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Jim Essian

  • Send : Loving Your Church By Praying, Giving, Or Going


    What would change if you saw where you live, what you do and who you are as part of God’s great plan to build his church?

    This book will show you that wherever and whoever you are, you are sent. Discover how to play your part in God’s plan of redemption–whether by praying, giving or going. And get excited about building a kingdom that is constantly expanding, scattering and sending for the sake of the lost.

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  • Like Father Like Sons



    Your Heavenly Father is. The problem is that we see the Father through our earthly father. We are all given lenses at some point in our childhood, and we still wear them even as we begin to parent our own children. The lenses gray our understanding of the Father. Who is He? What does He think of me? Does He accept me? Is He proud of me? What does He want from me?

    Herein lies the beauty of the gospel: In Christ, our lenses are removed so we can clearly see the Father, and, in Christ, the Father puts on lenses and sees us through His perfect Son!

    This means that in the Gospel we can see what the Father is like. God the Father not only exemplifies fatherhood, but He empowers us in the Gospel to father like Him. If we can see the Father, we can image the father to our children.

    So what is the Father like?

    Let s remove the lenses and see.

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