbook


    For more than 20 years, June Hunt has given sound counsel and scriptural insights to thousands of hurting people through her popular live radio call-in program Hope in the Night. In this book, June brings together nearly 40 common, urgent problems people struggle with. Each short, to-the-point chapter offers heartfelt encouragement, straight talk, and “how to” steps to begin the journey to victory on serious issues such as…
    difficult relationships anger, depression, and guilt temptation and compulsive behaviors, loneliness, self-worth, and grief forgiveness and reconciliation.

    Christian readers and lay counselors who are looking for a handbook that covers a wide variety of issues will appreciate June’s compassionate and realistic solutions firmly based on God’s Word. This versatile resource repeatedly affirms that Jesus Christ truly is the answer to every human need.

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  • Inside My Heart


    I believe we were put on this earth to enjoy lives of joy and abundance, and that is what I want for you and for me. It’s not my intention to give people advice on how to solve their problems (I leave that to my husband). But I’ve had my share of struggles over the years, and I know a thing or two about what has worked for me. I have chosen to be an active participant in my life rather than a spectator, and in so doing I have chosen how to be a woman, how to be a wife, and how to be a mother in ways that are uniquely my own. I offer the stories of these choices as evidence of the power of sheer determination, will, and faith in God. You’ve seen her on television with her husband, Dr. Phil. But now it’s time for a heart-to-heart conversation with Robin McGraw. In Inside My Heart, Robin speaks woman to woman, inspiring you to embrace and celebrate the many roles you play and encouraging you to make deliberate choices that lead to a richer, happier, and more meaningful life. She shares with you the life-changing moments of her childhood years, dating and marrying Dr. Phil McGraw, raising two sons, and asserting herself as a woman in a man’s world to show you that you have the power to make choices in your life. In fact, she’s convinced that you must choose to go after the life you want. With a deep and abiding faith in God, Robin McGraw shares her story so you too can make choices that reflect your own heart’s truest priorities and highest goals.

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  • Joy For The Journey


    Philippians has been called The Epistle of Joy, but when Paul wrote to the Christians in Philippi, they were going through difficult times. Opposition to the gospel confronted these first-century Christians daily. His letter is one of encouragement and gentle proding. Again and again Paul implores them to rejoice. Paul reminds God’s people that we have something to rejoice about, in spite of adverse circumstances. Joy for the Journey offers a perscription for worry that works! Exchange your doubts, fears, and worries for joy in the Lord!

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