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    Max Lucado

    • In The Eye Of The Storm


      One day in the life of Christ.

      Call it a tapestry of turmoil: A noisy pictorial in which the golden threads of triumph knot against the black, frazzled strings of tragedy.

      Call it a symphony of emotions: A sunrise-to-sunset orchestration of extremes. One score is brassy with exuberance — the next moans with sorrow. Whatever you call it — call it real. Author Max Lucado calls it “the second most stressful day in the life of our Savior.” Before the morning becomes evening Jesus has reason to weep, then run, then shout, the curse, then praise, then doubt. Within a matter of moments his world is turned upside down. Sound familiar? The pink slip comes. The doctor calls. The divorce papers arrive. The check bounces. The life that had been calm is now chaotic. The world that had been serene is now stormy. Assailed by doubts. Pummeled by demands. If you’ve ever wondered if God in heaven can relate to you on earth, then read and re-read this pressure-packed day in the life of Christ. It is the only day, aside from the crucifixion, that all four gospels recorded. Lucado has interwoven their accounts in such a way that you will be assured that God knows how you feel.

      And you will be assured that within every torrent there is a calm center — a place you can stand when your world gets windy. The Eye of the Storm.

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    • Come Thirsty : No Heart Too Dry For His Touch


      Are you feeling a little dry? Edgy and rigid? Ineffective? What would it take to be more useful in the hands of the One who made you? Just come to the well, says bestselling author Max Lucado.In this renewing and life-giving book Max leads us to the four essential nutrients every soul needs. Experience Christ’s work on the cross and know that your sins are pardoned and your death is defeated. Receive Christ’s energy and believe that you can do all things through the one who gives you strength. Receive his Lordship, knowing that you belong to him and that he looks out for you. Receive his love and feel confident that nothing can separate you from it.Come to the well…to Christ’s work on the cross, his energy, his Lordship and his Love.

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    • Fearless : Imagine Your Life Without Fear


      Each sunrise seems to bring fresh reasons for fear.

      They’re still talking layoffs at work, slowdowns in the economy, flare-ups in the Middle East, turnovers at headquarters, more downturns in the housing market, upswings in global warming. The plague of our day, terrorism, begins with the wordterror. Fear, it seems, has taken up a hundred-year lease on the building next door and set up shop. Oversized and rude, fear herds us into a prison and slams the doors. Wouldn’t it be great to walk out?Imagine your life, wholly untouched by angst. What if faith, not fear, was your default reaction to threats? If you could hover a fear magnet over your heart and extract every last shaving of dread, insecurity, and doubt, what would remain? Envision a day, just one day, when you could trust more and fear less. Can you imagine your life without fear?

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    • Make Every Day Count Teen Edition


      Teens really do want to make a difference, but sometimes their attitudes get in the way! Today’s teens are faced with some big issues, and their attitudes can sometimes create even more struggles for their own lives and those around them. But best-selling author Max Lucado wants to teach teens that life is a gift and that gratitude is critical. With a little perspective, teens will see that God can help them overcome their ungrateful days, their stressed-out days, and even their catastrophic days. Life is not going to be perfect. When teens understand that and realize that God is their constant source of support, help, and blessings, even the difficult days can be faced with a cheerful spirit. Make Every Day Count shows readers how to deal with each day-no matter what it throws at them. Real-life teen stories, biblical accounts, and inspiring “Daylifters” encourage teens to make each day count for God. A study guide at the back of the book makes this a perfect choice for individual or group study.

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    • When God Whispers Your Name


      Do you find it hard to believe that the One who made everything keeps your name on His heart and on His lips? Did you realize that your name is written on the hand of God (Is. 49:16)? Perhaps you’ve never seen your name honored. And you can’t remember when you heard it spoken with kindness. In this book, Lucado offers the inspiration to believe that God has already bought the ticket-with your name on it.

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    • No Wonder They Call Him The Savior


      In this compelling quest for the Messiah, best-selling author Max Lucado invites readers to meet the blue-collar Jew whose claim altered a world and whose promise has never been equaled. Readers will come to know Jesus the Christ in a brand new way as Lucado brings them full circle to the foot of the cross and the man who sacrificed His life on it.

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    • Max On Life Participants Guide


      Address your biggest questions about life and faith with guidance from Max Lucado.

      For 25 years men and women have turned to Max Lucado for answers, encouragement, and insight into every facet of their lives. Together with Max they’ve journeyed through life’s most exciting and challenging times-births, deaths, financial ups and downs, spiritual quests, and relational adventures. And Max has become a trusted advisor, pastor, and friend in times of need. Now, more than ever, Max’s wisdom is needed to help readers navigate the tumults of every-day life. In the Max on Life DVD-based study, Max addresses questions about the role of prayer, the purpose of pain, and the reason for our ultimate hope. He responds to the day-to-day questions-parenting quandaries, financial challenges, difficult relationships-as well as to the profound: Is God really listening? Designed as a companion to the DVD, and perfect for study for both new and mature believers, this participant’s guide can be used for journaling or as a prompt for open-hearted discussions with your small group.

      Daily readings
      Questions for personal reflection and group discussion
      Additional questions and answers from Max Lucado

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    • Historia Teen Edition – (Spanish)


      ‘The Greatest Story Ever Told’ is more than just a cliche. God has gone to great lengths to rescue lost and hurting people. That is what The Story for Teens is all about—the story of the Bible, God’s great love affair with humanity. Condensed into 31 accessible chapters, The Story for Teens sweeps you into the unfolding progression of Bible characters and events from Genesis to Revelation. Using the clear, accurate, and easy-to-understand text of the New International Version, it allows the stories, poems, and teachings of the Bible to read like a novel. And like any good story, it is filled with intrigue, drama, conflict, romance, and redemption.

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    • You Are Special


      This special paperback gift edition of a beloved storyteller’s classic will point children and adults to the important truth that God loves us just the way we are. You Are Special tells the story of Punchinello, the wooden Wemmick. The inhabitants of Wemmicksville spend their days placing stickers on each other. Golden star stickers are put on the talented, smart, and attractive Wemmicks. Gray dot stickers are for those who make mistakes and don’t stand out. Punchinello, despite his best efforts to get stars from the other Wemmicks, is covered in dots and begins to believe he’ll never be worth anything. Then one day he visits Eli the woodcarver, his creator, and everything changes. Max Lucado’s beautiful story reminds us that we are precious to God just the way we are. It is through spending daily time with him that we begin to see ourselves through his eyes. Parents and children will enjoy this classic illustration of an eternal truth. This best-seller has sold millions of copies and is now available as a special paperback gift edition.

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    • Cure For The Common Life


      “Sweet spot.” Golfers understand the term. So do tennis players. Ever swung a baseball bat or paddled a Ping-Pong ball? If so, you know the oh-so-nice feel of the sweet spot. Life in the sweet spot rolls like the downhill side of a downwind bike ride. But you don’t have to swing a bat or a club to know this. What engineers give sports equipment, God gave you. A zone, a region, a life precinct in which you were made to dwell. He tailored the curves of your life to fit an empty space in his jigsaw puzzle. And life makes sweet sense when you find your spot.

      But if you’re like 87 percent of workers, you haven’t found it. You don’t find meaning in your work–or you’re one of the 80 percent who don’t believe their talents are used. What can you do? You’re suffering from the common life, and you desperately need a cure.

      Best-selling author Max Lucado has found it. In Cure for the Common Life he offers practical tools for exploring and identifying your own uniqueness, motivation to put your strengths to work, and the perfect prescription for finding and living in your sweet spot for the rest of your life.

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    • Heart Like Jesus


      SKU (ISBN): 9780849929489ISBN10: 0849929482Max LucadoBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2009Publisher: Thomas Nelson Print On Demand Product

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    • Come Thirsty Participants Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      SKU (ISBN): 9781418533908ISBN10: 1418533904Max LucadoBinding: Trade PaperPublished: July 2008Publisher: HarperChristian Resources Print On Demand Product

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    • Trueno Apacible – (Spanish)


      How far do you want God to go in getting your attention? Don’t answer too quickly. What if God moved you to another land? (As He did Abraham.) What if He called you out of retirement? (Remember Moses?) How about the voice of an angel or the bowel of a fish (Gideon and Jonah.) God does what it takes to get our attention. That’s the message of this book: the relentless pursuit of God.

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    • 3:16 : The Numbers Of Hope


      Based on the beloved verse of John 3:16, Max Lucado brings insight to help teens apply this important teaching to their lives.

      3:16 is certain to be one of Max’s most important titles ever. The book is packaged with a white silicone bracelet with 3:16 printed for a dramatic effect and will be a tremendous conversation starter and outreach tool for teens.

      Max offers his unique and simple storytelling for this important message while Tricia Goyer writes teen responses to Max’s message, guiding teens to fully understand how this verse can impact their lives. From confession to praise, these responses are sure to bring an insightful look into the personal faith of teens.

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    • Enfrentar A Sus Gigantes – (Spanish)


      Gigantes. Debemos enfrentarlos. Aunque no necesitamos hacerlo solos.

      Esta mirada profunda en la vida de David cava hondo en las derrotas que sufrio y en las victorias que logro cuando enfrento a los gigantes de su vida. Cuando se concentro en Dios, los gigantes cayeron. Pero cuando se concentro en los gigantes… el tropezo.

      Los Goliat todavia recorren nuestro mundo. Deuda. Desastre. Divorcio. Engano. Enfermedad. Depresion. Estas amenazas de tamano gigante aun se muestran insolentemente y se pavonean en nuestras vidas, robandonos el sueno, apropiandose de nuestra paz y quitandonos nuestra alegria. Y mientras estos gigantes tratan de dominarnos, !nosotros sabemos que hacer! Hemos aprendido lo que David aprendio y actuamos de acuerdo con lo realizado por el. Comenzamos a concentrarnos en Dios, recogemos cinco piedras, tomamos cinco decisiones y damos un golpe.

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    • Cura Para La Vida Comun – (Spanish)


      Es domingo por la tarde y ya esta temiendo que llegue el lunes. Se pasa mas de 50 horas en un trabajo que odia, solo para llegar a su casa exhausto y hacer algo mas que ver la monotona television. Pues bien, no esta solo: 87 por ciento de los trabajadores no le encuentran significado a su trabajo y 80 por ciento asegura que sus talentos no son utilizados. Y hay consecuencias. Se de cuenta o no, nuestra actitud impacta nuestra salud, nuestras relaciones, nuestras familias y nuestro sentido basico de la felicidad, pero el autor de exitos de libreria Max Lucado, tiene una cura. Todos somos individuos unicos, creados a la imagen de Dios, con nuestros propios dones, pasiones y puntos fuertes. Con su voz encantadora y estimulante, Max ofrece a sus lectores herramientas practicas para explorar e identificar nuestra propia singularidad, una motivacion para ponerla en practica y una perspectiva para volver a definir nuestro concepto de trabajo. Nunca es tarde para descubrir sus puntos fuertes, la voluntad de Dios o una nueva direccion en su carrera, curando asi lo que de otra forma seria una vida comun.

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    • Plunge Student Edition Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      The teenage soul is a thirty machine, always looking, always yearning, always searching for that which is refreshing and filling. Plunge! is designed for teenagers who long to drink, to drink from the W-E-L-L.
      Throughout the course of this study , teens will seek out four ways in which their thirst can be satisfied. God’s Work. God’s Energy. His Lordship. His Love. Paperback. Thomas Nelson. A six week study for jr and sr high school students. God is. God does. God loves …YOU! He wants to quench your every thirst, meet your every need. His desire is that you should never thirst again, so come on, some to the W-E-L-L to receive His Work, His Energy, His Lordship and His Love. So what are you waiting for? If you’re feeling thirsty, if you’re spiritually dehydrated – if you know there’s got to be more to faith than what you’re experiencing – then take the PLUNGE! which will lead you through Max Lucado’s best selling books COME THIRSTY! It features: six weeks of material designed to take you to God’s W-E-L-L; 60 short sections of bite sized lessons and scriptures; dozens of Bible verses and quotes to take with you through the day; questions to help you reflect on God’s Word; Space to do your own journaling.

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    • Come Thirsty Adult Study Guide (Workbook)


      Like the woman at the well, we recognize our need for living water. We need moisture, a swallow of water, a long, quenching drink. But where do we find water for the soul? We find it at the W-E-L-L. Come Thirsty Study Guide Outline: (1)Thirsting After Righteousness; (2)Grace Blockers; (3)Redefining Prayer; (4)Choosing Peace; (5)Abiding in God’s Love; (6)If God Wrote You a Letter.

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    • Mi Salvador Y Vecino – (Spanish)


      Era enteramente hombre, pero enteramente Dios. Era completamente humano y completamente santo. Las mismas manos que hicieron el trabajo de un carpintero rudo realizaron milagros. El bebe indefenso en el pesebre se convirtio en el Salvador supremo del mundo. El maestro narrador Max Lucado presenta la vida de Jesucristo en un sorprendente contraste, revelando las irresistibles cualidades humanas y las innegables caracteristicas divinas de Jesus.

      Next Door Savior

      He was entirely man, yet entirely God. He was completely human and completely holy. The same hands that did the work of a rugged carpenter performed miracles. The helpless baby in the manger became the ultimate Savior of the world. Master storyteller Max Lucado presents the life of Jesus Christ in stunning contrast, revealing the irresistible human qualities and the undeniably divine characteristics of Jesus.

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    • En El Ojo De La Tormenta – (Spanish)


      Come face-to-face with Jesus when He experienced more stress than any other day of his life aside from his crucifixion. Before the morning became evening, he has reason to weep, run, shout, curse, praise, and doubt. If you know what it means to be caught in life’s storms…if you’ve ever ridden the roller coaster of sorrow and celebration…if you’ve ever wondered if God in heaven can relate to you on earth, then this book will encourage and inspire you.

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    • You Are Mine


      Bigger allowances. Better clothes. More toys. Bigger, better, more is how the world determines who’s special and who’s not. It’s a message your kids are hearing every day. But it’s not God’s message. His truth is simple and never-changing: It’s not what you have, it’s Whose you are. And it’s a truth that the lovable Wemmick, Punchinello, hears again at the knee of his creator in this faithful, fully illustrated sequel to You Are Special. Punchinello’s lesson in love will help you speak God’s heart to the heart of every child: You are special, not because of the things you have, but because you are Mine.

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    • You Are Mine


      Boxes and balls. They were the latest thing! Fancy balls. Colorful boxes. All the Wemmicks had them. All, that is, except Punchinello. Not wanting to be left out, he resolved to fit in. He would do whatever it took to have what others had. He never imagined it would cost him so much. Eli, his maker, used the moment to remind Punchinello of this truth: “You are special, not because of what you have, but because you are mine.” Could you or someone you love use the same reminder?

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    • Because I Love You


      28 Pages

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      There once lived a wise and loving man named Shaddai, who built a village for his children to live in-because he loved them. He provided for their every need-because he loved them. And he built a wall around the village to shelter them from the deadly wilderness outside-because he loved them. All was well until the day Paladin, the most curious child of all, found a hole in the wall and set off to explore the world beyond Shaddai’s safe village-a world of danger and fear. With the original, classic illustrations, this captivating tale from best-selling author, Max Lucado is now available in board-book format. Even the youngest of children can now enjoy the story of Paladin’s choice and Shaddai’s response-a tale that illustrates how much God loves His children and to what lengths He will go to protect them.

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    • Aplauso Del Cielo – (Spanish)


      Un nuevo enfoque sobre las Bienaventuranzas.

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    • Cuando Dios Susurra Tu Nombre – (Spanish)



      235 Paginas En 28 Capitulos

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      Palabras de animo a quienes han perdido la confianza.

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    • Todavia Remueve Piedras – (Spanish)



      Written In Spanish
      17 Chapters In 209 Pages

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      Dios todavia esta dispuesto a repetir las grandezas y milagros de los tiempos biblicos.

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    • Gran Casa De Dios – (Spanish)


      El Padre Nuestro como referencia, cada capitulo del libro representa un refugio de Dios para sus hijos.

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    • Touch Of The Masters Hand (Student/Study Guide)


      God loves you just the way you are, but he refuses to leave you that way. He wants you to be just like Jesus. Join Max in this challenging new topical Bible study based on his bestselling book, Just Like Jesus. Excellent for personal, small-group, or classroom settings. You, too can learn to be just like Jesus.

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    • Gods Open Arms (Student/Study Guide)


      Join Max in this challenging new topical Bible study based on his bestselling book, In the Grip of Grace. Excellent for personal, small-group, or classroom settings. You can learn to embrace grace and be welcomed into God’s open arms. Scripture quotations taken from the New Century Version.

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    • You Are Special


      Punchinello is a chipped, ugly puppet who thinks he’s not worth much; that is, until Eli the Woodcarver helps him understand how special he is—marks and all. Originally published in Tell Me the Secrets, this delightfully illustrated tale shows your kids that no matter how the world evaluates them, God loves them just as they are.

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    • Dios Se Acerco – (Spanish)


      Here is a new and marvelous way to see the life of our Savior. This is not just a book full of information on the life of Jesus Christ but a book that takes you to a full encounter with the Master himself.

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