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    Pastoral Helps

    • When The Game Is Over It All Goes Back In The Box (Student/Study Guide)


      Using popular games as a metaphor for our temporal lives, this six-session DVD curriculum neatly sorts out what’s fleeting and what’s permanent in God’s kingdom. Being Master of the Board is not the point; being rich toward God is. Winning the game of life on Earth is a temporary victory; loving God and other people with all our hearts is an eternal one.

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    • Complete Guide To Godly Play 7


      Enrichment Sessions-19 new lessons with focus on the saints, created
      to integrate with the lessons in
      Volume 3. Including All Saint’s day, St. Nicholas, St. Francis and many more!

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    • Collected Sermons Of William Sloan Coffin 2


      Comprised of the sermons preached by William Sloane Coffin while he was senior minister at the prestigious Riverside Church in New York City (1977-1987), these two volumes capture the renowned preacher and social activist at work: ministering to American hostages in Iran, supporting AIDS awareness in the early years of the epidemic, rallying his audiences to battle poverty and fight for nuclear disarmament, celebrating marriages and baptisms, and mourning the loss of loved ones, including his own son, Alex. Every sermon constitutes a powerful reminder of his legacy-challenging the conscience of a nation.

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    • Unlocking Gods Freeing Truth About Women


      The original language wording of the Bible is wonderfully liberating for women, and Dr. Rocco brings to light what many have not heard. This book explains strong evidence for women in ministry roles. It untangles difficult passages pertaining to church and home life. Topics include: Elders Marriage Deacons Usage of “Head” Governing Authorities Unexpected Feminine Language Masculine Language Prohibitions about Speaking/Teaching Dr. Rocco is an adjunct professor in Biblical languages at Evangel Theological Seminary and serves on a church ministry team. The author has read through the entire Bible over 50 times in various translations and languages. Doctor of Ministry Master of Divinity Biblical Studies Diploma

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    • Experiencing The Truth


      Communicates the need of a vibrant, experiential, Reformed Christianity among African-American and all believers.

      The authors lay out the biblical basis for choosing and attending a church and demonstrate how the historic Reformed expression has been the most biblically accurate and experientially consistent expression of Christianity.

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    • Dog Training Fly Fishing And Sharing Christ In The 21st Century


      Ted Haggard presents a successful and tested model for a small group ministry here that can be implemented by a church of any size. By enabling members to embrace and capitalize on their own unique abilities, the diverse groups create an environment where people meet mentors that can disciple and guide them. This need-and interest based approach redefines the model for powerful church growth.

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    • Preaching The Story That Shapes Us


      Part 1: The Theology And Narrative Of Biography:
      The Calling And The Called
      1. Before I Had A Thumb To Suck
      2. The Love Of The Game
      3. The Call
      4. Spoking It
      5. A Vulnerable God
      6. Fleas In The Parsonage
      7. IWish She’d Learn To Cuss
      Part 2: The Bible: Where The Words Come From . . .
      and What They Do
      8. God Speaks
      9. The Written Word
      10. Reading . . . Or Being Read?
      11. Hearing
      12. Tribute To A Friend And Mentor
      13. Theological Assumptions
      Part 3: Getting Ready To Preach
      14. Sensing And Attending
      15. Inquisitiveness
      16. Looking For Trouble
      17. AWorld Of Images And Experiences
      18. Pausing To Let The Text Do Me Good
      19. Don Wardlaw Again
      20. Consulting With The Scholars
      21. Exegeting The Congregation
      Excursus 1: On A Corporate Vs. Individual Theology Of Worship-
      Invitation To The Dance
      Excursus 2: On The Use Of Power-Siding With Power
      22. The Shape Of The Sermon
      23. Public Speaking For Pastors
      24. Top 10 Don’ts
      25. The Worship Plot
      Part 4: Anthology Of Sermons
      New Eyes-Luke 24:13-35
      Touched-Luke 4:14-30
      Seeing Past The Labels-Luke 7:36-50
      Hollow Laughter, Holy Tears-Luke 6:17-26
      Divine Backing-Luke 9:28-43
      God’s Blog-Jeremiah 31:31-34
      Neb’s Nightmare-Daniel 4
      Deep In Our Bones-Exodus 2:1-25
      Eternal Optimism-Romans 8:18-30
      You Can’t Hide Family Resemblance-1 John 3:4-10
      Enemies-Psalm 109
      Dirty Hands, Pure Hearts-Matthew 5:8

      Additional Info
      In our world, stories matter. Methods and systems are beneficial because they provide structure and help keep us on the right road; but the motivation and courage to keep walking the road, come from the stories we hear and see and experience-stories that inspire hope and bring us face-to-face with God.

      For ministers, the call to preach is a call into a story that forms and shapes us. It’s about stumbling into revelation as life unwinds and scripture unfolds. It’s about listening to God’s voice and then sharing it with others. It’s about recognizing that when people gather to hear a sermon, God speaks. And it’s about understanding that when He speaks, He speaks through you.

      Preaching the Story That Shapes Us is more than a textbook on preaching. It’s an empowering call for preachers to present a picture of the kingdom of God already at work among us, recognizing that the work of preaching is not just about arranging words-it’s about people. With elegant prose and crafted reason, Dan Boone weaves together scripture, personal narrative, structure, and theological reflection to provide a satisfying, efficient guide to narrative preaching. From exploring the importance of biography to walking readers through creative processes that shape the sermon, Boone shows preachers how to awaken lives and share the stories of God that reveal who we are and lead us to who we will be.

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    • From Midterms To Ministry


      In this collection of essays, a seasoned group of ministers, scholars, and theological educators share reflections, born out of personal experience, on the transition from seminarian to minister. All the authors have worked with two assumptions. First, they acknowledge that the school experience, though related, is a different world from the ministry setting. Secondly, they point out that while these arenas share things in common they also differ in significant ways. The contributors speak in a very personal way to the ways these worlds operate under dissimilar sets of expectations and values, with different cultures and ways of life, and also with their own set of distinct challenges, objective, rewards, and focal points. Honest and full of wisdom, Midterms to Ministry will help students and ministers find help to travel on their own vocational path. Contributors: Wallace M. Alston, Ray S. Anderson, M. Craig Barnes, Elizabeth F. Caldwell, Allan Hugh Cole Jr., Pamela D. Couture, Kathy Dawson, Carrie Doehring, Michael Jinkins, L. Gregory Jones, Susan Pendleton Jones, James F. Kay, Cleophus J. LaRue, Thomas G. Long, Loren B. Mead, Bonnie J. Miller-McLemore, Earl F. Palmer, Stephanie Paulsell, Anthony B. Robinson, Carol L. Schnabel Schweitzer, Theodore J. Wardlaw, Traci C. West, William H. Willamon, J. Philip Wogaman, Karen Marie Yust

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    • 10 Minute Talks


      Youth ministry regularly calls for moments where the “short talk” is the perfect solution. No three points and a poem, no long fancy outlines, just a ten minute talk that tells one point loud and clear through a powerful story. When you’ve only got ten minutes to make your point, give em’ something that they’ll remember.

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    • Church Treasurers Manual


      1 Responsibilities Of The Church Treasurer
      Separation Of Financial Responsibilities
      Guidelines For Handling Church Offerings
      Acknowledging And Reporting Charitable Gifts
      Quid Pro Quo Disclosure Requirements
      Suggested Steps In Handling Expenditures
      Should You Computerize Your Church’s
      Financial Records?
      2 Payroll, Employees, And Ministerial Compensation
      Who Is An Employee, And Who Is A Contractor?
      Contractors, Employees, And Ministers
      Employees (Other Than Clergy)
      What If We Do Not Withhold And Report?
      What If We Are Not Sure Which Employment Relationship
      10 Steps To Preparing For Payroll Tax Obligations
      Ministerial Compensation
      IRS Regulations For Business Expense Reimbursements
      The Cost Of A Minister Vs. The Cost Of A Ministry
      Parsonage Or Housing Allowance?
      Pro Parsonage And Con Housing Allowance
      Pro Housing Allowance And Con Parsonage
      Tax Implications
      Another Alternative
      OK. We’ve Decided On The Housing Allowance
      Conflict Over Compensation Issues
      3 Taxes
      Tax And Reporting Procedures For Congregations
      Classification Of Employees
      How The Courts Have Ruled
      The Ministerial Employee
      The Lay Employee
      The Employer Identification Number
      What Is Taxable For Federal Income Tax Purposes?
      Income Tax Withholding
      Social Security/Medicare Tax Witholding
      Form W-4
      Deposit Of Withheld Amounts
      Form 941
      Form W-2
      Form W-3
      Form W-5
      Form 1099-MISC
      Short Checklist For Tax Procedures
      Checklist For Filling Out Box 1 Of Form W-2
      Minimizing Income Taxes For Church Employees
      Tax-Free Employee Benefits
      Business Transportation, Travel, And Related Expenses
      The Accountable Reimbursement Plan
      What The Church Could Do
      The Church-Owned Automobile
      4 Budgeting, Reporting, And Financial Audits
      How Do You Determine The Annual Budget?
      The Chart Of Annual Accounts
      Financial Reports To The Congregation
      Balance Sheet
      Statement Of Revenue And Expense
      Statement Of Cash Flows
      Other Financial Reports
      Why Have An Audit?
      External Audits
      Internal Audits
      Audit Procedures
      Works Cited
      Appendix 1 Where To Go For More Information
      Appendix 2 Financial Forms

      Additional Info
      Most of the time, members who accept the position of church treasurer have little or no background in accounting, especially in smaller churches; and even those with accounting experience may have trouble knowing what’s expected of them when they begin their duties.

      The Church Treasurer’s Manual is a practical tool that provides treasurers everything they need to know about handling church finances. From an overview of duties to helpful guidelines for completing tasks, new and veteran treasurers alike will learn practical tips and time-saving suggestions that will help them carry out their responsibilities in an effective and efficient manner.

      Resources include:
      an easy-to-understand overview of basic accounting principles
      an extensive explanation of tax regulations
      options for monthly and annual financial reporting
      a general job description for the church treasurer
      record keeping form for taxes, accounting ledgers, individual contribution records, budget worksheets, the offering, and more
      advice for handling payroll, housing allowances, and other compensations for the pastor and staff
      tips on communicating with the church board, the pastor, and the financial committee
      ethical guidelines for handling money

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    • Priesthood Pastors Bishops


      Retrieves the Reformation context and convictions about ministry.

      Traces the history of the idea of the priesthood of all believers.

      Clarifies the theological underpinnings of ministry in Reformation traditions.

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    • Feasting On The Word Year B 1


      This new lectionary commentary series offers the most extensive resource for preaching on the market today. When complete, the twelve volumes will cover all of the Sundays in the three-year lectionary cycle, along with moveable occasions such as Christmas Day, Epiphany, Holy Week, and All Saints Day.

      For each lectionary text, preachers will find four brief essays on the exegetical, theological, pastoral, and homiletical challenges of the text, with freedom to begin where they choose. They may decide to focus on the Gospel text, for instance, by reading all four essays provided for that text. Or they may decide to look for connections between the Hebrew Bible, Psalm, Gospel, and Epistle texts by reading the theological essays on each one.

      Each lectionary year will consist of four volumes, one for the Advent and Christmas season, one for Lent and Easter, and one for each half of Ordinary Time.

      While the twelve volumes of the series will follow the pattern of the Revised Common Lectionary, each volume will contain an index of biblical passages so that non-lectionary preachers may make use of its contents.

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    • Renewing The Face Of The Earth


      This important and timely study provides a much needed theological framework for considering and responding to the challenges of climate change. In a highly readable and clear style, it explores the spiritual questions being opened up by this issue: questions about human life and destiny, about our relationship to the planet and to each other, about altruism and selfishness, about the place of technology, about justice, our values and hopes. A practical exploration of these questions is set in the context of the biblical notions of covenant – God’s commitment to creation which David Atkinson sees as the ‘inner meaning’ of creation, and sabbath – regular times of rest and replenishment for humans and for the earth itself. Seeing climate changes in the light of these biblical concepts reveals a strong moral imperative to act in ways that are help to bring about the New Testament hope that the whole of creation will one day be renewed in Christ.

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    • Tough Calls : Game Winning Principles For Leaders Under Pressure


      In Tough Calls, pastor and high school football official Travis Collins offers encouragement and inspiration to Christian leaders. Travis selects famous and infamous moments from sports history to bring to life key principles of spiritual leadership. Written for both men and women, this easy-to-read book mixes stories and quotes from the sports world together with biblical wisdom and input from leadership experts to encourage and challenge all Christian leaders. The book addresses many crucial issues of spiritual leadership including: taking risks, maintaining poise under pressure, handling conflict, dealing with criticism, managing an organization through change, and confronting disruptive people. Written for Christians in any profession, Tough Calls includes a special word to pastors at the end of each chapter. Taking into account the unique challenges pastors face, these bonus sections will help ministers refocus and recharge. Tough Calls will be an invaluable resource for any Christian who must regularly make difficult decisions.

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    • Loves Pure Light


      Light is an integral symbol in the Christian faith, especially during Christmas. The light of a single candle can disperse the deepest darkness, bringing warmth, comfort, and illumination. The soft, warm candlelight at a Christmas Eve service creates an atmosphere of worship and reverence as congregations celebrate the arrival of the Light of the world.
      Love’s Pure Light is a collection of insightful Christmas sermons delivered at Susquehanna University between 1997 and 2006. This book offers pastors a valuable source of inspiration for Christmas sermon preparation. Love’s Pure Light also includes an order of service, providing congregations with a complete Christmas candlelight worship experience.
      Love’s Pure Light will be a welcome addition to congregations of any size, aiding them in perceiving the power of the Light of Christmas in a deeper and more dynamic way.

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    • Words Fitly Spoken


      For every minister, from the time they step out of the seminary doors to the last time they step behind the pulpit, preaching the word can be one of the most daunting tasks they face on a week-to-week basis. What can I say that has not already been said? How can I make the scriptures come alive in the minds of my congregation? How can I relate events that happened thousands of years ago to what my congregation faces in their daily lives?
      Illuminated by the scriptures themselves, Words Fitly Spoken explores in-depth the nuances of the homiletic craft. From the proper use of hyperbole and imagery to methods for how to elaborate imaginatively on the scriptures, this is a comprehensive resource for pastors struggling with delivering effective sermons. Sample sermons are included with each chapter, showing how each method can be applied in a typical Sunday morning service.
      Every pastor is charged with speaking words of life to his or her congregation. Words Fitly Spoken is a beneficial tool to help pastors of all denominations to more powerfully deliver the wonderful, life-changing message of the gospel.
      David von Schlichten is the pastor of St. James Evangelical Lutheran Church in Youngstown, Pennsylvania. He is currently an adjunct lecturer in history at St. Vincent College (Latrobe, Pennsylvania) as well as the book review editor for Lutheran Partners magazine. He was educated at Drew University (Madison, New Jersey) (B.A.), Kutztown University (Kutztown, Pennsylvania) (M.A.), Lutheran Theological Seminary (Gettysburg, Pennsylvania) (M.Div.), and Lutheran Theological Seminary (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) (D.Min.).

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    • Zona Biblica En La Ciudad De D – (Spanish)


      Zona Biblica is an exciting, fun-filled, Bible-based alternative for Sunday school and other Bible study curriculum. Each quarter, materials are provided for three age levels: Ages 3-5, Grades 1-3, and Grades 4-6. Zona Biblica is an innovative curriculum where children have fun, come to know the Bible as their book, immerse themselves in the Bible, and develop a love for and relationship with the Bible.

      Zona Biblica es un programa lleno de diversion, que puede utilizarse durante la Escuela Dominical o durante la semana. Cada trimestre contiene materiales dirigidos a tres grupos de edades: Pre-escolar (de 3 a 5), primarios menores (de 6 a 8) y primarios mayores (de 9 a 11). Zona Biblica es un curriculo innovador con el que los nios y nias se divertiran, conoceran la Biblia intimamente y desarrollaran su amor por las Escrituras.

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    • Zona Biblica En La Ciudad De D – (Spanish)


      BibleZone Live! in Spanish has all you need to capture Spanish-speaking children’s imagination and make Bible stories stick! Create a classroom where children encounter God’s Word and reflect on how the Bible matters in their life.

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    • Zona Biblica: En La Ciudad De (Teacher’s Guide) – (Spanish) (Teacher’s Guide)


      Zona Biblica is an exciting, fun-filled, Bible-based alternative for Sunday school and other Bible study curriculum. Each quarter, materials are provided for three age levels: Ages 3-5, Grades 1-3, and Grades 4-6. Zona Biblica is an innovative curriculum where children have fun, come to know the Bible as their book, immerse themselves in the Bible, and develop a love for and relationship with the Bible.

      Zona Biblica es un programa lleno de diversion, que puede utilizarse durante la Escuela Dominical o durante la semana. Cada trimestre contiene materiales dirigidos a tres grupos de edades: Pre-escolar (de 3 a 5), primarios menores (de 6 a 8) y primarios mayores (de 9 a 11). Zona Biblica es un curriculo innovador con el que los nios y nias se divertiran, conoceran la Biblia intimamente y desarrollaran su amor por las Escrituras.

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    • Me Myself And I


      Being a “tween” – it can be a very awkward time in anyone’s life. You’re not a full-fledged teenager with cars, dates, and high school, but you’re not a little child anymore, either. You can still feel pulls in both directions, wanting to be a child and have fun, yet wanting more responsibility as a teenager. It is definitely not easy being a “tween.”

      Me, Myself, and I was written for this group of people, guiding them through this time of transition through stories and Bible studies, reassuring them of God’s love and understanding. With study questions at the end of each chapter, this book can be read privately at home as a personal devotional or in group settings, such as Sunday school, children’s Bible studies, or through Christian-based organizations for young people.
      Going through the tween years can be a harrowing experience, but the wisdom offered in Me, Myself, and I can help make that journey a little easier with the reassurance that God is present every step of the way.

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    • Sermons On The Gospel Readings Series 3 Cycle B


      One life changed the course of history — and the accounts of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection contained in the New Testament gospels provide stirring evidence of how God’s Son offers new birth to humanity. In this complete set of insightful and inspiring sermons for every Sunday and major celebration in the church year, an experienced group of five master preachers skillfully articulates the timeless truths embedded in the Cycle B gospel texts of the Revised Common Lectionary. Their eloquent messages weave together dynamic stories and illustrations that breathe fresh life into the scriptures, and share with readers an astute understanding of the meaning of Jesus’ message and ministry for contemporary living. Offering a vision of God’s unconditional love and the grace-filled life, this volume passionately proclaims the Good News, provides a wealth of sermon seeds, and revitalizes the faith of anyone who reads it.

      This essential resource is useful for:
      * Fresh homiletical approaches to the lectionary texts
      * Inspiring preaching illustrations and sermon starters
      * Understanding scripture passages
      * Adult study and discussion groups
      * Personal devotions and Bible study

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    • How People Change (Reprinted)


      What does it take for lasting change to take root in your life? If you’ve ever tried, failed, and wondered why, you need How People Change. This book explains the biblical pattern for change in a clear, practical way you can apply to the challenges of daily life. But change involves more than a biblical formula: you will see how God is at work to make you the person you were created to be. That powerful, loving, redemptive relationship is at the heart of all positive change you experience.

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    • Congratulations Youre Gifted


      Based on the popular S.H.A.P.E. book for adults, this teen version walks through the same process of discovery with students. Written by the bestselling author and pastor at Saddleback Church, Doug Fields, this book will help teenagers understand who they are, how they can serve, and why they serve.

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    • Courageous Leadership Workbook (Workbook)


      Courageous Leadership Workbook will help both you and your leadership team become the exceptional leaders that God has called you to be. Now more than ever, the world is looking for great leaders. Biblical leadership goes beyond mere ability and personality. Consider your church staff, small group members, or colleagues: Are they leading as effectively as they could? Are they maximizing their own potential? Are they effectively cultivating the talents and gifts within those they influence? The Courageous Leadership Workbook serves as a “how to” guide for every leader.

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    • Knowing The Context


      While everyone might affirm that preaching needs to engage its listeners deeply, the initial move for novice preachers is to think this can be attained by livelier content and delivery of the sermon. All too quickly, however, one learns that there are many factors beyond what a preacher says and how she or he may say it that affect whether proclamation can actually be heard. Effective preaching requires the complex work of knowing the context in which preaching occurs, while avoiding the twin dangers of pandering to a situation’s particulars or generalizing them into stereotypes. Knowing the Context reveals how to engage contexts for preaching, especially ways to examine contexts more responsibly, so that the sermon might more amply bring the word of Scripture to bear on the worlds and lives of listeners.

      In one of the initial titles in the Elements of Preaching series, James Nieman shows how preaching is oriented to specific locales, cultural situations, audiences, and occasions. Unlike other books that tell preachers how to preach to specific audiences, Knowing the Context helps readers analyze the situations in which they find themselves and shows how text and context are in a continuing dialogue and how to tailor sermons to their context. Keyed to online sermon samples and other Web-based features to enhance teaching.

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    • Lectionary Preaching Workbook Series 5 Cycle B (Revised)


      Bigger, stronger, better! This newly revised edition of Russell Anderson’s best-selling Lectionary Preaching Workbook retains all of the great features that have made it an indispensable tool for busy pastors who need a helping hand with their weekly homiletic research and want to make the most of their limited preparation time. Combining concise but insightful textual notes with a wide range of creative preaching ideas, each chapter provides plenty of starting points for developing stimulating sermons that make the scriptures come alive for the people in the pews. In addition to a convenient sermon planning template plus overviews of Mark (the featured Gospel narrator in Cycle B) and each liturgical season, every week’s material includes:
      * a listing of applicable Revised Common, Roman Catholic, and Episcopal lectionary texts
      * a theme for the day
      * brief commentary on the Old Testament, New Testament, and Gospel lessons
      * a prayer for the day
      * theological reflections exploring the relationships between the texts
      * several possible preaching approaches, each with a suggested title and “sermon angle”
      * additional illustrations to assist in fleshing out the message

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    • In The Beginning Was The Word Cycle B


      In the Beginning Was the Word provides a powerful tool for encouraging more people to play a role in weekly services. For each Sunday and major celebration in the church year, Dallas Brauninger takes one assigned scripture passage from Cycle B of the Revised Common Lectionary and turns it into a dramatic choral reading – allowing anyone (of whatever age) who can read and speak to become a leader in worship. The texts are drawn from the New Revised Standard Version, and also included are practical tips for effective performance, as well as a handy pronunciation guide, scripture index, and listing of the required number of participants for each week’s reading.

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    • Guide To Preaching And Leading Worship


      One of the world’s most admired preachers here offers his practical and sage advice for some of the most basic tasks of ministry: preparing, delivering, and evaluating sermons; planning, leading, and evaluating worship services; offering public prayers; and celebrating baptism and the Lord’s Supper. In addition, Willimon provides creative suggestions for involving laity in worship.

      Ideal for beginning ministers and seasoned veterans alike, A Guide to Preaching and Leading Worship will assuredly become a standard must-have for mainline Protestant clergy.

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    • Prophets Handbook : A Guide To Prophecy And Its Operation


      Discover God’s divine plan for the prophetic gifts and how they are meant to benefit the body of Christ. This handbook details the role and duties of the prophetic in the church, clearly explaining its necessity. No church leader should be without this indispensable reference. Dr. Paula Price’s years of research and ministry have yielded the ultimate guide to prophecy in the local church. You will learn how God awakens and prepares excellent prophets, understand the difference between prophets and psychics, and recognize and train budding prophets. Don’t let lack of knowledge keep you from utilizing one of God’s extraordinary gifts to the church.

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    • Preaching To A Post Everything World


      Zack Eswine starts this unique pastoral resource with a captivating question: Could I now reach who I once was? Challenging the idea that today’s preachers must do away with biblical or expository preaching if they are to reach non-Christian people, Eswine offers a way of preaching that embraces biblical exposition in missional terms. Recognizing all of the different cultural situations in which the gospel must be preached, he gives preachers practical advice on preaching in a global context while remaining faithful to the Bible.

      Pastors, seminarians, and church and ministry leaders who speak in various contexts will welcome this fresh, thoughtful examination of bringing the Word to today’s multi-everything, post-everything world.

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    • Altar Ministry Handbook


      From darkness to light and from light to greater light through Jesus Christ. Every person that knows Jesus as Lord and Savior needs the tools to lead others into that wonderful place of personally knowing Jesus Christ also. What does it mean to Know Jesus as Lord and Savior? What does it mean to be “born again”? There are many that say they “know” Jesus but do they? This manual will help every Christian to know how to effectively lead others that they minister to into a deeper and more meaningful relationship with Jesus. This manual is designed to be used by church leaders, in home groups or by individuals to bring glory to God through effectively communicating the gospel of Jesus Christ.

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    • Becoming A Young Woman Of God


      Magazines, movies, and music all present images to girls that are totally unattainable. This curriculum for girls will help them understand what God looks for in a woman and will equip them to become confident young women.

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    • For Life Abundant


      SKU (ISBN): 9780802837448ISBN10: 0802837441Dorothy Bass | Editor: Craig DykstraBinding: Trade PaperPublished: April 2008Publisher: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. Print On Demand Product

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    • Tangible Kingdom : Creating Incarnational Community


      Written for those who are trying to nurture authentic faith communities and for those who have struggled to retain their faith, The Tangible Kingdom offers theological answers and real-life stories that demonstrate how the best ancient church practices can re-emerge in todayOs culture, through any church of any size. In this remarkable book, Hugh Halter and Matt Smaytwo missional leaders and church plantersoutline an innovative model for creating thriving grass-roots faith communities.

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    • Eastern Path To Heaven


      Geshe Michael Roach and Christie McNally have, for the last ten years, explored together the ancient cities, rare manuscripts, and oral traditions of India and Tibet which bear witness to teachings of Thomas – the disciple that Jesus sent to the east. The Eastern Path to Heaven presents the great ideas that came to those lands through Thomas, and describes how we can use authentic Christian teachings of ancient Asia to achieve six goals of life: physical health; financial security; love; happiness; freedom from aging and death; and fulfilment in the service of others. Brief, accessible, chapters each open with a quotation by Jesus from the New Testament that speaks to achieving the six goals according to the wisdom of the Eastern side of the Christian family. Brief historical summaries show how the teachings of Jesus entered India with Thomas, traveling along the routes pioneered by Alexander the Great, and then reached Tibet. These sketches utilize information from Syrian, Coptic, Greek, Tibetan, and Sanskrit manuscripts, often translated by the authors for the first time.

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    • Effective Praise And Worship Leader


      World-renowned worship leader Dr. Ron Kenoly offers his insight on the role of a contemporary praise and worship leader-a position that has been generally undervalued and grossly misunderstood. The education you will receive from this book will prepare you to properly demonstrate a balance between worship and the Word. You will learn how to prepare your heart as a worshiper and how to use the gift God gave you to create an atmosphere for God’s presence. This book is written to pastors, worship leaders, and anyone desiring to know what God is looking for in a true worshiper.

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    • Can Christianity Cure Obsessive Compulsive Disorder


      1. Introduction
      2. Renaissance Anxieties
      3. Martin Luther: A Monk Crucified By His Thoughts
      4. John Bunyan: The Pilgrim’s Fears Of Hellfire
      5. Saint Therese: The Obsessions Of The Little Flower
      6. What Causes Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder?
      7. Treating Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
      8. Transferring Responsibility To God: The Cure Of Luther, Bunyan, And Therese
      9. A Therapy Of Trust: Practical Use

      Additional Info
      Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a relentless condition, the primary symptom being the occurrence of terrifying ideas, images, and urges that jump into a person’s mind and return again and again, despite the individual’s attempt to remove them. Christians who suffer from OCD may grapple with additional guilt, as the undesired thoughts are frequently of a spiritual nature.

      Many might be surprised to learn that some of the greatest leaders in Christian history may have also struggled with this malady and that this struggle may have contributed to Christian beliefs and practices. Psychiatrist Ian Osborn shares the personal accounts of Martin Luther, John Bunyan, and Saint Therese of Lisieux, revealing what they experienced, how they coped, whether they were able to overcome their tormenting and often violent obsessions, and where God fit into the picture. He also shares his own story as he explores how faith can play an important role in bringing relief to OCD sufferers.

      Can Christianity Cure Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder? offers a proven and effective method for coping with OCD, providing hope for patients, families, and Christian pastors and counselors.

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    • Hope And Healing For Kids Who Cut


      Cutting. It’s become a buzzword lately, but very few books address it from the perspective of a youth worker or concerned friend. Marv Penner has lived in this world for the past few years, talking with teenagers online and meeting with them to understand what drives them and why they self-injure. In this timely and helpful book, youth workers, coaches, teachers, and others will get the information they need to begin to understand and help (or point to help) kids who cut.

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    • Ancient Future Worship (Reprinted)


      With the many models of worship available, choosing a style to worship God can be a bit overwhelming. Is it better to go with traditional or contemporary models? Christians may find themselves asking how early believers worshiped and whether they can provide insight into how we should praise God today.

      Rooted in historical models and patristic church studies, Ancient-Future Worship examines how early Christian worship models can be applied to the postmodern church. Pastors and church leaders, as well as younger evangelical and emerging church groups, will find this last book in the respected Ancient-Future series an invaluable resource for authentic worship.

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    • Living As A Young Woman Of God


      Magazines, movies, and music all present images to girls that are totally unattainable. This curriculum for girls will help them understand what God looks for in a woman and will equip them to become confident young women.

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    • Reweaving The Sacred


      Ideal growth and development tool for small congregations in all mainline denominations

      Simple, clear exercises and techniques to help leaders and members pinpoint problems and claim and identify gifts and values of their shared history, in order to engage in a ministry of renewal, welcome, and growth

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    • Churchly Joy : Orthodox Devotions For The Church Year


      The orations in Sergius Bulgakov’s “Churchly Joy” are rooted firmly in the Orthodox tradition of preaching. Here the preacher is, like John the Divine, a seer of mysteries and a mystical visionary. Bulgakov strives to place before us the great mysteries of the Orthodox Church as reflected in her major feasts – celebrations of the Annunciation, the Birth of Christ, the Epiphany, the Transfiguration, the triumphal entry into Jerusalem, and Easter – and a few more general topics.

      These orations – especially those on the use of liturgy and prayer – function very much as building blocks for Bulgakov’s theological doctrines. Indeed, scholars and ministers familiar with his theological works of the Paris period will find here a foundation for understanding his theology more clearly. Yet lay readers will also find much to enrich their own spiritual journey.

      One of the very few works of Orthodox spirituality and devotional theology available in English, “Churchly Joy” reflects Bulgakov’s own transcendent visions for the church.

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    • Living As A Young Man Of God


      Transform boys into Godly men who will radically change the world.

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    • Becoming A Young Man Of God


      Transform boys into Godly men who will radically change the world.

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    • Suburban Church


      Over half of all North Americans live in the suburbs. In The Suburban Church, retired pastor Arthur DeKruyter encourages Christians to “go where the people congregate” and illustrates how to plant, grow, and renew suburban congregations.

      Throughout this book, DeKruyter relies on forty-five-plus years of pastoral ministry experience in which his own congregation grew from five families to more than five thousand members. He demonstrates how to minister successfully, dispels myths about suburbia, and explains how to recruit and support volunteers and how to connect international missions to local church growth, and more.

      Each chapter concludes with questions for discussion, making the book ideal for pastors and church committees.

      Foreword by Leith Anderson

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    • Language Of Sex Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      In The Language of Sex Study Guide and The Language of Sex DVD, Gary Smalley and Ted Cunningham go beyond the book and take a deeper, biblical look at the topic of sex in the marriage relationship. What does the Bible say about great sex? Does Scripture tackle gender differences, emotions, creativity, romance, and creating security and intimacy in our marriages? This Bible study and companion DVD are a fantastic resource for couples to do together, and it is equally useful for individuals, small groups, pastors, and leaders.

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    • So That All Might Know


      Most preachers experience the conundrum of reaching some people in the congregation, and not others. Does this mean some people are more “tuned in” to the gospel than others?

      *Argues that differences in responsive behavior results from diverse intelligences and learning styles represented throughout the congregation

      *Draws from recent research indicating that people receive and process information and communication in widely different ways

      *Shows preachers how to craft sermons to speak to each multiple learning style each time they step into the pulpit

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    • Peacemaker : Student Edition (Reprinted)


      Tragic confrontations at schools throughout the past two decades are striking evidence that teens need help and training in peaceful conflict resolution. God knows each conflict a teen goes through–with their families, friends, and teachers–and he is in control. In this student edition of The Peacemaker, Ken Sande and Kevin Johnson show teens, youth leaders, parents, and pastors, how they can apply biblical principles to conflict situations, allowing for forgiveness and reconciliation instead of hatred or violence. With an approachable style that treats teens with respect, this much-needed resource can be used individually or as part of a small group or youth group study.

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    • Growing The Church


      Whether you are the pastor of a newly formed church that is just beginning its journey or the pastor of a well established church that simply needs a new direction, Pastor Dave Ford’s Four Step Plan for Growth will work for you. Specifically designed for small churches, this program will show you how to develop the four core ministries every church needs to succeed: Prayer, Discipleship, Follow-Up, and Outreach! By creating these four cornerstones, pastors will be ready for exponential growth in their church size and higher levels of influence in their community. After twelve years of being Senior Pastor at World Harvest Community Church in New Berlin, Wisconsin, Pastor Dave Ford has taken the techniques that have proven to be successful in his church and put them together in a program designed to help pastors grow their congregations. Be prepared for the blessings this program will bring to your church!

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    • E Couragement : Meditations For Leaders


      Pastors, business men and women, teachers, and administrators need encouragement and inspiration as they seek to effectively lead others with Christian wisdom and gentleness. But finding the time to read an entire book or search for a quick word of inspiration and advice isn’t always possible.

      E-couragement provides short e-mail-sized essays of affirmation and encouragement for Christian professionals to use and meditate on as problems and issues arise. It’s divided into 11 chapters, which address a wide variety of topics such as pursuing one’s dreams; proven keys for success; where Christian leaders get their resources; how to handle the challenges and difficulties leaders typically face; and more. These practical and stimulating essays include biblical principles for Christian leadership as well as motivational quotes and advice from well-known leaders, both past and present.

      Readers may choose to browse through topics, looking for essays that address an issue for a particular moment or day. Some may read it as a daily devotional. Others may use it as a focusing and inspirational tool for staff meetings and conferences. Teachers and pastors will find its illustrations helpful when preparing lessons, sermons, or Bible studies.

      Wherever people live, work, worship, and play, E-couragement offers a Christian perspective to problem solving and valuable affirmation and encouragement to help leaders meet the demands they encounter each day.

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