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Judith Pex

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  • Come Stay Celebrate


    Make yourself available to God, and He will use you in ways you can’t imagine!

    What an encouraging account of God working through His people in southern Israel. When God got ahold of John (from Holland) and Judy (a Jew from America), they were hippies roaming the world in the 1970s. They met the Messiah while reading the Bible in Israel; found each other in Jerusalem and married in the U.S.; shared the Good News with everyone they met; felt God’s call to immigrate to Israel; and walked through the doors that opened for them to start a hostel near the Red Sea. For thirty years the Shelter Hostel has provided a point of reconciliation between believers and non-believers, Jews and non-Jews, Israelis and Arabs, all staying together under one roof. In the volatile and highly-charged atmosphere of the Middle East, people from over ninety countries have found a beacon of light and a welcoming home, as the Pexes use their gifts of hospitality and evangelism. Read how the Lord is using ordinary believers to participate in His extraordinary work in Israel.

    Come, Stay, Celebrate will be translated into Dutch and published in The Netherlands by Novapres.

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