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    Lucas Leys

    • Diferente – (Spanish)


      Aunque a algunos les cueste confesarlo, hablar de santidad no siempre suena positivo. De hecho, para las nuevas generaciones suena a una larga lista de cosas que no se deben hacer. Sin embargo, esa no es la perspectiva de Dios. Diferente, La emocionante aventura de la santidad muestra que en las enseanzas de Jesus se descubre claramente que la santidad tiene mas que ver con lo que hacemos que con lo que no hacemos. Los evangelios nos cuentan mas de lo que Jesus si hizo que de lo que dejo de hacer y por eso ser santos como el es santo tiene que ver con hacer lo que en nuestro lugar hubiera hecho Jesus. Vivir como el vivio. Desde esta perspectiva: la santidad es emocionante. Es el camino mas inteligente, el de personas plenas, jovenes que marcan una diferencia positiva en la sociedad y sueos cumplidos. En Diferente aprendemos que: -La santidad por omision no es suficiente -La invitacion a la santidad de accion -Ser diferentes es una manera de honrar a Dios por como nos diseo personalmente -El manejo de las tentaciones -El enfoque de tu energia -Los sueos que siempre se cumplen -Peor que muchos fracasos son pocos intentos -Lo que deben decir en tu funeral

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    • Lo Que Todo Pastor Debe Saber – (Spanish)


      This book is unique tool for developing a friendly relationship between pastors and youth leaders and it may help your church to have a wider impact in the community through its ministry to the youth.

      What pastor does not want to see more young people surrendered at the feet of Jesus and ready to serve in the congregation? And what youth leader in his right mind would not want the entire congregation to appreciate the young people and to embrace them with the gospel? That is what this book is about. It is about working as a team so that the church’s impact will continue to grow in effectively reaching and discipling new generations.

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    • Codigo De La Pureza – (Spanish)


      Jim Burns and Lucas Leys help young people discover the best that God has for their lives. They emphasize that the excellent from God goes beyond anything the world can offer.

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    • Asuntos Internos – (Spanish)


      Two of the most influential leaders in today’s church share secrets never before told regarding leadership and the mission that God has given them. Dante Gebel and Lucas Leys have collaborated here for the first time to produce a book that speaks directly about real leadership, opening their hearts to reveal intimate experiences and to share their ideas about what leadership should be in the future. This book is full of gems and treasures that will help you to be honest with yourself and to rediscover the purpose that should be motivating your leadership and the responsibilities that God has given all of us to influence the next generation.

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    • 101 Preguntas Y 101 Respuestas – (Spanish)


      How many times have the questions arising in our minds seemed to remain unanswerable? How often have we repeated these questions to people who also did not know the answers? And how many times have they asked us questions that we also cannot answer? Lucas Leys presents 101 difficult questions along with direct answers for each one. He offers answers that are well reasoned and balanced from a biblical and spiritual perspective so that young people can deepen their faith. Whether you are a youth leader who needs to the right answers to give or a teenager in search of satisfactory answers, this book is for you.

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    • Ministerio Juvenil Efectivo Ed – (Spanish)


      The purpose of this Silver Medallion award-winning book is to propose new strategies and principles to develop smart youth leadership by sharing the keys to an effective youth ministry. Youth leaders have great potential in their hands. This gift has to be administered with wisdom, discernment, and intelligence. This book will help youth leaders effectively take advantage of this potential.

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    • Encuentros Al Limite – (Spanish)


      SPANISH EDITION. A collection of devotionals with topics that are important to teens today, filled with humor and depth with the purpose of helping them think from God’s perspective.

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    • Generacion De Adoradores – (Spanish)


      Music is a powerful healer, but worship is more than healing. We are tired of hearing that young people think that meetings are boring. In this book, you will find keys for worship leaders and youth pastors who wish to lead the new generation to the throne of God. Emmanuel Espinosa, Lucas Leys and Danilo Montero bring many years of experience in worship and discipling young people to the table.

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