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James Wilhoit

  • Effective Bible Teaching (Reprinted)


    Why does Bible study flourish in some churches and small groups and not in others? In this updated edition of a trusted classic, two Christian education specialists provide readers with the knowledge and methods needed to effectively communicate the message of the Bible. The book offers concrete guidance for mastering a biblical text, interpreting it, and applying its relevance to life. Its methods, which have been field-tested for twenty-five years, help pastors, teachers, and ministry students improve their classroom skills. Readers will learn how to develop the “big idea” of a passage and allow the text itself to suggest creative teaching methods. This new edition has been updated throughout and explores the changed landscape of Bible study over the past two decades. Readable and interdisciplinary in approach, this book will help a new generation of Bible students teach in a purposeful and unified way.


    Part 1: Effective Teaching
    1. The Changing Landscape of Bible Study
    2. The Church’s Unfinished Task
    3. The Tasks of the Effective Teacher
    4. The Teacher: The Human Element in Teaching
    Part 2: The Methods of Effective Bible Teaching
    5. Discovering Unity in Biblical Passages: The Genre and Structure of a Passage
    6. Thematic Unity in Biblical Passages: Teaching the Big Idea
    7. Bridging the Gap
    8. Principles of Biblical Interpretation
    9. Understanding the Methods of Inductive and Directed Bible Studies
    10. Leading Inductive Bible Studies
    Part 3: The Bible We Teach
    11. What Kind of Book Is the Bible?
    12. Types of Writing in the Bible
    13. Teaching the Stories of the Bible
    14. Teaching the Poetry of the Bible
    15. Teaching Other Genres of the Bible

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  • Discovering Lectio Divina



    1. Thirsty For God
    We Long For Living Water
    The Invitation To Meditate
    The Sweetness And Bitterness Of Scripture
    We Hope For Trans-formation

    2. The Divinely Spoken Scripture
    God’s Word In Human Speech
    God’s Love Letter
    The Divinely Spoken Scripture
    A Record Of Human Relationship With God
    Invitation To Human Relationship With God

    3. We Who Live And Read
    We Are Not Alone
    What We Bring
    What The Spirit Brings
    What The Spirit Does

    4. Reading
    What Is Reading Like?
    Reading And Interpreting
    Personal Interpretation And The Holy Spirit
    The Practice Of Reading
    A Final Story

    5. Meditating
    What Is Scripture Meditation?
    Slow Down
    Take It In
    Take It With You

    6. Praying
    Prayer Before Reading And Meditating
    Prayer During Reading And Meditating
    Prayer After Reading And Meditating
    Prayer As The House That Lectio Divina Inhabits

    7. Contemplating
    The Word Contemplation
    God’s Presence
    The Practice Of Contemplation

    8. Acting In The Midst Of The Trials Of Life
    Scripture Leads Us Into Action
    Action Draws Us Into Scripture

    For Further Reading

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    Saints of the past can’t seem to say enough about their ecstatic experiences with Bible reading. Meanwhile it’s all you can do to keep from dozing off. What was their secret? James Wilhoit and Evan Howard argue that our ancestors responded to the special nature of the Bible with special habits of reading. In this step-by-step introduction to the practice of lectio divina, you will learn what it means to read your way to intimacy with God.

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  • Dictionary Of Biblical Imagery


    This unique reference offers an encyclopedic exploration of topics not found in ordinary Bible dictionaries—like the images, symbols, motifs, metaphors, and literary patterns of the Bible. With its right-brain (rather than left-brain) approach, this warm and creative study resource examines the artistic expressions that fascinate and puzzle Christians.

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  • Christian Educators Handbook On Adult Education (Reprinted)


    368 Pges In 24 Chapters

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    How do adults learn? For nearly thirty years the general education field, influenced by the adult education model of Malcolm Knowles, has directed considerable attention toward answering this question. With The Christian Educator’s Handbook on Adult Education, evangelicals join the discussion.

    The Christian Educator’s Handbook on Adult Education represents one of the first comprehensive attempts by evangelicals to apply adult education theory to Christian education in general. In this book contributors from across the evangelical spectrum–practitioners and academics–present an accessible interpretation, application, and critique of Knowles’ approach from a biblical perspective. The result is a highly practical volume composed of applied, theoretical, and age-specific chapters that will appeal to those in ministry and higher education. Also included is a chapter by Knowles, reflecting on his contributions to Christian adult education.

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