Showing 1–50 of 573 resultsSorted by latest
Life Changing Mission
$16.99Mission trips give participants a unique opportunity to see and experience God differently than they do at home. While most people who take short term mission trips describe them as life-changing, the truth is that after they return home, not a lot changes in how they live day-to-day, and the memories start to fade. Life Changing Mission offers ten impactful devotions from Acts for short-term mission teams that will help them prepare spiritually for their trip, stay connected to Jesus while they serve, and continue to expand God’s kingdom when they return home.
The devotions will help readers connect what they are doing each day to God’s big kingdom and see how God is using them, just as he did the early Christians, to bring hope and healing to the world. Each devotion emphasizes the power of God to use weak and needy people to bring the gospel to a broken world.
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Christ Of The Indian Road Expanded Edition (Anniversary)
$22.99For those searching for truth and a map to help lead them down the path of The Way. For more than one hundred years, E. Stanley Jones has led the way in evangelism by contextualizing Christ in the existing culture, wherever that may be. In The Christ of the Indian Road, he recounts his experiences in India, where he arrived as a young and presumptuous missionary who later matured into a veteran who attempted to contextualize Jesus Christ within the Indian culture. He names the mistake many Christians make in trying to impose their culture on the existing culture. Instead, he makes the case that we learn from other cultures, respect the truth that can be found there, and let Christ and the existing culture do the rest. In his book Ordinary Man, Extraordinary Mission, Stephen Graham, a biographer of Jones, wrote: The Christ of the Indian Road was a frontal assault on the cultural prejudices of most European and American Christian missionaries in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Jones was one of the first Western Christians to realize that in Asia, Africa, and Latin America the Christian gospel was often betrayed by being enmeshed with the economic and political self-aggrandizement of Western nations. In so doing, Jones declared his moral and intellectual independence from Western political and religious imperialism.
Introduced by a foreword by Leonard Sweet, this expanded edition includes essays by church leaders reflecting on the impact of Jones’s revolutionary approach to discovering the Jesus already present in each culture and what those learnings mean for the church today. Contributors include: Theodosius Mar Thoma XXII Metropolitan; Rev. John J. Thatamanil; Very Rev. Abraham O. Kadavil, Corepiscopos (Kadavil Achen); Rev. Dr. Shivraj Mahendra; General Secretary Roland Fernandes (UM Board of Global Ministries); and Dr. Sathianathan Clarke.
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Forgotten Manifesto Of Jesus
$17.99Phil Moore tells us how a persecuted group of Iranian Christians radically ‘rediscovered’ Luke 10 as the ‘forgotten manifesto’ of Jesus.
Something remarkable is happening across the Middle East. A counter-cultural gospel movement is growing disciples of Jesus deep within the heartland of Islam.
Starting in Iran, a radical form of evangelism and discipleship, predominantly led by brand new believers, has begun to spread across Muslim majority nations. Author Phil Moore shares the first-hand stories of these courageous Middle Eastern Christians and compares them to the words of Jesus to his seventy-two disciples in Luke 10. The striking similarities between their experiences show how this spectacular move of God relies on the same instruction, and Spirit, as the first followers of Jesus.
And it does not stop there. Phil goes on to share how this gospel movement is now spreading across Europe and North America. If you long to see new believers coming to faith in the secular post-Christian West too, then let the testimonies in The Forgotten Manifesto of Jesus show you that with God all things are possible.
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Reviving Mission : Awakening To The Everyday Movement Of God
$20.00God’s mission is for everyone, every day.
In the midst of societal disruption and disillusionment, we’re seeing signs of a new season of God bringing people into renewal and revival. Jesus is the Sent One who invites us to become like him and live as sent people. God is leading us into a new normal where all of us-not just the professionals-can encounter him and experience his work.
Apostolic mission leaders Linson Daniel, Jon Hietbrink, and Eric Rafferty reveal God’s invitation into everyday mission in the way of Jesus. Though Christians may be discouraged by various challenges, this season holds opportunities for experiencing God’s movement in fresh ways among unlikely people.
With biblical insights into how Jesus and the early church lived, the authors invite us into four Es of reviving mission:
*Encountering God
*Exploring what he’s doing all around us
*Empowering those he sends us to, and
*Establishing communal rhythms of transforming habits and habitats.This model of holistic mission brings together the person of God, postures of redemption, and practices of engagement in a way that equips ordinary people for transformation and renewal.
God’s mission revives us as sent ones and the communities we are sent to. Come and be awakened to his everyday movement all around you.
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Intercultural Theology Volume Three
$45.99Ten Outstanding Books in Mission Studies, World Christianity and Intercultural Theology for 2019 – International Bulletin of Mission Research (IBMR)
Christianity is not only a global but also an intercultural phenomenon.
In this third volume of his three-volume Intercultural Theology, Henning Wrogemann proposes that we need to go beyond currently trending theologies of mission to formulate both a theory of interreligious relations and a related but methodologically independent theology of interreligious relations.
Migratory movements are contributing to an ongoing process of religious pluralization in societies that tended to be more religiously homogenous in the past. Interreligious platforms, movements, and organizations are growing in number. Meanwhile, everyday life continues to be characterized by very different modes of interreligious cooperation. Coming to a better understanding of such modes is a major concern for societies with high levels of religious and cultural plurality.
Wrogemann’s conviction is that much would be achieved if we posed new and different questions. When it comes to interreligious relations, what is significant, and what is meaningful? What exactly is a dialogue? Which factors are at play when people from different cultural and religious traditions come into contact with each other as physical beings in real-life situations? What about the different images of the self and of the other? Which interests and hidden motives underlie which claims to validity? Exploring these questions and more in masterful scope and detail, Wrogemann’s work will richly inform the study of interreligious relations.
Missiological Engagements charts interdisciplinary and innovative trajectories in the history, theology, and practice of Christian mission, featuring contributions by leading thinkers from both the Euro-American West and the majority world whose missiological scholarship bridges church, academy, and society.
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Intercultural Theology Volume Two
$45.99Christianity is not only a global but also an intercultural phenomenon.
In this second volume of his three-volume Intercultural Theology, Henning Wrogemann turns to theologies of mission. Mission theologies, he argues, are found in a wide range of implicit as well as explicit forms, from the practice of Christian presence by a Pakistani Christian among a marginalized people to the published deliberations of mission scholars in the West. The task of intercultural theology is to investigate and promote awareness of the variety of culture- and context-specific theologies of mission.
From Warneck to Bosch, from Edinburgh to Lausanne to Busan, Wrogemann provides an overview of the theological underpinnings, rationalizations, and visions for mission and its practice. Tracing developments across a range of Christian traditions, movements, themes, and regions of the globe, from Europe and North America to sub-Saharan Africa, Wrogemann presents us with an array of mission theologies across the scope of the modern missionary movement. This rich conspectus is rounded out with the doxological dimension of mission and the varied facets of oikoumenism.
Masterful in its scope and detail, this volume will richly inform the study of missiology and global Christianity. And it is essential reading for doing theology in a multicultural key. In a day when the church in the West struggles to understand and appreciate its missionary legacy and calling, Wrogemann’s work sparkles with its deeply informed insights and inspiring vision.
Missiological Engagements charts interdisciplinary and innovative trajectories in the history, theology, and practice of Christian mission, featuring contributions by leading thinkers from both the Euro-American West and the majority world whose missiological scholarship bridges church, academy, and society.
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Intercultural Theology Volume One
$45.99Christianity is not only a global but also an intercultural phenomenon. The diversity of world Christianity is evident not merely outside our borders but even within our own neighborhoods.
Over the past half century theologians and missiologists have addressed this reality by developing local and contextual theologies and by exploring issues like contextualization, inculturation, and translation. In recent years these various trajectories have coalesced into a new field called intercultural theology. Bringing together missiology, religious studies, social science research, and Christian theology, the field of intercultural theology is a fresh attempt to rethink the discipline of theology in light of the diversity and pluriformity of Christianity today.
Henning Wrogemann, one of the leading missiologists and scholars of religion in Europe, has written the most comprehensive textbook on the subject of Christianity and culture today. In three volumes his Intercultural Theology provides an exhaustive account of the history, theory, and practice of Christian mission. Volume one introduces the concepts of culture and context, volume two surveys theologies of mission both past and present, and volume three explores theologies of religion and interreligious relationships.
In this first volume on intercultural hermeneutics, Wrogemann introduces the term “intercultural theology” and investigates what it means to understand another cultural context. In addition to surveying different hermeneutical theories and concepts of culture, he assesses how intercultural understanding has taken place throughout the history of Christian mission. Wrogemann also provides an extensive discussion of contextual theologies with a special focus on African theologies.
Intercultural Theology is an indispensable resource for all people-especially students, pastors, and scholars-that explores the defining issues of Christian identity and practice in the context of an increasingly intercultural and interreligious world.
Missiological Engagements charts interdisciplinary and innovative trajectories in the history, theology, and practice of Christian mission, featuring contributions by leading thinkers from both the Euro-American West and the majority world whose missiological scholarship bridges church, academy, and society.
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You Will Be My Witnesses
$24.99A Theological Introduction to the Witness of the Church within the Mission of God
Mission is God’s work. God spoke the first promise of gospel hope, sent his Son into this fallen world, and commissioned his Spirit to empower his church for witness. Until the day Christ returns, God has called his people to participate in his mission through evangelism, apologetics, church planting, cultural engagement, gospel suffering, and many other activities that faithfully communicate gospel hope in Christ.
This practical introduction provides a biblical framework for understanding the church’s role in God’s mission. It reviews the biblical story of God’s mission, draws insights from the church’s witness since Pentecost, and studies aspects of contemporary Christian witness. Each chapter ends with study questions to encourage further reflection and discussion by church members and ministry leaders. Readers will gain refreshing insights into how they can participate in faithfully bearing witness to Christ through the church’s work in the world today.
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By Life Or By Death
$16.99One of the most incredible missionary stories of the 20th century.
As a young boy Andrew Montonera stumbled upon a cabinet of books in his grandparents’ house. He was captivated by what he discovered–the library of his distant relatives, John and Betty. By Life or by Death shares the story of these two remarkable people–inspirations of contagious joy and kingdom-focused lives.
John Cornelius Stam and Elisabeth Alden “Betty” Scott met at Moody Bible Institute in fall 1929. A few years later, their paths crossed again–this time in China. The two were united in marriage and in their love for the Chinese people.
Using family scrapbooks and unpublished sources, Montonera takes a fresh look at a famous story–how two missionaries and their baby were kidnapped by Chinese soldiers and ransomed. Montonera recounts the courage and martyrdom of the Stams, as well as the succeeding miraculous tale that captured the world’s attention.
The Stams’ lives were cut short, but their faithfulness continues to impact Christianity in China today. By Life or by Death looks at the legacy of the Stams, including new testimonies of those shaped by their commitment to the gospel.
Shortly before his death, John Stam mailed a letter to the mission authorities. He wrote, May God be glorified whether by life or by death (Philippians 1:20).
Discover how that prayer was answered both in the deaths and lives of John and Betty Stam.
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Teach A Man To Fish
$18.99You’ve probably heard the old saying, “Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.”
The same basic principle applies to missions work. Too many churches and other missions organizations over-emphasize Relief Aid no-strings-attached, handouts of vital supplies given in the immediate aftermath of a disaster. While necessary and lifesaving, Relief Aid is only a temporary fix. Once the funds dry up and the ground team leaves, the impoverished community is often no better off than they were before.
In Teach a Man to Fish, the authors illustrate the benefits of “wholistic transformational development,” where through engagement with the local church the community is empowered to identify and carry out long-term sustainable solutions to meet its own needs. A few of the steps that “wholistic transformational development” includes are:
*Give dignity to “the least of these”
*Address the root causes of poverty to provide solutions for the affected
*Help the vulnerable to become empowered in their own communitiesFilled with real-life stories from the authors’ own experiences, Teach a Man to Fish provides churches and missions organizations with a blueprint for helping people help themselves in order to create lasting change and long-term sustainability and independence.
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Mision Cristiana En El Mundo M – (Spanish)
$22.00Jesus nos envia al mundo de la misma manera que el Padre lo envio a el. Sin embargo, aun miles de aos despues, muchos cristianos todavia no se ponen de acuerdo que incluye esto. Algunos creen que el enfoque de la mision cristiana es evangelizar y salvar almas. Otros enfatizan asuntos de justicia global o la labor de alivio y desarrollo. Acaso solo una de estas dos opiniones esta en lo correcto por si sola?
El libro clasico de John Stott presenta una perspectiva duradera e integral de la mision cristiana que se necesita aun hoy. Actualizada y ampliada por Christopher J. H. Wright, Mision cristiana en el mundo modern provee un enfoque biblico a la mision que toca las necesidades espirituales y fisicas.
Con su claridad y conviccion especial e inigualable, Stott ilustra como la misma Gran Comision no solo asume la proclamacion que produce discipulos, sino que tambien ensea obediencia a la Gran Comision de amor y servicio. Wright ha actualizado el libro original con gran destreza y asi demuestra que continua la relevancia del pensamiento presciente de Stott. Este enfoque balanceado de la mision ofrece una guia que trasciende el tiempo para que cristianos presentes y futuros adopten el modelo sin conflicto e integral del ministerio de Jesus.
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New And Ancient Evangelism
$83.31Evangelism has a bad reputation. It’s been loaded with sales tactics, market analysis, and high-pressure psychology, an approach that often flattens other cultures and dishonors those we want to reach. Evangelizers are encouraged to believe that everything depends on their understanding of the gospel and their powers of persuasion. No wonder so few people want to get involved in sharing the faith.
This book recovers the ancient tradition of the church’s evangelism, rooted in the conversion stories of the Bible, to offer a truly biblical understanding of evangelism. Drawing on twenty-five years of experience teaching evangelism to laypeople and ministry students, Judith Paulsen shows that God uses ordinary people of faith within their everyday spheres of influence to draw people to himself. She helps readers share the good news in a way that is authentic, respectful, and ideally suited to the cultural dynamics of today’s world. Above all, she places the real work of evangelism where it belongs: with the God who is still at work calling people to himself.
This book will be a valuable resource for professors and students in evangelism, discipleship, and missional theology courses as well as pastors and church leaders. Discussion questions are included.
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Sending And Going Together
$9.99Discuss the Bible’s Teaching on Missions with This 9Marks Healthy Church Study Guide
While the word “missions” is not in the Bible, taking the gospel to unreached people is an essential outpouring of the Christian faith. This short study guide explores a biblical understanding and practice of missions and covers topics such as sending and supporting missionaries. Using questions at the end of each chapter, groups will work through guided discussions together as they learn the Bible’s teaching on missions.
9Marks Healthy Church Study Guides is a series of twelve 6-7 week studies covering the 9 distinctives of a healthy church as laid out in Nine Marks of a Healthy Church 4th ed. by Mark Dever. This series explores the biblical foundations of key aspects of the church, helping Christians live out those realities as members of a local body. Conveniently packaged and accessibly written, the format of this series is guided, inductive discussion of Scripture passages and is ideal for use in Sunday school, church-wide studies, or small-group contexts.
*Part of the 9Marks Healthy Church Study Guides Series: A series of twelve 6-7 week Bible studies covering 9 distinctives of a healthy church
*Perfect for Group or Individual Study: Includes guided, inductive discussion of Scripture with discussion questions at the end of each chapter
*Based off of Nine Marks of a Healthy Church ?4th ed. by Mark Dever
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Before You Go
$17.99Are you preparing to take the gospel to the nations?
You’ve said “yes” to God’s call to go, and now you will pack up your things and step into the unknown of a new location, people, and culture. The following years will likely include great joy, frustration, homesickness, difficulty, and excitement. In this book, ten men who have served in missions in various ways share what they wish they had known before they began.
This book is a handbook for entering the mission field, including essays on:
*Discerning Your Calling
*Leaving What You Love
*Identity and Task
*Integrity and Accountability
*Serving Well as a Team
*Prayer and Evangelism
*Going Single
*Family & Mission
*The Fellowship of the Suffering
*Spiritual Patterns of a MissionaryAdd to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Bread And Bibles
$17.99When I was at work in the City Relief Society, before the fire, I used to go to a poor sinner with the Bible in one hand and a loaf of bread in the other. -D. L. Moody
Dwight Lyman Moody was a preacher, pastor, and visionary whose impact is still felt around the world. He was a servant to poor and immigrant communities, an evangelist who traveled the globe, and a champion of Christian education–Moody founded Moody Publishers and he started three schools, including Moody Bible Institute, which has trained more missionaries than any other single institution in the United States. Dr. Gregg Quiggle explores the life and legacy of a man who helped shape American evangelicalism. Taking a focused and in-depth look at the social vision and missionary work–triumphs and failures–of D. L. Moody, Quiggle tells the story of a man whose impact continues to this day.
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10 Women Who Changed The World
$17.9910 Women Who Changed the World is seminary president Daniel L. Akin’s powerful tribute to the transformational work done by some truly inspiring female Christian missionaries.
With each profile, he journeys into the heart of that gospel servant’s mission-minded story and makes a compelling connection to a similar account from the Bible. By reading each missionary story, and how each woman embodies a certain passage of Scripture, prepare to be challenged and inspired to follow in their footsteps–because intentionally living on mission isn’t something reserved for heroes of the past. It’s something each one of us can pursue in everyday life!Women featured in this book:
1. Sarah Hall Boardman Judson (and how she embodies Psalm 138)
2. Eleanor Chesnut (and how she embodies John 13:34-35)
3. Ann Hasseltine Judson (and how she embodies Psalm 142)
4. Harriet Newell (and how she embodies Psalm 116)
5. Darlene Deibler Rose (and how she embodies Psalm 27)
6. Betsey Stockton (and how she embodies 1 Corinthians 7:17-24)
7. Bertha Smith (and how she embodies Galatians 2:20)
8. Charlotte Atlee White Rowe (and how she embodies 1 Corinthians 9:19, 22-23)
9. Yvette Aarons (how she embodies Proverbs 3:5-8)
10. Lilias Trotter (and how she embodies 2 Corinthians 12:7-10)Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Sharing Jesus Showing Kindness
$14.99How You Act Matters
Many churches struggle with the impact of the dramatic and sweeping changes that mark our time. People identify as nones (no religious affiliation) or dones (formerly churched but now dechurched). So how do we reach people and disciple believers in this cultural shift? How does the church have a positive impact for Christ in a broken world? The answer is found in history!
Go back to what the early church did: show kindness to a broken world–the Great Commandment. Go back to the church’s mission: share the good news of Jesus Christ–the Great Commission.
Filled with practical applications and stories of real impact, Sharing Jesus, Showing Kindness will encourage and equip you and others to get out of the church building and into the community. You’ll be inspired to make an impact with the gospel of Jesus Christ!
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Crossing Cultures With The Gospel
$27.99Southwestern Journal of Theology 2023 Book Award (Honorable Mention, Evangelism/Missions/Global Church)
Drawing on forty years of teaching and mission experience, leading missiological anthropologist Darrell Whiteman brings a wealth of insight to bear on cross-cultural ministry.
After explaining the nature and function of culture and the importance of understanding culture for ministry, Whiteman addresses the most common challenges of ministering across cultures. He then provides practical solutions based on lived experience, helping readers develop healthy patterns so they can communicate the gospel effectively. Issues addressed include negotiating differences in worldview, the problem of nonverbal communication, understanding cultural forms and their meanings, and the challenge of overcoming culture shock.
Professors, students, and anyone ministering cross-culturally will benefit from this informed yet accessible guide. Foreword by Miriam Adeney.
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Crossing Cultures With The Gospel
$83.31Southwestern Journal of Theology 2023 Book Award (Honorable Mention, Evangelism/Missions/Global Church)
Drawing on forty years of teaching and mission experience, leading missiological anthropologist Darrell Whiteman brings a wealth of insight to bear on cross-cultural ministry.
After explaining the nature and function of culture and the importance of understanding culture for ministry, Whiteman addresses the most common challenges of ministering across cultures. He then provides practical solutions based on lived experience, helping readers develop healthy patterns so they can communicate the gospel effectively. Issues addressed include negotiating differences in worldview, the problem of nonverbal communication, understanding cultural forms and their meanings, and the challenge of overcoming culture shock.
Professors, students, and anyone ministering cross-culturally will benefit from this informed yet accessible guide. Foreword by Miriam Adeney.
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Around The World In 80 Ways
$18.81A comprehensive overview of the life of Baptist leader David Coffey his family, his sermons, his addresses, articles and an epilogue about growing into old age with God. The backstory is interesting, the sermons challenging, the addresses informative, and the articles engaging. A must-read for Baptists, it is a very honest, personal and authentic memoir of the travels, people met and enduring faith of this well-known leader.
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These Strange Ashes
$18.81In this deeply personal account of her first year as a missionary, Elisabeth Elliot shares what it was like to work in the jungles of Ecuador with a small group of women, bringing the Word of God to the indigenous tribe that martyred her husband. With fascinating detail, she captures the stark realities of life among these complex people and reflects upon the “strange ashes” that can result when an act of obedience is passed through the fires of God’s perfect–yet mysterious–will.
These Strange Ashes is more than a remarkable sharing of a year in the life of a Christian missionary; it is a reflection on the great questions of life and a memorable testimony to the realities of authentic Christian commitment. First published nearly 40 years ago, this classic is sure to inspire a new generation to find and follow God’s will–wherever it leads them.
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Let The Nations Be Glad 30th Anniversary Edition (Anniversary)
$22.99John Piper’s bestselling book on missions (more than 300,000 copies sold) draws on key biblical texts to demonstrate that worship is the ultimate goal of the church and that proper worship fuels missionary outreach. Piper offers a biblical defense of God’s supremacy in all things, providing readers with a sound theological foundation for missions.
This 30th anniversary edition of a contemporary classic incorporates insight from the author’s refined thinking over the past 10 years. Used extensively as a textbook for missions courses and a resource for ministries, Let the Nations Be Glad! provides a passionate plea for God-centeredness in the whole enterprise of world evangelization and explores the role of prayer and spiritual warfare. The book is essential reading for those involved in or preparing for missions work. It also offers enlightenment for students, pastors, youth workers, campus ministers, and all who want to connect their labors to God’s global purposes. The 30th anniversary edition features a deluxe hardcover binding.
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Journals Of Jim Elliot
$25.87Uncover the spiritual riches of the personal journals of missionary and martyr Jim Elliot
Jim Elliot arrived in Ecuador as a missionary at age twenty-five. Three years later, he would become a martyr at the hands of the Auca, the indigenous people to whom he was witnessing. He left behind a young wife, a baby daughter, and an incredible legacy of faith.
Jim’s volumes of personal journals, written over many years, reveal the inner struggles and victories that he experienced before his untimely death in 1956. In The Journals of Jim Elliot, you’ll come to know this intelligent and articulate man who yearned to know God’s plan for his life, detailed his fascinating missions work, and revealed his love for Elisabeth–first as a single man, then as a happily married one.
Edited by his wife, Elisabeth, Jim’s personal yet universal musings about faith, love, and work will show you how to apply the Bible to the situations you face every day. They will inspire you to lead a life of obedience, regardless of the cost, and delight you with an amazing story of courage and determination.
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Impacting Eternity : A Practitioner’s Guide For Sustained Movement Expansio
$17.63Growing from 4 to 400 Generations
We’ve heard stories about disciple-making movements that are sweeping the globe, transforming the way people are coming to Christ in places like Asia, western Africa, and South America. We’ve learned specific principles and strategies to encourage such movements. If only we had a book that combined empirical research with established missiological practice. Now we do.
Impacting Eternity builds on multi-dimensional research performed over a period of years. Its findings have been refined in practice within three different movements that the author helped to facilitate. Robert Reach gives seven concrete, root principles that bear kingdom fruit. This is not merely information that might work; it has proven effective in the trenches of movement life resulting in miraculous growth. Reach has found that his 5-5-5 methodology is very effective, but instead of promoting it, he helps readers think about the underlying leadership dynamics that spark and sustain a movement.
We cannot see the Spirit, but we see his work in our lives. In the same way, the visible leaves and fruit of a movement have many hidden roots. And so, we must pay attention. This book can help you learn to recognize and follow God’s Spirit as he accomplishes his purposes among the nations.
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Depth By Drama
$19.99Michael Merker’s personal experience with a touring production of the popular musical Godspell, a dramatization of God’s Word, led him to experiment with the adaptation of Bible literature into performance material. Through directing and performing these works, he not only grew in his own understanding of the Word but shared the gospel with his audiences and fellow performers.
With the desire to spark a movement of committed practitioners who aim to reach the entire world for Jesus Christ, Michael has created a practical guide for others who share his love for theater and discipleship. Depth by Drama is for missionaries, group leaders, pastors, and anyone who wants to create and present Bible-based shows for the evangelism of the lost and the discipleship of performers and others involved in the productions. With the help of this thorough guidebook, readers can discover the great blessings gained from rehearsing and performing the Word of God and biblical literature, both for the actor and the audience.
Whether it’s for your personal Bible study, an exercise for a group, or a full-scale performance for an audience, this book-along with the Bible-will be all you need to learn how to put together a production based on Scripture. Now, break-a-leg for Jesus!
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Jesus The Church And The Mission Of God
$46.99Church planting is in vogue, yet there is a paucity of sustained biblical and theological reflection on the topic.
Key voices are practitioners and planters themselves here is the biblical theology that the missiological practice of our day has been crying out for.
John Valentine explores the Bible’s how’ and why’ for starting new churches and revitalizing old ones in this robust and comprehensive biblical theological look at one aspect of the mission of God.
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Grit To Stay Grace To Go
$21.16Don’t Leave Too Soon, Don’t Stay Too Long
Staying isn’t always good and leaving isn’t always bad. Both require grit and grace. Cross-cultural ministry presents us with many difficulties like transitions, loneliness, messy relationships, and the desire to escape. The lies we believe tempt us to leave our work too soon. But nothing tests our resolve to stay like seeing others go.Grit to Stay Grace to Go normalizes the challenges of ministry through honest and humorous stories from the authors’ own lives as well as testimonies from many other workers. The point is to help cross-cultural workers not just to stay, but to stay well, by countering lies with truth. This workbook provides thoughtful reflection questions, practical action steps, and suggested prayers. It encourages stayers to process their grief, guilt, and relief when saying goodbye to goers. In this way, they can move forward with forgiveness and humility and truly bless the departing ones. Those considering leaving will find poignant questions and spiritual practices to help them make an intentional, not reactive, decision.Are you considering leaving the field? Or do you know someone who is? Work through this book by yourself or with others. You will gain wisdom to help workers develop grit and grace to stay or go.
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Facing Fear: : The Journey To Mature Courage In Risk And Persecution
$31.75Developing an Anti-Fragile Faith
Violence against Christ-followers is increasing globally. The lived reality for many Christians involves daily threats, risks, and persecution. When evil casts its shadow on us, and we’re tempted to despair, it is vital to develop anti-fragile faith and the guts to endure in hard places.
Facing Fear is a practical guide for believers who long to have bold, mature courage. Cultivating this courage is necessary to endure wisely for Christ’s sake. Anna Hampton integrates exegesis and psychology to explain how humans respond to fear and how the Holy Spirit enables us to make a different choice than our normal. Learning to face our fears, name them, and manage them requires learning specific steps to reduce their impact on us.
This book is a pastoral and practical resource for those working to advance the gospel in the world’s most dangerous places. You’ll gain valuable skills to become “shrewd as a serpent” and stand with unshakable faith in unsafe situations. Risk can be an offering of worship. Jesus is worthy of whatever pain you go through, whatever loss you experience, and whatever fears you have.
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Faithful Disobedience : Writings On Church And State From A Chinese House C
$28.99Throughout China’s rapidly growing cities, a new wave of unregistered house churches is growing. They are developing rich theological perspectives that are both uniquely Chinese and rooted in the historical doctrines of the faith. To understand how they have endured despite government pressure and cultural marginalization, we must understand both their history and their theology.
In this volume, key writings from the house church have been compiled, translated, and made accessible to English speakers. Featured here is a manifesto by well-known pastor Wang Yi and his church, Early Rain Covenant Church in Chengdu, to clarify their theological stance on the house church and its relationship to the Chinese government. There are also works by prominent voices such as Jin Tianming, Jin Mingri, and Sun Yi. The editors have provided introductions, notes, and a glossary to give context to each selection.
These writings are an important body of theology historically and spiritually. Though defined by a specific set of circumstances, they have universal applications in a world where the relationship between church and state is more complicated than ever. This unique resource will be valuable to practical and political theologians as well as readers interested in international relations, political philosophy, history, and intercultural studies.
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Subversive Mission : Serving As Outsiders In A World Of Need
$18.99For many, missions is the story of heroes, martyrs, and the advance of the gospel. For others, it’s the story of colonialism and missionary disasters. So how do we respond to God’s call to love our neighbors as a new era emerges?
Subversive mission is submission–to God and local leaders. Subversive mission offers a new way forward for outsiders called to crosscultural ministry by serving as humble alongsiders. Join Craig Greenfield on this inspiring journey in Asia and beyond as he rediscovers the fivefold missional gifts of apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, and teacher, and demonstrates how each of these must look radically different in a crosscultural context. Along the way, you’ll discover your own missional type through the Missional Type Inventory and come face to face with the five most common pitfalls that Westerners face in crosscultural settings.
By the end of this story, you’ll be inspired by a radically different way of working for change in the world. Come alongside. And join God in what he is already doing.
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Fulfilling Our Mission
$16.99Fulfilling our Mission by noted international evangelist Reinhard Bonnke explores truths, stories, and principles from the Bible that show how to effectively reach out to others with the love of God and the salvation of Jesus Christ. This book builds upon Bonnke’s previous book, Hell Empty, Heaven Full, demonstrating God’s great compassion for the world.
Tens of millions of people came to know Christ through Bonnke’s ministry. As he explains, in evangelism, there is no “right” way of doing things but only right principles, principles that can be drawn from the New Testament.
In Scripture, God equipped the least likely individuals for His providential purposes. He wants each one of us to participate in reaching the world because He deeply loves all people. Where the Holy Spirit provides the tiniest spark, a start can be made. You cannot learn to play the piano better by hearing more lectures about piano-playing techniques. You have to put your fingers on the keys. Evangelism is not a sit-down-and-learn topic alone. It is a hands-on activity, a demand, a challenge, a commission, and a consuming passion!
From biblical times to today, believers have claimed God’s promises and moved forward in faith. The Word, not some subjective impulse, is our authority for action and will bring about success in outreach that causes men, women, and children to know Christ and be brought into the eternal kingdom of God.
Today, Jesus calls us to go into all the world and make disciples. How will we respond? God not only accompanies those who are go-getters, but He also makes and equips them. With the Word as our guide, let us begin a serious and determined effort to fulfill the commission Jesus us gave to reach everyone in the world with the message of His salvation and usher in His return!
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Buried Seeds : Learning From The Vibrant Resilience Of Marginalized Christi
$83.31This book demonstrates how two overlooked ministry models–base ecclesial communities of the Global South in the late 20th century and hush harbors of the US Deep South during antebellum times–offer proven strategies for the 21st-century church. These ministry models provide insight into the creation and sustenance of vital Christian community, particularly for those seeking indigenous culturally-rooted models, and show how to and show how to integrate vibrant Christ-centered faith and mission with world-changing social justice and political action. The book includes on-the-ground stories from multiethnic communities, a foreword by Robert Chao Romero, and an afterword by Willie James Jennings.
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Buried Seeds : Learning From The Vibrant Resilience Of Marginalized Christi
$24.99This book demonstrates how two overlooked ministry models–base ecclesial communities of the Global South in the late 20th century and hush harbors of the US Deep South during antebellum times–offer proven strategies for the 21st-century church. These ministry models provide insight into the creation and sustenance of vital Christian community, particularly for those seeking indigenous culturally-rooted models, and show how to and show how to integrate vibrant Christ-centered faith and mission with world-changing social justice and political action. The book includes on-the-ground stories from multiethnic communities, a foreword by Robert Chao Romero, and an afterword by Willie James Jennings.
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Flame Of God
$24.99Are you frustrated by your lack of power to live an authentic Christian life? Do you want more boldness to share the Good News of Christ? Do you desire the gifts of the Holy Spirit to be manifested in your life?
American missionary Daniel Del Vecchio moved in miracles, healings, and deliverance while ministering in Cuba, Mexico, and Spain. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, he reached out to backpacking youth traveling through Torremolinos in the 1970s and 80s, spearheading an international Christian community and Evangelical churches in Spain. These communities opened drug rehabilitation centers and cared for the poor and marginalized and those suffering from trauma and abuse. Light always overcomes the darkness!
The joy of the Lord is contagious! We aren’t all called to be pioneering missionaries, but we all have a part to play in God’s strategy to reach our neighbors and the nations!
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Just Mission : Laying Down Power And Embracing Mutuality
$18.99Why do American Christians travel overseas to reach people in distant lands, but neglect ministering to people who immigrate from those lands to their home communities?
Why does Western missions funding depend on narratives that marginalize indigenous leadership?
Why are diaspora Christians from the Global South not seen as legitimate missionaries to the West?
Western mission often still centers the senders, without as much understanding of the experiences of the receivers. Mekdes Haddis, an Ethiopian now living in the United States, provides a postcolonial critique of Western mission, upending the white savior complex and arguing for a more globally just approach. A Just Mission examines evangelical mission from the perspective of the receiver, highlighting areas of weakness and naming injustices.
Unveiling the negative impact of Western mission on the global church, Haddis addresses how white supremacy infiltrates and subverts mission organizations’ good intentions, disrupting grassroots missions and local leadership development. Weaving together theology and Scripture with stories from people of color and diaspora groups, A Just Mission offers hope that the mission and message of Jesus can indeed become good news for all.
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Liturgical Mission : The Work Of The People For The Life Of The World
$20.99Modern missional movements have often viewed the historic Christian traditions with suspicion.
The old traditions may be beautiful, the thinking goes, but they’re too insular, focused primarily on worship and on the interior life of the church, and not looking outward to evangelism and good works.
In Liturgical Mission, Winfield Bevins argues that the church’s liturgy and sacramental life are in fact deeply missional. He explores the historic practices of the Christian church, demonstrating how they offer a holistic framework for everyday Christian discipleship and mission in the twenty-first century. The result is a book that not only invites all Christians back to the historic liturgy of the church, but also invites those already in liturgical churches to rediscover the missional life that has too often remained latent in their own traditions.
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Becoming A Missionary Church
$66.65This book offers a historical assessment and balanced critique of contemporary church movements, especially in light of missional ecclesiology. An expert on Lesslie Newbigin and an expert on contemporary church models show how Newbigin’s ideas have been developed and contextualized in three popular contemporary church movements: missional, emergent, and center church. In addition, the authors explain that some of Newbigin’s insights have been neglected and need to be retrieved for the present day. This book calls for the recovery of the missionary nature of the church and commends church practices applicable to any congregation.
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Becoming A Missionary Church
$35.29This book offers a historical assessment and balanced critique of contemporary church movements, especially in light of missional ecclesiology. An expert on Lesslie Newbigin and an expert on contemporary church models show how Newbigin’s ideas have been developed and contextualized in three popular contemporary church movements: missional, emergent, and center church. In addition, the authors explain that some of Newbigin’s insights have been neglected and need to be retrieved for the present day. This book calls for the recovery of the missionary nature of the church and commends church practices applicable to any congregation.
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God At Work In The World
$66.65A leading scholar offers an up-to-date articulation of the theological grounding of the missionary endeavor. Lalsangkima (Kima) Pachuau argues that theology of mission deals with God’s work in and for the world, which is centered on salvation in Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. Pachuau brings a global perspective to mission theology, explains how theology of mission is related to theology as a discipline, and recognizes recent critiques of “missions,” offering a compelling response rooted in the very nature of God.
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Teamwork Cross Culturally
$66.65Following Sherwood Lingenfelter’s successful books on ministering, teaching, and leading cross-culturally (with combined sales of over 200,000 copies), Teamwork Cross-Culturally casts a vision for how teams made up of diverse peoples can serve in unity as the body of Christ despite the complicated problems that arise. The book equips leaders to respond to divisive issues so that multinational mission teams can do the work of ministry in ways that honor God. Real-life examples of teamwork challenges from around the world demonstrate that “in Christ” responses are achievable.
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Teamwork Cross Culturally
$25.88Following Sherwood Lingenfelter’s successful books on ministering, teaching, and leading cross-culturally (with combined sales of over 200,000 copies), Teamwork Cross-Culturally casts a vision for how teams made up of diverse peoples can serve in unity as the body of Christ despite the complicated problems that arise. The book equips leaders to respond to divisive issues so that multinational mission teams can do the work of ministry in ways that honor God. Real-life examples of teamwork challenges from around the world demonstrate that “in Christ” responses are achievable.
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Apostolic Imagination : Recovering A Biblical Vision For The Church’s Missi
$66.65A leading expert in the field of Christian missions encourages the church to recover the apostolic imagination that fueled the multiplication of disciples in the first century. J. D. Payne examines the contemporary practice of Western missions and advocates a more central place for Scripture in defining missionary language, identity, purpose, function, and strategy. He shows that an apostolic understanding of the church’s disciple-making commission requires rethinking every aspect of missionary engagement. The book includes end-of-chapter discussion questions and action steps to help pastors and church leaders develop an apostolic imagination.
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Apostolic Imagination : Recovering A Biblical Vision For The Church’s Missi
$22.99A leading expert in the field of Christian missions encourages the church to recover the apostolic imagination that fueled the multiplication of disciples in the first century. J. D. Payne examines the contemporary practice of Western missions and advocates a more central place for Scripture in defining missionary language, identity, purpose, function, and strategy. He shows that an apostolic understanding of the church’s disciple-making commission requires rethinking every aspect of missionary engagement. The book includes end-of-chapter discussion questions and action steps to help pastors and church leaders develop an apostolic imagination.
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Freeing Congregational Mission
$26.99There is a deepening crisis in mission as practiced by North American congregations.
Many mission activities are more effective at satisfying church members than making a lasting difference, producing what’s too often consumer-oriented selfie mission. Too much effort is based on colonial-era assumptions of mission launched from a position of power. These practices are not just ineffective–they deviate from mission in the way of Jesus. Hunter Farrell and Bala Khyllep want to help free congregational mission from harmful cultural forces so churches can better partner with God’s work in the world. They invite leaders to lay the foundation for more faithful and effective missions with three core elements:
*a Christ-centered theology of mission rooted in companionship
*an appetite and competence to engage across differences with cultural humility
*insights and strategies to accompany local and global neighbors in co-developmentFarrell and Khyllep deliver key takeaways from the latest mission research, inspiring examples from innovative congregations, and a set of step-by-step tools for churches to discern and implement sound practices that will work for them. The local church community is well-positioned to build a spreading circle of relationships centered in Jesus Christ. With this book, congregations of every Christian tradition will find practical help to direct their resources in truly life-giving ways as they seek the mission of God.
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Development In Mission
$26.23God is inviting us to join in the transformation of global poverty. It’s time to act.
Jesus’s words, “Blessed are you who are poor,” are the seeds of a new reality. So how can God’s people participate in this transformation of how to live and serve? Development in Mission offers a way forward and encourages readers to embrace a holistic approach to poverty alleviation.
Gathering their diverse perspectives on international development, the authors construct a solid theological foundation for global mission. They distill principles for effective Christian engagement in several key sectors, including education, income and poverty reduction, water and sanitation systems, creation care, healthcare delivery, disaster relief, peacemaking, sports ministries, and others.
Congregations, missionaries, nonprofit leaders, and Christians in the Global North will find fresh perspectives for engaging global vulnerability, poverty, and injustice faithfully and effectively. Along the way, readers will find that they are being transformed themselves as they join God’s mission in the world.
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Born To Give
$18.99How does God get the Word out to a lost and dying world?
This book will inspire you to see yourself as a tool for God’s kingdom. God has a ministry for everyone, and He will use what you make available to Him.
Missionary-preacher David Grant’s name has become synonymous in the Assemblies of God with riveting storytelling that makes listeners laugh one minute and cry the next. Very human stories of a kid growing up in Southern parsonages mix with deeply moving stories that expose great human need around the world and the great heart of our compassionate God who cares for the neediest and exploited.
In Born to Give, Grant tells his own riveting story, of a young boy who gave God his life in an offering pan at the invitation of a legendary missionary and became a missionary to the nations, ministering throughout Southern Asia, Europe, and Asia Pacific, and to victims of sexual slavery. Inspiring both laughter and tears, Born to Give is a refreshing and real story that will lead readers to place their own lives and resources in God’s miracle-working hands and engage with Him to bring hope in a broken, unjust world.
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Teaching And Learning Across Cultures
$40.00Representing the fruit of a lifetime of reflection and practice, this comprehensive resource helps teachers understand the way people in different cultures learn so they can adapt their teaching for maximum effectiveness. Craig Ott, a senior missiologist known for his expertise in theology and church planting, draws on extensive research and cross-cultural experience from around the world. This book introduces students to current theories and best practices for teaching and learning across cultures. Case studies, illustrations, diagrams, and sidebars help the theories of the book come to life.
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Get Set : A Spiritual Preparation For Short-Term Missions
$4.99Get Set is a 31-day devotional that will help equip and prepare short-term missions teams for their upcoming trip.
Going on a short-term mission trip can be thrilling, stretching, and scary. To help you and your church mission team be prepared spiritually, Melissa Heiland of Beautiful Feet International and International Mission Board have partnered to create a 31-day devotional for short-term missions partners. You will be able to relate to personal stories of others who have traveled overseas with teams to share the gospel with a lost world.
Each devotion begins with a suggested Scripture passage to review, a devotional story, and a prayer. Melissa brings her own personal experience as a former missionary and current short-term mission team leader within each daily reflection. A helpful timeline of things your team needs to do before departure is included in the index. This booklet is the perfect tool for your short-term team to read the month preceding your mission trip!
Sample quote from Get Set: “Let us never forget that we serve a God of miracles. As you prepare to go on your missions journey, go expectantly. Expect God to display his power among the peoples. Look for God in your life, in the lives of your team members, and in the lives of the people you are going to serve. Does raising support seem impossible? Is getting a visa difficult? Do the hearts of the people seem hard? Are you facing health problems? Look to God who parted the Red Sea!”
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Around The World With Matt And Lizzy China
$16.99All Aboard! We’re on Our Way to China!
Little travelers can pack their imaginary bags and explore China with Matt, Lizzy, and Bentley the dog. They will learn all about the children of China – their culture, language, food, weather, and landmarks – all the while growing in boldness to use their faith and share the love of God near and far.
In Around the World with Matt & Lizzy, author and traveling missionary Julie Beemer captures children’s imaginations and encourages curiosity about other cultures, while providing Bible application to real life challenges. Children ages 4-9 will love learning how children around the globe are different, yet very much the same.
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