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    Joni Eareckson-Tada

    • Awesome Super Fantastic Forever Party


      The Awesome Super Fantastic Forever Party Board Book: Heaven with Jesus is Amazing! by Joni Eareckson Tada and illustrator, Catalina Echeverri, this exciting board book teaches toddlers about heaven and eternity by teaching that Jesus’ friends will enjoy a forever party with him in a perfect world. Using simple sentences and beautiful illustrations, toddlers will learn that in heaven we will all have new bodies, and new hearts, in an amazing place that we will never have to leave. Hardcover, 16 pages.

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    • Awesome Super Fantastic Forever Party Colouring And Activity Book


      This coloring and activity book contains 32 pages of coloring, puzzles, mazes and activities.

      It is based around the Bible storybook by Joni Eareckson Tada, illustrated by Catalina Echeverri, which excites children with the truth about the future–that when Jesus comes back to this world, he will bring heaven with him. There will be a new creation and best of all we’ll be with Jesus, forever!

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    • Awesome Super Fantastic Forever Party


      What will heaven be like? Answering this question for kids can be challenging, especially as it’s hard to get past the myths.

      This beautifully illustrated, biblically faithful storybook by Joni Eareckson Tada excites children with this truth–that when Jesus comes back to this world, he will bring heaven with him! There will be a new creation where we’ll have new hearts and a new body, living in a new city. And best of all, we’ll be with Jesus, forever! It will be better than we can ever imagine.

      Kids are encouraged to respond to Jesus’ invitation personally by repenting and believing. They will also be inspired to invite others, and to ask Jesus to come soon.

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    • Cielo – (Spanish)


      Esta version ampliada del clasico libro de Joni nos brinda una nueva comprension de lo que es el cielo, junto con renovados misterios y esperanzas. Ahora, hacia fines de sus sesenta aos, ella esta mucho mas cerca del cielo que cuando escribio el libro por primera vez, a mediados de sus cuarenta, y dice: !Pronto, muy pronto, oire su voz, lo mirare a los ojos y sentire su abrazo. Y El me dira “Bienvenida a casa, Joni”. Desde esta perspectiva, Joni ahora habla de como podemos vivir para Jesus mientras esperamos nuestro verdadero hogar.

      Habiendo sido cuadriplejica durante cincuenta aos, tambien ha sufrido cancer y soportado un dolor agudo continuo. Por eso, ella no habla a la ligera cuando nos recuerda que Dios conoce las herramientas precisas para usar en tu vida para cortar, facetar, limpiar y refinar el diamante que es tu alma eterna. Cada cosa buena que Dios te ha dado alguna vez durara por toda la eternidad, incluyendo la parte buena de cada afliccion.

      Al final de cada capitulo de este libro revisado y actualizado, la autora incluye reflexiones adicionales que cuentan donde se encuentra ahora, mas arriba en la cima, desde donde tiene una mejor perspectiva. Joni llama a estos pensamientos escalar mas alto, y esta es una invitacion para todos los que deseen emprender este viaje con ella.

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    • Gods Hand In Our Hardship Pamphlet


      Why Does God Let Good People Suffer? by Joni Eareckson Tada

      When you read through the Bible, you can see that God hates suffering. Jesus spent much of his life relieving people’s illnesses and hurts. He calls us to do the same: to feed the hungry, clothe the poor, take care of widows and orphans and visit those in prison. So why doesn’t our all-powerful God get rid of suffering?

      14 panels, fits inside most Bibles, 8.5 x 5.5 inches, unfolds to 38 inches long

      Why Does God Let Good People Suffer? by Joni Eareckson Tada answers the big questions about suffering:
      *How can a gracious and loving God allow anyone to suffer?
      *Why do “good” people have to suffer? Don’t they deserve better?
      *What possible good can come through suffering?

      Popular author and speaker Joni Eareckson Tada helps you understand why God allows suffering and what we can learn from it in this glossy, full-color, 14-page pamphlet.

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    • When Is It Right To Die


      More and more people who are terminally ill are choosing assisted suicide. When is it Right to Die? offers a different path with alternatives of hope, compassion, and death with real dignity. Joni Eareckson Tada knows what it means to wrestle with this issue and to wish for a painless solution. For the last 50 years she has been confined to a wheelchair and struggled against her own paralysis. And she sat by the bedside of her dying father, thinking, So much suffering, why not end it all quickly, painlessly?

      The terminally ill, the elderly, the disabled, the depressed and suicidal, can all be swept up into this movement of self-deliverance. Skip the suffering. Put a quick end to merciless pain and mental anguish. These are tempting enticements to the hurting. Joni doesn’t give pat answers. Instead, she gives warm comfort from God and practical help to meet the realities for those facing death.

      When Is It Right to Die tells the stories of families who have wrestled with end-of-life questions and found that death with dignity does not necessarily mean three grams of Phenobarbital in the veins. Behind every right-to-die situation is a family. A family like yours. In her warm, personal way, Joni takes the reader into the lives of families and lets them speak about assisted suicide. What they say is surprising.

      Whether you have a dying family member, facing moral and medical choices, or struggling with a chronic condition that feels overwhelming, this book will help you find practical encouragement and biblical advice to help you make difficult decisions.

      This book is revised and updated to examine the current events, trending issues, and the rising acceptance of assisted suicide in this country.

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    • Memory Loss : Quick Reference Guide What To Day And Do How To Help


      Its difficult for many people to know what to say or do when someone is suffering from a memory-related illness. This easy-to-read pamphlet equips readers to care for and comfort those who are experiencing memory loss. The Help a Friend pamphlet on Memory Loss includes a simple overview on how to care for those suffering from this type of illness and the struggles those going through this difficulty will likely face. A Quick Tips section covers things to avoid saying and suggested further resources, and this 20-panel resource equips readers with biblical wisdom and practical, time-tested advice from Joni Eareckson Tada. The Help a Friend pamphlet series focuses on the first response by a caring friend to bad news about a loved one. Friends gain the confidence to reach out rather than avoid, equipped with biblical wisdom and practical, time-tested advice from Joni Eareckson Tada.

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    • Lifetime Of Wisdom


      It’s not what I lost. It’s what I’ve found. I was only seventeen, just a girl, when God asked me for everything I had… my health, my hopes, my independence, my dreams, my freedom, and my mobility. He took it all. I was so angry with Him that I tried to push Him away. God relentlessly held me more closely. Looking back, forty years later, I understand that God has changed and healed me – my heart and my mind – in the most unexpected ways, giving me rubies of His wisdom about an unbending faith and an experience of His mercy I can now tell you about. Was it a fair exchange, my freedom and no wheelchair for the rubies of wisdom I’ve been given? Absolutely. In this I have learned at the feet of the Lord Jesus, embracing the way that God heals us, even when we rage at Him in anger, fear, and despair. This book is not about what I lost in that diving accident so long ago. It’s about the wisdom He’s given me to live life victoriously in the face of disappointments and challenges that we all face.

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    • When God Seems Unjust Pamphlet


      When someone treats you terribly, it’s hard to resist the feelings of bitterness or revenge. Where do you go when the pang of injustice causes suffering? This pamphlet will change your whole perspective on facing betrayal, injury, and loss. When life isn’t fair, God is there to bring good out of even the darkest of stories. This pamphlet includes a true story about a women who was a violent crime victim and ended up wheelchair bound for life. You will read about her journey as a she recovered from trauma and now brings hope to countless people going through similar trials in life. Our response to injustice may not be the most natural one, but it should be the one that brings God glory.

      This pamphlet will teach you:
      *How to take a Godly approach to suffering through injustice
      *What the Bible says about unfairness through the eyes of Peter, Job, and many more
      *What is God’s ultimate plan in the end-times
      *And much more

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    • Pain And Providence Pamphlet


      “Human Pain wears a thousand guises,” says Joni Eareckson Tada. If you experience chronic pain, you are not alone! 15-30% of people say they experience chronic pain daily. The Bible is not silent on God’s people enduring pain. Dozens of passages in the Bible are written by biblical figures like David and Paul crying out to God.

      The bible teaches that:
      *Prayer is a powerful tool
      *How to break free from chronic pain
      *God is sovereign in your life and your circumstances

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    • No Longer Alone Pamphlet


      Are you or someone you love experiencing great suffering in loneliness? Do you long for intimate friendships? Joni Eareckson Tada weaves in a true story about a woman who was devastated by loneliness with how she sought God in her pain. There is hope for those who find themselves in a “desert of solitude”. Jesus understands our pain because he endured a great amount of loneliness when he was on the cross.

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    • When Is It Right To Die Pamphlet


      What do you do with life’s toughest questions? Maybe your parent is terminally ill, or your friend is struggling with cancer. Every human has to face the last great enemy at some point in their lives: death. But when circumstances require you to make that decision early because of extraordinary circumstances or suffering health, what should you do?

      This pamphlet goes into detail about:
      *What to say to someone who is struggling with suicidal thoughts
      *God’s plan for your life with a disability
      *What the Bible says about struggling through the tough questions on life and death
      *Artificial Life support

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    • Breaking The Bonds Of Fear Pamphlet


      Is fear causing you to lose sleep, stress out, or worry? Joni Eareckson Tada sheds light on the bondage of fear in her BRAND NEW pamphlet. Breaking the Bonds of Fear is about an unhealthy fear of man that a lot of Christians live their whole lives with. Joni explains that our aim is to decrease our sinful fear of man, and increase our reverent fear of the Lord. We can develop a fear of the Lord by trusting in Him and reading the Bible.

      There might be times in your life where you’re not sure if God really cares about your circumstances or realizes the state you’re in, but taking a look at specific stories in the Bible will help you see God’s bigger picture. God wants you to trust in him, and when you read this pamphlet, you will clearly see how much God cares for you.

      Joni also talks about the fear that was generated from her tragic diving accident, and the steps that were taken to grow confidence in the Lord after her tragic accident that left her quadriplegic. Even death is not something to fear, when our trust rests in the only one who conquered death! Let Jesus be the ballast of your ship, for it is only then that you will find peace and restoration from fear.

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    • Gaining A Hopeful Spirit Pamphlet


      Sometimes, finding hope in a tough situation is easier said than done. Gaining a Hopeful Spirit challenges us to receive hope from the Lord. When life leaves us desolate and foggy, the Lord wants to pick us back up and show us how hopeful we really can be. Joni has helped countless people pick their heads up when the road ahead seemed bleak. As a woman who has been through a tragic accident that left her quadriplegic, she can speak first-hand about Satan’s schemes that will keep you from living a life of worship.

      How can you be a source of joy for someone else when you are going through a hard time? Joni draws you closer to God as you realize that the hope that can get you through even the toughest of times only comes from God our Father. After reading this pamphlet, you’ll be able to help pass on the hope to friends and family members experiencing hopeless times.

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    • Wheres My Miracle Pamphlet


      Where’s My Miracle?
      What to do when God doesn’t heal you

      Nothing can describe the horror of hearing doctors say, “You will never walk or use your hands again.”

      Or – “You have cancer. I’m afraid it’s terminal.”

      Like many people, you look to the Lord and pray for healing. You have friends and the pastor pray for you, but nothing happens. You read Scripture and claim the promises. You even have someone anoint you with oil or go to a healing crusade. But God doesn’t give you your miracle.

      You confess every possible sin and search your heart for any unconfessed sin. Your faith is strong and you tell everyone you will be healed, yet nothing seems to happen.

      You feel that God is playing a cruel joke or start to blame yourself for a lack of faith.

      And that’s a shame when Christians feel that way…

      The truth is that God certainly can heal and sometimes does heal people in a miraculous way. But the Bible does not teach that he will always heal those who come to him in faith.

      The big question is:
      What does the Bible REALLY teach about healing?

      The key is to understand God’s ultimate goal for your life. You need to-
      *Find joy in knowing God’s priorities for your life.
      *Know the comfort of the biblical promises.
      *Enthusiastically embrace God’s will for your life.

      You can find the joy of serving God despite unanswered prayer in this 14-page pamphlet. In just 30 minutes or less, you will unlock the door to a new attitude toward life.
      The topic of unanswered prayer is an issue that author, Joni Eareckson Tada, can speak to personally: A diving accident in 1967, when she was 17, left her a quadriplegic. She has lived 45 years in a wheelchair and she has experienced her share of ups and downs. “But,” she says, “oh, the difference the grace of God has made in my life.”

      Let Joni tell you her secrets to peace and joy, despite her wheelchair. She has spent decades studying the Word of God. She knows that God does not enjoy seeing your pain and frustration. He has compassion for you and gives you many ways to deal with life so that you can have peace.

      She has taken her most important insights on turning unanswered prayer into a life of joy (not anxiety) and has encapsulated them into this 14-page pamphlet. Whether you or a loved one is suffering. This pamphlet will bring you some help to break free from the strangle hold of fear and worry when God doesn’t seem to answer.

      In this pamphlet, you will find hope. Joni tells her sto

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    • Anger Pamphlet : Aim It In The Right Direction


      “God, why did you let this happen to me?”

      The death of a spouse, the betrayal of a friend, and the disability of a child are often so painful that we want to blame God. We all have times of anger, disappointment, and frustration. But when we aim that anger at God, we end up feeling empty, frustrated, and lost. Our anger can either destroy us with self-pity, or God can use it to make us joyful.

      The topics of anger and bitterness are issues that author, Joni Eareckson Tada, can speak to personally: A diving accident in 1967, when she was 17, left her a quadriplegic. She has lived 45 years in a wheelchair and has experienced her share of ups and downs. “But,” she says, “oh, the difference the grace of God has made in my life.” The key is to aim the anger in the right direction.

      Let Joni tell you her secrets to peace and joy, despite her wheelchair. She has spent decades studying the Word of God. She knows that God does not enjoy seeing your pain and frustration. He has compassion for you and gives you many ways to deal with life so that you can have peace. She has taken her most important insights on turning anger into joy (not bitterness) and encapsulated them into this 14-page pamphlet. Whether you or a loved one is suffering, this pamphlet will bring you some help to break free from the strangle hold of anger.

      We can find freedom from the bondage of anger. Joni has been there and she shows the way using biblical principles.

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    • Thankful Heart In A World Of Hurt Pamphlet


      It is hard to be grateful when you are looking into the jaws of mind-bending pain. Chronic illness, a heart attack, a terrible car accident, caring for a developmentally disabled child, facing betrayal and loneliness. These tough times make you want to give up and throw in the towel. You try to overcome, but the exhaustion destroys your energy and hope. You try to pray, but the pain interrupts your concentration. You want to give up.

      The topics of fear and hopelessness, depression and suffering, loneliness and worry are issues that author, Joni Eareckson Tada, can speak to personally: A diving accident in 1967, when she was 17, left her a quadriplegic. She has lived 45 years in a wheelchair and she has experienced her share of ups and downs. “But,” she says, “oh, the difference the grace of God has made in my life.”

      Let Joni tell you her secrets to peace and joy, despite her wheelchair. She has spent decades studying the Word of God. She knows that God does not enjoy seeing your suffering. He has compassion for you and gives you many ways to deal with life’s pain so that you can have peace.

      She has taken her most important insights on thankfulness and joy and encapsulated them into this 14-page pamphlet. Whether you or a loved one is suffering. This pamphlet will bring you comfort.

      In A Thankful Heart in a World of Hurt, author Joni Eareckson Tada tackles questions such as:
      *How can I really give thanks for all things?
      *How can I cultivate a grateful spirit?
      *What was the Apostle Paul’s secret to a grateful heart? (He had been beaten, stoned, whipped, starved, shipwrecked and betrayed by people he thought were friends.)
      *How is it possible to “Rejoice in the Lord always”?

      This colorful pamphlet gives God’s answers to the biggest questions.

      You need this if –
      *you are in pain and need encouragement,
      *you have a friend who needs words of comfort,
      *you are a pastor or church counselor, or
      *you lead a discussion group or home fellowship.

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    • Speaking Gods Language Pamphlet


      Speaking God’s Language: Using the Word of God in Your Prayers

      How can we draw closer to God in prayer? How can we “speak God’s language”?

      The Bible encourages us to bring our worship, praise, thanksgiving, and petitions to God. As Christians grow in the discipline of praying, it becomes clear that there is always more to learn.

      Author Joni Eareckson Tada shares insights and personal stories that will hone your skill of including scripture in your prayers. As she puts it, “We can draw a lot closer to God in prayer when we learn to speak his language.”

      In this 14-page pamphlet you will learn-
      *How to pray using the Scriptures
      *Bible passages for different situations
      *How to let prayer change you.

      Full-color, 14-pages, glossy plastic coated for durability, fits inside a Bible cover, 8.5 x 5.5 inches.

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    • Dios Que Yo Amo – (Spanish)


      Joni Eareckson is possibly one of the most well-known Christian women in the world and bearer of a message of hope, faith and love for God above and beyond any circumstance. This is her complete autobiography, recounting all her childhood and family memories and probing even the most hidden paths of faith that she has pursued. The reader will experience many of the events and sensations shared by the author while reading the captivating story contained in its pages. As Charles Colson aptly summed it up: “The message of Joni’s life, full of hope, allows everyone to be able to see the goodness and mercy of God. It also a beautiful painting that declares the glory of God.”

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    • God I Love


      “The God I Love is the book that captures my heart and thoughts in the events, dialogues, memories, images, and scenes of my life_my walk with God.”_Joni Eareckson Tada Joni’s name is synonymous around the world with the words “loving God.” She has lived out these words since the diving accident thirty-six years ago that left her paralyzed from the shoulders down. Now in The God I Love she looks back on the whole of her life through eyes that can see how that accident actually moved her in a new direction, saving her from another tragedy of her own making. This story-driven narrative captures the events and images of Joni’s remarkable life as she describes her life in six themes. She begins with her life as an ordinary girl who is blessed by an extraordinary God_but not without tragic turns. Then she ponders the question, would she have been an artist if she had not broken her neck? She recognizes that through prayer she enters into God’s holy presence and finds that he answers her prayers in full measure. She acknowledges that it is only through the kindness of friends that she has bathed or eaten or done the countless simple tasks that make up everyday life. Because of her unusual situation, her wheelchair has rolled onto platforms around the world where millions of people have heard her speak about her Savior. Through tragedy Joni has come to know God, the living, surprising, wonderful Lord of all. A note from Joni_ The God I Love is a memory still unfolding of the journey that keeps taking me deeper into the heart of my Savior. It’s my prayer that this story, which spans over fifty years, will resonate with each person who takes time to pick up the book…it’s my prayer that The God I Love will serve as a roadmap, a guide, a signpost to light the journey of each reader, helping them to see their sweet, soft desperation of Jesus, too.

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    • Secret Strength : For Those Who Search


      Do you want to know a secret?

      What’s so secret about God? Nothing. And yet everything.

      Scripture tells us, “the secret things belong to the Lord our God.” God has secrets. Some to keep, and some to tell. And who doesn’t want to know a secret?

      Most of us are filled with an incurable urge to discover secrets, to walk the higher and hidden roads. And it is our God, our wonderfully mysterious God, who has placed that yearning within us. He is the treasure we seek…the precious gem to be mined.

      So take the time to spend these one hundred concise, life-changing appointments with him. And discover incredible handholds of refreshment, courage, and endurance you can cling to in Secret Strength.

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    • Step Further : Growing Closer To God Through Hurt And Hardship


      1. We’re In This Together
      2. Body Building
      3. I Wouldn’t Do This For Just Anybody!
      4. Unlikely Saints!
      5. God’s Showcase
      6. When Nobody’s Watching
      7. Breaks Us And Makes Us
      8. Trust And Obey
      9. Don’t Compare. . .Share!
      10. While We Wait
      11. I Wish I Were Healed
      12. Why Wasn’t I Healed?
      13. Satan Schemes. . .God Redeems
      14. Prayers And Promises
      15. Let God Be God
      16. Heaven
      195 Pages

      Additional Info
      Joni Eareckson Tada is one of today’s great Christian women, and “A Step Further,” which grew out of her own pilgrimage as a disabled person, is one of the great Christian books of our time. Written in the simple, friendly, exuberant, down-to-earth style that is special to Joni, it is a tremendous tonic for Christians living in pain and frustration, and it unfolds some neglected aspects of the wisdom of God superbly. This is heart-to-heart writing at its best.

      We have all waded through the verbal swamp of syrupy cliches as some sufferers overspiritualize their pain. We have also felt the hot breath of bitterness from those who refuse to accept and adjust to their disability. Joni represents neither extreme. In her book there is a beautiful balance between tough-minded reality and scripturally based theology.

      Through her public example, Joni Eareckson Tada has done more to straighten out warped views of suffering than all of the theologians put together. Her life is a triumph of healing-a healing of the spirit, the most difficult kind. When she speaks about the problem of pain, we should all sit up and take notice.”

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