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Leo Perdue

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  • Proverbs : Interpretation A Bible Commentary For Teaching And Preaching


    Planned and written specifically for teaching and preaching needs, this critically acclaimed biblical commentary is a major contribution to scholarship and ministry.

    The book of Proverbs is a collection of sayings, poems, and “life’s little instructions.” Wrestling with the values of things such as creation, livelihood, or moral character, Proverbs exhorts its readers to seek the higher ideals–knowledge, discipline, piety, and order–and offers guidance on how to live in harmony with God, others, and oneself.

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  • Wisdom Literature : A Theological History


    Explore the rich cultural streams that shaped the Wisdom literature of antiquity. From Babylon’s sapiential tradition in Job and Egyptian skepticism in Qoheleth to Hellenistic influences in Ben Sira, Perdue’s magisterial exploration sets representative books in historical context. Analyzing conditions that helped produce them, he discusses their theological themes and the genre’s overall evolution.

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  • Proverbs : A Bible Commentary For Teaching And Preaching


    Interpretation: A Bible Commentary For Teaching And Preaching is a set of full-length commentaries written specifically for those who interpret the Bible through teaching and preaching in the church.

    The writers were chosen for their proven abilities as biblical scholars and their experience as teachers and/or preachers. Each has an outstanding record of publication demonstrating a keen sense for biblical interpretation and expository writing.

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