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    Miguel Nunez

    • Crees La Biblia O Vives La Bib – (Spanish)


      En Crees la Biblia o vives la Biblia?, el Dr. Miguel Nuez explora en profundidad la epistola de Santiago, hermanastro de Jesus y lider de la iglesia de Jerusalen. Este libro te ayudara a comprender que la santificacion no es un proceso terapeutico, sino una transformacion del Espiritu de Dios a medida que aplicamos la Palabra.

      Ningun otro libro del Nuevo Testamento enfatiza tanto la necesidad de vivir una vida de obediencia como lo hace Santiago. Esto ha causado muchos a juzgarlo de forma erronea, acusandolo de promover una salvacion que se enfoca en obras en vez de una centrada en la gracia por medio de la fe. Sin embargo, un analisis mas detallado nos deja ver que el enfasis de Santiago no se centra en como una persona se alcanza la salvacion, sino en como una fe verdadera se manifiesta por una obediencia genuina.

      Segun Santiago, la vida del pueblo de Dios y de cada uno de sus miembros debe ser radicalmente distinta de la vida del resto del mundo: vivimos lo que verdaderamente creemos.

      A lo largo de esta carta, Santiago nos muestra claramente como es esa dicotomia. Por eso Santiago habla:

      *de la fe que persevera en medio de la tribulacion;

      *de la sabiduria que debemos obtener de parte de Dios para vivir la vida;

      *como funciona el pecado en nosotros y como no podemos culpar a otros de nuestros pecados;

      *del poder que tiene la oracion del hombre justo, y

      *de aquellos que han hecho de las riquezas su Dios, ignorando las necesidades de otros.

      Para Santiago, la obediencia es la marca distintiva del cristiano. A traves de este libro, los lectores descubriran que el libro de Santiago revela incoherencias en nuestras vidas. Como resultado, te hara correr hacia Dios para que, mediante su Espiritu transformador, te capacite para vivir una vida que le agrade.

      Do You Believe the Bible, or Do You Live the Bible?

      In Do You Believe the Bible, or Do You Live the Bible?, Dr. Miguel Nuez explores in depth the epistle of James, the half-brother of Jesus and the leader of the church in Jerusalem. This book will help you understand that sanctification is not a therapeutic process, but a transformation of God’s Spirit as we apply the Word.

      No other book in the New Testament emphasizes so much the need to live a life of obedience as James does. This has caused many to misjudge him, accusing him of promoting a salvation that focuses on works rather than one centered on grace through faith. However, a closer look reveals that James’ emphasis

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    • Volveos A Mi – (Spanish)


      En Volveos a mi, el Dr. Miguel Nuez presenta de que manera a lo largo de la historia redentora el pueblo de Dios se ha rebelado contra el mismo Dios que le ha traido la libertad, y como Dios, en medio de la infidelidad de Su pueblo, ha permanecido fiel y ha hecho todos los esfuerzos posibles para llamar a Su pueblo de regreso a Su presencia.

      Desde que Dios formo la nacion de Israel miles de aos atras, la tendencia del pueblo de Dios ha sido alejarse de manera recurrente de su Creador y Redentor para volverse a sus malos caminos. Por otro lado, ha sido siempre el deseo de Dios de llamar a Su pueblo de regreso a El, reconociendo que, alejados de El, cosecharan grandes y destructivas consecuencias; y solamente en la cercania con El pueden experimentar Sus bendiciones.

      Cada uno de los capitulos de este libro considera diferentes momentos de la historia redentora donde el pueblo de Dios se habia alejado y donde Dios le llamo de regreso a Su presencia.

      “Volveos a mi” es una frase que aparece en Zacarias 1:3 donde Dios dice lo siguiente: “Diles, pues: ‘Asi dice el Seor de los ejercitos: “Volveos a mi” –declara el Seor de los ejercitos– y yo me volvere a vosotros” –dice el Seor de los ejercitos…” En este versiculo se ve el corazon de un Dios que desea tener comunion con Su pueblo para poderle instruir, dirigir, proteger y bendecir.

      Return to Me

      In Return to Me, Dr. Miguel Nuez presents how throughout redemptive history God’s people have rebelled against the very God who has brought them freedom, and how God, in the midst of His people’s unfaithfulness, has remained faithful and made every effort to call His people back to His presence.

      Since God formed the nation of Israel thousands of years ago, the tendency of God’s people has been to repeatedly turn away from their Creator and Redeemer and turn back to their wicked ways. On the other hand, it has always been God’s desire to call His people back to Him, recognizing that, separated from Him, they will reap great and destructive consequences; and only in closeness to Him can they experience His blessings.

      Each of the chapters of this book considers different moments in redemptive history where God’s people had fallen away and where God called them back into His presence.

      “Return to me” is a phrase that appears in Zechariah 1:3 where God says the following: “Therefore say to them, ‘Thus says the LORD of hosts, “Return to Me,” declares the LORD of hosts, “and I will return to you,” says

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    • 2 Peter And Jude


      Make every effort to confirm your calling and election, 2 Peter 1:10 tells us. For if you do these things, you will never stumble However well we are running now, we all need to be aware of the danger of falling away–especially in today’s culture, where we are constantly bombarded by ideas contrary to the word of God. We are each responsible to hold on to the truth. The original readers of 2 Peter and Jude had come under the influence of false and immoral teachings, and these letters were written precisely to help us to stand firm in our faith.

      These letters include serious warnings but also deep hope. It is through pursuing God, the one who keeps us from stumbling, and throwing ourselves on his mercy that we will make it to the end of the race. We can look forward to being presented before his glorious throne without fault and with great joy (Jude v 24).

      These six studies take you step by step through 2 Peter and Jude, with questions that open up discussion, a focus on real-life application and ideas for prayer. The book also includes a leader’s guide.

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    • 2 Peter And Jude For You


      When friends, family members, and even respected church leaders fall away from the faith, it is deeply sad and painful. But the reality is that we are all tempted to compromise our faith in one way or another. We all need to be careful not to fall.

      Peter and Jude knew that first-hand. They wrote with a sense of urgency, showing a deep concern for the believers they were addressing. Their aim? To help their readers stand firm.

      Verse by verse, pastor Miguel Nuez unpacks these two short letters, showing how they are still utterly relevant to us today–warning us where we may be in danger of stumbling and equipping us to stand firm in our faith.

      This expository guide is less academic than a traditional commentary and includes lots of application. It can be read from cover to cover, used in personal devotions, or referred to as a resource for leading small groups or preparing sermons.

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