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    John Maxwell

    • Beyond Talent : Become Someone Who Gets Extraordinary Results


      New York Times best-selling author John C. Maxwell shows that talent is just the starting point for a successful impact in any organization. It’s what takes you beyond your talent that matters. People everywhere are proving him right. Read the headlines, watch the highlights, or just step out your front door: Some talented people reach their full potential, while others self-destruct or remain trapped in mediocrity. What makes the difference? Maxwell, the go-to guru for business professionals across the globe, insists that the choices people make–not merely the skills they inherit–propel them to greatness. Among other truths, successful people know that: Belief lifts your talent. Initiative activates your talent. Focus directs your talent. Preparation positions your talent. Practice sharpens your talent. Perseverance sustains your talent. Character protects your talent. . . . and more! It’s what you add to your talent that makes the greatest difference. With authentic examples and time-tested wisdom, Maxwell shares thirteen attributes you need to maximize your potential and live the life of your dreams. You can have talent alone and fall short of your potential. Or you can go beyond talent and really stand out.

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    • Put Your Dream To The Test


      New York Times and Business Week best-selling author John C. Maxwell helps people answer ten powerful questions to reveal a future where their dream is fulfilled. Most people John Maxwell encounters have a dream. In fact, he’s asked thousands about their greatest aspirations. Some describe their dream with great enthusiasm and detail. Others are reluctant, almost embarrassed, to talk about it. Regardless of their zeal or fear, the same question drives every person with a dream: Can I achieve it? Sadly, most people have no idea how viable their dream is. They hope to achieve it, yet hope is not a strategy. What people need is a way to test their dream. In Put Your Dream to the Test, Maxwell brings the subject of a personal dream down to earth. He gives readers practical and powerful direction for their lives by leading them through ten questions that will help them create a clear and compelling pathway to their dream.

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    • Maxwell Daily Reader


      The Maxwell Daily Reader draws its unique power from an ageless truth: the heart of leadership is created through actions, put into practice one day at a time. Each entry delivers a powerful leadership principle, ready for real-world practice. Featuring timeless wisdom from fourteen of John C. Maxwell’s (New York Times best-selling author) leadership books, this is a must have for any Maxwell fan or the perfect gift to introduce others to his writing.

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    • Claves Para Un Liderazgo Genui – (Spanish)


      Many books have been written about leadership. There are authors who have been a great inspiration and who challenge us to reach beyond our limitations to achieve more than we ever thought possible. In Keys to Genuine Leadership we have selected the writings of some of the most well-known contemporary authors and carefully summarized catchphrases and ideas from some of their most inspiring books, all compressed here into one powerful volume. Here you will find the keys for learning how to influence people and become a truly genuine leader. This is a collection of the best of the best from today’s most relevant authors.

      Some of the authors: John Maxwell, Rick Warren, Dante Gebel, Lucas Leys, Bill Hybels, Osvaldo Carnival, Lee Strobel, and others.

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    • Relaciones 101 – (Spanish)


      Great leaders understand that their team is only as strong as its weakest link. And healthy, nurtured relationships are key in making your team operate as a well-oiled machine. In Relationships 101, John Maxwell offers time-tested principles for connecting with people and building positive working relationships within an organization. The unique, pocket-size format puts straightforward, practical information at your fingertips. Topics include: What Do I Need to Know about Others? How Can I Become a Better Listener? What Does It Mean to Have Integrity with People? How Can I Serve and Lead at the Same Time?

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    • Autosuperacion 101 – (Spanish)


      Another great little book packed with wisdom and instruction to add to the successful Maxwell 101 series.

      Drawing from the wisdom in his books El mapa para alcanzar el exito, El talento nunca es suficiente, Desarrolle los lideres alrededor de usted, El lado positivo del fracaso, Lider de 360, Como ganarse a la gente, and Liderazgo, principios de oro, John C. Maxwell provides in Autosuperacion 101 the essentials all leaders need to keep striving for excellence no matter where they are or what they are doing. After all, great leaders who are growth oriented rather than goal oriented never “arrive,” they just keep building upon what they are learning.

      Otro gran librito repleto de sabiduria e instruccion para aadir a la exitosa serie Maxwell 101.

      Haciendo uso de la sabiduria de sus libros El mapa para alcanzar el exito, El talento nunca es suficiente, Desarrolle los lideres que estan alrededor de usted, El lado positivo del fracaso, Lider de 360, Como ganarse a la gente y Liderazgo, principios de oro, John C. Maxwell ofrece en Autosuperacion 101 los principios esenciales que necesitan todos los lideres para seguir esforzandose en alcanzar la excelencia independientemente de donde se encuentren o que esten haciendo. Despues de todo, los grandes lideres que estan orientados hacia el desarrollo en lugar de las metas, nunca “llegan”, ellos simplemente se mantienen edificando a base de lo que estan aprendiendo.

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    • Think On These Things


      A leader’s ability to achieve anything great for God begins in his or her heart and mind. quoted from John C. Maxwell

      Effective leadership starts with healthy, clear thinking. Successful leaders know how to focus on the essentials.

      Best-selling author and leadership specialist John C. Maxwell shares meditations sure to challenge us as leaders to reach our full potential as servants of God. In this 30th anniversary edition of his very first book, we learn that our ability to achieve anything great for God begins in our hearts and minds.

      Ready for a change of heart? Ready to be transformed by the renewing of your mind? Increase your effectiveness as both leader and servant as you think on these things.

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    • Poder De Las Conexiones – (Spanish)


      The world’s most respected leadership expert gives five principles and five practices to expose and break the invisible barrier to leadership and personal success.

      You have a good idea but can’t convince your peers of its merit. You crafted a groundbreaking strategy, but the team trudges on in the same old way. Certain people seem to moving forward in their career while you seem to be stuck. If this describes you or someone you know, the problem is not the quality of what you have to offer. The problem is how you connect with people to create the results you desire.

      In The Irresistible Power of Connection, John Maxwell takes readers through the Five Connecting Principles and the Five Connecting Practices of top-notch achievers. He believes that a person’s ability create change and results in any organization, be it a company, church, nonprofit, or even a family, are directly tied to their ability to use the teachings of this book.

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    • 21 Leyes Irrefutables Del Lide (Workbook) – (Spanish) (Workbook)


      What would happen if a top expert with more than 40 years of leadership experience were willing to distill everything he had learned about leadership into a handful of life-changing principles just for you? It would change your life. John C. Maxwell has done exactly that in The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. He has combined insights learned from his thirty-plus years of leadership successes and mistakes with observations from the worlds of business, politics, sports, religion, and military conflict. The result is a revealing study of leadership delivered as only a communicator like Maxwell can.

      ?Que sucederia si un gran experto con mas de cuarenta anos de experiencia en liderazgo estuviera dispuesto a compilar todo lo que ha aprendido acerca del tema en unos cuantos principios innovadores y todo por usted? Su vida cambiaria.John C. Maxwell ha hecho eso exactamente en Las 21 leyes irrefutables del liderazgo. Ha combinado varias observaciones de mas de cuarenta anos de exitos y fracasos personales en el liderazgo con historias del mundo de los negocios, la politica, los deportes, la religion y los conflictos militares. El resultado es un estudio revelador acerca del liderazgo como solo un comunicador de la talla de Maxwell lo puede hacer.

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    • Lider De 360 Cuaderno De Ejerc (Workbook) – (Spanish) (Workbook)


      In his nearly thirty years of teaching leadership, John Maxwell has encountered this question again and again: How do I apply leadership principles if I’m not the boss? In The 360 Degree Leader Workbook, Maxwell addresses that very question and takes the discussion even further. You don’t have to be the main leader, asserts Maxwell, to make significant impact in your organization. Good leaders are not only capable of leading their followers but are also adept at leading their superiors and their peers. Debunking myths and shedding light on the challenges, John Maxwell offers specific principles for Leading Down, Leading Up, and Leading Across. 360-Degree Leaders can lead effectively, regardless of their position in an organization. By applying Maxwell’s principles, you will expand your influence and ultimately be a more valuable team member.

      Durante sus mas de cuarenta anos en ensenar acerca del liderazgo, John Maxwell se ha enfrentado a la siguiente pregunta una y otra vez: ?Como pongo en practica principios de liderazgo si no soy el jefe? En Lider de 360, cuaderno de ejercicios, Maxwell trata esta pregunta y profundiza la conversacion aun mas. Usted no tiene que ser el lider principal para causar un impacto en su organizacion. Los buenos lideres no son capaces unicamente de dirigir a sus seguidores, sino tambien son expertos en dirigir a sus supervisores y sus contemporaneos.John Maxwell ofrece principios especificos para delegar, dirigir y supervisar que acabaran con los mitos sobre el liderazgo y ofreceran una luz mas clara sobre los retos futuros. Los lideres de 360 grados pueden dirigir efectivamente, sin importar su posicion en una organizacion. Si aplica los principios de Maxwell, usted podra ampliar su influencia y poder trabajar en equipo de una manera mas eficiente.

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    • Vive Tu Sueno – (Spanish)


      Most people John Maxwell encounters have a dream. In fact, he’s asked thousands about their greatest aspirations. Some describe their dream with great enthusiasm and detail. Others are reluctant, almost embarrassed, to talk about it. Regardless of their zeal or fear, the same question drives every person with a dream: Can I achieve it?

      Sadly, most people have no idea how viable their dream is. They hope to achieve it, yet hope is not a strategy. What people need is a way to test their dream.

      John C. Maxwell ayuda a la gente acontestar diez preguntas poderosas que revelan un futuro en el que se cumplensus suenos.La mayoria de la gente con la que se encuentra John Maxwelltiene un sueno. De hecho, el ha preguntado a miles acerca de las aspiraciones masgrandes que tienen. Algunos describen su sueno con gran entusiasmo y detalle. Otrosse muestran reacios, casi avergonzados de hablar de ello. Independientemente desu celo o temor, la misma pregunta impulsa a cada persona que tiene un sueno: ?Lopodre alcanzar?Tristemente, la mayoria de la gente no tiene idea de loviable que su sueno es. Espera alcanzarlo, pero la esperanza no es unaestrategia. Lo que la gente necesita es una manera de poner a prueba su sueno.En !Vive tu sueno!, Maxwell trae a la realidad eltema del sueno personal. Brinda a los lectores direccion poderosa y practicapara sus vidas guiandoles a traves de diez preguntas que les ayudaran a crearun camino claro y convincente hacia su sueno.

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    • Actitud 101 – (Spanish)


      Great leaders understand that the right attitude will set the right atmosphere, which enables the right responses form others. Author John C. Maxwell addresses what shapes a person’s attitude and whether or not attitude can be changed. He addresses the common feeling of failure and shows how to overcome obstacles. Understanding success as a journey rather than a destination, he explains, is the key to good leadership.

      Los grandes lideres comprenden que la actitud correcta brinda el ambiente adecuado que posibilita que los demas tengan las respuestas apropiadas.

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    • Life At Work


      People of faith need to be comfortable and intentional in two worlds-the world of the kingdom and the world of the commercial-blending and balancing their roles in each. Authors John C. Maxwell, Stephen Graves, and Thomas Addington identify the basic tools followers of Jesus should always have in their work toolbox: Calling, Serving, Character, and Skill.

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    • 360 Degree Leader Workbook (Workbook)


      In his nearly thirty years of teaching leadership, John Maxwell has encountered this question again and again: How do I apply leadership principles if I’m not the boss? In The 360 Degree Leader Workbook, Maxwell addresses that very question and takes the discussion even further. You don’t have to be the main leader, asserts Maxwell, to make significant impact in your organization. Good leaders are not only capable of leading their followers but are also adept at leading their superiors and their peers. Debunking myths and shedding light on the challenges, John Maxwell offers specific principles for Leading Down, Leading Up, and Leading Across. 360-Degree Leaders can lead effectively, regardless of their position in an organization. By applying Maxwell’s principles, you will expand your influence and ultimately be a more valuable team member.

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    • Courageous Leadership Workbook (Workbook)


      Courageous Leadership Workbook will help both you and your leadership team become the exceptional leaders that God has called you to be. Now more than ever, the world is looking for great leaders. Biblical leadership goes beyond mere ability and personality. Consider your church staff, small group members, or colleagues: Are they leading as effectively as they could? Are they maximizing their own potential? Are they effectively cultivating the talents and gifts within those they influence? The Courageous Leadership Workbook serves as a “how to” guide for every leader.

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    • Liderazgo Principios De Oro – (Spanish)


      Escribir Liderazgo, principios de oro le llevo a Maxwell toda una vida, y ofrece sus lecciones mas valiosas basadas en cuarenta anos de liderazgo. Un lider entre los lideres, John Maxwell se prometio a si mismo al comienzo de su carrera que no escribiria este libro hasta tener sesenta anos de edad. Y ahora finalmente esta aqui. Con su estilo caracteristico, Maxwell se pone al lado de uno como mentor, haciendo que los lectores sientan como si fuera un programa individual de liderazgo. Liderazgo, principios de oro ofrece lo mejor de lo mejor, las lecciones probadas y veraces que nadie sino Maxwell puede compartir.

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    • Leadership Gold : Lessons Ive Learned From A Lifetime Of Leading


      Leadership Gold took leadership guru John C. Maxwell a lifetime to write, and it delivers his most valuable lessons from forty years of leading. A leader among leaders, John Maxwell promised himself early in his career that he wouldn’t write this book until he was sixty. And now it’s finally here. Leadership Gold took Maxwell a lifetime to write, and it delivers his most valuable lessons from forty years of leading. With his signature style, Maxwell comes alongside like a mentor, candidly taking readers through what feels like a one-on-one leadership program. Leadership Gold offers the best of the best, the tried-and-true lessons that no one but Maxwell can share.

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    • 21 Most Powerful Minutes In A Leaders Day


      While a few people appear to be born leaders, the ability to lead is actually a collection of skills, nearly all of which can be learned and sharpened. Based on his New York Times bestseller The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, author John C. Maxwell presents a daily plan to help you grow as a leader in your personal, professional, and spiritual life.

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    • Talent Is Never Enough Workbook (Workbook)


      Leadership expert Dr. John C. Maxwell knows that people are never successful by talent alone, and in this workbook he outlines the thirteen crucial things you can do to maximize your natural talents and become a “Talent-plus” person.

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    • Talento Nunca Es Suficiente – (Spanish)


      SKU (ISBN): 9780881130720ISBN10: 0881130729Language: SpanishJohn MaxwellBinding: Trade PaperPublished: April 2007Publisher: Groupo Nelson

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    • Winning With People


      What’s the one characteristic needed for success in leadership? Effective CEOs, entrepreneurs, salespersons, and pastors will tell you it’s the ability to work with others. Maxwell shares 25 essential realtionship principles that will help you accomplish the most-professionally and personally. Some are intuitive, others may go against your instincts, but they’re all practical.

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    • Failing Forward : Turning Mistakes Into Stepping Stones For Success


      Are some people born to achieve anything they want while others struggle? Call them lucky, blessed, or possessors of the Midas touch. What is the real reason for their success? Is it family background, wealth, greater opportunities, high morals, an easy childhood?
      John Maxwell has the answer—the difference between average people and achieving people is their perception of and response to failure.

      Most people are never prepared to deal with failure. Maxwell says that if you are like him, coming out of school, you feared it, misunderstood it, and ran away from it. But Maxwell learned to make failure his friend, and he can teach you to do the same.

      “I want to help you learn how to confidently look the prospect of failure in the eye and move forward anyway,” says Maxwell. “Because in life, the question is not if you will have problems, but how you are going to deal with them. Stop failing backward and start failing forward!”

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    • Your Road Map For Success


      Defining success is a difficult task. Most people equate it with wealth, power, and happiness. However, true success is not a thing you acquire or achieve. Rather, it is a journey you take your whole life long. In a refreshingly straightforward style, John Maxwell shares unique insights into what it means to be successful. And he reveals a definition that puts genuine success within your reach yet motivates you to keep striving for your dreams. I want to help you discover your personal road map for success, teach you what it means to be on the success journey, answer many of your questions, and equip you with what you’ll need to change yourself and keep growing. – John C. Maxwell

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    • Vida El Trabajo – (Spanish)


      People of faith need to be comfortable and intentional in two worlds – the world of the kingdom and the world of the commercial – blending and balancing their roles in each. Authors John C. Maxwell, Stephen Graves, and Thomas Addington identify the basic tools followers of Jesus should always have in their work toolbox. Calling, Serving, Character, and Skill.

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    • Becoming A Person Of Influence


      America’s leadership expert teaches that if your life in any way connects with other people, you are an influencer. Whatever your vocation or aspiration is, you can increase your impact with Maxwell’s simple, insightful ways to interact more positively with others. Watch your personal and organizational success go off the charts!

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    • Lider 360 – (Spanish)


      Durante sus mas de treinta anos en ensenar acerca del liderazgo, John Maxwell se ha enfrentado a la siguiente pregunta una y otra vez: ?Como pongo en practica principios de liderazgo si no soy el jefe? Esta buena pregunta recibe su respuesta en el libro de Maxwell, Lider 360. Usted no tiene que ser el lider principal para causar un impacto en su organizacion. Los buenos lideres no son capaces unicamente de dirigir a sus seguidores, sino tambien son expertos en dirigir a sus supervisores y sus contemporaneos. John Maxwell ofrece principios especificos para delegar, dirigir y supervisar que acabaran con los mitos sobre el liderazgo y ofreceran una luz mas clara sobre los retos futuros. Los lideres de 360 grados pueden dirigir efectivamente, sin importar su posicion en una organizacion. Si aplica los principios de Maxwell, usted podra ampliar su influencia y poder trabajar en equipo de una manera mas eficiente.

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    • Developing The Leaders Around You


      Developing leadership qualities in others is the way to ensure success in today’s competitive world because the one asset that truly appreciates within any organization is people. People can grow, develop, and become more effective if they have a leader who understands their potential value.

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    • Winning With People Workbook


      What kind of price would you put on good people skills? Ask the successful CEOs of major corporations, entrepreneurs, top salespeople, teachers, pastors, and parents what characteristic is most needed for success in leadership positions, and they’ll tell you– it’s the ability to work with people.

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    • Liderazgo Eficaz – (Spanish)


      In this book, John C. Maxwell considers the qualities that we should develop in the critical areas of our life. Some of them are: What is the key to getting along with others? What do I see in others? What do others see in me? Be someone worth following. Motivate people. Learn to earn the respect of others and to develop a winning team.

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    • 25 Maneras De Ganarse A La Gen – (Spanish)


      Descripcion (Description):

      Si ha leido el exito de libreria de John Maxwell Como ganarse a la gente y esta listo para tomar pasos concretos que le ayuden a desarrollar lo que ha aprendido, !25 Maneras de ganarse a la gente es el libro que andaba buscando! Este material de acompaamiento es ideal como un curso rapido sobre las relaciones interpersonales.
      Una pequea muestra sobre las veinticinco areas de accion para crear relaciones positivas y saludables:

      Elogie a las personas en publico
      Construya un recuerdo y vaya a el con frecuencia
      Anime a los otros a soar

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    • Como Ganarse A La Gente – (Spanish)


      Descripcion (Description): Las relaciones son el epicentro de todas las experiencias positivas en los seres humanos. Desde el momento en que nacemos, las relaciones nos marcan, en nuestras familias, en el campo de juegos, en la escuela y en nuestros trabajos. Maxwell, un comunicador maestro y experto en estudio relacional, hace que el aprendizaje sobre las relaciones sea algo accesible para todos. Los lideres mas sofisticados y los vendedores podran asirse de habilidades que los haran progresar y los novatos en relaciones aprenderan tecnicas que los transformaran en unos verdaderos dinamos de sus relaciones.

      Relationships are at the heart of every positive human experience. From the moment of birth, relationships mark us – in our families, on the playground, at school, and in the workplace.

      Maxwell, a master communicator and relational expert, makes learning about relationships accessible to everyone. The most sophisticated leaders and salespeople will pick up on skills that will make them even better. And relational novices will learn skills that can transform them into relational dynamos.

      Maxwell’s secret is the people principles he teaches. Relationships work and build on five levels: Readiness, Connection, Trust, Investment, and Reward. On each level are principles that will change the way you view interpersonal relationships. Some are intuitive, such as the Mirror Principle: The first person we must examine is ourselves. Others may go against your instincts, such as the Confrontation Principle: Caring for people should precede confronting people. All of them are 100 percent practical!

      Maxwell delves into issues that confront us in the workplace, at home, in church, at school – in short, anyplace you find people. And he reveals not only the benefits of developing healthy relationships, but how to actually do it. Working with others is the key to success in every area of life. As Maxwell says, “If you can win with people, you can win!”

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    • Deuteronomy


      “As you use this volume, you will be impressed with how regularly and insightfully Dr. Maxwell does indeed “bring the power of the past to bear on the present.” This commentary is full to the brim with contemporary illustrations, anecdotes, quotations, and applications. Biblical passages are clearly interpreted, and then neatly applied through ordered, contemporary principles. In Dr. Maxwell’s hands, Deuteronomy addresses our current situation with vigor and relevance.”–Lloyd J. Ogilvie, Editor, Mastering The Old Testament

      For those on the firing line in pulpits, classes, study groups, and Bible fellowship clusters, here is a distinctly different kind of commentary. Mastering the Old Testament combines rich resources of the historical setting and textual interpretation with practical application to aid in contemporary Bible study. This commentary provides critical textual exposition, corollary verses or illustrations from other portions of the Bible, and classical or contemporary life-situation illustrations.

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    • Developing The Leaders Around You Workbook (Workbook)


      Dr. John C. Maxwell is committed to more than just being a leader_he’s also committed to nurturing and mentoring thousands of potential leaders around him. This passion is what caused him to found INJOY and EQUIP, and it is the driving force in his ministry. Both practical and inspirational, Developing the Leaders Around You is crammed with strategies that help you effectively transform your goals into reality by building leadership in the people around you. Emphasizing that an organization can’t grow until its members grow, Dr. Maxwell encourages readers to foster a productive team spirit, make difficult decisions, handle confrontation, and to nurture, encourage, and equip people to be leaders.

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    • Theres No Such Thing As Business Ethics


      Bestselling author and expert on leadership John C. Maxwell claims there is only ONE rule for business. How does a person judge what is ethical? Sometimes it is clear. You know Enron’s leaders were in the wrong. But is it always easy to see where the line is in your life? What’s the standard? And can it work in all situations? John C. Maxwell thinks it can. When the New York Times best-selling author, successful businessman, and former pastor was asked about his thoughts on business ethics, his response was, “There’s no such thing. There is only ethics.”
      Maxwell asserts there’s one ethical standard for all behavior. And you might be surprised by what it’s based on. Did you know that a variation of the Golden Rule exists in every major religion? In There’s No Such Thing as Business Ethics, Maxwell shows how people can live with integrity by using the Golden Rule as their standard-regardless of religion, culture, or circumstances. Along the way, he delves into the desires of the human heart, reveals the five most common causes that get people off track ethically, and teaches how to develop the Midas touch when it comes to integrity

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    • 17 Leyes Incuestionables Del T – (Spanish)


      Todo el mundo es parte de un equipo.

      Si usted esta casado, usted y su conyuge son un equipo. Si es un empleado, usted y su compaeros de trabajo son un equipo. Si usted da su tiempo a una iglesia u otra organizacion, es parte de un equipo de voluntarios. En su estilo unico y facil de entender, el Dr. Maxwell explica de una manera sencilla de retener el proceso de construir un equipo ganador y como ponerlo en practica.

      17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork

      Everyone is part of some team.
      This book contains laws that you can count on when it comes to getting people to work together, but it tells them in such a way that you can start applying them to your life today.

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    • Mapa Para Alcanzar El Txito – (Spanish)


      Dificil tarea es definir el exito. La mayoria de las personas lo hacen equivalente a la riqueza, el poder y la felicidad. Pero el verdadero exito no es algo que uno adquiere o logra. Mas bien es un viaje que se emprende y que dura toda la vida. En un estilo fresco, directo y lleno de buen humor, John C. Maxwell nos hace participes de sus ideas acerca de lo que significa ser exitoso. Revela una definicion que pone el exito genuino a su alcance, y le motiva para seguir luchando por sus suenos.

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    • 17 Indisputable Laws Of Teamwork (Workbook)


      Whether leading in business, church, sports, or in your family, teamwork is essential. In this new book, John Maxwell walks readers through the various laws of leadership showing the importance of working together.

      Everyone who works with people is realizing that the old autocratic method of leadership simply doesn’t work. The way to win is to build a great team.
      John C. Maxwell has been teaching the benefits of leadership and team building for years. Now he tackles the importance of teamwork head on, writing about teamwork being necessary for every kind of leader, and showing how team building can improve every area of your life.

      Written in the style of the bestseller The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, this new book not only contains laws that you can count on when it comes to getting people to work together, but it tells them in such a way that you can start applying them to your own life today. And it’s illustrated with great stories of team leaders – and team breakers – from history, business, the church, and sports.

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    • Running With The Giants


      Old Testament heroes can teach 21st-century believers invaluable lessons about life and leadership—if we’re willing to listen! In this engaging volume, best-selling author and “leadership guru” Maxwell discerns timeless principles from the lives of David (“Overcome adversity!”); Noah (“Don’t fear the impossible!”); Rebekah (“Give and serve generously!”); and others.

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    • 17 Cualidades Escenciales De U – (Spanish)


      288 Paginas

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      Las cualidades que Maxwell ensena, lo lleva a uno rapidamente al corazon del trabajo en equipo. Cualquier persona puede entenderlas y aplicarlas en su vida – ya sea en la casa o en el trabajo, en la iglesia o en el parque de beisbol. Si aprende las 17 cualidades esenciales de un jugador de equipo, podra convertirse en la clase de persona que todo equipo desea. Si todos en su equipo lo hacen, no habra quien los detenga.

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    • Leading From The Lockers (Student/Study Guide)


      Based on John Maxwell’s best-selling title Developing the Leader Within You, Leading from the Lockers offers tweens the tools they need to develop as leaders before reaching high school or college. Leadership takes many forms, and today kids are assuming roles as leaders in school, on their sports teams, in church youth groups and as peer mentors. Leading from the Lockers covers the topics of influence, priorities, integrity, problem solving, self-discipline, and peer relationships. Color pages with vignette line drawings enchance the text and give books an up-to-the-minute look.

      * Helps tweens and teens put biblical principles to work in their everyday lives
      * John Maxwell is a proven bestseller, particularly on leadership topics

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    • 21 Minutos Mas Importantes En – (Spanish)


      208 Paginas

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      Su habilidad de liderazgo no es estatica. No importa en donde se encuentra ahora, usted puede alcanzar nuevos, y mas altos niveles de efectividad.

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    • Companeros De Oracion – (Spanish)


      Como desatar el potencial de la oracion en beneficio de la iglesia.

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    • Lado Positivo Del Fracaso – (Spanish)


      La diferencia entre la persona promedio y los triunfadores es el concepto que tiene del fracaso y como lo enfrenta.

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    • Desarrolle Los Lideres Que Est – (Spanish)


      240 Paginas

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      Como identificar y preparar a los lideres en potencia y fomentar un espiritu de equipo.

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    • Desarrolle El Lider Que Esta E – (Spanish)


      240 Paginas

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      Como desarrollar la vision, el valor, la influencia y la motivacion.

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    • 21 Cualidades Indispensables D – (Spanish)


      Este libro habla directamente al corazon de los lideres. El autor John Maxwell analiza el proceso de desarrollo de lideres y le provee al lector los puntos clave y practicos para el desarrollo de los mismos.

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    • Seamos Personas De Influencia – (Spanish)


      Como aumentar el impacto sobre los demas.

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    • Actitud De Vencedor – (Spanish)


      240 Paginas

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      Aprenda a adoptar una actitud de vencedor para resolver las dificultades de la vida.

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    • Partners In Prayer


      Foreword By Max Lucado.
      1. Unleashing The Potential Of Prayer.
      2. Getting To Know Your Father
      3. Developing Practical Prayer Skiffs
      4. Avoiding Personal Prayer Killers
      5. Expanding Your Prayer Focus
      6. Protecting And Partnering With Your Pastors
      7. Praying Your Church To Its Potential
      8. Organizing A Prayer Partner Team:
      Afterword: Anticipating Revival

      Special Section: Releasing God’s Power Through Fasting By Bill Bright

      Appendices: How To Start A Prayer Partner Ministry In Your Home Church
      A: Planning Your Prayer Partner Retreat
      B: Preparing Prayer Partner Breakfasts
      C: Creating Prayer Partner Guides And Letters

      About The Author P. 179

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      “John, I believe God has called me–a layrnan–to disciple, encourage, and pray for pastors. And the reason I came here today is so that I could pray for you.”

      With those words, respected leader, speaker, and author John Maxwell saw his agenda replaced by God’s agenda. The stranger who felt God’s calling to pray for this pastor fulfilled a need in Maxwell that he didn’t even know he had–and fourteen years later, the results are evident at the 3,500 member Skyline Wesleyan Church in San Diego, California.

      Partners in Prayer, the first book in the John Maxwell Church Resources series, shows church leaders and lay people how to unleash the potential of prayer on behalf of themselves, one another, and the church. If your church–or private devotional life–is starving in the area of prayer and you want to tap into the power and protection prayer provides, Maxwell gives practical insight into

      –the fundamentals of prayer
      –improving personal prayer life
      –praying for others, including church leaders
      –building a prayer partners ministry in the local church
      –encouraging prayer revival nationwide
      * Are you missing out on God’s gift and blessing of prayer? Is there someone you know who would benefit from your committed prayers on their behalf. Despite God’s promise of the power of prayer to change our world, many of us never experience it. John Maxwell shows you how to strengthen your prayer life and reap the benefits awaiting those who become Partners in Prayer.

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    • Winning Attitude : Your Key To Personal Success


      John Maxwell not only discovered the winning attitude, but he has also experienced the incredible difference it makes. Today he speaks extensively across the United States at business meetings and conferences on the issues of leadership.

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