Gary Thomas
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Making Your Marriage A Fortress
$27.99The wisdom and insight every couple needs to keep your marriage together when the trials of life threaten to rip it apart and how you can fortify your marriage ahead of time.
Every marriage will face disaster. Illness or cancer. Job loss or financial burdens. Addiction. Anxiety. Infidelity. Loss of faith. It’s not a question of if your marriage will face trials. It’s a question of when.
Whether you’ve been married for five years or fifty, your marriage will either become part of the problem or part of the solution, and it’s within your power to ensure your marriage is prepared for those seasons, is a place of refuge and safety throughout those seasons, and can recover well after those seasons.
In Making Your Marriage a Fortress, Gary Thomas, bestselling author of Sacred Marriage, guides you and your spouse in building a marriage that can withstand any storm or difficult season. In these pages, you will . . .
*Discover helpful and practical principles to protect your marriage from any struggle
*Learn to detect the warning signs of trouble and how to act on them
*Understand how the state of your marriage is magnified during a crisis and how to improve it
*Be encouraged through stories from Gary’s marriage, as well as others, that you and your spouse are not alone
*Gain spiritual insight about God’s view of marriage and how to live it out in all circumstances–for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, till death do you part
Every marriage will face setbacks and seasons of disappointment, but this book will help you keep your marriage strong before and after a setback happens.
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Sacred Search : What If It’s Not About Who You Marry, But Why (Revised)
$17.99In the revised edition of his hit book The Sacred Search, author Gary Thomas helps single people of all ages make wise marital choices, in large part by rethinking what basis those choices should be made on.
Readers are encouraged to think beyond finding their “soul mate,” an idea that has its roots in the philosophy of Plato, and instead adopt a more biblical search for a “sole mate”– someone who will walk with them on their spiritual journey.
Thomas asks, What if we focused on why to get married more than on who to marry? What if being “in love” isn’t a good enough reason to get married? And most of all, what if God designed marriage to make us holy more than to make us happy?
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Glorious Pursuit : Becoming Who God Created Us To Be
$16.99The Glorious Pursuit examines how you can experience the long-term change that comes from following Jesus and reveal Him in how you act toward others. By examining the virtues of Christ, you’ll be introduced to a new way of experiencing Him that is authentic and gives meaning that lasts.
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Sacred Pathways Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)
$13.99As believers in Christ, many of us today fall into the trap of thinking we have to approach God in a certain way. This one-size-fits-all mentality typically leaves us feeling frustrated and distant from God. But the truth is that not every person will engage with God in the same way. For this reason, it is important to discover the particular pathway that will best help them to experience God’s presence.
In this five-session video study (DVD/digital downloads sold separately), bestselling author Gary Thomas uncovers nine of these spiritual “pathways” that people have used over the centuries to grow closer to God. He provides tools for participants to assess their key pathway (much as the Enneagram does for personality types) and encourages them to investigate the ways they most naturally express themselves in their relationship with God. Gary also points out the strengths and pitfalls of their primary pathway and helps them discover the key spiritual tendencies of their friends, family, and others around them.
Whatever temperament or blend of temperaments best describes our personality, we can rest assured that it is not by accident. It comes by the design of a Creator who knew what he was doing when he made us according to his own unique intentions. Sacred Pathways will reveal the true route we were made to travel.
Sessions include:
1. The Journey of the Soul (Introduction to the Pathways)
2. Pathways of Wonder (Naturalists, Sensates, Aesthetics)
3. Pathways of Contemplation (Contemplatives, Traditionalists, Intellectuals)
4. Pathways of Action (Activists, Caregivers, and Enthusiasts)
5. Tending the Garden of the Soul (How the Pathways Applies to Your Life)Designed for use with the Sacred Pathways Video Study (sold separately).
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Alejate De Las Personas Toxica – (Spanish)
$14.99El llamado de tu vida es demasiado importante para que las personas toxicas te lo quiten. En Alejate de las personas toxicas, Gary Thomas, el autor best seller de Matrimonio sagrado, se basa en historias biblicas y modernas para proveerte con ideas practicas para lidiar con personas dificiles en tu vida y vivir fiel al proposito que Dios te dio.
Como cristianos, a menudo sentimos culpa y la responsabilidad de satisfacer las necesidades de las personas no saludables en nuestras vidas. Ya sea un hermano, padre, conyuge, compaero de trabajo o amigo, las personas toxicas siempre buscan frustrar el llamado de nuestra vida. Mientras buscas primeramente el reino de Dios, ellos buscan primeramente distraer tu atencion y retrasar tu trabajo.
En lugar de intentar la tarea imposible de apaciguar a las personas toxicas, es hora de que dediquemos nuestra energia al unico esfuerzo que vale la pena: completar la obra que Dios nos ha encomendado. Es solo cuando aprendemos a decir no a los malos patrones que podemos decir si al bien que Dios ha planeado para nosotros.
Gary Thomas, el autor best seller de Matrimonio sagrado, observa ejemplos biblicos de las vidas de Jesus, Pablo y Nehemias. Tomado de los aos que sirvio como pastor, Thomas comparte historias modernas y ejemplos practicos para lidiar con personas dificiles en nuestras vidas. Cada capitulo incluye lecciones practicas que puedes aplicar de inmediato. Descubriras como:
*Establecer limites saludables para proteger el llamado de tu vida
*Buscar refugio en Dios cuando te sientas bajo ataque
*Discernir cuando alejarte de una situacion toxica
*Mantener un corazon tierno incluso en relaciones no saludables
*Amar y servir a las personas dificiles al resistir su control
*Hacer crecer tu fuerza interior e invertir en personas confiablesNo podemos dejar que otros roben nuestra alegria o nuestra mision. Es hora de fortalecer nuestra defensa, aprender a poner buenos limites y enfocarnos en el proposito que Dios nos dio.
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Sacred Pathways : Nine Ways To Connect With God
$19.99Sacred Pathways reveals nine distinct spiritual temperaments–and their strengths, weaknesses, and tendencies–to help you improve your spiritual life and deepen your personal walk with God.
It’s time to strip away the frustration of a one-size-fits-all spirituality and discover a path of worship that frees you to be you. Experienced spiritual directors, pastors, and church leaders recognize that all of us engage with God differently, and it’s about time we do too.
In this updated and expanded edition of Sacred Pathways, Gary Thomas details nine spiritual temperaments and–like the Enneagram and other tools do with personality–encourages you to investigate the ways you most naturally express yourself in your relationship with God. He encourages you to dig into the traits, strengths, and pitfalls in your devotional approach so you can eliminate the barriers that keep you locked into rigid methods of worship and praise.
Plus, as you begin to identify and understand your own temperament, you’ll soon learn about the temperaments that aren’t necessarily “you” but that may help you understand the spiritual tendencies of friends, family, and others around you.
Whatever temperament or blend of temperaments best describes you, rest assured it’s not by accident. It’s by the design of a Creator who knew what he was doing when he made you according to his own unique intentions. If your spiritual walk is not what you’d like it to be, you can change that, starting here. Sacred Pathways will show you the route you were made to travel, marked by growth and filled with the riches of a close walk with God.
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Amandolo Bien – (Spanish)
$13.99En este libro confiable y comprobado, escrito por Gary Thomas, ganador del Medallon de oro, muestra como las mujeres pueden inspirar a sus esposos, influir en ellos y ayudarlos a avanzar en una direccion positiva. Sustituir el plan de accion de la esposa por el plan de Dios conduce a una transformacion matrimonial en la cual ambos se enfocan el uno en el otro, de la manera que Dios quiere.Gary se basa en conceptos de su best seller Matrimonio sagrado y presenta aplicaciones practicas que las esposas pueden comenzar a usar hoy mismo, mostrando como estos metodos transforman los matrimonios.En estas paginas, las mujeres encontraran tambien una nueva perspectiva que les ayudara a comprender a sus esposos: la vision de la relacion matrimonial a traves de los ojos de un hombre. Thomas brinda informacion valiosa a las esposas sobre la forma en que los hombres piensan, sienten y se les puede motivar.
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Sacred Parenting : How Raising Children Shapes Our Souls
$18.99Parenting is a school for spiritual formation, says author Gary Thomas, and our children are our teachers. The journey of caring for, rearing, training, and loving our children profoundly alters us forever…even when the journey is sometimes a rough one.
Sacred Parenting is unlike any other parenting book on the market. This is not a “how-to” book that teaches readers the ways to discipline their kids or help them achieve their full potential. Instead of a discussion about how parents change their children, Sacred Parenting turns the tables and demonstrates how God uses children to change their parents.
Stepping beyond the overly-tilled soil of method books, parents can learn a whole new side of parenting. They’ll be encouraged by stories that tell how other parents handled the challenges and difficulties of being a parent – and how their children transformed their relationship with God.
The lessons the author writes about are timeless. But in this edition, Thomas adds in some additional insights and stories that he’s learned and lived over the past fifteen years of his own parenting. Gary has found that the lessons have remained much the same but there are new applications for the readers in this generation who are just now coming to his book.
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Valorar – (Spanish)
$13.99La mayoria de los matrimonios sobreviven en base a determinacion y tolerancia. Pero los matrimonios no solo pueden y deben sobrevivir sino que prosperaran cuando las parejas aprendan a apreciarse el uno a otro. Estas son las palabras poderosas del autor Gary Thomas, contenidas en este libro y que se necesitan hoy mas que nunca en este mundo desesperado por la redencion del matrimonio. Thomas demuestra que aunque hay muchos matrimonios que simplemente siguen la rutina, existen formas en las que se puede revertir este patron: cuando los conyuges aprenden a apreciarse el uno al otro en toda actividad cotidiana y con palabras llenas de amor sincero. Basandose en historias personales y ejemplos de la vida real, Thomas comprueba que los conyuges pueden comenzar a mejorar su matrimonio hoy mismo, incluso un matrimonio empanado por el descuido y la falta de respeto. Al enfocar la conversacion en como atesorar a tu pareja, salir de la rutina para elogiarle, apreciarle, honrarle, animarle y mantenerle cerca de ti, los lectores pasaran de leer este libro a implementar este tipo de acciones que Thomas sugiere traeran esperanza, luz y vida a sus matrimonios.
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Cherish : The One Word That Changes Everything For Your Marriage
$29.99“Most marriages survive by gritting teeth and holding on. But marriages can and will not only survive but thrive when husbands and wives learn to cherish one another.”
Those are the powerful words of bestselling author Gary Thomas in his newest book-Cherish. And in a world desperate for marriage redemption, it is needed now more than ever.
Thomas shows that although there are a countless number of marriages consisting of two people just going through the motions, there are real ways this pattern can be reversed: when husbands and wives learn to cherish one another in proven, loving, and everyday actions and words.
Through personal stories and real world examples, Thomas proves what husbands and wives can begin doing today to turn their marriage around-even a marriage marred by neglect and disrespect.
So how do you cherish your spouse? Thomas will show you how going out of your way to notice them, appreciate them, honor them, encourage them, and hold them close to your heart will bring hope, light, and life into your marriage.
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Sacred Marriage Participants Guide (Student/Study Guide)
$16.99In this six-session small group Bible study, Sacred Marriage, writer and speaker Gary Thomas invites you to see how God can use marriage as a discipline and a motivation to reflect more of the character of Jesus.
Your marriage is much more than a union between you and your spouse. It is a spiritual discipline ideally suited to help you know God more fully and intimately. Sacred Marriage shifts the focus from marital enrichment to spiritual enrichment in ways that can help you love your mate more. Whether it is delightful or difficult, your marriage can become a doorway to a closer walk with God.
Everything about your marriage-from the history you and your spouse create, to the love you share, to the forgiveness you both offer and seek by turn-is filled with the capacity to help you grow in Christ’s character.
In addition to life-changing insights, you’ll find a wealth of discussion questions in this Participant’s Guide that will spark meaningful conversation in your group, between you and your spouse, or to simply ponder by yourself. You’ll also find self-assessments, activities, and highlights all created to help you engage deeply and prayerfully with the content of this study. Designed for use with the Sacred Marriage DVD (sold separately).
Sessions include:
*God’s Purpose for Marriage
*The Refining Power of Marriage
*The God-Centered Spouse
*Sacred History
*Sexual Saints
*Marriage: The Love LaboratoryAdd to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Sacred Marriage : What If God Designed Marriage To Make Us Holy More Than T
$19.99Sacred Marriage doesn’t just offer techniques to make a marriage happier. It does contain practical tools, but what married Christians most need is help in becoming holier husbands and wives. Sacred Marriage offers that help with insights from Scripture, church history, time tested wisdom from Christian classics, and examples from today’s marriages. Revised Edition.
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Every Body Matters
$18.99Few pastors or Christian writers have dared to approach the subject of how proper eating and an active lifestyle can affect how we serve God. Author Gary Thomas does just that. And he reaches all the way back to the apostle Paul, who wrote that we need to prime our bodies to become, ‘an instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.’ To illustrate the body/soul correlation, Thomas presents engaging and diverse stories that include a young mom who got fit through volleyball and reaped spiritual rewards in her marriage, a 300-pound pastor who realized his obesity was eroding his ministry impact, and a woman who gained the spiritual strength to survive a contentious divorce by training for a marathon. In every instance, Thomas makes a direct connection between the physical challenge and its spiritual consequence. This book is a must read for anyone seeking new and compelling motivation for strengthening their bodies and fortifying their souls.
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Matrimonio Sagrado – (Spanish)
$16.99What if God designed marriage to make us holy rather than to make us happy? Starting with the discovery that the goal of marriage goes beyond personal happiness, writer and speaker Gary Thomas invites readers to see how God can use marriage as a discipline and a motivation to love Him more and reflect more of the character of His Son. Everything about your marriage-everything-is filled with prophetic potential, with the capacity for discovering and revealing Christ’s character.
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Thirsting For God
$23.73Gary Thomas, a popular speaker and the bestselling author of Sacred Pathways, invites readers to reinvigorate their faith journey as he sheds light on refreshing perspectives about prayer, hope, purpose, and the thirst for God and His love.
With insight from Gary’s personal journey, readers delve into classic Christian writings from John of the Cross, Teresa of Avila, Thomas a Kempis, and others, and emerge with practical and unexpected ways to:
*know God more intimately and delight in Him
*embark on a path of spiritual training that lasts a lifetime
*experience the joy of a life surrendered to Christ
*discover kindred spirits in the great Christian thinkers and seekers
*move toward spiritual growth and understandingThirsting for God offers companionship and the mentorship of great words, minds, and hearts as readers encounter a fulfilling, transforming relationship with God.
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Holy Available : What If Holiness Is About More Than What We Dont Do
$14.99True Christian faith is a profoundly transformational experience in which every part of our being is marked by God’s change and energized by his presence.
This transformation takes us far beyond mere sin avoidance to a robust “full-bodied” holiness in which we make ourselves “holy available” to God every minute of the day.
From Starbucks, to the office, to the soccer fields, to the boardroom, believers have the opportunity to carry the presence of Christ wherever they go.
God offers the reader more than mere forgiveness; he wants to radically change and fill them with his presence, so they can experience an entirely different kind of life based not just on what they do or don’t do but on who they are.
Yet while many Christians today profess belief, their Christianity has no pulse. Holy Available is a manifesto of fully alive faith. Gary Thomas issues a compelling call for readers to see with Christ’s eyes, feel with Christ’s heart, and serve with Christ’s hands. We make ourselves available to become “God oases,” places of spiritual refuge where God can bring the hurting and lost to enjoy his presence and ministry.
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Won By Love
$16.98In Roe v. Wade, perhaps the most controversial United States Supreme Court decision, Norma McCorvey fought for and won the right to secure an abortion. Though she never had an abortion, under the pseudonym “Jane Roe,” Norma reluctantly became the poster child for the pro-choice movement.
Over the next two decades, Norma experienced the grief and despair of millions of women who chose to abort their babies; she witnessed the destruction of thousands of human lives in abortion clinics where she worked; and the “champion” of the pro-choice movement was soon being crushed by the weight of so much pain, so much death, and so many ill-considered “choices.”
Finally, she began to break. She found out that the real choice she had been burdened with was not about abortion but about eternal life. It was a choice that would shock the world and change Norma’s life forever.
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